• Published 17th Jul 2022
  • 405 Views, 21 Comments

As The Clock Turns - KenDoStudios

Apple Jack is hit hard with the enemy of eventuality, upon her grandmother's death.

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Chapter 3: The Final Briefing

Starlight Glimmer just arose from her daily numberings of many singed papers in loo of her majesty who was out to morne with her friends. It was all well and good in the light of her knowledge, for it seemed as of late that the six friends who once meet every moon, were sometimes not even there punctually. Even though friendship is what caused them to part she all wondered that if this very thing cause the six to break apart to their separate ways. It seemed every pony wanted a friendship problem answered, each not any more important than the other. Through not fault of anybody's, the six just dwindled into forgotten friendship, as they have lost touch with each other over many moons of neglect.

Thus it was good that they all finally got together. Granted friendship problems should be attended to, but if you cant even mend your own friendships? What example are you providing to other creatures? In Glimmer's mind, she was happy doing the work that Twilight would be doing just for her to just hang out like old times.
it was past due if you asked her.

Glimmer heard the main gate raise, and a clamor coming from the same six familiar voices echoing off the castle walls, they had all decided to come back to the castle for some reason, if that was herself down there she would just jump in head first into the first outside pool she found and tried to get everyone to join.

Huh, that's just like politics. she thought. you make them see your own idea is more "fun" then theirs. she shivered, as she was starting to think like a Sparkle. "No more thoughts like that. One Sparkle is quite enough for Equestria.

The castle door opens and all at once the six clamor with various tones. added with this group was a very green draconequis and three ponies Starlight was not familiar with.

Pinkie Pie was joking around that space and time was her friends.

Applejack just sat there looking at two of the three new ponies Starlight hasn't seen.

Rarity was commenting on how beauty could be kept in a vacuum.

Rainbow Dash was swooning over how cool astronauts were.

Fluttershy was softly speaking about how a monkey once launched a rocket.

and Twilight Sparkle in the middle of it all looking logically challenged. Starlight knew this look well.

"What on Equestria is happening?" asked Starlight aloud watching over the commotion.

Nobody heard her, as they were all busy going into the meeting room where the six were supposed to meet every moon."Hey!" exclaimed Starlight coughing over the amount of dust that was being pulled from each chair from neglect "Who is going to answer me?" The castle door opened again and as she turned around she was caught in the face with a whole lot of mail carrier

"Sorry Starlight." he said "I honestly am not prepared for royal mail Carrier. SHEESH, I hope Derpy gets back on her feet soon so she can do this. Speaking of which..." he grabbed a single letter from his mail bag "Letter to Twilight Sparkle from Mrs. Ditsy Doo's husband. It looks pretty important, it has a first class sticker on it."

Starlight felt a tap on the shoulder and as she turned she was being hugged. " Hey Starlight sorry about this, but could you take care of the letter Starlight?" asked Twilight Sparkle.

"Shure, but... its addressed to you Twilight!"

"I know, but I have my hooves full at the moment"

"I see that, would you mind telling me what this-"

"Not at the moment no, Luna is already waiting for us"


"I'll explain everything when this mess is over, but I believe what is in that letter could be just as pressing in a different way, so I need you to handle it."

"All right, You can count on me Princess"

Twilight smiled. "I know I can."

Starlight opened the letter and started to read. "Dear Princess Twilight, I wish to thank you for sending that book about birth, but it dosn't cover anything about... glowing...wombs..." Starlight stared deep into the letter wondering what it could mean. then stared back to see Applejack closing the door. Whatever they were doing must have been serious to warrant privacy. Glimmer tapped her hoofs looking at the letter. "Well if Twilight wants me to handle this, then I think I will need to make a personal visit."

she then remembered what she said to herself like thinking like a Sparkle. It was exactly what she needed in this case. For Twilight's sake. Before Starlight Glimmer left the room Twilight opened the door again.

"Sorry, but could you also take Discord to tartourous please? He needs some... rest." she gave her important tone "Its imperative he gets there as soon as possible, when you get back ill explain everything i promise... just do it quickly!" she moves a limp-like Discord over with her horn magic and sends them both off with a quick wave. "Quickly please!"

