• Published 28th Apr 2023
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Queen Weaver - TenebrisScholar

After stopping the apocalypse Taylor Hebert is shot in the head. However, a mysterious force grateful for her actions in saving the world saves her and subsequently transports her to Equestria, transforming her into a Changeling Queen.

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Chapter 14 (Rewrite #2)

Sombra was brought back into the Crystal Empire, with me acting as security just in case he tried anything since Queen Amore had to go put the Crystal Heart back before he could safely enter. Otherwise he’d be incinerated by the initial wave of energy when the barrier went back up. The first thing we did was bring him to the infirmary to show him the state Radiant Hope was in.

I could sense Sombra’s shock, then disbelief, then growing horror and despair. Then he demanded I explain to him everything that happened in the Shadow Prison, so I did. I explained everything in detail. Starting with us entering the Shadow Prison, and ending with me light bombing the Umbrum and flying away with everyone to escape.

He practically deflated as I told him what Rabia and Radiant Hope said, word for word as best as I could remember. Then when I told him how Radiant Hope tried to plead with them and was subsequently mauled, he looked at her tired and defeated.

Based on his emotions I was pretty sure that was the moment he had truly given up.

He was kept under close watch, in case he tried anything again, and he wasn’t allowed within a hundred feet of the Crystal Heart or an alarm would go off and Amore and her Crystal Knights would be alerted immediately and a secondary barrier he couldn’t pass through would be triggered. Twilight helped with setting up the alarm, while Amore was setting up the secondary barrier herself. Though the barrier was a work in progress. It would take a couple of weeks for it to be completed. It was supposed to only last until he managed to regain Queen Amore’s trust, and who knew how long that would take.

Two days later, Queen Amore led me down to her lab in the Crystal Caverns beneath the Empire.

“Wow… It’s a lot emptier than I expected.” I commented. Empty though it was, I could sense the residual love permeating this place. It was old and stagnant but the ambient love energy in the room was quite a bit stronger than I’d have expected considering how long it had been. It had faded, almost certainly, but the fact it was still noticeable was damn impressive. Amore really had a thing for love magic it seemed. Though I suppose it made sense considering it was one of the primary weaknesses of the Umbrum, who were her main concern out here.

I would have been worried, but Love was literally food for changelings. And… Well, Amore genuinely considered me a friend and had almost taken a lethal spell for me. So if there was anyone I trusted to be responsible with my kids, it was her. She wouldn’t do anything that would endanger them. If anything, the biggest thing I’d have to worry about is her overfeeding them with love and them coming out obese when they hatched… if changelings could even get fat. I actually wasn’t sure if that was a thing that could happen considering the weird magic biology we had.

Amore looked around at the empty lab, disappointment and displeasure radiating from her. “Indeed. I wish I could have shown it to you whilst it was in its prime. I was quite proud of some of the artifacts I’d kept here and would have enjoyed showing them to you. It was in quite the sorry state when I came to check on it after Sombra was dealt with. It didn’t get banished with the Empire, so it has been here for over two thousand years. Most of my work was, unfortunately, destroyed by the ravages of time so I had to toss it out. The only thing that survived, and wasn’t in need of serious repairs was a single potion.”

She sighed and shook her head. “It is truly a pity but I can remake all of it eventually. I still have notes stored in illusion crystals. The magic in them and thus my records have degraded over time, but I can fill in the gaps and salvage the vast majority of it.”

“That sucks. I’m trying to experiment with some of the basic magic and enchanting I’ve learned for my war with Chrysalis. I’d be pretty upset too if I was at it for a few decades let alone a thousand years and I came back to find it all ruined.” I said.

She smiled at me. “You are? Ooh! You must show me what you have been working on! Perhaps we can collaborate some time soon! It would be an excellent opportunity to teach you what I can about love magic!”

“Er… I’m not sure you’d like the stuff I’m making. And it would be pretty amateur compared to anything you can do. I’ve only just started learning magic and unicorn magic isn’t the same as Changeling magic. Some stuff translates over better than other stuff.” I told her.

