• Published 18th Jan 2023
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Student Six Watch Elder Scrolls Lore - Rated Ponystar

After learning about the Fallout Series, the Student Six are taken to a different dimention to learn about The Elder Scrolls series

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Nords of Skyrim

Chapter 9

Nords of Skyrim

"Yona get the feeling she will like Nords. Skyrim sounds much like Yakyakistan!" The yak proclaimed as she leaned forward to learn more about the Nords.

"You realize we're talking about the guys who tried to wipe out an entire race of elves, right?" Gallus pointed out.

"Genocide kinda seems to be the norm here," Smolder said with a snort. "It's not like this wasn't the case in the Wasteland either."

"There have been a few attempts at genocide in our world's history, but as far as I know, only three were successful. The Lycans, the Naga, and the Devil Ponies," Ocellus recalls from her knowledge of history.

"Devil Ponies?" Sandbar asked in confusion, as he had never heard of them before.

"Well, that's not their real name, but that's because it's believed saying their real name will bring them back from the underworld, and so their real name is lost to history," Ocellus said with a shrug. "Apparently, a lot of creatures were really scared of them."

"But isn't genocide just wrong in general? How does that make you better than those you hate or believe to be evil?" Silverstream asked with a frown.

"Hey, it was ancient history. Nothing we can do about it now. The dead stay dead," Gallus said with a shrug before pointing to the screen. "So let's just focus on the history we're already learning before we get lost in two different subjects."


The group knew that this was going to be quite an adventurous one. The first image they saw was of a Nord in barbarian-looking armor wielding a giant sword against a dragon. Both looked ready to fight to the death.

"Oh, this is going to be good," Smolder said as she picked up some popcorn (that appeared out of nowhere, but most assume it was from the Mad God watching them) and began to eat it. "That Nord is gonna get barbecued."

"You know, I kinda find it disturbing that so many of our tales are about knights and warriors slaying dragons when we know they are living sentient creatures like us," Sandbar frowned. "Especially the ones where the dragon dies at the end."

"Eh, it's not offensive to us. Dragons like conflict in nature. If a dragon dies in combat, it's not really mourned as long as it is an honorable death," Smolder said as she tossed some popcorn in the air and ate it as it fell.

"So if I slay you in combat, you'd be okay with it?" Gallus chuckled. "At least I know your family would let me come to your funeral."

"Wouldn't happen. I'd be going to your funeral instead, lion butt."

The cold and rugged mountain region of Skyrim was shown to them as all could hear the wind in the air and see the frost of the peaks and pines of the forest. It was the coldest and harshest frozen land in Tamriel. A beautiful wintery land of ancient history and conflict. It was a land of mud and snow but a land of vintage and proving. A land that demands you survive in it to see the inner wonders of its landscape. Here, heroes were forged in the dangers of Skyrim and became legends in the making.

A female Nord, holding a shield and sword, was walking through the cold grass of Skyrim. She looked barbarian-like with leather and fur clothing and markings on her face. The Nords were tall, sturdy, and proud. Able to tolerate the cold like no other race. Mostly known for blonde hair and blue eyes, their thick muscles and large frames were their most noticeable aspect. Even the women were like this, making them some of the most robust physical females in the provinces.

Smolder, Silverstream, Ocellus, and Yona looked at their bodies and couldn't help but feel intimidated by their lack of super muscles.

The muscles were helpful as they saw an armored Nord fighting a giant Saber Cat. Conflict and roughness made the Nords who they were, as Skyrim challenged them daily. Be it for farming, defending their home, fighting bandits, or an invasion of outsiders, every day was a challenge for the Nords who embraced this way of life.

Fighting was a way of life. War and battle were culturally accepted. This made them some of the most deadly physical combat-based warriors to face. Enemies would flee in terror from the brutal skill they displayed. Even in death, as evidenced by a Nord being laid to rest, they were remembered for how they died over how they lived. Death by combat was seen as the most honorable way to go.

"I guess this really is a race that doesn't fear death," Silverstream whispered as they saw the Nord being praised by his fellows despite being dead and buried.

"Yona can respect that," Yona said with a nod.

A battle between the Nords and the High Elves was soon shown on the screen. While the latter was using a combination of magic and swordplay, the Nords straight up charged through the flames and bolts of lighting to slay their elven foes. They were some of the most courageous and brutal fighters you would ever see in Tamriel. They feared not death but cowardice and would not hesitate to fight for what they believed in.

