• Published 10th Jan 2023
  • 5,954 Views, 260 Comments

Anon von Bismarck - WojakWriter

Anon is suddenly thrust into the role of the sole ruler of Equestria when Celestia suddenly leaves. How will Anon fare with mounting tensions within his own country and growing hostility with the Griffins?

  • ...

19: Unholy Alliance

It was now time.

A pair of MPs pushed open the great oaken doors to the Grand Receiving Chamber.

Possibly the most heavily decorated place outside the throne room itself, I had always felt that it would be the perfect place for such deliberations as this to take place.

Especially when working with one of Queen Chrysalis temperament.

I had been briefed of course, about what to expect when speaking with her.

Still, I wasn’t entirely sure that I was prepared to deal with such a being as her.

For instance, the broad smile I had plastered on my face nearly faltered when I saw her lounging on one of the chairs at the table.

But it still keeps, and I spread my arms in a welcoming gesture.

“Queen Chrysalis, I do apologize if I've kept you waiting. Have you found the accommodations to your liking?”

Her eyes flick up to meet mine, and she gave me a chilling, almost predatory, smile.

”Chancellor Anonymous, yes they are quite pretty. I thank you for meeting with me at long last.”

Her gaze turned on Quill and that smile definitely became predatory.

”And who is this young mare?”

Quill takes an involuntary step back as Chrysalis turns her attention to her.

I laid a comforting hand on her withers and cooled my tone of voice.

“This is my assistant, Cursive Quill. She will be helping us to draft the first outlines for any kind of treaty.”

Chrysalis returned her gaze to me and raised a brow, but doesn't question me any further.

Instead she stretches and sits up in the chair, her face settling into a more neutral expression.

”I believe we've wasted enough time on pleasantries, shall we begin?”

I took a seat, as does Quill beside me, and folded my hands over one another, setting my own neutral expression.

“Down to business then? Very well, since you made overtures towards us I can assume you have some conditions you want fulfilled. Of course, I must be sure that whatever agreement we come to can benefit Equestria as a whole, you understand.”

She seems to feign boredom and looks at her hoof before responding.

”Yes, yes, of course. My demands are quite simple, chancellor, my changelings shall not be hunted and accosted. In return, we shall not kidnap ponies to sustain ourselves, only skim the bare minimum of love we need to survive. It's not a convoluted deal.”

I leaned forward on the table, unconvinced by her act.

“Come now, Queen Chrysalis, I’m not a child. I’m 32. And I know the last time you were in Canterlot you attempted to overthrow the throne. I doubt someone with your...ambition would stop your demands there.”

It seemed she couldn’t stop her slight grin at my commentary, though it doesn't touch her eyes in the slightest.

”To a degree, you are correct. I have many demands I would make of you, however I understand the position I am in. I imagine you have something you want though, do you not?”

Chrysalis glances down at Quill, as if to make a point.

I simply returned her empty smile and replied in a neutral tone.

“There are some things I would like to negotiate on. But for now, Quill please note down these as a possible baseline for us to come back to.”

Quill nods silently, scratching her namesake on the paper in front of her.

My smile drops away once more as I faced Chrysalis.

I knew it wouldn’t be easy to convince her of what I had wanted, even less so with the uncertainty of what I was going to offer in exchange.

“Well now, Queen Chrysalis, I would like us to perform a...cultural exchange of sorts.”

She leans forward, smiling coldly.

”I must say, chancellor, we do not exactly produce great works of art or epic stories. I wonder if you truly wish for a 'cultural exchange' as you so politely put it.”

My cheek twitched, she saw straight through my attempt at subtlety.

It was my hope that we could ease into this idea, but it seemed Chrysalis wanted to skip straight to the point.

So be it, I had no problem avoiding politicking about.

“I applaud your directness, queen. You are correct, given the current state Equestria finds itself in I would like to propose not just peace accords, but possibly military cooperation.”

Chrysalis’s eyes widened as Quill whips around to face me, and they spoke as one.


I tapped a finger against the wood of the large, round table.

“I understand our kinds have no history of cooperation, however--”

Quill whispered into my ear, cutting ne off from finishing my statement.

”Sir, you can't be serious about this. They've preyed off ponies for the past hundred years, this isn't something that will just go away overnight.”

Chrysalis appeared to be snarling at the very idea herself.

I took a deep breath, it was time to step this back a notch.

“My apologies, I was getting a bit ahead of myself. Allow me to explain, Queen Chrysalis. You see, I studied the aftermath of the Canterlot incursion and found something to be rather interesting. It seemed, of all the changelings captured, killed, or witnessed by ponies, not one was armed. What's more, only very few bore armour of any kind. I do not mean to be presumptuous, but I believe this points to a deficiency with your hive, a lack of soldiers.”

This was a gamble, certainly what I said was as true as the reports were

Of course, the reports could’ve been wrong.

But the conclusion I had drawn from it was only the most likely of the various possibilities, not a fact in itself.

Chrysalis’s face had drawn tight, and she leans in.

When she speaks her voice is a low growl.


