• Published 17th Jan 2023
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Twilight's Duel School of Friendship: Sophomore Year - k00l

Year 2 has begun in Twilight's School of Friendship and Dueling. The Student Six are about to exprience an even crazier year than the last as an ancient enemy makes a horrific return.

  • ...

Chapter 7: Card Crush (E)

The students were in Professor Rarity's class. Except for a select few, most were paying close attention to Rarity as she was giving her lesson.

"Now Class, we all know the different card types, Spell, Trap, Monster, Effect Monster, Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz. Today we are only looking specifically at monster cards. Each monster is unique, they have their own designs and effects that fit whatever playing style you prefer, some also pick their cards based on how they look. That's no problem at all, I wasn't always a duelist myself. It was my friends who convinced me to pick up a deck and give the game a try. I went through tons of decks before I found one that I adored, my beautiful Gem-Knights." Said Rarity who lifts her duel disk up. She then places Gem-Knight Master Diamond on her duel disk and his hologram shows up in the front of the class. A lot of oohs and ahhs come from the students "This is My favorite card, Gem-Knight Master Diamond. He is a dashing hunk isn't he? He is the reason I gave Gem-Knights a try. After a few duels I knew this was the deck for me. Sometimes, it's a connection at first sight."

The bell rang not long after and the students were excused from class. The six students meet up after class to discuss amongst themselves. They go to the courtyard and sit under a tree and talk.

"Professor Rarity sure does love shiny gems, doesn't she? Can't blame her, they're tasty" Smolder chuckled.

"Tell me about it, we already know she loves gems, just look at her cutie mark." Sandbar let out a large yawn.

"I thought it was sweet. Besides, the deck does fit her perfectly." Said Ocellus.

"Professor Gem Pony advisor to Ra dorm, so Yona know Gem-Pony is a good duelist." Yona said, leaning against the tree.

"I know that personally, but she was practically swooning over the card though. Who does that?" Gallus raises his eyebrow as he looks at his friends.

"You mean, you think it's weird to have a card crush?" Silverstream asked.

"Card crush? What is that?" Asked Sandbar.

"GASP! You have never heard of a card crush!?" Silverstream dramatically questioned. The others look at her and shake their heads. "I thought everyone did this!? Well, ever since Hippogriffs returned to Mt. Eris and learned about Duel Monsters, a lot of young griffs talk about their card crushes. It's a monster card you have a crush on."

"Oh brother! You can't be serious!" Smolder was less than amused.

"I am! it's super fun!" Silverstream whined, her cheeks getting a little rosey.

"That's a little weird Silver." Gallus had a deadpanned look.

"It's not weird!" Said Silverstream getting agitated. She sighs and reaches into her book bag and pulls out a whole bunch of cards and begins looking through them. The rest of the students sat down under a tree that was in the school's courtyard.

"I will show you, a lot of griffs do this, it can be really fun!" Said Silverstream.

"How is it fun to fall in love with a card?" Sandbar was pretty skeptical.

"You don't 'fall in love' with the card. You are all acting like I'm talking about making out with the cards. It's just a fun game where you talk about a card you could see yourself going on a date with. HA! Here he is!" Silverstream exclaimed pulling out a single card. She then takes out her duel disk and summons the card, just like Rarity did in class. What was summoned in the middle of the students was Sky Scout. "This is my card crush, Sky Scout!" Said Silverstream. The others lean in to get a closer look. Gallus however crosses his arms, feeling slightly jealous. "I really like him because his wings are very pretty, and he looks very mysterious." Chuckled Silverstream. The others also chuckle a little, actually finding it a little amusing. "With strong wings like his, he could carry me off to a beautiful beach! Where we would bathe in the sun and eat ice cold ice cream together! Aww it would be so romantic if only you were real!" Said Silverstream being very very dramatic and falling down at the hologram's feet. This got a decent amount of laughter from the other students, except Gallus who was getting more jealous. Silverstream also laughs and then takes the card off of her duel disk.

"Ok, I will admit, that looked kind of fun, and hilarious." Smolder finishes chuckling.

"It is a lot of fun! You should try it!" Silverstream smiles wide at her friends

"I think I'll give it a go." Said Ocellus looking through her own cards, before picking one out. She then places it on the duel disk and then Gokipon is summoned.

"Gokipon!? Seriously?" Smolder raises an eyebrow.

