• Published 18th Nov 2022
  • 1,239 Views, 48 Comments

The Murder at Mane Melody - Lulamoon-Crystal

A body was found in Pipp’s salon, Mane Melody. It’s time for Zipp to get on the case

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Justice Getting Served

“Zipp!” Pipp and Hitch cried as a result. Believing, she was crushed. Gone... another loved one gone, just like that! Alive, then suddenly, bang! Pipp teared up as she reached out, “Zipp!” She sobbed, believing she lost her own sister. She couldn’t believe it, losing her own sister like that!? That was it of the royal sisters...

Pipe stared at the cupboards, hoping Zipp would lift it up and be okay! But that wasn’t happening, no movement. She put her hooves to her mouth, “N-no...” She said softly, “Please not Zipp...” It didn’t have to end like this. No one wanted it to end like this. Hitch was frozen in shock. He should have grabbed her. Surely there was plenty of time to grab her and pull her away, right?

After taking a glance at the doctor, Hitch looked at the fallen cupboards with worry. His heart beat quickly, but he felt a bit of hope. Maybe.... just maybe... He gulped as he started is plant magic. Making plants lift the cupboards, “Z-Zipp...” He grunted, it was heavy! But Zipp! She just had to be okay! But why was this so heavy for his magic?

“Please be alive, please be alive!” Pipp sobbed as she watched, half expecting to see a squashed pony. This would be the second time Zipp almost died from something fatal. In fact... she didn’t want to see a squashed pony at all. That would be messy, wouldn’t it?

“Zipp!?” Pipp cried out as the plants lifted the cupboards.

“Heh... that wood is from a special kind of tree...” The doctor smirked, “Cannot be effected by magic... easily”

“We’ll see about that!” Hitch exclaimed. “Zipp?” Hitch lifted the cupboards up slightly, leaving a gap big enough for a pony to crawl out. Now he was just hoping for an answer. “Please be okay, please?” He whimpered.

“Please Zipp... Please...” Pipp feared as she stared at the old looking, dusty cupboards... “Ppease...”

For a while there was no movement, “N-no...” Rocky gasped as he watched. His leg still hurt, but he managed to have pulled the knife out and bandage it up.

Pipp whimpered as Hitch put his head down in defeat... Zipp was gone...

But then they both gasped in delight when a familiar white, dusty leg poked out, then another. Slowly Zipp crawled her away out, alive. But covered in splinters, scabs and bruises. Her mane was also crushed and a really messy. Hitch had to stop himself from scooping her up in a big hug! That would hurt!

“You’re alive!” He exclaimed, “But how?” He questioned.

Zipp smiled, “Thin doors to a cupboard filled with lab coats, hats, gloves and cloaks...” She then shuddered, “All musty and smelt terrible!”

Hitch growled as he stared at the doctor. “You nearly killed another pony!” He shouted, “Is this really the road you want to go down!?” He rushed as the doctor. Finally, he was having enough! He punched the doctor hard! Then again. Until he was on the ground, “You left me no choice, sir.” Hitch spat bitterly. The doctor growled as he got up, but Hitch blew up at him, he punched him in the face then bucked him in the jaw! Knocking him to the ground.

“Any more excuses?” Hitch bitterly asked. “You better stay down!” He exclaimed, rearing, ready to strike again if needed.

The doctor looked around innocently, “Nothing...” He smiled, except for this! He swept his hind leg under Hitch’s, knocking him to the ground. He was about to stomp him in the jaw, but Hitch dodged barely! At that moment, Hitch made vines wrap around the doctor tightly.

“Justice has been served...” Hitch grinned proudly. Forgetting the fact that you shouldn’t have your back turned on a criminal.

Pipp was now curled up under the desk, texting on her phone. She was shaking and crying as she heard and saw everything.

“Sheriff!” Zipp exclaimed as she pointed towards the vines. They were now loose, the doctor was nowhere to be seen. He was going to ask where the doctor went, but before he could try speaking, he was slammed by something hard in the face. Hitch fell to the ground, out cold. The doctor had a baseball bat, with a proud expression.

Trembling, Pipp looked down at her phone, then she heard Zipp land nearby. “You aren’t gonna get away with this, mister!”

The doctor chuckled, “You think I’m not afraid to hit a mare?”

“Alright have...” Zipp spat, “But I can fight back. I’m not afraid to hit a stallion, either!”

Zipp let out a battle cry as she rushed at him, bucking him in the face. “Murderers don’t deserve a place in this world!” She shouted as he fell to the ground. He grumpily grabbed the bat and swiped it at Zipp who’s easily ducked. She swept a leg under his hooves, making him fall over again.

