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Interlude - Nightmare Night Special: (Not) A Cosmic Horror

This story was repurposed to be a test run for a potential new release scheduled and chapter length. 3 weeks of hiatus and big word counts are the parameters of this experiment. No commitment to anything yet, just an experiment. Give me your opinion here.


“Power, go! Guidance support, go! And Network… go!" NIghtmare Moon finished her prelaunch checks. Now looking at her sole companion in the lunar prison. Her pet rock.

"Wished me luck... and goodbye for now." She muttered out her before turns her attention back at the unseal spell.

"All systems are go for launch." This night is going to be perfect, and the human-turned-alicorn knows it.

With a fanged smile, Nightmare Moon activated her spell. "Equestria, Here I come!"

Space... the final frontier and Nightmare Moon wondered why the former owner of this body liked it so much.

The beauty of space was undeniable, with galaxies and nebulae painting a breathtaking canvas around her, no different from her Ex. Beautiful but empty and will eventually get old after a while, and offered her no peace, solace, answers, or no escape.

In the end, Nightmare Moon becomes a broken man with a broken heart, and nothing left in her name. Directionless floated around without a goal.

The night alicorn truly despised it with every fiber of her being. She couldn't even scream out in frustration, not with the cold, silent vacuum of space enveloping her.

There was no air in the vast empty abyss, just the haunting silence of the cosmos.

As she floated aimlessly in the dark void, she couldn't help but try to lighten the mood by cracking a joke, albeit soundlessly due to the lack of air,

"Spacewalks are overrated. I much prefer moonwalks, even better if I can do the earthwalk, but without an audience, they're not as fun." Nightmare chuckled soundlessly as she tried to find a way to cope with her new reality.

And she thought the moon was already the rock bottom!

"Why is life so unfair?" Nightmare Moon muttered sadly, her voiceless words unheard, absorbed by the vacuum.

The anguish of the lone drifter was lost to the cosmic void. She drifted aimlessly, her indigo and ebony mane trailing behind her like a dark comet.

The stars around her glittered, congratulated her on her escape from the lunar prison, and cheered for their new little space–faring neighbor. Only to turn blind eyes as they witness to her new plight.

A moon goddess caught in a celestial trap is now who she was, and the irony of that statement wasn't lost on her.

The alicorn no longer felt the oppressive limitation imposed on her by the element of harmony. The seal was lifted, but so was her connection with Equestrian Moon.

Her plan relied on her going to that alien world. Many resources and knowledge she needed to acquire were now lost to her.

"Can I even go home...?" The first mare on the moon turned the first mare in space sadly muttered. "Is it even a possibility now?"

Nightmare Moon wants to cry, and yet she can't. Her blood dried and water in her body painfully boiled away long ago.

Her alicorn visage was as much of a magic spell as a meaty organic machine. Living in an empty void is as expected of the body of an equine goddess, but the same couldn't applied to her mental state.

More worldly pleasures of being alive were taken from her once more. She cannot eat on the moon, but now she can't even cry or scream out in frustration.

"Maybe I should just...give up. It wouldn't be hard to just... lay down and rest."

A tumultuous storm of sadness, regret, and anger. Filled her mind, and churned within her as she pondered this new unforgiving turn of events.

"She sure had done it before, and so could I. I-I just have to.... repeat what she did." The night alicorn looked at her scarred wrists and shuddered. Her ears flattened as she recalled the last moment of the being known as Luna, the princess who was forever lost from the realm of living.

Nightmare Moon slowly closed her eyes. Her lungs move up and down, suctioned in and out fruitlessly. The intended purpose was served nonetheless.

Don't give up. She has people waiting for her back home!

The alicorn of the night reopened her eyes with newfound determination. She will survive. She will thrive, and return to those she cared for.

As Nightmare Moon continued to drift through the cosmic sea, her magic-enhanced alicorn eyes glazed beyond what any mortal could fathom.

The night alicorn scrutinizes the sea of stars for any glimmer of hope. There had to be a way to break free from this infinite prison,

And something did indeed catch her eyes-an out of place a reflection of light in her vision.

With determination burning in her eyes, she ignited her horn, casting a brilliant indigo glow that pulsed with magical energy. Teleportation after teleportation she unrelentingly cast. Correcting her course as she went on.

Stop drifting away randomly you space debris!

The pain of headache consumed her mind as the alicorn took rest. Each time she took a rest, her body was still being propelled through the vacuum of space the leftover momentum, chasing the elusive light of hope.

