• Published 26th Mar 2024
  • 408 Views, 12 Comments

The Markless Wonderer: Origin - OllerusTheFailure

The tale of a usual colt with an exceptional thought. One that doesn't belong in the mind of a young pony. But that's the dilemma. He's a pony of Equestria.

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Chapter Ten: That Same Ordinary —Lost in the Sound—

I am proud to say I awoke on my new state-of-the-art mattress, shipped from the Luna Bay furniture store. Things were looking up for me – Brisk Prize. Admittedly, last night was dreadful… One of my neighbors, Stargazer, held me verbally hostage for hours. He delivered a never-ending stream of words. But soon enough, he went home to sleep around 3:00 AM. After that, I trudged my way home, desperately dreaming of passing out.

Unfortunately, the mattress still needed to be removed from the large box. So, in the living room, I unboxed the mattress and sank into its inviting surface. The softness beneath was so overwhelming it could have been my end.

Then suddenly, the moment arrived. Energized and content, I woke up, ready to start the day. After making a steaming cup of jasper tea, I relaxed on the porch to take in the breathtaking snow-filled view of our town. With a generous sip, the tension in my body melted away. The unmistakable sound of quick pitter-patter resounding to my left, curiosity took over as I contemplated the source. Right on cue, as soon as I set my cup down, an enormous rat appeared out of nowhere, snatched the cup with its germ-filled mouth, and scampered away. “Woo!”

Sprinkles of snow and dirt were kicked up as it darted away. That darn mutt again. Then, from the same direction before, clops resounded on my porch. The scarlet blur’s sudden jump startled me so much that I tumbled out of my beach chair. “You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me…”

“Sorry about that Brisk Prize! I’ll get Hazel to give that teacup back! You can count on me!”

I watched from the porch floor as Scarlet Petals disappeared in her pursuit of that oversized thieving rodent. Remaining composed, a sly smirk crept up and refused to leave. Undoubtedly, I will spend the rest of my days here surrounded by these weirdos and their beautiful antics.

Darn, I cannot believe I’m admitting this, but with life in this village, I don’t think I’ll mind that same ol’ ordinary. No matter how annoying they can be.

Perhaps I'll buy a special cup for Hazel to snatch and proudly exhibit in the cottage like a prized possession. Nah... That one will do fine.

Saturday morning had arrived. Other than me, Spike was the first one awake. He walked downstairs to find his changeling friend sleeping on the family couch. He woke him up, and their stomachs growled from not eating since the announcement. “Care to join my husband and me for breakfast before you leave? He’s a splendid cook.”

Thorax inspected his surroundings as he opened his eyes sluggishly, a smidge of slobber dripping from the corner of his mouth. “Ugh… wha–wher–where am I…?”

“Breakfast?” Spike said as his belly grumbled in hunger. “Don’t mind if I do! We had nothing to eat since the first announcement yesterday. We’ll need the energy on our way back to Vanhoover.”

“Food? Boy, I sure could have a bite to eat. I’m craving some bugs. Do you have any, by chance?” Thorax asked, his buggy eyes and orange antlers peeking over the back of the sofa.

“No…not necessarily… But changelings are fond of fruit, too, right? I’m sure Monolith Kernel can carve up a delicious recipe just for you,” I replied from the kitchen counter.

Thorax now rested his front legs over the couch and supported his chest with the back cushion. “Yeah, us reformed changelings love fruit.”

“Good to hear. I was afraid we couldn’t serve you something suitable for your palette if you didn’t. Perfect. I’ll go upstairs, wake my husband, and fill him in on the details. You should expect breakfast within the hour.”

“Want to watch TV until then?” Spike asked, joining his friend on the couch.

“The box with moving pictures?” Thorax couldn’t hold his excitement as he continued, exclaiming eagerly. “Yes, please! I’ve been curious about new pony technology.”

“Thank Sunset Shimmer. If not for her, it would have been years before we reached this point.”

“Thank you, Sunset Shimmer!”

The stairs creaked beneath me. “Hm. What a pair.”

Yesterday evening, I decided to stay at the office to tidy up the building. The mess was relatively tame. The aroma of coffee permeated, wafting through every nook and cranny of the break room. It’s somewhat surprising that my boss, Page Martinet, hadn’t noticed. I observed her departure from the break room while concealing myself. Surely, she’ll detect the lingering scent of coffee in the morning when her senses are rejuvenated. That’s why I stayed, and like always, I finished the job, went to my reception desk, and fell asleep.

“Lila... Lila.”

Body shaken, a voice called out to me as drool dripped down my chin. “H-huh…?”

My eyelids opened and showed off an old mare rocking librarian glasses. “Lila Styles, what are you doing here so early?”

Crud, I’d need to develop a story on the spot! “I…wanted to surprise you?”

“What for?”

“Um…” She got me there. This is Page Martinet. Maybe honesty is the best policy. “I… don’t know.”

“Coffee frenzy again?”

“Wait, what? You knew?” I asked, jolting up from my desk.

“I’ve always known. Now go home and get some rest. Tomorrow, I expect you to be at your peak performance.”

“Yes, ma’am!” Earning her mercy, I saluted. Too tired to show embarrassment, I went home to get my body’s rest. What kind of work did she need me for? Was she just trying to inform me that I’m not fired?