It's not a request.

“Well, if your species has any similarities besides appearance to some from my home, a soldier caste is overspecialized for a species without a firm resource base. I would suspect that, adept as they may be with infiltration and magic, your drones are far from warriors. Especially considering that six mares with no training outside schoolyard scraps at best were able to defeat so many.”

With the way the changeling queen is looking at me, I was surprised I hadn't been dissolved in a puddle of acid

But with how furious she is, I knew I had either read the situation perfectly, or had committed a gaffe with no hope of recovery.

I only hoped this gamble paid off.

I could feel the sweat pricking my back as I simply tried to focus on breathing evenly, to not give any show of how nervous I was.

After a long, painful silence, Chrysalis's gaze softened and she gave a defeated sigh.

”I must say, chancellor, your intelligence resources far outstrip what we had thought they were. You're correct, my drones are not soldiers, far from it. However that is all the more reason to not cooperate with you militarily, it's far too early for us to dare trust you with such a thing.”

Well it had been an ambitious idea.

Especially with nothing firm to offer in return, but as the saying went, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

“A fair point, Queen Chrysalis. One thing that is certain is how you must appear in the public eye.”

Chrysalis squinted her eyes at me and she leaned forward.

”And what exactly do you mean by that, chancellor?”

I held out my open palms to forestall any protest from her.

“I mean that it's not likely that ponies will simply trust your word up front. Just like Discord did, you will have to prove your intentions.”

She taps a hoof against her chin, thoughtfully.

”Perhaps I could give some help in your current conflict. We would, of course, need to discuss some kind of compensation for the efforts of my drones.”

I gave her an easy smile and nod.

“Of course, of course. Once the last party finally joins us, we can truly get into the details of this truce, along with any compensation you require.”

Chrysalis gave me what seemed to be her first genuine smile.

”I look forward to that then, chancellor.”

Her gaze flicks down to Quill once more and her face becomes stern.

”There is a matter I would like to discuss with you as well, of the record.”

I nodded to Quill, who laid her writing quill on the table.

Chrysalis shakes her head, looking at Quill more pointedly

”In private, if possible.”

Quill looked up at me, her trepidation clear and her look one of silent disapproval.

But someone had to make a first step towards trust.

“Very well. Quill, if you would?”

I gestured to the door, and Quill hesitantly leaves through it.

The great door shut with a soft booming behind her, and Chrysalis faced me once more, leaning forward with her predatory gaze back in place.

”Now then, shall we discuss your little love affair?”

To my credit, I managed to not react to her words or the mocking tone that they came with.

But my gaze cooled and I leaned back in my chair, taking a deep breath to control any outburst.

I have a brief nervous chuckle.

“I'm sorry, Queen Chrysalis, I can't say I know what you're talking about.”

She gave me a disbelieving look and arches a brow at me.

”Truly, chancellor? You are not a foal trying to hide something from your mother. I would have expected honesty at negotiations like this.”

I maintained the cold stare and blank face as I responded.

“I believe I would be aware of any affair I was having, and I certainly do not appreciate the insinuation.”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes and lounges on the chair she had been seated in.

”Oh please, chancellor, even if I weren't able to sense the love practically pouring from you, I'd see it in your actions. You and that delectable assistant you have, such an adorable couple. She's a bit bookish for most stallions, but you're hardly most stallions, or even one at all.”

I felt a touch of anger at her coy grin, and more than a little flush of embarrassment at being found out so easily.

“How did you know?”

She let out a giggle and leans back in the chair.

”As I said, I can feel your love for her. And hers for you, of course. It's rather adorable, the great leader and little assistant, all business in public and desperately in love behind the curtain. The kind of thing cheap romance novels are made of.”

Despite my best efforts to keep a stoic demeanor, I could feel my ears heating at such open discussion of the topic.

It elicits another laugh from Chrysalis, who seems to be enjoying herself with this.

”Don't worry chancellor, I don't plan to air your dirty laundry to the masses. Frankly, the fact that you even have such feelings makes you much easier to deal with. Those princesses are so far removed from their ponies that it's not even maternal love they feel. I dare say, Celestia seems to care only for her ponies as she would care for her jewelry or hoofcups. That is a dangerous way to feel for your subjects, but you do truly care.”

Though my ego swelled at the praise, my gut was chilled by her description of Celestia.

She must have been toying with me, feeding you little hints to make me prideful and thus easier to predict and control.


Without any prompting, she carries on.

”Little Quill though, she seems rather conflicted. Though her love is sweet and delicious, there's a faint hint of despair and desperation to it. A poison dart in the apple tart, if you would.”

She had baited me perfectly.

I was too curious about what she was talking about, and couldn’t keep the question from my lips.

“What do you mean?”

She looked at me incredulously, evidently not believing my question was genuine.

However, she indulges it anyway.

”Her love has itself attached to sharp strings, it has the distinct taste of things that love should not be. Yours is sweet and good, as is hers but for the bitter taste of desperation.”

I leaned forward, resting my chin on a fist.

