• Published 13th Aug 2022
  • 622 Views, 9 Comments

As Long as the Earth's Orbit - Cynewulf

Twilight and Rarity write letters across a divide of space and time.

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Formation and Argument

My dearest Twilight,

Having read your latest letter, I feel compelled to report to you that the esteemed colonel is a chess fiend and that I am rather cross that you have shackled me with a stallion with nothing to do but badger me over security and defeat me in a game I only like to play with you! But I suppose he is not quite as dull as I remember. I almost feel as if I am learning something here and there. He is a sweet sort, oddly.

Is it odd that I wish I could say I was bored and languishing here pining for our home in Canterlot? I do miss it. I miss you terribly. But as I write to you under the warmth of an alien sun, overlooking the summery hills of Frontier, I cannot help but feel invigorated. What brave new worlds, with such ponies on them! The apples brought all the way from Apple family farms grow well here, and Pegasi are learning to navigate a new sky. The weather completely regulates itself on this planet. Isn’t that fascinating? Of course, the pegasi do shape it for the good of their farms and towns, but still! I toured their training ground the other day with Governor Clockworth. A burly pegasus jawed my ear off, but after a while I found myself fascinated by what he had to say. He says Equestria was once like this world, a “wild” world, you could say. But that calamity and magical mishap and history had worn down many of its edges. It is hard for me to imagine, and I’m sitting in the midst of it!

I long for home. And I long to be with you. But things are going well. I confess that I did not think I would get on well with rough farmers at the edge of Equestrian space, but they are friendly and generous sorts. I respect that. I admire the way they look out for each other. This world is what you said you wanted, a future where ponies lived with each other, and not merely near each other. Communal harmony without and internal harmony within. Oh, it’s not perfect. I know that. But I cannot help but begin to feel that utopia may not be about being perfect.

I’m having ideas! A dangerous profession. They are still ruminating. Perhaps when I return I’ll have them sorted for you. Wouldn’t that be lovely?

We shall be casting off in a few days. The observatory has been finished, and the Colonel and his guards will be staying behind to ensure that Frontier is safe… but I have a feeling it would be safe either way. We’ve not seen hide nor hair of any otherworldly visitors. A pity, really. I should have liked to see them. Honestly! New sorts of creatures, could you even imagine? I’m sure it's all very interesting to the science types and the scholars, but for me, I find myself enamored of the idea of an entire new constellation of culture! Entire genealogies of art and fashion completely separate from all of our own! If there are no aliens out here in the stars I shall simply have to go far enough until I return one myself.

Always and forever yours,