To the shock of all, the six saw someone speak in a strange tongue and tear down a castle wall before their forces charged in. This was one of the ancient elite Nords who spoke in the language known as the "Dragon's Tongue."

"The what tongue?!" All six of them said as five of them turned to Smolder.

"Don't look at me! I don't know anything about this!" Smolder shouted as she waved her hands.

The "Dragon's Tongue" seemed to be some kind of vocal magic or ability with various effects. It could tear down buildings, inspire confidence, bring fear to your enemies, and much more. This gift made the Ancient Nords the outstanding masters of war, thanks to the Aedra.

"Well, when you get a gift from the gods, you gotta use it, right?" Gallus chuckled.

"Kinda wish the Aedra gave them a more peaceful gift," Silverstream pouted.

The group was then shown the "Throat of The World." The tallest mountain in all of Tamriel. They were in awe of it. It looked just as tall, if not taller, than Mt. Aris and Canterlot Mountain. According to legend, the Sky Goddess, Kyne, breathed life into mankind. It was also revealed that Kyne was Kynareth under a different name. It was widely believed that the Aedra had different names based on how they appeared before each race. So it was accepted to call them other names so long as they were the same Divine.

Still, everyone viewed the Divines differently. Nords were no exception. They had them more war-like, and their afterlife differed from the rest. For them, Sovngarde was their afterlife. A place for only the greatest of warriors and Nords. Built by the god Shor, those who died gloriously or lived a glorious life are welcomed to a grand feasting hall where endless meals, mead, and conflict await. A place for warriors to compare tales, test their strength, and live happily forever in infinite joy.

"So pretty much an endless Pinkie Pie Party?" Sandbar asked.

"If that's the afterlife, then I can't wait to die," Gallus chuckled.

"Yona, too! Wait...uh, maybe after Yona had a long life," Yona replied.

The history of the Nords starts with migration up in the land known as Atmora. A great civil war among the Atmorans had left the continent in turmoil and blood. One person, however, wished to create a new life away from the conflict, so he gathered many followers and set sail south. After a long journey, they arrived at Skyrim but called it Mereth because it was already occupied by the Mer, known as the Snow Elves.

Ocellus looked so happy writing about history that she went through page after page in her notebook. Seven more appeared out of thin air, and she didn't flinch. Just continued writing.


For many years, the Atmorans and Snow Elves lived in peace. Things were great initially, but everything changed when the snow elves pillaged a Nord city. They slaughtered them all. Left no survivors. And the six were horrified upon seeing the corpses piled up and burned.

"Why would they do such a thing?!" Sandbar asked in horror.

"No honor! Nords must get revenge!" Yona screamed in disgust and rage

The Snow Elves, aka the Falmer, feared the humans growing too fast for their comfort. Not only were they outnumbering them, they were also becoming stronger and advancing far too quickly. They feared their power and culture would be lost to the humans, and so they decided genocide was the answer. This was no excuse for the six, and they hoped retribution would come.

That would come from a man who would be one of the greatest Nords in history. His name was Ysgramor. He and his sons survived that terrible night and spread the word to all the other Atmorans about what had happened. Five hundred companions would join him in getting revenge against the Snow Elves for their betrayal, and with his great double-bladed ax, he led them on a mission of revenge.

Ysgramor and his companions slowly and brutally drove the Snow Elves out of Skyrim. Ironically, their attempts to halt Man's rise ended with the wiping out of their rule.

"And then they got screwed over by the Dwemer later on," Silverstream sighed. "Honestly, it's kinda sad that this happened. I mean, not every Snow Elf was bad, right?"

Before anyone could answer, Smolder shushed them as a dragon had appeared on the screen. Covering in black and purple flames, it roared and soared with the moon behind it. Such a majestic and powerful scene made the six gasp in awe. It was around this time in Nordic history that dragons appeared and influenced the race of Man.

The Nords began to worship the dragons as if they were gods. Cults were made in their honor as the Dragons accepted the humans as followers. Guiding and ruling them. Some in good manners and others with cruelty. The most powerful cultists were the Dragon Priests, who possessed magical powers and learned to use the Thu'um or the Dragon's Tongue taught them by their masters. Though looking almost specter-like, they were highly respected and served as intermediaries between Nords and their serpent kings. Building temples to honor them and statues in their name.

"Huh, dragons worshiped as gods. I can dig it," Smolder grinned as the others rolled their eyes.

