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Season 1: Episode 8 - Pinkie Sense

Author's Note:

As a reminder, I have shuffled the order of certain episodes around to make the progress of "time" flow more naturally. But with "Feeling Pinkie Keen", I just felt like throwing it in JUST before "Bridle Gossip" just to have some Apple Family history at the beginning the day AFTER those events would happen. And while I am skipping the episode, that doesn't mean that somepony or rather, some hamster won't also pull a Twilight.

"Huff, this is a lot of work." Boss said.

"Thanks for letting us use some of the small spare wood ya kept around the house, Granny Smith." Pepper said.

"Ain't nothin' to it. Ya did prevent Applejack from working herself to death on Applebucking Season. And ah can thank ya for that." Granny Smith said. "'Sides, yer a farmer hamster born and raised. Yer no different than an apple yerself."

"Ah was only being honest with her. I'm just surprised my advice was so helpful." Pepper said.

"You know, I can't help but notice something. Granny Smith is obviously named after Granny Smith Apples. Then you have Big Mac which is short for Big Macintosh, with Applejack and Apple Bloom being litterally having 'apple' in their names." Panda said. "Are all the apple family members named after apples?"

"Not all of them." Applejack soon approuched the group of hamsters. "There's Mrs. Orange from Manehatten who married Mr. Orange. Yet, she is ma dad's sister."

"Been meaning to ask you, where are yer ma and pa Applejack?" Pepper asked. At that, not only did Applejack suddenly look sad but Granny Smith looked away. "...Oh...oh I see. I'm sorry. Ah didn't meant to bring up something hurtful."

"Don't apologize. You didn't mean anything by it sugercube. It's just that, we're doubtful their still alive with how long it's been since they went missing after getting lost in the everfree forest." Applejack said.

"That was six years ago. I'll be surprised if either of them are still alive after all this time." Granny Smith said before she then left.

"Out of curiousity, what were your parent's names?" Oxnard asked.

"Pa was named Bright Mac, while ma was called Buttercup." Applejack said.

"Well it's obvious who married into the apples then." Panda said.

Suddenly, nearby, they saw Pinkie Pie shake uncontrollably, with Twilgiht next to her; both were wearing some sort of unbrella hat. "Whoa! I'm sensing a major doozy, and it has to do with Applejack's mom." Pinkie Pie said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Applejack asked. "Didn't you hear me saying the chances of her still being alive are next to none?" She asked. "Wait a second, this is you we're talking about."

"Hmm. Somehow I doubt that. But, the fun is not knowing what sort of Doozy it is, right Pinkie Pie?" Twilight asked.

"Heke?" Pepper was confused.

"THIS IS UTTER NONSENSE!" Maxwell said. "I mean, it's like Twilight Sparkle didn't even try."

"Cut her some slack. She must've really had a tough time figuring out Pinkie Pie's Pinkie sense." Sandy said.

"Well, I know that I can provide a better explanation. I've read thousands of books, and I'm confident I can explain away Pinkie Pie's strange Behaviorisms once and for all!" Maxwell said.

"You sure about that Maxwell?" Sandy asked. "Twilight wrote that she got injured a lot trying to study Pinkie Pie."

"Well, I am going to take a very much more covert approuch. And I doubt I'll come to the same baseless conclusion that Twilight did." Maxwell said.

"Well don't look now, Pinkie Pie's tail is twitching." Sparkle said.

"Ah. Let's see if something falls from the sky." Maxwell said. Something did fall from the sky: Derpy right on top of Maxwell.

"I just don't know what went wrong!" Derpy said.

"Can you get off me please?" Maxwell asked.

"It's fine. Your those hamsters right? Every pony talks about you guys. I'm Derpy. I'm a mail pony." Derpy said. "But I uh...tend to run into stuff. A lot." Derpy said.

"...How by the rainbows do you even still have a job?" Sandy said.

"Because I'm the only mailpony in Ponyville." Derpy said.

"...Oh..." Sandy said.

"Hmm...her ears are flopping now. What exactly did that mean again?" Maxwell asked. Suddenly he got splashed by mud from a nearby fruit vendor cart.

"Oops. Sorry about that. You hamsters are way too small to notice." The fruit vendor in question said.

"...Right. Now I remember." Maxwell said.

"Oh my gosh! Good thing I'm setting that bath for you." Pinkie said.

That introduced the Ham Hams to Pinkie's pet toothless Aligator, Gummy. "Okay, NOW this is scary. Gummy is big enough to eat one of those hamsters whole." Twilight said.

Pinkie Pie giggled. "Gummy's also had to go vegetarian because he has no teeth."

"Heke?" Hamtaro was confused. "How does that work?"

"I'm guessin he just adapted to his existance." Maxwell said.

"...Why do I have a bad feeling he's suddenly going to become fifty feet tall or something?1" Boss asked.

Maxwell was looking at some books, when he noticed something. "Wait..." Maxwell did some looking through a few more books. "...No. No that can't be..." Maxwell said and then ran off.

"Ma mother was a what?!" Applejack exclaimed.

"I found pictures of your mother in a photo ablem belonging to the Pear Family. So I double checked." Maxwell said and produced two different photos. "And found conclusive proof."

Applejack could heardly believe this. There was only one shared face between both photos. "But...but the Apple Family are rivals with the pear family. I have to talk to Granny." Applejack said before going off to do just that.

At that, Pinkie Pie nearby suddenly explanded a bunch. "THAT WAS IT, THAT WAS THE DOOZY!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Heke?" Maxwell was confused.

"Oh, Pinkie Pie said she sensed a doozy in regards to Applejack's mother." Twilight said. "She was shaking a lot the other day."

Maxwell felt his eye begin to twitch.

"Wait, Maxwell, why are you wearing an unbrella hat?" Sandy asked him the next day.

"Well, because I'm accompany Pinkie Pie today, and I want to be prepared in case her tail twiches." Maxwell asked.

"And what about figuring out her mannerisms?" Sandy asked.

"Hard pass." Maxwell said.

"Wait what?! But-but your Maxwell!" Sandy said.

"Yes I am. I'm book smart as you know." Maxwell said. "But if there's one thing I've learnt from observing Pinkie Pie's mannerisms, somethings are better left to the experience then to read in books." He explained before he went out.

"...Huh. Never thought I'd see the day he'd say that of all things." Sandy said.

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