• Published 6th Dec 2022
  • 1,617 Views, 34 Comments

Pokémon/Digimon Mystery Dungeon: The Adventure Begins - StormPhoenix246

It's up to a human turned Pokémon/Digimon to combat the mysteries from the world of Pokémon that has crossed paths with the world of ponies

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Dungeon Expedition

Team Elementals, Tom and Pikachu entered the Wanderer’s Grove, ready to take on the Pokemon that roamed the Mystery Dungeon. The entrance was an average field on a small hill, with nothing out of the ordinary. Eve took the lead, being the leader of the team, while Finn took a position in the rear of the group. They were all walking on pins and needles, just waiting for the first Pokémon to appear out of this maze. So far, after walking up the mysterious stairway in the forest, they finally reached the first floor of the maze. Once the last foot left the steps, the stairs suddenly vanished from beyond their sight. Tom and Pikachu were shocked after seeing the structure disappear before their eyes, but Team Elemental just shrugged after seeing something completely natural in the dungeons. They took a look around the room and found it was empty, except for a couple of different pathways, leading to who knows where.

"So, what do we do now?" Tom asked.

"Now, we search the dungeon and locate those thieves. They could be hiding anywhere, so keep an eye out." Eve said, taking the first steps in the forest maze.

"Look over there!" Pikachu pointed at a corner of the room, seeing a bunch of items on the ground. There were a few sticks and rocks scattered around, plus a Poké. "There’s a bunch of stuff here!... Uhh, it’s okay to take these, right?"

"Anything in a Mystery Dungeon is up for grabs," Finn said. "Berries, seeds, accessories, Poké, anyone, and everyone can take it."

"Great!" Pikachu said, picking up the items with her paws and then placing them in the treasure bag she was carrying. "What is a mystery dungeon anyway?"

“Dungeons are labyrinths with countless floors and home to many hostile Pokémon and Digimon. No matter how many times you enter a dungeon, the terrain will always change. It’s impossible to predict even if you know what’s in the dungeon. Even the weather will change depending on the location.” Eve explained.

“Seriously? Dungeons sound horrible to live in. Why would Pokémon live here?” Pikachu asked.

“Some live in dungeons because they are similar to the Pokémon’s environment. Others are found here to grow in strength by battling other Pokémon and Digimon of the same type.” Finn described the lives of the creatures in the dungeons.

“But none of that matters with a team like this,” Blaze said, earning the attention of the others. “With me around, I’ll just give them a flick and they’re out like a light.” She gloated, sticking her chest out. The others just rolled their eyes and continued the search. Their walk through the labyrinth came to an abrupt stop when they heard a sound down a path next to them.

“Who goes there?!” Eve said after hearing a sound down one of the corridors of the maze. They all got in battle positions, getting ready for whatever was walking from the shadows. It was a small, feline Pokémon with light blue-gray fur. The tip of its tail, whiskers, digits and the insides of its ears were a whitish-gray. Its whiskers had a slight curve, and it has silvery eyes. The Alolan Meowth scanned the five Pokémon and spotted rescue badges on three of them.

“Well, well, well, look at what we got here. A couple of rescue losers invading the Wanderer’s Grove.” The Alolan Meowth smugly said. Tom just met this guy and already did not like him.

“Hey! Who are you calling losers? We’re an official rescue team of the Wigglytuff guild.” Chimchar stated, sticking out her badge to the feline.

“Oh, really? If that’s the case, then accept my sincerest apologies. I should show my respects to you rangers, shouldn’t I?” Meowth sarcastically said, bowing his head to mock them.

Blaze was just fuming with anger as she listened to this feline continue to mock them. She was about to walk up to him and teach him a lesson but was stopped by a vine from her grass leader. Eve walked up to the dark type, watching if he was going to attack. "We are looking for an Emolga, Pancham, Shelmet, and Sandile. Have you seen them through here?" she asked.

Meowth scratched under his chin with a thinking expression. "It’s tough to say. Plenty of Pancham and Shelmet live in this forest, and other Pokémon come and go through here all the time," Meowth said. "Mystery Dungeons are always unpredictable, so anything is possible." They were disappointed hearing they weren’t any closer to finding the thieves. "Oh, and by the way,-" Meowth smirked, raising up his front paws, and unsheathing his claws. "-never trust anyone in a Mystery Dungeon!"

