• Published 10th Jan 2023
  • 5,954 Views, 260 Comments

Anon von Bismarck - WojakWriter

Anon is suddenly thrust into the role of the sole ruler of Equestria when Celestia suddenly leaves. How will Anon fare with mounting tensions within his own country and growing hostility with the Griffins?

  • ...

4: Trust in me

The moment I exited the front of the town hall, a pink blur took over my vision.

”Hi Nonny! I haven't seen you around here for a while! Did you forget about us?”

Pinkie, because it's her of course, gasps loudly. ”Did you forget about Ponyville? Is that why you came here, to remember? Is it like that Roboclop movie where he forgets everyone?”

As Pinkie opened her mouth to launch another tirade, I put a hand gently on her muzzle.

“Hello Pinkie, you seem cheerful as ever.”

I’ve learned by now that the best way to deal with Pinkie Pie was to push the conversation straight through her odd questions

She backed off a bit, and I could finally see something besides pink. I noticed the rest of the Elements were close by.

The moment I stopped physically shushing Pinkie, she started talking again. “Why wouldn't I be cheerful? Nonny is back in town, and he's bigger than ever! Aww, you're still wearing the suit Rarity made. You see that Rarity? He hasn't forgotten us!”

Rarity stepped forward and patted Pinkie's withers.

”Yes, dear, I see he's still wearing that drab thing. Honestly Anonymous, four years in Canterlot and you haven't found a seamstress? I ought to make you a new outfit while you're in town.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Quill tapping her hoof impatiently.

I knew there was a schedule to keep, but I still wanted to talk with my friends as friends, not like national assets. I felt like something like this wouldn’t be possible for a long time, so I might as well exploit the moment.

“Come now Rarity, as if I could find someone to do a better job than you. Besides, I haven't had the time to even visit a tailor between preventing diplomatic blowups and traveling to all corners of the world.”

Rarity's smile widened and she scuffed a hoof on the ground. “You flatter me, Anonymous. I'm no better than most of the designers from the big city, and worse than most. But still, I insist on designing you a new suit. Stop by, won't you?”

I nodded to answer her question and she let out a small sigh.

Dash hovered over to me and slugged my shoulder. Damn that stung, she still hit like a truck.

”So you're a stuffy politician for real? I thought Twi was pulling our legs when she told us, but hey whadya know. I guess that means you're not coming back for real huh?”

I laughed at the shocked look on Luna and Quill's faces when Dash punched me.

“Unfortunately not for now. Maybe when Celestia gets back she'll finally give me a vacation, but until then I'm just spending a day or so.”

Dash looked dejected and landed, kicking the dirt.

Fluttershy peeked out from behind her, but stayed quiet.

I squatted down and smiled at her. “Hey Fluttershy, has Angel been treating you well?”

She smiled shyly, blushing and looking down. “He's still sweet, but he's getting older. I don't have to gallop to keep up with him anymore, but it's sad to see him like that.”

I had gotten along with Fluttershy better than anyone else. Something about her made me feel at peace, which was a rare thing to experience here.

Sure, this was my new home. But it always felt… hollow. Fake. As if I’d wake up from a long coma and realize this was just a dream.

Pretty nice dream though, I must admit. And besides, I passed the pinch test over and over again, so this couldn’t be a dream.

Any time I could get away from the library, I visited and helped Fluttershy with the animals. It had been fulfilling for me, deep down..

Maybe it was like the farm dream I’d had as a young man, but whatever the reason, I had loved it.

I put a hand, gently, on her back and she looked up at me, her smile sad. “I'm sorry to hear that, Shy. If you ever find the time, you should come by Canterlot. We could always use volunteers at the shelters.”

She nodded and looked back down at the dirt. As I stood again, Dash nuzzles her comfortingly.

I looked around, but Applejack is nowhere to be seen.

As though reading my mind, Fluttershy pipes up in an apologetic tone. ”Um, it's planting season so Applejack wasn't able to make it. Sorry.”