“Hah, you're getting up for more?” Zipp asked as he shakingly got up.

Zipp shoved him into the wall and took him up into the sky. “Any last words?” Zipp asked, shaking up a bit. She wasn’t going to kill him, just scare him and make him too weak to fight back. Her wings were in much pain, but she dealt with it as she dropped the doctor to the floor.

“Game over for you!” Zipp proudly sassed as she put a hoof on his stomach. She put pressure on him by literally standing on him, hoof on each leg, She wasn’t going to let him go!

“Oh really?” He grinned. Smirking as another pony approached.

“Huh-“ Zipp questioned as a pair of hooves grabbed onto her. A blade was then pointed at her neck. “Ack-“

“Zipp!” Pipp cried, not wanting to jump from her hiding place. Zipp was too tired and scared to fight back!

Rocky gasped in shock, knife gone and wound bandaged up. He recognised the mare, but he never thought she’d do this. He recognised that dapple grey mare. Like the clouds on a stormy day. Also, those silver wings and that blue, short mane resembling a river.

“R-Raincloud?” Rocky whispered, frozen in shock. He hoped she was just playing as a bad guy just to helped hem, but deep inside he knew that wasn’t true.

The doctor got up with a grin, “Any last words?”

Pipp reached out for her sister, tears running down. Raincloud grinned as she had a tight grip on Zipp. Pipp didn’t want to lose her! She had already almost died!

“Raincloud!?” Rocky shouted, “Wh-what are you doing here?” He asked, voice shaking.

“Isn’t it obvious? Dr G is my boyfriend...” Raincloud smiled.

Rocky was in disbelief as Zipp wrestled from her grip. Only for her to jump on her and pin her down. Holding the blade at her throat. Raincloud was good at wrestling, despite not taking part in it. Only learning it as a filly for self-defence. Rocky whimpered as he stared at her. “But why?” His voice sounded like he was about to cry. “Aren’t you aware he killed Jazz?”

Raincloud laughed, “I was part of it as his assistance!”

“A-assistance!?” Rocky cried.

“I brought those berries here for you so you could take them to the salon!” Raincloud nodded, “Yesterday I had glued myself in the bathroom to keep you away from the salon as Dr G did his job!”

Rocky felt his heart drop. His own cousin! The times they spent as foals... laughing, playing... exploring. Even breaking a rule or two from time to time... was that all for nothing? They were basically brother and sister. But now, as a grown stallion, he’s standing here in disbelief. He just realised that his sister figure took part of murdering his cow-worker and friend...

Pipp was nearby him, still under the desk. “Rocky...” She whispered, “You can’t give up, everypony’s counting on you...” She knew he was scared. “You can fight back, right? The doctor dropped the bat- just please save Zipp!”

Rocky’s heart ached. He sighed as she looked at Pipp. He nodded, understanding her. She was shaking, too scared to move. But she was safe, at least.

As he grabbed the bat that was dropped by the doctor, he sighed, ready to do what was needed. The blade was getting closer and closer to Zipp’s throat. One wrong move and she was a goner! He sneaked up to the mare, quietly. A nervous expression was on his face. Also, a deep expression of guilt and betrayal.

“I’m sorry...” Rocky said softly. Raincloud was thankfully not paying attention to him. “I’m sorry...”

“You are not getting away with this!” Zipp tried to wrestle herself out, but the blade went closer to her neck. Sweat was forming on her body as she breathed. She was indeed scared, but she wasn’t going to fall like this!

She then heard Rocky shout, “Let her go!” Then suddenly something slammed into Raincloud’s head, knocking her out.

Zipp gasped as she fell to the ground, she looked at Rocky. He glanced at the mare with worry, “I-I can't believe I just did that...”

“Good job...” Zipp smiled. “Thank you...”

“Great...” Grumbled the doctor, “If I can’t defeat the white one... then i’ll just Beat the pink one myself!”

Zipp jumped up, wings flared. “Don’t you dare lay a hoof on her!” She shouted as the doctor yanked Pipp from under the desk by her hind leg.

“Already have!” He chuckled, proud of what he accomplished.

Pipp was squealing, crying and flailing, “Let me go!” She bucked him in the chest. He exclaimed in pain, but pretended he didn’t feel it.

“Let her go!” Zipp shouted as she ran over, she pounced on the stallion, only for him to cause a thorny vine to wrap around her body.

”Argh!” Zipp exclaimed in pain as the thorns dig into her body. A few started drawing blood out.

