• Published 6th Sep 2023
  • 1,968 Views, 114 Comments

Ranger in Equestria - Lady Umbra

​Tommy gets hit by one of Rita's spells, leaving the Rangers shocked and mourning his apparent loss. Meanwhile, Tommy wakes up in a strange land filled with talking dragons.

  • ...

Light at the End of the Tunnel

In the stillness of an impenetrable darkness, Tommy's consciousness emerged as his eyelids hesitantly parted. The blackness was complete, a thick cloak that veiled his surroundings and threatened to overwhelm him. Struggling against the lethargy in his limbs—a silent testament to past trials—Tommy rose to a seated position. Yet, amid the motion, a sudden warmth grazed his hand, halting him in place.

With a voice tinged with both solace and worry, he murmured softly, "Twilight..." His words, though feeble, held the weight of deep concern for the mare at his side. His touch was tentative, almost reverent, as he sought a sign of life from her.

In the quietude, the sound of Twilight stirring was crystal clear; a soft, discomforted sound escaped her, alerting Tommy to her awakening gaze. Her eyes, filled with pain, met his—and in the tremulous glow emanating from her horn, Tommy saw her suffering reflected in the dim light.

"Tommy..?" she uttered weakly, her horn's muted luminescence painting their predicament with stark clarity, revealing the anxiety that danced in Tommy's eyes as he peered down at her, recognizing the pain that marred her usually serene features.

Tommy's voice quivered with alarm as he inquired after the condition of his unicorn companion. "What's wrong, Twilight?" Each word was heavy with concern.

Twilight, summoning the vestiges of her strength, attempted reassurance. "I'm fine, Tommy," she murmured, her response edged with evasion as her magical aura began to wane and flicker.

Yet Tommy remained unconvinced. "No, you're not," he insisted, sensing the falsehood. His attempt to assist her, however, was met with a sharp cry of pain that she could not suppress.

"It's my... leg..." Twilight managed through gritted teeth, her voice laced with anguish.

Prompted by her distress, Tommy swiftly but gingerly examined her limb, and as he did so, Twilight let out a hiss of pain, a reflex to the tender touch. Careful not to exacerbate her injury, Tommy cautiously pulled back the fabric of Twilight's clothing to reveal a limb that was alarmingly swollen and tinted with the dark hues of a severe bruise.

"Your leg is broken!" The urgency in Tommy's exclamation was palpable, his fear undeniable.

Yet even in the throes of her agony, Twilight sought to ease his dread. "It would have been worse if I hadn't used my magic to protect us from the fall," she said, a wan smile touching her lips despite her evident pain.

As Tommy tended to her leg, Twilight couldn’t help but blush a little from him lightly touching her injured limb. Despite the severe pain she was in, she felt at ease from his touch and ended up staring at him.

"Why…do I feel this way?" Twilight thought.

“Well, I’m no doctor, but it looks to me like there’s no fractures,” Tommy said. “I’ve had broken bones myself, so it looks like a clean break. If we get you medical attention, you’ll recover without any permanent damage.”

Twilight's response came through clenched teeth, the pain evident in her hissing breath. "That's... reassuring," she managed to say, with a grimace accompanying her effort to remain poised.

Tommy nodded, his attention already shifting to immediate care. "Let's get a splint on that leg first," he suggested, his eyes scanning their gloomy environment for anything that could serve as a makeshift stabilizer.

His search was rewarded with the discovery of a sturdy stick—ideal for a splint—but he paused, noting the metallic end affixed to it. "Could this be a pickaxe?" he mused aloud, curiosity piqued. As he felt around, his hands encountered a line of cold, hard material embedded in the ground. "Tracks?" he surmised, the revelation dawning on him just as Twilight spoke.

"We've stumbled upon the very mine we were looking for," Twilight confirmed, amazement lacing her tone. Despite the pain, she favored Tommy with a grin showcasing her resilience. "Lucky Us, Huh?"