" Glimmer ran out the door using her own horn magic to carry the draconequis. As she got outside she noticed something odd, the sun seemed dimmed by clouds. Then she noticed something else, the sky appeared to be moving faster than usual. She looked up and saw the moon rising rapidly towards the horizon. What the heck?! she thought, never seen anything like this! Is it something to do with Discord ?

She looked down at Discord who was green in weird places half asleep "Opel... she..." he began. He coughed and a random tree turned into a brick wall. "Opeline... " he breathed again. "stay calm, whats going on?" asked Starlight. "I want.. to show you... but it will kill me!" Discord replied.

Starlight didn't respond right away; instead she kept running with Discord in tow. When they finally arrived she found a small army of guards ready to stop them. "Please we were sent by Twilight! let us pass!" she yelled.

One of the guards responded "I am Justicar Windstrike! Thank you starlight we are aware of the situation this way please!"

"Really? Because I have no clue!" shouted Starlight while keeping pace with the guard. They entered through the front gate and continued walking until they reached a large building. There stood two other guards holding a bunch of notes

"Discord is dangerously Ill" began Windstrike. "I read a royal message from Twilight, it spawned to here earlier. "

"Why didn't Twilight teleport him over here she had the power?"

"from what I read, Discord's Illness is embodied in magic, if he sneezed during the teleport he would have vaporized instantly, its all in this note Twilight sent. Do you want to look?"

Starlight took one of the papers and read it and it confirmed what the guard said. "So that's why I had to run all the way here!" she exclaimed. "well lets go find a room for him!"

inside taurtourous was usually a place for dangerous beings but it would temporarily house the sick Draconequis and as they walked inside their destination came into view. A huge cavern filled with ponies, and Everyone was dressed in white robes ,many of them wearing masks covering most of their face.

"Discord you are now in a place where there is an anti magic barrier, you may now relax." Windstrike spoke directly to discord. S

"What did you say?! I'm not relaxed! I'm dying! ACHOOOOO" he sneezed chaos magic but it dissipated before it went far.

"Thank goodness the changeling crystal still works!" said Windstrike.

"what exactly happened to him?" asked Starlight.

Windstrike looked at Glimmer "Only as much as you know Starlight, he started having trouble breathing and coughing up chaos mucus, if Twilight decided to bring him here. He's a danger to creature kind. We need to study his sickness so we can make sure it doesn't spread to others. In order to do that we need to put him under observation."

"nooooo you must hear about Opaline!" crooned Discord as he coughed again more Chaos Magic flew everywhere. "I don't understand how it worked, but Opal changed me!" he tried to explain it but he couldn't get words out right.

"We'll see what we can figure out, keep your chin up buddy." replied Windstrike.

After a few minutes of sitting still and being quiet, Discord fell asleep which calmed his coughing but he was still green in odd places. Asleep or awake he seemed to be in another world, and his form seem to want to change. "Is he going to be allright?" asked Starlight.

"I don't know, however we have the best doctors here and even the aid of Starswirl himself" answered Windstrike.

"Starswirl is here?" asked Starlight.

As if in answer Starswirl the bearded appeared "I must hurry and see what is amiss! Time effects me here unlike the outside world!" he appeared wearing a white robe and mask like every pony else. His beard wasn't as long as usual, only slightly cut so it could fit in the mask. "Can you believe they asked me to shave my beard? My beard! My dead hair I have worked on in my lifetime!

"Oh dear Starswirl... I believe you agree Discord is the more important detail here."

Starswirl scoffed "Hardly, if it wasn't for Twilight I would walk right out that door!" he said holding a letter from twilight and slammed it on the ground. "Now to business let's try to fix him up."

Twilight closed the door on Starlight and glared at Luna. "You mind telling me what exactly you did to Applejacks parents?"
Luna sighed "I guess it fall upon me to recount all the details. Applejack you have heard about your parents leaving to the vacuum plane to stop a celestial body from impacting the world we live?"

"Could you use a little more English please? I'm county folk." asked a confused Applejack

"You remember how your parents left for space?" Luna said

"Yes they left us with Granny... while she lived anyway..."Said a somber Applejack

Luna bowed her head slightly.

"Why the long face Luna?" said Fluttershy

Luna had tears in her eyes "I sent that dream to your parents Applejack! I had no idea they were your parents... I am so sorry!"

