• Published 7th Nov 2022
  • 351 Views, 7 Comments

A Draconic Sparkle Love - Mystic Sunrise

When your girlfriend can have six heads, it makes dating and marriage weird. Twilight and Pearl don't care.

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Shock and Surprise (Canon)

“Are you sure we’re heading to the right location?” Twilight asked, looking around.

“Yeah, pop said we’d find it at the end of this street,” Pearl smirked back at Twilight. “He said we know when we find it.” Pearl sighed a bit as she walked with Twilight, their arms linked with each other. “I can’t wait to see sis again. It’s been a while, we have so much to catch up on. Glad I don’t have to explain if I start breathing fire or something though.”

And oh boy had that been a crazy weekend. Just back from the Blight, and still working on how not to set everything on fire, or any number of painful injuries.

“That’s true. I’d love to know how our counterparts are doing together. Twi has been rather quiet about it for several years now.” Twilight giggled a bit before stopping and blinking. Before them stood a huge oak tree. Twice the size of her old Golden Oaks Library. “Oh wow.”

“I guess we found it.” Pearl let out a slow whistle. Walking up Pearl saw the sign outside. “Everfree Imports. Your one-stop shop for exotic plants. I guess this is Kohaku’s shop that pop mentioned. I wonder why my counterpart would be here?”

“Well, we do know they share a friendship, not unlike you and your Kohaku.” Twilight playfully nudged, which earned her a playful glance back.

“Well let’s not loiter out here.” Pearl chuckled and opened the door.

As the pair walked in, the light scent of fresh burning incense filled their noses. A pleasant mix of cherry blossom and lavender. Along one wall was shelf after shelf of potted plants. Along another was several rows of potted baby trees. A small bell over the door rang out in a pleasant echo through the whole shop.

Pearl smiled and nodded. This was a very cozy place, she had to give it to Kohaku’s counterpart. He knew how to make something like a shop feel like home. Walking up to the counter she blinked. On a table behind the counter was a huge red pillow bed. Inside were two sleeping kitsune kits. One white, one black. The white one had markings much like Kohaku, but these were crimson. She was mewing lightly laying atop the black one playfully chewing on his ear as they slept.

“Oh, they are so adorable.” Twilight smiled, waking up beside Pearl.

“I wonder if they’re Kohaku’s kids?” Pearl giggled a little.

“OH they are,” a voice came from a nearby door. Both Twilight and Pearl turned their heads to see Pearl’s human counterpart standing there. Dressed up in jeans. High Top sneakers and a pink kimono top. Walking over she lightly brushed the white one’s head. “Pearl dear, please stop chewing on Sasuke’s ear.” as Human Pearl spoke to the young vixen, the kitsune looked up yawned, and just nuzzled her brother before falling back asleep. “So how can I.. Sis? OMG is that really you?” Leaping over the counter, human Pearl wrapped her arms around her pony counterpart and hugged her tight. “I’ve missed you so much.”

Hugging back Pearl smiled. “I’ve missed you too sis.”

“You’ve grown so much.” Human Pearl smiled, taking a step back, and looked her younger counterpart over. “I barely recognized you.”

“Yeah a lot’s changed since last time,” Pony Pearl gave a chuckle. “I’ll tell you all about it.”

“So? Where is my counterpart? I’m sure I told her I was coming today.”

Human Pearl sighed, pinching her nose. “Trouble at school. Bad enough that she said she doesn’t know when she’ll be back.”

Twilight frowned. That was never a good sign in her experience. That Sunset hadn’t said anything at least meant magic wasn’t involved.

Pony Pearl, meanwhile, was still cooing over the kits. The white one which shared her name lifted her lil head and started to stare at her. “So whose the mom, if Kohaku’s the dad? Sweetie? Flurry Heart? Somebody, I don’t know? I’d almost say you. But…”

Human Pearl gagged. “Gah! As if. In my worst nightmares maybe. Twily would tan my hide if I was though.”

“Oh come on, Pearl. Auntie Twilight isn’t that bad,” a new voice giggled behind the pair, earning an eye roll from the redhead.

Twilight’s eyes widened. She knew that voice as she turned to see… “Flurry?!”

Indeed it was Flurry Heart, and aside from being older, was the spitting image of her niece. Twilight blinked as she saw that along Flurry’s neck was a crescent-shaped scar, half hidden by her short sleeve designer shirt.

Flurry grinned widely. “Hey, Aunt Twilight. I didn’t know you were coming today. It’s been so long.”

Twilight could not respond. There was only one reason why Flurry would have that mark on her neck, and only one creature was able to give it. “But. But. But…”

Pony Pearl rolled her eyes. Typical. She also knew what the mark meant, and couldn’t be happier in fact. Less of a headache for her finally. “So then I take it?”

Flurry nodded as she walked over to the kits, taking them in her arms. “Yep. Thanks for looking after them, Pearl. I know how hard it is to look after kits.”

