• Published 4th Feb 2023
  • 994 Views, 23 Comments

Caffeine-Griff - Quoterific

Silverstream discovers the wonders of a certain brew.

  • ...

Trouble Brewing

Silverstream didn’t get it. She didn’t get it one bit. Hours at her desk in her accommodation at the School of Friendship and not a word was getting into her head. It was as if the words just came in from one eye and went out the other. She tried to take a break from it, she even took a swim in the school’s stream at the entrance. However, the more she took time away from her revision, the more she couldn’t let go of it in her mind. She was tapping the table with her claw but soon found herself distracted by the sound of wood being tapped. She hadn’t felt polished wood before. Sure, driftwood would come in from the tide during her time in Seaquestria, but not proper furniture wood. Coral tables and sea sponge chairs just didn't have the sound.

Great, now she was being distracted by how fascinating furniture is. She was now worried that she would be fascinated by how lighting works. Underwater, bioluminescent jellyfish would happily provide lighting down in the dark waters, or the odd angler fish.

And now she was thinking about magical lighting…

“This is hopeless! Hopeless I tell you!” Silverstream gave a sound of sheer exasperation as she closed her book and her head banged the table. Professor Rarity would be proud in their next dramatic arts class.

From across the dormitory sat her roommate and friend Ocellus the changeling. She looked up from her book and across the shared dorm room at her hippogriff friend with a questioning look.

“What’s wrong, Silverstream?” Ocellus said before looking at the book next to her. “You don’t understand the basics of the Tree of Harmony’s founders?”

“All of it!” Silverstream pointed at the book, “I don’t see how I can remember the legends the professors expect us to remember for our assignment tomorrow!”

Ocellus just gave her a sympathetic smile of understanding before an idea sprang into her head.

“If you want we can head over to Sugarcube Corner and grab a quick bite. I can show you something there that helps me stay focused and not feel tired,” Ocellus suggested.

It was then that a rumble came from the hippogriff’s belly, causing her to blush and rub the back of her head sheepishly. Ocellus gave her hippogriff friend a knowing smile.

“Come on then,” Ocellus said as she walked towards the door and out into the courtyard, “Let’s hurry before the sun starts to set.” The two of them went out, waving to their students and professors as they exited the school. They took to the air and landed outside the local and famous bakery.

Mrs. Cake was at the counter and beamed when she saw the two of them and asked in her usually customer-friendly tone, “Hello, you two. What would you like?”

Ocellus and Silverstream ordered Professor Pinkie Pie’s famous signature bakes and the two sat down to eat in peace and quiet. Say what you will about that strange mare, every pony or creature will say that Pinkie's bakes are the best in town.

“So,” Silverstream gulped down on one of her bites, “What is this thing that you wanted to show me that helps you stay focused?” Ocellus wiped the crumbs off her mouth with a napkin and smiled.

“You know how Smolder has a thing for tea?” Ocellus asked.

“How can I forget the shared dream we all had when the Tree of Harmony summoned all of us?” Silverstream chuckled, followed by Ocellus giggling. Smolder has accepted her 'girly-frou-frou' side of her, minus the dress. Her friends would find her sipping a teacup with an assortment of pastries, courtesy of Pinkie Pie's recommendations.

“Well, there’s another beverage that helps me stay focused during studying,” Ocellus continued, “It’s a little cup of what’s called coffee.”

“Cough-ey?” Silverstream blinked at her friend. What is her friend talking about? She and her kind definitely spent too much time underwater. It’s exactly what Gallus has said.

“No, no,” Ocellus corrected her, “Coffee. It has some special properties that help other creatures stay focused and ready during the whole day. I take only a few small cups due to it and I think it’s best you do the same. You’ve been underwater for too long and you’re really missing out on one of the best hot drinks there is. Would you like to try some?”

Great, now even changelings are saying that they've been down in the deep for so long. However, Ocellus talking about this new beverage called coffee intrigued the young hippogriff.

Silverstream nodded enthusiastically. There’s a different drink other than oyster juice and seaweed smoothies and is hot? How could she say no?

Ocellus went up to the counter again and ordered a small cup of coffee for both of them. She came back to the table with a tray of hot mugs.

“As I said before,” Ocellus elaborated, “There are many different types of coffee, based on the ratio of coffee, milk, foam, and other added ingredients. Since this is your first time trying it and it is strong stuff, I thought it was nice to start easy with this one. It’s coffee and water to form something called Equestri-cano. I bought the small version.”