Eventually, with a final burst of magical energy, she arrived at her destination. "Too many teleports..." Nightmare Moon panted out, before looking clearly at the object in front of her with mouth agape.

Definitely a new hope.

"Wow," Nightmare Moon muttered in awe and wonder, for what she found was nothing short of miraculous.

Before her, the remains of what appeared to be an artificial construct of steel. It's the bow of a mighty space battleship that engulfed her entire field of vision with its giant visage. The carcass of a once space-faring war machine floated in the emptiness of space. The entire rear side of the vessel had been torn away and missing, leaving exposed innards, and jagged metal. The ship had clearly seen better days.

"Was it a pirate ship?" Nightmare Moon questioned as she made a flyby near one of the side cannons, noting the exterior near the maintenance hatch was covered in sinister, evil-looking patterns and details. The chipped paint is understandable but rust?

The great abyss of space had no air or water. Those are two requirements for metal to start rusting and Nightmare Moon knows it.

The rust on the ship's hull indicated that the ship sometimes entered a livable atmosphere but it hadn't been well taken care of, a fitting fate for a ship owned by a group of lowlife space pirates.

"Yes.... definitely a pirate ship." The most unsettling aspect of it all was the abundance of metal sculptures and emblems in the shape of human skulls. "Some kind of jolly Roger?"

She hoped that the previous owner of this ship was long gone by now. She didn't want to meet the psychopath who had decorated their ship with skulls. Such barbaric gruesome taste.

The silver lining is it was a human ship. Nightmare Moon hopes that the tech inside won't be too alien for her naked ape mind to comprehend.

"Finder's the keeper. Wee!" The alicorn's mood lightened up and soundlessly hummed to herself as she floated into a crack in the haul.

Perhaps she would find something that could help her there in the darkness of space. Little did Nightmare Moon know, her journey was about to take a surprising turn into another kind of horror.

End of the horror theme story

From now on, this story turned into something I can churned out quickly, an easy and dirty comedy drama crossover in the pursuit of Halloween's deadlines and more word counts for the experiment. The original ending is outlined at the bottom of the story, right before the author's note. This is a good point to drop out and skip to the end if you only come for Halloween spooky and nothing else. A Horror story that could properly bring out the reader’s dread is too hard for me in such a limited time frame. I won't be able to finished originally planned 2k word counts even if I tried my hardest with that amount of writer's block. Sorry for failing you all.


In the Twilight Zone where anything could become reality, the ever-shifting Dreamrealm, Nightmare Moon's frustration knew no bounds as she found herself facing a nightmarish reality, literally.

"Why does everything go so wrong?" she screamed out, manifestations of her inner turmoil, her voice echoing through the dreamscape. She was locked in a desperate battle with the dream parasite, something absolutely grotesque and reeking with the smell of death that would make any typical Equestrian dream monster look cute in comparison.

The worst kind of dream beast, the kind that killed its hosts.

"And I thought it was already rock bottom!" Nightmare Moon continues to dodge and parry, trusting her body's horn instinct as the guardian of the dream realm. She couldn't help but replay the memory of the last few hours on her mind...


Deep within the ship's eerie interior, Nightmare Moon's exploration took a horrifying turn. As she ventured further, she came across a gruesome sight that made her sick to her very core.

The walls of the ship were adorned with countless human skulls, their hollow eye sockets and grinning jaws staring back at her in a grotesque display of malevolence.

Thousands of these body-less skulls were scattered throughout the ship, creating a nightmarish mosaic of death. Some of them were connected to non-humanoid robotic bodies. Few had one eye socket gouged out and replaced by some kind of optical sensor.

All of them lifeless staring blankly back at her all the same, giving her a horrific imagination the cruel fate of the skull's owner.

Others were far worse as they inexplicably welded to the ship's machinery, with a network of wires and cables of cybernetics of some kind protruding from where the brain was and still coated in a stain of dried blood and tissues, creating an unholy fusion of flesh and metal.

The sight made Nightmare Moon sick to her stomach. She couldn't fathom the kind of monstrous individual who could commit such atrocities. It was a nightmare beyond anything she had ever imagined, no pun intended.

Nightmare Moon came to a realization as her turquoise pupils gazed at the same emblems for uncountable time. "It kind of looks like the logo S.H.I.L.D." The first thing that came into her mind was a certain fictional state-run terrorist government agency from a certain comic.

