• Published 6th Dec 2022
  • 1,620 Views, 34 Comments

Pokémon/Digimon Mystery Dungeon: The Adventure Begins - StormPhoenix246

It's up to a human turned Pokémon/Digimon to combat the mysteries from the world of Pokémon that has crossed paths with the world of ponies

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How to be a Pokemon


That was what Tom had become, and he still couldn't believe it no matter how many times he tries to pinch himself with his stubby, white arms. Having no fingers is just one of the downsides of this situation for Tom. Another part is having to be the size of an infant and walking with three toes. Every Pokemon fan has dreamed of turning into a Pokemon at least once, but it's all different when it's happening to him. One part of him is excited that this is happening to him, while the other part of him is still scared about this mission assigned to him. Could it be so dangerous that he needed to be turned into a Pokemon just to survive what coming? Luckily, he's found a new friend to help him through this new ordeal in front of him.

After apologizing many times for the headbutt, Pikachu was helpful in understanding where Tom was and providing any useful information, whether it was helpful or not. According to her, Pokemon and Digmon have appeared in this new world for the last few weeks through rifts in space. She's been here for only a week and has no idea why these portals have opened or why the Pokemon have been sent to this world. Pikachu also mentioned the inhabitants of the world varied, from what he could describe by her descriptions to be ponies. Yes. Ponies of various colors and sizes lived in medieval villages, functioning as a stable society.

Once Pikachu was done relaying everything she knew about this world, Tom took a moment to collect his thoughts. The thought of talking ponies through him for a loop for a moment, but he pushed that thought aside for now. It reminded him of something, but couldn't remember what it was.

As for the multiple portals opening up everywhere, it was good that this has been happening for only a few weeks because while portals may be appearing even as they speak, no damage has been caused to anyone. It was still too early to make conclusions without further gathering information on how Pokemon and Digimon have interacted with these ponies and how these ponies have chosen to approach these new species. Tom pushed that thought away and focused on the immediate problem: finding some food. Pikachu saw how hungry he was and thought of an idea. She told Tom to follow him, so he gathered up his treasure bag and followed behind the electric rodent as fast as his little feet could take him.

While the two Pokemon were walking through the shadowed forest, both of them used this chance to get to know one another. Pikachu was once a part of a tribe of Pikachu back in her world when she was living in the Kanto Region, but ever since the rifts began to appear, she's lost contact with her family.

"I'm sure that every member of your tribe is okay. They're probably in this world right now." Tom said, trying to cheer up his new friend while patting her on the back.

"I know, but it doesn't stop me from worrying if they're okay. They're the only family I've ever known, and I've never even met other Pokemon except for the occasional bug Pokemon." Pikachu said while the tone in her voice began to lessen.

"You shouldn't worry yourself sick because your family wouldn't want that for you. Besides, you'll see them eventually, and your parents will be glad once they see you again." Tom said, thinking that his words of encouragement have brightened her spirits.

Everything got quiet in the forest and the sounds of Pikachu's footsteps stopped. Tom looked in her direction and saw her face facing toward the ground and her ears drooping down her head. There were faint sounds of her sobbing. It seems like he said something that upset her.

"My parents died a year ago," Pikachu said with clear depression in his voice.

Tom mentally smacked himself in the head after learning this new information. He should've been careful with what he said, especially with how much she missed her family. When Tom got a clear look at her face, it reminded him of the day he lost his parents and how sad he was when they weren't around anymore. Tom could relate to wanting to be with his family, especially when that family is not around anymore. So, he took a seat right beside Pikachu, placed his arm on her round back, and rubbed it in circles to comfort her. She raised her head with visible tear stains coming from her eyes and looked towards her now comforting friend.

"Listen, I'm sorry I mentioned a sore topic. I know what it's like to lose parents; I lost my parents five years ago." Tom said, allowing someone else to learn about his parent's demise. Pikachu's eyes widened after learning that her friend has lost someone too. "Losing someone is never easy, whether they are a family member or a close friend, but it's important to remember that they would never want you to wallow in your sorrow. They'd want you to continue living the way they raised you, and if you ever need someone to talk to about it then you'll have me by your side." Tom finished with a friendly smile.

Pikachu couldn't believe it. Right here, in front of her, was someone who has felt the same heartache she has, but hasn't allowed his depression to become a deterrent. Rather, he used his feelings to further grow and evolve on the inside than on the outside like every other Pokemon. And now he's chosen to talk about a personal part himself to pull her out of her stupor. This just brought more tears to the small rodent's eyes.