She raised an eyebrow. “And what are you making that I wouldn’t like? I fully expect you are making weapons, and I am unsurprised. I may not agree, but I would not disparage you for it.”

“Well, you know I wasn’t originally a changeling, and I’m not from this world?”

“That was quite the surprising conversation, but yes.” Queen Amore nodded.

“Well, back on Earth Bet, humans didn’t have magic and we had a lot more wars. We invented some really damn good weapons. Guns, which shoot small metal projectiles at supersonic speed, bombs, which are just explosives, and things called flamethrowers. They shoot fire over a decent range to burn enemy combatants alive. Sort of like how dragons breathe fire. I’m trying to make all of these, and more. The one I think you’d have the most issue with is the flamethrower. But that’s arguably the easiest one to make, and the safest since there’s no risk of blowing myself up. I’m also trying to figure out certain non-lethal weapons, but those are a lower priority.” I explained.

Surprisingly I only felt a twinge of displeasure from Amore. “Ah. I see. Yes, I could see why that would be something you’re wary of. But dragons do use fire as a weapon quite often. It's in their very nature. So while I don’t like that you’re trying to replicate that as it’s quite cruel, I can certainly see why you are. Well, I must say, you’re right in that I do not want a hoof in that particular project. But perhaps we can collaborate on something else? Perhaps something of a more defensive nature?”

“I’m not good at making barriers. That’s one of the things that don’t translate well from unicorn to changeling magic. The best I have in that regard is spider silk armor.” I told her.

“Spider silk? You’ve made a gambeson from spider silk? Why? Would a traditional gambeson not be easier to acquire?”

“I’m not sure what a gambeson is, but I doubt that’s what I’ve made. Back on Earth Bet when I first got my bug powers I wanted to make a costume that was bulletproof and could take slashes and stabs. Most spider silk is at least five times stronger than steel. So it’s incredibly tough. It’s pretty much immune to stabbing and slashing, and it's bullet resistant while still being pretty light and maneuverable. Though a hammer or a mace could beat it pretty easily. I don’t have my bug controlling powers any more, but I’ve figured out how to control spiders with simple mind control spells. So I’ve been using star spiders to make something like my old costume for a suit of armor I can wear around. It’s almost done, I only have a little more work I need to do on it. But that’s my only project that’s defensive. At least right now.”

“Hm. Interesting. I’d like to see it sometime.”

I morphed myself to make it look like I was wearing the armor. The finished product, anyway.

Amore chuckled. “Yes, yes… You know what I mean, Weaver. Though, that’s quite interesting. It’s much thinner than I expected. Certainly not a gambeson after all… And you’re sure it’s immune to stabbing and slashing?”

I nodded. “I made the first version out of black widow silk and I accidentally made part of it too long. I tried cutting it with a knife and I couldn’t. I had to get wire cutters to get through it and it was slow. So, yeah. I don’t think a sword or spear is getting through it. Probably not arrows or crossbow bolts either. If I can start mass producing suits like this, they might make for good undersuits for your knights.”

She nodded. “Indeed. I would have to have some material to have tested first, but having added protection that’s up to more modern standards certainly couldn’t hurt. Though, being a type of fabric I can’t imagine it’s very good against dragon fire, but then neither is traditional plate armor, I suppose… Hm…”

“Hey, uh… Sorry to cut this short, but I think it’s about time.” I said with a bit of urgency.

“Ah! Right. I suppose we shall have to discuss projects we can work on together later. For now, this room is by far the safest place in the entire Empire. Your eggs shall come to no harm here.“

I sighed. “Right… Then, uh… Can I get a bit of privacy for a while?”

Amore nodded. “Of course. I shall wait outside. Call me if you need me for anything.” With that she turned and walked back out, leaving me alone in the lab.

A few minutes later, I was done and there were seven green membranous eggs in a little group. I’d picked them all up and put them on a table which had a blanket on it already prepared for them.

