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Chapter 19 - A Pink Royal Visitor

*knock knock knock*

Spike knocked on the front door of the golden oak library once more for the tenth time, if he counted correctly, his concern for Twilight growing little by little with each failed attempt. "Twilight, can we talk?" he called out again, his voice gentle and tinged with worry.

But still, there was no response.

He let out a heavy sigh, feeling a sense of helplessness and failure wash over him, and he hated every second of it. "Please talk to me, Twilight," Spike pleaded, his tone filled with genuine concern. "You know I'm always on your side, no matter what happens." He waited, hoping for any sign that Twilight was willing to open up.

The drake furrowed his brows, deep in thought. He realized that maybe a direct approach might not be the best way to get through to Twilight in her current state. He needed to find a way to distract her thoughts with another topic, to pull her focus out of the current one.

Suddenly, an idea formed in Spike's mind. “Maybe this will work?” He muttered silently to himself and then decided to act upon that new tactic immedietly.

He took a deep breath and called out again "Twilight," This time his voice was voided of emotion and took on a more academic tone. "Locking yourself in the room won't help you, according to that psychology book you read. You know? The one you brought to Moon Dancer’s birthday party last time."

For a moment, there was silence, and The baby dragon held his breath in suspension. Would it work or not?

He can only hope that his words have struck a chord with Twilight, and the result gives him hope.

To his delight, this time he got a response. "Y-you remembered that. I-I thought you didn't care about it," Twilight's muffled voice replied from behind the door.

Spike's lips curved into a small smile as he realized he was making progress. He knew he had to tread carefully, but at least he had managed to lure her out into a conversation.

Of course, admitting that it was a book the knowledge of psychology greatly helped him properly pamper his classmates into helping him cheat on his exams and homework wouldn't bode well for the prim and proper Twilight. He needed another excuse, maybe something a little more heartfelt?

"Of course, I care, Twilight," Spike replied gently. "I care about you and your hobby. Now, can you please open the door so we can talk about it?" What a smooth transition. Spike mentally patted himself on the back.

Spike waited and waited and waited, but still nothing came back.

A silence reigns in and the young drake knows this is another failure.

Spike sighed in defeat. "Looks like this also didn't work," The drake muttered to himself, clenching his claws tightly.

Of course, this was Twilight Sparkle, and her sharp mind would instantly connect the dots at the mere implication of why she had locked herself in her room.

Well, Spike knew he could break into the room if all other options were invalid, but this was not that kind of emergency, and he knew better than to pull off something like that.

*knock knock knock*

A few knocks from downstairs brought him out of his stupor. Look like somepony else wanted to get into the library.

He was out of ideas now, but perhaps going out for a little bit and talking to that mysterious pony would give him a new perspective.

Besides, this building was a public library, and it would only be fair to let that pony in.

Spike walked downstairs, taking in the warm, woody interior of the library, searching for a solution to his problem.

He came to a stop in front of the door and opened it, revealing a visitor waiting on the other side was somepony he knew well.

Standing there was the alicorn of love, Princess Cadance, his and Twilight's former foalsister, alone without any royal guards.

Cadance haggled for breath, leaning her side against a mailbox's pole for support. Her mane was disheveled, lacking the grace it usually possessed, strands of hair sticking out in all directions.

Her fur was damp and wet, with droplets of sweat still trickling down like a waterfall. The dust and debris from the mailbox’s pole marred her light pink coat, creating new black lines of dirt every time she changed her position.

Royal Guards bowing down to the homeless-looking pink pony princess only added to the surreal imagery.

Spike scanned the alicorn of love with his eyes, then made a comment. "....Did you fly directly from Canterlot?" He asked about Cadance's condition, his voice filled with concern.

Cadance nodded weakly. "Yes," she replied, as she gained enough strength and slowly limped in towards Spike.

As the princess of love came closer, Spike smelled something in the air, sniffed it, then frowned. "Do you want to shower first?" he asked tentatively, raising an eyebrow inquisitively.

Cadance frowns for a moment, then morphs into disgust as she sniffs at herself.

With a concentrated expression, the alicorn's horn lit up with a shimmering glow, radiant magic, its aura engulfing her entire body and cleansing away the sweat and dirt that clung to her

And momentarily blinding Spike in a flash of light.