Human Pearl chuckled. “I've had to deal with Kohaku my whole life, and he was much worse even when he was older. These two are perfect angels by comparison. I can always ask mom if I need help.”

“You… them… they…trees… fish…” Twilight muttered before falling flat on her rump. Her eyes were completely vacant. She tried to say more but was stopped by a raised hand by Flurry.

“Pearl’s got it right, Aunt Twilight. These are my kits, and their father is certainly Kohaku.” Blushing a bit, as her kits purred and nuzzled their mom’s neck. “My husband.”

Human Pearl hummed softly as she walked about the kitchen of the spacious loft apartment over the shop. Twilight and Pearl were seated on the sofa. Twilight slowly breathed into a paper bag.

“Here drink this Twilight. It’ll help.” Human Pearl handed her a cup of freshly brewed tea.

“Uh, you sure that’s safe?” Pony Pearl looked nervously at the cup which only got a laugh from Pearl.

“Relax. I’m not as bad in the kitchen anymore. Kohaku has been giving me lessons.” Human Pearl chuckled shaking her head slowly sitting down in a large green recliner. “It may have taken several attempts. And setting fire to his tails a few times. But I’m at least halfway adequate in the kitchen now.”

Pony Pearl smirked. “Maybe you can teach my Twilight then. Only Sweetie Belle is worse in the kitchen than her.”

Twilight snorted. “See if I do anything nice for you then, Rosie. I’m not that bad.” She frowned at the laughter she got in return. “Moving on. How is Flurry Heart with Kohaku? His mate? They’ve spent time together in Equestria. But nothing even remotely like this.”

Human Pearl sighed a bit and shook her head. “I have to say it caught me off guard too. Flurry always liked him. But when she turned sixteen things kinda changed. She started to be just a bit more flirty. He laughed it off a bit but knowing him as I do. I could tell he was interested.” Looking out the window of the shop apartment Pearl smirked watching everyone passing by. “Two years later they officially started dating. Two more years they got married. It was after her Honeymoon that the scar on her neck appeared.”

“And the kits?” Pony Pearl scratched her head.

“Yeah, I was wondering about that myself. I expected them to be…”

“Human,“ Human Pearl finished Twilight’s sentence. “Yeah, I thought so too. According to Flurry, they came out human, but not long after that, they turned into what you saw.” Turning back Human Pearl smiled. “I was half shocked myself and I was there for the birth. In fact, they named me and Twi their godparents.” Human Pearl smirked, seeing just how the two of them were leaning on each other, how their hands were clasped. “And took you two long enough. Here I was thinking it would take a miracle for one of you to confess.”

The two blushed, earning a giggle.

“So why are you running the shop and not Kohaku? You think since it’s his place he’d be here.” Twilight smiled holding her Pearl’s hand.

“Yeah but he’s up north helping his mother-in-law with some problems they are having.” Human Pearl crossed her arms and leaned back. Laying one leg over the other. “He wouldn’t say what was happening but from what Shining said, it’s serious enough to warrant Kohaku’s aid. Gods forbid Kohaku’s father has to get involved. If it was I’d grab Twi, Flurry, and the kits and hall ass out of the country.”

“As for the shop. I like helping him out when I can. It’s an easy and peaceful way to kill time. And it gives me time and the opportunity to work on the newest models in peace without Twi trying to organize the parts by size. Twi also knows she can find me here if I'm not at home or at an event."

Twilight giggled. That sounded about right, as Pony Pearl looked at her sis’ pendant, which was now almost entirely blue, with shades of red, green, and black. The white was almost gone now but was still there highlighting the other colors.

Human Pearl sighed, toying with it. “It started to do this not long after Twi and I finally got together. My lightning’s gotten such a boost that I’ve taken lessons from Kazumi so I don’t accidentally hurt someone, while my freezing breath is kinda lackluster now. I mostly use it to flash-freeze groceries and leftovers. I was so glad when my training with Kazumi ended. She was not the most patient of teachers. But thankfully she was a very effective one.”

Pony Pearl eyed her own blue ring, which seemed more vibrant recently compared to the other four. “I bet she was much better than what I’m going to be going through. My Kohaku is going to be teaching me.”

“If he’s anything like his father, you are lucky.” Human Pearl smiled eyeing the rings. “He’ll no doubt be strict, but not as militaristic as Kazumi is.”

Pony Pearl nodded. “Once he’s back to normal anyway. At least I can dish out as much as he gives if I want to. I’m not sure if I can do the same with his sisters. We met Mitsuko, I think it was, last night. Or she came looking for us.”

“His sisters are like that.” A familiar voice came from the stairs. All three turning saw Twi standing there looking rather ragged. Moving up she leaned into her Pearl as she sat down. “But most of them are more down to earth, unlike Kade who’s a bit more wild.”