I gave her another smile and stretched out my arms. “That's alright, I'll be paying farms a visit anyway. I'll be sure to stop in to say hello while I'm out there.”

Fluttershy nodded and stepped back a few feet as Cursive Quill walked ahead of me. ”Sir, we need to go. We do have a schedule to keep.”

I waved my hand dismissively. “Relax Quill, schedules can slip. I believe talking to my friends without getting work involved can be fit in.”

She snorted and scribbled on a planner she has attached to a harness.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw the Elements chatting amicably with Luna.

It's still shocking how easily they carry casual conversation with her, but even more surprising is how well she gets on with them.

I suppose it shouldn't be surprising, considering they were the ones that we they key to her redemption. Even so...

I was suddenly pulled from my thoughts by Quill clearing her throat. “We really do need to go sir, especially since we have to be in Baltimare tomorrow.”

I frowned and scratched my chin. “I don't believe one day is enough to actually accomplish everything that you've planned, unless we do it at absolutely breakneck pace. It's already past noon, Quill. At this rate I'd be making the speech past sundown.”

Quill grumbled and kicked at a rock in frustration ”I guess my schedule was a little...idealized. I'll change it and future ones to reflect certain delays.”

I rested one of my hands on the top of her head. “Thanks Quill. Why don't you take the night off after we've done the tour of industry? Or at least don't spend it fretting about timings, alright?”

She sighed and turned away from me. ”Fine, fine, but let's get on with the tour. We still have to accomplish something today, sir.”

She was being surprisingly lenient. Unusual for her, but of ultimately no concern.

Besides, I can't really fight her on that one though, but it's an easy compromise.

“I agree. Princess Luna, shall we go?”

Luna looks up, startled. ”Uh, yes! Let us carry on, I'll speak with you another time girls.”

The Elements say their various goodbyes, and Quill leads me and Luna away from the hall.

Soon, the three of us were in the commercial area of the town, visiting many of the small shops and talking with their owners.

We had to question them on their daily lives, and policies that effect them. The topics varied from how healthy their business has been, to the impact of events on their income, and of course how exactly the current government policies affect their business.

For the most part, the shop owners are quite happy with how the government has been, and even moreso that you're visiting simply to ask their opinions.

A few discuss the difficulties of some of the unnatural disasters that have befallen Ponyville and remark that it may be better to have some Royal Guardsmen stationed in the town.

If only Celestia approved of my plans for an army when I asked 3 years ago, then this wouldn’t be a problem.

With a sigh, I assured those few that petitioned for a Royal Guard garrison that a defense review was one of the first things I had discussed when I began filling in for Celestia.

They seemed to be quite satisfied with the answer, so I continued on.

I concluded the day with the visit to the Castle of the Two Sisters, touring the grounds but avoiding the interior of the decaying citadel.

The visit seems to hit Luna the hardest, and she spent much of the visit quiet and frowning.

It's understandable that the castle would revive bad memories. I silently cursed at myself internally for not giving her the option to stay behind while me, Quill, and our guide visited. But before long you head back to town, as the sun sets behind us.

The final stop of the day is the Golden Oak library, and I noticed a new face at the front desk. Seems like Twilight replaced me.

She's a lavender coated pony, smiling widely at me.

”Good evening! I'm sorry to say that the library is going to be closed soon, so you'll have to be quick!”

Quill scrunched up her muzzle and took an indignant step forward. “Excuse you! Don't you realize who you're speaking with?”

The lavender librarian blinked and looked at the three of us. ”Well, uh, I recognize Princess Luna, who is of course welcome here anytime! But I don't recognize the tall one, Mr. uh...”

I held out a hand to her and smiled. “Call me Anonymous. I'm the one filling Princess Celestia's shoes while she's off on...business. And who might you be?”

The librarian's eyes widened and she lowered her head reverently. “Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! My name is Starlight Glimmer, I am...was Twilight Sparkle's student. I'm filling in as librarian while she's away traveling.”

I took my hand back and scratched my cheek sheepishly. “Relax, relax. It's nice to meet you anyway, I guess you took my role after I left. I used to be Twi's assistant librarian before I got a government job.”