With a light chuckle to break the tension, Tommy cleverly repurposed the blade of the pickaxe to slice through the fabric of Twilight's pants, allowing him better access to her injured leg. He set the tool down with care and secured the metallic part under his foot, using his hands to snap the wooden handle into a workable length for a splint.

Bracing himself and his friend for the next step, Tommy offered a gentle warning, "This is going to hurt."

As he carefully secured the makeshift splint to Twilight's leg, the unicorn gritted her teeth, doing her utmost to endure the pain without crying out.

After Tommy had deftly affixed the makeshift splint, Twilight teetered on the edge of losing consciousness. Yet, through sheer determination, she remained alert and focused.

"We must press on," Twilight insisted, making an effort to rise.

Tommy immediately countered, concern etching his features. "You shouldn't be walking on that leg!"

Time was of the essence, and Twilight knew it. "There's no time to waste,” she pressed. “We have to locate the crystal before those monsters find us here."

Acknowledging Twilight's rational argument, Tommy couldn't help but shake his head, a plan taking shape in his mind.

"You have a point," Tommy conceded. He crouched down, sliding one arm beneath her legs and the other supporting her back. "We need to ensure your leg isn't burdened."

"Tommy, what are you—" Twilight began to protest, only to emit a surprised yelp as Tommy hoisted her up with ease, cradling her much like a groom would carry a bride over the threshold.

“T-Tommy?! What are you doing?!” Twilight squeaked.

“Well, you can’t exactly walk with that busted leg of yours,” Tommy argued.

“But…aren’t I heavy?” Twilight asked, her cheeks flushing a shade of pink.

“Heavy? Please. You barely weigh anything,” Tommy chuckled. “Remember. I’m a Power Ranger. Enhanced strength comes in the department.”

Navigating the shadowy mine passages, Tommy advanced carefully, guided by the dwindling luminescence of Twilight's magic. A mix of anxiety and a hint of embarrassment crossed the unicorn's features.

"We must locate the crystal before my magic runs out," Twilight voiced, her breaths becoming labored with urgency.

With Twilight's condition in mind, Tommy hastened their pace, spurred by the need to uncover the elusive crystal and to secure an escape from the mines to seek the necessary aid for his companion.

Tommy watched as the steadfast glow of Twilight's magic gave way to an erratic flicker. He was just about to gently lower her to the ground to rest when she stopped him with an authoritative tone.

"Bring me closer to the wall," Twilight directed, and without hesitation, Tommy moved as instructed.

Twilight extended a hand towards what Tommy perceived to be a lantern. Yet, instead of oil and a wick, a large crystal occupied its core.

"Is that some kind of lantern?" Tommy inquired, observing as Twilight's magic touched it.

"It's an ancient lantern," Twilight clarified while the crystal began to cast a bright light that bathed the whole tunnel. "Such lanterns, powered by magic, were widespread in the olden days of Equestria, but they became obsolete with the advent of lightbulbs and electricity."

"What made them fall out of use?" Tommy probed, his curiosity piqued.

Twilight explained, "These lanterns have a short illumination span—approximately an hour—before they need recharging by another unicorn." She directed the lantern forward, turning off her own magic. "Thankfully, they only need a minimal amount of magic to activate, sparing me enough energy to replenish my magic."

As the hours waned, Scorpion's patience dwindled into a simmering frustration. He and Scorpina made their way back to where the Rangers had been last seen, the air thick with anticipation and discontent.

"Any sign of them?" Scorpion demanded, his eyes scanning the terrain for any indication of their quarry.

Scorpina returned empty-handed, her voice laced with equal measures of irritation and defeat. "Not so much as a footprint. They’ve vanished," she reported.

Scorpion's growl rumbled through the air, his anger manifesting as ethereal flames dancing around his form. "I will not face Lord Drakkon without Oliver's defeat. That is not the outcome I have sworn to bring," he vowed through gritted teeth.

Scorpina's response was edged with defiance. "I am not to blame for this," she retorted, standing her ground despite Scorpion's intimidating presence.

"We need to deliver success, not excuses!" Scorpion roared, the intensity of his anger palpable.

