• Published 26th Mar 2024
  • 407 Views, 12 Comments

The Markless Wonderer: Origin - OllerusTheFailure

The tale of a usual colt with an exceptional thought. One that doesn't belong in the mind of a young pony. But that's the dilemma. He's a pony of Equestria.

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Chapter Nine: Slice of Nightlife

After that announcement, I made my way home. Thanks to a particular memory of an oversized rodent and its owner spilling tea all over me, I was no longer in the mood. Staying home and going to bed sounded like a plan. But despite my better judgment, I checked what the dragon had to say out of curiosity. Luckily, those criminals didn’t ruin my fedora. I was only there because they didn’t.

Anyway, I trekked home. Then somepony called out to me jauntingly. “Hey, Brisk Prize!”

I groaned, fantasizing about the luxurious softness of my new mattress. “…What is it, Stargazer?”

Exulting with joy, his eyes crinkled as he flashed a wide grin. “I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you smile like that!”

One of the most bothersome neighbors in Luna Bay. Stargazer. A young adult stallion who is always… ecstatic. Always. The mere thought of it triggered a powerful urge to vomit. “I’m not smiling at anything in particular. The end of the presentation was near. That’s what I was thinking about. That’s all.”

“Oh no, don’t wriggle out of this one, Brisky!”

Great. I knew I wouldn’t attend that school, so I should have left early. Now, the boy is holding me verbally hostage. How to avoid this situation? My eyes wanted to rest so severely… and that new mattress I bought… Dear Celestia, let me go to bed! Get this verbal demon off me! Why couldn’t he be more like the quiet filly standing beside him? I know. Maybe I can get her to help me.

“I know what made that frown… go upside down,” Stargazer said, twisting his head.

“No.” The filly’s long, teal mane covered one of her eyes. I rolled my eyes from her to him. Seeing that, she must have noticed what I was alluding to.

“It’s the smile of everypony else, especially the little ones, like my lovely little sister Starry Vision here!” Stargazer announced. He wrapped his left foreleg around the filly, embracing her.

“Um… Stargazer, I’m exhausted—” Starry Vision murmured. Yes! She heard my prayers and answered. My old bones can be introduced to that new state-of-the-art mattress. What position should I try to rest in first? Sideways? Face down? On my back? Right now, the ladder sounds best. It makes sense; I’ve been standing throughout that entire presentation.

“Oh! Sorry about that, Little Star. How about you head home and give that teensy head of yours a rest? Don’t let somepony like me and Brisk Prize stop you from a good night’s sleep,” Stargazer said, rubbing the filly’s head.



“Shh… It’s okay, Little Star. I’ll stay here and keep our friend company. No worries.” Stargazer placed his hoof on her yapping mouth and winked.

I… I can’t believe it. My jaw hit the floor. You couldn’t be serious right now.

“Allllll night!” Stargazer proclaimed.

“##############################—” My scapegoat had left. Please come back… You’re my last hope! I foresaw what was coming after the quiet filly left. Sweet Celestia, an endless night I will never forget.

That second announcement by the Royal Advisor had ended, so my parents and I returned home. Now I was chilling in my bedroom, writing in my private journal. Nopony, but I can see it. Not Mom. Not Dad.


Title: Mint Spring’s Journal

About me: For her eyes only!


Miss Scarlet Petals? | My teacher. She is beautiful, and that green bow ornament she’s been wearing suits her well. Maybe she’ll give me mare tips within the next three years.

She thinks it’s a secret, but she has a ‘secret’ crush on a stallion she lives next door to. If I were that pony, I’d rudely tell her to move things along. Good thing I’m not. And her dog is constantly impeding things. The last time I saw her try to talk to the stallion, Hazel, her borzoi, chased him off! Miss Scarlet Petals ran around town, trying to get Hazel to stop. She attempts to talk to the stallion but retreats at the last minute. Poor thing. It’s a tough situation for her. So, I’ll help her; in return, she’ll help me. Heheheheh…

Mint Spring? | This is me we’re talking about. I don’t want to sound egotistical (nopony likes a pony with a monumental ego). But I’m one of the most mature ponies in our class, if not the most. My behavior probably appears bratty, so I’ll need to refine myself. A journey I’m willing to take. Something a certain pony isn’t, that’s for sure. What else? Let’s see… I ensure my coat and mane are always in top shape by carefully grooming them. I shall continue to do so, always.