Twilight already knew this, but what she really wanted to know how she did it.

Applejack trying to comprehend everything started to raise her voice. "You mean... You're saying YOU'RE responsible for MY momma an' pa goin into space?"

"No, not entirely." Luna took a deep breath and began her side of the story.

"Applejack, when I was sent on the moon many years ago I wanted revenge against Celestia, heck the entirety of Eques! This was before I met you and learned better ways to handle things. So I went through some dark times during those days. I planned and schemed the perfect revenge until it became personal after nine hundred years.

It happened one day when I was staring into the great void when I saw the speck in the distance. upon looking at it with my alicorn sight I found it to be a meteor, The same meteor that would destroy Equestria. Now of course had I seen it earlier I would have just let the meteor just ram into the planet and watch the destruction of the entire pony race. But my mind had strayed too far into the dark and I wanted to figure out to destroy it personally. So I thought for a while on how to make contact with any pony in Equestira, As I was on the moon I had to use my magic to not suffocate in the vacuum of space.

I thought good and hard about what knowledge I had to change that asteroid trajectory, and Eventually I had recalled the book on how Starswirl made a portal for the dazzling's. Thus I devised a way to create a plane of existence to walk without the dimensions of space volume. A dream world if you will."

"I thought you said you had said once you learned how to dream walk over time!" complained Twilight.

Luna Looked directly at Twilight "I did not specify when though."

"So that's how you learned how to dream walk!" said Applejack.

"Wait a minute..." said Twilight "That doesn't sound possible, you would have to breathe in a vacuum still correct?"

"Yes, creating such a thing would have to make me release my control of field that protected me from space. I had indeed would stop protecting myself in order to cast the spell" Luna explained.

"Wait, so you stopped breathing?!" asked Rainbow Dash

Luna nodded "I was technically dead for 5 seconds, as soon as I let go of the barrier that separated me from the confines of the vacuum I immediately recited the incantation. I had my eyes were closed my body felt freezing yet I had entered the dream world. It felt like I was falling forever but within seconds my body had become completely numb. Within moments I was floating freely in the void. But there was something else wrong with this place. There seemed to be another presence here. One that was angry and hungry. It the nightmare, Tantubus. A being from my own dark thoughts as you might remember. He welcomed me and said he had been waiting to be alive for the time I connived him. In the dream world we multiplied our weak power enough to visit ponies in where we remember two ponies able to do it."

"About that, why didn't you choose some pony more qualified?" asked Applejack.

"The reason is simple; I had not the time to gain more power to reach them. It was either telling ponies who were the closest to the moon, or death to all Equestria. It was sheer luck that Bright Mac and Pear Butter were already knowledgeable about rockets, but I had no intention of sending them to the asteroid to save Equestria."

Pinkie Pie looked at Celestia "Hey! they volunteered for the mission so its not either of your faults."

Celestia sighed "I suppose it isn't, but there should have been other options."

Luna walked to a nearby window. "I was there dear sister... I was there 40 years ago... I watched those ponies go into space. I heard every conversation they had, and the slow return journey as I was sucked form the moon on the thousandth year of the brightest sun. All I was happy about was that I would get my revenge on Equestria.

I couldn't wait to kill you my dear Tia." she confessed "I'm sorry! please forgive me!"

Celestia turned away from Luna and started crying "I already had dear Luna, and I forgive you again."
they cried for a moment sniffing and hugging

"so... you saved Equestria so you could have personal revenge?" asked Fluttershy

"Yes. I did." Luna said between sniffs smiling and falling on the floor sobbing "I don't deserve your friendships! Please forgive me!"

Fluttershy added to the hug with Luna tightly "Of course we'll forgive you Luna."

"Applejack... I'm sorry I sent your parents to space. Forty years my not be much time for an immortal, but to a mortal like you that's half their life time! And now I've ruined yours too!"

"Oh Luna, that wasn't your fault. You simply reacted to your situation. We're all pony after all. If anything I think we owe you for saving our lives." Fluttershy said cheeringly

Rainbow Dash got closer to Luna "But you know if you hadn't done any of that, none of us would exist right? Your actions gave us purpose and direction. Even though you took responsibility for what happened, you shouldn't take credit for everything good that happens today. You may have intended the bad things, but you fixed them in doing so, which makes you a hero in my book."

