• Published 28th Apr 2023
  • 5,725 Views, 358 Comments

Queen Weaver - TenebrisScholar

After stopping the apocalypse Taylor Hebert is shot in the head. However, a mysterious force grateful for her actions in saving the world saves her and subsequently transports her to Equestria, transforming her into a Changeling Queen.

  • ...

Chapter 9

Getting bored of fiddling with the bucket of crystals I brought, both as weapons and a means of keeping myself occupied, I looked out the window of the train at the billowing snow. We were almost there.

Honestly, I was somewhat surprised the train had been fixed this fast. But I suppose I shouldn’t have been, considering the train was a vital means of transportation and the shipping of goods across Equestria. They must have been working around the clock to get it back in working order.

“So… Does Celestia send the six of you on dangerous missions often?” I asked.

“Well, not often. However, we are the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. So I suppose it’s only natural for her to send us to deal with whatever’s the matter in the Crystal Empire.” Rarity stated.

“The Elements of Harmony?” I said in a deadpan tone. “And what, exactly, are those?”

“The elements of harmony are six powerful magic artifacts! Each representing a different element of… well… harmony! And friendship. Each of us embodies one of those six elements and thus the artifacts representing each one resonates with each of us, making us their bearers. I bear the Element of Magic. Pinkie Pie is Laughter, Applejack is Honesty, Rainbow Dash is Loyalty, Rarity is Generosity, and Fluttershy is Kindness. If we use them together, we can unleash a powerful force of harmonic magic that can help achieve amazing things!” Twilight explained with a smile.

“Princess Celestia and Luna used to wield them before us. However, when Princess Luna started to become jealous of Celestia and became Nightmare Moon, seeking to overthrow her and thrust the world into eternal night, Princess Celestia had to use them to banish her to the moon for a thousand years. When she returned, the six of us found the elements and were able to use them to purge the evil from her and bring her back to normal! And when Discord, the Spirit of Chaos, broke free after Celestia and Luna sealed him away a thousand years ago, we were able to use the elements to turn him back into a stone statue! We, uh… We had planned to use them when Chrysalis invaded during Cadance and Shining Armor’s wedding, but we couldn’t get to them. It was actually Cadance and Shining Armor who managed to drive them off!”

I listened to Twilight’s explanation silently. When she was done I said, “So… What I’m getting here is, you have a powerful magic weapon that can banish people to the moon, turn them to stone, or Master them… Mind control them.”

“Not mind control. It’s more like there was a malevolent force making Princess Luna evil and the Elements purged that from her.” Twilight corrected me.

“Right. So change that to undoing mind control then… If the Princesses sent you here to take care of this because you can use these artifacts, do you have them? The only one who seems to have brought anything is Rarity. Thank you for letting me borrow one of your scarfs by the way, Rarity. I’m probably going to need it.”

“Of course, darling!” Rarity said with a smile.

“Uh… No, we don’t. The Princesses have them for safekeeping and they didn’t give them to us before we left.” Twilight said.

"Then what was the point of sending you six in the first place? No offense, I just don't get it. They have their Royal Guard. Ponies specifically trained to deal with and eliminate threats. They could have easily just sent a few dozen or even a whole battalion of them. Yet they're sending a bunch of civilians with zero training into a potentially dangerous situation with zero information on what to expect, without guards to protect you, and without these Elements of Harmony which I'm assuming are the only reason you'd be considered for the job in the first place. It doesn't make any sense."

“I’m sure the Princesses must have a really good reason for it…” Fluttershy mumbled.

“Indeed. This was supposed to be a test for Twilight, was it not? So perhaps the Elements would have simplified matters too much.” Rarity suggested.

“Besides, we’re tough enough on our own! You’ll see, we won’t even need the Elements!” Rainbow Dash said confidently.

“Whatever you say…” I stated.

A few minutes later we arrived at the station. I’d already put on the scarf Rarity was letting me borrow. It was a simple white one, since she said it complimented my mane and contrasted well against my carapace.