When I got home, I collapsed onto my inviting bed and embraced my cool pillow. “Hmm…” Beneath her serious exterior, our village leader had a kind heart. Working under her filled me with tremendous pride, and I eagerly look forward to continuing to do so.

Saturday morning, which means no school today. Our entire class has been given the freedom to pursue our interests and hobbies without any restrictions. Personally, I didn’t have any plans for the day. As I woke up, I felt the softness of my pillow and the warmth of my blankets, staring at the plank ceiling above while my green and yellow hair strands were as disheveled as my covers. They lay across my face, partly obstructing my view of my surroundings. Blowing out a breath, I could feel the strands of hair tickling my face as they lifted and fell. “I kind of feel like sleeping in for the whole day…”

Once again, I succumbed to laziness. What would I do without it? “Hehe,” I chuckled. “A lot.” Then, it escalated into a gleeful chortle.

After lingering in bed, a surge of energy hit me upon hearing the announcement from downstairs.

“Boys! Breakfast is ready!” Mom hollered.

Mom’s breakfast wafted through the air and reached for our muzzles. Dad and I emerged from our bedroom doors, ready to start the day. “Dad…”

He squinted back. “Thorn…”

With Mom’s delicious meals, Dad and I were at the top of the food chain, like apex predators. We stood there, eyes locked, neither of us willing to back down. Tension filled the corridor as our showdown began. The advantage was in my favor because the staircase laid closer to my door, so the first move was mine. I galloped down the stairs, a rush of air thrashing in return. “Coming, Mom!”

“Oh, no you don’t!” Dad yelled, determined to beat me to the table.

We both sprinted toward the kitchen screaming, watching Mom place our prized breakfast plates on the dinner table. “AHHHH!”

“Not again, you two!” Mom cried out. Dad and I put on our brakes and leaped onto the table, devouring the food in mere seconds. “You realize I make enough food for all of us, right?” She sarcastically questioned with a stern attitude.

We uttered in perfect sync. “Uh...”

“And one of those servings was mine.” After belching, Dad and I received a whack on the back of the head from Mom. “Fiends.”

This situation wasn’t looking too good… Sorry, Dad, but she’s your wife. I’m sure you learned how to deal with this by now. So, if you don’t mind, I will take the leisure of bailing out of this punishment. “You and Dad can deal with this. I’m going out to see Ice Whistle. Love you both, bye!” I declared as I trotted out the door.

Nature Thorn left, leaving me with only one miscreant—his father. Since I had nothing to eat, maybe my adoring husband could make up for it. “How about you make me breakfast for once, dear?”

“Ha! Good one, honey bug,” Forest Seed chuckled.

“Forest Seed! I want breakfast. Make it now,” I replied with firmness, stomping a hoof. “Even if you have to scrounge from my greenhouse.”

Forest Seed realized I was dead serious, so he gulped and responded correctly. “Yes, ma’am.”

Ah, music to a wife’s ears.

“What did you want to do today, Nature Thorn?” Ice Whistle asked at his open front door, wearing his signature scarf and beanie.

“Let’s just hang out. How does the ice rink sound?”

“No complaints from me.” We cantered down the dirt trail, the crisp winter air nipping at our cheeks. I don’t plan to skate. I just wanted a place to hang out and chat. “Strangest thing this morning. I woke up and went downstairs for my father’s breakfast, and get this, the changeling hive leader and the Royal Advisor were both there.”

“Didn’t expect that. How long have they been there?” I questioned—our puffs of breath vanishing into the humid, wintry atmosphere.

“Since last night. And King Thorax slept on our family couch. How many ponies can tell you that? Few, I imagine.”

“Are they staying here?”

Ice Whistle glanced back to where we came from. “Nah, they left not too long ago.”

After walking for a while, as we approached the ice rink, the volume of chitchat and laughter escalated. We recognized some familiar faces already there, standing in front of the hay-bale-blocked entry. Two fillies. An earth pony with a refreshing mint green coat and a pale yellow mane stood alongside a turquoise unicorn with long teal hair covering half her face. Mint Spring and Starry Vision. Close friends like Ice Whistle and me.

With a smirk, Mint Spring surveyed our arrival. “Well, well, well! Look who we have here on this exquisite morning. What brings you two out and about?”

“M-Morning… Ice Whistle and Nature Thorn,” Starry Vision muttered, rubbing her leg and peering downward.

“Morning.” Ice Whistle greeted Starry Vision and continued to reveal our plans. “Just hanging out with Nature Thorn, and we figured this would be a suitable spot.”

“Oh, is that so?” Mint Spring asked, intrigued.

Why did she say it like that? Never quite understood her. Everything she did was purposeful, as if she was planning for the future. Something I couldn’t do. The bay was an integral part of my life. I couldn’t imagine living without it. That foolish colt believed if he came to the bay enough times, he would find the answers he sought. “Today is one of the few days off from school. It’s not out of the ordinary for me to be out here,” I stated. A slight flush of my cheeks must have shown.

“True. Since that’s the situation, let’s hang out. The four of us! It’ll be way more fun to spend time together than in our individual groups,” Mint Spring advised.

Starry Vision's expression went blank. “The four of us?”

“Why not? Sounds like a fun idea if you ask me,” Ice Whistle concurred.