Luna smiled hearing these words "Thank you Dashie. I hope someday you will realize what kind of friend you are..."

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. "Well that's one problem solved but I'm still wondering about the asteroid that fell on the yacks business." She turned to Bright Mac and Pear Butter "You mentioned the yacks leader Rutherford the Second he was direct lineage to Rutherford when we were friends. if you indeed were brought in by the yacks i will need to run it by him so Im bringing him in today."

Pear butter tapped his hooves. "I was kind of expecting a long debrief, but I also expect a large party when all of this is over."

"I second Pear butter!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

Before plans were made for a party though, Rutherford the second entered the room with a few guards. The entire ensemble stood at his presence showing respect to the man who led the yack nation.

Rutherford was dressed in a formal suit and tie unlike most Yack leaders who wore leather jackets and bandanas. He greeted everyone politely before sitting down next to Twilight. "I see we have already started. Twilight is there something I missed or does the elements of harmony really need to be here?"

Twilight explained "We believe that the Elements might come in handy."

Rutherford nodded "Very well then. What of the retired princesses?"

"They have become involved in this as well, they will need to be here as an extension of what has happened as of late."

Bright Mac spoke up "Thank you for taking us in sir, Pear butter and I owe you our lives."

Rutherford looked at the two ponies in shock "What are you two doing? I thought I told you to go home!"

"We... did... sir." replied Bright Mac nervously.

Ruthford looked at Twilight sparkle who was using her eyes to bore into him. "So that is what this is about. is it..." He muttered. putting his hooves into his hair.

"I'm giving you ten minutes to explain why you lied to my face ambassador" said a stern Twilight sparkle.

"It wasn't a direct lie. At the time I had told you about this I really had believed that it was an asteroid not a space craft! It was later discovered that it was a ship, however I could never tell you! not with the extra supplies coming in. I couldn't afford to lose anymore people than what we already lost. I didn't want to cause more panic. That is why I could never tell you."

"What made you think that I The princess of Friendship would stop sending supplies?"

"Because the craft was... registered as yack technology."

Twilight looked shocked "That would look like you attacked the embassy!"

"Yeah... it would frame us for attacking your embassy."

The Princess sighed "I see where you're going with this, but I don't buy it. The craft was launched forty years ago, how is that relevant to today?"

Rutherford began to speak again "Ask Celestia, she knows all about it."

Twilight looked at Celestia as she bowed her head. "Forty years ago the yacks were afraid of pony kind, Ruthford didn't even trust us. But I struck a bargin trying to get that rocket explaining how we needed it desperately." there was a long pause.

"Celestia.... what did you trade?" asked Applejack

"Knowledge on building weapons of mass destruction" replied Celestia

WOAH, WHAT?! said a shocked Rainbow Dash.

"Weapons of Mass Destruction?!" shouted Rarity.

Twilight nearly fell out of her chair. This was bad news, this meant that the yacks knew how to build nuclear bombs.

Celestia pushed down a newspaper about the event. "Every one heard about it too! Look!"

The paper featured a front page story talking about Celestia trading secrets for a rocket.

"You ever wondered why every pony was afraid of me while you were growing up... now you know." Celestia stated.

"Geez Celestia I know I had to make hard decisions.. but geez!"

"Yes, Yes, Now let us continue shall we?" said Rutherford.

"but why not tell every pony that an asteroid is coming?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"I would rather not have any pony panic."

"But if you hadn't traded that information away every pony would have died so good trade!" Pinkie pie exclaimed.

"Trust me I would have rather not, but every creature life was in peril. I just chose it to be in peril at a later time. In fact, it worked out pretty well. If we had known sooner, we probably wouldn't have been able to launch the rockets anyway due to lack of materials or something else unforeseen."

Twilight Sparkle stood up from her seat "I... there had got to be another way!"

"Sorry Twilight, there was no alternatives" Informed Celestia

Twilight breathed deeply. If there was anything she hated more in the world, are things that were out of her control.

