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Season 1: Episode 16 - Over A Barrel AU

Author's Note:

Going to be skipping "Green Isn't Your Color" since I can't think of a single way I could work around that with the Ham Hams.

HOWEVER, I am about to do something cool to make up for that.

The main six and the Ham Hams (besides Boss, who is currently off on his own again) are heading for Appalossa.

"It's so great we get to come along for the ride." Hamtaro said.

"Thanks for having us." Pepper said.

"Ain't nothin' ya'll. Besides, we couldn't leave you all behind in Ponyville." Applejack said.

"I hope Boss learns to let go of his jealousy towards Hamtaro soon. Even if the hero complex is dealt with, there's still that aspect to deal with too." Bijou said.

"Not sure what we can do to help with that. But perhaps some time away from Ponyville between you and Hamtaro will make Boss realize that he's being way too stubborn with this whole you liking Hamtaro thing." Twilight said.

"That's Princess Celestia's student for you." A sudden male voice said, popping up behind the ponies and hamsters and revealing the owner as an orange Pegasus stallion.

"Uh...who are you? And how long have you been here?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"The name's Flash Sentry. I'm technically on my week off right now." The Pegasus said. "I'm currently a cadet in the Royal Guard, trained by Twilight's Brother Shining Armor."

"You never mentioned you have a brother, Twilight." Fluttershy said.

"I haven't?" Twilight asked.

"You have not." Sandy said.

"Huh. I guess I never really got around to saying that before now." Twilight said.

"Family ties are important. Just take me and my sister for example." Stan said.

"Especially after we got seperated for a long time." Sandy said. "But that kind of bond...never really goes away."

"Wow, you two definitely remind me of my brother and I." Twilight said. "I'll have to write him a letter later." She added.

Suddenly, a bunch of Buffalo attacked the train. "Ham Hams, we best figure out what's going." Hamtaro said. "LET'S HAM-UNITE!"

Sadly, the caboose with the Tree Applejack brought over was stolen. As was Spike who was back there too. But thankfully, the Ham Hams had snuck onto the buffalo.

It wasn't long before Rainbow Dash and Twilgiht had joined up with that group. Which allowed Spike to reveal why the buffalo were targeting the settlers so much to begin with: Because the buffalo were here first and this was their territory. And the ponies continued to not listen to reason, resulting in the buffalo continuing to take drastic measures.

"Stealing a whole tree isn't very nice though." Hamtaro suddenly pipped up.

"Wait, who said that?" Little Strongheart asked.

That's when the Ham Hams revealed themselves. "Hi there. We're the Ham Hams. I'm Hamtaro, this white hamster next to me is my girlfriend Bijou, and behind us is our friends Cappy, Dexter, Howdy, Maxwell, Oxnard, Panda, Pashmina, Penolope, Pepper, Stan, Sandy, Sparkle, and Jingle." Hamtaro roll called.

"...Did you just call Bijou your girlfriend without even thinking twice about it?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Huh...I didn't even notice I did." Hamtaro said.

Bijou was just looking at Hamtaro with hearts in her eyes. Oh...I can feel my heart soaring like never before. Mon Adiu, I hope that Hamtaro and I have very happy lives together~ The white hamster thought to herself.

"How'd you get here?!" Little Strongheart exclaimed.

"Do you mean how we snuck into your little camp? We rode you. But if you're asking about how we got to Equestria...that's a much longer story." Hamtaro said.

"Strange talking hamsters from another world. How strange..." Little Strongheart said.

"Perhaps, ah can help you with your little perdiciment. After all, there's no better hamster to talk with farmer ponies then me." Pepper spoke up.

"And why is that?" One of the buffalo asked.

"Because ah'm a farm girl myself. If there's any one who knows how to solve this little issue and stop it from esculating any further, it's me." Pepper said.

"Trust me here: She got our friend Applejack whose tree you stole to end up asking all of our friends to help her with harvesting a massive crop of apples once." Twilight said.

"What can ah say? Ah know how farmers work." Pepper said.

Thanks to Pepper, the ponies and buffalo quickly settled their differences and came to an agreement.

"Chalk another one up for Pepper. Yer really good at solving problems farmers have, don't you?" Applejack asked.

"Ah just know how they think. After all, I am a farm girl myself, remember?" Pepper asked.

"We will never forget how you helped us, Miss Pepper. If there's anything we can do in return for your assistance, you need only ask." Little Strongheart said.

"There might be one thing, but that's a last resort scenario. Just so long as your willing to listen to a pretty long story." Pepper said.

"Well you certainly lead an exciting life." Flash Sentry said as the Ham Hams went with Little Strongheart to explain things.

"I'm glad you think so." Twilight said.

"You should know, even if you can take care of yourself, your brother worries about you." Flash Sentry said. "Sure, you've got your friends with you, but he still can't help but worry."

"Classic Shining...I guess I should've expected this from my older brother." Twilight said.

"I think I'll ask to see if he wouldn't be willing to let me stick around you for a while. Just to alivate some of those concerns. Sure I'm only a cadet, but I think he'd rather someone he knows he can trust from the Royal Guard look after you." Flash Sentry said. "I'm mostly thinking of the both of you here. I know you can take care of yourself, but some extra support wouldn't hurt right?"

"I suppose not. Plus, I know my brother. And your right. Thank you, Flash." Twilight said.

Hamtaro & Bijou couldn't help but notice this from afar. The two were thinking the exact same thing.

"You thinking he's into her?" Bijou asked.

"In hindsight now that I recognize the signs? Yeah. Yeah he is." Hamtaro said.

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