Starlight nodded very slowly. “Yes, I believe she mentioned you before. I don't recall her saying you were a...uh.”

She trailed off, pawing at the desk absently as she tried to recall.

I answered for her with a small smile. “Human?”

Her ears perked up. “Yes, exactly! Anyway, what can I do for you, sir? We do have the largest collection of rare books outside Canterlot. However most of them do belong to Princess Twilight so I don't believe I can loan them.”

I waved away the offer. “Not to worry, I'm simply here to visit. Though since you're a new face, I'd like to ask your opinion of some things if you have a moment.”

Starlight nods ecstatically. ”Oh absolutely, ask whatever you'd like and I'll answer as best I can.”

I scratched my chin in thought and decided to start with something generic. “What do you think of the current government policies on defense and law enforcement?”

In and instant, her demeanor changes entirely. Her eyes cool several degrees, and her lips became pensive and flat.

“Quite frankly, especially given Equestria's recent history, it's utterly appalling. Defense has been an entirely neglected government sector for far too long, and outside the big cities, law enforcement is sparse at best. The system needs a total overhaul and rethinking of Equestria's place in the world.”

I failed to suppress my eyes from widening in surprise. This definitely wasn't what I had expected from this mare. Her way of thinking is totally different to the other ponies in town. And it's taken my interest. What lead a pony to think like that?

“I can't say I disagree with that. What of industry, especially factory production and foreign trade.”

She scoffed at the question, as though her answer were obvious. ”Equestrian heavy industry has been neglected for as long as I can remember, and longer if the history books are to be believed. As for trade deals, they seem to inordinately favour the nation we're trading with above ours. Perhaps it's to curry goodwill, but as shown by the incident four years ago, it's given rise to a sense of foreign entitlement.”

Quill's jaw dropped as Starlight speaks, Luna's eyes look like miniature moons, and even I was shocked into silence, unable to even think of your next question. This was peculiar. She could be useful if I ever needed someone new to run the Ministry of Production.

Starlight's eyes flicked between the three of us, and she shook her head. In a moment, her cheery attitude had returned and there's no sign of the pony that had answered your questions.

“Sorry about that! Politics is something I studied for years, and I get a bit passionate when discussing domestic policy!”

I straightened my suit jacket and cleared my throat. This is the first time I’ve met a pony like Starlight, and it's aroused my curiosity.

“No need to apologize, it’s honestly refreshing to hear something so… strong. Your opinions are certainly different than other ponies around here. Where are you from, Ms. Glimmer?”

She shrugged off the question and gave me a nervous grin. “Oh, just a little town a ways North of Manehattan. A real nowhere town, if I'm truly honest.”

I narrowed my eyes a bit, suspicious at the answer. This answer, it doesn't line up with her intense interest in politics. She’s lying to me, I can tell. She thinks I don’t know.

I quickly spoke. “Indeed, how did you come to study under Twilight?”

Again, Starlight shrugged and looked at the desk. “I got into some trouble and she… helped get me out of it. Since then I've been under her tutelage, and it's helped a great deal.”

She’s dodging me. I wanted to push her more heavily for answers. For the truth.

But I can feel this isn't going to go further than it already has. I’ve spent too long arguing with people for a living that I can tell she’s going to just keep deflecting my attempts to poke and prod.

“Well, That's quite the story, I must say. Thank you for the insight, it's always helpful to hear the opinions of ponies who are directly affected by policies that I help establish.”

Starlight offered me a curt bow. “Of course sir, it's a pleasure to help those who serve us all. Was there anything else I can help you with tonight?”

I shook my head, despite the looks Quill and Luna gave me. No point in pressing this issue further.

“That will be all, now we'd best be off. Goodnight, Ms. Glimmer, and be safe out there.”

She stood a moment, wondering what I meant by “be safe.” She shrugged it off and waved as we exited the library.

While I and my companions headed to our inn, Quill spoke to me in a quiet voice. ”You know she was hiding something, don't you? None of that adds up.”