Starry Vision? | She’s bashful… but my best friend till the end. When you get to know her, she’s a gentle, kind, and considerate pony. She can teach that pony a thing or two. Speaking of ponies in class, she has a thing for Ice Whistle, which is adorable. I’m always there to support her and help boost her confidence. Perhaps someday she’ll be able to convey her affections to him. Maybe he’ll understand first? If he already didn’t.

Ice Whistle? | One of the most mature colts in our classroom. You would’ve assumed I’d be the pony interested in him, but nay. He seems bright, unlike a certain pony. But nothing really stands out about him, if you ask me. I’ll give him style. He always wears a black and grey striped beanie and scarf (which goes well with his white mane). Not my color palette, but it fits him well. That’s all that matters. It doesn’t seem like he’s interested in anypony… Perhaps I’ll strategically influence him into liking Starry Vision if the need calls for it.

Nature Thorn? | Not bad in the looks department… It could be worth considering in the future. But I’ll keep my options open until after Ponyville. Apart from that, there’s nothing significant to say about him. Unlike a particular pony, he has an excellent mane, and I adore his color patterns. Great mane. And ah, those gorgeous dark red eyes.

Enough about appearances. He has little personality, but he might be like Starry Vision in that regard. It’s possible that better understanding him is vital. Let’s see. He doesn’t seem interested in anypony. I’m pretty sure I have an excellent shot. He’s best friends with Ice Whistle, and if Starry Vision ever captures Ice Whistle’s heart, I can ask her to put in a good word about me. I seem to have a knack for future planning. It scares me.

Splotch Wing? | Ew.

Ocular Vignette? | Splendid photographer. He certainly has a future in the field. If I ever go down the path of fashion or modeling, I should consider setting up close connections with him. Other than that, I don’t know much about him. Unlike that pony.

Everypony else? | The rest of the class has nothing to note. We’re all so average, like below background character status. They’re all better than a certain pony, though. It might be beneficial for me to get to know them better. I guess that’ll be another goal I set for myself for these next three years.


That’s enough writing for today. Yup, the start of my journal. Bought from the local store after school today. Well, my mom bought it. She decided that providing me with something to write my thoughts into was a fantastic idea. I’m genuinely grateful for her thoughtfulness. Love you, Mom. Make sure Dad doesn’t read it. He’s always so protective and in my business. That’s likely why she bought me the journal in the first place. Now that I said that… Maybe I’ll write about them next. Nothing terrible, of course.

After that, I decided to call it a day. Tomorrow, I will hang out with my bestie – Starry Vision. I’m really looking forward to it. Tomorrow also marked the day we planned to start her confidence training. The end date is three years. How much will you improve, Star?

Arriving home, I nearly tripped over my many pairs of ice skates.

I should stop leaving things to lie around.

While lying on my couch, I noticed the intricate, detailed patterns on the plank ceiling above. Well, they aren’t that complicated. Any piece of wood had a complex design hidden inside. All that mattered was how you interpreted it—like the ponies and creatures inhabiting Equestria.

I ought to have been sleeping right now from spending another day honing my skills. Or maintaining. How much more could I improve? But after checking out the announcement, I found myself considering something else. Did I – Serene Snowfall, the best ice skater in Equestria, want to attend the School of Friendship? Or did I want to stay home? My best friend’s little brother, Ice Whistle, will be going. He’s capable, but Freeze Breeze is one to constantly worry. Even in Baltimare, I know she’s thinking about him. I could support him and reside closer to Baltimare if I attended the school. Luna Bay is on the west coast of Equestria, while Baltimare is on the east coast. Ponyville’s central location would prove more convenient than Luna Bay’s. It would split the travel time in half. Then I can visit the address she gave Ice Whistle before leaving.

