• Published 6th Sep 2023
  • 1,967 Views, 114 Comments

Ranger in Equestria - Lady Umbra

​Tommy gets hit by one of Rita's spells, leaving the Rangers shocked and mourning his apparent loss. Meanwhile, Tommy wakes up in a strange land filled with talking dragons.

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Ranger Down

Inside the Youth Center Gym, ​Tommy Oliver and ​Jason Lee Scott were currently sparring together. The room is filled with intense energy and the sounds of their training echo through the space. Tommy's movements have improved since the freed from Rita’s control

Suddenly, ​Alpha's voice echoes through the room, coming from the communicator on Tommy's wrist.

“Tommy, Jason! This is Alpha. We have an urgent situation.” Alpha said in a panic through the communicator .”​Rita Repulsa is attacking ​Angel Grove!”

Tommy and Jason glance at each other, a mix of determination and concern on their faces as they ran out of the building.

The Rangers morph into action, leaping and flipping their way through the city streets filled with chaos caused by Rita's malevolent presence. Putties, Rita's clay minions, surround them, engaging in fierce combat.

As the Rangers fight off the Putties, Goldar, a large, muscular golden armored creature, emerges from the shadows, accompanied by a new monster. It had the body of a large snake with the right arm of a lion, the left arm of an eagle, the right leg of a reptile, and the left leg of a horse. On its back were two different wings, the left was a blue bird's wing while the right was a bat wing, even its eyes were an odd red color. The new monster was menacing with sharp claws, glowing eyes, and an aura of dark magic.

The Rangers, outnumbered and facing a formidable enemy, fight valiantly. Kimberly, The Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger, took aim with her Power Bow, firing arrows that effortlessly dispatched several of the Putties.

Suddenly, Rita casts a powerful spell, aimed directly at Kimberly. Tommy, without hesitation, pushes her out of harm's way, taking the full force of the blast himself. Which sent him flying into a building, Kimberly looks at Tommy, panic and fear filling her eyes as she realizes what has just happened.

“Tommy!” Kimberly shouted as spotted the hole her friend went through

Rage ignited within Kimberly as she raised her Power Bow, taking aim at Rita who was momentarily distracted. With unwavering precision, she fired an arrow that hit Rita's staff, causing it to crack and splinter, damaging the crystal that holds Rita's power.

Rita, realizing her vulnerability, retreats with Goldar and her new monster, leaving the Rangers behind.

Kimberly hurriedly entered the building to check on her friend, followed closely by the other ​Rangers. Their faces showed worry and disbelief as they cleared the rubble of stones and furniture. Smoke emerged from the debris, and amidst it all, they stumbled upon a burnt and charred piece of ​Tommy's golden shoulder armor. This discovery left them in shock and horror.

Jason frantically began to dig through the rubble until he cleared every piece of it, Tommy was nowhere to be found. The Red Ranger removed his helmet before picking up the fragment, his expression a mix of grief, confusion, and determination.

Jason closed his eyes as he took in a deep inhale. “I won’t believe you're gone Tommy” Jason turned to his fellow rangers. “And we won't stop searching until we find him.

The Rangers gather close, their bond stronger than ever, as they prepare to embark on a mission to find and rescue their missing comrade.

Tommy woke up, grunting with discomfort. He was on foreign, barren land. No memory of coming there. He noticed strange creatures flying overhead.

He asked himself, "Where am I?" trying to understand his surroundings.

Tommy lifted his wrist and activated his communicator. "Alpha, Zordon, Rita Teleported me someplace strange" The Green ranger said. "I need a warp to the Command Center"


"Alpha? Zordon?"


Once again Tommy only received silence, panic started to set in as he tried to contact the other rangers

"Jason, can you hear me!" Tommy shouted into his communicator. "Billy! Trini! Kimberly! Zack! Does anyone hear me!"

"I hear ya." A voice called out making Tommy do a quick turn only to be met with a surprising sight. Standing before him was some kind of dragon able to talk and walk like a human followed by several others who began to circle around him.