“Speak plainly, Chrysalis. I need to know whether this is going to be an obstacle or not.”

She leaned forward as well, her face taking on a more serious look.

“She does love you, there's no doubt about that Anonymous. But her love is hurting as much as it may feel good. She is desperate to love you, but there are darker emotions that drag on that love. I am no expert in human relationships, but I dare say I know ponies better than they know themselves. Were I you, I would take her aside and speak with her.”

I leaned back, taking in what she told me. A long breath that I didn't know I had been holding finally escapes my lips.

So far, she seems to have been telling the truth.

But, and it was a big but, she was the queen of a species that was built for infiltration and subversion.

Still, she had been sincere enough to shake me to my core.

Perhaps that had been the intent, to shake me up so I would be easier to manipulate during the proper negotiations for peace. To get favourable terms for herself while limiting anything I could get from her.

That would be just like something like her--

My downward spiral of thought was interrupted by a knock at the great door.

Briefly, I wondered where that thought had come from, but I cleared it from my mind and called out to the knocker.

“Come on in.”

A messenger enters and lays down a telegram copy on the table before beating a hasty retreat.

I didn't even have time to thank him.

As I read the telegram, a relieved smile comes over my face.

I silently gave my thanks to God for having granted me this little favour, for only a God could have made something like this happen.

Clearly noticing the sudden relief, Chrysalis speaks up in a curious, though teasing, tone.

”Well that must be good news, is your marefriend pregnant?”

Now it's my turn to roll my eyes, but I took the snipe in good humor.

“I don’t think humans and ponies can have kids. And no, this is excellent for the both of us. The Crystal Empire has agreed to send a delegation to these peace accords, they'll arrive tomorrow.”

Chrysalis’s face turned up in a sneer.

”And why, pray tell, are you bringing that wench and her cuckold of a husband into peace accords between Equestria and the Grand Hive?”

I barely held back a snort at the grandiose name she's applied to her kingdom, with how little it was.

Still, I had to entertain her question.

“Equestria's war transferred over to the Crystal Empire when it changed hands, or hooves as it is. As well, she is the princess of love, and she controls an artifact that is powered by and puts out love. Would that not solve any problems you have with food? Would that not make it easy for you to uphold your promise of not kidnapping or draining any ponies?”

Chrysalis opens her snarling mouth to answer, but I forestalled her with a raised hand.

“I understand how you must feel about her, she and Shining Armor are the reason your attack on Canterlot failed. But with you trying to make amends it's important, now more than ever, to include all parties that were wronged. The only reason I'm not recalling Luna is that she's leading a campaign, and the elements don't need the additional stress. Trust me, as you did with Chitin, all will be well.”

She closes her mouth and stares at me for a long moment.

Finally, she replied.

”Very well, chancellor. I will abide this invitation, though I do not appreciate being led about by the nose. I will be most displeased if this does not go as well as you have planned.”

I let out a short sigh and smiled at her again.

“Thank you, Queen Chrysalis. Now, perhaps a short tour is in order? Just a little publicity stunt really, and a few questions from some news ponies. Nothing intrusive, I had them submit their questions for screening before you arrived.”

She stands from her seat and gives me a strange grin. Her moods seem more fickle and prone to sudden change than the weather back on Earth.

”I suppose I can live with that. At the very least you had the basic courtesy to ask me first.”

The remark is tinged with a bit of sarcasm, but I had been fully prepared for her to refuse me.

So I opened the door and gestured to the wide hall beyond, where a team of military police wait to escort us.

“After you, queen.”

She lets out an airy laugh and brushed my shin with her tail as she passed me by.

”Quite the gentlecolt, thank you chancellor.”

I followed her out and joined the army stallions in walking through the halls.

Time to put on a little show for my little ponies.

Hours later, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence had arrived.

I was sat at the head of a rather small, old oak table.

I had decided to move the negotiations proper to a more intimate and less ornate chamber, minimizing any possible divides between the sides.

Of course, this decision had been made before I’d actually known just who would be representing the Crystal Empire

When I had received Princess Cadence and Shining Armor would show up themselves, I had been shocked.

It was entirely unexpected that either would show up for this, let alone both.

I had even thought Shining to be off leading troops in the North.

They were taking this seriously then, at the very least.

But their presence coupled with the choice of room had brought about an all new problem.

The atmosphere was almost hostile.

It was so thick that no knife could even try and cut it, and so tense it could support a bridge.

And I could almost smell the hate in the air.

The first ten minutes had been spent trading barbs, and after that had finally petered out in uncomfortable silence.

The primary reason I’d been hoping for someone other that Cadence or Shining had been precisely because of this.

At least it was only ten minutes.

Finally, I clapped my hands together.

“Well, with such...pleasant greetings out of the way, shall we get down to the business of the day?”

Silents nods all around the table.

The legal adviser I had asked to come gave me a strange look, but nods along with me anyways.

I had elected to send Quill off on errands, and besides, I needed someone more versed in the specifics of this sort of thing to ensure everything was above board.

Fortunately the ministry of justice was happy to provide.