Internally, Ocellus shuddered. Silverstream was already Pinkie Pie-levels excited every day. The thought of her with too much of this brown liquid is something she didn’t want to think about.

Silverstream looked down at her piping hot cup, shrugged, and picked it up in her claws to brink it to her beak. The minute the warm brown liquid hit her tongue, Silverstream’s eyes widened at the bitter yet somehow sweet flavours entering her beak, and dancing across her tongue. She gulped down the whole mug.

“You like it?” Ocellus asked with a twinkle in her eye.

“This is better than any oyster juice and seaweed smoothie I have ever tasted!” Silverstream declared loudly, causing the other customers to turn toward the students.

“Slow down,” Ocellus chuckled, “It has something called caffeine that opens channels to the brain that affect activity.”

“I’m just going to nod my head up and down as if I understood what you meant,” Silverstream teased. It seemed that Gallus and Smolder were rubbing off on her. Ocellus just rolled her eyes at her friend's remark. It was then that the clock on the bakery’s wall chimed half-past, causing them to look up.

“Well, we better be heading back. I Pinkie Promised my friends to help them with their assignments too. You coming back?” Ocellus turned to Silverstream. Silverstream looked down at her unfinished brownie.

“You go on ahead. I have a brownie to finish and I like it here,” Silverstream shooed her away with a claw.

“All right. See you tomorrow for the assignment,” Ocellus waved and flew back to the school Silverstream sat alone as she finished her brownie, only to look up at the list of coffee options. She stared up in awe at the varieties on offer. Ocellus has clearly warned her not to drink more, but curiosity was taking over her.

“Mrs. Cake? What coffees do you recommend?”

“Okay class, hope you're ready for your pop quiz assignment!” Twilight said as she levitated quiz papers for the students. As she passed them to the other creatures, she noticed some creature was missing.

A certain hippogriff student.

“Have anycreature seen Silverstream?” Twilight asked. The five remaining students looked at each other and shrugged.

It was then that the double doors burst open and a frantic Silverstream came into view. Every pony and creature’s eyes widened at the state of the hippogriff. Her hair was unkempt and in odd angles, and her magical pearl necklace was not around her neck but tied to her tail for some bizarre reason. her wings were also poorly maintained and feathers poked out at odd angles. Her back leg thumped the floor wildly like what Angel Bunny would do whether he was frustrated or wanting some desperate TLC.

It was her eyes that unnerved the class and Twilight the most. One had developed a nasty twitch. Both were bloodshot and every creature can see bags under them.

The class edged back in their seats as Silverstream stepped forward.

“Who’s ready to learn the history of friendship, because I know I am!” She declared. The class and Twilight cringed at the rapid speed Silverstream spoke.

“Silverstream? What happened to you?” Twilight asked as calmly as she can.

“Ocellus showed me this wonderful beverage called coffee! It was the most wonderful drink I have ever tasted on land!” Silverstream giggled gleefully in a way that would make even Pinkie Pie weirded out.

The class looked at the only changeling in the room, who was doing her best Fluttershy impression without having to change, hiding behind the test paper. That didn’t stop Silverstream from flying dizzily toward the changeling student and hugging her.

“Er, Silverstream,” Twilight pointed a shaky hoof at her, “How many did you have?”

“Don’t know! Lost count at the twenty-eighth.”

The class and professor looked at her in shock and horror.

“Did you know coffee comes in many varieties? After Ocellus showed me the Equestri-cano, I had to try the other types!”

She flew out of the room and came back in with a bin full of discarded coffee mugs. Every creature’s eyes widened at the number of cups poking out of the trash can.

“Doppio, lungo, ristretto, cappuccino, mocha, frappe…”

She went on to list the many types of coffee she sampled. She could certainly give Discord a run for his bits with his knowledge of tea.

“I felt so courageous trying all these cups of coffee! I felt like Flash Magnus when he took on an army of parasprites!”

Twilight face-hoofed and the students rolled their eyes.

“I feel like Rockhoof, ready to dig a trench with a mop!”

She rushed to a storage cupboard and took out an actual mob and pretended to be the Pillar of Strength, digging out a trench to save his town.

“Actually-“ Ocellus tried to correct Silverstream, but she was already way ahead of her.

“Or how Somanbula had to save a prince by walking across a bridge or fall into a pit of jelly! That was after she solved the chimera’s riddle! Am I right or am I right?”

Dead silence was the only thing that could be heard in the classroom.

“No?” Silverstream looked around frantically, “What about how Mage Meadowbrook wore a clown wig to ward off a hive of flash bees?”

