• Published 18th Nov 2022
  • 1,228 Views, 48 Comments

The Murder at Mane Melody - Lulamoon-Crystal

A body was found in Pipp’s salon, Mane Melody. It’s time for Zipp to get on the case

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What’s Next?

Zipp got onto her bed and looked at the picture she took of the diary entry. The other ponies were asleep, but she had to get to the bottom of this mystery. It’s been too long! She was tired but determined to find the murderer! Pipp was her prime suspect, but deep inside she wished that she was wrong. Maybe she was wrong, why would Pipp murder Jazz? Maybe she watched the wrong footage. Maybe she was missing something in the footage or didn’t watch the correct parts. Possibilities were endless.

But she was about to figure them out. She could just feel it. Her heart thumped as she began to read the words on the screen quietly. She didn’t read out loud, but she didn’t want to wake anyone up.

‘Dear Diary... 17/10/20XX...’ Was written on top, but Zipp kept reading through the page.

’7 AM... I finished the song! I can’t wait to show it to my pipsqueaks!’

“Hmm...” Zipp thought, skipping down a bit to the time the footage was marked. Or at least just starting to read the entry a bit before the time.

‘8.30 PM... I shared a drink with Jazz! Rocky didn’t stay due to family business, which was a shame, but I’d surely leave some for him. I made the drink all by myself! Just a bit of Blackberry juice, strawberry juice, raspberry juice, sugar, lime juice and alcohol! Jazz said briefly that it smelt strange as she pulled a face. but then Jazz said it might be good!’ Zipp scowled a little as she read on, ‘I poured her a glass as she drunk it happily. A bit slow, judging by her face it was very bitter, guess it needed more sugar? Well, after drinking mine I left, Jazz said she was going to clean up a bit before leaving.”

That was it. There was nothing more, but... Zipp couldn’t believe her eyes. Her own sister murdered somepony. She murdered a pony! Many emotions rushed though her as she looked around. Her heart beat rapidly as she felt anger and grief! A tear ran down her face, begging that was were wrong about this and made a mistake somewhere! But all evidence pointed at Pipp!

She must have put poison in Jazz’s drink, but not her own! How dare she! Obviously using a normal poison that could be identified by her tools would have been too easy... So Pipp must have used a different type of poison... or poisoned Jazz earlier! She must have used poison in a snack. Or something else she gave to Jazz earlier that kills the victim after a few hours. To make it look like it was the drink! It makes sense!

Or she could have used something Jazz was allergic to! Or somehow found something toxic that her scans didn’t pick up on.

Her gut hurt. It made sense, but this was her sister... the feather... the diary entry...

Zipp held in her tears as she stared at Pipp’s sleeping body. Pipp looked innocent, but deep down she was a guilty monster! Angrily, she marched over to Pipp’s bed. But she wasn’t even asleep! Pipp was silently sobbing as she looked at her phone. Looking at old photos of Jazz... it wasn’t a surprise, however. She violently pulled the blanket off her, causing her to yelp. But Zipp glared at her as Pipp stared at her in shock. “Zipp?”

Zipp’s ear flickered as she wore a stern expression. “Come with me, now!” She had bags under her eyes, her body begged for a rest, but she ignored it.

Pipp found herself in Mane Melody. It was still dark, Rocky was there too. He didn’t really know why Zipp called him in. Zipp grumbled as she pulled Pipp into the room, drinks and stuff were made in. She stared at Pipp. “What did you put in that drink?!” She shouted. Ignoring the tears in Pipp’s eyes.

“I-“ Pipp trembled, “I told you,”

“But something in it clearly killed Jazz!” She exclaimed, “You put poison in Jazz’s drink, or something she had earlier, didn’t you!?”

Pipp shouted, offended, “Why would I ever do that!?” She was shaking as Zipp cornered her to the wall.

“I dunno, but you’ve been caught! I found your diary entry and the feather that fell on her!” Zipp shouted. Breathing heavily.

Pipp gulped, “B-b-“ She was crying and shaking, but Zipp kept growling* as she walked. “I can’t control when and where my feathers drop! Zipp!” She cried, “Why on earth would I-?”

“No buts!” Zipp cornered her closer to the wall and flared her wings. “You aren’t my sister anymore, you’re a-“ Her voice spat as she shouted bitter, “You’re a murderer!” She shouted as Pipp was curled up, crying and shaking. Zipp was so close to Pipp that she was basically breathing on her!