Scorpina was unyielding, her frustration evident as she countered, "What more could I do? The Ranger eluded capture, and you—"

"Careful," Scorpion threatened, his voice a low growl as he locked eyes with her.

Undeterred, Scorpina pressed on, "You had the chance. The opportunity was yours and yet you faltered."

In a swift motion fueled by rage, Scorpion threw his kunai spear towards her. The chain coiled around Scorpina's neck, and with a forceful tug, he barked, "Get The Fuck Over Bitch!"

With a rough kick, Scorpina was sent flying, landing amid a heap of rocks. Scorpion stomped forward to confront her but then halted, his attention caught by a previously concealed mine tunnel.

"I think we just found where they could be," Scorpion remarked, with a contemplative tone, choosing to focus on this new discovery rather than his fallen comrade.

Tommy came to a sudden stop, his eyes trailing the path they had just traversed. A prickling intuition told him that their solitude in these depths was a fragile illusion.

"They found us," Tommy realized with a quiet urgency, immediately hastening his steps.

"We're getting close," Twilight noted, tilting her lantern to illuminate the cavern walls. The light danced off minute glinting fragments. "These shimmers are indicative of an imminent crystal deposit."

Surprised, Tommy cast her a quizzical look. "Aren't you more versed in Magic? How are you so certain we're on the right path?"

"While my primary focus is magic," Twilight clarified, observing the crystal flecks that gleamed increasingly around them, "I've made it a point to broaden my studies to encompass all areas of knowledge."

A smile played on Tommy's lips as he regarded the mare. "Smart and Pretty," he remarked. "Without you by my side, I'd still be searching for this crystal in vain."

Once again, Twilight’s cheeks blushed a shade of pink as she looked away bashfully. The same feeling from before, and even before their current predicament, made Twilight’s heart flutter. This young man’s words somehow were making her feel certain emotions she did not have any experience with. As Tommy continued to stare at her with that smile, Twilight found herself unable to change the subject like she normally would have.

“Um…Tommy?” Twilight said, her heart beating a bit faster.

“What’s up, Twilight?” Tommy asked.

“Do you really mean what you say?” Twilight asked. “That I’m smart…and pretty?”

“Well, sure,” Tommy said. “You’ve got this personality that I’ve come to admire very much, your knowledge about things always never ceases to amaze me, and I especially mean what I say about you being pretty. To me, you’re not just a mare, but you’re also a woman.”

A thrill of excitement surged through Twilight, but it was the sight of something in the cavern's depths that stilled her voice—an enormous crystalline gem embedded within the stone walls.

"Sweet Celestia's Mane!" Twilight exclaimed, her voice a mix of wonder and astonishment. "It's colossal!"

Tommy surveyed their surroundings with a pragmatic eye. "Twilight," he started, uncertainty in his tone, "how exactly do we plan to extract it?"

Glancing about for any sign of mining equipment, Twilight then recalled their improvised tool. "Do you still have the head of that pickaxe?"

"Yep, tucked it in my belt," Tommy confirmed,

"Set me down," Twilight directed firmly.

Tommy hesitated, concern flickering across his face. "But—"

"Please, trust me on this," Twilight interjected, her gaze locking onto his with reassuring resolve.

Tommy nodded and set Twilight down. She put her weight on her good leg, and Tommy handed her the pickax piece. Before she went to work, Twilight glanced back at Tommy for reassurance.

“If we make it out of this, I have something very important to tell you once I’ve confirmed something,” Twilight said.

With a gentle flick of her horn, ​Twilight's magic unwound the splint's bindings and she swiftly seized the wooden shaft. Her magical energy swirled around the pieces, seamlessly repairing the aged pickaxe. Once whole, she presented it to her human ally.

"I lack the strength to mine the crystal," Twilight confided as ​Tommy took the freshly mended tool in hand and stepped towards the radiant gem. "You're going to need to alternate your swings from overhand to underhand."

Tommy regarded the unicorn, his expression tinged with mild bewilderment.