She sat back down looking defeated. "Taut!" said Twilight explicit. taking a deep breath "Well, we've learned something here I guess... today I learned that the truth will always come out." she stared at Celestia coldly "No matter who you are."

"A good friendship lesson indeed, I am sorry I hadn't told you earlier." Celestia apologized.

"No need to apologize, You've done nothing wrong. And I understand why you did it." said Twilight

Celestia smiled "Thank you dear friend."

Ruthford coughed "now originally I hadn't even found out about the rocket until later so its a moot point... but I retain my decision to withhold that information. I believe that hiding such important knowledge could lead to war between our nations which would ultimately cause much suffering among both sides. So I choose to keep the secret."

Twilight face hoofed "ughh... i know! I get it now just... gimme a minute..."

Pinkie Pie started clapping "Ok I vote we have a party now for saving all of Equestria! We should celebrate with cake and ice cream!"

Rutherford chuckled "I am wheat intolerant, so maybe some other food option?"

Pinkie jumped up and down yelling "Yay!" while everyone else cheered. all while Twilight tapped her hoofs in thought. "What about the weapons of mass destruction, what do the yacks plan on doing with them?"

"As far as I'm aware they haven't used any yet." Celestia explained.

"Rest assured we have no plans to use any nukes in any sector of Equestria or anywhere outside our borders." Ruthford added.

"So they're just sitting there?" asked Pinkie.

"Yep, right where they belong." said Ruthford

"Hmm... Well I suppose that's better than using them against us." Rarity piped up

"Oh yes, absolutely." agreed Ruthford "now who would like to have a party?"

"MEEEEEEE" squeed Pinkie pie dramatically.

Everyone laughed except Twilight Sparkle.

"Now look Pinkie Pie, we don't want any trouble...." warned Rutherford.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" screamed Pinkie Pie causing everyone to laugh again.

"Hmmm... looks like we'll have to put up with her antics for awhile longer." Said Ruthford.

Meanwhile Twilight moved over to where Pear Butter and Bright Mac were. "That landing was pretty rough when you landed, did you have any injuries? Any broken bones?"

Bright Mac looked back and whispered "they say I was pretty bad lookin when i arrived, ill talk about it later though, Pear Butter doesn't like injury talk too much."

"Okay then never mind. hey enjoy the party! you deserve it."

"Naw i don't deserve it.... we all do!" exclaimed Bright Mac.

"Here here!" exclaimed Rarity. As well as a group of creatures that were there.

Twilight smiled finally feeling some relief finally figuring out all what has happened although she had not yet forgotten about Discord and how sick he was. it was then Twilight looked up and looked around the room. "Hey, where did Opaline go?"

Haven looked at Opaline with wide eyes. "You got the crystals?"

The purple pony looked at Havin with a mischievous grin "Was there any doubt?" she said presenting the three crystals of unity.

Haven took them from her and held them up to his eyes. "They work perfectly!"

Opaline reached over and slapped her in the head playfully. "Of course they work perfectly, you foal!" she giggled. "take a look!" she removed her hood and a large curved horn appeared through her hair. "Its beautiful isn't it?"

Haven turned to Opaline and looked at him closely. she couldn't help but feel awe. "It is amazing!" she admitted. "But I think the most amazing thing is you."

Opaline's smile grew wider. "All hail queen Opaline!" she said removing her tunic and revealing wings on her back. she extended them outward and presented her new alicorn body "I really should thank Discord for becoming conveniently ill" she laughed manically. "It provided me the distraction for me to steal the crystals without anyone noticing."

Haven stepped forward and embraced her. "and now we prove that Twilight has no right to rule!"

"Patience my dove, we need the backing first, lets cause dissention among the ranks and have every one question their allegiance. Then I show the real truth and grab my army and march right Infront of Twilights doorstep."

"it is a perfect plan! And so are you my twin!"

"I know, please remind me often." replied Opaline

Comments ( 4 )

finally! new chapter!

"The reason is simple; I had not the time to gain more power to reach them. It was either telling ponies who were the closest to the moon, or death to all Equestria. It was sheer luck that Bright Mac and Pear Butter was already astronauts, but I had no intention of sending them to the asteroid to save Equestria."


Comment posted by KenDoStudios deleted Dec 5th, 2022

i finally get it. thanks i fixed it

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