• Published 4th Jan 2023
  • 1,548 Views, 40 Comments

The Shadow's Edge - Centurion Pike-Wall

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The next day, the dogs were reattached to the sleds and the journey toward Sombrashaven continued. Now, though, instead of cutting through the barren, snow-covered steppe, they followed a series of stone poles sticking above the snow. They were spaced every mile or so, creating a guide toward the city.

Shining saw the mountain before he saw the city. It towards up towards the sky, emerging from the frozen wind like a jagged, rocky ship. Unlike most of the mountains he had seen in the distance, this one was not quite as steep or as covered in snow. Sections of it were completely bare, or at least appeared to be from the distance they were at, only covered by a light dusting of snow.

Shining then saw the city as the mountain became clearer. It was nestled on a small plateau, what he had simply mistaken as more of the mountain being, in fact, a wall carved from the stone of the mountain. Even from this distance, he could make out the faint glow of braziers and the small shapes of guards moving along the wall. A few buildings peeked out over the top of the wall; most of them possessed heavily sloping roofs and a simple, somewhat blocky design. The exception was a large fortress leaning against the mountain, its own squat wall and jutting towers easily visible.

The final thing he noticed was the two routes connecting the city to the steppe. The first was a winding road, snaking around a part of the mountain and winding up toward one wall. The other was a large wooden elevator, secured to its frame by black iron chains and its movement powered by large, heavy gears. Both of these paths originated behind a solid-looking wall possessing a receded gatehouse and patrolling sentries.

As they approached, a few of the sentries moved to the front of the gate, looking down at them from beneath wide-brimmed helmets. As the sleds came to a halt beneath the shadow of the wall, one of them called out, "Who goes there?"

"Magistrate Blackout", Blackout returned, standing up in her sled to meet the sentry's gaze. "I am returning from a mission with the Great Liberator himself!"

The guards looked at one another and exchanged inaudible words, before one of them ran into the gatehouse. Soon, the clanging of chains was heard as the gate swung open just enough to allow the sleds to enter.

The inside of the wall was lined with several structures, framing a large, snow-filled courtyard. Shining recognized one of the buildings as a large dog kennel, and soon recognized a second as a barracks. One of the soldiers came down from the wall, leaning a rather large axe over one shoulder. "Welcome back, Magistrate."

"It is good to be back, Aravyn", she said as she dismounted the sled. "Are you taking us up the lift?"

"Of course", the soldier said, before looking over the Magistrate to Shining, Ciaran, and Shroud. "Who are they?"

"My...", Blackout began, before cutting herself off. "An individual of interest, let's just say. He's also how we found the Great Liberator. I'm afraid that's all I can tell you."

"Come on", he said, adjusting the axe slightly. "It's my job to know these things, Magistrate..."

"Is there something I'm not getting?", Shining asked, stepping forward and shooting the soldier a dirty look.

Blackout sighed, before gesturing to the soldier, "Shining, this is Aravyn Ozul. He's in charge of the Clan Militia who oversee the main gate into Sombrashaven. Aravyn, this is Shining Armor."

"Weird name", Ozul said bluntly. "Anyway, just making sure, Magistrate. You know how this works, and the Tsereg with you will be able to get you back up. Have a good one." With that, he marched back up the steps.

"You ok?", Shining asked.

Blackout said, "I'm fine. Ozul and I have... Well, we've never gotten along. Come on."

Shining joined the rest of the group as they moved toward the elevator. A few of the Tsereg broke off to move the dogs and the sleds into storage, while the rest fell in behind Blackout. Shining stepped around two of them assisting Sombra, who now looked more steady on his hooves. He gave a curious look to the former tyrant, who returned him a quizzical one.

Blackout's status allowed them to bypass the guards at the base of the elevator, allowing them direct access to the powerful machine. They climbed onto the heavy wooden platform, the chains rattled as they moved around the heavy gears and began to raise the platform.

Shining looked straight ahead, watching as the backside of the wall was soon replaced by the expansive view of the frozen tundra. The platform raised in elevation more and more, soon allowing him to gaze far into the distance. The posts that marked the trail to the gate grew smaller and smaller, as did the stones and trees that occasionally broke through the flat steppe. Finally, the view was once again obscured by a wall as the elevator finally ground to a halt.

Turning around, Shining was surprised to see another group of Tsereg, as well as an Umbrum in similar garb to Blackout. The main difference was in the coloration of his jacket, as well as a thin strip of golden silk running down the center of his sash. "Magistrate Blackout, I trust your mission went well?"

"Magistrate Penumbra?", Blackout stammered, seemingly thrown off of her game. However, she quickly recovered, inclining her head to her superior. "Yes sir."

"And?", he prompted, looking over her to the group. "Were the rumors true?"

"Indeed they were", she said. "It is indeed him."

She stepped aside, allowing Sombra to take a few tentative steps forward. He had traded his tattered cape and corroded armor for a simple yet well-made jacket, which still seemed oddly natural on the Umbrum. "Wh... What is this?"

"Home, great one", Penumbra said, this being his turn to incline his head. The other Tsereg did the same, to which Sombra responded with wide eyes. Shining was stunned; what was he expecting? Hadn't he been a King previously? "Please, allow us to bring you somewhere comfortable, my lord. Surely, you must be tired."

"Y-yes...", Sombra said, still seemingly taken aback.

As some of the Tsereg led the bewildered tyrant off, Penumbra turned back to Blackout and the others. "You are dismissed, Magistrate. Have a wonderful day with your brother."

"Yes, Magist-Wait. How did you know?"

Penumbra smiled, flashing a tooth made of a glimmering Blackstone. "I pride myself on reading other creatures, Magistrate. Let's just say I can read you like an open scroll. Have a good day." With that, he wheeled around on his hooves, marching off after the other soldiers.

"Spirits as my witness, everyone here is so nice", Ciaran said, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

Shroud blew air through his fangs, saying, "Urban Clans for you." Both Shining and Blackout shot him glares, resulting in him pinning his ears back. "Sorry. Anyway, what now?"

Blackout took a deep breath, before looking over at Shining. Her expression was a combination of concern, contemplation... and excitement. "I say... Let's go home."