“I’m done…” I called out, looking at the eggs. I was still shocked by the whole thing. Seven… Seven kids. I had to protect Seven kids from Queen Chrysalis… And I was immortal, so unless they were too, I’d eventually outlive them…

Queen Amore came back in and immediately walked over towards the eggs, intense joy and excitement radiating from her. “Seven beautiful eggs! Congratulations, Weaver! I promise you I’ll take very good care of them whilst you’re away in Griffonstone. If anything changes, I shall send my fastest messenger pegasus to let you know immediately.”

“Yeah… Uh… Thanks…”

Amore’s joy was tempered a bit as she looked at me. It was still strong, but sympathy joined it. She wrapped her forearms around me in an embrace. “I can see you’re rather overwhelmed. I completely understand. I was much the same with my first foal. I was in a similar position at the time as well. Though mine was voluntary and instead of others of my own kind wishing me and my foal harm, I had to worry about the Umbrum. It was an incredibly difficult time but I got through it with the aid and love of those around me and my love for my foal. So know that you are not alone. I am here, I understand exactly what you’re going through, and am more than willing to lend you my aid in whatever way I can.”

“How…?” I asked, staring at the eggs.

“How, what?” She asked.

“You… You’re immortal too, right…? So… How do you…?” I tried to ask.

She seemed to understand. I felt her emotions dim and grow somewhat melancholic. “It’s not easy. It never is… My first died of sickness in her youth. My second was snatched away by the Umbrum and I was unable to save her… My third lived, grew up, and died of old age having sired but a single filly and having lived a long, happy, and fulfilling life. After I had made the Crystal Heart and realized I was no longer aging while my surviving siblings, my husband, and my son all were, I was distraught. I had suffered through the deaths of my parents, three of my siblings, and two of my foals already. I didn’t want to experience more… But I did…”

Amore took a moment to collect herself before continuing. “It hurts… Every single time… And it never gets easier… But I personally found comfort in my grand foals. They became my light, guiding me through such dark times. I tried having more husbands after my first husband died, but I quickly learned I couldn’t stand watching them grow old and frail and watching them pass without me. It was too painful. So I stopped and merely took joy in watching my grand foals grow up and find husbands and wives of their own with which they raised their own families. The love of my family is how I found the strength to go on.”

She sighed, sadly. “I’m so incredibly lucky to have awoken to meet Cadance and Shining Armor… It would have been truly crushing to have lost any remnant of my family to time… But seeing her an alicorn, and realizing Celestia and Luna are still alive after all this time, I’m so scared for her. I’m terrified that my great granddaughter will have to suffer exactly what I went through… It’s like seeing a reflection of myself in my youth and realizing what is to come but being unable to do anything to stop it… I can’t tell her she shouldn’t have a husband and a family simply because she will outlive them… I simply have to hope she shall have the strength to endure the trials ahead…”

She shook her head. “But I suppose I’m getting off track… In your case, I suppose you will never stop having foals as is the nature of insects. So, find strength in the love you have for those who yet live. At least, that’s what I would do. I cannot truly say what can or will work for you as you are not me. Thus it’s something I fear you shall have to discover yourself the hard way. It will not be easy losing them, but you shall need to learn to endure it one way or another… But I will be here for you when that time comes, if and when you need a shoulder to cry on. Having a friend who is immortal may ease the burden a bit. A luxury I wasn’t afforded in the past, and one I am all too eager to accept now that the opportunity stands before me. Selfish though that may sound.”

I listened to her, never taking my eyes off the eggs. It wasn’t like I wasn’t already used to people I knew and loved dying. Mom, Dad, Alec, Brian… But the prospect of being immortal and having to go through that over and over and over forever was… intimidating… to say the least. I wondered if I’d eventually just grow jaded to it, like I had with killing. After all, I was a bug now. The queen of a hive which could count as a nation in its own right. I’d probably have thousands eventually. Hundreds of thousands even. Too many to even learn the names of let alone get to know or spend any time with personally. This first batch were likely the kids I’d get to know and love the most since there were so few of them. And all seven would eventually grow old and die, if Chrysalis didn’t kill them first.

