• Published 26th Mar 2023
  • 1,102 Views, 28 Comments

Sly Cooper: Enemies In A Strange Land - k00l

Sly Cooper and his gang are sent to Equestria by a force they can't fully comprehend. However, they are quick to discover, that the missing Fiendish Five members are also in Equestria.

  • ...

Caught red hoofed

Sly begins to chuckle at the unicorn in front of him, however, he winces from the pain in his head. The Unicorn narrows her eyes at the raccoon, she was frustrated he wasn't taking this seriously.

"What's so funny?"

"What's so funny? I'm talking to a four-legged unicorn. Any sane person would question their own sanity at that."

"Well let me tell you, it's not everyday anypony comes across a stick wielding bipedal raccoon either."

"Touché, but where I'm from that's normal."

"Can you please tell me your name?"

"Didn't you hear? I'm a Rodent."

The unicorn rolls her eyes and places her hoof on top of the table. Sly however was smirking at her, enjoying playing with her. She wasn't going to play his games, so she needed to bring out the big guns from the get go.

"Alright, if you won't cooperate, I'll make you."

"I'd like to see you try. Interpol's best inspector hasn't been able to catch me. I'll be outta here in 10 minutes."

"Very well, then let's begin."

Twilight' horn began to glow a bright aura once again. Sly raised his eyebrow, uncertain of what her horn glowing meant. However, his eyes began to widen as his back was levitated right in front of him. His pack had the same aura glowing around it as Twilight's horn. Soon after, Sly's cane was then levitated next to it. He began to pull at the cuffs, trying to break himself free. Finally, His pack opened, and two police files were lifted out of it, all without anyone ever touching them. all four objects were then laid out in front of him on the table.

"Is this stick yours Mr. Raccoon?"

"Why should I tell you anything?"

"Because currently, your fate is in my hooves. Now don't lie to me, is this stick yours?"

"...Yes, and it's a cane. It's been passed down through my family for generations."

"Interesting, you use it well. The way you tripped the stallion and the way you tried to swing away from it was impressive... until you fell."

Sly rolls his eyes at the comment. He cringes again, wincing in pain from his headache again.

"Speaking of falling. Shouldn't I be in a hospital? You know it's not fair to interrogate someone who may have a concussion." Sly smiled, hoping to manipulate the pony in front of him into letting him go so he could escape. His thoughts were suddenly drawn to the Chandelier, why did it break so easily? Surely he doesn't weigh that much.

"No need Mr. Raccoon. While unconscious we had a doctor patch you up with his magic. You didn't suffer any serious injuries."

"Did you just say magic?" Sly then began to audibly chuckle at her. "Oh Bentley would be rolling in his shell if he heard something like that. There is no such thing as Magic Four-legs."

"No such thing eh?" Twilight's horn lit up again, and swiftly lifts the hat up off of Sly's head.

"Hey! Give that back to me!"

Sly furrowed his brow as he began to struggle a bit more. It was Twilight's turn to smirk at him. She used her magic to spin his hat like a top.

"How do you know I'm the one who has it Mr. Raccoon?"

"I can see you using your glowing horn thing. I'm not stupid."

"Excellent, now tell me, how exactly is my horn holding it?"

Sly opened his mouth to say something, but he was left completely dumbfounded. His eyes widen and he sits back in his seat as the thought dwelled on him. Twilight then used her magic to set Sly's hat on the table

"Explain to me how I made everything on this table float just now? I'll give you a hint, nothing to do with magnets." Twilight gets up on her hind legs. Placing her hooves on the table as her smirk grows wider. "While you give that a thought, allow me to surprise you a bit more, Mr. Sly Cooper."

Sly's head flinches backwards as the unicorn reveals she knew his real name.

"W-what!? But how...!?"

"This second police file." Twilight levitated the file Sly stole from Inspector Carmelita Fox. "I have no idea where you got this second file from, but judging how you tried to steal mine, I'm guessing you stole this one as well. Reading it was quite interesting. It not only documents the criminal record of the Fiendish Five, but you as well Mr. Cooper. This is your photo isn't it?"