"Well what do we got here?" One of them asked with an evil grin before suddenly breaking character. "No seriously Garbs, what do we have here?"

"Don't know but it's trespassing on our turf and we all know the rules about that right boys?" Garble chuckled before spotting Tommy's power coin. "That'll do. Hand it over!"

"Not happening" Tommy said getting into a defensive stance

To this the dragons just laughed before Garble let out a menacing growl as he reached for the coin.

"I wasn't asking FREAK!!"



Before he knew what had happened, Garble was suddenly sent spinning to the ground after being hit with a well placed kick to the side of his head while his goons looked completely shocked.

"Anyone else?" Tommy asked, daring them to come at him.

The Dragons glanced at each other before they turn tail and fly away, Tommy turns to Garble and finds mind back on his feet.

"Ohhh what hit me?" Garble asked while still seeing stars.

"Wait a minute...last thing I remember was-!! WHY YOU!!" Garble lashed out again as he threw a punch only for it to be caught as he was trapped in an armbar thanks to Tommy's quick reflexes and training.


"Tell me where I am? Tommy ordered the dragon. "Where did Rita send me and why can't I contact the other Rangers?"

"I don't know what you're talking about man!!" Garble screamed while enduring the pain of his arm about to snap at the joint.

"Talk lizard!"

"AGH!! I'm a dragon and you're in the dragon lands!!"

"Dragon lands?" Tommy asked as the name sounded strange to him.

Garble let out hiss of pain as Tommy let go of his arm, Tommy looked around before looking back to the dragon.

"Why did Rita send me here?" Tommy asked with a glare

"Who the heck is Rita?" Garble asked while rolling his shoulder.

"Rita Repulsa? Most feared witch in the universe?" Tommy said, thinking her name might ring a bell for the talking dragon.

"Never heard of her" Garble said as he swiftly struck Tommy's chest leaving a claw mark on his shirt

Tommy backed away before pulling out his Morpher. "It's Morphin Time!" Tommy said, activating his Morpher. "Dragonzord!!"

Tommy was thankful that the Morpher was still functional, he was afraid that Rita's spell had rendered it useless.

"What kind of magic is that?!?" Garble asked before taking off. "No matter, you're still gonna fry!"

The dragon took a deep breath before blasting Tommy with his flames in hopes of burning him to a crisp but was stunned when the ranger leaped out of the flames to deliver another kick to his stomach and sent him crashing into the rocks below creating a small crater.

"Stand down!" Tommy ordered the red dragon. "Before I start taking this seriously"

Garble, the crimson dragon, growled in response to Tommy's command but from the depth of his throat came not a sound of defiance, but a whimper of fear. He scrambled to his feet, his eyes-wide.

"Who are you?" Garble demanded, fanning out his wings to maintain balance as he staggered from the impact of Tommy's blow.

The Green Ranger didn't even waver, brandishing his Dragon Dagger. Tommy raised the mystical weapon high, allowing the glow from his Power Coin embedded in his Morpher to reflect off it, casting an eerie light on the terrain surrounding them.

"I am the Green Power Ranger!" He declared, his voice echoing through the desolate expanse. His Morpher radiated an emerald hue brighter than ever, with the Dragonzord symbol glaring defiantly, bolstering Tommy’s formidable presence. This wasn't just a threat, it was a promise.

Garble hesitated, his instinct telling him to take flight, yet his pride pinning him to the ground. He took another step back, his confusion and fear seeping into his fiery gaze, uncertainty silencing his previous taunts. From the sight of the Power Ranger, the dragon knew, this fight was far from over, it was only just beginning.

Tommy, sensing Garble's hesitation, maintained a firm grip on his ​Dragon Dagger and stood tall. Despite his initial display of defiance, Garble could see that this battle was far from over. The sight of the Green Power Ranger, his unwavering determination, and the aura of power surrounding him, made Garble aware that he was facing a formidable adversary. Uncertain and aware that defeat was imminent, Garble felt a pang of desperation.