The question crossed my mind numerous times. Ponyville? or Luna Bay? As I did, I looked out my window from the couch. An ultramarine ambiance with specks of snow sticking to the glass pane. My living room was lit up by a kindle of flame from the fireplace. The warm and welcoming red-orange light from the inside contrasted with the darkness of the night outside, bringing me an odd sense of relaxation. Alone, they’re beautiful, but together, they’re breathtaking – despite being complete opposites. I can’t help but wonder, does the radiance of the fireplace secretly crave to escape and mingle with the boundless dark cerulean over yonder? It was so close, however, the pane stood as an impenetrable barrier.

Enough distractions. What was my primary aim from the beginning? I had plenty of time to consider. After much contemplation, for now...

I knew my answer.

Sitting at the reception desk of an office building, I ensured everything was tidy and organized and all the archives were in order. Page Martinet and I usually aren’t around at this time of night. So, what’s different? Not sure. The chief was in the reception area behind me. From there, she appeared to be heading back to her office. “Lila, you can call it a night. I’ll close the building before I leave.”

With a tinge of worry, I responded. “You sure, chief?”

“I’m always sure,” she flatly asserted.

True, what am I thinking? Page Martinet is a pony that doesn’t go back on her word. She has zero regrets in life. A perfect mare I aspire to be one day. Then I’ll be commemorated in Luna Bay history like her. As one of the many esteemed chieftains. “Have a good night then, boss.”

“I intend to.”

Later, on my way out, I remembered the coffee machine needed cleaning.

I tried teaching Thorax how to function it properly, and…it didn’t turn out well. He made a mess. Just him. “Oh, my.” Coffee liquid and black coffee powder were all over the table. How did Thorax and I forget to clean such a mess? How could we even make one like this?

The aroma of coffee filled the air as we playfully shot the black liquid out of the water guns – shooting them into our mouths. We cooled the coffee down before drinking it, of course. Water squirters weren’t made for this, but nopony was using them. Why not take advantage of them? What harm could it do?

“Haha! I hope this can last forever!” Thorax said with a mouth full of coffee.

“Bet you I can drink all the coffee you shoot from across the room.”

“Oh, you’re on!”

True to my word, I did. In hindsight, it was a dumb idea. We kept the mess within the break room’s lounge. We confined the chaos to the break room’s lounge. Page Martinet, a light coffee drinker, didn’t deserve to witness this upon her comings and goings. The disappointment in her eyes had she discovered, would have pierced me like a guilty foal caught in the act. I refuse to let that happen. If she finishes her business before me, I’ll remain, making sure this mess is rectified. I shall not rest until it’s done!

The School of Friendship… Get ready to see the splendid art of Splotch Wing! The lone pegasus—besides dad and maybe another few—of Luna Bay! I don’t mean to brag, but my skills in the art of… Uh, art is exceptional. Whoever Principal Startfight Grimmer is, I’ll have them kneel before me. She will beg for me to draw her likeness. And I will do it… But not for cheap! No, sir, Splotch Wing’s artistry deserves all the bits in Equestria! Even Mint Spring will have to grovel and apologize to apologize to me! That’s right, that sounds perfect. Not one. Two apologies! HAHAHAHAHA! –Brush brush brush– I’ll be the admired colt of the class among the ponies and fillies. Not Ice Whistle. I’ll take him off his frozen throne with that stupid grey and black striped beanie and scarf. Then Nature Thorn will be my best friend! Then he’ll introduce me to his terrific mom! Everything will change with Ponyville life. My art will be known to all! Miss Scarlet Petals will see it, and then I’ll dish out my revenge tickles for thirty minutes—no, one hour! Sweet revenge will be mine! All mine! –*Smack *Smack– Revenge tastes like toothpaste.

An open door on my left, I peeked over. It was Dad. “Splotch Wing… you’ve been yelling to yourself in the mirror for the past 20 minutes… Please finish brushing your teeth and just go to bed…”

“Sorry, Dad.” I stared back at the mirror, brushed my teeth some more, then spit out the remaining toothpaste.


After turning off the bathroom light, I proceeded to bed. Just three more years until I can make a name for myself.

Checking out an announcement at the town square, I came back home. Time to concentrate on work. I’m not just a teacher. In secret, at this very moment, I’m holding the most notorious villain in Luna Bay captive. The prisoner could not escape from the cell I had them in. Hazel, the Borzoi. I unwrapped a chocolate bar and waved it before the black doggy cage. She beat against the enclosure and whimpered. “Oh, you want it? Well, too bad it’s toxic for you! Enough of it, and it’ll prove fatal.”