Maybe if I could make other Queens? That was probably a thing that was possible. After all, bees and ants often did so. Bees would feed a larva royal jelly and that larva would eventually become a queen. But then, that felt unfair in a lot of ways and had the potential to spiral into a much larger problem.

“I… Think I need to go sit down…” I stated, my mind still reeling from the fact this was all happening.

Amore nodded. “Yes, perfectly understandable. Come, let’s go back up and try to relax over a nice cup of tea. I have acquired a small stock of crystals filled with love from some donors in the Empire. So you may have a snack if you’re feeling peckish after all of this.”

Amore led me out of the lab. The conditions were perfect, or as close to perfect as one could hope for, and the room was the most secure in the whole Empire so there was no need to worry about leaving the eggs alone for now.

Later that evening the Princesses finally arrived.

I was sitting to the left of Queen Amore’s throne and Cadance and Shining Armor sat on the right while we waited for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

Sombra stood off on the side of the room, a band with an enchanted crystal wrapped around one of his back hooves. It was the thing that would trigger the alarm if he ever took it off or got too close to the Crystal Heart. His armor, cape, and crown were all gone. The malevolent magic leaking from his eyes was gone too, but those were the only changes. His mane and tail both still looked to be made of darkness, and his horn was still red and curved. It was pretty obvious he wasn’t a normal unicorn. Apparently he used to look like one in the past before he learned what he was and there were spells that could make him look like that again, but he refused. He had accepted that he was an umbrum and didn’t want to pretend to be something he wasn’t.

I could relate in a way. I supposed I was a changeling now, and as much as I preferred my human form, this was what I actually looked like now and everyone knew it. So there was no real point in making myself look human other than for the sake of having hands and pure preference.

Sombra felt upset and worried. Radiant Hope hadn’t woken up yet and he was getting restless. Otherwise, he hadn’t really been much of an issue ever since he surrendered and Queen Amore told him everything she had been working on to try to help him and showed him whatever remained of the notes she’d taken for her experiments in that regard.

I could sense the Princesses’ emotions as they talked to Twilight and her friends. It wouldn’t be long until they reached the throne room.

My mind was still focused on my eggs and the future. Queen Amore had assured me she was going to offer what military aid she could against Chrysalis and her hive. But since I was staying in the Everfree Forest, in the middle of Equestrian territory, the number she could send right away was going to have to be negotiated with the Princesses. At least until I moved to the Undiscovered West. Though she would be sending a few ponies to patrol the Undiscovered West and keep away anyone trying to settle there just to spite me. Namely, the minotaurs.

I was going to have to go there and find another place to start building a second hive sooner or later. Fortunately, with the donations of stored love from the Crystal Empire, that actually became a feasible option since I was no longer strictly reliant on Twilight and her friends for love. But that was going to have to wait until after I was done in Griffonstone, at the very least.

My thoughts were cut off as the doors opened and the Princesses entered, followed by Twilight and her friends.

“Greetings, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna. It’s good to see you’re both well, after the past thousand years. I wish I could say I was happy to see you both, but I am rather disappointed by the circumstances.” Queen Amore greeted them in a neutral tone. I could tell she was annoyed with and disappointed in the two of them.

“It’s good to see you as well, Queen Amore. I’m happy to see you’re alright. After we learned what happened here in the Empire, we suspected the worst…” Celestia stated. She then glanced at Sombra. “I see Sombra is no longer a threat.”

Amore nodded. “Indeed. Mercifully, I was able to make him come to his senses and see reason. There’s still a long road ahead for us to regain each other’s trust but reconciliation and amends have begun. In the end, that’s what matters I suppose.”

Celestia smiled. “That’s good to hear. I’m happy for you, Sombra. Luna was in something of a similar position quite recently.”