I smiled broadly at the relative cooperation, and leaned forward on the table.

“Well then, let's get straight to it. Princess Cadence, I would like to propose that the changelings be granted a small amount of love from the Crystal Heart in order to ensure they don't starve and have no need to feed of ponies in order to survive. It would be beneficial for all of us if--”

Cadence cut me off with a raised hoof.

”Absolutely unacceptable, we will not compromise the security of our ponies and borders just to allow the enemy to thrive off our kindness. I am more than certain there is another way, Anonymous.”

Chrysalis let out a long suffering sigh and speaks up in a dismissive tone.

”There are, in fact, two other ways. We could skim bits of love from villages near our hive, or perhaps move nearer to a large city. However, this would require us to fully integrate into pony society.”

Shining pipes up in a relatively cheerful tone.

”Well that's a good thing, isn't it?”

Both Cadence, Chrysalis, and I gave him an incredulous look.

I spoke first.

“General, you understand the depth of the divides between ponies and changeling right?”

He blinked a couple times and snorted.

”I understand better than anyone, chancellor. Perhaps you forgot that that bug foalnapped my wife and tried to take her place, not to mention imprisoning my sister and invading Canterlot.”

I leaned back in my seat, taking the tirade easily.

“Then you especially should understand why such integration simply isn't possible at this time. Especially not in the middle of a war, as we are. People would think we’ve lost our minds.”

Chrysalis leans forward on the table and smirks before speaking up sarcastically.

”You're forgetting the second option of course. We go back to foalnapping and draining, treating you as prey once again.”

Cadence and Shining look appropriately appalled, but I just gave Chrysalis a withering glare.

Her smirk turns to a frown when she looks at me, sensing my intense disapproval, and she cleared her throat.

”Of course we have no plans to return to that method. It's entirely unsustainable with our current population, let alone with the rapid expansion and advancement of the Equestrian military. No, we want a lasting peace where we can raise drones to adulthood without fear of being hunted and exterminated or starving to death.”

There's a moment of uncomfortable silence, a long moment.

I decided, at last, to be the one to break it and move on.

“So then, let us come back to this issue later. For now, let's discuss the cessation of hostilities between our species.”

Nods all around the table, so I continued.

“First of all, the conditions. Equestria and now the Crystal Empire will stop any and all ongoing hunts of changelings. We will not engage in any military or civil operations against their hives. In return, the changelings will immediately cease any and all operations within the territories of Equestria and the Crystal Empire. All infiltrators will return to their hives at once, and no more will enter Equestrian or Crystal Empire territory in disguise.”

Both Chrysalis and Cadence nodded, but Shining narrowed his eyes.

”And how exactly do you plan to enforce that? They can be literally any creature they want to.”

Chrysalis cleared her throat.

”Not quite any creature. The vast majority of my changelings are restricted to quadrupedal forms. Only the most advanced shapeshifters can take on bipedal or other sorts of forms, and only after years of work.”

Shining Armor rolls his eyes at her response.

”Oh, my mistake. You can only change into the creatures that inhabit the lands you want to make peace with.”

Time to stop this before it got out of hand, again.

I would not have a repeat of what happened with the Royal Guard.

“In terms of preventing their infiltration, our magical researchers have made a recent breakthrough in the detection of illusion magic. I cannot reveal the details, but I am more than certain it will be sufficient when we can deploy it generally.”

All three of my peers looked at me with wide eyes.

Shining is the first to break the stunned silence.

”And why, pray tell, have you not shared this research and information with us before? Are we not your allies?”

The legal adviser gives me a cautionary glance. An unnecessary reminder to watch my next words.

“General, I'm sure you don't need a reminder of the sensitive nature of magical research. Aside from that, this project was already underway when Celestia was on the throne, you would be better asking her. She was the one who hid it from you, I simply followed her actions. Perhaps it's simply because there are no technology sharing agreements between our countries.”

Cadence leans forward, a look of confusion on her face.

”Is that true, do we have no such agreements? I thought for certain we had something in place...”

This time it's Balanced Scales, the legal adviser, who speaks up.

”There was an agreement that was planned to go through a year ago, but it lapsed due to more pressing issues. I was part of the team reviewing the measures that were to be taken if it came to negotiations, but was called away in a late stage. Perhaps we might discuss it more, now that it is relevant once again.”

I nodded in agreement.

“Yes, let’s. Just so, we could even include it in these negotiations if you wish. After all, it's more relevant here than anywhere else.”

Both Shining and Cadence nodded in agreement, though Chrysalis seemed rather unhappy with the idea.

”So if it comes to pass that we must skim from excess love to survive, we won't be allowed to do so in disguise? How exactly would you propose we accomplish that, then?”

Cadence shrugged at the question.

”That's not our problem, Chrysalis. You're the one that got yourself into this mess, you ought to be glad we're having this discussion at all.”

Shining adds onto his wife's words with some of his own.

”Exactly, you're the one that initiated hostilities here. Now you want us to just give you sustenance for nothing at all? Preposterous.”

I could see Chrysalis seething at their outright refusal.

