• Published 25th Oct 2023
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Kingdom Hearts: The World's Reluctant Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Sombra, Fluttershy, and Radiant find themselves in a strange world and join Sora, Donald, and Goofy in their quest to find their missing friends, unaware of the true evil lurking in the darkness.

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Chain/Days: The Anomaly

Seras found that she and Axel were put back to work almost immediately, which wasn't a surprise since Saix thought that the rest of the members sent to Castle Oblivion had been wiped out by Sombra, though while part of that was true, since she and Riku took down three of them, it was still mostly false information. They needed Xemnas and the others to think that Larxene and Marluxia were gone as well, and right now that part of the plan seemed to be working like a charm, but at the same time she and Axel had to play their cards right, since her new friend was the only survivor of the 'assault'. In addition to that there was likely going to be some eyes on her since she went out of her way to visit Castle Oblivion when she wasn't supposed to, though there was a chance that Xemnas would forgive her since she brought back valuable information for the others to use. Her current plan was to remain as everyone knew her, not raising any suspicion that she was working with Sombra, the enemy of the Organization as she would come to be known as, as she sought out more individuals to save, such as Roxas and Xion, as she was sure they would benefit from joining Sombra's group.

When it was time for them to head out on their missions Seras found that the remaining members of the Organization had mixed feelings on losing half of their number, as some, like Demyx, were saddened by the loss of their friends, while others, like Saix, didn't seem to care in the slightest.

"You know, while I did dodge a bullet by not being sent to Castle Oblivion, I'm going to miss the others." Demyx remarked, where Seras found that he wasn't even playing his sitar right now, as if he was actually grieving the loss of his friends, even if many members of the full Organization thought he was useless in a fight, before he sighed and glanced to the side, "Man, Sombra must be incredibly powerful if she was able to beat five members on her own... I would have thought that Larxene or Marluxia would have done something to slow her down."

"Doesn't it make you sad, Seras? Our friends have disappeared." Roxas inquired, though while he was thankful that Axel had been spared, simply because he had been sent out on a mission and returned to the destroyed state the castle was in, he also realized that Seras would be suffering greatly over the loss of her own personal friends.

"Yes, it does. I mourned their passing in my room, before getting a notice from Saix that we would be working together for a few more days." Seras replied, which wasn't even a lie, Saix was working everyone to the bone now that they were down five members, especially since three of them were active members of the Organization, since both Vexen and Zexion were focused on other aspects of what was going on.

"Talk about mean. Does that mean if something happened to me or Axel, Saix would force Roxas to work despite our loss weighing heavily on him?" Xion asked, because if that was the case it really made her dislike the mission provider more than before, especially since he treated her like she was just a toy or something that would break, even though she had proven that she was capable of handling herself during their missions.

Seras assumed that such a thing would be true, since Saix was having everyone work despite the loss of those who had been sent to the other castle, though there was one other question that Roxas and Xion had, which happened to be on the fates of the other High Ranks that were now without a leader. It was around that point that Axel showed up and told the trio that Xemnas would be taking control of the now leaderless High Ranks, where he would likely be sending them out to scout out other locations for missions or to track down Sombra, since she was a threat to the Organization. Of course she knew that such a thing would be near impossible, as the figure they were hunting down would vanish and reappear whenever she desired, meaning they could be searching one world when in reality Sombra could be on another one, just to waste the Organization's time. Such a thing caused Roxas to ask if they would be sent out after Sombra, when they had an idea on where she was hiding, but Axel shook his head, because the Keyblade wielders in the Organization were far too important to be sent after someone like Sombra, or at least that's what Saix said.

In the end their mission was to head back to Twilight Town and hunt down the flock of Wyverns that had been spotted in the last few days, something that caused her, Axel, Roxan, and Xion to use a Dark Corridor to reach the world in question, appearing in the area that the train usually passed through.

Such enough they found some of the Wyverns in the sky above the town, where Seras grinned for a moment as she had Roxas and Xion grab onto her hands for a moment as she took off, hauling the pair into the air while Axel ran up the side of a building to keep up with them. Once she reached a certain point she thrust both Roxas and Xion up into the air, while at the same time Axel rushed by both of them and only came to a stop when he passed by the four Wyverns that were up above them, turning around and hurling his chakrams at them. Both of their friends realized what was happening, since Axel's weapons were unable to fully defeat the Heartless he was using them to sent their foes towards those that could deal with them, which happened to be Roxas, Xion, and Seras since all three of them had Keyblades. With that in mind the pair summoned their Keyblades before swinging at the Wyverns that were falling towards them, while at the same time Seras rushed up to strike at the pair that were further away from them, allowing the group to strike down all four targets in the span of a few seconds.