Luna sighed. “Indeed… After the Crystal Empire fell, I let envy corrupt my heart and I did some awful things I am not proud of. I betrayed my sister and attempted to conquer Equestria, refusing to lower the moon. Celestia was forced to banish me to the moon for a thousand years. It is only due to the efforts of Twilight Sparkle and her friends that my corruption was driven away and I could be redeemed. So, I understand all too well the difficulties you are facing and will face. As it is, I am glad you are seeking redemption as well.”

“So I’ve heard…” Sombra stated, not looking at either of them. He was still sore about them banishing him beneath the ice for a thousand years, from what I could tell.

“And Weaver, Twilight wrote me a letter detailing everything that happened. You’ve done quite well! Though, some of the behavior she outlined in her letter is rather… concerning?” Celestia commented.

I looked at Twilight. She looked back with a sheepish smile.

I sighed. “Yeah. I know. Everyone keeps saying that.”

“She also informed us that you would have your first batch of eggs soon. Congratulations! We’re both incredibly happy for you.” Luna said with a warm smile. Joy and excitement radiated from her. If her emotions were real and not an illusion, she was happy for me.

“She had them earlier today, in fact! Seven of them!” Amore announced happily.

“They’ll be staying here in the Empire for a while.” I stated, bluntly.

“Yes… Something about you having business in Griffonstone? What business, if you don’t mind me asking?” Celestia inquired.

I glanced at Twilight again, annoyed that she told them but not surprised that the chief spy assigned to me had told the Princesses about my plans. “I just want to discuss some things with Ambassador Gruff and see if I can work some things out. It’s nothing that you need to worry about.”

“Weaver—” Celestia started to say only to be cut off by Amore.

“Celestia, I believe we have other matters to discuss right now. Such as the fact you and your sister, in all your wisdom, decided to send your young student here to ‘save’ my Empire as a test. I am aware she’s the bearer of the Element of Magic, but you didn’t send her with the elements. You sent her here unarmed, with no knowledge of the Empire or what she was getting into, without the proper tools with which to defeat Sombra, and you told her she was to do it alone! Had Weaver not sensed the pieces of my shattered form, matters could have ended very differently due to your irresponsibility. You gambled with the lives and freewill of my Crystal Ponies for the sake of some blasted test!” Amore huffed and shook her head. “I am not happy, Princesses. Not in the least. I am incredibly disappointed in both of you.”

Celestia actually took a step back, looking as though she’d just been slapped. A bit of guilt and shame emanated from her. Along with a small amount of indignation.

Twilight and her friends were shocked that Amore was talking to the Princesses like that.

Cadance and Shining Armor felt uneasy.

Sombra didn’t care, his worries were directed towards Radiant Hope.

Luna just sighed. “For the record, I did not agree to this. It was Celestia’s plan. But I didn’t oppose her despite my reservations, so I suppose I do share in the blame.”

“I would prefer to discuss this in private… If that is acceptable?” Celestia requested.

Amore nodded. “Very well. Sombra, Element Bearers, Spike, I apologize but I must ask all of you to grant us some privacy.”

I almost stood up and walked out but stopped when I realized I wasn't one of the people Amore named. She wanted me to stay for this? That caught me off guard. I wasn't used to being included in private talks like this. Especially when they really had little or nothing to do with me.

Sombra left with Twilight and her friends. Once he was out of the throne room I sensed him continue walking. He was heading straight back to the infirmary.

Twilight and the others lingered just outside.

When the door closed, Celestia cast a spell that covered the throne room. “A spell to prevent eavesdropping.” Celestia explained.

“Very well. Now, would you two care to explain yourselves?” Amore asked.

“To start with, I always had full confidence Twilight would succeed—” Celestia started.

Amore raised a hoof. “Stop. Just… stop… I don’t care. You knew there was a possibility and that it was even likely that she would fail, regardless of your personal feelings on the matter. In fact, from the sounds of it you intentionally set her up for failure from the very beginning! Because of you they all nearly died Celestia! They survived, barely, escaping with only wounds but if it weren’t for Weaver figuring out the very basics of love magic and pushing herself to the very brink of death through starvation, their deaths would have been guaranteed! The Umbrum would have killed them all in the Shadow Prison because you did not prepare them in any way for what they were going to face! Also, other than your gross neglect in regards to preparing your student for this so-called ‘test’, you also set this entire thing up for failure in yet another way!”