"What can I say, I like cute!" Said Ocellus with a smile. "I think this card is really really cute. I definitely see them as a cuddle bug! The best night ever would be to have a softly cuddly bug to be there as I study into the night." The others chuckle to themselves again.

"That was really cute Ocellus!" Silverstream squealed.

"Thanks! That was fun!" Ocellus was chuckling herself.

"Who wants to go next?" Silverstream looks back at the rest of her friends again.

"I'm good, I got a real life crush." Sandbar said as he relaxes under the shade.

"Really!? Who!?" Asked Silverstream.

"heh, It's a mystery for now." Sandbar winks at her.

"What about you Gallus?" Asked Silverstream.

"I'm good, maybe Smolder should go. She has to have a crush on Red-eyes since they are both Dragons." Teased Gallus.

"Wh-WHAT!" Yelled Smolder while blushing as the others laugh again. "That is so not how it works!"

"How? You are both dragons are you not?" Asked Gallus.

"Yes! But we are...different I think, but... GRRR!" Growled Smolder in frustration. Once again, the others started laughing.

"Hey guys, what are you all laughing at?" Said a familiar voice. Everyone turns to see Roulette, to their delight, she was now wearing a Ra Yellow Coat.

"Hi Roulette! Hey, you are a Ra again!" Said Silverstream in excitement. "Congratulations!"

"Thanks Silverstream." Said Roulette with a smile.

"Hey, where is Brisk? Since school has started back up, you two have always been hanging out with each other." Smolder asked, secretly relieved for the change in subject.

"Oh, well, Brisk just can't stop getting in trouble." Said Roulette as she rolls her eyes. "He wouldn't stop falling asleep in Headmare Twilight's class, so she gave him detention."

"hehe. Oh Brisk, never change buddy." Gallus joked. Smiling while shaking his head from side to side.

"Anyway, what were you guys laughing at?" Asked Roulette.

"Just a silly little game Silverstared." Said Smolder, leaning against the tree they were sitting under.

"We're talking about Card Crushes." Exclaimed Silverstream.

"Card crushes, you guys have card crushes?" Roulette's eyes seem to sparkle a bit.

"Yeah! You have one?" Asked Silverstream.

"Well... yeah I guess I do." Roulette scratches the back of her head with her hoof.

"Really!? Can you show us your card crush?" Asked Silverstream.

"Hmmm, I will, if one of you also feel like having a duel." Roulette held up her dueldisk for emphasis.

"A duel? You want to duel now?" Asked Smolder sitting up bit straighter.

"Yeah, me and Brisk were supposed to duel, but he can't since he is in trouble. So how about it? Maybe you Yona, how about a friendly rematch? Gallus and Brisk had their rematch, I wanna rematch you." Roulette points at yona with her hoof.

"Friend Roulette wanna re-duel? Yona would love to have a re-duel!" Said Yona standing up. Both Yona and Roulette move to a spacious part of the courtyard and activated their duel disks.


[Roulette vs Yona]

"I'll take my chances by going first, I draw." Said Roulette. "I activate the Pot of Duality spell card! I excavate the top 3 cards on my deck, I select one to add to my hoof while the rest are shuffled back into the deck. I reveal Goddess of Whim, Sand Gambler, and Dice Dungeon. I will add Dice Dungeon to my hoof."

"I thought duels were only allowed at the arena." Silverstream looks to her friends.

"It's the only place you are allowed to duel while in doors. While outside you can duel wherever." Ocellus informed.

"Now I will play the field spell Dice Dungeon!" Said Roulette with a smile. The field around them began to morph til it looked like they were on some sort of poker table. Two large dice then come tumbling towards the players, one on each side and stop just before it crush them. "Like my new field spell Yona? Because it packs a grand punch during the battle phase. But first I shall activate it's first effect, which allows me to add the card Dimension Dice to my hoof. Now I summon Cuben! {600atk. 1900def. Lv4} Now I activate his effect, I roll a die, and whatever number it lands on, we will not be allowed to summon monsters with that level. Go Die Roll!" One of the large dice is levitated in the air. It begins to spin rapidly before falling back to the ground. when it stops bouncing, it reveals the number 4. "Level four monsters now cannot be summoned. I now place one card face down, your move Yona."

"Yona draws!" Yelled Yona. "Yona now activates Yona's own field spell, Colosseum - Cage of the Gladiator Beasts!" On Yona's side of the field, half a colosseum manifests with cheering crowds in the stands. "This card gains a counter when a monster is special summoned from the deck and each gladiator beast gets 100 extra attacks for each counter! For now, Yona set two cards as Yona only have level 4 monsters in Yona hoof. Yona then ends."

