• Published 17th Jan 2023
  • 1,677 Views, 80 Comments

Twilight's Duel School of Friendship: Sophomore Year - k00l

Year 2 has begun in Twilight's School of Friendship and Dueling. The Student Six are about to exprience an even crazier year than the last as an ancient enemy makes a horrific return.

  • ...

Chapter 3: The New Kid (E)

The students were in the courtyard of the school, by now the last class had just finished for the day, and the six were lounging around, gossiping, telling jokes, and how their classes were going.

"Now having duel spirits of our own, Professor Fluttershy's class makes a lot more sense." Said Gallus as he lounged up against a tree with his claws behind his head.

"Yeah, and hopefully you started treating your cards better." Joked Ocellus as she was sitting on the ground.

"I have, but give me some props though. If I hadn't mishandled my cards before, we probably wouldn't have been tested by the tree." Said Gallus smuggly.

"I don't think that's entirely true. I believe we were destined to be the holders no matter what, the Tree was just picking the perfect time to test us." Said Sandbar while trying to get comfy while laying on a huge rock.

"Like being trapped underground while we were all arguing with each other? Honestly, I think its timing could use some work." Said Smolder unamused crossing her arms.

"Aren't you six supposed to keep hush hush about all of this?" Said a voice behind them.

They all turned to see who was talking, it was Spike. He stood there smiling while holding a clipboard, and had a lanyard around his neck. He had his wings and even started to grow a little bit.

"Hey there Spike, we made sure no one can hear us." Said Smolder sitting up straight.

"Heh, I know, I'm just giving you a hard time." Spike winked.

"You look all official, you got a promotion?" Asked Sandbar.

"Yep I have!" Said Spike Proudly standing tall and puffing out his chest. "Last year I mainly worked custodial and helped with the scheduling with Twilight. But this year, she made me the School's Secretary!"

"Wow! Congratulations! That explains why we hardly saw you last year." Said Silverstream poking her head out of the tree Gallus was leaning against.

"Yep, Hopefully you will get to see me a lot more this year." Spike placed his claws on his hips.

"I got a quick question for you Spike." Said Gallus.

"Huh? What is it Gallus?" asked Spike, giving him his full attention.

"You are pretty closely connect to the elements aren't you?" asked Gallus.

"Well, yeah kind of, Why do you ask?" Spike questioned.

"Well, I'm just wondering, are you able to see duel spirits at all?" Asked Gallus. The other students lean in, interested in Spike's response.

"Oh, no I cannot. Only Element bearers or Alicorns that are connected directly to the realm of duel monsters can see them." Said Spike sounding somewhat disappointed. "Since I am not an Element holder myself, or an Alicorn,... or a connection to Duel Monsters... I don't have that connection to them Twilight and you all do."

"I see, well you are still a duelist right?" Asked Gallus.

"Oh yeah! I still duel! I love dueling. With Twilight's help, I was able to gather enough cards for my very own deck!" Said Spike With a smile, brightening back up.

"What kind of deck is it?" Asked Smolder.

"It's an Armed Dragon deck!" Said Spike. He reaches to his deck sleve on his hip and pulls it out.

"Armed Dragon huh? That's a pretty challenging deck. Wanna have a quick duel Spike?" Smolder smirks.

"Funny enough, That's exactly why I came looking for you, but I'm not the one dueling." Said Spike as he puts his deck away.

"What does Purple Dragon mean?" Asked Yona.

"Since this a brand new year, we have a whole new influx of new Students. As Secretary, I'm just organizing the new student files, and there is one pony who was... how do I put it?... Not performing his best at the audition duels." Spike was reading off his clipboard. "Because of this, we were not sure what dorm he should be in yet since it was obvious he held back during the audition. He's finally agreed to a new audition duel and hopefully, we can properly place him in his designated dorm.``

"And you want one of us to duel him?" Asked Silverstream.

"He has specifically requested one of you six to be his opponent." Spike pulled down the board so he could see them.

"Well, alright, we'll help out." Sandbar climbed off the large rock rubbing his back.

