• Published 4th Jan 2023
  • 1,550 Views, 40 Comments

The Shadow's Edge - Centurion Pike-Wall

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1~Out of Sight

25 years later...

Shining Armor couldn't stop himself from beaming. Despite everything seemingly wanting to throw a spanner in the works, his wedding had gone through. He was married to the love of his life, and he just couldn't stop smiling.

"Somepony's happy", Cadence said, her smile smaller yet as genuine as his.

"Can you blame me?", he asked. "I just married the most beautiful mare in Equestria."

Cadence giggled, patting his leg with a hoof. "Have I ever told you how sweet you are?"

Shining just kept on smiling. He fell back against the seat of the carriage, laying his hooves at his sides as he did so. Unfortunately for him, the carriage decided then to go over a bump in the road, sending him spilling forward and nearly slamming his head against the front of the boxy structure.

"I'm ok", he said quickly. Cadence just smiled, which drew a smile from him.

After a few more minutes, the carriage came to a halt outside of a cabin. The structure was picturesque; a wide staircase leading up to a deck containing a swinging bench and table with chairs. The whole structure was made from smooth, hazelnut brown wood, its roof wide and sloping save for the chimney that jutted out from the back. Beyond the back of it, one could see a flat, crystal-clear lake. It was, in a word, idyllic.

Shining deftly lept out of the carriage, turning around to assist his wife. She took his offered hoof, using it to help her practically glide onto the ground. After Cadence shut the door behind her, the two of them removed their luggage from the top of the carriage, floating it to their sides with sparkling auras of magic. As soon as they had finished removing their luggage, Shining said, "Thanks for the ride, fellas."

"Enjoy your stay, sir", one of the Royal Guards pulling the carriage said.

The other one said, "You too, Princess. We'll be back in ten days."

The carriage rumbled off down the road, obscured in its retreat by the small cloud of dust it kicked up. Soon, as the path turned and trees obscured it, the carriage was well and truly gone. They were alone.

Cadence smiled. "Come on. Let's see if this place is really worth the bits."

"Lead the way", Shining said.

The two of them moved up the front steps, stopping before the green door. "Hold on", Shining said, using his levitation to check the mat. "Yeah, here it is." He removed a simple brass key, which was promptly turned on the lock of the cabin. With a quick turn, the door opened up, allowing entrance to the two honeymooners.

The interior only furthered the feeling of idyllic simplicity that the exterior presented. The furniture within the room: couch, chairs, table, even the lamps, all of it was simple and colored tastefully. A staircase similar to the one outside stood against one wall, leading up to the second floor. Several doors led out of the living room into other rooms on the ground floor, while a door on the far side led onto the back deck.

Shining set his suitcase down by the fireplace, looking around the room and whistling. "I guess we got our bits worth."

"Yeah", Cadence said, joining him in studying the living room. "We certainly did." After a few seconds, she looked over at Shining and sighed. "We're alone, you know."

"Hmm?", he said, looking up from studying the mantle. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, there's no one else for miles", Cadence said, slowly and carefully. "You can take it off."

Shinings ears shot straight up at that, his body freezing stiff. He studied Cadence's look, trying to decipher it. Cadence has always had a really good Poker Face; one that rivaled Gaffer, his groups usual Oubilette Keeper. As several seconds ticked by, he lowered his head. "Cadence, I-"

"You don't have to if you don't want to", Cadence said. "But, and I don't mean to push you, we have time to ourselves, alone. I know; there's no reason to keep it on. Plus, I know it itches if you wear it for too long."

"I get it", he said. "Y-you're right." He lit his horn, the magenta aura surrounding a strand of thin cord wrapped around his shoulder. He pulled it upwards, exposing a small, glowing green gem about the size of a pea. With a firm yank, the clasp holding the cord came undone.

The illusion faded as soon as the cord ceased contact with his fur. Gone was the tall white unicorn with a two-toned blue mane and a shield cutie mark. In his place stood a figure that was a good half-foot taller and much bulkier; one who had slate-grey fur and a mane with a singular, dark blue color. While neatly brushed and freshly cut, his fur was still coarse and unusually long for a pony. His horn curved upward, the grey protrusion possessing jagged spikes jutting out from the base ending in a single, wicked spike. While the flesh on his face was thicker than when he was a child, he still lacked a proper nose and possessed thin, boney features.

He blinked, his eyes shifting into pale blue searchlights. He looked up at Cadence, his exposed fangs twisting downward into a frown. "Cadence..."

"Shining, it's ok", Cadence said, coming up next to him. He flinched as she grabbed his hoof, but managed to remain still as she lifted the appendage up. She simply held it in her own, looking up to meet his glowing eyes. "It's ok."

"Cadence, we both know it's not", Shining said.

Cadence returned his frown. "Shining, I married you. Not just the Captain of the Guard, not just the public you. I married all of you. Including this side of you."

"Why?", Shining asked. "You could have gone after a normal pony. Hay, you could have just stuck with Buck Withers."

"Yeah, but Buck used to be a jerk", Cadence said. "I love you, you stupid dork. That's why. Even after I found out, you were just too sweet. Too kind. Too... you."

A thin smile graced Shining's features. "Thanks, Cadie."

"Of course, Shiny", she replied.

The two simply stood there, grasping one another's hoof. Cadence rested her head against his big shoulder, nuzzling the layers of fur along his neck. He gave a muffled giggle, not really wanting to admit his weakness to tickles. Finally, Cadence broke off the embrace, grabbing her suitcase. "Come on, let's get unpacked and go for a swim. I have a new swimsuit I want you to see~"

That fully perked Shining up. "Right behind you!"

Cadence giggled, trotting up the stairs to the second floor. Shining, wearing the goofiest grin his lipless face could manage, followed after her less than a second later.