“Ha! And you all made fun of me for packing so many scarves! At least you had the sense to borrow one, Taylor.” Rarity said as we all stepped off the train into the blizzard.

“I didn’t say a word.” Spike commented, carrying some of Rarity’s bags.

Having mercy on the poor struggling dragon, I grabbed some of the things he was carrying with my telekinesis to lighten his load.

“Are you sure you’re okay out here, Spike? I know you dragons have natural fire magic which should keep you relatively warm, but you’re still a reptile. I’m not so sure being out in the cold like this is good for you.” I asked, looking at him.

“I’m fine. Like you said, my fire keeps me warm. Otherwise Twilight wouldn’t have let me come in the first place.” Spike assured me. “Thanks for looking out for me, though. I appreciate it!”

I nodded and followed the others, carrying some of Rarity’s bags and my bucket of un-enchanted crystals.

“Twilight!” A voice called out from the blizzard.

“Shining Armor?” Twilight called back.

A figure started to become visible. It was Shining Armor, wearing specialized protective gear for the snow. “Twili, you made it!” He exclaimed, taking off the protective gear to reveal his face. The two of them ran towards each other and embraced.

Their hug only lasted a second before Shining Armor released her and turned. “We’d better get moving. There are things out here we really don’t want to run into after dark.”

“And yet you don’t need the Elements of Harmony…” I muttered under my breath, too quiet for anyone to hear me.

Fluttershy gulped nervously. “What kind of things?”

“Let’s just say the Empire isn’t the only thing that’s returned.”

“Could you please be a little less vague? I’m willing to help fight, if it comes to that, but I’d like to know what I’m dealing with first.” I requested, getting annoyed by the lack of information.

“Weaver. I didn’t expect you to come with them.” Shining Armor said, looking at me.

“Well I had three choices. I could have stayed in Ponyville for a few days without food. I could have gone to Canterlot and yelled at Princess Celestia and Princess Luna for being so stupid as to send a bunch of untrained civilians to deal with whatever’s going on, without even giving them so much as the most basic information about what the hell they’re getting into. Or I could have come with these six to help keep them safe and avoid causing a political incident. The choice was pretty obvious. So, some information would be nice.” I told him.

“There isn’t a whole lot of time. I’ll explain on the way.” Shining Armor said, turning and walking back into the blizzard.

We all followed him.

As we were walking I took a couple of crystals out of the bucket, enchanted them to emit fire and held them close to myself, partially to help keep myself warm and partially so I’d have a couple pre-enchanted crystals ready in case I needed them. The holes that formed from the enchanting process caused the crystals to whistle in the wind of the blizzard.

“Something keeps trying to get in! We think it’s the unicorn king who originally cursed the place!” Shining Armor shouted back at us.

“But Princess Celestia said I was being sent here to find a way to protect the Empire! If King Sombra can’t get in, then it must already be protected!” Twilight shouted back.

Unless whatever’s keeping him out won’t last forever.’ I thought to myself.

Suddenly we all heard a strange ghostly howling noise.

“AH! That’s one of the things, isn’t it?!” Fluttershy asked, panicking.

“We have to get to the Crystal Empire, now!” Shining Armor exclaimed.

I pulled about half of the crystals out of my bucket and rapidly enchanted each of them, setting them all on fire.

Then a massive shadow-like creature with glowing green and red eyes which seemed to be emitting some kind of purple energy emerged from the ice behind us.

I immediately reacted by pelting the shadow creature with burning crystals at high speeds. Unfortunately, while the creature hissed in either pain or discomfort, my crystals just passed straight through him as if he were little more than a cloud of smoke. So I was dealing with a Breaker with intangibility like Shadow Stalker. Wonderful.

"I'll try to hold it off!" I shouted, flapping my wings and flying up into the air. I'd dropped Rarity's bags and was now focusing entirely on my crystals.

The shadow fired beams of magic at me. I dodged. Most went into the sky but one hit the ground and pitch black crystals sprouted from the ice and snow where the beam hit.

Then shadow billowed out of the way as a beam struck past him.

I didn't even have to look. I sensed Shining Armor's emotions remain in place while everyone else fled. He was staying behind to help me fight.