Tom saw her eyes welling up and thought he said something. He said, "Oh no. Did I say something wrong again? I'm sorry. I won't s-"

"Oh, Tom!"

Without a second thought, Pikachu talked him to the ground and nuzzled her cheeks against his. At first, he thought the tears from her eyes were tears of sadness, but after looking at her face they were tears of happiness.

"Thank you. You didn't have to say anything about your family but pushed past it your feelings to make me feel better. I don't know how lucky I could have been to have found a great friend like you." Pikachu stated through her tears while continuing to hug her friend.

Tom just smiled at her words and decided to hug her back. The only sounds that came from that part of the forest were Pikachu's quiet sobs. Only a few minutes into the hug, there was a sudden sound of static electricity in the air that rang through Tom's ears. This only meant one thing to him, but before he could react he was zapped by Pikachu's electricity.

As a water type, a direct attack of electricity can cause a lot of damage, yet feeling a ton of volts of lighting course through his body could hurt anyone. Pikachu felt a lot of movement from Tom and looked to see what was wrong. She saw she was zapping him with her electric cheeks and quickly let him go. Tom fell to the ground, twitching from what felt like being zapped by 9 lighting bolts.

"Tom. I'm so sorry," Pikachu apologized to her charred friend.

"Don't worry about it. I barely felt a thing." He said while putting on a brave face.

There have been hundreds of shows where Pikachu zaps someone with its electricity, and feeling it was way different than watching it. While the sudden electric shock wasn't pleasant, he'd take another hundred volts if it meant making sure Pikachu feels better.

After nearly 20 minutes of walking in the forest, Tom caught sight of many different Pokemon and Digimon in the trees like a Furret, a flock of Tailow, a few Seedot, and even a Pansear, Pansage, and Panpour playing together. A few Biyomon were flying from tree to tree with one another, while a Sukamon and Chuumon were busy eating a bunch of berries. Catching sight of the fictional creatures brought out the geek in him for a moment. Soon enough, Pikachu and Tom exited the forest and let the sunlight's rays shine down on them. When Pikachu stepped aside, Tom could see a clearer picture of where she's taken him.

Before Tom was a large lake, surrounded by plenty of trees from the dark forest, with a few leaves floating on the wind and into the lake. The rays from the sun reflected off of the lake's water and provided a spectacular effect on the water's surface.

"What is this place?" Tom asked still mesmerized by the scene right in front of him.

"This is a local watering hole. It began when one Pokemon saw various predators and prey drinking water without attacking one another. One by one, pokemon began to come here and converse with one another while we are all in this world together. We may all have different element types or are different species, but we are all in the same situation and are going to have to come together if we are to survive." Pikachu said, gesturing her hand around the lake to prove her point.\

Around the lake, there were pokemon of different species getting a drink from the lake or simply having a rest in the soft grass. What was even more surprising was some of those Pokemon had a strong predator and prey relationship. A Marowak parent was allowing their children to drink while they sat next to a sleeping Manidibuzz and a Renamon. In the tree, a Palmon and an Oddish were sitting on a branch talking to one another. In another part of the lake, there were a bunch of Yungoos and Gumshoos and Rattata eating a bunch of fruits from the bushes next to the lake. Even groups of Sevipers and Zangooses that have spent generations feuding with one another were just drinking water from the lake and went their separate ways. He caught sight of a Meowth giving some flowers to a Gatomon, only to be rejected by the feline.

Pikachu and Tom decided to get a drink and walked up to the shore of the lake. They both dipped their heads down and took big swigs of water into them. Once they got their fair share, the two chose to take a rest and sat on the grass and enjoy the scenery. A cool breeze picked up as various water pokemon splashed in the water, mostly Magikarp, Goldeen, Gomamon, Betamon, and Basculin. It was all just perfect.

“You were warned to never come back here!”

A sudden voice pulled the two Pokémon out of their relaxed states. They turned their heads in the direction where the voice was coming from. There was a small group of Phanphy and Sunflora all staring at a spot in the lake. For a second atom was wondering what they were staring at until he saw a head poking out of the water. The head belonged to what could be described as a blue crocodile with red spines on the top of its head. This creature grabbed the edge of the lake and pulled itself out of the water.

Once it was completely out of the water, the creature was revealed to be a Feraligator. It wasn’t a normal one because it had various scars on its body, most likely from intense battles. The reptile took steps a few steps towards the small pokemon as they backed away in fear.