"That's great to hear! He is in the arena now." Spike smiled. The group would then follow Spike to the Arena so that one of them may duel this new kid. As they enter the arena, the new kid sat in the center of the arena, fidgeting with his duel disk, It looks like he has been messing with his duel disk for awhile since it looks as if he had took it apart to see how it worked and put it back together, but poorly.

"Hey there Gizmo! I'm back, and I brought you the opponents you requested." Said Spike. The colt, who was called Gizmo, turns to look at them. He had a jet black mane, with merigold fur and was wearing a black hoodie. He stands up and faces them, he is a little skinny, but surprisingly a little tall. He also had a level of shyness to his demeanor.

"Hi sir, thank you for getting them. I'm sorry I'm causing a lot of trouble for you." Gizmo turns his head to hide his face with his hood.

"Hey don't worry about it. You're not causing any trouble." Spike reassured. Sandbar then approaches Gizmo.

"Hey there! I'm Sandbar, Obelisk blue and Sophmore. This is Smolder, Ocellus, Silverstream, Yona, and Gallus. Welcome to the Duel School." Said Sandbar as he held out his hoof. Gizmo looks down at his hoof and then slowly reaches towards it and shakes it.

"Hi...Wow, it's really you. The next generation of the Elements!" Gizmo was beggining to smile.

"Heh, yeah. It's nice to meet you." Said Sandbar.

"It's an honor to meet all of you! Mr. Sandbar, would you mind being my opponent?" Asked Gizmo, still shaking Sandbar's hoof.

"That would be no problem at all." Sandbar was already putting his game face on.

"All right! Let's duel!" Yelled Gizmo darting towards the other side of the arena.

"Hmmm, that's weird." Said Spike, scratching his chin with his claw.

"What's weird?" Asked Smolder as the group went to the stands to sit down.

"This entire time, Gizmo has been very shy. But after meeting all of you, he instantly started opening up." Said Spike.

"Maybe he just really wanted to meet us." Suggested Ocellus.

"We're famous! Of course he wanted to meet us." Said Gallus loudly as Sandbar and Gizmo activated their Duel Disks.


[Sandbar 4000/ Gizmo 4000]

"Ok, I will start us off if you don't mind." Said Gizmo as he drew. "First, I place one monster face down. Then that will be it for me."

"Not a bad first turn. I draw." Said Sandbar. "I summon the Armageddon Knight. {1400atk. 1200def. Lv4} When this card is summoned, I can send one dark monster from my deck, to the grave. I send my Gaia, the polar knight to the grave. Now my knight will attack your face down!" The knight raises his cutlass and is about to stab the card. That's when a giant robot hand quickly reaches out from the card and grabs the sword. slowly a brown robot emerges and holds the knight up by his arm, and then punches him hard, sending him back to the otherside of the field.

"Sorry there Sandbar, But you attack my Boot-Up Soldier - Dread Dynamo, he is a level four Monster with 2000 defense points." Gizmo was smiling bigger than ever.

"But he also has 0 attack, he poses no threat." Sandbar raised an eyebrow at the monster.

"Not for long." Said Gizmo with a smirk. Sandbar gives him a side smile.

"Very well. I set one card and end." Sandbar bows his head as he ended.

[Sandbar 3400/ Gizmo 4000]

[Sandbar 4 cards/ Gizmo 5 cards]

"My turn, I now draw." Said Gizmo. "I summon Yellow Gadget. {1200atk. 1200def. Lv4} And since I summoned him successfully, I add the Green Gadget from my deck to my hoof. Now that I have a gadget on the field, my Dread Dynamo gains 2000 attack, who I now switch to attack mode!" The Brown robot stands tall and lets out a robotic battlecry to signify its powerup. "Dynamo, attack his knight!" The Robot raises his fist and brings it down hard. on the knight, crushing him. "Now since you're wide open, my Yellow Gadget will slip in to attack you directly." Yellow Gadget turns to its side and then starts to roll at Sandbar. It rolls faster and faster till it strikes him, knocking him over. Yellow Gadget then returns to its normal position. "I now end my turn." Sandbar slowly gets back up to his hooves and faces Gizmo.