With my crystals annoying this thing but not doing any serious damage, I cast my Devouring Swarm spell. However this proved completely ineffectual as there was no physical body for my spell to destroy.

I had to stay mobile, flying around the creature to dodge its beams.

"Weaver! Love! King Sombra is repelled by Love based magic!" Shining Armor shouted at me. As soon as he said that, he had to quickly teleport out of the way to avoid being hit by one of King Sombra's beams.

“Great! What do you want me to do about it?!” I shouted back at him.

“I don’t know! You’re the changeling! Can’t you just vomit up some of the love you’ve eaten or something?!” He demanded, blasting the creature with more bolts of presumably love based magic.

“That’s not how this works!” I shouted at him, as another bolt blasted past me, far too close for comfort. “He doesn’t seem to like fire, but the flames don’t seem to be burning him! Any idea why? Gah!” One of the beams shot past me within inches of my face.

“Light! It must be the light of the fire! He’s repelled by love and light! So the light of the fire must be doing more than the actual flames themselves!” Shining Armor shouted. This time, he was unable to react fast enough and was hit by one of Sombra’s beams. Tiny black crystals sprouted from his horn as he was knocked to the ground.

“Light, huh…” I took out several more crystals from my bucket and quickly enchanted them to strobe with very bright flashes of light.

The shadow creature hissed in pain and backed away from the flashing crystals as if they were causing him actual pain.

I quickly enchanted the rest of my crystals to produce as much light as possible for as long as possible and then scattered them in a circle around Sombra who was now very obviously in pain.

With Sombra distracted by the light of my crystals I flew down, grabbed Shining armor, and flew off in the direction of the Crystal Empire while carrying him. “You okay?” I asked, seeing he was still awake.

“I’m fine, but these crystals are preventing me from using my magic.” He told me as we flew.

Looking back, I saw Sombra had already broken my enchanted crystals and was now chasing after us. I fired a few beams of magic at him and tried to pick up the pace, flying as fast as I could towards the Crystal Empire and the barrier surrounding it.

As soon as we were past the barrier, I saw Twilight and flew down towards them. After setting down Shining Armor I landed next to him.

“Oh no, Shining Armor, your horn!”

“I know, Twili…” He responded, raising a hoof to touch the crystals.

We walked forwards through what appeared to be a gate and saw the Crystal Empire in the distance.

“Sparklerific!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed happily at the sight.

“A city made entirely out of crystals…” I muttered to myself, somewhat awed by the sight.

We walked on foot the rest of the way to the city.

I could sense the emotions of the ponies in the city, within a five block radius of myself, but something was wrong. Instead of the wide diversity of emotions I normally sensed everywhere else, I pretty much only sensed confusion and anxiety. It was genuinely creepy how uniform the emotions were. There were flickerings of other emotions but they were almost completely drowned out by the confusion and anxiety seemingly everyone felt.

As we were walking, however, I noticed something. Other emotions. They stood out against the crowd like a beacon because of how different they were. If it wasn’t for the eerie uniformity of all the other emotions, I might have never even noticed. Sorrow, compassion, and love.

I didn’t mention it at first, but then I noticed another source of emotions that were exactly the same. Then another. And another. It was different from the uniformity of the citizens. It was as if the same person was in multiple places at once. Then, as we got within five blocks of the castle I sensed numerous sources of the same emotions within.

Since we were going to the castle anyway, I decided I’d investigate this anomaly while we were there.

“It’s gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous!” Rarity all but squealed in excitement. She made a few excited noises. “There are no words!”

“Focus, Rarity. We’re here to help Twilight. Not to admire the scenery.” Applejack told the fashionista.

“Eh… I don’t see what the big deal is. Just looks like another old castle to me.” Rainbow Dash commented.

“Ah! Phbt. Kah! ANOTHER OLD…?! Have you lost your mind?! Look at the magn…” Rarity stopped as Rainbow Dash giggled and high fived, or high hoofed, Applejack. “Very funny…”

All of us walked into the Castle and Shining Armor led us to the throne room.