"It's crucial we obtain a sizable piece devoid of any blemishes," Twilight clarified with importance. "Any fractures can compromise its stability."

"Understood," Tommy acknowledged, commencing the meticulous task of excavating the crystal.

Methodically, Tommy wielded the pickaxe, his strikes steady yet unpracticed. Each attempt liberated a gem, but they were all riddled with imperfections, testament to his inexperience. Perseverance paid off, however, when he eventually unearthed a sizable, flawless crystal.

With perspiration glistening on his palms, Tommy turned to present his find to Twilight. "Twilight, look at thi—" His triumph was abruptly interrupted by an ambush; a fiery projectile struck him, demanding his immediate attention.

Shaking off the assault, Tommy's gaze snapped back only to freeze at the sight of Twilight, now a captive in Scorpion's grasp, her mouth muffled by his hand as terror shone in her eyes.

“Twilight!” Tommy yelled.

“Ah ah!” Scorpion said with sadistic glee as he pressed his claw against Twilight’s throat. “I don’t need to tell you what will happen if you make any unnecessary movements, Ranger.”

“She has nothing to do with this!” Tommy barked.

“On the contrary,” Scorpion said. “This little creature in my grasp has proven to be quite resourceful and knowledgeable. If she brought you this far, imagine what she could do for me.”

“I’m warning you, Scorpion,” Tommy growled. “You so much as scratch her, I’ll make you regret it!”

“Oh?” Scorpion said with curiosity. “Such hostility, Ranger, one would think you care deeply for this mare.”

"I do!" ​Tommy bellowed, his unoccupied hand clenching in a display of mounting fury. "Whatever your business with me, let's keep it that way. Leave her out of it."

"Hand over the crystal," Scorpina demanded, her blade menacingly grazing Twilight's skin.

Tommy's protective instincts flared, instinctively shielding the precious gem. "What do you need it for?"

"Rita's staff has been compromised since your arrival here," Scorpina revealed, inching closer to him with her palm outstretched. "The crystal will mend the havoc wreaked by the Pink Ranger."

"That's not gonna happen," declared Tommy, resolute in keeping the crystal out of the enemy's reach.

“Then I’ll have to hurt your precious mare!” Scorpion said as he put a kunai to Twilight’s neck.

“WAIT!” Tommy shouted. “I offer a bargain!”

"This is not up for debate," Scorpion declared coldly, tossing Twilight aside and then pressing his foot against the unicorn's leg threateningly. "You either comply or you don't."

As he increased the pressure, Twilight's cries of pain filled the air.

"Enough!" Tommy's voice broke through, desperation apparent as he hurled the crystal towards Scorpina. "Just stop this, spare her, I beg you!"

"Your cooperation is appreciated, Tommy," Scorpina responded with a smirk, pausing only to address Scorpion as she prepared to depart. "Finish him quickly; Lord Drakkon isn't known for his patience."

With those final words, Scorpina exited, leaving Scorpion behind to sneer triumphantly at Tommy.

“You goddamn monsters…” Tommy seethed as a sudden aura enveloped his body. “As if the damage you did back home wasn’t bad enough but now you continue to terrorize the people of this planet?! Even my new friends?!” Tommy’s fists began to glow more brightly, and Scorpion and Scorpina felt a twinge of nervousness. “I’ve had enough…” Tommy glared at the two villains and his dagger shined brightly.

“I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!!” Tommy roared.

At blinding speeds, Tommy charged straight at Scorpion and smashed his fist into his face as hard as he could. The collision sent Scorpion crashing through the wall and through a few more along the way. Tommy’s rage fueled his unforeseen power boost as he then stomped his foot on the ground before rocketing straight at Scorpina. The villainess had little time to react as Tommy’s empowered fist slammed into her gut with enough force to knock the wind out of her and send her flying as well, forcing her to drop the crystal in the process.


A kunai, linked to a chain, shot out from an unseen crevice, its blade glinting with menace. With reflexes honed by countless battles, Tommy intercepted the weapon, wrapping his fingers tightly around its handle.