I decided to offer my opinion. “No problems on my end.”

“Star…?” Mint Spring’s voice lingered while studying the timid pony masking an eye behind her mane.

“…As long as everypony else is okay with it.”

“Then it’s settled! The first thing we’ll do—!” Mint Spring began to declare, ready to announce the first activity. But she was disrupted by a new voice midway.

“Don’t forget about me!” Splotch Wing shouted as he descended from above, flapping his white wings. He landed on the frozen grass, a gust of wind following him and titillating our muzzles. A gratifying feeling, if you ask me. Then Splotch Wing gave his lightly blue-tinted grey mane a flit.

“Okay, ew, Splotch Wing, what are you doing here?” Mint Spring questioned the unwelcome arrival.

“I saw you and Starry Vision coming here, and then I was like, yo, they need an extra friend to spice things up,” Splotch Wing answered, striking a series of bizarre poses. “Wait, did you say ew…?”

Yo? When did he begin speaking in such a way?

In a moment of silence, Mint Spring brought an irritated hoof up to her head and eventually came to a conclusion. “Fine, just don’t be so… Splotch Wingy.”

Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” Splotch Wing didn’t receive an answer.

“Don’t worry, Splotch Wing; I’m positive Mint Spring will take a liking to you by the time we attend the School of Friendship,” Ice Whistle said.

“The only reason I’ll do that is to further improve myself as an accepting individual.”

Mint Spring’s remark prompted Splotch Wing. “Whatever. What’s the plan? Our town is pretty tame when it comes to local activities. I heard we used to have bungee jumping over a decade ago, but Chieftain Page Martinet shut it down.”

I wondered about that as well. Apart from chatting at the ice rink, I had no ideas. Curiously, I awaited Mint Spring’s solution.

“We should start by going to the clothes store and trying some outfits. After that, let’s go to HayDay. We can use their kitchen if we ask, and then we can bake some mouth-watering desserts.”

“I don’t expect I’ll be trying on clothes. I’m content with my beanie and scarf, but I’ll be interested to see everypony else try something on.”

“That’s fine,” Mint Spring replied.

Starry Vision fidgeted. “No matter what I wear, I always feel dowdy.”

“Not today, Star. I’ll be there to assist this time,” Mint Spring countered, trying to cheer up her friend.

Guess I should join Starry Vision and bring up my experience. “I never tried putting on clothes.”

“What?! Well, now I absolutely have to see this!” Mint Spring exclaimed, jumping up and down in excitement.

What did I get myself into? Clothes aren’t my thing, although they would help with this weather. “I have a few but never found them necessary.” After all, considering we grew up in a frigid environment, it’s no surprise that we adapted to the cold. Not to an insane degree, of course.

Mint Spring acknowledged my comment. “I’m certain the clothes your parents got you just don’t resonate with your soul. Like, truly speak with the pony named ‘Nature Thorn,’ you know?”

“Maybe?” I had doubts about the subject and ruminated on it. There was no need for prolonged contemplation. Honestly, it’s no surprise clothes aren’t my cup of tea. I thought about wearing clothes for the temperature rather than for fashion.

Starry Vision lunged in and clarified. “You should take Mint Spring’s word for it, Nature Thorn. You can tell by the way she talks that she has complete confidence in it.”

“I can’t deny that.” Truthfully. Mint Spring is more knowledgeable in the field. It couldn’t hurt too much to seize her advice.

“Why the wait? Let’s go!” Ice Whistle proclaimed, trotting east toward the clothing store in the shopping district.

Shouting, Mint Spring followed close behind, eventually passing Whis. “That’s the spirit, Ice Whistle!”

“The both of you aren’t trying on any outfits. Of course, you’re the most excited,” I called out. Starry Vision and I galloped off and joined them while Splotch Wing took flight. We all left the ice rink untouched and made our merry way to the clothing store, following the group leader, Mint Spring. This is pretty much going to be a fashion show forming me, Starry Vision, and Splotch Wing. It may have been too late to reflect on this, but I should have stayed in bed today. “Heh.” As hooves pounded against the frozen dirt trail, a corner of my mouth tensed.

Us five young students were the only customers in the store, making it a moderate shopping experience. Two fillies, three colts, and a mare cashier. Behind the register, the cashier’s crowfeet eyes drooped from boredom. The clothing store had a spacious interior, organized with attire sorted into different categories. A usual and straightforward system to make finding what you were searching for simpler. And of course, signs inside and out proudly advertised the benefit of customers being able to try on clothes in the store’s corner changing rooms before purchase.

I was currently taking refuge in a changing room, observing the start of our privy fashion show through the open slit of my door.

“Get ready to be captivated by the incredibly charming Splotch Wing!” Every pair of ears within the store absorbed his words. Out of one of the changing rooms was that very egotistical pegasus. His black baseball cap tilted to the side, and he wore an all-gold sequin vest over a black v-neck shirt adorned with gold chains. “Mint Spring, if you want to know what SWAG is, look no further,” he boasted, striking a pose by standing upright and forming an X with his remaining free hooves before his belly.

“Where did the gold chain come from? This clothing store doesn’t carry accessories, including jewelry…” Mint Spring said, puzzled.

“Not bad, Splotch Wing,” Ice Whistle pronounced.