I nodded in response. It was a valid question after all. She was hiding something, and while it could have been important, I feel like it wouldn’t be useful in the end.

“That much was obvious. However, there was no way for you or I to get that information from her. I'm certain Luna or a unicorn could get it by force, but I'm not about to invade the privacy of our citizens to satisfy personal curiosity.”

Quill lowered her head, seeming to agree with me.

As she does, Luna speaks up. ”I'm certain she could be goaded or otherwise manipulated into revealing such information. There are more subtle ways that I can act in without abusing my magic.”

Again, I nodded in response. “True, but ultimately it's not information we need. What we did get was quite valuable, and shows that we certainly can't disregard even small towns when we're asking about public opinion. There may be valuable insight anywhere.”

Luna hummed in agreement. The rest of the walk remained quiet.

We checked into the inn, two rooms reserved in advance of your visit. Luna took one with a single bed, and me and Quill chose to share the twin bed room. As I laid down, fatigue and aches quickly caught up to me.

Since when did I get so old?

Oh right, that started happening 8 years ago. It has been a long day, after all. Before long, I was fast asleep, dreaming of a quiet life.

My eyes crack open, and already I felt like going straight back to sleep. But as I shut my eyes and try to slip back into my peaceful slumber, I heard the rhythmic scratching of a pen on parchment.

I laid still for a while, waiting for it to stop. But after some time, it's clear that it won't. Pushing through my fatigue, I slowly looked around the small room.

At first, I was confused. This isn't my chamber in the castle, it's some quaint little room you'd expect to see in a one-horse town.

Finally, my brain started waking up properly and I remembered the where and why.

I was in Ponyville, sharing a room with Cursive Quill.

Wait, Quill? That means she’s the one who woke me at this ungodly hour.

Or it’s some other pony forging a suicide note! Did I already get assassins after me this quickly?

The room is lit by the glow of a pair of candles on a desk opposite the twin beds, a flickering shadow is cast by the figure sitting at the writing table, and I quietly rose from the bed.

The moment I did, the persistent sound of the scratching quill stops, and the silhouette at the desk stills. ”I'm sorry to wake you, sir. Please, go back to bed, I'll be done in just a moment.”

It's Cursive Quill, of course. Who else would it be? I’m not sure why that little detail had slipped my sleep-addled mind. Jesus, paranoia four days into ruling? That’s gotta be a record.

Rubbing my eyes against their desire to shut once more, I pushed the covers off myself. “Don't worry about it Quill. Just what time is it anyway?”

Looking over, I saw her tapping a hoof against her chin. ”I believe it's a couple hours past midnight. You really ought to get some rest, sir. We have quite a busy schedule tomorrow.”

I yawned loudly, my body obviously agreeing with her. “You're right, but you ought to get some rest too. It wouldn't do to be late because you fell asleep and forgot to needle me onto the next event of the day.”

I chuckled tiredly at my terrible humor. But Quill merely shook her head in the gloom of the night.

“I'm just finishing up some last minute details, I'll sleep after that.”

With a roll of my eyes, I got up from the bed and slowly walked over to the desk. By god, I was going to get this pony to bed or fall asleep trying. And It's not clear which is more likely at this point.

“Well let's go over it together then. I could do with an advanced review, it may even keep me on time for once.”

As I approached her, she hurriedly shuffles some papers around and leans over top of them.

I frowned as I peered down at her, and she refuses to meet my eyes.

”Don't worry about it sir, I'll keep you on time like always. Just go back to bed.”

My eyes narrowed at this blatant attempt at hiding something.

“Quill, I’m very good at detecting bullshit. Almost supernaturally so. So tell me, what are you doing?”

Quill went to move the papers into her saddlebags, and said “Nothing sir, it’s nothing. Just go back to bed.”

It's way too late for this shit. I pushed her hooves off the paper, even as she protested against me.

”Come on sir, it's really nothing we can't cover tomorrow! Just go back to sleep and I’ll be done before you know it!”

Finally, I managed to snatch the piece of parchment she was trying so desperately to keep hidden.