Meowth lunged forward with a slash of his claws. Eve’s instincts kicked in and she dodged the attack, luckily evading the cat’s strike.

“Woah! Cheap shot!” Blaze angrily stated.

“Welcome to the dungeons, rookies. Cheap shots are the norm here!” Meowth mocked the rookies’ ignorance before going in for a second Scratch.

Without a second to think twice, Tom took action and appeared in front of Eve. He crossed his and used Defense Curl to increase his defense against the incoming attack. When the claws made contact, Tom grunted while feeling the claws dig into his skin. The defense attack was strong enough to decrease some of the damage he was feeling. “If that’s right, then I’m sure you’ll appreciate this!” He reeled his right foot back and kicked Meowth under the chin.

Meowth skidded back after getting hit by the Mega Kick. He growled and looked towards the smirking Munchlax. Meowth glared and said, "Don’t get the comfortable worm! I’m just getting started!"

Meowth jumped into the sky and brought his paw up to his coin charm. The charm gleamed brightly before multiple glowing white balls came out of the charm on his head. The balls quickly morphed into Poké coins while being flung at the five Pokémon.

They all guarded against the coin attack by bringing up their paws, grunting slightly from the coins smacking him and scattering across the ground. With every Poké hitting the team, they all bounced off of them and landed on the ground, waiting to be picked up.

Meowth landed on the ground with his front paws on his hips, looking proud of himself. “What do you think of that? Fear me, if you dare.” He sneered, thinking he was actually striking fear in the five in front of them. How wrong he was.

Before he knew it, Meowth was struck under his chin by Tom’s Focus Punch, being launched into the air. Blaze and Finn fired off Embers and Bubble Beams, damaging the flying cat. When the two stopped, he thought it was over, only to be disappointed to see Eve and Pikachu with glowing tails. The two swung an Iron Tail and Leaf Blade at the feline, finishing him off and sending him crashing into a tree. His eyes looked like spirals, showing that the Meowth was defeated. While Team Elemental stretched after their first battle in the dungeon, Tom and Pikachu were busy gathering coins in the room.

“Well, that’s one annoyance out of the way.” Blaze grinned, seeing the Scratch Cat beaten.

With the only enemy defeated and all of the Poké collected, the team continued their journey through the dungeon. It was just corridor after corridor around every corner that almost always ended with a dead end. As they continued exploring, they were able to find plenty of open rooms with useful items like scarves and seeds. And in these rooms, the team came across a lot of Pokémon and Digimon: Raticate, Glameow, Slakoth, Shroomish, Carnivine, BlackAgumon, Kunemon, Gaosmon, Poochyena. They have spent this whole time, battling powerful creatures in the labyrinth.

They have only been through a few floors in the Mystery Dungeon, even though it was getting hard to tell the difference between each floor with the different floor layouts. With every set of stairs they found, they were trapped on the new floors after learning they could not turn back.

They found some more Poké in piles on the ground, a few assortments of berries, and some clumps of Gravelrock to fling at distant foes to catch their attention or batter them up for an easy victory.

Pikachu hurled an Electro Ball at a Shroomish, knocking it out before moving to another one. It opened its mouth and fired large glowing yellow seeds that were going to connect with the electric mouse but was stopped after Tom jumped in front of them. The Bullet Seeds pelted the shapeshifter, leaving a few signs of damage on his body. When the attacks finished damaging him, Tom lowered his arms and stood his ground in a new form.

He was a bipedal dragon Digimon with blue skin and red eyes. He had white coloration in his belly and snout, a small horn on his nose, two ear-like appendages on his head, a yellow "V"-shaped mark on his forehead, and two yellow upside-down triangle marks under his eyes. He had five fingers on his hands and three toes on each foot, and a claw on each finger and toe.

He quickly took off running at the grass type with his head lowered at his opponent. "Vee Headbutt!" He exclaimed, ramming his head into the mushroom Pokemon. The moment the attack made contact, the Shroomish was sent flying into the wall of the room, knocked out, and out of the way into the next room.