What she is looking at is a symbol of an organization. A drawing of a two-head eagle spreading its wings. Her geek side offered her answer first, but quickly supplemented by her neckbeard internet anon's side. "It also looks like an eagle from NAZI's banner, but no swastika…"

Of course, there are many differences between those two, but both of those organizations are renounced for having kindhearted and emphatic top brass. Holding onto the Universal Declaration of Human Rights like a gospel while doing ethical research on the human body.

Like hell it was!

"A pirate crew born from defected S.H.I.L.D. or space Nazi members and led by a mad scientist... yikes" Nightmare Moon shook her head, clearing away her vivid imagination of when this ghost ship was still operational, filled to the brim with psychopaths.

"No matter. I just have to blast any evil-looking henchmen on sight with a lethal shot." Either way, those two groups didn't have a good track record and that's all she needed to know. She left her question unanswered and continued her search.

Eventually, Nightmare Moon stumbled across the backup power system. With the ship coming back to life, something called out to her from within the ship.

Suppressing her shudder and ignoring bright red light coming from countless dead cyborg skulls, Nightmare Moon definitely didn't see rays of red lights shift as servos turned skeleton head to face her direction, watching her every step.

With a pleasant surprise, the one who called out wasn't some kind of man-machine abomination, but a pure metal-made machine with zero organic parts, a machine that reacted to her magic!

Dream magic to be specific.

After many tries and errors, this amalgamation of construction seemed to not only amplify her dream magic but also increase her sensitivity and make finding dreamers among the stars much easier.

This godsend of a machine was her savior, offering a glimmer of hope in the midst of her ordeal. With newfound power at her disposal, she felt emboldened to explore the dream realm further in search to find help.

Which brings her to the current predicament.


Nightmare Moon used the machine to enhance her dream magic. With newfound power, she sent her consciousness on a journey through the Dream realm, seeking assistance from anyone or anything that might help her escape this infinite void prison.

After what felt like an eternity of drifting through the ethereal landscape, she finally encountered a group of people suspended in the dream realm.

Among them was a dream mage, their aura pulsating with ethereal energy. Hope surged within Nightmare Moon as she realized she had found the help she sought.

Without hesitation, she reached out to the dream mage, attempting to establish a psychic connection. But as her presence touched theirs, things took a dark turn.

To her horror, the dream mage, along with the entire group, appeared to be infected by a dream parasite. A super dream parasite more powerful and malevolent force that was stronger than most creatures of the dream realm Luna had fought with. Not many could infest the conscious mind of a dream mage after all.

"Holy batman why me!?" Not just a dream mage, but thousands, millions, billions. Uncountable conscious minds of mages connected to it. fueling its power.

The parasite unleashed a barrage of pure energy, attempting to ensnare Nightmare Moon’s dream avatar with its raw power. The battle had only just begun, and Nightmare Moon found herself pitted against a formidable adversary.

In this surreal turn of events, the rescuee turned rescuer. Nightmare Moon's only hope was to overcome these new obstacles and somehow find a way to free the dream mage and their people from this tormenting creature.

"Discord but dream realm and less IQ." That is the way she described it.

It was a powerful adversary, but it lacked finesse. Guiding by unrefined instinct and non-existent intelligence, it attacks more brute force and lacks tactical precision or planning.

The dream creature undoubtedly had more raw power than her, and Nightmare Moon felt as if she an ant were pitted against a mighty titan, but this was a battle she could win and her body knew it.

The horned battle instinct of Equestria's dream guardian guides her. The realm of the night is where might not necessarily made right. A mere foal could take on an alicorn dream mage if they were talented and creative enough.

That's why even the self-proclaimed ' Lord of Chaos', Discord, loses against Luna in the dream realm. An opponent who had never faced someone above their own weight class is nothing against an experienced dream mage.

And Nightmare Moon has both experience and training.

The dream creature wielded dream magic with the grace of an incel confessing love to the girl he like, showing no subtlety or finesse, much Luna did in her younger years before she had been taught by unicorn mages of Unicornia. Its power was undeniable, but its arrogance left it vulnerable.

Incarceration on the moon with nothing to do, the dream realm becomes her sole refuge. Cutting off from the dream realm outside the celestial body, Nightmare Moon was forced to learn the dream magic in its entirety.

Creating a fully automated dream-construct combat NPC is far easier than an automated NPC that could talk. Combating happened often as Nightmare Moon was frustrated by her failure in many of her projects and wanted a release.

Nightmare Moon, drawing upon her knowledge and experience, decided to use the same techniques that those Unicornia mages had employed to subdue a more powerful Alicorn like the original owner of her body in the past.