In a low, rumbling voice, Garble spoke to Tommy, his fear and confusion evident in his fiery gaze. "Maybe... maybe the ponies might know about Rita," Garble admitted, a hint of vulnerability replacing his former bravado. The mention of Rita, the notorious sorceress and enemy of the Power Rangers, indicated that Garble might possess valuable information.

Tommy's gaze hardened at the mention of Rita. He knew that finding Rita and putting an end to her evil plans was crucial.

"Tell me more about these ponies," Tommy demanded, his voice laced with determination.

He needed all the information he could gather to ensure the safety of his team and the world. As their conversation continued, Garble reluctantly shared what he knew about the ponies and their potential connection to Rita. Tommy listened attentively, his mind racing with possibilities.

After Garble finished explaining, the dragon flew off as Tommy set off towards their next destination, ready to uncover the truth and bring an end to Rita's scheming once and for all.

Under a somber and pale light, the ​Command Center doesn’t display its usual vivacity. The colors of the sprawling arrays of control panels, typically as vibrant as the ​Mighty Morphin Power Rangers themselves, are muted, overshadowed by the bleak obsidian drapery veiling their surfaces.

The Rangers stand shoulder to shoulder, the unity of their interlocked hands a striking contrast to their uniforms’ individual hues - Red, Pink, Blue, Black, and Yellow. They stand just as they had countless times before, but now without the presence of the enigmatic ​Tommy, the Green Ranger.

​Zordon, their mentor and guardian, watches quietly, his unchanging visage surprisingly reflective. His ethereal form gently flickers in the day's early morning light - an unusual sight that somehow brings a sense of solace.

"Rita's spell has torn ​Tommy away from us," Zordon's voice resonates with a mixture of sorrow and regret. The weight of his words carries the anguish of losing a valuable team member

Alpha 5, usually an energetic being serving the Power Rangers, stands motionless. His electronic eyes radiate a strange sadness that seems almost human. The kerchief clutched in his articulated grip shimmers with holographic tears.

"I'm sorry, Rangers," Alpha 5's voice trembles with genuine sympathy. "But Tommy is nowhere to be found." These simple yet sincere words convey Alpha 5's heartfelt regret, emphasizing its deep connection to the team and its dedication to their cause.

In the center of the Command Center, ensconced within a specially created sacred space, rests a clear crystalline chamber. The emblem of the Dragonzord, etched with exceptional precision into its exterior, glows with a mournful green. Inside, a solitary piece of Tommy’s armor is showcased as an austere memorial, speaking volumes of the void left behind.

Jason, the Red Ranger, steps forward, his firm leadership wavering in the face of this unexpected sorrow. He holds Tommy's armor close to his chest, the firm grip of his hands contradicting the tenderness of his gaze. Even Kimberly, the Pink Ranger, with her strength and grace, can't mask her welled-up eyes as Jason takes these steps.

"From battle to battle, you've carried him, been a part of him." Jason whispered to the armor piece. "Now, you carry his memory, his legacy."

Jason's hand reaches out to the Dragonzord emblem chamber. He places Tommy's armor reverently within it. An ethereal hum emits from it and light flickers, casting a series of dancing green shadows against the walls of the Command Center.

"With the power of the Dragonzord," Jason said with great sincerity. "may your spirit find peace, Tommy."

Jason steps back into the half-circle formed by the other Rangers. No words are spoken, yet a profound understanding passes between them.

On a nod from Jason, Billy, the Blue Ranger, moves to a control panel and presses a console button. Immediately, the overhead holographic screen displays a montage of their friend's exploits. Laughter, camaraderie, heroism, and undefeatable courage. Tommy, their friend, their brother, their comrade.

Tears find their way down Kimberly's cheek. Zack, the Black Ranger, squares his shoulders, trying to steady his emotions. Trini, the Yellow Ranger, takes in a deep calming breath, her grip on Zack's hand tightening considerably.

Despite facing their hardest trial, their unity grows in the quiet and shared sadness. Tommy's team is in mourning, but remember his spirit. With the strength needed as Power Rangers, they get ready to continue their mission.

"May the power protect you, Tommy," Zordon says softly. "Always.."