As she caught the pair, before they hit the ground, Seras found that the freed hearts were claimed by Sombra's power, it was hard to miss it when she knew what it was, though she didn't draw attention to that as she carefully set the pair on the ground and landed as well, before they moved out to track down more of the Wyverns... all while Roxas and Xion were unaware of a figure on a room watching them work with Seras and Axel.

"Good, it would appear that they are fully awake and nothing like a zombie." Sombra commented, as she was watching the group from one of the higher points of the town, where the Organization wouldn't even think to look for her, and the only reason she knew about this world was because Seras and Axel had showed Sora where to direct the ship, though after that comment she turned her head a little, "I know you're there. You can come out now."

For a moment nothing happened, before she heard a light chuckle as the air behind her shifted and a figure appeared out of thin air, who wore a black robe with belts and a trio of pouches on the front, with a red cape, an interesting chest area that looked like a cross of some kind, and red bandages around his head, showing only his mouth and right eye, with two black belts wrapped around the bandages.

"Your senses are remarkable, to have detected me when no one else can." the figure stated, where Sombra assumed that the chuckle was to show his amusement over what he had just discovered, before he stepped forward and stopped when he was near her, allowing him to stare out at Seras' group with a look of pure hatred in his eye, "Nobodies... why do you waste your time observing them? They have no right to their false existence... they would be better off destroyed."

"And you would kill the people they are becoming." Sombra remarked, though it was interesting to see how much hatred was lingering inside the man's body, in fact it reminded her of how she had been before becoming the unicorn that had been feared by so many, along with a sense of interest and curiosity that revealed that the person was a scholar, which told her everything she needed to know about him, "Look at them: sure, they might be Nobodies, heartless copies of all sorts of people, but that absence of a heart is only temporary... Seras, Axel, Roxas, and even Xion are in the process of becoming their own unique individuals. Tell me something, Ansem the Wise: is the hatred you are feeling right now, and the burning desire for revenge you are no doubt nursing inside you, worth destroying their new lives, not to mention the lives of everyone that will be caught in the crossfire?"

"Ansem the Wise?! Don't be daft, I am DiZ, short for 'Darkness in Zero'." the figure replied, though before he could say the rest of what was on his mind he paused as he found that Sombra's intense eyes turned back to face him, where he stood there for a moment before actually taking a step back, as if he was frightened of the figure in front of him,, "F... Forgive me, I mean no disrespect."

"Call me daft again and I will sunder your body... let you experience being a Heartless and a Nobody for a time... I wonder if you would have the same hatred after some time." Sombra stated, because she hated it when people talked down to her or treated her like an idiot, it just made her angry, and right now she could see that Ansem seemed to understand what she was talking about, causing her to relax her gaze a little, "Now then, Ansem, would you like to answer the question? Or should I take it that you'd rather see the Nobodies destroyed, when there is someone more deserving of your hatred?"

The figure stood there for a moment before he undid the belts that were keeping the bandages in place, allowing Sombra to see an older face that looked like he had been through quite a lot, plus he had a short blond goatee and a short beard, which had been obscured by the bandages.

"You are more perceptive than I originally thought... when I started observing Sora I noticed you, an anomaly in my plans... but even then I could not imagine meeting you in person." Ansem the Wise replied, where his voice was much softer than before, causing Sombra to notice the lingering bits of dark energy on the red bandages, likely used to hide himself so his chosen foe would be unable to track him or identify him before he deemed it necessary to reveal himself, "You say that there is someone more worthy of my wrath? Tell me, who could be more deserving than my student, the one who ended up betraying me and turned all of my other students into the Nobodies that are plaguing the World?"

"Master Xehanort, the one who started it all." Sombra answered, where she used a bit of her magic to show the man an image of the figure in question, just like she had done in the past, and it was easy for her to tell that he knew who she was referring to, even though he didn't have all of the pieces to the puzzle before this point, "There is much you need to know, to fully understand what is going on right now... come with me, I will take you to someone who can fill in the blanks, and we can get you some real food while we talk about what to do next."

Ansem paused for a few moments, as he was now wondering who in the world he was actually dealing with, especially since it appeared that Sombra already had a plan in mind to bring down Xemnas and his Organization, which caused him to follow her into the portal she opened up as Sombra looked forward to what the future held in store for them.

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