"Gates of Babylon, fire! activate all group C noble phantasms!" She countered the dream creature's onslaught with convoluted unpredictable combo moves that were executed with the precision of magic manipulation of a court mage.

The one specially designed to counter modern Equestria's dream mages if the need arises.

One can never be too careful, after all.

"Full counter!" Nightmare Moon shouted gleefully, her voice echoing through the dream realm. She expertly turned her enemy's attack back against itself, using the dream monster's own attack to assault its owner. The dream parasite writhed in agony as the redirected attack tore through it, weakening its once formidable defense.

As the dream creature faltered, Nightmare Moon seized the opportunity, launching a powerful surge of her attack at its weak point-its core. The real ethereal body that somehow connected to a counterpart in the real world.

"I see... you are no dream parasite. You are a fucking dream mage!" Nightmare Moon sneered, thinking back to the ruler of a certain crystal nation of Equestria's frozen north.

"At least a dream parasite hunted for its survival... But you have no excuse! You murderous slaver piece of shit?!"

The edge lord dream mage who self-appointed himself as an emperor and enslaved his own people with his clever use of dream magic. "And I know just a way to deal with you." All power could corrupted, and dream magic is the prime example.

The pitiful mage was likely too ambitious and went insane. The alicorn concluded. Looking at the creature with a newfound perspective.

"Please, just lay down and die. You worm" Nightmare Moon said coldly, using her ethereal form as the projectile itself, She propelled herself toward her mark.

The dream realm trembled as the titan roared in pain. The night goddess's ethereal body sunk into its core, and penetrated every poor defense it could muster.

Nightmare Moon turned her whole dream realm's avatar into a mental scalpel, chipping away the connection between the now-identified dream mage's real body and consciousness.


Screamed and trashed. The supposedly 'insane dream mage' froze in shock at the newfound information. Permanently maimed and dead inevitably, the alicorn relaxed her mental defense.

Not enough for it to launch any kind of worthwhile psychic attack, but gleaming for information? Yes.

For the first time in this century, the broken man awoken from his slumber. Something wakes him up before the right time. A great emergency it was.

Survival is no longer an option, conserving his strength for what is to come is now worthless. Still, less than a human but more than a beast scrutinizes his adversary with a swift hast.

This thing... was a human. A human from the Age of Terra of an alien realm. Immortal ruler of Xeno world. Our successor this child could be...

He choked out again in great agony as another nauseous sickness coarse through his mind.

A choice we do not have, a transgression we partially started. Our hands are tied. We have to work fast!

Seconds turned eternity as the final wills was drafted. Satisfied with his chosen ultimatum, the rotten husk of a man took his eternal rest.

Please, protect them… protect the mankind.


With a triumphant expression, Nightmare Moon stood victorious in the ethereal battlefield of the dream realm. The 'corrupted dream mage' is slowly being purged from the world of living.

Suddenly, an unexpected sensation washed over her. It wasn't an invasion of her consciousness, for her mental defenses were too strong to be breached.

Instead, it was as if the remnants of the corrupted dream mage, defeated and dying, were becoming subservient to her.

Not subservient, but being a part of her and truly losing its individuality in the process, become nothing more than a bundle of memories.

A wry smile crept across her face. "Well, who can say no to a free power-up?" she mused at the newfound path of power that had presented itself.

Taking over someone's life wasn't a part of her fetish and her experience with taking over Luna's life wasn't going well so far, but she needed every advantage she could get.

As she initiated the absorption process, the two beings gradually merged into one. The dream creature's essence became a part of her, enhancing her power and influence within the dream realm.

Its vast amount of memory and experience become part of her grand mental library, locked away for assessment at a later date.

Having Luna’s memories messing around in my head is painful enough.

"Now I just have to go meet that dream mage... I haven't thought it though, have I?" She saved that poor dream mage and his people from the clutch of his mind slaver.

"It will take a while to fully control it. What a pain." Now after the absorption, her smell, her signature in the dream realm is familiar to that of the poor guy’s previous tormentor, and she’s incapable of masking it for now.

Slowly, Nightmare Moon delves into the newly acquired memory. Looking for anything useful. To find a way to convince him she's not that monster, only to find out she hasn't reached the bottom of this rabbit hole yet.

"I killed who!?" The identity of the 'corrupted mage' was revealed to the night alicorn, to her dismay.

"Alright, let's see what we have here..." Nightmare Moon muttered mentally as she checked her rightfully claimed 'body'.