The Rangers were in a solemn moment, mourning the loss of their ​friend, when their moment was abruptly interrupted by the blaring alarm. Quickly, they turned their attention to the viewing globe and to their dismay, discovered that Rita had unleashed a new monster upon ​Angel Grove.

"Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi!” ​Alpha exclaimed in distress, “Rita's Monster is attacking!"

​Zack, visibly angered, responded with frustration, "You're kidding, right?"

​Billy, echoing his friend's anger, added, "Talk about worse timing."

​Jason, the ​Red Ranger, glared at the viewing globe, determined to avenge their fallen comrade, ​Tommy. He addressed the other Rangers sternly, "We won't hold back! It's payback time!"

In unison, the ​team responded, "Right!"

Jason then activated his Morpher, initiating their transformation. Shouting their respective prehistoric creatures, the Rangers teleported to the location of Rita's monster.




"Saber Tooth Tiger!"


Now donned in their powerful armor, the ​Power Rangers engaged in an intense battle against Rita's monster.

Meanwhile, in her castle situated on the ​Moon, ​Rita Repulsa observed the Rangers' struggle with malicious delight, peering into her Crystal Ball.

"Hahahaha!" Rita's laughter echoed through the castle as she watched the Rangers' valiant effort. "You are no match for me, especially now that you are without the aid of my ​Green Ranger," she sneered. "Soon, all of you shall meet the same pathetic fate as Tommy."

"The Pathetic one here is you, ​Rita!" a voice rang out, causing Rita Repulsa to spin around in astonishment. As she turned, her eyes widened with both fear and intrigue. Before her stood a figure that exuded darkness and power—a figure she had never encountered before.

​It was a Ranger clad in malevolent armor, which held ​Goldar and ​Scorpina forcefully by their necks. His helmet glinted with a sinister glow, fixed upon Rita with a mix of disdain and amusement. The air around him crackled with an overwhelming aura of domination and corruption.

Rita was momentarily frozen, her usual arrogance overshadowed by a newfound sense of vulnerability. She had never come across such an entity—someone whose presence alone seemed capable of challenging her authority over evil. She knew that this particular Ranger was a formidable force, a potential friend or foe she hadn't anticipated.

As Rita studied the menacing figure before her, she couldn't help but be captivated by the intricate design of his armor. The white and black surface was adorned with silver details, The dragon crest on his gold, green and black chest plate appeared more ferocious than anything she had encountered before.

Gathering her composure, Rita took a tentative step closer to Mysterious Ranger, her eyes fixed on his masked visage. Fear mingled with curiosity as she observed the visor, its wicked angles hiding the true identity behind it. She sensed an overwhelming power emanating from him—a power that surpassed anything she had witnessed in her sorcery.

With a wicked grin under his helmet, The Ranger released both Goldar and Scorpina, dropping them to the ground. He seemed to relish in their feeble attempts to catch their breath, reveling in their weakness. Rita's usual arrogance was replaced by a cautious respect for this enigmatic figure who had effortlessly subdued her minions.

Their eyes locked in a silent exchange, each sizing up the other. Rita finally found her voice, tinged with a mix of trepidation and curiosity. "Who are you? What do you want?" she demanded, her voice wavering slightly.

The Ranger's response was a chilling blend of confidence and malice. "I am Lord Drakkon, and I'm here to inform you...Tommy Oliver Lives"

​Drakkon strode away, leaving the ​Sorceress trailing behind. Even before ​Rita could formulate a single question in her mind, a booming explosion echoed from her crystal ball. Whirling around, Rita witnessed her latest monster falter and ultimately fall in combat, overpowered by the united efforts of the ​Rangers and their weapons.

"No!" Rita cried out, lifting her scepter with an intent to enlarge her monster. However, she abruptly stopped, recalling its current unusable state due to needed repairs. Frustrated, she exclaimed, "Ah... I have such a headache!"

Author's Note:

Under no circumstances will you ever be forgotten

Jason David Frank
May the power protect you...Always

I can only hope Me and Valiant Charge are going to try our best to honor the greatest Ranger this or any world has ever seen