• Published 7th Nov 2022
  • 351 Views, 7 Comments

A Draconic Sparkle Love - Mystic Sunrise

When your girlfriend can have six heads, it makes dating and marriage weird. Twilight and Pearl don't care.

  • ...

Friend Worries

Pearl huffed as she sat there, her head on the cafe’s tabletop, staring at her slice of pumpkin cake.

Twilight chuckled as she looked at her marefriend. It had been almost six months now since the pair had started openly dating each other. Part of her still couldn't believe it, but she wouldn't change it for anything. “Okay spill. What has you so down? I assume it’s the same thing you’ve been fussing about lately. Kohaku.”

Looking up Pearl sighed. “Am I really that obvious?”

Twilight nodded with a smile, taking a bite out of her salad.

“I don’t even know why I’m behaving like this. He’s a royal pain in my flank and has been for years.” Sitting up she crossed her front legs.

“And yet you love him like he’s your brother.” Twilight giggled watching Pearl’s face go red.

“Yeah, the one I never asked for.”

“If your this upset with him, why not go talk to him.”

“I would LOVE to, but I can’t find him.” Twilight almost heard her neck crack at the sudden twist looking at Pearl. “In fact, nobody has seen him at all. He’s been gone for nearly six months now.”

“Well, I knew he was keeping himself out of sight since he and Sweetie Belle broke up.” Taking a sip from her glass Twilight looked out toward the Everfree Forest. “But he’s been gone this long?

Pearl nodded slowly with a sad sigh. “I never thought I’d miss him this much.”

“Did you ask everyone? What if he went up to the Crystal Empire to…” Pearl’s raised hoof silenced Twilight.

“Already thought of that, Cadence hasn’t seen him at all ether. Even Flurry’s been asking for him.” Pearl groaned. “I don’t know why I'm so worried, I know he can take care of himself. But I just…”

“You want to be there for your best friend. To console him during this time.” Pearl nodded slowly as Twilight moved around and wrapped a wing around Pearl. “I think he just needs time to himself. A broken heart doesn’t heal overnight. I’m sure when he’s ready, he’ll come to you.”

“That’s the same thing Cadence said.” Pearl took a bite of her cake and then leaned into Twilight’s embrace, ignoring the myriad of looks they were getting. Even after six months of this, ponies were still shocked to see the pair together like this. But didn't care. She had the mare of her dreams. What else did she need? “But what if I don’t see him for years?”

Twilight sighed and nodded. “That might be the case, Pearl. Remember he doesn’t see time the same as us. He was born with the prospect of immortality. I'm starting to understand that viewpoint. It’s taking a while but I feel like I'm standing still while everypony else is rushing about like mayflies. I’m just grateful that I don't have to spend that time standing alone anymore.”

“Well unlike you and that three-tailed pain, I’m still moving at pony speed. But I have gotten a better understanding of why some ponies look at him the way they do. Because since I can transform into a dragon, they’ve looked at ME like that. It’s empowering. How the hell can he stay so damn humble about it? I have to fight like crazy not to let it go to my head.”

“He’s had seventeen years of practice. Remember how swelled he was at fourteen?” Twilight giggled.

Pearl groaned. “Don’t remind me…” She sighed. “I’d go looking myself, but the Everfree is so damn big, and Sweetie just sorta dropped in on him. Good luck if I could do that.”

Twilight nodded. “It would be for the better, Rosie. I remember thinking we would never find you when you first flew into it on your first day in Ponyville after storming out on your mother and I."

Pearl blushed at the use of her pet name, and the memories. “Someone was looking out for me. Probably why I didn’t hate on Kohaku more than I did. He got me back alive and safe. Annoying me to no end on the way back obviously.”

Twilight giggled. She had heard the story of course, but it was still funny even after so long. “If it makes you feel better, I had nothing to do with that. Only your time at Sweet Apple Acres.”

Pearl snorted, being sure to aim the lightning away from anything. She was still peeved about that whole thing, no matter all the good that had come from it since. “So what about you?”

Twilight blinked. “What about me?”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean, Twily. You’ve been spending a lot of time with Celestia and Luna recently. And the sun and moon have been acting odd lately.”

Twilight nodded sheepishly. “Yes. They have been giving me lessons on how to raise and lower both the sun and moon.” She shrugged. “I still need more practice as you have seen.”

Pearl blinked. That was unexpected. “Why? Isn’t that their job? Should we be worried about them?”

Twilight chuckled as she took Pearl’s hooves with a smile. “No. Whatever this might mean, they are fine. Cadence was offered the same chance, but she declined. I’m rather enjoying it.”

Pearl relaxed. “Good thing they’re not asking me then. Doubt I could keep myself focused for long enough.”

Twilight giggled. “Oh, I don’t know, Pearl. You’re a lot better than you used to be. I remember a filly who could barely lift a teacup, let alone focus on anything. Now, look at you.”

Pearl pouted. She hadn’t been that bad with her magic. Had she? With a grumbling look, she turned her head to the side. “Well, Kohaku has been helping me focus when it comes to magic. He had been teaching me some of his techniques to not let my mind wander like it used to.”

Twilight smiled when she heard this. “Well, he is far better at that than I am.”

“You’d never know it by the way he acts sometimes.” Pearl turned her head to the Everfree. “But like he said. As a hunter, you either focus, or you starve.”

“And you thought taking lessons from him would be hell.” Twilight nuzzled Pearl softly.

Pearl only smirked and nuzzled back. “I never said it wasn’t. He’s not the most patient of teachers. Good thing I can give it right back just as much if I want.” Smiling wider she looked back to Twilight. “You know, there’s this special little Hotspring he and I go to at times. It’s very private and beautiful. How about we take our date there.”

Twilight finished her drink and set it down as Pearl did the same. “A hot spring sounds wonderful. Lead the way.”

Author's Note:

Gods, I love writing Twilight and Pearl's romance without all the manufactured drama from A Twilight Rose Love. Much more fun this way. Sure. There is a bit here and there. But nothing like in other stories. Thankfully. Why I thought adding it there was a good idea I'll never know.