"My move, I draw." Roulette smirks at the card she drew. "I activate the spell card Dicephoon! I roll a six sided die. If the result is a 2,3, or 4, I destroy one spell or trap on your field. If the result is a 5, I destroy two. But If it lands on a 1 or a 6, I will lose 1000 life points."

"Roulette sure loves to take risks like that." Gallus was a bit shocked by the possible options for the die to land on.

"It's exciting to watch! No one has better luck than Roulette!" Exclaimed Silverstream.

"Go Die Roll!" Yelled Roulette. The same die as before rolled, but to her dismay it landed on a 1.

"That's 1000 points to friend Roulette!" Said Yona with a smirk.

"Not so fast, I activate my face down, Dice Re-Roll! I can now redo my last roll!" Some sweat drips from Roulette's forehead as she watches the die start to roll again. It stops, this time landing on 3. "Much better. I destroy the face down card on the left." Yona shields herself as the card shatters. "Cuben, attack her directly!" The small cube begins to spark, sending a bolt of electricity at Yona. "Your move again Yona."

[Roulette 4000/ Yona 3400]

[Roulette 4 cards/ Yona 3 cards]

"Yona's turn, draw." Said Yona. "Yona activated the spell Gladiator Proving Ground! Yona add one level 4 or lower Gladiator Beast from Yona deck to Yona hoof. Yona adds Gladiator Beast Retiari to Yona hoof, Yona now summon monster! {1200atk. 800def. Lv3} Yona monster now attack Cuben!"

"My field spell activates! Now we each roll a die, and I will reveal the outcome of each!" Said Roulette as both dice began to levitate and roll. Roulette's die landed on four, while Yona's landed on 5. "Alright! Now that is some luck!" Roulette was smirking at the numbers on the dice. "My monster gains 500 attack while your monster's attack is cut in half!" Yona's jaw drops to the ground as her Monster began to shrink while Roulette's grew in size. "Cuben, counter attack!" The cube conjured up more lightning which it fired at Yona's monster and destroyed it.

"Grrr! Yona end!" Yona was getting frustrated at Roulette's above average luck.

"With the end of your turn, Cuben goes back to his original attack." Roulette said as she drew her card for the turn.

"Wow, Roulette has seriously upgraded her deck. That field spell is pretty much like an instant skull and graceful dice card." Gallus was more than impressed by Roulette's new gamble deck.

"So far, Roulette has been the only lucky one, Yona's gotta have a lucky roll eventually." Sandbar was a bit worried for Yona. Every duel Yona has with Roulette has always been by chance.

[Roulette 4000/ Yona 2900]

[Roulette 4 cards/ Yona 4 cards]

"My draw." Said Roulette. As she drew, her eyes widened. Immediately her whole attitude changes. "Oh... I thought I got rid of all of those cards..." Roulette said in a sad tone.

"What card did friend Roulette draw?" Asked Yona. Roulette turns the card around to reveal the card she just drew, it was one of the 7 cards she was given by Neighsay last year.

"I forgot I had more than one of these cards, I wanted to get them out of my deck." Roulette had a shameful look on her face.

"Why get rid of card? Card has good effect." Yona questioned.

"Yeah, but they bring back... memories. Memories I want to forget. I used these cards for bad, and I never want to do that again." Said Roulette, regret could be heard in her voice.

"Roulette, Pony did do bad, that cannot change." Said Yona bluntly, causing Roulette to look up at her. "Roulette cannot change that, Yona cannot change that. What matters is what Roulette learns from it. Does friend Roulette still do bad?"

"No, of course not. I would never..." Roulette responded genuinely, placing a hoof to her chest.

"Then that all that matters. Yona knows Roulette is not a bad pony, Roulette is Yona's friend. Yona has forgiven Roulette, now Roulette needs to forgive self." Yona smiles at Roulette to which Roulette smiles warmly back at Yona.

