• Published 26th Mar 2023
  • 1,085 Views, 28 Comments

Sly Cooper: Enemies In A Strange Land - k00l

Sly Cooper and his gang are sent to Equestria by a force they can't fully comprehend. However, they are quick to discover, that the missing Fiendish Five members are also in Equestria.

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Prologue: The name's Sly, Sly Cooper

Once again, my gang and I had given Inspector Carmelita Fox the slip. I was surprised to see how well she took it. Finally, the secret police file I'd been searching for all these years. With this, I could avenge my family and regain possession of our most valued treasure.

It all began when I was just a kid, bouncing on my father's knee. You see, I come from a long line of master thieves, who kept all their secrets of sneaking and stealing in an ancient book: the Thievius Raccoonus. Anyone who read it learned to be especially sneaky, which is why we specialize in stealing from criminals. After all, there's no honor, no challenge, no fun stealing from ordinary people. You rip off a master criminal, and you know you're a master thief. Well, on the night I was supposed to inherit the book, five visitors came unannounced to our door. My father fought to protect us, but the gang of villains known as the Fiendish Five overpowered him and ransacked our house until they found... the Thievius Raccoonus!

Our family's manual of thieving greatness fell into their filthy hands. They tore the book into five pieces and split it up, each villain disappearing to the farthest corners of the world to commit dastardly crimes. Broke and alone, I was dumped at the town orphanage. There, I met two guys who became my lifelong buddies and trusted crew. Bentley, techno-genius and strategist supreme, and Murray, part-time driver and full-time burden. Together, we pledged to track down the Fiendish Five, avenge my father and steal back the Thievius Raccoonus. I knew I was about to face the toughest test of my life. On this mission, I would either become a master thief like my ancestors before me, or fail and allow my family name to bite the dust.

I began reading up on the police file I had stolen, It had records from all members of the Fiendish Five. Sir Raleigh The Frog, Muggshot, Ms. Ruby, The Panda King, and finally Clockwerk. There was one mystery that links them all together, all members of the Fiendish Five have all disappeared. As if they all just dropped from the face of the earth, all their trails of crime run cold. All of their last known sighting was at the Krakarov Volcano in Russia, which so happens to be the secret base of Clockwerk. That can't be a coincidence, so me and the gang are on our way to Russia to see if we can find any clues to the Fiendish Five's whereabouts.

The Gang pulls up to the volcano, The whole place seemed to be abandoned except for a few falcons flying overhead, or were they even falcons. Their eyes were glowing bright yellow and their flight patterns seemed a bit... robotic. The van enters the volcano through a cave and soon into what appeared to be a lab. The security system long since deteriorated from no one being around for two years, and the heat from the lava below. Sly steps out of the van and begins to analyze the place with his binocucom.

"Whoa, this lab is impressive! Whoever owned this must be a genius!"

"Read me that police file again Bentley, Which member of the Fiendish Five owned this place?"

"You may not like this Sly, but from reading the file, it appears this facility is the base of operations of Clockwerk."


"Apparently he is the leader of the Fiendish Five, but he is also the smartest and deadliest!"

"Interesting, now how about you tell me the important parts?"

"Those ARE the important parts Sly! There is nothing else in the file regarding Clockwerk!"

"You can't be serious! We came all this way and that is all the details we have?"

"I'm afraid so, over 2 years ago, Clockwerk an the other Fiendish Five members just vanished out of thin air, like they dropped from the face of the earth. Inspector Fox left a footnote here expressing her frustration of Clockwerk's elusiveness. Perhaps looking around his lab may indicate the kind of person this Clockwerk is, and where he and the rest of the Fiendish Five disappeared to."

Sly began to explore the lab, hardly coming across anything, that was until he approached the very back of the lab. There was a single room with a strange device in the middle and computers surrounding it. Sly once again pulls out his Binocucom.

"Hey Bentley, you may want to come take a look at this, I have no idea what I'm looking at."

"Whoa, impressive! Alright, me and Murray are on our way!"

The van pulled right up to the back of the lab and both Bentley and Murray stepped out. Sly had his arms crossed while looking at the strange device, stepping back to allow Bentley to examine it. After a quick look over Bentley simply backs up and nods his head.

"So pal, what is this thing?" Sly looks to his friend

"I'm not entirely sure, but I am for certain it's a generator of sorts. What it generates I have no idea unless we turn it on." Bentley never took his eyes off the device, it really captured his interest.

"Then let's do just that." Sly said firmly

"Hold on Sly, I don't think that's such a good idea." Bently looked at Sly with uncertainty.

"This is the only clue we have in finding Clockwerk. For all we know, this will reveal all we need." Sly looked back at the device, something was telling him that he absolutely had to turn it on.

"Well, I doubt we even can. This place is so deteriorated, I don't even think I could charge my cell phone here. Unless... we hook it up to the van. It may supply this generator with enough power to turn it on!" Bently smiled at his own idea.

