• Published 11th Nov 2023
  • 1,015 Views, 36 Comments

Night and the Moon - Sailor Aether

Night is a Pegasus stranded on the moon, an anomaly he isn't sure how or why it happened. He just wants to go home, then he gets a visitor.

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The Moons (K)Night returns

“My love you have to try this, mhmph” Luna said before biting into a vegetable kabob.

“My appetite eludes me right now, perhaps another time dear. Please don't try to talk with your mouth full” Night replied. He chuckled as Luna scarfed down the kabob of grilled tomatoes, bell peppers, potatoes, and shallots.

The two of them were walking through the city of Canterlot together. Night was amazed at everything that was going on around him, and how vastly different everything was. From the neatly cobbled streets to the change in architecture, Night was enraptured. The kabob did smell delicious to him but he could wait to eat. Luna was giving him a tour of the city and he wanted to miss nothing.

“This way!” Luna happily said, walking in front of him. “We shall show every pony the last century was not wasted!”

“Lu-Lu?” Night said freezing in place. “Did you say a century?”

Luna stopped walking and turned around, “It did, and not a day went by that I was not looking for a way to bring you home to me” She stated proudly. Night’s heart skipped a beat as he looked into Luna’s teal eyes. He could feel the weight behind her words, and it meant everything to him.

“Well, no complaints from me, I am right behind you. Or rather beside you” said Night, walking to be beside Luna. This made Luna smile as she bumped him, causing both parties to giggle.

“We should hope not, thou haven’t even seen the castle” Luna said happily. The two of them happily walked through the streets of Canterlot. The on looking citizens of the city were confused as to who the Pegasus was. Especially since said Pegasus was casually chatting with the rarely seen Princess of the Night.

“Lu, where are we going by the way?” Night asked.

Luna only smiled before replying, “To the castle, you are to meet our sister.” Happily humming the two of them continued on their way. Night was a little nervous, meeting his mare friend's sister was nice. However when said sister is one of the most powerful beings on the planet, Night felt he was normal for worrying.

“We are most excited to have you two meet!” Luna said. As the pair made it to the castle the gates opened. Guards saluted and maids bowed. It was quite the sight for Night, more because he hadn’t seen anypony other than Luna in almost 2 centuries. Entering the castle neither Night or Luna said anything as they walked to the throne room door. As they approached, Night stopped at the door.

“Luna, I am a little ner-” Night began to say. Luna moved to kiss him briefly, stopping him from speaking further.

Releasing the kiss Luna said,“ Worry not my love, you are with me. Dost thou trust us ?” Night was flustered for a moment and turned a rosy red. He opened and closed his mouth a few times but couldn’t find words. Ultimately Night settled on nodding in agreement to Luna’s question. Taking this as a satisfactory answer Luna smirked at him and opened the chamber door with her magic.

“After you then,” Luna said, motioning him forward. Not one to disagree with her he walked through the door. Luna followed behind Night. Together they walked up the maroon carpet towards Celestia.

Night and Luna approached the throne as Celestia just finished dealing with a pair of unicorns. Luna stepped in front of Night and cleared her throat, catching Celestia's attention.

“Ah! Sister, have you come to join me for day court finally!?” Celestia asked. Excitement filled her voice at the prospect of her sister joining her for court. She had been waiting a century for her sister to finally give up on going back to the moon.

“Not quite sister, we have a guest to introduce you too” Luna said. If Luna could have smiled any wider she would have needed magic to fix her face.

“Oh, and who would have my sister smiling like a school filly?” Celestia quipped. Celestia found it odd that Luna was up so early in the morning. Celestia leaned on the throne to see behind Luna only for her eyes to widen.

“My dearest sister, meet thy Beloved Night. We hath brought him home finally.” Luna proudly stated. She moved out of the way so that Celestia could see him better. Night shifted uncomfortably under Celestia’s gaze.

“Your Majesty, I-It is an honor. Plat-.” Night stopped himself. A headache akin to an icepick in the arctic hit him. He recalled his platoon number, and a shadowed face. Wincing, Night tried his introduction again.

“Former Platoon commander of the 73rd your highness. I am honored and proud to see unification is no longer a goal. But a reality.” Night said bowing. His headache subsiding slightly. Celestia’s bewildered gaze left Night, and shifted to Luna. Luna, seeing her sister looking at her puffed out her chest and smiled.