"Thank you Yona. I'm sorry, I have prolonged this duel long enough, it's my turn, and Now I will summon my card crush." Said Roulette while silverstream squeals in excitement. "First I will activate Cuben's effect!" The die rolls and lands on 3. "Perfect, now I summon my card crush, Gambler of Legend! {500atk. 1400def. Lv4.}" A handsome monster is summoned to the field holding a coin and wearing a cowboy hat. All the observers lean in with oh's and ah's. "He is a gambler like me, and like me, he is extremely lucky! Not to mention his hair style reminds me of B... Uh, nevermind on that last one." Said Roulette as she started to blush. "Anyway, I will now activate his effect, by flipping three coins!" The Gambler separates the coin he was holding into three separate coins, to which he then flips all three at the same time. The results were 2 heads and one tail. "Excellent! Two heads allow me to discard one of your cards Yona!" Yona begrudgingly discards her card as Roulette's turn continues.

"Now my Gambler, attack Yona directly as I activate my field spell's effect!" Said Roulette as the die rolls as it lands on 2. "Yes! Gambler gains 1000 attack, making him 1500 for this turn!" Yelled Roulette. The Gambler tips his hat before he tosses one of his coins at Yona, which grows huge in mid air and strikes her. "I now end my turn Yona."

"Gah!... Yona draw!" Yona was wincing a bit as she drew. "Yona summons Gladiator Beast Hoplomus {700atk. 2100def. Lv4.} Yona then equip him with the spell Gladiator Beast's Battle Halberd! Now when Yona monster attacks, now Yona activate Roulette's field spell!"

"I activate its effect as well!" Said Roulette as both of their dice roll. Roulette's landed on 5. "Ha! My monster's attack is doubled! You better roll lucky, otherwise your monster is toast Yona!" Despite her boasting, Yona's die lands on 2.
"Yona monster gets 1000 attack making him 1700!" Yelled Yona as Roulette's eyes widened. Hoplomus slams the Halberd down, cutting the Gambler in half.

"No! My Gambler!" Yelled Roulette in distress.

"Yes! Now Yona can destroy one spell because of Halberd's effect! Yona destroy Roulette's field spell!" Slowly, the poker table disappears, causing all of them to be surrounded by Yona's colosseum. "Now Yona activate Hoplomus's effect! Yona enters main phase 2 and Yona sends Hoplomus to Yona's deck, to replace her with a monster from Yona's deck! Yona special summon Gladiator Beast Spartacus! {2200atk. 1600def. Lv6.} Now Spartacus's effect activates, allowing Yona to add a Gladiator beast equip card into Yona's hoof. Yona adds Gladiator Beast's Battle Gladius! Yona not done yet! Since Yona Special summoned a monster from Yona's deck, Yona gets one counter on Yona's colosseum!" One of the pillars in the colosseum lights up to signify the counter. "Now Yona activates face down! Double Tag team! When Yona specials summon a Gladiator Beast, Yona can special summon a second one from Yona's deck that is level 4 or lower! Yona Special summons Gladiator Beast Attorix, which gives Yona another counter on Yona's coloseum! (800 +200 atk. 2000def. Lv4.} Now Yona contact fusion, summoning Gladiator Beast Gaiodiaz! {2600 +200 atk. 1500def. Lv7.}"

[Roulette 4 cards/ Yona 4 cards]

[Roulette 3300/ Yona 400]

Gaiodiaz rises on the field and slams the bottom of his ax against the ground and lets out a loud battlecry as Yona's friends then begin to cheer. Yona looks at Gaio, letting out a sad sigh. She and her other friends were really starting to miss their duel spirits.

"My move, Draw!" Said Roulette. "I now sacrifice my Cuben to summon my newest monster, Maximum Six! {1900atk. 1600def. Lv6.} I now activate his effect, I roll a die, and the number it lands on is multiplied by 200 and that is added to his attack! Go Die Roll!" The die is rolled, and to everyone's shock, it lands on 5. "Yes! That's 1000 attack points! Now my monster has 2900! Say goodbye to your monster Yona! You won't be standing after this attack! Go, attack her Gaiodiaz!"

"Yona activate trap, Threatening Roar! No attacks can be conducted this battle phase!" Yona had a determined look on her face as the card is flipped face up.

"Then I will end." Said Roulette disappointed. But my monster remains at 2900."

"That's fine, because Yona still in control! Draw!" Said Yona drawing her card. "Yona now equips Gaiodiaz with Gladiator Beast's Battle Gladius!" Gaiodiaz tosses his ax to the side as the sword manifests in his hand.

"I knew you were going to do that Yona, but it's not enough. It gives your monster 300 extra attack, that only makes him 2900, you really wanna sacrifice your monster?" Roulette points her hoof at Yona.