"Dang buddy, I was not expecting a monster with that effect. You got me good." Chuckled Sandbar with a smile as he drew. "But now it's my turn, and now that I control no monsters, I can normal summon this, Gaia the Magical Knight! {2300atk. 2100def. Lv7}. His effect allows me to summon him without a tribute if I don't have a monster on my field, and his name is treated as Gaia the Fierce Knight! Next, I will play this, the spell Spiral Fusion! This card is like polymerization, I use materials on my field and in my hoof to fusion summon. I combine the Gaia on my field, with the Curse of Dragon in my hoof to fusion summon Gaia the Dragon Champion! {2600atk. 2100def. Lv7 Fusion.}"

[Sandbar 1600/ Gizmo 4000]

[Sandbar 3 cards/ Gizmo 5 cards]

The Dragon Champion takes its place on the field and gives out a battlecry as bright aura shines around him. He then aims his lance directly at Gizmo.

"Whoa, what's happening to your monster?" Gizmo points his hoof at Sandbar's monster.

"It's the effect of my Spiral Fusion Spell card. If I use it to summon Gaia the Dragon Champion, his attack is doubled, and he can attack twice!" Said Sandbar smirking.

"WH-WH-WHAT!?" Gizmo stuttered.

"That means his attack is 5200!" You won't be able to handle my battle phase buddy. Sorry to end you so quickly." Said Sandbar. "Gaia, first attack his gadget, then get his dynamo!!" Gaia swoops down and pierces the robots with his lance. When both monsters blow up, it knocks Gizmo off of the arena and his life points drop down to zero in seconds.

[Sandbar vs Gizmo: Winner Sandbar]

Sadbar was the first one to check on Gizmo, concerned in case he was hurt. Gizmo slowly sits up and rubs the back of his head.

"Dude...I lost so quickly... and... I thought pulled a good trick on you." Said Gizmo in a disappointed tone.

"Hey man, don't worry about it that much." Said Sandbar offering his hoof to him. Gizmo takes it and Sandbar helps him back up. "I know it felt like I went all out on you, truth be told, You had a killer strategy. Your Dynamo Soldier has a wicked cool effect. It almost cost me the entire match. But it had a flaw, You need to protect your monsters. Once your monsters are beaten over your strategy falls apart. Here is my suggestion to you: You need trap cards. Trap cards can protect your monsters and your life points."

"Yeah... I think you're right." Said Gizmo, hanging his head.

"Buddy, I didn't mean to embarrass you. But You can't take it easy on someone. This school is the real deal. It prepares you for pro-league. If you take it easy on yourself and others, you won't learn anything. Understand?" Sandbar spoke sternly, yet reassuring to Gizmo who slowly raises his head to Sandbar and nods.

"Yeah, I do. I promise to try my best." Gizmo promised. Sandbar smiles at him and offers him a hoof bump. Gizmo lightly smiles back at him and then hoof bumps him.

"That was an interesting duel you two. I think we have the data to finally put you in a dorm Gizmo." Said Spike approaching him, looking at his clipboard again.

"Which one will I be in?" Asked Gizmo anxiously.

"You will be a Slifer Red." Said Spike.

"Oh jeez..." Gizmo began to hang his head again.

"Hey hey hey, chin up buddy. You won't be a Slifer Red forever. Just work on your strategies and focus on what I told you, and you will excel the ranks in no time." Sandbar pats Gizmo on the shoulder.

"...Ok, I trust you." Said Gizmo. Spike then leads him out of the arena so that he may get his jacket and find him a room in the Slifer dorm.

"Dude Sandbar! That card you have is awesome!" Said Gallus as all of Sandbar's friends approach him.

"Thanks! It was a birthday present from my dad. He seen how well i'm doing here and said this card would be very useful to me." Sandbar smiled.

"It's more than useful! It gives you a 5000 plus beat stick that can attack twice per turn!" Said Smolder

"Yona scared of friend Sandbar deck now." Yona half joked.

"Oh come on you guys, it's a good card, but I don't think it's a game changer." Said Sandbar. Soon all the creatures would also leave the arena, leaving it empty. From a dark corner, a Shadow with bright yellow eyes watches them leave. As soon as they are gone, the shadow seeps out through a window.

End of chapter 3