The body was she expected. Nightmare Moon might not know much about the grim dark universe of the forty-first millennium, but a geek is who she was. Many random pop culture knowledge she had gleaned.

The Sith lords of the galaxy far far away are scarred, crippled, and broken. The emperor of the rotting empire will make those guys look like handsome pop stars in comparison.

The question remained. Why did it consume so much energy? Not that she didn't have the answer already.

The Astronomicon. The navigation system of all imperium's interstellar ships.

Nightmare Moon Shuddered as she reminisced the livid memories she had acquired.

Not the memory of the man himself, but his blood bags. Last moment of countless sacrificial pawns as they gave up their lives for their beloved emperor/cult leader.

"Emperor is with me. I can feel it..."

"I become one with the emperor... Ah~"

"For the imperium..."

"Suck me in harder..."

The ears of both Nightmare Moon's real body and dream avatar flopped down. She blanched in disgust. Luna's final moment is enough for her lifetime. She didn't need any of this.

All those sacrifices to keep this one spell going.

"A cosmic dick-measuring contest against warp gods by a dying cult leader." The night alicorn humorlessly chuckled, trying to lighten her mood.

At the core of the over-engineered machine, the Astronomicon was a simple spell that cranked up to eleven. The same thing that she's going to do on a much smaller scale if she didn't encounter anyone in the dream realm.

A beacon for all to see. A lighthouse in dreamrealm. With so much power it might as well span across the galaxy.

"Well, not that it wasn't impressive." The alicorn was awed as she glossed over the spell matrix. Comparing it to her SOS beacon is like comparing a small model rocket to the one that flies astronauts to the moon.

A rocket to the moon made with Stone Age techniques that is.

"A miracle that this thing even works that long." Nightmare Moon mused. Human magic is nothing but simple spells with brute force, like music composed by a deaf or a civil discussion between fandom.

Each simplest of arcane is a great struggle for a hornless and magicless human, as they are playing gymnastics with both the unreliable external energy source and working around their body's limitations.

Magic was simply a birthright of Ponies, with a third of the population born with a forehead phallus magic wand on their head.

The Emperor and his immortal scientists were given a losing hand from the start. No matter how brilliant they were, they couldn't compete against a race of magical creatures that built their civilization on a land with resources far beyond one's imagination.

After all, creating a transformation spell from zero is that much harder than just reverse engineering the transformation effects of a local Equestrian wildlife specie. Much easier with a horn too.

"I just hope the knowledge that I have in my head is enough to optimize this thing." Nightmare Moon chuckled awkwardly. "Otherwise, I am doomed."

The mind was dead, but the body was still alive, if barely. Its instinct is fully intact. Forcing her is an impossible feat, but guilt-tripping is enough. Keeping the spell going is what it implored her to do, and obey the alicorn will.

Nightmare Moon wasn't a mass murderer. Shutting down the Astronomicon guaranteed billions of trillions of death tolls from the total collapse of the interplanetary supply chain alone.

She just has to find a way to make it less demanding, lest she crippled and weaken her alicorn body as the spell slowly drains her dry.

"And blood sacrifice is not an option. I will not sink that low" A promise with finality, Nightmare Moon continues her search.

Ignoring the pricking sensation of her 'new body', Nightmare Moon found something interesting, foreign yet part of her new body.

"Let's see what we have here."

Direct human-machine interface initialized successfully.
Checking biometric signature...[OK]
Checking psychic signature...[OK]
Transferring the user to the connected mainframe.


Checking cryptographic key...[OK]
Checking psychic signature...[OK]
Assess granted. Waking up machine spirit
GoldenThrone: Welcome back, omnissiah

Nightmare Moon muttered the first thing that crossed her mind."Um... Status."

GoldenThrone: Compiling basic system status
Cognitor's name: Terra01
Machine Spirit's name: GoldenThrone
Current user session: Xxx_emp3ror_xxX@Terra01
Current user's privilege: System Administrator

"Holy molly it's a system! I got a system!" Nightmare Moon laughed at her situation. Now, only if she didn't need to fight against shitty gods like many of those Isekai protagonists she read...

"Who am I kidding?" The alicorn's mirthfulness quickly died. She took on the mantle of the Emperor of mankind, the number one enemy of warp gods.

"Those bunches of Cthulhu-ripoff didn't even have good assets. I want a sexy shitty goddess with big boobs!" Her complaint was only heard by the emotionless machine.

GoldenThrone: Generating an image of ‘a sexy shitty goddess with big boobs'
GoldenThrone: Sending image via high bandwidth datalink.

