• Published 18th Jan 2023
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Student Six Watch Elder Scrolls Lore - Rated Ponystar

After learning about the Fallout Series, the Student Six are taken to a different dimention to learn about The Elder Scrolls series

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Dwarven Dwemer of Skyrim & Morrowind

Chapter 8

Dwarven Dwemer of Skyrim & Morrowind

"So what do we know about these Dwemer guys?" Smolder asked Ocellus as she looked at her notes.

"Only that they lived underground, were elves, were very advanced in creating technology, and were enemies, then friends and then enemies again of the Dark Elves," Ocellus explained as she read from her notes. "Oh, and they all mysteriously disappeared without anyone knowing what happened to them."

"How does an entire race just disappear?" Gallus pondered out loud.

"Maybe they went into hiding like we Hippogriffs did against the Storm King?" Silverstream suggested as she rubbed her pendant.

"Or they went into a deep hibernation like we Changelings did for a few centuries to make everyone think we were extinct," Ocellus theorized.

"Guess we'll find out," Sandbar said as the video began to play.

It showed two golden armored beings working at a forge next to a large waterfall. It was assumed that these were Dwemer as they had seen similar armored beings fighting in the war against the Dark Elves. While it looked golden, the armor was also a darker color and looked even heavier than gold.

According to the narrator, even years after their mysterious disappearance, the Dwemer (also known as the Deep Elves) were still considered the most technologically advanced race in the history of Tamriel. So much so that the other races could be regarded as primitives compared to what they had accomplished and learned during their reign of existence. The Dwemer held an underground empire that had spanned across the entire continent. And yet, despite this, few ever saw them as they preferred isolation from the other mortals above.

"So it would be like if Diamond Dogs had become super smart and created an underground empire stretching across Equestria and the Crystal Empire to the Badlands," Sandbar theorized.

"That would actually be a pretty scary concept," Smolder said with a shiver. "Imagine fighting a war against these guys? They live right under you. They could just pop out and raid your homes without worry."

"Couldn't be that good if the Dark Elves beat them," Gallus commented.

The underground culture by which they lived was focused on crafting, learning, and seeking knowledge about the world around them. Their underground white and golden marble cities were large and imposing, unique and designed with a mindset of those who favored logic over creativity. Yet it was these cities that have lasted for ages while others dwindled.

For the Dwemer forsake the idea of worshiping any and all gods, seeing their fellow mortals do it and mock it with ridicule. They were brave enough to mock Daedra, Aedra, and all other powerful beings. For them, reason and logic were their gods. And they cared little for faith and superstition.

"So..wait, are they atheists? How can you be when gods are actually real?" Silverstream wondered as she pointed above. "I mean, we're being held hostage by one right now. No offense."


"I don't think they're really atheists, Silverstream. I think they're more like they don't care or worship the gods because they don't care about them. So the best way to describe them is agnostic," Ocellus corrected. "Maybe they see themselves as above such worship?"

"Arrogance against Gods always equals punishment in Yak tales," Yona commented.

The Dwemer believed that instead of worshiping gods, they should surpass them and gain their power through scientific and logical means. Alchemy, magic, science, and invention were all ways the Dwemer did this. The six watched as scientists, crafters, and mages of the Dwemers worked in their labs on various reacher projects. It was like seeing a dozen Twilight Sparkles and Ocellus working together. It was said that the Dwemers were the first to master the art of smithing, long before the Orcs or Nords. Even to this day, their unique metal is highly sought after.

"Sounds like your kind of place, Ocellus," Smolder said to the changeling. "And it's underground like a Changeling Hive."

"Can't deny that it appeals to me, but they sound super arrogant," Ocellus said while shaking her head. "I don't want to feel like I'm in Chrysalis's reign again."

Making good armor was one of many things that the Dwemer were good at. A giant wooden steam-powered airship was shown hovering over a lake. A unique invention of the Dwemer race that none of the other races had mastered. However, Equestria already had her own set of airships that they had been developing for over fifty years, so this was a minor sight to the others. Still, it did speak volumes of the mastery of technology the Dwemer had.

But the most well-known aspect of their technology was their mechanical creations. Gallus gasped gleefully as he saw the mechanical spiders, rolling men, and other golden-colored robotic inventions that operated like clockwork. They were the security of the Dwemer, who, even to this day, still moved and protected the homes of their masters despite them being gone for so long.

"Aww, that spider one is so cute," Silverstream said with a sparkle in her eyes.

"You realize that thing is designed to be a security boy, right?" Smolder said with a raised eyebrow. "It will most likely try to kill you if you hug it."