“Zipp!” Pipp cried as the vines squeezed Zipp

Rocky straight up punched the doctor in the face, no warning. He had enough, he wasn’t going to let any more of his friends get hurt. He wasn’t going to hold back. “How dare you! How dare you murder one friend and hurt the others!?” He shouted as the doctor reached into a drawer on his desk.

“No you don’t!” Rocky grabbed him and tried to pull him away. But earth ponies are physically stronger, meaning he had an advantage! Before Rocky could react, the stallion punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground. The stallion grabbed another knife from the drawer.

He chuckled happily as he walked over to Pipp who was trembling and frozen in fear. “Please stop!” She cried. Begging for this all to top.

“No!” Rocky shouted as he jumped on him, not noticing one detail. DR. G had a knife, it went straight into his chest.

“Rocky!” Pipp screeched. As Rocky stood there in pain, a hoof on his chest as he collapsed.

Zipp was dropped to the ground, she got up and bucked the stallion in the jaw. Enough to knock some teeth out! But her body was exhausted, she kept punting the stallion until she collapsed from her injuries.

Pipp started to hyperventilate as she stared at everyone. Zipp, Hitch and Rocky all on the ground, injured. Because of her... no, because of him. It was like a spark lit in her as she stared at him. Growling with wings flared. It was the last straw! She wasn’t going to stand here and watch her hurt friends!

This was not how it will end!

Pipp screamed as she ran towards him, she did a leap. But he dodged as he chuckled, “Missed me!” He shouted happily. Only to exclaim in pain as Pipp bucked him in the groin. Ouch-

Pipp always knew the stallion’s weak spot. But of course, like every other mare and stallion, she respected it. She learnt to never use it unless it was an emercancy. She promised to never use it unless it was in something like self defense, or to save or protect someone.

Like now.

Zipp and Hitch were up just in time to witness it. Hitch cringed a bit, but let out a proud and surprised gasp. While with Zipp... Her mouth was wide open in shock. She never thought Pipp would do that. But she smiled a bit as the stallion fell down in pain.

“Be prepared for the wraitn of Pipp!” She screamed as she jumped on him with fighting hooves.

Pipp would have done a lot more damage to him if Thunder and Zoom hadn’t burst into the room at that moment.

“Princess Pipp! We are here!” Thunder exclaimed before screaming, “Princess Zipp, your... everything!”

”Who hurt you!?” Zoom shouted in anger towards whoever hurt Zipp.

“Nlt just me, Hitch and Rocky too... Rocky had the worst out of all of us!“ Zipp nodded, but needed the guards to focus on something. “It will heal, but you need to lock those two up.” Zipp said as he pointed at Dr. G and Raincloud.“Also, Rocky needs urgent help ASAP!” She exclaimed, “I’m fine, don’t worry about me. I’ll heal, but he needs the attention immediately!”

Pipp was the one to run outside to find a doctor for Rocky. “Doctor! Doctor needed!”

DR. G grumbled as Thunder tackled him to the ground, forcing a muzzle and hoof cuffs on him. Zoom did the same with Raincloud. She also forced special anti-magic collars on them that disabled their magic. Things like this existed in old Equestria, but they had just surfaced and started being made recently. The guards all agreed that they made arrests easier since it meant the criminal can’t use their magic to try and escape!


Outside Hitch, Zipp and Pipp stood happily. They were looking at Zoom and Thunder, who were hovering in the air. Holding into the two criminals. Rocky was still in the hospital, getting his stab wounds tended to.

“Murders and people who attack royalty aren’t treated very nicely. Hope you like your cell,” Zoom spat at the one she was holding. “Because that will be your new home!”

The Doctor grunted, the muzzle still allowed talking. “I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for you meddling pegasi!” He shouted before being carried away by the two guard ponies.

Pipp sighed as she looked down at her phone. She texted something to Jazz. She knew she would never get the message, but it made her feel better at least. “We did it... we found your murderer... Rest In Peace, okay?” She sent the message. “I miss you...”

Comments ( 6 )

“No!” Rocky shouted as he jumped on him, not noticing one detail. DR. G had a knife, it went straight into his chest.


Pipp sighed as she looked down at her phone. She texted something to Jazz. She knew she would never get the message, but it made her feel better at least. “We did it... we found your murderer... Rest In Peace, okay?” She sent the message. “I miss you...”


Case solved

Well that’s the last of him. Good riddance!

Jazz has been avenged, and no pony else died!

Unfortunately that means the doctor and his girlfriend are still alive.

Yeah, but they’re not going anywhere. Especially if Haven is doing the sentencing

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