Once Spike's vision recovered from the unexpected flashbang, he saw the now cleaned-up alicorn standing before him, her coat gleamed, and her mane cascaded gracefully. She transformed from a hobo into a clean and proper royalty in a (forcefully) blink of an eye.

Spike rubbed his eyes for a moment, then looked up, and glared at his former foalsister. "No shower then?" he questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.

Cadance smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, Spike," she replied to the young drake. "But Twilight comes first," she finished, her voice a little strained, but filled with determination.

Spike’s body gone sagged momentarily, before propping his chest back up, which didn’t go unnoticed by Cadance.

"Come in, then. She's upstairs," Spike said, gesturing for the alicorn of love to follow him as he walked into the Golden Oak Library, leading the way inside.

Cadance quickly walked to be by his side, thinking about how to bring it up. Only then to remember something and curve her lips up.

The alicorn’s horn lit up, levitating a mysterious bag from somewhere, its contents heavy and clinking together.

Spike knew exactly what it was – gemstones. "Are you going to bribe me with that?" Spike asked, a playful smile slowly spreading across his face.

"Of course! Who else, if not my favorite dragon, Spike?" Cadance replied with a playful wink, a warm smile gracing her tired features as she lowered her head to nuzzle the baby dragon affectionately.

"I am the only dragon you know, Cadance," Spike sighed in mock exasperation, but he nuzzled the alicorn back nonetheless, appreciating the gesture and the comfort of such action.

He couldn't help but cherish the bond they had developed over the years, even though they were not biologically related.

As they walked together, they engaged in light-hearted banter and talked about various topics as they made their way to the second floor where Twilight's room was located.

It had been a while since Cadance took on the role of princess full-time. They didn’t spend time together much even when they lived in the same castle, and Spike missed her company.

As they came to a stop in front of the wooden door, the alicorn of love sighed, then looked towards her companion in seriousness "Spike, I can deal with Twilight myself.” Cadance’s voice was firm, acknowledging his nature, assuming the young drake would try to help Twilight already.

Cadance gazed into his eyes, to make her intention clear to the baby dragon. “I know you're uncomfortable with this, and none of it is your fault ."

Spike’s eyes wide in shock "Cadance, I-I...." He started, before trailing off and looking down at his claws.

Contrary to what most ponies would assume, Spike's relationship with Twilight is closely related to that of a caretaker and his charge, a goal-driven gifted filly with tunnel vision tendency and an equally talented baby dragon who matured beyond his age.

Cadance knew of his weakness well. For he’s a capable and caring dragon, with skillsets beyond somepony of his age should be possessed. A little drake who's rarely failed at the tasks he'd given to himself, a little colt who didn’t take his own failure well then it inevitably happened.

And it didn’t take a genius to think what kind of emotional turmoil brewing within his heart when he failed a family member.

Cadance patiently waited as the baby dragon took a breather. “B-but I…” He muttered before trailing off, his draconic eyes stared down at his tightly clenched appendages.

After a moment of silence, he let out a sight and looked up, making eye contact with his former foalsister.

“You always know what to say, huh?” He asked, finally smiling at her, his muzzle portrayed a genuine appreciation, "I know you're busy with.... everything that happened recently. Thanks for coming all the way to see us, Cadance. It really means a lot."

Cadance returned him with her equally radiant and warm smile, "Of course, Spike. Family is important, and I'll always make time for you and Twilight." She replied as she moved one of her soft and pink wing over the young Spike’s back.

Author's Note:

I saw Spike as nothing else but Twilight’s plus one in FiM. He truly had nothing but surface personality traits.

Like, we questioned about Twilight’s friends that were left out when she moved to Ponyville, but what’s about Spike's?

And did Spike really part of Twilight Sparkle’s family? I’m not really sure…

What about his schooling? We never seen him in school even once. Was he treated as a pet or lower than ponies?

Very curious.

Well, I will just do my own thing and wavered off inconsistancy with FiM via the all powerful AU tag.

Not like FiM was internally consistent with itself anyway…

Enough of that, I also have something else for you.

It’s a little story idea about Nightmare Moon in the TARDIS. That blog post has detailed outline of origin story and a list of TARDIS’s crew.

Making a creative and fun doctor who monsters are hard, so I likely won’t turn it into anything other than oneshot, if at all.

Credit: Porygon2z