"That felt weird... but wow, definitely a good taste. good bot." Locking away the image for later usage, Nightmare Moon continues her quarry with the ancient machine.

"Can I see 'my body', goldie-throrie?"

GoldenThrone: Starting video downlink from the optical sensor 'thorneRoom3'.

Nightmare Moon lost her words in the grand room in front of her.

The room was vast, its towering, Gothic architecture adorned with glistening, countless banners depicting the two heads eagle, the Aquila, the Imperial symbol.

At the room's center lay the machine that Nightmare Moon is talking to, the Golden Throne itself. A colossal mechanism forged from the remnant of archaic technology from the day mankind ruled the galaxy, the zenith of humanity's technological prowess.

The scientific wonder of a machine become nothing more than a divine miracle in the eyes of the barbarian rotten remain of a once proud specie.

The Golden Throne was a monstrous creation with many functions, including the galaxy's most power hungry life support machine.

Tubes and cables snaked from its massive form, connecting to the shrouded, withered figure that sat upon it, the Emperor of Mankind.

A husk of a man, critical organs were kept alive by the Throne's unfathomable prowess, his mind was now lost and everything was all hers. Both his goods and sins.

"Oh.. oh, gosh why... you monsters... psychos..." The optical sensor unintentionally zoomed into where pixels dance, the area of activity.

The servitors, the cyborgs, half-human, half-machine abominations, scuttled along the walls, tending to the Throne's intricate machinery.

Their mechanical limbs whirred and clanked in a ceaseless, haunting rhythm. One of the cleaning servitors suddenly propped up in front of the camera, unknowingly scaring the alicorn.

"Ahh! Shut it off! Shut it off!"

GoldenThrone: Feed deactivated.

Nightmare Moon's dream avatar slowly breathed out. After a little annoyance mumbling, she quickly calmed down and evaluated her situation. Moving her real body back away from a dead cyborg skull on the wrecked ship’s wall.

"Let's see... I think I can repair that husk of a body with that healing spell, but my body." The alicorn shuddered as she remembered a certain healing that could fix anything, as long as the hefty price was paid. "Eh, it will be better in the long run. I just have to man up... mare up?"

"Trying to control two bodies at the same time seems like a challenge, but a good cognitive train-" Nightmare Moon's random train of thought was suddenly cut short by the machine spirit.

GoldenThrone: Warning, a presence detected near the vicinity of the user.
GoldenThrone: Please specify a course of action.

"What's it now?" Nightmare Moon frowned and shook her head. Today's getting better and better. "Show me" The night alicorn commanded.

GoldenThrone: Starting video downlink from the optical sensor 'right eye'.
GoldenThrone: Starting audio downlink from the audio sensor 'mic_2'.

Nightmare Moon didn't expect him at all.

A giant of a human stood in front of her 'new body'. A man clad in aquatic blue armor. His piercing blue eyes radiated a sense of a main character.

Without question, Nightmare Moon knew who he was.

“Roboto Girlyman, the Primarch of the Smurf army. The poster boy himself...” The alicorn of the night muttered, jaws dropped. Looking at the primarch, as the man looking back at her ‘new body’ with hope and dream.

GoldenThrone: The correct name is 'Roboute Guilliman of the Ultramarines', omnissiah

Of course, Nightmare Moon is too focused on the newcomer and ignores the poor machine spirit entirely.

Guilliman's eyes welled with tears of joy as he gazed directly at the optical sensor Nightmare Moon was using.

"Father, you're awake!" Guilliman exclaimed, his voice quivering with emotion. "It had been so long. We are lost without your guidance."

"Fuck me sideways..." Nightmare Moon could only muster a complaint, before she added. "Goldie, that's not an order. Don't do it."

GoldenThrone: Affirmative

"The Imperium teeters on the brink of collapse, and your wisdom is our only hope. we have..."

Nightmare Moon zoned the primarch out as she rubbed her muzzle gently. She will deal with it later.

"Goldie, how did he know I am awake?"

GoldenThrone: While there are many methods-

Many questions were asked, and the loyal machine spirit answered, hours went by as the poor primarch talked to the dying corpse of his father without an audience.

Finally, Nightmare Moon came to a conclusion. "A temporal cannon that sends the present version of the enemy ship back to collide with the past version. Such bullshit… Maybe there’s something in this forsaken world that could help me get back home after all." Nightmare Moon smiled. The plan of action started to form in the alicorn's mind little by little. “But let's lay low for now. I have to be careful.”

