• Published 25th Oct 2023
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Kingdom Hearts: The World's Reluctant Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Sombra, Fluttershy, and Radiant find themselves in a strange world and join Sora, Donald, and Goofy in their quest to find their missing friends, unaware of the true evil lurking in the darkness.

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Chain/Days: New Encounter

Seras found that the mission Saix assigned her, Roxas, and Xion was a more simple one than she originally expected, it was just to head into Twilight Town and deal with a number of Dire Plants, the emblem Heartless that happened to be rooted in the ground and were unable to move, save for warping out with their powers. They weren't incredibly dangerous, rather they were some of the more weaker Heartless she had encountered, though it did give her a chance to see both Roxas and Xion in action and the first group she left to them so she could observe the pair. Roxas, while still figuring out how to fight some of their enemies, showed that he was definitely skilled in the aspect of reading the battle while dealing with their foes, even using a small bit of fire magic to burn and weaken some of his targets, before using his Keyblade on them. Xion, on the other hand, seemed to have less confidence in using her Keyblade, in fact she seemed hesitant to even summon it since she fought with magic to help Roxas weaken their foes, causing Seras to wonder if she even had one, despite Xemnas saying that she had one.

In that moment she had a thought, that maybe Xion was like Roxas, though her zombie nature was more linked to her own weapon and not everything else, since Roxas had been without direction until Axel got him moving, and when the group of Heartless were dealt with, and their hearts were seized by a familiar dark energy, she approached the pair.

"You two fight well, though I see that both of you can improve. Xion, can you summon your Keyblade, or do we need to work on that?" Seras asked, because the black haired girl never drew her weapon while they were fighting the Heartless, which allowed her to understand why Saix had assigned her to work with both her and Roxas, it was because Xion was lacking her weapon and working with them might be the key to summoning it.

"I... I don't know. I was told that I should be able to use one, but I have been unable to summon it." Xion replied, where Seras could see that the girl was saddened by that fact, like she had been expecting or even excited for such a thing after seeing the other two in action, before she glanced at her hands for a moment, no doubt looking for something that may or may not be there.

Seras smiled for a few seconds as she summoned her Keyblade, turned it around, and held it out so Xion could grasp the handle, because the best way to fix this was for the other Nobody to remember what it was like to hold such a weapon in the first place and then go from there. Xion stared at it for a few seconds, as if wanting to make sure that this was fine with her, before lightly grasping the handle, something that caused Seras to let go for a few seconds as Xion stumbled back in surprise, but it had the desired effect as they found her standing there, holding the weapon with ease. Such a thing came as a surprise to Xion, since this wasn't expecting this to happen in the first place, before she shifted her stance and swung it a few times, getting used to the feeling, and once she was done she handed it back to Seras with a look of determination on her face. She focused for a few seconds as she held her own hand out, where Seras and Roxas watched as a bit of light gathered around her hand, in the form of a Keyblade, though while it seemed to start taking the shape of the Kingdom Key, just like Roxas and Sora, the shape shifted before their eyes.

She wasn't sure what Xion was trying to do, but it seemed like whatever it was had failed as the Keyblade materialized as a near identical replica of the Kingdom Key that Roxas was holding, though that didn't seem to faze Xion as she smiled, likely happy to have her weapon at long last.

"See? You only needed a little bit of encouragement." Seras said, though while she was curious as to why Xion's blade was the Kingdom Key, since that made three wielders of the same Keyblade, but why Roxas had it she knew, he was Sora's Nobody, but that didn't explain Xion's, only for her train of thought to be interrupted as they found a few more Heartless, Dire Plants, lining a path for them to take, "Well, let's get to work."

Roxas and Xion nodded as they turned their Keyblades on the Heartless, each one rushing at the Dire Plants and took out their targets without wasting too much time, allowing Seras to see that Xion was definitely skilled in fighting, in a style that resembled both Roxas and Sora. Such a thing made her think about things for a moment, as she resembled Kairi as well, a fact she shared with Namine, almost like Xion was Kairi's Nobody and not Namine, or maybe both were in a way, as Seras really didn't know what to think at this point. The important thing was that her work had given Xion her weapon at last, a fact that allowed her to take down the Heartless that were in her way while also loosing bits of magic every now and then at the others that were further along their path, weakening them to one of the three could take them out. Of course she found that the freed hearts were seized by the dark energy, which she was used to seeing at this point, though the more interesting aspect was that the Dire Plants seemed to be leading them out of Twilight Town for some reason.

The reason became clear rather quickly as they found the main target of their mission, a massive Dire Plant that Saix had called the 'Poison Plant', and that wasn't the only thing there, as the beach they were brought to happened to have a large Heartless there as well, a Darkside.

All three of them stood there for a moment, as they weren't expecting to see such a Heartless here, much less one of the pure ones that didn't release hearts, but Seras rushed at the large Poison Plant and slashed into it's chest before it had a chance to do anything to them. While she did that Roxas and Xion zeroed in on the Darkside, realizing that this was their foe since she definitely didn't need help, where they were fortunate that no one was on the beach as the massive dark creature punched the ground, something both warriors avoided. Following that Roxas attacked the feet while avoiding being stepped on, while Xion rushed up the outstretched arm, jumped into the air to avoid the Darkside's other fist, and struck the side of the Heartless' head with her Keyblade, knocking it back a little as she loosed a fireball into it's face as well, just to do more damage. As Roxas continued his own assault, and Seras finished off her foe, the massive Heartless swung at Xion and missed her, something that allowed her to strike the figure as well before both she and Roxas brought it down, reducing it to nothing more than bits of dark energy that scattered in the wind.