Not again.

I cleared my throat and leaned into the discussion.

“Perhaps she might be able to offer something in return, hm? We're at war remember, changelings could be a valuable augmentation to our intelligence services.”

Chrysalis shoots me a glare, but now it's Shining that leans in with a smile.

The military was his department, after all.

”Now that's certainly an interesting proposal. Of course, we would need to somehow keep them on a leash. Not to mention that certainly does not pay for the feeding of an entire hive of the creatures.”

To my surprise, Chrysalis doesn't simply shoot down the idea of cooperation at this point as she had the day before.

Perhaps she understood that this was one of the few things that could be used as a bargaining chip.

“Well what do you propose then, general? I'm not certain the changelings have a massive industry in order to buy your sustenance.”

His smile turns on me, growing a bit wider as it does.

I could already tell I wasn’t going to like this

”We hear you're building a new kind of ship, chancellor. We want one.”

He knew about the EGS Celestia.

My super weapon.

I clenched my teeth so hard they creaked, feeling as though they may break.

Certainly, the uptick in naval shipbuilding hadn't been clandestine, but the Celestia was being kept under wraps for the most part.

Officially it was just a mass transport of unprecedented tonnage, a joint contract between the military and shipping industry.

Work hadn't even been completed to the point of reinforcing where the turrets would go, so there wasn't anything obvious to give it away.

I’d be having a long conversation with Dusk Echo about these leaks. They were meant to keep an eye on these things, and they had already let it slip.

Damn! Blindsided twice in two days by ponies knowing things they shouldn't.

Who was leaking this information? They had to be close to me to know all this, so who was the rat in Canterlot? It was all getting so tiresome.

Was it a minister?

Well, I’d just have to grin and bear it for now.

“That's classified information, general.”

He shrugged and leaned back in his seat.

”What's a little classified information between allies? Now then, we both know that the Crystal Empire doesn't have much in the way of naval strength. I believe it to be in both our best interests to change that.”

Well, that I can't deny at least.

The Crystal Empire did have a coastline that bridged the Northern Passage, not to mention joint control of the Northern Narrows.

But it was still so soon after Sombra had been vanquished, there simply had been other projects that needed their funds.

Now of course, they saw an easy way to strengthen their navy without burning through their admittedly considerable budget.

Technically, it wasn't blackmail, just regular extortion.

But I still wouldn't stand for it.

“Whether or not we are building a new ship class, we would not simply give it away if it was even being developed.”

I saw the legal adviser smirk his approval at my skating around the truth of the matter.

Truthfully, I had despised this sort of politicking. It would be so much simpler of all parties could just lay out their desires and negotiate from there. But this was the way of things, and so I participated.

Shining Armor nods and makes an open gesture with his hooves.

”Nor would we expect such a thing, chancellor, merely a simple...discount.”

I shared a glance with Scales, and a quick look tells you Chrysalis seems to be enjoying the tit for tat.

Shining carries on, Cadence's approval clear on her face.

”We will, of course, pay material costs for the construction. But we want our own engineers working alongside yours, learning how to build these new warships. You, of course, could easily accommodate such ponies I'm certain.”

I leaned forward, and when I spoke, my tone sounded as though the air itself would freeze.

“General, we're amidst the first war Equestria has fought in eight centuries. We're on the brink of making peace with one of the few species that preys on ponies, and we're beginning a new technological revolution. While we are happy to share with our allies, we will not allow our good graces to be exploited. Equestrian technology is for the Equestrian people only.”

Shining opens his mouth to respond, but Cadence cuts him off.

”Perhaps it can wait until after the war, hm? We are merely thinking of our security for the future, Anonymous. No one wishes for better relations with Equestria than myself, but please try and understand our perspective. Your proposal compromises our security, so why would we not ask for something to help that same security to be more robust?”

She's an excellent diplomat, but that smile is wrong. It’s not genuine.

It doesn't quite reach her eyes, and I felt like it's just there to mollify me.

I already knew she didn’t approve of my actions or politics, and cares even less for the considerable influence I held over Luna.

I would have to keep an eye on her, but for now I would play nice.

“That would be more agreeable. We can discuss more specifics at a later date, but I assume this means you're open to the idea of changelings feeding from the Crystal Heart?”

Shining grits his teeth as tight as J had earlier

Cadence though, maintains her relatively cheerful demeanor.

“Possibly. First we would need to get our hooves on this detection spell to ensure no clandestine infiltration occurs.”

Chrysalis chuckled and spoke up in a mockingly wounded voice.

”Oh please, princess. Do you not trust me?”

Cadence's smile nearly falters, but her tone is steely.

”Frankly, no I do not. But if this ensure none of my little ponies will be foalnapped and drained dry, then I may consider it.”

Chrysalis nods in approval.

”Perhaps you are fit to rule that frozen waste. Tell me Anonymous, would we be able to help this research along in any way? Once that enchantment is complete we can truly prove our good intentions and speed all this business along.”

This time it's Balanced Scales who gives an answer.