"Thanks, Tom." Pikachu thanked her friend.

Tom turned around and said, "No problem. Remember, we have each other's backs. Always." He finished with a toothy grin and a thumbs up.

"Alright, you two lovebirds. We don't have time for this. We have to find those thieves before we run out of energy." Blaze said, running down another path with the rest following right behind her.

The team has run through each floor, battling all kinds of Pokemon and Digimon within the dungeons. They were beginning to run low on supplies but were fortunate to locate a few berries and apples in some of the rooms. All of their food and medicine were especially needed when they ran into a Monster House. Tom played through plenty of Mystery Dungeon games and encountered a lot of Monster Houses, but it was a whole lot different when actually being in one. It was a good thing that they were all together; otherwise, none of them wouldn't have made it through the dungeon alone.

When they found the next staircase and headed down, it looked like they made it to the lowest floor of the Mystery Dungeon, seeing as there was only one path ahead of them. Running through the corridor, they all paused when they could make out a voice up ahead of them. Listening to the voices, the team could surmise that the voices belonged to the thieves they'd been chasing. "Sounds like those thieves. We're getting closer. Come on." Blaze stated, running down the path with the rest of the team right behind her.

Coming up to the entrance of the final room, the team of pokemon stuck to the shadows while scanning the areas for the thieving pokemon. Up ahead of them, they saw the four pokemon gathered around all of the food, jewelry, and items they stole from everyone in town. Along with the other four pokemon in the room, there was another Pokemon there stuffing its face. It was a large, bulky, ape-like bipedal Pokémon. Most of its shaggy fur is brown, along with the semi-circle patterning under its eyes. Its face, chest, hands, and feet are lighter in color. Its brows are thick and jutting, and it has a large, pink, pig-like nose. Around its neck is a white collar of fur that extends over the top of its head before ending in a small tuft. It has large, five-fingered hands and two-toed feet.

"You've done quite well for yourselves," the Slaking said, sounding male. He grabbed another handful of food and stuffed it all in its mouth. He didn't even open his eyes and was more focused on eating. He continued, "This is a nice haul you've brought me."

"Thanks a lot, boss. Just another fine day's work of stealing from saps," Pancham said, followed by a few snickers from the Shelmet standing beside him.

"And with this much food, you're just about finished with paying off what you owe me." Slaking said before taking another bite from the pile of food. The four pokemon were surprised hearing say this.

"...Sorry, Slaking, sir. But you said after this last heist we would be stealing from you." Emolga said, with the sound of fear in her voice, that Tom was able to catch.

The Slaking stopped eating after hearing Emolga speak. For the first time since entering this room, the Slaking looked like it was about to move. He slowly opened its eyes, and its white pupils were replaced with a red sclera. He said with a grim tone, "What was that?"

The sound of his voice changed from a calming and relaxed tone to a displeased and angry tone took everyone by surprise. Normally, Slakings were normally loafing pokemon that spent the entire day saving their energy to munch on the food and grass around them. The four thieves visibly flinched after hearing the ape's change in demeanor and were in fear once they saw him about to move his arms toward them.

Sandile said quickly, "Nothing, sir. Never mind anything. We love working for you." He laughed and the other three joined him as it looked it the Slaking believed them.

"That's what I thought. Trust me. Keep working for me, and you'll never have to go hungry again." The Lazy Pokemon said, resuming eating all of the stolen food.

"Wow. I never thought a Slaking could be so fierce," Finn said.

"Slaking?" Tom asked, taking out his phone and pointing it at the munching gorilla.

Slaking, the Lazy Pokemon. A Normal type. Slaking spends all day lying down and lolling about. It eats grass growing within its reach. If it eats all the grass it can reach, this Pokémon reluctantly moves to another spot.

"It doesn't sound like a Slaking would be asking other Pokemon to gather food. With all of the grass gone around it, it would've made more sense for it to move to a different area. Why would he need helpers?" Pikachu asked.

"How about we ask him after we take in all of those no-good thieves? Let's get them!" Blaze said, charging forward only to be stopped after Tom grabs her wrist. "Hey! What's the deal?!"