Inside we found a very exhausted looking Princess Cadance, her horn constantly glowing as she maintained some kind of spell.

I sensed one of the anomalous sources of emotion in that very room.

“Cadance!” Twilight called out, trotting ahead.

Cadance perked up, happiness flooding through her, and rushed over to Twilight.

““Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!”” Twilight and Cadance repeated, performing what I could only assume was some sort of secret handshake, before devolving into a fit of giggling.

Cadence’s horn flickered as she struggled to maintain the spell she was holding. “One of these days, we need to get together when the fate of Equestria isn’t hanging in the balance.” Cadance sighed.

“Are you okay?” Twilight asked.

“Cadance has been able to use her magic to spread love and light. That seems to be what is protecting us. But she hasn’t slept, barely eats! I want to help her but my protection spell has been countered by King Sombra.”

“It’s alright, Shining Armor. I’m fine.” Cadance tried to reassure him.

“She’s not fine. She can’t go on like this forever. And if her magic were to fade… Well you saw what’s out there waiting for that to happen.”

“Excuse me for interrupting, but if you’ve known his weakness and can channel love and light into magic this entire time, why haven’t you used it against him?” I asked, stepping forwards.

“Weaver! I didn’t know you were coming too… What do you mean, use it against him?” Cadance asked.

“I mean, why have you wasted all this time maintaining this barrier, exhausting yourself, instead of going out and fighting him? If you can channel love and light into a protective barrier, I don’t see why it couldn’t be channeled more directly into an attack. Isn’t that what you were doing earlier, Shining Armor? Channeling love into an attack? If so, then you could have gone out there and ended this as soon as you arrived. After all, if love and light can hurt him it should be able to kill him too.” I explained.

Shining Armor gave me a disapproving look. “Is violence always your first resort, Weaver? I read the report and talked to those guards ponies after the train crash. I even saw the bodies. I know what you did to those changelings.”

"They were trying to kill me. I defended myself. I haven't been in a real fight with magic before so I misjudged what dividing my Devouring Swarm spell would do. It was a mistake, but one I've learned from. I did what I had to in order to survive and to protect the ponies on the train. Judge me if you want, but it worked. And right now, how many more lives are in danger? Thousands? Millions? Just killing Sombra would have saved you a lot of time and effort, and it would have removed any possibility of him ever hurting anyone again."

"Please, stop. Both of you. Now isn't the time to argue. What I should or shouldn't have done doesn't matter now. I've already been maintaining the barrier. Now I'm too exhausted to go out there and fight him even if I wanted to. The only thing I can do right now is continue maintaining the barrier and I'm not sure how much longer I can keep it up." Cadance said, stepping between me and Shining Armor.

"That's why we're here." Twilight stated.

"Why we're all here." Applejack stated as she and the others approached.

"""Mhm!""" The others all hummed in agreement.

"Well with Cadance putting all her strength into keeping her spell going and me trying to keep an eye on signs of trouble in the arctic, we haven't been able to gather much information from the crystal ponies." Shining Armor informed us.

"Crystal ponies?!" Rarity gasped excitedly. "There are crystal ponies?!" She then looked around and noticed everyone was looking at her. A small flash of embarrassment ran through her. "Em… Ehem… Please, continue."

"I'm not sure there is much information to be gathered from them anyway." I stated.

"What do you mean?" Shining Armor asked.

"I can sense the emotions of everyone around me within a five block radius. So while we were walking to the castle I noticed everyone, and I mean everyone, is feeling confused and anxious. And no, I don't mean in any normal way one might expect people to be whenever a disaster happens. Their emotions are creepily uniform. It's like everyone is in a weird mass fugue state. Like if they were perpetually in a state of waking up from a dream or a nightmare. So I'm pretty sure they're under mind control. So the entire population of the city might be screwed."

"Are you sure? And are you trying to say you think they can't be helped?" Cadance asked.