Well, he was a unicorn, so it would make sense for him to know a bit spellcrafting.

”While I cannot get into specifics, it would make things go much easier if we had...subjects to test with. Nothing invasive of course, but we lack a great deal of knowledge about changeling magic, so to have changelings transforming for us would make it much simpler to tailor.”

Chrysalis leans forward and nods her consent. ”Very well, and perhaps in exchange they may be allowed to skim love for the hive? You cannot get something for nothing after all.”

Scales nodded and I smiled at the changeling queen.

“That sounds more than acceptable, Queen Chrysalis. I'll get word to the research team about this as soon as a deal is signed.”

Cadence speaks up from her side of the table.

”And what of us, chancellor? Will we be involved in this spellcrafting? We have a number of powerful mages and a vast repository of mystical knowledge.”

I waved the suggestion away dismissively.

“No need, Princess Cadence. When the enchantment is perfected we will be sure to share it with you, especially if it will assist you in trusting the changelings.”

She nods and leans back, apparently satisfied.

Shining remains leaning on the table, so I addressed what I assumed he was still wondering about.

“As for the ship, we were planning to announce her building in four months, when the guns are scheduled to be installed. You will keep silent on this matter until such a time, and then you may approach the shipyard to negotiate a contract. I'm sure we can provide some...leniency when it comes to payments”

I glanced at Balanced Scales, who nods his confirmation.

Good, still within the boundaries of the legal system at least.

Shining nods as well, seemingly satisfied with the terms you'd laid down as well.

“Good, then let's start drafting the documents. Balanced Scales, if you would?”

The unicorn takes a sheaf of papers and lays them on the table in front of him.

Time to get to the real work.

You are Cursive Quill, assistant and marefriend to the most powerful being in Equestria.

You're waiting for him in the foyer of the small meeting chamber he had chosen for negotiations.

And you're fuming silently while you wait.

Not only had he sent you away from the first meeting with Queen Chrysalis, but now he had sent you on errands while negotiations were going on and had replaced you with another pony.

The logical administrative assistant in your head tells you that the other pony was just a legal expert, someone to make sure everything in the treaty agreement was above board.

Of course, it's drowned out by the jealous mare that is full of abandonment issues and far worse

Was Anon bisexual?

No, he hadn't shown any signs of it before.

But then again, before he'd been thrust into Celestia's throne, he had never shown signs of strong leadership either.

Or of being capable of any cruelty.

Besides, it's not like they could do anything in front of sovereigns of other nations.

So you were clear on that. Probably

You cursed yourself silently in every language you can think of.

Why was it this one being, not even a stallion.

What happened to your decade of training, and the professional mare that had come out of it?

The answer was obvious of course.

Anon had happened, and Celestia had thrown you at his feet.

You're not sure which of them you resented more at this point.

Probably Celestia, you respected her but you loved Anon.

And then there was Luna, the dream walker who had never laid a single hoof in your dreams really, despite your delusions of it.

Even now that still weighed on your heart.

Of course, some foalish part of you still believe she would come through.

After all, her last message was sent when she was under attack.

Maybe she just didn't have time to include the little phrase she had told you.

The phrase that has echoed in your mind every day.

'The love of a mother'

Buck her, and her damned magic.

Next time you saw her you'd...

Probably do nothing. You couldn’t lay hands on a princess.

You laid down on the bench as your thoughts spiral ever downward.

A spy, a sneak, a rat. That's all you were.

Not some powerful guard or a stoic soldier, nor even a simple but strong farmer helping Equestria along.

You were just a lurker, hiding in the shadows, stabbing in the back.

When Celestia returned and everything was laid bare, would you do that to Anon?

Could you bring yourself to shatter his heart, would it be the straw that finally breaks you?

The worst part is, no matter your decision, you'll be a traitor.

But which betrayal would be worse?

You supposed it would depend on what happened between now and when Celestia returned.

Anonymous had done his absolute best with what he had been given, and really hadn't done anything to intentionally harm Equestria.

What happened with the Royal Guardsmen was just a one off incident.

At least, you hoped so.

So you wouldn't really have to do anything but tell that to Celestia.

Maybe you could even leave the intelligence corps, become his assistant for real.

Or maybe even his wife, you think with a blush colouring your cheeks.

Can humans and ponies even have foals, you wondered.

Well adoption was always an option if not, or getting a donor, or…

No! Stop that!

You shook your head roughly and let out a quiet sigh.

Sure it was better than thinking down about yourself, but hardly a good thing besides.

You don't even know that Anon would want to marry you, let alone have foals.

Dammit, this sort of thinking is making you feel like a school filly obsessing over a crush. You're a grown mare, you'll face this stuff when it comes down to it.

With a huff, you rise from the seat and trot through the halls of the palace.

You certainly didn't need all this right now, a quick trot through the empty passages would clear your mind well enough.

After a while, you find yourself in one of the darker passages decorated with all many of tapestries, instead of the usual great stained glass windows.

Here was the history before the sisters, before the founding of Equestria even.