Ah, sweet triumph, Anonymous 1, Quill 0.

Quill quickly covered up most of her face using her hooves, but I could see she looked absolutely mortified.

I wondered why, it was just a schedule after all.

Then my eyes widened as you actually take in what is written down. This isn’t a schedule at all.

The script is gorgeous, cursive writing, befitting the name of the writer I supposed. From that alone, I can infer that it's certainly not a schedule. It took me a moment to get used to reading the calligraphic letters.

But once I finally understood what it was I was reading, it became crystal clear why she was so intent on hiding it, and her absolute embarrassment.

It's a poem. Not just any poem, but probably the sweetest, charming love composition you've ever read. Granted, I hadn't exactly read much poetry, ever really. Just wasn’t my thing.

But even inexperienced as I was at writing, I could appreciate the piece. It was clear that Quill had put a great deal of effort and passion into the poem. And it made me feel a bit uncomfortable to read. No scratch that, I felt like Equestria’s biggest dick.

There was something deeply intimate about the words, even as they obscured who it might be about. The verse was clearly meant to be read by only a single person besides its author, and now it felt like I was intruding on it.

Now I felt like an even worse asshole.

But there was no way to take back reading it, so I had to go for the next best thing. I put the poem back on the desk, and laid a gentle hand on Quill's withers.

She flinched when I touched her, and tries to cover her face more thoroughly.

I simply stroked her back, as gently as I could, and tried to keep myvoice quiet and kind. “It's a beautiful poem, Quill. You ought to be proud of that, it's a gift to have that kind of skill with writing.”

She shook her head silently. Clearly she's still hung up on you reading it

“Listen, I'm sorry I snuck a peek at it, it's obviously meant for someone very special to you.”

She finally uncovered her face and looked up at me.

Her lower lip wobbles as she nods to affirm your statement.

It broke my heart to see her like this, so I just kept trying to comfort her.

“I can’t take back reading it, but if you want I won't bring it up again.”

Probably, almost definitely. Maybe to tease her, every so often. Sometimes I couldn't help it, she was just so adorable when she was flustered.

Maybe I’m a bit of an asshole, but it’s all in good fun. Right?

Her lower lip stills as she speaks up at last. ”You just don't--! I can't even begin to--! Rrr, why are you so frustrating?” She growls as she pushes her head into my chest

I’m surprised at the display. Quill is usually cold and composed, hardly even reacting to my light jibes. But now, it seems her mask has fallen off and she's being entirely genuine. I chose to just continue stroking her back, and I felt her heave a deep sigh.

”It's fine, I guess. I shouldn't have been working this late anyway so it's my own fault.”
She trails off, and you interject with a firm but still kind tone.

“Don't blame yourself, I shouldn't have been so nosy. That said, we do seriously need to get some sleep. Like you said, we've got a long day tomorrow.”

I felt her rub against your chest as she nods. Dammit, when did this mare get so cute?

As I stood to go back to bed, she clung onto me. It brought a smile to my face, and I lifted her up as I blew out the candles. Maybe it's just her being tired, but she seems far more clingy than I had expected.

I laid her down, gently, in her bed before sliding under the covers of my own.

Not even two minutes later, I felt the mattress bounce. Silently, a warm weight settles down against your back. Reactively, I almost spoke up to ask what she's doing. But, as I heard her begin to breathe slow and deep, I felt a little twinge in my heart that kept me quiet.

Besides, after what I had done, it's only fair that I simply let her get comfortable again. And besides, I can't imagine anything more pleasant than a pony cuddling up to me while I sleep. Not to mention, that letter wasn’t meant for me, so it would be fine to indulge her just this once.

As I drift back to sleep, one last thought creeps into my mind.

Who was the poem meant for?

When I pried my eyes open, it was to a score of whistling birds and the sounds of merchants setting up market stalls.

Sleepily, I began to stumble to the bathroom and begin washing up with the large basin. No running water for a shower, but then again this wasn't exactly the lap of luxury.