"At least I'll die happy," Silverstream replied.

While some might find making living metal appealing, the Dwemer saw it with pride. It was their proof that life could be created without the power of the gods. Even if it wasn't precisely the everyday aspect of life one would expect. Still, none could deny that their logical thinning and forward progressive mindset allowed them to advance faster than any other race.

The races of Tamriel were then lined up: Humans, Elves, and Beastfolk. All of various sizes and shapes. Included among them was a Dwemer, a more dark-skinned elf with a big beard. Apparently, there was a rumor that they were the size of a small child thanks to a butchered name for their kind called "Dwarves," but they were no different in size or shape than any other man or elf. Instead, they had one unique aspect that other races didn't: the ability to telepathically communicate with one another.

"Woah! That's cool!" Sandbar said with awe. "Imagine being able to talk to people you know across the world with mental thoughts!"

"You know, this reminds me of a rumor people had about Changelings," Ocellus giggled. "Many races thought we had some kind of "Hive Mind" that allowed us to communicate or feel each other empathically. It's pure nonsense."

Like all elves, the Dwemer started in the land of Aldmeris. As with all elves, the Dwemer were among the elves who settled in Summerset Isles before leaving it, much like the Dark Elves. However, very little is known when, how, or why the Dwemer left their Aldmer brethren, even though it was much earlier than the Dark Elves. Eventually, they founded Morrowind first, where they founded the city of Dwemerin.

"Ooooh," The six said as the city was shown in all its glory. It was still a beacon of beauty even after being unoccupied for a thousand years.

The Dwemer prospered under their isolation for a brief time, but it didn't last when the Chimer (the future Dark Elves) arrived in Morrowind, having splintered off from the Altmer. As a reminder, the narrator said the reason for coming was to be able to worship the Daedra freely, which the Dwemer mocked them for as they had already started their mindset of trying to dismiss the worship of higher divine beings. Naturally, this led to conflicts between the two races, who fought over land, resources, and religion.

"I can't help but feel that the Dwemer are kinda jerks for mocking people for being religious," Sandbar said with a frown. "I mean, sure. You don't have to worship a higher power if you want, but do you really need to mock and belittle those who do?"

"Yeah, I'm not the biggest fan of the gods, but I'm not going to look at you all as if you're idiots for doing so," Smolder snorted.

However, while the Dwemer were dealing with the Chimer on one end of their underground empire, they were also dealing with another elven race. The Falmer of Skyrim. Seeing the Falmer for the first time, the six couldn't help but blush at how beautiful the snow elves were as they stood in solemn sorrow. Their snow-white hair, crystal blue eyes, beautiful angelic faces, and glowing pale appearance made them seem almost divine themselves.

"...Okay, I know I am straight and all, but even I have to admit he's handsome," Gallus muttered.

"...If I wasn't attracted to you, I'd date him," Silverstream whispered.

"...Wait, what did you say?" Gallus asked as he whipped his head to a blushing Silverstream.

"Nothing!" Silverstream said as she turned away and whistled.

The Snow Elves were losing a bloody conflict against the Nords of Skyrim. Facing total extinction, the Snow Elves turned to their underground cousins for help. One would think that being elves themselves, the Dwemer would help by giving them shelter, massing their armies, and helping them reclaim their land. However, the Dwemers, despite all their logic and reason, were cruel and vain in the end. And they cared little for their fellow elves.

The Dwemer had agreed to protect the Falmer in their cities, but to the horror of the six, it turned out to be a trap. They blinded the Snow Elves with a unique black fungus that was poisonous. Every single Snow Elf was forced to eat it or tricked. A generation later, the Dwemer had made the Falmer their own slave race.

"That's... that's bucked up!" Sandbar shouted in disgust. "How could they do that to their own kind?!"

"Seriously, what happened to being logical and reasonable? This was just cruel!" Silverstream cried out as she sniffed a tear for the fate of the Falmer.

"I take it back; I don't want to live there," Ocellus grumbled as she angrily wrote in her notes, "Dwemer = Jerks."

"You know, I didn't know who to root for in this war between the Dark Elves and Dwemer, but the way I see it, it's two arrogant slaves using races against each other. I'm rooting for the volcano," Gallus grumbled.

Speaking of the war, the conflicts between the Chimer and the Dwemer were worsening thanks to cultural differences. This was especially true in the religious sense as the Dwemer were agnostics who acknowledged the gods but believed in logic over them, while the Chimer were devoted to their Daedric princes.