"Let’s see… I should started with repairing that spaceship first. Goldie, is there-" Before the Nightmare Moon got a chance to continue, the word of primarch caught her attention.

"The Psykers are here, father." A deep resolute sound declares confidently. "Just a little bit... A little more to reunite us... Yes."

Guilliman's eyes gone a little dimmer. He gave his 'father' a wide smile. His voice that filled with so much conviction that it sent a shiver down Nightmare Moon's spine.

"W-what is he talking about?" The alicorn cautiously asked her loyal machine spirit.

GoldenThrone: Your daily sacrifice of psychic humans, omnissiah.

"My daily what!? Goldie, patch me in, now! lets me talk with Girlyman. Quickly!"

GoldenThrone: Starting audio uplink to the audio synthesizer 'spk_01'.

"1 2 3 Test. Hello Roboto?"


Epilogue - A few decades later...

In the grim darkness of the forty-first millennium, there is hope.

The Imperium of Man, once a husk of a crumbling empire, struggled to maintain its fragile grip on the colonies, and now shone with the light of hope.

The return of the God Emperor himself cast a radiant beacon across the Imperium, lighting the path toward the future.

As the divine presence of the Emperor returned, His psychic presence resonated through the warp, striking fear into the hearts of the heretic, the mutant, and the bad Aliens/Xenos.

Bad Xenos only, by the command of the Emperor himself as he politely nudges his faithful subject… without much success.

With the promises to bring back the Golden age, the day of the glorious before the Horus Heresy, the bright atheistic empire. All religious institutions and cults are to be declawed or deconstructed. From the Inquisition to Adeptus Mechanicus. Those who resisted were to be purged.

Many purges, the 'dark age of technology now renamed 'the golden age of humanity'. The pushed for development of supposedly heretical artificial intelligence and banned of 'inhumane' human-infused machine is controversial indeed even when it came from the emperor.

The blinded purist zealots who turned themselves in but still hold onto vile beliefs are deemed heretics, but all merciful Emperor is willing to give them a second chance. They are to be enlisted into the grand space fleet, the Navis Imperialis and must prove themselves by fighting in the front line and protecting the Imperium from threats.

Mainly at the Eastern Fringe of the Milky Way galaxy, where a young budding but dangerous Xeno empire rises from the ashes of the collapsed Tau Empire.

The void left by the heretics in the form of vacant positions in the peaceful core planets are to be filled with open-minded, sane, and not psychopaths true believers of the Imperial truth. The bright and pragmatic minds who care not of any imperial cult holy books but only about the betterment of mankind as a whole.

Of course, the faithful and fanatic of the Imperium rejoiced as they felt brainwashing magic the unmistakable aura of their savior, their eternal leader. To die for the God emperor is the greatest honor they strive for.

Just like The Emperor, the rotting empire seems reborn like a phoenix and rejuvenated with a renowned vigor. The end of superstitions and information suppression unlocked the true potential of humanity.

The Imperium of Man might looks bleak for now, but its future is brighter than ever.

Every coin has a different side. As the light of the imperium spreads throughout the galaxy, even to the best effort of his radiance, the Emperor cannot fully control the hatred of his subject. The cost was paid in the blood of innocent Xenos.

Among the many worlds caught in the Imperium's expansionist campaign, one stood defiant and pushing back. The Republic of Unified States, a fledgling empire that had once been a splinter faction from the Greater Tau Empire, now found itself at the forefront of a struggle for survival against the old master of the galaxy.

The Republic, unlike its authoritarian predecessor, valued true equality and the acceptance of all races... with few exceptions of course.

Stilling hold onto the Tau's doctrine of working for the greater good, the young empire oped to follow a different interpenetration. A far cry from the strict caste-based society of its ancestors.

With the freedom of choice, true meritocracy reigns supreme as the citizens of the republic work with passion and vigor to carve the path toward tomorrow.

For every single republic's automaton frigate sunk, hundreds of thousands of imperium cruisers would lost as collateral.

Each ship is filled to the brim with technological miracles that suspiciously look like ancient technology from the day humanity ruled galaxy. Both ones that the Imperium of Man had in possession and more. Many of the republic's weapon designs are even exact replicas of blueprints from STC somehow.

At the forefront of the Republic's resistance against the Invasion of the Imperium stood one of its co-founders turned President and Commander-in-chief, Lady Nightmare Moon.

She was a rare and enigmatic species, a quadruple with wings and a horn. Her starry mane constantly overflowed with psychic energy.