"Did Roulette forget about Yona's field spell?" Asked Yona with a smirk.

"Huh?" Said Roulette puzzled. She looks behind Yona to see two pillars are lit, two counters. 300 plus 200 is... "Oh no." Roulette's eyes go wide at that revelation.

"That's right! Gaiodiaz actually has 3100 attack!" Said Yona proudly. "Gaiodiaz! Destroy her monster!" Gaiodiaz let's out another battle cry before rushing the monster and slicing it with it's sword. "Now Yona activate Gaiodiaz's effect! Roulette loses life points equal to destroyed monster's defense, Yona sees monster's defense was 1600, so Roulette loses 1600 life points on top of damage!" Roulette looks up to see Gaiodiaz now rushing her, she lets out a scream just as he slashes her with the sword as well. Then Gaiodiaz makes a big leap backwards landing back on Yona's side of the field.

[Roulette 4 cards/ Yona 4 cards]

[Roulette 1500/ Yona 400]

By now a decent crowd of students had stopped to watch the duel. A lot of them were cheering on Yona for the fantastic move she just did. Yona turns to her friends to see them cheering for her as well. Roulette was panting, that turn took a lot out of her.

"I... draw." Roulette's legs were shaking, but she never backed down. Her eyes widen when she sees what card she drew. "Heh, I set this monster face down and I end." Roulette continues to chuckle as Yona narrows her eyes at her.

"Yona draws." Yona had an eyebrow raised, suspicious of Roulette's card. "Yona knows she shouldn't attack, but Yona has no other way around monster, Gaiodiaz! Attack face down card!" As Gaiodiaz stabs the card, it flips to show a jar with a demented smile. "Oh no!" Yelled Yona, remembering that card.

"Oh yeah! You flip summoned my Dice Jar! We each roll a die, whoever has the highest number wins, and their opponent loses life points equal to the number times 500!" Roulette was smirking as Yona grew extremely nervous.

"But Yona only have 400 life points left!" Yona whimpered.

"Exactly! Meaning this is your last turn if I win, you must roll at least 3 or higher to end the duel right now unless you roll a six which is an automatic 6000 point damage. So tell me Yona, do you feel lucky?" Said Roulette with a smirk. Yona takes in a deep breath and releases it. Expelling all her worry and pumping herself up. She was actually able to smirk back at her, the chances of the outcome actually exciting her.

"Yona does feel lucky." Yona said confidently.

"Then we shall see who comes out on top, GO DIE ROLL!" Yelled Roulette.

"Roll the die!" Yelled Yona. Two dice roll on the field, Roulette's die stops at 3. She smirks at her number and then looks at Yona's die, her jaw drops at the number it rolled, a 5.

"Yona got a 5! Yona wins!" Yelled Yona. A giant bolt of lightning strikes Roulette as she is zapped for 2500 lifepoints, causing her to lose all she had.

[Roulette vs. Yona: Winner Yona]

As the colosseum faded, all the students who had stopped to watch began clapping for Yona. Yona smiles at her friends who are among the ones cheering.

"Way to go Yona!" Silverstream jumped up in the air as she cheered.

"Nice job coming out on top Yona!" Cheered Sandbar as he and the others approach her to congradulate her. Yona smiles wide at them before looking back at Roulette. She sees Roulette approaching her. She then extends her hoof out to Yona.

"Good duel Yona, that was fun." Said Roulette. Yona shakes her hoof firmly.

"Thanks! Friend Roulette was difficult to beat. Yona thought Yona was a goner at one point." Tona closes her eyes and smile wide.

"Thanks Yona! I think I'm going to go see if Brisk is out of detention yet. Bye Yona, bye everyone!" Said Roulette.

"Bye Roulette." Said Yona as she and the others wave goodbye to each other. Yona approaches her friends as the crowd also dissipates.

"Holy Yickslur that was close!" Exclaimed Yona when she is back with her friends, causing them all to chuckle.

"That was close, I swore she had you a few times." Said Gallus.

"You dueled well Yona, you won!" Ocellus reassured her friend.

"Barely! If not for Yona luck." Said Yona. This caused the others to laugh.

"So, what were we talking about before Roulette came by again?" Asked Sandbar looking to Gallus

"Smolder admitting that Red-Eyes was her card crush." Gallus smirked.

"He is NOT!" Smolder huffs in frustration, a large blush forming over her face. The group erupted with laughter once again.

End of Chapter7