Twilight levitated the black and white photo of Sly out of the police file, and hovered it in front of Sly's face. He'd hate to admit it, but this little unicorn was starting to impress him.

"I have no idea where you got this other police file, as it has documentation of crimes committed by the Fiendish Five that outdate our own records of them. Not only that, your file states that the Fiendish Five went missing just a little over 2 years ago. That's very interesting, because our own documentations of the Fiendish Five started around the same time, just over 2 years ago. As for you they suddenly disappeared, for us they suddenly appeared. This cannot be a coincidence, Mr. Cooper. You know certain things about the Fiendish Five that we don't, and by your actions, we have info you don't know. As hired by Princess Celestia herself to look into matters involving the Fiendish Five, I demand you to tell me what you know!...Please?"

Sly slumps back in his chair, he was far past impressed now. This little unicorn was able to deduce very little information provided to her, and was able to piece them all together. Her deduction was incredible and she pretty much hit the nail on the head. He stops fidgeting in his seat and lets out a long sigh.

"I must say four-legs, you got me by the tail here. I really do need to commend you for that, your the first person to ever do that to me."

Twilight couldn't help but smile, She too was silently congratulating herself as well before Sly continued to speak.

"Guess the first place to start is my name. Yes, it's Sly, Sly Cooper. Master thief, and one of Interpol's most wanted. I stole that file and was using it to get info on the Fiendish Five so I could track them down. My search led me to the Krakarov Volcano, located in Russia. Me and my gang were looking for clues, as that was the last place the Fiendish Five were last seen. We found a strange device, since it was our only clue, we turned it on. However, it emitted a bright flash, and the next thing I knew, I woke up in a prairie not too far from this town. I came here looking for my friends, heard your mayor had my cane, I came to retrieve it, but then you yourself started talking about the Fiendish Five. As my current lead ended in a cold trail, I figured yours would pick up where mine left off, so I tried to take it. You know the rest."

Twilight listened closely, using her hoof to rub her chin. She was extremely fascinated by Sly's story. He himself was hunting the Fiendish Five, but why?

"Interesting... Wait... Most wanted? You're a criminal too?"

"Guilty as charged."

"Why would you admit something like that to me?"

"You already have my case file, why try lying now? I'm trying to prove to you that you can trust me."

"Trust you? You tried to steal my files, and now I have proof that you have a history of you being a kleptomaniac. Why would I ever trust somepony like you?"

"Because four-legs, I'm being transparent with you. I know when my goose is cooked, and it's about well-done at the moment. Right now, the only thing on my mind at the moment is finding a way out of here so I can locate my friends. Lying isn't going to get me out of here faster when you have pretty much everything you need to know right in front of you."

Twilight just gives him an odd look. There was logic in his reasoning, he had no reason to lie to her. As much as she wanted to not trust him, she couldn't help but come to terms with his words. She lets out a long sigh before speaking again.

"Alright, Mr. Cooper."

"Please, Mr. Cooper was my father, call me Sly."

"Very well, Sly. My name is Twilight Sparkle."

"Cool name, though I wish we met under different circumstances."

Sly smiled at her in the friendliest face he could muster. He wasn't trying to manipulate her, just get friendly enough to have her take the cuffs off. Twilight nods her head in response to Sly's words.

"Likewise. Judging by your story and... how you look. I can tell your not from Equestria are you?"


"It's the name of this country, Sly. Where are you from?"

"...I'm from Paris France."

Twilight had a physical reaction to Sly's response. Her head shot backwards and she gave him an even weirder look. She had never heard of a place like that before. Sly even took a moment for himself as well. Equestria? What kind of name is that? Well, it makes sense the more he thinks about it. He most certainly wasn't in Russia anymore, and for all he knew, he may not even be on Earth. Not once had he ever heard of a place called Equestria filled with four legged ponies.

"France? I have never heard of such a place."

"And I have never heard of Equestria."