"Have you ever heard of stealth?" Tom asked. "We need to strategize if we're going to take on those Pokemon. Plus, it doesn't seem like those four are here by choice. They could be forced into stealing for the Slaking."

"That doesn't matter now! We can beat them right now and figure things out later!" Blaze escaped his grasp and charged in. Eve and Finn sighed at their teammate's brazen attitude before running ahead to join her, leaving both Tom and Pikachu behind to stand there and watch. This was visibly sweating, thinking what'd id be like to have a teammate like her.

Pikachu looked at her friend and asked, "Do we join them?"

Tom sighed while scratching the back of his head. "Well, looks like we have no choice." He said before a transforming light surrounded his body. A few seconds later, the light subsided and he changed from his Digimon form to a Pokemon form.

He was a large, mainly blue-purple vampire bat-like Pokémon. His legs had two toes and a slightly darker circular coloration on the underside, and his tail had two barbs, giving his tail the resemblance of a vampire's fangs. His arms are red with thin striations and are completely detached from his black wings, and each is ended with large pincers. His ears had discernible, red, chambered ear insides, and his eyes are yellow. He had six visible fangs in his mouth, and his waist, like his arms, was red and striated. His body resembled an open mouth, with the pointed protrusions coming from his upper torso resembling fangs, further illustrating his vampiric qualities. He appeared to be partially covered in an insect-like exoskeleton.

"Let's go." Tom said, flying ahead with Pikachu following his side.


All of the pokemon, including the munching Slaking, stopped what they were doing when they heard Blaze shouting. They saw her standing before them with Eve and Finn standing just behind her. Tom and Pikachu quickly followed suit, while taking a fighting position behind the rescue team. "We've come to take all of you in. Surrender now before things get messy!"

"Hey! It's that loser rescue team from before!" Shelmet exclaimed.

"What did you call us?!" Blaze shouted. She was about to attack but was held back by her team leader.

"That's enough, Blaze!" Eve said. "If we rush in, then we'll lose before we even have a chance to attack."

"But if we do nothing, then they'll run away with all of the stuff!" Blaze argued.

Slaking did not look the least bit worried as he continued eating all of the food from his lounging position. He grabbed more and more berries and other varieties of food and stuffed them into his mouth. He said, "A rescue team? Doesn't matter. Take care of them while I enjoy my lunch."

Emolga, Pancham, Shelmet, and Sandile weren't going to argue with the hungry ape so they lunged forward at the five Pokemon. Tom used his barbed tail to spring into the air, avoiding the incoming attack from the opposing enemies. Emolga, leading the charge, quickly took to the skies and attacked Pikachu with an electrified tackle. Pikachu countered the attack by running at top speed and charging ahead. The two electric types collided with one another and created a small wind from the two colliding attacks. It looked like the two were even, since the two of them barely had any injuries once they both of them were finished. With the first attack made, the rest of the team began to engage against the other pokemon in the room: Sandile was keeping his distance while firing rocks at Eve, Shelmet was shooting poisonous at Blaze, and Finn was battling Pancham with his water attacks.

Tom was about to join them before catching sight of Slaking still eating away, blocking out the rest of the world. Seeing as the other Pokemon was occupied and he was just sitting out in the open, Tom knew this was his chance to take on the boss. He charged ahead with both his claws glowing a light blue hue as he crossed his arms in an X formation. This formation created a light blue X in front of his claws while he continued soaring at the still-eating Pokemon.

When Tom got close enough, he collided with the normal type and created a large explosion. He was the first one to exit the dust cloud and glided into the sky, checking to see if the ape was damaged from that last attack. As the dust cloud cleared, Slaking's body was starting to appear with every passing second until he was completely visible. Tom clicked his tongue after seeing that his attack did not damage the pokemon even a little. The thing he found most frustrating was that the Slaking was still eating the food, not even noticing that he was attacked.

With no other choice, Tom continued with another attack by gliding down towards the Lazy Pokemon and opening his mouth. Once his mouth was fully open, his mouth was surrounded by flames that spread down his mouth. Just as he got close enough, he opened his mouth wide open and chomped down on Slaking

Another explosion was created from this attack collision just as a dust cloud was created from the explosion. After emerging from the cloud, Tom thought the fire attack was enough to deal at least more damage than the last one. When Slaking was in clear view, there were signs of damage on his body. There even a few embers on his legs, meaning that the burn effect was activated from the last attack. For a second, he thought he was making some headway with this battle, only to be disappointed after seeing what happened next.