The cloths alternated between the three tribes it seemed, showing everything from the founding of Cloudsdale to the Southern Expansion, and even the discovery of the Crystal Empire.

So many great ponies through history, so many stories and myths.

Everypony carried a piece of that history within them, an inexorable tie to those gone before.

It was almost enough to cheer you up. But in some ways, you feel you had tarnished that ancient reputation.

Earth ponies were strong, proud, and stubborn to a fault. You were stubborn to be sure, but your body carried little more strength than a unicorn and you were more servile than proud.

You looked up at Strongback the Pathfinder, founder of Trottingham who had led a thousand ponies against the inhabitants of the Griffisch Isles and won without a single casualty.

His eyes are kinder than you would ever have thought, almost paternal you decided.

Did he lead them away to find a better life, despite others opposing him?

Even though the rulers at the time considered him a betrayer, now he was one of the heroes of Equestria.
How would you be seen when everything was said and done?

How would Anonymous be seen when Celestia returned to her throne?

Anonymous had committed some actions that would be looked down upon if the public learned about it.

But in the future? Would he be a hero who saved Equestria, or a tyrant who brought a dark age?

Strongback holds no answers for you, so you turned to continue your walk.

From the shadows beneath one of the many tapestries, a deep, hissing voice echoes forth.

”So, the little spy looks for answers in the long dead eyes of her kin. How strange that such an agent could not find answers of her own.”

You whirled about, dropping instinctively into a more stable stance to defend yourself.

Seeming to slide from the deep darkness beneath a tapestry depicting the Crystal Heart, the changeling ambassador Chitin appears.

You don't let your guard down even for a heartbeat as he approaches you.

“You shouldn't be here, changeling.”

He gives you a quizzical look and gazes up at the tapestries around the hall.

”And why ever not, agent? There is nothing valuable here but the lessons of your ancestors, and not even we would dream to take that from you.”

You shook your head and rose slightly.

“I mean that you have an escort and they shouldn't have let you off on your own.”

His eyes return to yours and his lips carry a small smile on them.

”You mean those foals playing at soldier? Please, they couldn't escort a cart of apples, much less a changeling such as I. But if you're worried about my skulking about, you needn't be. My queen has given me strict orders to be approachable and friendly. And I was, for as many reporters as I could stand.”

He lets out a long sigh, and you feel a touch of sympathy for him. Journalists were some of the worst examples of ponies in all the land, you couldn't fault him for getting tired of them

”I asked one of the soldiers where I could learn more of the history of your kind. He pointed me to the Royal Archives, where I wasn't allowed. However, the archivist mentioned these tapestries and the windows that were on public display, so I thought I might venture and learn.”

You cocked your head at him.

“What for, to blend better with ponies?”

He looks up, thinking for a long moment before answering.

”No, though that is important. The reason I came here was because I realized that, though I know your modern culture and ways well, I know not of where you came from. I knew little of the roots of the traditions you practiced, nor the tales you told of those gone by.”

He brushes the tassels at the bottom of one of the many banners.

”I was curious to see the world through the eyes of an identity not stolen, but gifted. And these are those gazes woven in silk.”

You stared up at the tapestry, one showing the first meeting of unicorns and earth ponies. An interesting choice for him to draw attention to.

“I'm not sure I entirely understand, ambassador.”

He turned back to you and gives you a solemn smile.

”Please, just Chitin is fine; and I'm rather surprised you wouldn't. Does the good chancellor know then, that you are the sun's agent in his court? That you are to intervene if you personally view his actions as harmful? I had not thought you so open about such things.”

Your ears fell flat against your skull and you took a step back.

“H-how did you...?

He chuckles and sits on the marble tiled floor.

”These walls may not have ears, but they are not deaf, Cursive Quill. Your room is not far from mine, and the stone carries sound better than still air.”

Your mouth is drier than the Badlands and you could feel sweat pricking the back of your neck.

Chitin comes no closer than he is, but seems to loom over you all the same.

”Worry not, your internal politics are of no concern to me if they do not interfere with this peace. Though I do wonder why the sun would plant an agent so close to one she personally chose to lead her country. Perhaps the sun wished to play matchmaker as her niece does?”

You clenched your teeth until they creak, wishing you had never begun wandering the palace.

“So if you don't care, why confront me?”

He taps one of his holey hooves on his chin, silent for a moment.

”I suppose I wished to see if I was correct, for one. It proves I am still adept at gathering intelligence despite being in the hive so long. But as well, you hold a position similar to my own in days gone past, and you are perhaps one of the only ponies who could ever hope to relate to an infiltrator. Perhaps I am just getting sentimental in my old age.”

You want to stop indulging him, but your curiosity has taken the reins from your initial fear.

“What do you mean, you don't look older than any other changeling.”

He chuckled and gave you a mocking half-bow.

”I thank you, Cursive Quill, but I am one of the oldest in my hive. I am one of three from Queen Thoraxia's final brood, and before she met her end, she bade me to stand by the side of her daughter. At the time Chrysalis was quite rash, and I was given order that, were she to ever endanger the hive irrationally, she was to be immediately destroyed. Of course, she never did and I fell into the role of her aide-de-camp. I did much the same as you do now, though with a hive instead of a nation.”