“If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times. You are not allowed near my lake!” Feraligator exclaimed, bearing his fangs.

“B-But this is a place for every Pokémon.” One of the Sunflora said while hiding behind its friend.

“Not anymore! From now on, this lake is reserved for me and me alone. If anyone has a problem with that, then step on. Anyone stupid enough to think they could defeat me, reveal yourself!” Feraligator exclaimed while speaking to every Pokémon around the lake.

All was quiet at the watering hole. None of the Pokémon on land were either silent or turned away from the scene, the water pokemon just dived down underwater to avoid confrontation and any flying Pokémon just flew away from the area. Their refusal to fight brought a smile to the reptile’s face and he j laughed at their cowardice. No one even tried to stand up to him.


The Pokémon stopped laughing just before he was hit by a strong stream of water. He searched for the one that would dare to strike against him. He searched the area until he found where the voice came from. It was a small Oshawott, standing no more than a couple of feet away from him. He had an angry expression on his face and a few drops of water on the sides of his lips.

“You don’t own this lake. It’s a place for all Pokémon to come and relax with one another.” Tom boldly said, standing up to this bully.

Tom is familiar with bullies ever since back in elementary school when he was picked on. He picked on Tom and Max every chance he got and there was no sign of stopping. When Tom finally had enough, he stood up to the bully and fought back. Sure, he got in trouble with his parents and the school, but he stopped the bullies from picking on him ever again.

Feraligator growled before smirking. He said, “You think you have a chance against me, pipsqueak.”

“Maybe I do; Maybe I don’t. But I won’t stand by while you take to disregard the feelings of everyone here.” Tom said.

“Then bring it on,” Feraligator said, inviting Tom with a gesture of his clawed hand.

Tom scoffed at his attempts at big words and focused on his next move. He was able to shoot a water gun by focusing and allowing his Pokémon side to take over. And he’ll have to do it again. Tom placed his hand on his Scalchop and focused his energy on it. It began to emit a soft light just as Tom raised it in the air. He said, “Razor Shell” right before the light took shape around the shell. A soft blue aura surrounded the shell and morphed into a curved blade.

Once the blade manifested, Tom took off in a fast sprint. Feraligator fired off various Scalds at the small Pokémon, only making near misses. Before he could fire another shot, Tom did a high jump and performed a downward slash. Without not enough choices to make, Feraligator raised its left arm to block. When the attack made contact, a small crater formed under the walking crocodile. For a second, Tom thought he caused a lot of damage only to be surprised by Feraligator’s smiling face.

“Not bad, but not good enough,” Feraligator said before his right arm glowed orange. “Rock Smash!”

Tom’s torso was met with an incredibly strong punch that knocked the daylights out of him. His scalchop was sent flying out of his hands while flew into the side of a tree. It cracked from the sheer impact, and he slides down the trunk of the tree, clutching his stomach. His scalchop soon fell from the sky and landed right beside him.

“Tom!” Pikachu exclaimed before running to check on her friend.

“Your attack wasn’t half bad, but next time doesn’t use a move with the same type as your enemy,” Feraligator said, rubbing the spot where the small Pokémon attacked.

“Are you okay?” Pikachu asked, seeing various bruises from being struck in the stomach.

“I’m just fine. No need to worry about me.” Tom said with one eye open to look at his friend.

In truth, he was not fine. Being struck by that fighting-type move at close range caused a lot of damage, plus he hasn’t recovered from his shock treatment. But he wasn’t going to let Pikachu know that and will just fight it off.

“Ha ha ha ha. Now, you all know what is in store if you ever cross me! Ha, ha, ha, ha.” Feraligator laughed.

Tom began to stand up for another round with the crocodile but Pikachu held him back. She said, “Stop, Tom. You can’t fight him. You’re not strong enough.”

“That doesn’t matter. If I don’t stand up to a common bully like this, then no one will have any peace around here.” Tom said.

While his heart is in the right place, Pikachu made a valid point. As an Oshawott, Tom did not have a type advantage against Feraligator since they were both water types. What he needed was a Pokémon with a type advantage against the reptile-like grass or an electric type. The only problem was all the grass types were shaking at the sight of the big-jawed Pokemon while Pikachu was the only electric type but Tom wasn’t going to let him touch her.