“Z-Zipp-“ Pipp whimpered.

“No Pipp! You’ve fooled me with your acting, but I have finally-“ She then gasped as Rocky quickly put his wings between the two sisters. Then proceeded to gently space them apart, making a gap big enough for him to stand in. Zipp started at him confused with blood-shot eyes.

“Maybe we should hear Pipp’s side of the story?” Rocky asked Zipp. He looked at Pipp who was a mess of tears and heavy breathing.

“It wasn’t me!” Pipp screamed, “I didn’t kill her!” She shouted.

Rocky added before Zipp could say anything, “Why would Pipp want to kill Jazz anyway?” Rocky asked as he stood in front of Pipp, wings out as if to protect her. Ignoring the fact that he was basically scolding royalty. “She said many times she saw Jazz as a sister, you were there for some of them. Now, why on earth would she want to kill her?” Rocky defended softly.

Zipp blinked as she stared at Pipp, shaking, and crying. “H-he’s right-“ She sniffled. She stared at Zipp, looking betrayed, “Wh-why would I kill any pony?” She asked, voice sore, “I didn’t do it...”

Zipp felt as if she was crushed by an anvil made of guilt. She cringed slightly. She was so into finding the murderer that she jumped to conclusions. “Pipp...” She said softly, wanting to get closer. Rocky lowered his wing, glaring at Pipp slightly. He fought the urge to shout at her for accusing her own sister like that.

“Pipp...” Zipp whispered, “I’m so sorry... I’m sorry for accusing you like that...”

“You should...” Rocky muttered, “Yelling at Pipp like that...” He scolded softly, not caring that Zipp was the heir of the pegasus throne. Queen Haven would likely do the same thing, anyway. “You should be really ashamed of yourself!” Rocky exclaimed, “I know this is stressful for all of us, but there’s no excuse! There’s literally no excuse for you to shout and accuse your devastated-“

Zipp had enough of his rambling. She had a smug face as she put a wing on his muzzle. “Rocky... I wasn’t finished...” Zipp informed with a slight smirk.

Rocky felt embarrassed as he stared at her, “Oh you weren’t? Apologies for that...” He looked away slightly.

“Don’t worry about it,” Zipp shrugged as she put a wing around Pipp, “I deserved that, anyway.” She looked at Pipp apologetic and softly, “Pipp... I know it wasn’t you... I’m so sorry for jumping to conclusions like that...” She sighed as her gut hurt a bit, “Pipp, perhaps there was something in an ingredient you used that you weren’t aware of. Are you able to show me the ingredients?”

“S-sure,” Pipp shivered a little as she got up and walked towards the shelves and benches.

Rocky started to think, he raised a brow. “If it was something in the ingredient... shouldn’t the same thing that happened to Jazz also have happened to Pipp?” He asked, not understanding.

“I still think I should have a look at them, just in case,” She felt she was going the right way.

Pipp spoke as she grabbed some stuff from the shelves and put them on the table. Half of a lime, a lime juicer, sugar, alcohol, carton of strawberries & raspberries and a jar of blackberries. “This is everything I used in that drink.” She looks at Zipp, tears still in her eyes.

Zipp went closer, investigating each container. Sniffing them and scanning them with her visor that she had grabbed on her way brim the Brighthouse. Everything was normal, nothing was off... except for the jar of blackberries, apparently there was a tiny bit of toxin in there. The same kind of toxin that was in the mouth foam.

“Hmm...” Zipp thought as she grabbed the jar of berries that Pipp claimed to have used. Very much were blackberries, except for a few at the top of the jar. They looked like blackberries, but they weren’t. These were close to the same colour, but they had red at the ends. Also, leaves poked through the sections like blades and the stem was red. The berries at the top of the jar were pegaberries. Zipp’s eyes widened in shock, “P-Pipp... those aren’t blackberries... well... most of them are but...”

”What?” Pipp had another look. Just realising that the few at the top were indeed not blackberries. The jar was labelled as blackberries, and there were a few underneath, but whoever picked the berries must have been inexperienced. Likely assumed pegaberries were unripe blackberries. But it can’t have been a big deal, they aren’t poisonous or anything, they are actually good for the wings. They make the feathers stronger. “Oh... no big deal, must have been something else that killed her?”

Zipp stared in horror. “Pipp...” surely she knew, but it seemed she didn’t get the info.

”Why do you look so horrified?” Pipp asked, now nervous as her gut ached.