Her nose twitched, picking up the scent of food nearby, and like a dog, she couldn’t resist the temptation to eat it. This is revenge for her continuous behavior since adoption. “You’re getting your just desserts… with no actual dessert! HAHAHA! How innovative is that?!”

“Woo,” Hazel barked.

“Don’t give me that, you demon of Tartarus.” That’s it! The evil within her may need to be exorcised. I grabbed a blue blanket and covered the doggy cage with it. Then, a chair from the kitchen. The doggy cage was in the corner of my living room, so I placed the chair by the said cage and sat in it. Now it’s time for me to chant some random conundrum. The enigma sounded very vexing and persuading. “Hoo, Haa, Hee! Get out of thee! I command theeeee!”


With one eye half-open, I directed my gaze toward the enclosure. “Did that work? Are you feeling less evil now?”


“Why you!” Frustratedly, I kicked the cage with my right hind leg multiple times. “Get out! Get out!” The cage was sturdy and didn’t budge an inch. It differed from the one I brought to work earlier today. It’s thicker and more prison-like. The cage had a single opening at the front and included three thick, sturdy bars. In which Hazel could only fit her muzzle and paws through.


Frustrated and overwhelmed, my breaking point had been reached. “I passed up the chance to spend the night with that attractive stallion. But no, instead, you want me here spending the night like a baffling quack!”


I pushed my muzzle through the sturdy bars, causing Hazel’s snout to recoil. “Keep that up, and I’ll put Splotch Wing in there.”


“Didn’t like the sound of that, did you? Well, guess what? Since it’s clear this is what you want, for you, I can keep going all night...” Hazel gulped as my shadow loomed over the cage. Tonight was the night for vengeance. “Hahaaaaa... This is going to be fun.”

“This is our humble abode. The vacant bedroom is upstairs on the right,” I said. I entered my home with two guests. The sleeping guest was tenderly propped up on the shoulder of the other, their body finding solace in the comforting embrace. Carrying the king of changelings is the Royal Advisor for The Princess Twilight Sparkle. Spike the Brave and Glorious. My husband said the title came from the Crystal Empire, which I have always wanted to visit.

“Thanks. Hey, you think I could let Thorax sleep on the couch?” Spike asked with a snicker, claw directed at the family couch.

No reason to decline. “Sure, why not?”

Oh yeah… Spike gets the bed to himself.” He placed the sleeping changeling on our family couch, then proceeded upstairs. That bedroom used to belong to my eldest child, Freeze Breeze. Because of reasons, she’s not here. It was unlikely that I would see her again soon. As a mother, her absence gnawed at me, leaving a bitter void inside. Not nearly as much as him, though.

Just in case, I searched for Ice Whistle at home. It seemed he was not here, so he had to be at his friend’s. His name is Nature Thorn, and they have been friends for a long time. I remember setting up their first play date when they were foals. They wouldn’t remember the details of that, naturally, probably. And his mother, Misty Fleurs, was a kind, beautiful mare. It was a fulfilling experience to meet her and receive motherly advice. Although I had a child before her, she taught me things I never could have perceived on my own. They truly are an excellent, complete family. Something I envied. That doesn’t mean I don’t love Ice Whistle and Monolith Kernel – in truth, I do. But playing a board game with a missing puzzle piece isn’t…ideal.

I retreated to my bedroom, shared by my husband and me, and snuggled under the covers of our queen-size mattress. The last step was to close my eyes. My son isn’t home, so I can leave finding Ice Whistle to Monolith Kernel. Either he wakes me up, or he finds Ice Whistle. No need to worry about the former, because there’s nopony I trust more than him for the job.

Author's Note:

The characters that didn't appear in chapter two got to shine for a bit in this one. 'Their Perspectives' took place in the morning, and 'Slice of Nightlife'... Well, you should know. Just another chapter to see the perspective of other characters.

The next chapter will be the last and longest of Act One. Act Two is nearing!

Mint Spring really doesn‘t like Splotch Wing, huh? And what's with the coffee obsession?