Maybe I could draft some kind of bill with the industrial minister to expand quality of life standards. It's something to think about to be sure. Call it a “quality of life bill” or something nice sounding.

I dried off with a rough towel that had been hung off the hook of the door. It was a bit wet, you assume it must have been from Quill, since she'd been nowhere in the room when you had awoken. As I was pulling on my pants, there was a knock at the door.

Jesus Christ it scared me, but I yelled back. “Just a second!”

I hurriedly threw a shirt over my bare chest and pulled open the door. “Oh, good morning Quill. Did you sleep alright?”

Outside a slight blush as I mention 'sleep' she retains a look of a cold businesspony. Still, it was better than no reaction at all. “Yes sir. You’re almost ready for the day, I presume? We still have a half hour before the farm tour begins, so I took the liberty of booking the three of us in for breakfast at a little cafe down the block.”

I finally noticed Luna peering over her shoulder. Huh, it had never occurred to me that Quill was significantly taller than most earth ponies. Not quite as tall as Luna or Celestia, but certainly near challenging them in height.

Pushing that thought aside, I nodded in agreement with her choice. “That's some good thinking, Quill. Let me just throw on my jacket and we can head down then.”

Before I turned to get my jacket, I could see the blush on her cheeks deepen a fair bit.

Damn she's cute. And she’s also my secretary, and I’m not some fat man in those doujin I shamefully read back on Earth, I’m a straight and honourable politician dammit!

But she really is adorable. After snapping myself out of that endless cycle of questions, I had finally stepped out the door.

Looking down at the lunar princess on your left, I smiled.

“How did you sleep, Luna?”

She smiled right back, though I could clearly see some heavy lines under her eyes. “Terribly! I believe the mattress was, in fact, made of several large boulders!”

And despite her complaints, she was incredibly chipper. “Well, that sounds awful. Why on gods green earth are you smiling then?”

Her grin just widened even further. “I'm quite excited for your announcement today, the first step towards the princess of the night once more being beloved of the people!”

Ok, that is a fair reason to be excited. I can't even imagine what it was like to be totally isolated for a thousand years. The madness that could have taken root and destroyed her. Thank goodness the Elements of Harmony existed.

But as I walked to the cafe with my companions, that thought starts a cascade of others. What was it that originally led to Luna becoming Nightmare Moon? Sure the history books say it was jealousy, and that probably played some kind of role. But history is written by the winners, and Luna definitely hadn't won in her rebellion. In a weird way, it was as though you were talking with Milton's Lucifer. Though to be fair, Luna was far more penitent than he ever had been.

But it just brings me back to wondering about the entire mythology of Equestria in general. Hold on a damn minute, you had one of the first gods right here. Why not just ask her?

“Luna, what was Equestria like in the beginning? Before Discord, before you two, before all that.”

She looked up at me, confusion evident on her face. ”What ever do you mean? That's all in the books, ancient history by now.”

Her tone is dismissive, but carries an undercurrent of curiosity. It's clear she regards it as a pointless topic. Before I can answer her, we arrived to the cafe. It only takes a moment to be seated and order.

Quill takes a number of papers from her bags almost immediately and begins working. I took the quiet moment to return to my earlier conversation with Luna.

“I mean what was it really like. The books don't go into any real detail. It merely says you met Star Swirl and were crowned, some time after the Crystal Empire had been founded, and well after Equestria existed. So where did you come from, and why?”

Luna's ears press against her skull, and she looks down at the table. ”Truly? I know not. For one, a millennium of isolation with my only company being the voice of darkness itself in my mind did not treat my consciousness kindly. Second, I am truly not certain even my sister knows. When we met Star Swirl, we but were fillies. He called us the shards of the Cosm, said we fell from outside the sky itself. I do not know if he was telling us true, or simply telling a tale.”

She pauses for a long moment. It gave me some time to digest what she's said. While I’m not surprised that her thousand year imprisonment had taken a toll, I hadn't realized just how deeply it had dug into her mind.

It made you wonder how much the ponies of Equestria knew about their princesses. How much they cared to know.