“That’s right! Your throne won’t be easy to reclaim, Ice Whistle,” Splotch Wing said, pointing at the pony he challenged.

Ice Whistle joined Mint Spring in the ‘presently puzzled’ club. “What...?”

“Don’t pay him any mind, Ice Whistle. Nature Thorn! You’re next,” Mint Spring announced.

“…I can’t believe I’m taking part in this,” I mumbled, exited the changing room, and sauntered out onto the ‘stage,’ which was just the front of the small entryway leading to the changing rooms. Good thing we were the only customers. Our little private showing served as an unnecessary blockade for this store’s amenities.

All eyes locked on me in the middle of the entryway. My black turtleneck sweater was oversized, giving me a laid-back vibe. And with a beige blazer on top, the turtleneck shirt was transformed into a more polished outfit. I also wore a beige fedora to complete the ensemble. “Hats aren’t my thing.”

“Snazzy…” Mint Spring commented.

“Lookin’ good, Thorn!” Ice Whistle encouraged.

My stomach cringed.

“It’s aight,” Splotch Wing uttered blandly.

“By the way, I’m not buying this,” I mentioned as I joined the audience.

Mint Spring knew the show had to go on. “That leaves just one pony!” A heavy silence fell over the store as we waited for the pony working behind the cashier to stop coughing. “Star—”



Cough! Cough! Cough!

Mint Spring shot the cashier an intense glare, her eyes narrowing and her lips twisting into a scowl. Then, finally, continued. “St—”


“How do you even cough that long?!” After a prolonged moment, and maybe another cough, Mint Spring again proclaimed to the changing rooms. “Ahem, I said that leaves just one pony, so that means you, Starry Vision!”

“O-oh…sorry, I’ll come out now…” Starry Vision mumbled and stumbled from within the stall. Our patience paid off when Starry Vision appeared, showcasing her fashion choice. “Try not to be too judgmental of my outfit…”

Mint Spring couldn’t help but point it out. “Star… All you did was put on purple knee socks.”

I questioned myself out loud. “Why didn’t I think of that?”

“I say they’re quite fitting for a pony like Starry Vision,” Ice Whistle commented.

“Thank you,” Starry Vision acknowledged Ice Whistle, her voice hardly above a whisper as her cheeks differed in shade.

The one and only would soon disrupt the moment. Splotch Wing’s assured tone left no room for doubt as he affirmed, “There’s a clear winner here, and I presume we all know who it is—”

“Quiet you. Our winner is Nature Thorn,” Mint Spring revealed. Ice Whistle and Starry Vision nodded in agreement. Splotch Wing settled there with his jaw dropped, flabbergasted, as Starry Vision bought the pair of knee socks. I voiced no opinion and returned my outfit to the store. Soon after, the group left the apparel store without Splotch Wing.

With a frustrated growl, I removed the gaudy gold chains around my neck and threw them on the floor. Then I got to stomping. “The scores are rigged!”

“In case any store merchandise is damaged, customers handle payment,” said the crow’s feet-eyed mare behind the counter.

“These aren’t even from this store!”

“Don’t care. It’s Gramp’s store policy.” Her chin gestured lazily toward the sign behind her as if she couldn’t be bothered to use her hoof. The sign conveyed her retort.

“Ffffine…” I picked up the jewelry and brought it to the cashier’s register. The cashier inspected the necklace and scanned it, and then a price number was pulled up on the register. I saw the price. “How many bits?!”

What kind of fraudulent scam is this joint runnin’?

Hazel had really done it now. In her quest to humiliate me again, she scoured the town for that good-looking stallion I was secretly interested in. When she found him, she leaped onto him and expressed delight, leaving his face covered in dog slobber. “Hazel! No! Get off of him!”

“Hahaha… it’s fine, it’s fine.”

“But she keeps doing this to you.”

“What I look for in a dog is a unique personality – like this ecstatic girl. Goes to show what kind of pony the owner is. Or so I like to think.”

“Really?” I asked, astonished, stroking my velvet mane.

“Really. Would you…like to have dinner with me toni—”

“Yes!” I replied with zero hesitation.

“It’s a date then.”

Excited, I joined Hazel and pounced on the stallion in happiness. Maybe Hazel could be a good girl. I suppose I’ll consider forgiving her misdeeds.


Before we discussed the flavors and textures we aspired to incorporate into our desserts, I stroked my black and grey striped scarf. “Wish me luck, sis.”

We young ponies were granted access to Hayday’s kitchen and began exploring the shelves and countertops. Our eyes and mouths widened at the array of ingredients and utensils at our disposal. The kitchen even had multiple cooking stations, which made sense considering Hayday is Luna Bay’s primary foodery. Splotch Wing and Starry Vision occupied stations on the left while Mint Spring, Nature Thorn, and I took the center.

Splotch Wing was still fixated on the clothing store incident, even as the party moved on. “You should have been there to see it! That pony working behind the cashier is a total con artist! I had to fork over so many bits for that gold chain, even though it wasn’t from that store!”

“Wait a minute, are you serious?!” Mint Spring exclaimed, glancing toward Splotch Wing, appearing excessively displeased.

“Yeah!” Splotch Wing verified, finally securing a discerner.

“I can’t believe I missed out on that! What a shame.”

There goes Mint Spring, crushing Splotch Wing’s hopes for fun.