"You two fought well, and I'm sure you'll be able to tackle whatever Saix gives you in the future." Seras said, which was the truth, both Nobodies were skilled in the art of battle, especially Xion after summoning her Keyblade, though that caused her to beckon for them to follow her as all three of them dismissed their weapons, even though Xion did recall hers just to verify she had a weapon now, "Before we report our success, let's have a treat."

Roxas smiled as he understood what she meant, they were going to have some of the ice cream that was popular in this town, something that made Seras wonder what Larxene and Marluxia were doing, while hoping Radiant and the others were still safe, wherever they were.

Radiant found that their long journey finally came to an end in an unexpected way, because she, Sora, Donald, and Goofy had been walking for quite a long time, occasionally stopping every now and then to rest and eat something, as they found packs of fresh food by the dirt road every now and then. She had confirmed that they were safe to eat, because someone likely had plans for them and that meant keeping them all alive, so poison was out of the question, though she had no idea who would do such a thing for them in the first place. Sombra wasn't an option, she had disappeared and that meant that someone wanted her out of the picture, which told Radiant that she was likely in the Darkworld, something that had been confirmed based on the attacks she seemed to be loosing into that realm. Fluttershy's Nobody was also someone she had considered for the role, but had dismissed it since she was sure that was out of the question as well, to avoid her siding with them no doubt, so that meant that a shadowy group had to be behind this, which Sora confirmed after seeing a figure in a black coat some time ago.

Of course she hesitated to trust the very group that had fractured Fluttershy, in fact Sora didn't trust them either, but so far they had no evidence to go on that this one was the same one that attacked their friends, in fact Radiant put forth the theory that there might be multiple figures, an organization or group of sorts. This time around Donald and Goofy knew not to question what they were talking about, as they had seen the figures in question and agreed with them, someone was behind this and that meant there might be more than the couple they knew about. They had talked about who might have appeared before Sora and beckoned him to follow, though there was no way for anyone to know if they were friend or foe until they found the area that the figure wanted them to come to, hence their decision to follow it, since there was no other options available to them. Other than that there really wasn't much else for them to do but focus on the path in front of them, which was incredibly boring for them, but Radiant kept her guard up since there was no telling if the way was safe or not, only to find that nothing bothered them for a long time.

Eventually they came to a stop in a dark place, with a large odd castle resting in front of them, which seemed to be where the figure wanted them to come to, mostly due to the fact that Sora seemed drawn to it while the others just stared at it for a time, wondering if this was the domain of their enemies.

"You know, it almost feels like someone is watching us." Sora commented, though he couldn't tell if the feeling was from a friend or from a foe, he just had a feeling that such a thing was happening and that caused him to glance at the others for a moment, only to find that Radiant agreed with him, since Donald and Goofy didn't feel what he had felt, "So, um, do we knock or just barge in?"

"Knocking would be preferred." a voice answered, where the group turned around for a moment and found a black coat wearing figure standing right behind them, who must have appeared out of thin air, before he, as it was male based on the voice that came from it, raised his hands and pulled the hood back, revealing a guy with shoulder length pink hair who smiled at them, "However I, Marluxia, Lord of Castle Oblivion, am here to greet you and welcome you to my domain. Here my comrades and I seek to unravel the secrets of memory, though for what purpose I am still unsure on."

Radiant raised an eyebrow at that, as she was sure that the figure wasn't supposed to give away that information, and he even seemed to realized it as well a few seconds later, that he let something important slip, but he smiled anyway, as if he still wanted them to trust him.

"And why should we trust you? Someone dressed like you attacked two of our friends some time ago." Radiant asked, as while Marluxia seemed friendly she knew from years of experience, which she was going to have to thank Sombra for in the future, not to trust people who clearly had ulterior motives, and right now it sure seemed like the figure in front of her had plans for them.

"Yes, I have heard of the attack on Fluttershy, and while one of my comrades did attack her, allow me to apologize on their behalf." Marluxia replied, where he bowed his head slightly, because this was what he was good at, manipulating things to his advantage, though at the same time he had to wonder about his sudden change of plans, since he had something different in mind before Sora's group arrived, "I do not know who attacked her, as all of us were busy that day, but Seras, her Nobody, is safe and has been working hard since we found her... I know that doesn't mean much, to earn your trust after it was broken by one of my comrades, but maybe it can be a start."

"Maybe. Do you know what happened to Sombra?" Sora inquired, though while he said that both he and the others were surprised by the mention of Seras, which seemed to confirm what Sombra had told everyone after Fluttershy had been turned into a Heartless.

"I only know that she's in the Darkworld, fighting for her life." Marluxia answered, which was the truth, Sombra seemed to be in the middle of fighting something dangerous and deadly in the Realm of Darkness, and he reflected on the last bout of power they had felt not that long ago, indicating that she was still fighting, before he tapped on the door and it opened before their eyes, "Come, let us get you some food and then we can talk."

Marluxia still had no idea why he had changed his plan of attack, but he determined that this might be the best course of action, and while Radiant still didn't trust him both she and the others knew that something was up, something important, causing them to follow him inside so they could figure out what was going on this time around.

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