With no other option, Tom recalled his talk with Arceus and all of the starter Pokémon. Maybe if he called on one of those starters, he could have a chance at winning. So, he closed his eyes and focused on a Pokémon with a type advantage. Once he thought of the right one, his whole body glowed a multicolored aura. All eyes were on him, thinking he could be evolving into his next form. They were mistaken.

Once the aura subsided, the Oshawott was replaced with a bipedal, reptilian Pokémon with a slender build. Most of its body was green with a cream underside. A yellow stripe runs down the length of its back and tail, and it had yellow markings around its large eyes. Two curved yellow structures that resemble leaves or small wings protrude from its shoulders and bend backward. Its slender arms have three fingers, while its tiny feet have no digits whatsoever.

Everyone was shocked by this transformation. Normally, the only Pokémon capable of transforming into other Pokémon are the Ditto species and Mew. Zorua was the exception, but no other Pokémon was capable of this feat. So, if that’s the case, what was this creature standing before them?

“Tom. Is that still you?” Pikachu asked, wondering if this new Pokémon in front of her was the same friend.

“Of course, it’s still me. I’ve just gone through a few changes.” Tom said as he was checking out his new body.

Once he was comfortable in his new form, he focused on the still large Pokémon in front of him. Now, as a Grass type, he has a better chance of beating him. Before he took a step, a soft green aura, surrounded his entire body. This was Snivy’s ability: Overgrow. Once he becomes tired out or weak, his body becomes surrounded by a green aura and the leaves on its arms glow green as well, powering up its Grass-type moves. Just what he needed to take this bully down a peg.

Tom grinned at this and said “Alright. Let’s have some fun.” He raised his arms as the terrain around him was a greenish hue. All grass types could sense what the Snivy did. When the Pokémon was at a good distance, he dashed forward and disappeared from view. All eyes were searching for him but couldn’t locate the grass snake. Feraligator was endlessly searching for the little gnat with little success. Soon, a shadow form above him and he looked up. Above him, the small Pokémon with its leaf tail glowing.

He slashed down Feraligator’s head, pushing him back while causing massive effect damage. This caused the crocodile to enrage as he tried swinging his arms around with a brick break with the hope of making contact. With his small body, Tom was able to maneuver around the giant Pokémon without touching him.

Once Tim made it behind Feraligator, he fired a small seed from the nape of his neck that attached to his opponent. The seed quickly grew into vines that latch onto the big Pokémon. These vines zapped him with red energy before green particles were absorbed into his body.

The more he continued the attack and miss the transforming Pokémon, the angrier he gets. “Thrash!” The crocodile Pokémon’s eyes glowed red before he started attacking frantically.

With some of his energy returned from the leech seed, Tom was only getting faster, so he was able to dodge some of his attacks. A few hits made contact, which required him to jump back in front of the rampaging creature.

“You may have gotten better, but you’ll never beat me if you keep running away.” Feraligator taunted, clearly exhausted from his deep breathing.

Tom wasn’t going to take his bait and instead continued his onslaught of grass attacks. He raised his head and called out to multiple leaves from the surrounding trees and bushes. The leaves then spiraled around him in a tornado-like fashion. He then points his arms at his opponent, sending the cyclone of leaves toward him.

The menagerie of leaves soared through the sky and caused super effective damage to the Feraligator. These leaves were so strong that he was being pushed back to the edge of the lake. Once the last was thrown, the crocodile Pokémon stood with just his arms and visible damage marks.

“You’re beaten, Feraligator. However, there’s still a chance we can end this peacefully. Just allow every Pokémon and Digimon to come to the watering hole whenever they want and this fight can come to an end.” Tom said, waiting for the Pokémon’s answer.

Feraligator couldn’t believe this. This insect was trying to make a deal with him. After all the battles, every tough Pokémon he’s defeated, he’s going to lose a shrimp. He wasn’t going to let it end here.

“You shut up. If you wanted peace, you should’ve dropped to your knees and begged me for my water!” Feraligator roared as he charged ahead, but he wasn’t aiming for Tom. His real target was Pikachu.

Feraligator saw how close the two were, and figured if she was in danger, then the Snivy would stand down, Right as his claw was right was just about to grab Pikachu, a green blur grabbed the small, electric rodent. He searched for the rat and saw her in the protective grasp of Snivy.

He sighed. “I thought we could come to a compromise, but I guess I was wrong,” Tom said as he opened his arms, and faced the sky. A small sparkle of energy began to form in the palm of his hands.