Slaking yawned after his body emitted a green glow and all of his injuries were healed. Every one of the injuries he received from both of Tom’s attacks were suddenly gone. When the injuries were completely gone, the ape continued eating all of the berries. While eating, the burns from the Fire Fang disappeared from Slaking’s body. He must’ve ate a Rawst Berry from the pile of berries right next to him. After that, he resumed his nonstop eating of the stolen food and not caring about the battle.

Seeing his attacks not working and this Pokémon’s nonchalant attitude towards this serious battle was making Tom angry. He quickly soared towards the resting ape with the black parts of his wings glowing white. With this attack, he was hoping to finally get the Slaking’s attention.

Slaking had enough of the young shapeshifter attacking him while he was trying to eat. He opened his eyes and began his counterattack. When Slaking was about to be hit by the attack, he became covered in a multicolored aura and punched Tom. He was sent, skidding across the room and ended up on the side of the wall before sliding down.

“Tom!” Pikachu exclaimed before dodging another Spark from Emolga.

“Your friend’s a fool. He should’ve never fought the boss over some food.” Emolga said, angering the electric mouse.

“Don’t call him that. He’s not fighting just to get back some food, he’s fighting for all of you!” Pikachu said, confusing the Emolga and the rest of the others.

“Why would he help us? He doesn’t even know us.” Sandile stated.

“Even so. He saw the four of you being threatened by Slaking and the first thought on his mind was to help you. You may be strangers to him, but that’s not gonna stop him from helping a Pokémon in need.” Pikachu explained. Every Pokémon, both team Elemental and the thieves, were shocked that an unknown Pokémon would stand up to for complete strangers. They all stopped their fighting and watched the battle ahead of them commence.

Tom was slowly pushing himself up and off the wall of the room. He was kicking himself for being careless in his moves, just what Shinji would say if he were here. It was then that he remembered what Shinji said about getting used to one form and focusing on that. He had to pick the right Pokémon that could stand up to this hulk of a Pokémon. He closed his eyes and focused on his next transformation. A multicolored aura appeared around his body just as his body was growing taller. Every Pokémon was quiet while watching the Gliscor change into something else.

When the light disappeared, Tom was revealed as a reptilian, bipedal Pokémon. His neck was somewhat long, and he had two crests on his head. He had semicircular, yellow eyes with red rims. His lower jaw and a belt-like band across his waist are also red. Along his back, he had two lines running down the middle and two rows of yellow nodules. His tail was shaped similarly to that of a palm tree's branch. Both of his long arms had two sharp, elongated leaves and three claws.

With the transformation finished, Tom closed his eyes and focused his mind. He put his hands together and created a light blue ball of energy. He then opened his eyes and threw the blue ball of energy at the opponent. The blue ball struck, making the ape yell out in pain from the super effective attack as he was knocked finally knocked back. Seeing the ape finally move from his spot shocked the other Pokémon while Tom just smirked that he finally moved the ape.

The Slaking rose from the ground, visibly damaged from the attack, standing up and seething with anger. He turned towards the grass type and opened his eyes, staring daggers through Tom’s very soul. “Fine. You wanna battle? Let’s battle.”

Tom smiled that he was finally getting a serious fight from the lazy Pokémon. He started by firing off a Bullet Seed to start things off, only to be disappointed that the attack was blocked. Slaking just smirked, seeing that Sceptile’s move was useless.

If one grass type move did not work, then another grass type move could. Tom charged ahead with the four leaves on his wrist glowing a light green color. The leaves formed into sharp blades as he was getting closer to his target. With his fast legs, Tom was Albee to maneuver around Slaking and get in close. Once he was close enough, he sliced his Leaf Blade arms on his opponent

Slaking slide back after taking the Leaf Blade to the stomach. He was angry that he could not finish eating all of his recently stolen food. With a simple jump into the air, he struck the ground, making the battlefield shake. All of the Pokémon were off balance after feeling the entire room shake from the Ground attack. With the grass type disoriented, Slaking focused an orange ball of energy in front of his mouth. He fired the Hyper Beam at his opponent, thinking this attack would end him.