"I'm positive they're under some sort of mind altering spell, yeah. And yeah, they might be screwed. I don't know how it works here, but on Earth Bet there was a villain called Heartbreaker. He could control the emotions of anyone around him. He used this to enslave a number of celebrities and later heroes that tried to stop him. Worse, his influence was permanent. This wasn't the case for all masters but I'm looking at this pessimistically and am operating under the assumption that whatever Sombra did to them is permanent like Heartbreaker." I explained.

Everyone looked disturbed by this.

"Skitter, what the buck is wrong with your world?" Rainbow Dash asked.

I shrugged. "A giant golden alien god."

Shining Armor shook his head. "Well, generally mind control magic isn't permanent like this 'Heartbreaker's' powers were. Thank harmony for that considering Chrysalis had me mind controlled when she was pretending to be Cadance… So, we can't operate under the assumption they can't be saved. We have to do our best to free them from whatever influence Sombra has over them."

"Great, so that's one more thing we have to deal with then… But that's not the only thing. There's something else." I stated.

"There's more? Seriously?! That's just what we need, more bad news!" Rainbow Dash groaned.

"Actually, I don't know what it is. It could be bad news or it could just be nothing. What I do know is that I sensed something else. Weird sources of emotions. Normally I might not have even noticed, but with everyone under some sort of mind control, it stood out like a sore thumb. It's like there's one person feeling all of those things, but somehow in multiple locations at once. One of those sources of emotions is in this room, right now." I explained.

I walked over to the wall behind the throne and everyone followed me.

I pointed at a spot in the wall. "Right there. In the wall. Either there's an illusion or a hidden panel, because there's something in there."

"Let me take a look." Twilight said, approaching the wall. Her horn glowed. "Oh my… Weaver's right. There's something here! There's a powerful ward right here. Let me see if I can…"

All of us waited as Twilight cast a spell on the wall. She seemed to be struggling for a few moments. However, it didn't take long for whatever ward was in place to fall, revealing a hollow space in the wall.

Looking inside I saw what looked to be the head of a unicorn made entirely out of some sort of black crystal.

Grabbing it with my telekinesis, I pulled it out of the hollow space and looked at it a bit closer.

"The head of some kinda statue?" Applejack asked.

I shook my head and frowned. "It's not a statue. Not unless statues can feel emotions. This thing is alive. Like, actually alive. It's one of the sources of the emotions I'm sensing. I'm guessing the other pieces are the rest of the body. On the train ride you guys mentioned the Elements of Harmony could turn people to stone? Well, I think Sombra must have figured out how to turn people to crystal. The big question is, who is this and why did he turn them to crystal? He obviously didn't want them to come back. Any ideas?"

“Well… It looks like the pictures I’ve seen of Queen Amore. She’s my distant relative and was the ruler of the Crystal Empire before Sombra took over. While I’ve been maintaining the barrier, I’ve read a bit about her, but I couldn’t find anything about what happened to her… To think her head was behind the throne I’ve been sitting on this entire time…” Princess Cadance said, looking at the head.

“If she’s made of crystal, she hasn’t been mastered. She might be able to tell us more than the Crystal Ponies. She’s still alive, so do you think there’s any way we can turn her back to normal? Or would she just fall apart even if we managed to turn her back after piecing her back together?” I asked.

“If we could find all of her pieces, then maybe we could bring her back… Taylor, do you think you can help us find her pieces?” Twilight asked.

“Easily. They’re all radiating emotion, and it stands out pretty clearly against everyone else. But I can’t undo any magic sealing them away.” I told her.

“You can leave that part to me!” Twilight said with a smile.

“Then that’s what all of you need to do. Go find the pieces of Queen Amore and bring them back here. If anyone knows how to protect the Crystal Empire without Cadance’s magic, it’ll be her. And if nothing else, she should at least be able to help by taking shifts with Cadance until we can find a more permanent solution.” Shining Armor stated.

“What are we waiting for? Let’s get going!” Twilight said eagerly.

Setting Queen Amore’s head down next to the throne, I followed Twilight and the others out of the throne room. “There are more pieces here in the castle. Let’s start with those. Follow me.” I told them, walking ahead.