Feraligator knew what the small, green pokémon was planning, and knew he had to stop him. He ran towards his opponent's glowing blue claws as his finishing attack. A golden light appeared in Snivy’s hands, which forms into a bright golden orb with a bigger transparent gold energy orb around it. Once he puts his arms down and to his side, he looked towards the approaching enemy and thrusts his arms forward.

A beam was fired from the orb of collected solar energy as it made contact with the Feraligator. The beam was so strong that it sent him flying across the lake and through the sky. As he continued to soar through the sky, all the crocodile could focus on was the transforming nuisance, now his nemesis. As the beam disappeared, Feraligator was out of sight once he was too high in the sky.

No one spoke a word after watching that amazing battle. The unknown Pokémon, which came out of nowhere, fought for the innocent Pokémon from being tormented by the territorial nuisance. And now with that nuisance gone, every Pokémon was free to visit the watering hole whenever he wanted.

After firing that Solar beam, Tim used the last of his stamina before the green aura around him disappeared. Once it subsided, he transformed back into Oshawott before falling over. Before he fell, he was caught by Pikachu while she kept a tight grasp on him. Tim could tell how worried she was for him and just hugged her to calm her down.

While they were hugging, they moved right behind them. They looked and saw it was the Phanphy and Sunflora from before. No one spoke, but one of them walked up to Tim. It didn’t say anything and instead, he was in its leafy hands a Sitrus.

This gesture was quite a surprise. Tom was being offered a Berry that restores 25% of the user's HP. He looked up towards the Sunflora and it just nodded its head. Without thinking twice, he grabs the berry and eats it. He could feel most of his energy return after eating the one berry.

“Thank you,” Tom said.

“No. Thank you.” Sunflora said, joined by the rest of its group as well as the Phanphys.

Tom smiled and accepted Sunflora and Phanphy’s’ gratitude. Once all the excitement was concluded, he left he and Pikachu returned to their spot to enjoy the rest of their day.

The rest of the day flew by with Tom meeting various species of Pokemon and Digimon at the watering hole. Some of them were thanking him for sending Feraligator away; whereas, others asked if they could have a battle with him. Never in his life did he think he’d become this popular.

Once, the sun began to set, all the Pokemon left the watering hole and headed toward their respective homes.

Tim was following right behind Pikachu to the home she’s made for herself since she came to this world. Once they walked for nearly half an hour, they came to a stop at a cave.

“This is where you live?” Tom asked.

“Of course. I know this isn’t the best home, but it’s the best I could find here.” Pikachu said while entering her cave home. Tom shrugged his shoulders and followed right behind.

Glancing around the cave, he could see it was like every ordinary cave with the stone wall and the hard ground. Once he entered the cave he saw Pikachu surround a small nest made of straw, sticks, and grass.

“And this is where we’ll sleep,” Pikachu said, increasing the size of the nest with some grass near the wall.

When she said that they’ll be sleeping together in that nest, a thought crossed Tom’s mind. He knew that wasn’t originally a Pokémon, but he was still a guy and she was still a girl. They may have known each other long, but he still wants to show her respect.

“Maybe it’d be best if I slept on the ground,” Tom said while looking away.

This confused Pikachu. She asked, “Why would you do that when there’s a comfortable bed right here?”

“Well… I just thought… since you’d want some space since it’s just… the two of us.” Tom said, hinting toward his meaning.

Pikachu did not understand what he was saying until she looked toward him and finally understood him. A blush quickly made it to her face as her tail moved from side to side.

“What if… I don’t mind you… sleeping next to me?” Pikachu said.

Tom was surprised by what she said. He asked, “Are you sure? We’ve only just met. How do you know you can trust me?”

Pikachu smiled at how much he trying to be careful with her. “I know I can trust you because you’ve done so much for me. You comforted me when I was sad, you stood up for all of the Pokemon at the watering hole, and you saved my life. Those reasons alone are more than enough reasons to trust you.” Pikachu said.

He couldn’t believe how much of an impact he’s had on her for such a short time. If she can trust, then there was not any reason to say no.

So, after making up the bed, Pikachu curled up in the nest and Tom lay down near the edge with Pikachu’s tail curled up behind him.

“Goodnight, Pikachu,” Tom said.

“Goodnight, Tom,” Pikachu said.

With that being said, they both closed their eyes and began their journey to the dream realm. As the moon’s light shined from atop the night sky, Tom’s first day as a Pokémon went by.