• Member Since 4th May, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Cackling Moron

"Fluff" in the same way what collects under the sofa is fluff.


Local human Jamie is having trouble sleeping at the house of some friends of his. His friends are ponies.

In his feeble attempts to get to sleep he meets the other member of the household that he had never actually met before.

She's very friendly.

Reading here.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 37 )

Nice. Gotta love your everyday totally innocent batpony am I right?:heart:

Damned, lovable mares!

This drives me nuts. I legitimately can't tell whether she's flirting with an end goal in mind, or just being flirty.

Very cute and adorable.


when down from above swung a pointy-earned, ponty-toothed, beaming face.


So when does he start writing his memoirs?

I find it's less tantalizing when I experience it in real life.

This one time a dude bought me a drink and touched my butt and it was only later when I found he'd slipped his number into my jacket pocket that I realised he'd been hitting on me. I was just so happy someone had bought me a drink. Free drink!

Point is I'm not good at picking up on these things. Or wasn't. Back then I was just oblivious, nowadays I'm actively unpleasant.

Yeah, my ex was constantly bemused at the number of people around me that I thought were "just being nice". I also got a free drink once, and it's like finding a twenty on the ground. As with you, my response is pleased surprise - and nothing else.

Reading this would have induced consternation and confusion if I hadn't watch the video in your author's note. Altogether, I think I must compliment you on your mastery of the tagging system.

Is... is it really that hard?

I’m inclined to agree! Once I watched the video and reread it in her voice it helped set the tone much better I think. Very quirky way of writing not just with how foxglove talks but also with the back and forth banter between the two.
Can’t say I didn’t love it on both reads though and I am a sucker for it, the banter I mean.

above swung a pointy-earned, pointy-toothed, beaming face.


The other housemate, the illusive one. Pink.

elusive [maybe?]

Everybody loves Gadget (rightly so, to be fair), but Foxglove deserves some love, too.

I'm delighted that you seem to agree.

dude, seriously? FOXGLOVE!?! you are AWESOME! :pinkiehappy:

'illusive' means 'deceptory', i.e. one who is deceptive
'elusive' means 'difficult to find or catch'

Author's choice, I guess. Both uses are valid here.

Author is dyslexic and lazy.


I'd never seen Foxglove before and the episode came on and POW, DAT BAT.

Yeah I know, that's why I put that maybe ^^;;;

Good story.
Absolutely everything you put in parenthesis should be removed because it offers nothing to the story.
But this was a good story.

Batpon makes best Batpillow.

Stop It and Tidy Up!? But how can I do that to my totally only slightly below average cleanliness standards room when you keep giving us the bats!

Flirty nocturnal ponies drive me batty. :trollestia:

I honestly love SoL stories that don't really need to have a point to them. Could use an editing pass, but other than that, great job! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for that I didn't feel tired but had to go to sleep, now I feel sleepy thanks that worked.


Sounds like a Huniepop encounter.

“Lucky colt, then, and lucky me. Lucky us, hmm?”

I just got serious Imogen Kanouse vibes.
(The Superego Podcast)

Very cute, would love to see more of Foxglove.

The narration in the first few paragraphs is a bit clunky, but other than that, nice story!

I must say, I wasn't expecting to come across a Foxglove-inspired pony fic. Than again, she is pretty inspiring, isn't she?

I was watching, uh, Rescue Rangers?

Heh... Well while we are on the subject of children's television series...

*snarf* *snarf* snarf*


*snarf* *snarf*

Jamie, local human, still couldn’t sleep. This time though, he knew exactly why.

Ever since that unfortunate incident with the parasprites and baked bads,he had been sharing a room with Foxglove while his own room was being repaired. All in all, she was as perfect a roommate Jamie could ask for given the situation.

She just had a few... peculiarities...

Like eating in bed at—Jamie glanced blearily over at the "Best Princess Luna" alarm clock on the night stand between their beds—2 o'clock in the morning.


Said mare had her cheeks comically stuffed full with something from an open "Pinkie's Party Pastry Package" box on her bed. Crumbs spewed everywhere as she replied.


"Foxglove, what are you doing with that box of pastries in bed?"


"Oh these? They are mango creme beetle cruffins. I was hungry, Jams, so I though I would have a few before I took a nap."

She held out a cruffin to Jamie and gave it a little shake. "Want one? There are plenty more where that came from."

Jamie stared at the proffered cruffin and went decidedly green about the gills when he saw the spindly beetle legs and glossy elytra enbedded within. "Foxglove, Foxglove, don't eat those cruffins while you are in bed, yeah?"

"Oh? Why not Jams?"

"Because you will get crumbs, and wings, and legs in the sheets, that is why."

Foxglove pawed at the sheets . "Gosh, crumbs in the sheets?"

"Yeah, yeah, Foxglove, and if there are crumbs in the sheets, they will get in your pyjamas."

Oooohhh... Crumbs in my pyjamas, Jams?" Foxglove splayed her ears back in concern and plucked nervously at her rather cute lilac cami.

"Yeah, yeah, Foxglove, and if you get crumbs in your pyjamas, they will make you itch. You know that."

Foxglove shivered, coat rippling from withers to dock. "Oh, I don't like to itch Jams!"

"No, and if you itch, you will not be able to sleep, Foxglove. So don't do it yeah? Good night."

Jamie rolled over and found a deliciously cool spot on his pillow and prepared to go back to sleep. He hoped Luna would send him that dream where he met his old Alsatian, Spud, as Diamond Dog ambassador attaché. That was his favourite. He missed Spud.

Behind him Foxglove nibbled on a hoof and contemplated the crumb covered duvet cover in consternation. You could practically see the gears and cogs beginning to turn in her head.

"Gosh, if I eat cruffins in bed, I will get crumbs in my sheets. And if I get crumbs in the sheets, I will get crumbs in my pyjamas."

Foxglove paused to brush some crumbs off her chest floof.

"And If I get crumbs in my pyjamas, I will itch! And I will not be able to sleep! Oh Jams, thanks so much for stopping me from eating cruffins in my bed!"

"Alright, Foxglove. Just... just go to bed, though, yeah?"

"Ok! And I am never going to eat cruffins in my bed again!"

"Okay, good. Goodnight Foxglove."

Jamie only had a brief *flappy flappy flap* of leathery wings as a warning before a heavy weight dropped on top of him.

"Oooff..! Foxglove? What are you doing?!"

"I'mma eat cruffins in your bed Jams! Scoot over."

The normal way. What other way is there?

Well off the top of my head I can think of the loud way, the sticky way, the two blue ways, CLASSIFIED - [FAINT LADDER] clearance required , the bright way, and if you are especially unfortunate, the itchy way.

I love it! :pinkiehappy:
"Please sir, my I have another?" :twilightsmile:

I'm in my mid 30's and I STILL miss when girls flirt with me... oddly I pick up on it easier when the guys do.

My dude, your prose is amazing. The characterization, the awareness, the dialogue- it's all gold. Damn, dude. Good stuff.

Ah, young love.

Truly a match made not in Heaven but in Snark.

I'm a little disappointed that this isn't a clopfic.

I don't know how I feel about this...


I don't know how I feel about this...

Somewhat amused perhaps?

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