Celestia’s emotions sank with every word as Queen Amore continued to berate her.

“With the Crystal Heart lost, Cadance was the only one capable of maintaining the barrier to keep out Sombra and she had to stay awake day and night the whole time to do it! She was forced to neglect her own needs to maintain the barrier, to the point she was on the verge of collapse by the time I was brought back! Had they not been so quick in figuring out the puzzle that was piecing me back together and hadn’t figured out a spell to undo Sombra’s curse as quickly as they did, she would have given out! The Empire would have been completely undefended and Sombra would have been free to re-conquer the Empire and there would have been nothing anypony could have done to stop him! Weaver would have died and her sacrifice would have been for nothing other than your damned hubris! You have spent years knowing both Cadance and Shining Armor! Shining Armor is or was the Captain of your Royal Guard! You would have known Shining Armor’s capabilities and that he could not have traded out with Cadance to maintain the barrier because he is not nearly well versed enough in love magic! That is another point of failure you should have been well aware of and you neglected regardless!”

Celestia’s hind legs had given out and she was looking at the ground, tears welling up in her eyes. Her guilt and shame were now very intense. She was on the verge of crying.

Queen Amore sighed and shook her head. “It’s just… It’s baffling to me… I cannot fathom how you possibly thought any of this was a good idea unless it was pure malice. And no, I’m not accusing you of doing this intentionally, which is why I’m so confused by this whole situation. I don’t care how supposedly ‘confident’ you were in your protege. I want to know why. Why would you put my Empire at risk? Why would you gamble with the lives of my Crystal Ponies? What in the world were you thinking? For love sake, you are a thousand years old! You should be wiser than this! What would possess you to be so incredibly irresponsible?!”

“I-I… W-well…” Celestia stuttered.

“She sometimes has dreams of the future.” Luna stated.

I blinked in surprise.

Amore was surprised too. Her anger abated a bit. “Explain.”

“I… Some time before Weaver appeared, I had a vision of the Crystal Empire’s return. I saw Twilight finding the Crystal Heart and Sombra defeated once the Heart was returned to where it belonged. So… I… W-well… My visions had never been wrong before, so I had full confidence it would come to pass...Things did not play out according to my vision, however… I did not foresee your return, I didn’t foresee anypony getting hurt, and I most certainly did not see Sombra having been redeemed… I... I believe Weaver's arrival and participation in this changed the course of events I saw in my vision drastically. I could not have anticipated that it would go this way." Celestia explained.

So, she was a precog? That would explain a bit, to be fair. Sometimes Precogs could get surprised by parahumans with powers that made them a blind spot. And I supposed, a variable that went unaccounted for could catch them off guard too.

Amore sighed and face-hooved. “Very well. So that explains why you sent your protege, but it explains nothing else about your handling of the situation. Cadance maintaining the barrier on her own, not providing Twilight with even the barest information, not sending the Elements as a safeguard in case things did not go how you foresaw. You should have been more cautious rather than blindly trusting your visions. Especially once you knew Weaver was joining them, considering she was not a factor in what you originally saw. That is a lesson Sombra had to learn. The future's not set in stone. You and everypony else has free will and your actions can influence the course of events. Thus, even if you foresaw Sombra’s defeat your handling of the situation was incredibly poor.”

“There’s something that doesn’t make sense to me.” I stated.

“Yes, Weaver?” Amore asked, looking at me curiously.

“Twilight said this was a ‘test’ and that she had to do it alone. If you thought you knew what was going to happen, why frame it as a test? Why not tell her the truth, and the solution you saw in your vision? You never told her about the Crystal Heart and you expected her to just… figure it out? How? Sombra admitted to having destroyed any mention of the Crystal Heart as an artifact so no one would know his weakness. And what the hell was so important about her doing it all alone?” I asked.

“Er… Ehem…” Celestia cleared her throat awkwardly. Embarrassment, guilt, and shame emanating from her.