“I’m pretty sure that isn’t-“ Sandbar tried to intervene, but Silverstream continued in a rush.

“Did I miss a chapter from class?” Gallus wondered out loud.

“And I think Star Swirl should definitely do seashell necklace making if he comes to Mount Aris and Seaquestria. His hat has seashells on them!”

“It’s bells!” An annoyed Headmare Twilight said. How dare she poke fun at one of her idols.

“Did Yona revise the wrong test?” Yona asked with a questioning look as she reviewed her notes.

“So, that’s all the facts I know about the legends of the Pillars of Equestria,” Silverstream proudly announced, “That’s all every creature!”

It was then that Silverstream suffered a major caffeine crash and slumped onto the floor, snoring loudly as the rest of the class looked at her.

“She’s going to feel that in the morning,” Gallus half-joked, earning glares from around the classroom. “What? I’m telling the truth. Applejack’s class, remember?”

Twilight sighed and shook her head.

“Ocellus, please meet in at my office so I can hear the full story of how Silverstream had that coffee. No,” She smiled at the changeling, “You’re not in trouble or anything, I just want to hear a full account of what happened so I can pass a new rule at Sugarcube Corner.”

“Wh-what rule is that?” Ocellus asked nervously.

“That Pinkie Pie, nor Silverstream, are allowed near the school coffee machine. After that, a restriction on coffees at Sugarcube Corner.”

Author's Note:

Long, long time since I submitted a story hasn't it? First one of 2023 is done and dusted.

Thank you so much for your patience, love and support. My job and commitments have really pushed what and when I can sit down and stretch my fingers on the laptop keyboard.

Anyway, back to G4 with this cute and funny story.

Thanks again.

Fellow writer and Deviantart


Comments ( 23 )
Comment posted by Quoterific deleted Feb 4th, 2023

Silverstream is definitely Pinkie Pie with feathers, isn’t she?

Ah, the wonders of coffee. It's a miracle juice, after all.

Internally, Ocellus shuddered. Silverstream was already Pinkie Pie-levels excited every day. The thought of her with too much of this brown liquid is something she didn’t want to think about.

I mean both Pinkie Pie and silverstream have in commonly they tried her lol

“Don’t know! Lost count at the twenty-eighth.”

Oh sweet mother of celestia 😱

Lol that was a pretty funny one and yeah coffee can be something else if you can't handle too much caffeine and apparently silverstream couldn't handle it and she went to supercharge all because she could not pay attention and Ocellus was pretty worried for her friends so she was trying to help even though coffee was not the best idea for silverstream and she went into a huge Sugar Rush when she got to school and even explaining how the pillars are even though some of them are kind of silly answers after that little sugar rush it looks like Twilight is trying to ban coffee now because of Pinkie Pie and silver stream but that was a pretty funny one keep up the good work

Oh boy, Silverstream + coffee = one scary/hilarious griff to deal with & one enjoyable story! :rainbowlaugh:

Happy you liked it ^^

Silverstream... with coffee...

Where is the horor tag ?

If Silverstream is bad on coffee, I imagine Pinkie Pie getting caffeine on board would be a


I'm honestly shocked it's taken someone this long to write this story.

11497252 Honestly, she should probably be in the hospital.

I wanted this to be funny. And it delivered.

Thank you for your kind words :twilightsmile:

10 bucks says she caused a 10 car pileup during her buzz. Great story, had me DYIN'

At least with Silverstream you aren't as likely to rip holes in the space-time continuum like you would with an over-caffeinated Pinkie Pie. :rainbowlaugh:

Yikes, everyone should count themselves lucky that Silverstream didn't do any real damage besides confusing the other students a bit. That could have gotten ugly.


Silverstream is like AppleLauda when he sees the Nürburgring on Kudosprime

For some reason I don't read a lot of fanfics here but I checked out this one and it was pretty entertaining. And yeah, Silverstream with over 28 cups of coffee... Now imagine Pinkie drinking that much coffee.

Also, only a few minutes ago I was feeling pretty down, not feeling like doing anything, be it exercise, my Star Wars rewatch, or starting a new FFVII playthrough. But I think that went away after reading this. I should read stories here more often. (E-rated of course)

Silverstream, having had 28 cups of coffee? Oh dear.

Great idea for a fic, and great fic!

She flew out of the room and came back in with a bin full of discarded coffee mugs. Every creature’s eyes widened at the number of cups poking out of the trash can.

Say goobye to your kidneys lady!

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