"Reminds Yona of Division Times of Yak History," Yona said. "Yak clans were divided over issues until King Yakie-Yak united them all once again."

"King Yakie-Yak?" Gallus asked in a deadpan voice. "Really?"

However, all-out war was prevented thanks to the invasion of the Nords. Their warriors invaded Morrowind and started slaying all the elves they could see. Thanks to their previous encounters with the Snow Elves, Nords were still very hostile to elves. They saw Morrowind as a place of conquest and a means to continue their extermination of the elven race, which they saw as the enemies of mankind.

Realizing that they had to work together, the Chimer and Dwemer started "The First Council," which was an alliance between the two races to hold off the invading forces of the Nords. The Council was composed of equal members from both races who would work together to benefit them both. A large battle showed the Chimer's mages and Dwemer's war machines taking the field and obliterating the Nords. It was a very one-sided match between the two and proof that they could work together in coexistence. After sixteen years of war, the Nords fled back to Skyrim, and an era of prosperity between the two elves began.

"The enemies of my enemies are my friends indeed," Ocellus quoted as she smiled.

"I suppose fighting against a common enemy is one way of achieving friendship," Sandbar reasoned with a shrug. "Still would prefer a less violent method."

"Didn't Princess Twilight and her friends come together because they had to fight off Nightmare Moon?" Smolder pointed out.

"Yeah, but nobody got hurt in that incident."

However, not everybody loves peace. A rebellious group of Dwemers refused to join the Council. Choosing exile, their leader, according to legend, wielding the Daedric Hammer, Volendrung, threw it into the sun and vowed to live wherever it landed. The place where it did so was later known as Hammerfell.

"...So that's where the name comes from?" Gallus asked in surprise. "Huh. I wasn't expecting an actual hammer to fall on it, but there you go."

However, things were worsening for the Dwemer on the other side of their Empire in Skyrim. The Falmer, enslaved, blinded, and twisted by hate, had become monstrous and impish beings whose appearances had disgusted the six, who were horrified to see what the once beautiful race had become. Having suffered too much for too long at the hands of the Dwemer, they started their own rebellion. The War of the Criag lasted for a long time below in the underground, while the Nords of the surface had no idea that such a conflict was occurring under their feet. For decades the war raged until one day when the Falmer charged they only found empty suits of Dwemer armor with no bodies.

"So the war lasted until the Dwemers' disappearance," Sandbar said with a shrug. "Personally, I can't blame them for rebelling. They had it coming."

"Yeah, these guys might have been smart, but they were total flankholes," Smolder said.

The event that caused the Dwemer to disappear into non-existence occurred during the Battle of Red Mountain in Morrowind during their reignited war against the Chimer. The First Council had broken, and the Golden Age between the two races had ended with a return to bloodshed.

"Wonder what caused it to happen?" Ocellus pondered.

"Maybe we'll find out one day," Silverstream answered.

It was during this time that the brilliant Dwemer High Engineer, known as Kagrenac, sought to usher the use of the power of the Gods themselves by using the heart of Lorkhan. With it, he believed that Dwemer was ready to ascend into godhood themselves in the form of Numidium.

Numidium was...indescribable, to say the least. It was huge. Big. Bigger than anything thought possible. It was a machine that was also a titan. A brass god created by the Dwemer that was more powerful than anything they had made before. It was their most incredible creation and the ultimate weapon, one that was so dangerous even they could barely use it. Kagrenac believed that he and his people could become one with it. The supreme being of steel, flesh, life, and strength with no weakness.

However, whatever happened, it didn't work out as expected. All Dwemer around Tamriel from every corner of its planet was gone in a single moment. Vanished without a trace. And nobody, to this day, has an answer as to why or where they went. Only left are their inventions, cities, machines, and the Falmer slaves who linger in the dark underground of Skyrim.

"So...Yona don't get it...did they die? Become gods? Disappear?" Yona asked in confusion.

"I guess that's the mystery. We'll never know," Ocellus said. "The only thing that can be conclusive is that it had to do with using the Heart of Lorkhan with Numidium."

"Maybe they played with powers they really couldn't understand," Sandbar suggested. "I mean, trying to use the power of gods to become gods? I'm sure there is more than one fable about how that ends up in disaster."

"I guess they weren't smart enough after all," Gallus chuckled.

With the Dwemer gone, the Dark Elves would rise in Morrowind, while a race of men would rise up in Skyrim. Strong, unyielding, and determined to create an empire stretching east to west.

But that was a story for another day.

Author's Note:

Nords of Skyrim are next! But that will be after Christmas! Which I hope you all will enjoy.