"Hold on there, you want to hook up this evil looking machine to our van!?" Said the giant pink hippo.

"Just to the engine Murray, if we could power up this generator, then it could give us some indication of Fiendish Five's where abouts."

"Alright, but this better not damage the van." Murray was a bit worried, but he goes to the back of the van and pulls out some jumper cables. He opens the hood of the van and attaches them to the engine. Bentley takes the other end and attaches them to the device and then backs away.

"Alright Murray, start the van!" Bently said as Murray turned the key. The engine hummed and he pressed on the gas to rev it. At first there was nothing, but the more Murray revved the engine, the machine started to light up.
"Yes! Just like that Murray! Keep it up!" The machine soon started to come alive, and the computers around them began to start up. A gyro in the middle of the Machine began to spin. at first slow, but it began to pick up more and more speed. it soon was spinning so fast, that it became a blur and a bright light began to emanate from the machine. Instinctively, all of them began to back away, as they could all feel a strong energy coming from the machine.
"Murray! Kill the power! Shut down the van!"

"What!?" Murray couldn't hear over the sound of the van.

"Everyone! Shake a leg, get out of here!" Sly and everyone else turned towards the exit, about to run away, when at the worst time possible, Sly's face was met with the barrel of a shock pistol.

"Freeze Cooper!" Carmelita Fox Said, aiming her pistol at Sly and stepping out from behind the van.
"You really thought that you could steal from Interpol and get away so easily!? Not this time! Whatever it is you are doing here, shut it down! You and your gang are coming with me!"

"Carmelita!?" Sly exclaims, surprised to see the inspector had followed him all this way from Paris.

"Everyone hit the dirt!" Bently called out as the bright light from the machine got brighter. They all looked towards the generator, and soon a bright flash engulfed everyone. The machine suddenly loses power and begins to shut down. As everything slowly goes back to a dormant state, Sly, Bently, Murray, Carmelita, and the van are gone.

Princess Celestia was pacing back and forth in the throne room of the castle. Recent events had filled her with dread and worry, the absolute worst thing had happened, and she is unsure how it even happened without her knowledge. Before she could continue to think, her most trusted student Twilight Sparkle came running into the throne room upon her request.

"Princess Celestia! I came as soon as I got your letter!"

Celestia is pulled from her stupor as she sees her student bow before her. Celestia lets out a small sigh and motions her student to rise.

"Twilight, thank goodness you came. Please understand, I bring the most terrible news that I could only share with you face to face! The most horrible thing has happened!" Twilight rises, she is a bit disturbed by how worried Celestia was. "I hate to drag you into another crisis, after recently helping purge the Crystal Empire from Sombra's influence, but this is detrimental. You remember when Discord stole the Elements of Harmony, right?

"Of course, how could I forget? He almost drove me and my friends apart."

Twilight approached her teacher, she was wondering where Celestia was going with this.

"Ever since then, we have been looking for a new place to hide the elements, a place where no pony would ever find them, but easily accessible to us. The answer was obvious, the catacombs beneath the castle... You remember what they are like?" Twilight only shudders at the memory of being sent to the catacombs by Chrysalis almost a year ago.

"I do. It's a maze down there"

"Absolutely, which is why we moved them down there... but, it was pointless. Just last night an alarm was raised by one of our guard ponies. By how important the elements were, me and Luna went down there ourselves to the underground vault holding the elements... what we saw... frightened us." Celestia closes her eyes and looks away. "Somepony broke into the catacombs, killed some of our guards, and tore the vault to shreds." Twilight gasps and flinches backwards hearing her mentor's words.
"It was as if some animal with claws sharp enough to shred metal tore through the vault... and stole the elements"

"The Elements have been stolen!?"

"Unfortunately... yes. We don't know the motive of why they were stolen, but they must be taken back by whoever stole them."

Twilight was left completely shocked, who on earth would ever steal the elements of harmony? Even more puzzling, why would whoever stole them need them. The scene described by Celestia about the guard casualties and how the metal vault was torn, indicating whoever stole them, desprately needed them. With all of this revealed to Twilight, one question was echoing in her mind.

"If everything you said is true Princess, why call me here? Why was I requested to come here?"

"Because, as you and your friends are the bearers of the elements, you are connected to them personally. I see no better ponies to help us locate the elements than you and your friends. So if you are going to aid in their return, you are going to need this."

Celestia's horn begins to glow a bright aura and levitates a small badge towards Twilight. It looked like a small golden star.

"This badge is only given out to my personal private investigators. I'm giving this to you to give you the authority to look through police records and to give you access to any at all crime scenes."

"Wow... Thank you Princess. But, why would you want me to go through police records?"

"While we launch our investigations here, I want you to travel back to ponyville, and access the police file to the ones who are labeled as the main suspects in this crime."

"Who are the main suspects?"

"A small gang of criminals who call themselves... The Fiendish Five."