Yanking the chain with all his might, Tommy reversed the tide of their confrontation. Scorpion was wrenched forward, his flight unguarded and direct towards Tommy. As Scorpion closed in, the Ranger unleashed a storm of blows, his fists a blur of precision and power. With each strike, Scorpion’s defenses were systematically dismantled.

Finally, in a smooth transition fueled by adrenaline, Tommy seized Scorpion with a firm grip. With a move borne from sheer determination, he hurled his opponent towards the wall, where Scorpion collided with a resounding impact that echoed through the vicinity.

As Tommy continued to attack the warrior, none of them heard the cracking of the mine's wall and ceiling

“You little bastard!” Scorpina shrieked as she lunged at Tommy with the determination to kill him.

Tommy punched Scorpion once more before jumping in the air to meet Scorpina head on and unleashed another flurry of blows.

“I TOLD YOU!!” Tommy yelled as he kept beating the villainess into submission. “I WON’T STOP!”










Scorpion's hand ignited with hellfire as he focused on Tommy's relentless assault. His attention, however, was diverted by the sight of the unicorn attempting to flee.

His expression hidden behind the mask, Scorpion sneered and shouted, "Capture the mare!" With that, he hurled a sphere of fire directly at Twilight.

"Twilight!" Tommy shouted, instinctively moving to shield his friend.

Tommy positioned himself between Twilight and the fiery projectile, his back searing in agony as the flames engulfed him. Undeterred, Scorpion launched his chained kunai, striking Tommy in the bicep. The Ranger's cry of pain echoed as the weapon sank into flesh.

"Come Here!" Scorpion demanded, yanking the chain to draw Tommy closer.

With a menacing grip, Scorpion hoisted the Ranger off the ground by his neck, his glare as malevolent as the abyss of the Netherrealm. Suddenly, with brutal force, he cast Tommy through the structural beams. Tommy groaned under the impact as Scorpion planted a boot on his chest and wrenched the kunai out of his wounded arm.

"Once, ending you was a thrill," Scorpion stated coldly, poised with his weapon. "To do so again will be a satisfaction beyond comparison."

As Scorpion prepared to deliver a fatal strike, a violent tremor shook the tunnel. Confusion crossed Scorpion's features as he quickly discerned the cause—their combat had compromised the cavern's integrity. Seizing the opportunity, Tommy skillfully manipulated Scorpion's foot, causing him to stumble. With quick reflexes, the Ranger claimed the kunai with its trailing chain and plunged it into Scorpion's arm, turning the tables momentarily.

Tommy rushed to Twilight, who was propped against the wall by the same crystal formation they'd previously discovered. Lifting the unicorn into his arms, he scanned the area for the crystal Scorpina had dropped, only to realize it was missing.

"Damn," Tommy muttered under his breath. "She's taken the crystal."

"We...need...to...escape..." Twilight's feeble voice was barely audible as a magical aura began to radiate from her horn.

Harnessing her dwindling strength, Twilight summoned the power to collect the scattered impure crystals nearby. Meanwhile, Scorpion, grimacing in pain, extracted the kunai from his arm.

"Abandon the mare and let's finish this," Scorpion snarled, his words nearly drowning under the groans of the collapsing tunnel. "No escape now, Oliver."

The cave-in intensified as massive chunks of earth plummeted, trapping them within the mines. Nonetheless, Twilight's horn shimmered more intensely, cloaking her and Tommy in a protective violet light. Observing their attempt at salvation, Scorpion conjured twin fireballs, a desperate attempt to disrupt their escape.

"NO!" he bellowed, launching the fiery orbs.

But fortune favored the Ranger and the unicorn; they vanished in a luminous flash, narrowly evading the malevolent blaze that scorched the vacated space.

"OLIVER!!" Scorpion's cry of fury resonated as the tunnel's collapse buried him amidst the rubble.

Appearing next to the cascading waters of the Rainbow Falls, Tommy didn't hesitate. With urgency propelling him, he set out to find assistance.

"Rainbow!" he cried out, his voice cutting through the sound of the falls.