“Not a shame! A total sham!”

“I’ve been craving some apple fritters, so I’ll make that,” I determined.

Getting into the zone, Nature Thorn also decided. “There’s nothing like a nice rich cake to satisfy your sweet tooth. To enjoy my cake, I’ll avoid whipped cream icing and opt for buttercream. As for the cake itself… I prefer the ‘staple’ of things. Vanilla will do.”

“I didn’t know that about you,” Mint Spring commented.

“That’s Thorn for you. Strangely, that’s his approach to food, but he finds the ‘staple’ of life unappealing,” I said. I began peeling and dicing up tart granny smith apples at the sound of my comment. The metal whisk reproduced a metallic screech as I combined the flour, baking powder, sugar, cinnamon, and salt into a large bowl before adding milk and eggs. The scents they provided intermingled and tickled my nose.

“I can’t blame him for feeling that way. Can anypony say that they enjoy being bored?” Mint Spring queried.

No, but your idea of boredom differs from Thorn’s. Immensely.

Mint Spring added to her previous statement. “Hmm… The idea of Nature Thorn’s cake motivated me to whip up a delectable cheesecake. Cheesecake it is!”

At that, Starry Vision’s ear jerked. “What kind of cheesecake?”

“I’ve been craving Lemon Meringue all week!” Mint Spring confessed, revering the dessert at this very moment.

For sure, the image of the sweet and tangy Lemon Meringue made Splotch Wing’s taste buds tingle. “I realize you’re all wondering what I’m going to make.”

“Not really,” Mint Spring responded, shooting down Splotch Wing. Hopefully, he didn’t crash-land on concrete.

Over at the cooking stations on the left, Starry Vision pitied the white colt. “What will you be making, Splotch Wing?”

“Glad you asked!” The sizzles of batter filled the air as Splotch Wing prepared. “Crepes! With powdered sugar, blueberries, and strawberries!”

“Mmm, that sounds delicious,” Starry Vision said, licking her lips.

“Yeah, that’s like the first good idea you’ve ever conceived,” Mint Spring claimed, her playful banter adding a light-hearted tone to the conversation. “But those will be done way before ours.”

“Heh, I figured it would be a good idea to provide a snack for everypony while they’re preparing their desserts,” Splotch Wing haughtily expressed, rubbing his nose.

I appreciated that notion. “Good idea, Splotch Wing. I thought the same thing.” I lifted a heavy stockpot onto the stove. Then, with a clunk, I turned on the burner and the stockpot bubbled oil. Right after, I checked the stove’s temperature, ensuring it was hot enough to fry the apple fritters to golden perfection.

“Wait, Star, what are you making?” Mint Spring asked, realizing her best friend was the only pony not to disclose anything about it.


Mint Spring cherished the thought. “Really?! I always wanted to try one of those. They look so adorable, too.”

“The hay are macarons?” Splotch Wing questioned, flatlining Mint Spring’s joy.

“Think of them like miniature cookie sandwiches, fragile ones at that,” I answered.

“Sounds lame.” Splotch Wing’s belittling tone belied that he hoped the treat would be delicious. “But if they’re tasty…”

“I like them. They’re my mom’s favorite dessert, so I have them often,” Nature Thorn noted.

For some reason, Splotch Wing exchanged his response. “They’re my favorite too!”

“You didn’t even know what they were a second ago!” Mint Spring snapped.

“Get off my flank and focus on your lemon meringue!” Splotch Wing’s voice was sharp as he shot back a quick response. “It’ll probably be as sour as the baker.”

“Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.”

“You’ll catch something in a second…”

Noticing the passage of time, I started setting down golden brown apple fritters on paper towels to drain and cool. Now, all that’s left to do is to coat them in glaze and wait for them to settle. “I’m practically finished. What about your crepes, Splotch Wing?”

Splotch Wing sprinkled a fine layer of powdered sugar atop five plates of crepes. “They’re doneso!”

Mint Spring carefully prepared for baking as the preheated oven awaited her creation. “Mine will bake for about an hour, so I’m at a good stopping point.”

“My cake will bake for a while, too.”

“I’ll have to wait for my shells to dry. They’ll take thirty minutes to an hour.”

“Seems the rest of our desserts will take some time,” Nature Thorn surmised.

Since that was the situation, hanging around here was unnecessary. So, I made a suggestion. “Those crepes and these apple fritters are calling our names. Let’s find a table and dig in while we wait.” Everpony agreed. We exited the kitchen and entered Hayday’s dining area like any other willing customer.

This time, I won’t repeat the rude behavior of devouring the treats in front of the expectant eaters, as I did with Dad earlier this morning for breakfast.

Beyond the kitchen lay a spacious restaurant with plenty of tables for diners to relish their meals. The restaurant, a common sight to those who frequented it, wasn’t bustling. A few diners were scattered around, chowing down and talking to the ponies they came with. Upon closer inspection, the tables in the room could be divided into two types: those with wooden chairs and the preferred choice, a booth.

From the angle of exiting the kitchen, a C-shaped booth sat on the far left of the restaurant, next to a window suitable for five ponies to sit comfortably. View-wise, specks of snow drifted from the overcast sky, clinging to the windows as if trying to sneak into the restaurant to get their paws on a limited-edition menu item. I had to be careful. Watching the never-ending procession of clouds veering from Luna Bay evoked a subtle longing. A feeling all too familiar.