While the shaking did take him off guard, Tom did see the orange energy beam heading his way. He jumped over the beam just before it him as the wall behind him exploded. With that move out of the way and the Slaking tired from using that attack, Tom saw this chance to end this battle.

Tom raised his arms and gathered sunlight into his body, forming a large yellow ball of light above his head. He then raised one of his hands and turns the ball into a giant blade of yellow light. Once the blade was finished charging, he slammed the blade down onto the Slaking. He thought he was strong enough to take that attack and just stood there as the entire room was filled with light. All the other Pokémon shielded their eyes from the harsh enemy before them.

When the light subsided, they lowered their arms and completely shocked to see the Slaking still standing there. For a second, they thought he wasn’t affected in the slightest, but then Slaking fell onto the ground. His red eyes were replaced by with swirly eyes, meaning he was finally defeated.

Seeing the Lazy Pokémon was finally beaten, he took a few deep breaths while falling to his knees. Pikachu was the first to react by running up to her friend to check on him. She gave him an Oran Berry from the Treasure bag to help him recover.

“Are you okay?” Pikachu asked.

Tom took a few bites of the blue berry, gaining some of his spent energy back. He said, “Yeah. Just a few scratches here and there. Nothing a good rest won’t fix.”

“That was insane. You we really know how to fight. The two of you should definitely be on our team.” Blaze said, walking up with her teammates.

“Right. If we have members like the two of you, we’ll surely defeat any opponent that comes our way.” Finn said.

“Our team would definitely accomplish much if we had you two as members on Team Elemental.” Eve complimented.

“Oh, come on guys. You’re making us blush.” Tom said, earning a small blush with Pikachu while scratching the back of his head. He then noticed the four Pokémon thieves just standing behind them. “What do we do about them?”

They all turned to the four Pokémon, wondering how they should approach dealing with those four.

“Yeah. What do we do now? Are we still fighting?” Pancham asked.

“If we fought, then it would likely end with all of you being sent to prison with you boss.” Eve stated.

“Of course. I knew it.” Emolga said, only to be surprised by what Snivy said next.

“However, since it seems you four were forced into stealing all these things for Slaking and all the items are still here, then I’m sure we can let all off with a warning.” Eve explained, surprising all four of them.

“Really?” Sandile asked.

“Don’t think you’re getting off too easy. You’ll need to return everything you stole and apologize to the owners of the items.” Blaze said.

“Once all of this is cleared over, you should be free to go.” Finn said.

All of four of the thieves were surprised that they were given the chance to get off Scott free. They looked at one another to decide what to do before looking at their downed boss. When they saw his face, they knew exactly what their next move should be.

“Fine. We’ll do what you say.” Pancham said.

“If it means staying out of jail, then we’ll do anything.” Shelmet said.

“And the further we are from him makes it all better.” Sandile said, pointing his foot at Slaking.

“Now, let’s get all of this stuff back their owners.” Emeolga said, gathering up all of the items with the rest of the Pokémon. Team Elemental, Tom and Pikachu joined the four, beginning their journey out of the dungeon.

Once the team exited the dungeon and recovered all the stolen items, they returned to the square to return everything to its owners. After that, Sheriff Magnezone and his Magnemite cadets were summoned to take away the Slaking. Team Elemental vouched for the others, so long as they promised they would never steal again. Since they were under threat by Slaking, Magnezone allows Ed them to remain free. They left with the ape and all of the stolen, foods, and items to return to their Pokemon owners.

After returning all of the items to the Ponies in Ponyville, their final stop was at the park with all six of Tom’s friends. Once they returned the stuff taken, the four Pokémon were about to deliver their final apologies.

“We’re sorry.” All four of them said while bowing their heads.

“They said they were sorry.” Tom translated.

“Oh, don’t worry, darlings. We understand. After hearing they were being forced by that dreadful beast, it’s understandable they did what they did.” Rarity said.

“Yeah. If somepony was threaten my or my family, I’d do anything to protect them.” Applejack said.