Twilight placed her hoof on her chin. She once again began to piece the information together. Sly could almost see the gears turning in her head as she thought to herself. Eventually, her face begins to light up, as if she figured it out.

"Ok, just hear me out. You described how you got here was with a flash of a light, correct?"

"Yeah, that's correct."

"The staple indication of a teleportation spell. It's quite possible that you were interdimensionally teleported here through a high concentration of magic." Sly rolls his eyes at that statement.

"Of course. Here, you can just say it's magic and it'll make perfect sense.."

"Oh hush you. I can figure out a way to get you back home with some research. But in the meantime, You're going to tell me what you know about the Fiendish Five."

"Why assume I know anything?"

"You came here with this second police file, and you admitted to me earlier that you were tracking them. I'm trying to find them as well, and I don't know anything about them. That is why I came here for the Equestrian copy. Since you were actively tracking them already, you already know much more than me, so spill it."

Sly began to smirk at her, he leaned back in his chair and let out a soft chuckle.

"You're not a cop are you?"

"What difference does that make?"

"I'll admit, you got me by the tongue earlier when you learned my name, doing research on a police file is nothing compared to actually being out in the field. You can research a topic all you want, but unless you get your hands dirty, you aren't going to find anything. I have nothing to say to you that can help you."

Twilight opened her mouth to protest, but she was unable to say anything, he was right. She had done some readings on the file earlier while Sly was out cold, but she honestly had nowhere to start looking for them. She needed more than info to find the Fiendish Five, she needed manpower to help find them, a team who was willing to go out and locate them and bring them down for good. She looked up at Sly who was still smiling at her.

"Alright Sly, you got me this time. I think you are right, I have never gone out looking for criminals before... and I'm not a cop. The only pony I know who has any kind of experience dealing with criminals is my brother, and he is in the Crystal Empire. *sigh* ...I might be a little in over my head."

Twilight's ears fold back and her whole body language seems to change. She was lazily slumped over and she was looking towards the ground. Sly eyes her, despite how well she handled herself earlier, you poke one hole in her and she crumbles. If she is serious enough to go after the Fiendish Five, she wouldn't be able to do it alone. Sly let's out a long sigh as he ponders a decision he was about to make.

"Are you absolutely sure you want to go after the Fiendish Five?"

"Yes, I'm absolutely sure. Princess Celestia trusts me to look for them... but I have no idea where to start."

"The how about this four-legs-"

"I told you it's Twilight, please stop calling me that, it's annoying."

"hehe, I know. Look, me and my gang have been training to go after them for a few years now. We have the ability to find them, and confront them. However, if they are here, in this unknown world, we're gonna need help from others who know this place. Since we both have a personal interest in the Fiendish Five, I suggest a truce so we can bring them down."

Twilight raises an eyebrow at him, she was very skeptical on how quick he was willing to team up, when he just tried to rob her earlier.

"What's the catch?"

"You honestly think I want something out of this?"

Sly had a sly grin on his face while Twilight had a deadpanned look. Her silence and expression said it all.

"Fine, just a little one. First, let's say we forget my break in, and my attempt to steal from you, and help me find my gang, and I'll offer you any kind of aid I can give."

"I knew it." Twilight narrows her eyes at him, he wanted to be absolved of his crime. She wanted to refuse, but she had to admit, Sly has been truthful so far, not once has he lied, tricked, or try to manipulate her, that she knew of.

"Fine, but step one hoof out of line Sly, you are staying in a cell till the job is done."

Twilight's horn began to light up, she levitated a key and the cuffs around his wrist and legs released. Sly stood up and began to rub his wrists. Twilight suddenly feels a bit intimidated at his height, she holds her breath as he grabs the cane off the table. She was expecting him to suddenly make a break for it, but to her surprise, he just casually places the files back in his pack, and puts it back on.

"Alright, That's much better."

"If you don't mind me asking, what's your motive for finding the Fiendish Five anyway?"

"I'll tell you once we find my gang, you got a base of operations, or a safehouse or something?

"I do, follow me Sly."