I had distracted myself from the delicious aromas and saw some townsfolk going about their day. Even though this was the shopping district, some ponies still had places to call their home over here. Two families. One retreated into their cozy cottage while the other, braving the cold, exited and started sculpting snow. I also glimpsed a student from our class, Ocular Vignette, capturing the very scene from behind a frosted tree, his camera clicking away from his use of telekinesis.

In front of the window, in the middle of that C-shaped red vinyl cushioned booth, was Splotch Wing. To the left, from nearest to furthest, were Ice Whistle and me. Across from us were two fillies, Starry Vision and Mint Spring. It should go without saying, but between us was a beige wooden table holding cups of ice water and plates of desserts. Five individual plates of crepes and a single plate of five apple fritters. The irresistible sweet scents that wafted could make anypony’s mouth water.

“Since my apple fritters just finished, they’ll still be hot for a minute. We should start with the crepes,” Ice Whistle stated as if he couldn’t wait to share this culinary delight with us.

“Agreed,” Mint Spring ratified.

And so, we dug in. Ice Whistle used his magic to lift the crepe up to his mouth, and Splotch Wing utilized a wing of his. Everypony else was eating with their muzzles buried in their plates. Splotch Wing was the first to speak after finishing his proportion. “So, do you guys have a favorite villain?”

Somewhat appalled, Mint Spring responded. “You mean the ones that tried to take over Equestria? Why, in the name of Celestia, would I like any of them?”

Splotch Wing begged, his wings fluttering with excitement. “Come onnnn, it’s just a fun question! I’m curious!”

“Fine, none of them,” Mint Spring claimed, continuing to finish her plate of leftover blueberries and strawberries.

Ice Whistle offered his opinion. “If I had to choose, it’d be Discord. He’s reformed to benefit our land, after all. Have to pay respects to that.”

“That’s a good pick, Ice Whistle, but I’m going with Tirek. Supposedly, he can grow to an enormous size just by absorbing our magic! So rad!” Splotch Wing exclaimed with an air of nerdiness and flexed all his muscles as the window behind him continued to be pelted by snow. The snow seemed determined to silence him.

Starry Vision was the next pony to answer. “U-um… Maybe Sombra, since he’s reformed too. Last I’ve heard, he’s been trying to amend for his past deeds. And weirdly enough, he hasn’t been heard of since… It’s quite mysterious, isn’t it?”

“I’ve read about that in a history book Princess Twilight published,” Ice Whistle commented. “Well, except that missing part. I wonder what happened to him? Actually, now that you mention it, I’m pretty sure there’s been an article on somepony else who’s gone missing.”

“King Sombra’s super ultra-cool too. Have to say, I didn’t expect that answer from Starry Vision,” Splotch Wing said. “And I believe you’re talking about Tempest Shadow, Ice Whistle.”

“Tempest Shadow, huh? These aren’t just random ponies. They’re notable figures embedded into our history.” Ice Whistle pondered the enigma, then moved on. “Hey, what about you, Thorn? Is there a villain you favor?” His question caused everypony else to turn their heads toward me in tandem.

“Like Mint Spring, I can’t say I have one either. But I’ll go with the Storm King. If not for him, Equestria wouldn’t be what it is today... Not that we here in Luna Bay get to see that change.”

“Well, if we’re all giving answers, I don’t want to be the odd one left out. Hmm… Cozy Glow. Her intelligence is a testament to what we girl ponies can achieve. Good or bad. Plus, I discovered she was given a chance to reform herself in the Crystal Empire under the supervision of Princess Flurry Heart. I read the Equestria Daily, and nothing bad has happened yet, so I suppose it worked.”

Splotch Wing rolled his eyes and once again flexed in various poses. “Boo… Intelligence? What about muscles and the coolness factor?”

“Hmph, out of everypony in Equestria, you would be the one to say that. You probably admire that icky Queen Chrysalis,” Mint Spring countered.

“What?! No way! To all of pony kind, ‘Queen’ Chrysalis is the most repulsive black-hearted creature who likely reeks of rotting garbage and stagnant swamp water!” Splotch Wing winced and covered his nose with a hoof while sticking his tongue out, emphasizing his revulsion. Knowing Splotch Wing, I wondered if that last action was meant for Mint Spring.

“You’re no different,” murmured Mint Spring, furrowing her brow.

Queen Chrysalis and Tirek. Once formidable villains forever sentenced to a life of being stone statues. It was not the ending I expected for them, to be honest. I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel an ounce of sympathy, regardless of the crimes they committed. Maybe I have that sentiment because of Cozy Glow’s situation. Could the Princess of Friendship truly not find a way to reform them?

However, such thoughts were futile now with no relevance to me.

Everypony had finished their portions of crepes and moved on to the apple fritters. We were so caught up in the current topic that we forgot to voice our opinions. If Splotch Wing had noticed this, he would have complained by now.

Starry Vision’s taste buds were met with a warm, gooey apple filling as she bit into the delectable. And a heat of contentment radiated from her cheeks. “Mmm… It’s phenomenal…”

“Can’t be better than my first-rate crepes—” Splotch Wing bragged until he took his first bite, then with grace, he set it down. “I stand corrected.”