”Pegaberries are toxic to earth ponies...” Zipp said quietly. They usually just Gabe the earth pony diarrhoea and a bad stomach ache when too many are consumed. But there are allergic reactions to them. Those are more violent and fatal. A few months back, after two close calls. All earth ponies and unicorns were expected to get tested on, to see if they were allergic to them or not.

Pipp’s heart dropped as she stared at her sister in disbelief. “N-no-“ Her voice shook as tears started to form. “That-that’s not true!” Her voice shook, “I-I eat them and- and I never got s-sick- and n-no earth pony or unicorn died by accidentally consuming them! They just got sick! Besides, two ponies who had to be rushed to hospital! They almost died because they were allergic!“

Zipp felt bad as she stared at Pipp as she huddled into the ground. Crying, Zipp felt disgusted at herself but knew that’s eh had to say it.

”It’s because... pegasi bodies move the toxins to the wings to help with feather growth and made them more durable- But earth ponies don’t have feathers... so the toxins... also... Jazz seemed to have-...”

Pipp exclaimed, now a mess of tears, “But wait- Jazz died from them- like how those two close calls almost died- does that mean-“ Pipp gulped, now crying.

Zipp gulped a bit. It seemed Jazz was indeed allergic to them. But judging by both Rocky and Pipp’s reactions, they didn’t know. But how? Did she not get tested? Ponies that are allergic to them gag when they smell them, or at least find them very strange smelling. So surely Jazz should have been able to smell them and find out.

Pipp was in a fetus position on the ground. “I-I-“ She stuttered and nicked, trying to speak, “I’m a murrr-“ She sobbed out loud as she reached for Zipp who was staring down at her in regret. “Z-Z-I-I-I-PP!” She exclaimed before coughing and gasping for air. “D-did Jazz die painlessly at least?” She begged for an answer, “P-please tell me it is painless!” She was curled up, rolling slightly on the ground, staring up at Zipp.

”I...” Zipp started. Thinking on how to sugarcoat it. She wasn’t sure how it killed her exactly, but she has seen animals die from those berries by eating them accidentally. It starts with a stomach ache, dizziness and tiredness. Then the toxins all froth up, and you can guess the rest. Seems like they had the same effect on ponies who are allergic to them. “She’s not in pain anymore...” Zipp sighed.

Zipp then gasped, “Wait- but pegaberries are only available in Zephyr Heights! How’d you get them, you didn’t visit lately.” She then added, “Judging by Jazz’s reaction to them, she’s allergic. She should have been able to smell them and gag when she did, hasn’t she told you about this? Do you know she got tested or not?” She asked, concerned.

“N-no? After she had gotten tested, she told us that she wasn’t allergic to them...” Rocky gulped, “Also, those aren’t Pipp’s... I got a jar of them a few days ago! My cousin brought them, I told you this, didn’t I?” He then saw Pipp rolling on the ground, screaming and crying,

“Sorry- ugh, my memory’s a bit fuzzy,” Zipp yawned from the lack of sleep. Wondering why Jazz would be confirmed as not allergic when she was clearly. Perhaps it was an error from the doctors? But surely someone would have noticed she was, from her finding them smelling bad...”

Rocky looked at Pipp, “Pipp!?” He exclaimed, “We are gonna find the murderer!”

Zipp gasped in shock as she stared at Rocky. She was going to shout, but didn’t want to jump to conclusions again... “Rocky. You said those were yours, right? Is there a chance you put them in the blackberry jar by mistake when the lights flickered off? She asked gently.

”Wh-what?” He asked. “I...” He started to feel guilt in his gut... “”Well.., I think I already told you this bit...“Rocky shuddered as his heart race, wondering how his pegaberries ended up in the blackberry jar. “Well... I was eating some and then my stomach ached a little. Indicating that I was eating too much. So I went into the side room and grabbed the jar to put them back.” She started to look a bit nervous, “But just as I wasn’t about to gab the jar...” He slowly started to look horrified, “The lights went out when I was about to grab the jar!-“ He gulped. “I-I- must have grabbed the wrong jar!” He exclaimed.

”Do you know who turned off the lights?” Asked Zipp as she cocked her head.

Pipp and Rocky shook their heads.

”Alright... Pipp... you forgot to send me the camera footage from this room. Chances are, our answer is right there!” She encouraged then rememebred that the two were glummer than she realised. She let out a sigh. “let’s just watch the footage... shall we?” Zipp suggested.

Pipp and Rocky nodded in agreement.