• Published 13th Aug 2022
  • 635 Views, 9 Comments

As Long as the Earth's Orbit - Cynewulf

Twilight and Rarity write letters across a divide of space and time.

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The good ponies of Hightower send me home with all of their love. On my ship I carry an outpouring of their love. Foal arts and crafts, paintings, letters, some admittedly distressing flower arrangements. Everything for you.

You are not alone. We are with you, every pony on every world where we tread. And above them all, beyond them all, in a way that only I can be—I too am with you. I am coming home. I will be there before you can miss me even a moment more. I come like a mare out of legend. And when I return you will know for absolute certain how never alone you truly are.


Today I walk on new legs. This is my fifth mission to the Atogha, and I finally gave in to their Master Artificer’s insistence. You did tell me I had your blessing! It was endearing, and a bit heartwarming, when you were so insistent I would not need such a thing! But you also understand. You always do. Perhaps, even after all the things I’ve seen, sometimes I still need a sort of vestigial “permission” to do what I wish. A failing, maybe. A foible, certainly.

I know some thought I took the fashion world of Canterlot by storm, but in truth you were there and you know I did it with a good share of fear and trembling. Methodically, frenetically. I spent sleepless nights away from Ponyville going over every photo, every sketch, every scrap of “intel” as Rainbow Dash so eloquently put it, reading the lay of the land. Canterlot’s upper crust too was a secret to me, then, and my need to know it was all-consuming. It led me to make… some choices which would have been rather bad for me, had I been less lucky. Risks taken that shouldn’t have paid off. But they did!

That feels like an eternity ago. I still do that. I pay attention to the fashions of these new worlds, such as they are. I suppose even if I am not still a tailor and seamstress by trade, I am still a fashionista. I learn a new milieu and insert myself into it, copying it and bringing something of home. The Atogha were impressed by the nano-fiber I had made for the gown, just as you assured me they would be—thank you for that, by and by. Almost half a millenia, for you, and you remain so encouraging. It’s a worthy quality. It’s so endearing I sometimes forget the insane toll of year after year. Isn’t it fascinating how after a while madness seems so normal? Hundreds of years pass! I suppose we talk enough by ansible and write so frequently, and besides that I know you’ve been investing in that holo-whatsit technology the unicorns on Farpoint are so proud of… but I digress. Age!

The way that the gown lit up like a starfield! Truly inspired, if I say so myself. How long has it been since you and I were able to collaborate so directly across time and space? It makes me ache to walk beside you again. The space, the years. Between us a turning as long as the earth’s orbit, and I bear it only by constantly reminding myself that when I return to you I will bring with me so many new experiences and stories.