“That monkey’s just lucky I wasn’t there to take care of him. I would’ve given him a punch, right in the kisser.” Rainbow Dash stared, doing a few moves in the air. Her friends just rolled their eyes and continued speaking.

“I’m more interested in learning about these Myster Dungeons. I’ve never heard about these before. Think of what could be discovered in these places. Twilight gushed, thinking of everything she could learn.

“Oh, you poor things.” Fluttershy picked up Panch and nuzzled him against her cheek. “You were bullied by that mean Pokémon. You should never have goon through all of that.”

At first, Pancham was enjoying the cheek nuzzle before it was beginning to get old. He escaped his grasp and stood beside Shelmet.

“Look, we appreciate you helping us out, but it’s time to leave. With Slaking finally gone, we can finally enjoy this world without having to worry. Come on, Shelmet.” Pancham said before walking into the bushes.

“Right behind ya.” Shelmet said, following behind his friend. A second late, the two Pokémon were gone from everyone’s sight.

“Where’d they go?” Rainbow Dash wondered.

“They just needed some time to themselves for now. I’m sure we’ll see them again.” Tom said before looking at the remaining former thieves. “What about you two? Are you leaving as well?”

“I was considering it, until I tasted those muffins and wanted more.” Sandile said, walking up to the pink mare in front of him and rubbed his head agains her hoof.

“Awww. What’s up little guy?” Pinkie said, getting ip to the crocodile’s face.

“Sandile said it wants to live with you. He also said that the muffins you made were delicious and wants to have more.” Tom told the pink mare, bringing a wide smile to her face.

Pinkie Pie scooped up the crocodile in his hooves and smooshed him to her face. She said, “Of course you can stay with me. Gummy could use a new friend and I just love your face.”

Tom laughed and said, “Okay. That works. And you?” He looked towards the last of the four.

“I’ll just find a nice place to rest. I was always moving before Slaking found me.” Emolga said with sadness in her voice.

Tom could hear the sadness in her voice and knew he just had to help her. He said, “Well, that’s not happening. You can stay with us.”

Emolga was surprised he offered her a place to say. She asked, “Really? You’d really allow me to stay with you?”

“Of course.” Tom said before realizing he was offering the Pokémon to stay in a home that wasn’t his. He looked towards the violet unicorn and said, “Twilight. Is it alright if she stays with us?”

“Of course. If you trust her, then I can trust her too. Besides, this will gives me the chance to study another one of the new species.” Twilight said, eyeing Emolga with an excited look that creeped her out.

Tom just rubbed his head and just decided to be happy that the mare agreed. Now that all of that was out of the way, he looked towards the rescue team.

“What about you three? What’ll you do now?” Tom asked.

“We’ll return back to the Wigglytuff guild to give our report to the Guild Master.” Eve said.

“After completing jobs, teams are paid for their services, depending on how much the the client offered.” Finn said.

“And when we get back, Wigglytuff will want to want to meet you.” Blaze said, pointing her paw at the shapeshifter.

“And I can’t wait to meet him.” Tom said with a smile.

With that out of the way, Team Elemental made their way to the path leading outside of Ponyville. Tom, Pikachu and Emolga were with the team as they were just about to leave.

“Well, it looks like this is goodbye.” Tom said.

“Don’t count it. We’ll be back once we finish back home, then you and I can have a real battle.” Blaze said beginning walking down the path.

“Count on it.” Tom said.

“Next time we see each other, how about you and Pikachu join our rescue team. We could really use members like you two.” Finn said.

“I’d really like that.” Tom replied.

“Me too.” Pikachu agreed.

Eve just stood there, staring at the the shapeshifter, not even uttering a word. She didn’t even need to thank him for his help; he knew she was grateful to him. When her eyes met with Emolga, the two looked at each other before they just turned away.

Tom saw this and just sighed, seeing the two Pokémon still at odds with one another.

Eve began walking down the path and simply said, “Till we meet again, Tom.”

Tom and Pikachu waved towards their new friends as the three of them were slowly shrinking in the distance. A few minutes later and all three of them were out of sight. When they were gone, Tom began let out a long breath before walking back into the town. Pikachu was quick to follow behind him, while Emolga kept at a safe distance and wondered what this new life will be like.