“Those are some very good questions, Weaver. I would like to know that as well.” Amore agreed.

“Well… I… Uh… How do I put this…? I… Hoped that Twilight might become an alicorn?” Celestia stated, uncertainly.

The silence was deafening. “What?” Amore asked, confused.

“I… Well… We have determined that alicornhood is something that is earned… My sister and I earned it when we attempted to take over raising and lowering the sun and moon, believing our magic would be burnt out … Cadance earned it by redeeming a villain as a filly… Seeing as I knew she would succeed regardless, I had thought that if Twilight could save the Crystal Empire on her own, she would prove herself and earn it as well…” Celestia explained.

Amore started getting angry again. “I have several concerns… First, did you not consider that by intentionally making the task more difficult as a ‘test’, you would be directly influencing the outcome of your own vision? You could have rendered the entire thing void, and thus your reasoning of having total faith in her because of your vision becomes utterly irrelevant!”

Celestia winced.

“Second, even if your theory in this regard is true and it can be ‘earned’, you all earned it under natural circumstances. Did it not occur to you that by trying to force it you may in fact be doing more harm than good? You say my granddaughter earned it by redeeming a villain? Well Twilight and her friends redeemed Luna, did they not? I suppose you thought because she didn’t do that on her own that wasn’t enough to prove herself. But there’s also the possibility that none of them have the potential to become alicorns in the first place, Celestia. And how can ‘test’ such as this possibly count as ‘earning’ anything when it is so clearly forced and you supposedly already know the outcome?! The fact you attempted to force such a transformation may have directly counted against it happening in the first place, and the entire Crystal Empire could have been doomed and lives lost because of it.”

Amore shook her head and sighed. “My third and final concern is, why does this matter at all? Why do you want so badly for your protege to become an Alicorn that you would go this far? To risk my Empire for her ascension? Are you perhaps looking to raise a pantheon to rule over, oh great Sun Goddess?” The sarcasm dripping from that last sentence was almost palpable

“NO! Absolutely not! And we’re not goddesses. I denounced all worship of us centuries ago… In the past I saw a vision of Twilight as an alicorn. I never saw how she became one or under what context only that she will. So, I know she’s destined to become one but I don’t know how or when…”

Celestia sighed and shook her head. “To address your first point, I have attempted to act on my visions in the past and I can influence them to some degree but they have never been wrong, until now. So, as to your second point, not knowing when or how she will achieve ascension I thought that by making it a test I might be able to cause her to ascend by proving herself by saving the Crystal Empire. I was perhaps a bit hasty, but I truly believed I was doing what was best for my student and the Crystal Empire. Had I not had my visions and hadn’t believed with the utmost certainty that Twilight would succeed, I would never have been so careless…”

“This is where our disagreement came in.” Luna stated. “I can vouch for the validity of Celestia’s visions, but sending Twilight so unprepared worried me. I believed Celestia in that Twilight would find the Crystal Heart and defeat Sombra, but I was worried at what cost it may come at if she was sent unprepared. If Celestia only saw Twilight finding the Crystal Heart and Sombra’s defeat, that left a concerningly large gap of what could happen leading up to his defeat. Perhaps somepony could get hurt or worse in the events leading up to those two things due to Twilight lacking knowledge or tools. I agreed with her in that Twilight had to be sent, however I wanted to take a more cautious approach but only as a precaution for what may happen in the interim, not the end result. It did not even cross either of our minds that Weaver’s presence might change matters so dramatically.”

So Celestia was a highly accurate precog. I mentally categorized her as a thinker, but I held off on giving her a rating. I pegged her as a mid ranking precog but I didn't want to give her a solid number ranking until I knew more about her visions and if I was a blindspot or if my arrival here just threw a wrench into everything as a one off.