While Mint Spring wanted to say something about Splotch Wing, the sweet, cinnamon flavors of the apple fritter were too captivating. I myself was caught off guard when I learned my best friend was an excellent baker.

“You guys are overreacting. It’s good, but it could’ve been better,” Ice Whistle concluded, his mouth full of his share.

Starry Vision’s eyes widened in potential fear. “B-Better than this?”

“Whis, you’re going to be a baking monster.”

Mint Spring nudged the filly next to her with her elbow, a mischievous snicker playing on her face.

“Hold that thought, Thorn; we still have other desserts.”

“True. Wish we didn’t have to wait.”

“It’s only been like ten minutes. How about we head back to the ice skating rink for a few laps around the ice?” Mint Spring proposed.

“Do you think you can handle the beauty of my ice skating skills?” Splotch Wing asked, pointing to himself. While Splotch Wing boasted, the rest of us accompanying him had already left the red vinyl cushions of the booth. “Hey! Wait up!” We laughed, our voices echoing past the galloping Splotch Wing.

Snow continued to pelt and stick unto the window of the now vacant cubicle.

Today, I’ve enjoyed hanging out with Ice Whistle, Splotch Wing, Starry Vision, and Mint Spring. It was a unique experience for us to accompany each other like this. Now that I think about it, I’ve never been with a group like this before. It was always me and Ice Whistle, or just my parents. Was this a sign of us growing up? Or me opening my eyes?

I rested my blank flank on the cool bleachers beside Ice Whistle and Starry Vision. We watched Splotch Wing and Mint Spring skate across the ice with the guidance of a pony Whis knew. I couldn’t help but notice her black ponytailed mane with a pink knot and bright yellow fur when she came into view. Her name is Serene Snowfall. Though I recognized her, I could not help but notice she dyed her hair, a stark contrast to her earlier white, blue-streaked locks.

Ice Whistle darted his eyes around before spitting words at somepony. “Hey, Starry Vision, I want to tell you something.”

“What is it?”

“It’s about the last thing we talked about here. I just wanted to share my side of things. It’s not the complete story. As I said, the rest is up to Nature Thorn to complete.”

My name unexpectedly entered the conversation, which garnered my attention. Ice Whistle was about to reveal a secret, a secret that I had relations to. A secret he left for me to further discuss. I couldn’t fathom why he chose this moment to share it with Starry Vision, but Whis always had his reasons. And with that, the stage was set for a truly interesting conversation.

“Luna Bay has a secret. One not disclosed to the entire population of our town. In fact, I’m not even supposed to know about it. So, if I tell you, you can’t tell anypony else.”

Well, not that she could back out of it now. At the very least, Starry Vision is now aware our home carried a secret. A mystery more out in the open than you would expect.

“A secret about Luna Bay? I can’t even imagine what that could be. Of course, if it’s a secret, I won’t tell anypony else. That’s a promise,” Starry Vision said, gesturing a cross of her heart.

“Great to hear.” Ice Whistle told her every detail about that accursed body of water. It wasn’t difficult to explain, and it took a little time. Whis said everything he needed to before Mint Spring and Splotch Wing finished their ice skating experience.

Starry Vision waited out of respect and said nothing until Ice Whistle finished. “I can’t believe it… I-I mean, I do believe you, Ice Whistle. But I can’t believe that was kept a secret all this time. Going out to the bay at night was never necessary for me. However, is it actually true that nopony else knows about it?”

“Not sure... We don’t get visitors often, and those who know may also be keeping it to themselves.”

My eyes locked onto Splotch Wing and Mint Spring. Splotch Wing struggled to skate across the ice steadily, so he tried to use his wings to aid with steering and balancing. Mint Spring might have had experience prior because she didn’t have nearly as many problems as Splotch Wing. Serene Snowfall had her work cut out for her.

“The ones who’ve always known… Are they planning on doing something with the bay?” Starry Vision questioned.

“Doubt it. Every resident in Luna Bay is just your everyday run-of-the-mill pony. Besides, there’s nothing they could do about it. Also, I’m unsure if the phenomenon works outside the bay’s vicinity.”

“If the bay shows you everything, then why does…?” Starry Vision said, stopping herself from finishing the sentence and looking toward me.

Seeing this, Ice Whistle followed her gaze. “Sorry, Thorn.”

“Why don’t I have my mark?” I concluded her observation, lying down on my side, left cheek resting atop a hoof. “You saw me?” In the process of sitting up and fixing my posture, inadvertently, some built-up snow was knocked off the bleachers.

The scraping of skates resounded from the ice alongside her response. “I have… On multiple occasions…”

“Ice Whistle, you have nothing to apologize for. With our promise, my disinterest in the bay means I have no qualms about revealing my story to Starry Vision. I refuse to be held back by it any further.” Other than Ice Whistle, Starry Vision was the pony I cared the least about learning my secret. She always kept to herself. This sort of thing is right up her alley. “Night after night, I found myself drawn back to that place. That’s because… every time I stand there to look, my reflection shows nothing but the night sky. Filled with desperation, I yearned for a day when that would change.”

“That’s… What does it mean?” Starry Vision asked, worry containing her voice.