Her large, feathery dark wings allowed her to soar gracefully through the skies, while her sharp horn radiated a glistening aura with powerful and intricate psychic abilities beyond even the most ancient of the Eldar could only fathom in awe and wonder.

With her mind sharp steel-trapped mind. Every battle she'd her hoof on against the Imperium of Man was guaranteed to bring about victory as she somehow seemingly deduced the movement of humanity's war fleet accurately with little to zero information, somehow.

As the clock reached its zenith, the two mighty Titans clashed.

On one side stood Lady Nightmare Moon, the enigmatic savior of the republic, and the protector of all Xenos.

On the other side was the God-Emperor, the eternal ruler of mankind, the demon king of the oppressive and brutal human galactic empire.

"Everything is all according to your master plan, Lady Nightmare."

Plan!? When did we have a master plan?!

"The end is night, and the Xenos will be purged. Everything as your command.”

Don’t put words in my mouth, Roboto!

"As expected of you, Miss Moon. Your tactical prowess even surpasses the greatest of Necron's computation farms!"

Imperium’s information network is very broken indeed, yep.

"Emperor Protect! Emperor Protect! Emperor Protect! Emperor Protect!"

Stop it! It’s embarrassing!

The galaxy trembled as these two forces collided, each side cheering on for their respective champions, to 'both' of the said champion's dismay.

Where the hell did I go wrong!?

Two bodies, one mind. A single goal.

"Come on! I just wanted to go home!"

Two empires, titan and small.

"Galaxy under the Imperium!”/“Freedom, Liberty, Guns!”


Somehow, I became a villain in a fantasy world and transmigrated into another sci-fi world and became a hero, but I also became the demon king too!



TBA: Never

Original story outline

  1. She found some kind of horror in the ship. her magic ran out and still recharging. She cannot teleport out. Something is blocking her.
  2. If I stick with 'pirate ship'. then the metal skull sculptures are actually the crews. They fused with the ship. Half-alive and imprisoned in their body, become a part of the ship.
  3. Nightmare Moon then tricked into activating the ship's reactor. Turned out that was the monster's plan all along. The mastermind, the machine fresh prophet now awoken. He talks to the ship like it was alive, calling it 'akin to holy angel but more'.
  4. The ship came back to life. The Warp drive powered up. The sound of the ship's superstructure cried out like a primal scream as it slowly twists out of reality. The human skulls seemed to let out muted horror as crimson and dirty brown organic fluid flowed out of eye sockets.
  5. The alicorn helplessly watched in horror as the ship-turned-steel coffin dragged itself into another dimension with her inside. "Let's us return to the promised land!" The prophet crackled madly.
  6. Nightmare Moon woke up on the moon. breathing heavily. "It's just a dream after all." Never in her new life, she be glad to still be in her lunar prison.
  7. Unbeknown to the alicorn. On the lunar surface she is no longer alone. An object from ‘her dream’ is reflecting of Equestrian sun. A key card she used to activate the ship's system.
  8. Ripoff a cool-sounding speech for the outro. The end.
Author's Note:

>I want to write a different kind of horror... A cosmic horror!
>Crossover with Halo, Nightmare Moon become the lovecraftian horror worse than the flood. Sound good!
>Yea, that didn't work out well... let's just drop Halo and make it pure scifi.
>Maybe what can I do something... oh! a haunted spaceship.
>Should I use Necromorph? Well, haunted house filled with zombies is kind of generic. Let's make it more unique. How about something S.H.O.D.A.N. would came up with. Machine and fresh.
>Oh... how about I rip off that Event Horizon movie. Hopefully no one will notice it.
>Only 1k word counts in two weeks? what's wrong with me!
>This is harddd! Horror is hard. I won't finish it in time...
>All right, change of plan. I needed to finish it before halloween. comedy drama it is. Much easier than horror. And repurpose this story for that experiment I am curious about.
>How should I go about it. Event Horizon...? That ship was cut in half from warp drive malfunction... oh! The warp. Crossover it is!
>Alright, Nightmare Moon won against the warp god and now what?
>... How about I bounded her to a xenophobic empire? Let’s me rework ‘warp god’ a little bit. yay easy 2k wordcounts!
>It's getting too long. Let's end it somehow.
>Two body one mind... I'm thinking of that manga where the protagonist is both the hero and the demond lord... hmm.
>What even is this? What have I done...
Sorry to any inaccuracy with the 40K lore. I am only in it for the meme with limited time frame(less than a week), speed-run a few wiki pages is all I can do.

Credit: JakeMcMindes