“Stay with me, Twi,” Tommy said, ignoring the pain of his wounds. “We’re almost out of here.”

“Tommy…” Twilight said in a weak tone. “The crystal…”

“Forget the crystal, all I care about is you,” Tommy said.

“I…I need to tell you something,” Twilight said as she leaned her head on his chest.

“Tell me, keep talking,” Tommy said.

“You’ve been so…kind to me,” Twilight said. “And my friends.”

“You too, Twi, I feel the same,” Tommy said as blood leaked from his back.

“You also…have become so precious to me,” Twilight said.

Tommy slowed down to look at Twilight as she looked back up at him.

“Yeah, me too,” Tommy smiled. “You’re also precious to me.”

“Really?” Twilight said.

“Of course,” Tommy said.

“Tommy…” Twilight smiled as she put one of her hands over his. “I think…no. I know.”

“Know what?” Tommy wondered.

“I…” Twilight’s face burned bright pink as she closed her eyes. “I like you…”

"I..." A moment of hesitation flickered across Tommy's face, but the sincerity in his eyes never waned. "I have feelings for you too," the Ranger confessed, his voice steady even as he lowered himself to one knee.

Despite the creeping weakness that threatened to overtake him, Tommy managed to maintain a façade of composure, offering Twilight a reassuring smile to calm her nerves. Yet, the astute unicorn cradled in his weakening embrace recognized the signs of his faltering strength. If only her magic were at full capacity, she lamented silently. Her telekinesis, although feeble, diligently stabilized the fragile crystals around them, the extent of her current magical abilities.

"But Your wellbeing is my only concern," Tommy declared, rallying his strength to rise once more. "Whatever happens to me is inconsequential." His resolution was clear, prioritizing her safety above all else.

“I can’t allow that,” Twilight said. “Not after telling you how I feel.”

“We’re almost there, Twilight!” Tommy said as he tried standing back up, when he suddenly lost feeling in his legs and fell to his knees again. The injuries he sustained had finally caught up to him as he tried standing back up but his legs would not listen. “Dammit! Not now!”

"Tommy!" Rainbow Dash's voice cut through the air as she sped towards them, her concern palpable. "Thank goodness you're—Sweet Celestia!"

Upon landing, Rainbow Dash's eyes widened at the sight before her, a look of alarm etched onto her face. Without a moment's delay, Tommy guided the weakened unicorn gently into her friend's embrace.

"Get her to a hospital," Tommy implored, his own strength waning as he succumbed to the ground on hands and knees.

"But Tommy, you need a hospital more than her!" Rainbow Dash countered, her tone a mix of worry and insistence.

“I said forget about me!” Tommy barked at her face. “Promise me you’ll get her to safety! She’s the priority! Understand me?!”

Rainbow Dash's wings quivered with trepidation as she prepared to take flight. "I... I understand," she murmured, steeled with resolve.

"Don't go, Rainbow!" Twilight's protest sliced through the tension, her plea ringing out as the Pegasus lifted into the air, leaving the struggling Ranger on the ground.

Tommy's strength was ebbing away, his form nearly crumpling to the earth when a steadying hand came to rest against his chest.

"Hold on, buddy," the soothing, familiar voice resonated calm and resolute. "You're in good hands. Me and My friends will take care of you."

Tommy felt himself being supported, cradled by the presence of a comrade. The Ranger recognized the voice, It was a voice laced with years of camaraderie and it unmistakably belonged to his fellow Ranger and friend.

"J-Jason..." was all Tommy could muster before darkness claimed his consciousness.

Author's Note:

okay good news. Scorpion has been beaten, Bad News Scorpina managed to get the crystal which means that Rita will have the means to repair her magic wand, and why and how did Jason managed to make it to Equestria.

So only a limited few of you have managed to discover 1 of the 2 Easter Egg's I left in the Previous Chapters. Tick Tock my Lovelies, you must find it before the end of this little arc.

Your support is greatly appreciated - please leave a comment and show your appreciation by leaving a comment. With your help, Me and Valiant Charge hope to secure the number one featured spot."