It took a while to learn the castle’s layout and find our way to where all the pieces were hidden, but eventually we managed it. I was all carrying pieces with telekinesis. Once we collected the last piece that was in the castle we brought them all back to the throne room, and tried to put them back together. It was like putting together a puzzle but we eventually figured it out. This left us with Queen Amore’s head, neck, and mane fully intact. However, the rest of her body was still missing.

So we had to go out and collect the rest of the pieces hidden in the city. This took roughly an hour, but once we had all the pieces we brought them back and finished putting Queen Amore back together, only to realize we didn’t have enough pieces. There was a huge chunk missing from her chest and over half of her body was still missing.

“I don’t understand… Taylor, are you sure you didn’t sense any more pieces here in the city?” Twilight asked.

I shook my head. “I didn’t. I searched the entire city from the sky about three times just to make absolutely sure we got all of the pieces. If there were more here, I’d have sensed them. Sombra must have hidden the rest outside of the city somewhere.”

“If they aren’t in the city, then where are they?” Fluttershy asked quietly.

“Good question. He probably wanted to make them near impossible to find. So I’m guessing, the frozen wasteland all around the city.” I said grimly. “We might not be able to save her after all.”

“No! We can’t give up now! We’re so close! We need to find the rest of the pieces!” Twilight insisted. She started pacing as she thought to herself. “But we can’t just go out and wander the Frozen North aimlessly. We need leads… Sombra kept these pieces in the city. He kept her head behind his throne. In that case the other pieces have to be relatively close by too…”

“Um… Khepri…? You said it felt like Queen Amore was in multiple places at once, right?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

“I did, and it does.” I nodded, though while I didn’t show it I internally frowned at being called Khepri. It wasn’t Fluttershy’s fault though. She didn’t know I hated that name, so I couldn’t blame her.

“Well… If all of her pieces feel connected… Um… maybe they are? Uh… I… m-maybe they’re linked somehow? If that’s the case… w-why can’t you or Twilight use one of her pieces to follow the connection and find the rest of her pieces?” Fluttershy inquired.

Twilight seemed too lost in thought to hear this, for better or worse.

“I don’t know. I’ve never had to do anything like that before… Let me try something.” I took a loose shard that didn’t seem to connect to any of the other pieces we’d collected.

Closing my eyes I tried to focus on the emotions it was emitting. Trying to feel for anything connecting it to the other pieces we’d collected. It took a lot of concentration and focus but eventually I managed to notice something. I don’t know if it was just because of my relationship with insects, but my brain interpreted it as something like the strands of a spiderweb but made of emotion. Individually they were so faint they were incredibly difficult to see let alone notice unless you were looking at it in the right “light” or were looking incredibly hard for them. The only reason I’d noticed anything at all was because there were so many strands of the web so close together right now, making it more noticeable. Now Knowing what to look for, I had to search very hard but I was able to notice other individual strands leading off in different directions. I wasn’t able to feel where they led, only the general directions they were going in.

“I think I can lead us to the rest of the pieces.” I announced.

Twilight stopped and looked at me. “You can?!”

"Fluttershy had a good idea. The pieces are all magically linked in some way. It seems to be why all the pieces are emitting emotion instead of just her head. It's difficult, but if I try hard enough I can vaguely sense the connections as very tiny and faint threads of emotion. It takes a lot of effort and concentration, but I think I can guide us to where the rest are hidden. Though I'll need to take a piece so I don't lose track of the strands. This piece should work. It's small enough to carry easily and we can't connect it to anything yet." I explained.

“Fluttershy, you’re a genius!” Twilight exclaimed, rushing over to Fluttershy and grabbing her by the face.

“I… I am…?” Fluttershy squeaked.

“Yes! That was a brilliant idea!” She released Fluttershy and turned to face everyone. “Now that Taylor knows what to look for, we actually have a way of finding the rest of the pieces! So, let’s go!” Twilight insisted.