“Hey, sweetie.” Human Pearl smiled kissing Twi softly. “You okay?”

“Just a bit winded. Starlight suggested I go to the hospital. But I just need some sleep later.” Twi smiled. Pony Pearl smirked up at Twilight who had the same reaction. Feeling bad, just sleep it off. Anything to avoid seeing the doctor unless she was missing body parts.

“Well, let's head to the house. I’ll close up shop.”

“I have to say this place is larger than I thought it would be.” Pony Pearl smiled as she leaned over the banister of the second floor.

“It was a wedding gift from Kohaku. His sister Mitsuko built it. Just as she built her brothers which is next door. Although I think his might be a bit larger.” Human Pearl huffed a bit. “OH yeah. I have a gift for you Rosie. Come on I have it in the living room.”

Pony Pearl bounced excitedly in place, even as her green ring began to glow as she grabbed the Master Grade XGF-02 Gundam Lfrith. “Finally! I never thought they’d make one. Please tell me there’s an Aerial coming?!”

Twilight sighed but smiled. “And we’ve lost her. Typical.”

Pony Pearl just smirked. “And don’t you forget it, Sparky. You’re in my world now. Do you want me? Work on it. Show me you care enough.”

Human Pearl was confused. While that was definitely sis’s voice, it also wasn’t at the same time. “What the hell does that mean?”

Twilight pinched her nose. “It’s her green head. She’s taken over. She is all of my Pearl’s love of Gunpla rolled into one. Each of her heads is now a fully separate and individual personality.”

“Since when the hell could they do that?” Human Pearl replied, scratching her head.

“For a few years now,” Pony Pearl replied. “You’ve seen us all. Whether you knew it or not. Seeing you and Twi together, how jealous we were we couldn’t have the same because we were too young. You saw the looks. How we went gaga for every big Warhammer or Gunpla release.”

Human Pearl thought for a moment. This explained a lot actually now that she thought about it. Neat.

Twilight, meanwhile, poked her Pearl. “Don’t ask me to do a Master Grade, please. I remember how much trouble you had with your first one. And that was with experience I don’t have.”

Pony Pearl snorted. Figures. “Then if you want something that’ll still look good, but not take a huge amount of effort, look at one of the Entry Grade kits. Or a High Grade if nothing else.”

Twilight nodded. “Then help me with it, Rosie. There are too many to count, even for me. None of them really stood out to me if I’m honest.”

Human Pearl smiled as she sat back with one leg crossed over the other, watching and listening to the pair going back and forth. “Well, I do have an option that might help you get a little better.” Running her hand across the table she opened a hidden drawer. “I have a gift for you as well Twilight. I wasn’t sure if it would fit you. But I thought for a beginner, it should work.”

“Hey isn’t that?” Rosie smirked looking at her human counterpart who nodded. “Sexy,” she giggled.

Holding out the box she passed it to Twilight. “It’s not the most exciting kit around, but it’s still fun if you ask me. A bit sticker-heavy if you wanna be totally accurate. But that's really about it.”

Twilight wasn’t even sure what she was looking at as she turned the box over. “What is it, exactly?”

"It's the Gundam Ground Urban Combat Type from Breaker Battlelogue," Pony Pearl giggled. "You don't have to add the marking stickers if you don't feel like it. You just need to choose whether the Exam System is active or not. It has stickers for that mode."

Twilight frowned as she turned the box over. She vaguely recalled her Pearl talking nonstop about this series several years earlier. She had not paid much attention at the time though. Gundam just was not her thing.

Human Pearl saw the look in Twilight’s eyes and smiled. “It’s not as hard as it looks to put together. Plus you have us. You'll be fine."

Twilight nodded, seeing the look in her Pearl’s eyes. She wanted Twilight to do this. Not just for what they were now, but for all the years the princess had put up with her hobby.

And who was she to say no? “Okay. I’ll do it. I mean. How hard could it be?”

Author's Note:

Change of plans. Previous chapter is now an Alternate Universe. It was driving me insane what happened between Human Pearl and Sci Twi. I'm not sorry either. Oh, this is what Twilight now looks like in the Human World. She much prefers this one to her old one too.

Her new body is still filling out similar to Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna. It started before the Rainbooms graduated. Came as a huge shock to everyone. Sci Twi is not far behind, because, technically, Princess Twilight is the older alicorn between the two.

Pony Pearl and Human Pearl will eventually have the same happen to them as well. Since they're both alicorns, they get better looks compared to most.

Everything about Kohaku's family from last chapter remains the same here. Just that when his father gets a certain way, not even his mother can do much. Just making sure the world still exists by the end most of the time.

Human Pearl has seen it. It's why she's afraid. She's known them her entire life. Only Kiyoko and Riko radiate real warmth and love, the feeling that you'll live through meeting them. But also that making them mad is not a good idea. Just muted. Not so much everyone else.