Amore’s anger abated again, replaced by resignation and exhaustion. She sighed tiredly. “I see… in that case, I suppose I cannot be too angry. I do not appreciate how recklessly you treated the situation, nor how negligent you were towards the needs of my granddaughter. However, I can accept that you truly believed things would turn out well in the end. In a way, it’s not too dissimilar to Sombra. When he looked into the Crystal Heart and was shown a vision of his destiny, he assumed it was guaranteed to happen no matter what. To not blindly trust prophecy seems to be a lesson that many need to learn.”

“I’m sorry, Queen Amore. I’m so, so sorry. I truly had everypony’s best interests at heart. I truly could not have anticipated that any of this would turn out as it did. I made a mistake, and I regret it deeply…” Celestia apologized, complete sincerity in her tone.

Amore smiled at Celestia. “If I could forgive Sombra despite all he has done, I can certainly forgive you for having such faith in your visions. If you had selfish or greedy reasons as I admittedly initially suspected, I would have been very very angry and thus less accommodating. But as that is not the case, I forgive you. Everypony can make mistakes. Simply take this as a lesson not to put such complete faith in prophecy. Prophecy can indeed be a good guide or a warning of what is to come, but don’t allow yourself to become totally reliant upon it.”

“A lesson I will be sure to take to heart.” Celestia stated with a smile.

“Very good. Then I shall consider this matter done. Let us move on… Since you’re here, there are other matters we need to discuss.” Amore stated.

After that we moved on to discussing political matters for several hours. Some of it involved me and my hive. Most of it didn’t. So I spent the majority of it just sitting there, bored out of my mind.

But I did pay attention and tried to learn what I could about international politics while I was there, since I would have to deal with things like this in the future. My business in Griffonstone seemed to have been completely forgotten.

Author's Note:

Edit #1: Several people informed me that Celestia is somewhat of a Precog. I looked into it and it turns out, yeah she does sometimes have dreams of the future. So I rewrote the reprimand section to include that fact.

Edit #2: bookworm702 over on Spacebattles made an excellent comment that made me rethink Celestia's reasoning for why she would want Twilight to become an alicorn in the first place that isn't some selfish desire to retire.

I'd post the comment here but it's pretty long and Fimfiction doesn't have a collapsible spoiler feature as far as I'm aware.

Regardless I've rewritten the chapter a second and hopefully final time to reflect this new perspective.

As a summary of how the current version differs from the first and second versions, I've added mention of Celestia's visions of the future, which are an obscure but canon power of hers. And instead of her reason for wanting Twilight to become an alicorn being selfish, I.E. wanting to retire, she foresaw that Twilight would eventually become an alicorn but not when or how. So she thought by turning the Crystal Empire into a "test" she might allow Twilight to prove herself and ascend since she's destined to do so anyway. Her visions have never been wrong before so she never believed there was any chance Twilight would fail even if she made the situation a test. She genuinely thought she was doing what was best for everyone, Twilight and the Crystal Empire. So she was just misguided, not selfish like she was in the first two versions.

Sorry for the multiple rewrites. I realize it may be quite annoying but I am just trying my best to make the story as good as I possibly can. As I say, I am absolutely willing to go back and rewrite a chapter to fix my mistakes. Even if I have to do it two or three times to get it right.

Anyway, you can find both the original version and the first rewrite, Here

Amore isn't happy with the Princesses. Honestly, I can't think of any other reason why Celestia would have handled the Crystal Empire situation the way she did, other than that she got ahead of herself and wanted Twilight to become an Alicorn, just having a bit too much faith in her student. Otherwise, it really just comes off as incompetence. But if you have any criticisms for that whole section, let me know. Maybe I was a bit too harsh on Celestia or there's another perspective I didn't consider, or something. I'll gladly go back and rewrite the section if there's any issues like that.

Anyway, Dragonlord7's (From Spacebattles) reasoning for Taylor having seven eggs makes sense to me.

I say 7. That gives a relatively small number to handle, but also means you can hove 1 for each of the Mane Six to bond with, plus one for Taylor of Queen Amore to bond with.

So I decided to go with that for now. But I may come back and change it to 5 later if I decide 7 is too much for me to handle. Just giving you a heads up about that now, just in case.