He pauses, brushing the cloth above again.

”So I did indeed hope you could see as I did, and perhaps that I could offer you a modicum of comfort. But just so, I had hoped you might understand as I do, as all changelings do, the feelings that come with leading the life of someone who is not you.”

You stared down at the lifeless tiles, tracing the veins running through the marble. Yes, now you understood exactly what he mean

You had no desire to, but you did.

That was the life you had led in the intelligence corps, and the life you still led now because of Celestia's last order.

You had a nagging question.

“How do you deal with it, Chitin? I can't anymore, I just want to be Cursive Quill, assistant to the chancellor. Not Cursive Quill, agent to the Equestrian Intelligence Corps.”

His grin widens and his voice carries a bit of mirth in its hissing tones.

”Just his assistant?”

You blushed at the implication, but he continues on in a more soothing voice.

”I jest, but the answer is not a desirable one. In truth, changeling infiltrators are retired from their field duties after ten years. Beyond this, it has been found that they grow more attached to those they are supposed to spy on, they grow sympathetic to their fears and hopes. I suppose I am the last example of one of those who skirted that far-gone line. Even in the most untenable times, I supported Queen Chrysalis. Not out of fear or blind devotion, but because I believed that her choices were not made hastily or foolishly. She cared for her subjects, even when she had to sacrifice them, and in turn I began to care for her.”

He sighs and looks down the hall wistfully.

”An infiltrator in love is an ineffective tool, no more valuable than a broken chisel. So I retired myself from my task in the only way I could. I met with Queen Chrysalis away from any others, I knelt before her, and I told her everything.”

His hoof scuffs the tiles and he looks back at you, his eyes still far away.

”The infiltrator Chitin died at her feet. In his place was Chitin, the aide of Queen Chrysalis, a devoted drone who willingly abandoned the yoke of one for the chains of another. But though I was chained, I was me for the first time in over a decade. That alone carries far more value than to be free but not I.”

He stands and approaches you, laying a holey limb on your sunken withers.

It feels far warmer than you had thought it would, softer too.

“Perhaps the chancellor will forgive you, understanding that you bore him no ill will. Perhaps he will have you executed. Perhaps he will have you thrown into a prison to rot for standing against him. But even should he decide to cast your bones to the wolves, you will be you. To die as yourself is the kindest thing this world can offer.”

Though his words sound cold, you understand the intention behind them. You lifted your head and meet his kind gaze with a smile.

In that moment, he looked almost like Strongback.

“Thank you Chitin, I think I know what to do.”

He pats you gently then turns about and slinks away into the growing shadows of the hallway.

”Of course, Ms. Quill. I am always happy to help the staff of an ally.”

With that he seems to vanish, leaving you alone once again but with a new found ember of hope in your heart.

The ember flares and sends warmth through your limbs as you begin to canter back to the foyer of the meeting chamber. You felt certain again, as though the mire you had found yourself drowning in had suddenly given way to solid ground once more.

When you arrive in the foyer, you find it occupied by a rather frazzled looking messenger.

The moment he spots you, he canters over and stands bolt upright.

”Ma'am I have a telegram for the chancellor, but he's currently still engaged in negotiations. I duties that still need tending, would you mind passing it along to him?”

You offered the stallion, no, this was a colt, a kind smile and nod.

“Of course, soldier. I'll be sure he gets it.”

He lets out a breath and smiles eagerly.

”Thanks a ton ma'am! Here, just don't open it. It's eyes only and all that.”

He hands the telegram to you and you nodded in confirmation.

With that, he trots from the room and into the otherwise quiet halls. You stared at the wax seal on the paper, wondering just what it could be.

Troop movements?

News of Griffonstone being taken?

You glanced around surreptitiously, seeing that the room was indeed quite empty.

Perhaps a little peek wouldn't hurt...

You do have clearance for this sort of thing after all.

With deftness that your hooves belie, you opened the seal without breaking it.

You quickly skimmed the letter with a trained eye.

It's a battle report from the front line from Luna herself!

A pang of disappointment goes through your heart and you nearly closed the paper up.

But something in you, a little tug at your heart, makes you read it again more carefully.

You reached the end and your eyes widened.

It couldn't be…

No, it had just been a dream, there was no way.

But yet there it was…

‘The love of a mother’

Your eyes grew misty as you closed the telegram and make it seem as though it was never read:

The door to the meeting chamber creaked open and Anonymous walks out with a wide grin on his face.

”Oh, hello there Quill! What's that you've got, telegram for me?”

You nodded and handed it to him, swiping a foreleg across your eyes.

Without opening the seal, he kneels down and looks at you with concern on his face.

”Hey, is everything okay Quill?”

You nodded and give his knee a little nuzzle, heedless of who might be watching.

Everything was just perfect.

Author's Note:

Chapter took a bit since it’s the longest chapter I’ve written so far and diplomacy is hard to write. Hope you all enjoy this.