However, as time passed, the Dragon Priests became more tyrannical in their actions, so the people of Skyrim rebelled. The Dragon War was man vs dragons in an epic showdown of conflict. It was a fight for freedom against those who mistreated them as slaves. However, Nords were dying by the thousands, and the dragons barely had any losses. It was clearly a losing battle.

"Wow, these dragons are tough," Smolder said with a frown. "Kinda don't like them being...you know...slaughters...but I guess that's just how it is for all dragons."

"Glad they aren't like our dragons," Sandbar sighed.

However, the tide then turned when some dragons, regretful of their actions, sided with mankind and taught them powerful magic and the Thu'um. These dragons would become mankind's allies in their fight for freedom in a quest for redemption. This made the others smile, happy that some good dragons were out there.

After a long and tiring war, the surviving dragons fled to remote areas, and the Nords of Skyrim were free. Having defeated elves and dragons, they claimed the land as their own by right of conquest. Never again to be ruled by others and have their home theirs forever. Lord Harald, the first High King of Skyrim, was crowned by the Jarls and began a new destiny for his people. But it would take his son to make his ambitions come to light.

Believing they had a right to rule other lands, The High King began the "Skyrim Conquest" to see their territory expanded in all directions, including High Rock and Morrowind. It was clear to the elves that the humans couldn't be ignored. They were a threat to them all. The young race was here to stay and would prove their time had come. With a more significant threat in play, the elves set aside their differences to work together to fight the Nordic invasions.

"That's what the Dwemer and the Dark Elves did in the last few videos, right?" Silversteam remembered.

The united elves had caused problems for the Nords, but even worse was that Ysgramor's line had died out. This led to an empire lacking an emperor.

"Oh boy, we all know how that turns out," Ocellus winced as, low and behold, the Jarls began to fight each other to become the new High King. "Yup, saw that coming."

The empire fell apart, leaving the Nords with just Skyrim as their territory. Unable to muster the offense they once had, the Nords isolated themselves to recover and focus on their own manners inside. That was until the dragon-armored Akavir invaded their homeland at the end of the First Era. So disciplined, quick, and ruthless were the Dragon Guard that the Nords pledged their allegiance to its leader, Reman Cyrodiil.

The first Dragonborn in recorded history.

"Dragonborn?!" Everyone shouted in shock.

"Wait, he's like...half-dragon and half-human?" Yona asked.

"H-H-How is that possible?!" Ocellus's eyes twitched, and she began looking at her notes. "Dragons are so tall and big! Humans are so short! For them to mate or such, it would practically kill the human! A dragon male's penis would tear the female in half, and no human penis would have enough sperm to impregnate a female dragon's giant vagina! Such sexual intercourse is impossible!"

"I really didn't need images of that in my head, Ocellus," Gallus muttered as they all went red upon hearing this.

"Must have been some honeymoon," Smolder chuckled.

"So who's the mother? The dragon or the human? Did they get born naturally or in an egg?" Silverstream wondered out loud.

Reman Cyrodiil would create the Second Great Empire that would rule most of Tamriel. The Nords would loyally serve this Empire and the following two empires after it. However, the Second Empire ended with the Morag Tong assassins killing the rulers of the Empire, and it crumbled. They would also be forced to ally with the Argonians and the Dark Elves in the Ebonheart Pact against the forces of Molag Bal and his Daedra. Once it was over, they went back to their old ways.

At least until Tiber Septim came.

"That's the guy who made the Third Empire, right?" Sandbar asked Ocellus.

"Yup," she answered.

After a few battles with Tiber Septim and his Imperial Legions, the Nords quickly allied themselves with Tiber Septim as they knew he was worthy of following. Out of all the provinces, Skyrim was the only one to join of their own free will, while others had to be conquered or annexed into the fold. Many Nords happily served under their new Empire. It was also revealed that Tiber Septim was not originally an Imperial but a Nord named Talos.

Another dragonborn.

"But...he doesn't look like a dragon," Smolder said in confusion. "He looks mostly human."

"Maybe it's based on the gender of your parents like some mixed-race couples are?" Ocellus theorized.

"Yona is even more confused," the yak said as she rubbed her head.

Dragons held much power in Tamriel. Be it from the race themselves or those who can use their power. The children of Akatosh were one of the world's most feared and mightly beasts.

But that was a story for another day.

Author's Note:

Nords of Skyrim aka the most played place in Elder Scroll's history based on how much attention is put under it. Dragons are next and that will be interesting.