“I don’t know, and I don’t care. I’ve lost interest.” Since I would no longer participate in this topic, I decided to lie back down on my side, using my left foreleg as a pillow. The bleacher was still freezing, and blobs of cold liquid scattered about, threatening to dampen my coat.

It just dawned on me, Thorn—no, it’s something I’ve known for a while and brushed aside. I briefly mentioned it once, but to further elaborate… My heart won’t let me tell you, even though you deserve to know. Last night, we promised to be more transparent with each other, but I’m keeping some things from you. Details I’ll never reveal. Especially after I brought you to Luna Bay. Instead, I’ve come up with a plan.

After a thrilling thirty-five minutes of ice skating, Mint Spring, Splotch Wing, and Serene Snowfall made their way to the bleachers.

“Snowfall, why don’t you join us in Hayday? We’re making delicious desserts,” Mint Spring insisted.

“I do like my sweets. What desserts are we having?”

“Starry Vision is making macarons. Nature Thorn is making vanilla cake, and I’m making lemon meringue cheesecake.”

“Lemon meringue? That’s my favorite cheesecake. You can count me in!”

“If you need a hoof to hold on the way there—” Splotch Wing said, offering his own hoof to the young adult mare.

“Err… No thanks. I must say, you’re quite the funny one, Splotch Wing.”

“Single, too.”

Yeah, that’s not happening.

“Stop smiling like the creep you are, Splotch Wing,” Mint Spring discredited.

“Let’s go, you three! We’re heading to Hayday!” Serene Snowfall called out to the three of us sitting on the bleachers. Now walking alongside them, we worked our way to Hayday, a warm sense of camaraderie filling our hearts. “Did you make something, Ice Whistle?”

Whis adjusted his dual neutral-colored scarf. “Yup, apple fritters. We ate them before coming here. I could make you one. They don’t take that much time to prepare.”

“Thank you, I’d love that. Tell me, did you get your baking skills from Freeze Breeze?” Serene Snowfall asked with a hint of melancholy in her voice.

Whis fixed his gaze toward Serene Snowfall, ignoring the snow falling onto his eyelids and muzzle. “Maybe a smidge.”

“Snowfall, I made crepes! I can make some more, too!”

Mint Spring scoffed. “Replace ‘made’ with ‘am a’, then take out the ‘s’ in crepes and switch around the last ‘e’ with the ‘p.’”

After a brief moment, everypony present chuckled at the wittiness of Mint Spring’s commentary. At first, Splotch Wing didn’t understand and processed it like he was counting sheep leaping over a fence. “...Hey!”

While laughter continued down the moderately snow-covered dirt path, we made our way to Hayday to finish the desserts we started. Ice Whistle, Starry Vision, Mint Spring, Splotch Wing, Serene Snowfall, and I spent the rest of our Saturday afternoon chatting and eating sugary sweets.

I had completely lost track of time, oblivious to how long I had been smiling.

To be honest, if this is going to be that same ordinary, then I’m glad to be lost.

And to how long I had been lost in the sound.

Through a capture lens, I watched the group of friends from a distance and took advantage of the opportunity.


Their laughter continued without disruption, which was fine since I managed to frame a single moment out of what could have been hundreds. “Excellent shot, Ocular Vignette. This one really captures everypony’s delight,” I praised myself and studied the flawless photo. “An excellent shot indeed.”

“I’m home,” I called out with a sigh of comfort after I entered through the front door. From the ‘welcome home’ mat, the living room splayed out.

The only anchor.

Upon my announcement, from the couch facing the active television, Dad turned his head in my direction and beamed. “Ah, there’s my boy! Welcome home, Thorn!”

Despite being late, night had not fallen outside the kitchen window yet. So with the dull grey aloft, briefly, specific thoughts about watching the never-ending procession of clouds from Hayday resurfaced.

Resist… Resist… Resist…

I stepped forward, walking through the lane of space the couch and the kitchen counter provided.

Right after, Mom diverted her attention from the half-dirty dishes beneath the working faucet to me, with an expression mirroring Dad’s. “We’ve missed you. Welcome home, Nature Thorn!”

Then together… “Did you have fun today?”

I paused to take in the sight of their delightful faces.

Subsist… Subsist… Subsist…

“Mhm.” I nodded, a smile playing on my lips. “Lots.”

I will… subsist.

Author's Note:

The longest slice-of-life chapter yet. Boy, I enjoyed myself with this one. Hopefully you did too.

For this chapter, I wanted the characters to have pointless fun. You know, letting the characters be themselves and just... live. Nature Thorn has gained an appreciation for the fun his friends bring into life, and over the next three years, his life was spent like this. Acceptance. Luna Bay became nothing but a distant memory, never occupying his thoughts. Friendship is magic, after all.

After coming this far, I also wanted this chapter to feel different. Maybe you noticed? Anyway, this will be good or bad news, depending on who you are. With this chapter, the story's first act (of two) has reached its conclusion. Before the second act commences, a side story, interlude, and special chapter will be released, setting the stage for a faster pace. 

The first tale of the side story will take place before the interlude, while the special chapter will take place before the events of TMW: Origin. The side story 'Tales of Luna Bay' is not a must-read and can be read before or after the interlude or anytime after the end of this volume.

What could they be?

Speaking of side stories, Cozy Glow was mentioned in this chapter. You can see more of her story in ‘Lives Throughout Equestria.’