I put my hoof on Twilight’s back. “Hold on. We have to make some preparations first. These pieces aren’t in the city. That means we’re going to have to leave the barrier to find them. And as soon as we do, we’ll have Sombra bearing down on us. Not to mention it’s getting darker and thus colder. So if we don’t want anyone to be caught by Sombra or get hypothermia, we’re going to need some equipment.”

“Oh… Right… Good point…” Twilight said sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head with her hoof. “Ehem… Alright, let’s go get the equipment we need, then we can go.”

While Twilight’s friends were getting the snow gear we’d need, Twilight and I gathered and enchanted a number of very bright crystals to repel Sombra. I also gathered up a couple bags of crystals we hadn’t enchanted so Twilight and I could turn them into flashers to drive him back as needed since the crystals we were wearing would only prevent him from getting close to us physically. They wouldn’t stop him from shooting at us with his crystal magic.

I would have pre-enchanted the flashers and set them to go off with some mechanism so everyone could have been armed with them, but that would have taken time we didn’t have. Thus we opted for the next best thing. We tied some crystals to sticks like torches and enchanted them to be painfully bright. Enchanting them to be so bright and last as long as we needed them to be took about an hour, we had to wear eye protection the entire time, and it was a bit taxing on both me and Twilight since it took a lot of magical energy, but it was still faster than trying to make more complex devices. When we were done, we simply wrapped the ridiculously bright crystals in a heat resistant fabric so they wouldn’t risk blinding anyone until they were needed, while not risking them burning the fabric or setting it on fire due to the sheer amount of light they were putting out.. Each of the girls had at least one of these ‘torches’ each, in case they needed to fend off Sombra. Especially if they were accidentally separated from the group for whatever reason.

We were all standing at the edge of the barrier, wearing our snow equipment. Each of us had brightly glowing crystals tied to our legs, around our bodies, and hanging from our necks. It was by far the best personal protection we could get at the moment. I also had the piece of Queen Amore I’d be using to track the other pieces tied around my neck like a necklace, and both Twilight and I were carrying saddle bags full of unenchanted crystals.

“Is everypony ready? Once we step out there, we’re not turning back until we’ve found the last of Queen Amore’s pieces. Or until tomorrow morning. Whichever comes first. We can’t wait any longer than that. Cadance won’t last.” Twilight asked.

“We’re ready! Let’s go get those pieces and save the Crystal Empire!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“Yeah, let’s do this! We’ve all got our lights. This time Sombra will be the one running away from us!” Rainbow Dash said confidently.

“If something goes wrong, run back here. I’ll hold him off to buy time for you all to get away again.” I said, staring out at the frozen wasteland beyond the barrier.

“If something goes wrong, I’ll teleport all of us away. Including you, Taylor.” Twilight told me.

“That works too.” I told her, walking towards the barrier. Closing my eyes, I tried my best to focus on one of the strands of emotion and followed it.

Author's Note:

Just a heads up. I know she's supposed to be named Princess Amore, but I'm calling her Queen Amore instead just to better differentiate her from "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza". Plus in the show they mentioned that the "Crystal Fair" was started by the Crystal Empire's first "Queen".

Anyways, since we're going with Taylor and the others saving Queen Amore, how does a King Sombra redemption sound? After all, in the comics Princess Amore was trying to help Sombra redeem himself from the very beginning. And redeeming Sombra might be a way for Queen Amore to become an Alicorn, achieving a great feat to earn her ascension, thus resulting in Taylor having an alicorn she feels like she can trust more than Celestia and Luna as an ally. She'd feel like she could trust Amore more because Amore would owe her for finding her pieces so they could save her in the first place. Though the alicorn part is extraneous and unnecessary, I suppose.

Plus it'd be a way to start showing Taylor that not everything has to be solved with violence.

That said, Amore wasn't as close to Sombra as Radiant Hope was and he resents her for never telling him he was an Umbrum and why he was always in pain whenever the Crystal Fair happened, Plus Sombra might be too far gone to be redeemed anyway. So I'm not attached to the idea. It's just something I thought of when I decided to have Taylor save Amore. If no one cares either way, I'd probably just flip a coin to decide. So, redeemed Sombra yay or nay?