Luna raises her head, and begins speaking again. ”Star Swirl was already old when he found us. And it wasn't long before he gave over to us the duty of raising and lowering both sun and moon. It was what earned us our marks. Though before he had mentioned us to the ponies that followed under him, it was only now he truly introduced us as rulers to the masses. He tutored us in his mystic and mysterious ways of magic, imparting his arcane knowledge, much of which we cannot dare reveal. Truly, I believe he burdened us as much as he gifted us.”

She trailed off as your food arrives. It had taken some getting used to, but you'd adjusted to a vegetarian diet many years ago. Meat was a rare treat, reserved almost exclusively for time spent with the griffons. But somehow, you survived taking your eggs without bacon

The meal passes in solemn silence, and it gave me even more time to mull about your impromptu history lesson.

It's hard to separate truth from reality sometimes. Especially when I’m living in a world that I had once thought impossible to exist. That's certainly something that still woke me in a fit of cold sweat and fear sometimes, even now.

Oftentimes, the deeper I delved into this world, the closer I had brushed with true madness. It certainly was, on the surface, idyllic and peaceful. If I had simply stayed in Ponyville, who knows how long I could have seen it so simply.

Sure the occasional monster attack would have been frightening, but it would have become so much as any other rare event in time.

But near as soon as I had entered Celestia's court, the veil had begun to peel back. The immense undertaking of the leadership to keep that ideal life a reality for ponies that were nominally their subjects. The absurdity of deliberating with predators the likes of dragons and griffons.

Perhaps that was why I had excelled, unlike ponies, I was predatory in nature. All humans were after all. We were top of the food chain for a reason, and it was that same aggression and drive that had thrown me to the top so quickly, and now forced me into the position of the fulcrum of the most imbalanced scale in history.

Or was it a mere cosmic quirk; a bizzare, but truly random event that merely placed me at the logical head of a line of succession riddled with greedy, incompetent, or untrustworthy fellows that I was now forced to call subordinates.

A prod in my arm drags you away from you dive into the ocean of entropic philosophy. Quill is staring at you pointedly, and as I began to register my surroundings, I saw a number of ponies staring at me.

Another heartbeat, and I realized that I had the egg I was eating, still whole, hanging half out of my mouth. My eyes widened and I quickly gulp it down, smiling sheepishly at the onlookers.

At the very least, I had known many of the ponies in town. I had been the town oddity for a year, after all. As I made eye contact with the other ponies with my embarrassed grin, many of the ponies smile and giggle before turning back to their meals.

Being the singular example of my species did have its benefits sometimes.

Even if the drawbacks were almost crippling at times.

Without running back into my deep introspection, I quickly finished my breakfast and leaned back, looking up at the perfectly blue sky.

I wondered if Celestia, wherever she is, is still raising the sun. Hell, I wonder if she is really responsible for it raising at all.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Luna looking up at the sky as well, a beatific smile on her face

A pang of happiness touched my heart. The idea of someone receiving redemption, true redemption, and finally becoming loved once more is beautiful. It almost made me jealous, it was a feeling that I would never know. But how far she had come, she had more than earned it.

At my other side, Quill has her eyes closed. Not asleep, her occasional shifting told you that, but perhaps collecting her thoughts? Such an organized pony as her, I’d never think she was able to be confused. And yet, she was a pony, a mortal. No matter how I saw her, she was like me, muddling her way through life as best she could.

Clearly she muddled better than most, it was rare to see an earth pony in the palace, let alone serving directly under Celestia herself, and now me. She had a deep drive in her, something that had made her grind her way up the ladder of society until she was looking down at most other ponies.

At some point, I certainly intended to ask Quill about herself. But as the clock tolls out eight times, and her eyes snap open, I understand now is not the time. The three of us stand without a word, all of you understand what the plan is for the day. Quill places some bits on the table to pay for the meal, with a generous tip, and I walked away from the cafe.

A small crowd begins to follow behind us as the three of us walked into the countryside of Ponyville.

And as I reflected, a small grin of satisfaction on my face, and I knew that they would be getting a show.