“Ah, yes welcome back, Night was it? Luna has said so much about you.” Celestia said. She was skeptical of this, Pegasus in front of her. He was an ordinary, dew colored stallion incapable of casting magic. So how had he have managed to convince Luna he was the stallion from the moon? Surely this is one of Luna’s famous pranks she was playing on her or she was being lied too.

“We hath brought our beloved to see you. We hope thou can get along with our mate?” Said Luna. She was standing next to Night, who was still kneeling on the floor in front of Celestia.

“Right…Anyway Luna” Celestia began ignoring the stallion. “Where were you this morning? I came to bring you breakfast but you were gone.” Celestia asked curiously.

“We told you Tia! We were on the moon bringing our dearest home. Doth thou not believe me?” Luna said. She worked so hard to bring Night home, to have her sister meet him. Luna was ready to have a family with her sister a part of it. Yet, why did Luna feel her sister did not believe her again?

“Luna, this has gone far enough don’t you think?" Celestia said with a sigh.

“Your majesty, If I may be so bold. I-” Night was cut off by Celestia.

“No you may not be 'bold'. I do not know what tricks you are playing with my sister. But you would do well to cease them now!” Celestia said firmly. Her once aloof gaze, now stone cold staring down at Night.

“Sister, how dare thou speak to him that way. Hath thou not listened to us? Understood he hath been through enough!” Luna shouted. She was hurt, no more than that. Luna felt gutted, her own sister could not acknowledge the work she had done to bring Night home.

“Luna, I don't know why or what this stallion has done to convince you. Night doesn’t exist, and he is taking advantage of you can’t you see that? He is preying on your kindness, come to your senses sister you are smarter than this” Celestia pleaded. This did nothing to quell the anger growing in Luna. If not for Night standing up and placing a wing on Luna she would have erupted.

“Your right Night isn’t real” he said looking at the Princess of the Sun.

“See, I told you Luna, No-” It was Celestia’s turn to be cut off by Night.

“I don’t have a name, I was sent to the moon 2 Millennia ago after the final battle. The one just outside the previous castle, this one was not around in my time. We sang the children of the Sun's anthem as we marched home. But I never saw home, and with time I have forgotten my true name. Even my cutie mark was lost to time. So forgive me if I assume the name Night.” he said. Night hadn’t broken Celestia’s gaze, save for blinking.

“My love you don’t have to say more” Luna said. Looking at Night with tears in the corners of her eyes.

“But I am as real as my love for MY LUNA” Night said firmly. This declaration shocked Celestia and made her tilt her head.

Celestia scoffed at Night and asked,“Your Luna?”

Nodding and wiping the tears from Luna’s eyes with his wings. “Your majesty, I do not stutter, my training officer forbade that” Night said flatly.

“My Love, let us leave for now. My sister no longer seems to be in a welcoming mood” Luna said coldly. Celestia did not give in and simply watched as the two of them walked out of the throne room. Once the door was slammed shut, Celestia slumped in the throne and heaved a sigh.

“Guards!” Celestia called. The clanking of armor quickly followed. “Cancel the rest of day court and schedule them for tomorrow. I wish to be alone” As she said this Celestia was met with salutes. The guards quickly vacated the throne room and soon all that was left in the room was Celestia.

“There is no way my sister is being tricked. I will get to the bottom of this even if she is upset with me.” Celestia mumbled. She got up from the throne and walked to exit before something caught her eye. There was a dusty spot on the carpet that hadn’t been there before. Celestia ignited her horn and went to inspect the spot.

“Oh no.” She said, bringing it closer to her nose and sniffing. “I’ve done it again,” Celestia winced, recalling her harsh words. She realized the dust had the same smell as Luna when she returned from the moon. Night was real, he was as real as she was. Yet she told him quite literally to his face, that he didn’t even exist. Celestia felt awful at the display she had just put on for somepony her sister held in such high regard. Worse, somepony her sister has given her heart to. Celestia thought back 10 minutes to their conversation.

The words 73rd platoon had rung in her head. If Celestia remembered correctly that was the unit at the front of every single fight. When Celestia remembered every fight, the 73rd was also either next or in front of her. If he was a part of that group of stallions then Celestia should have been more respectful, and appreciative of him. She would have to find a way to apologize sincerely to him, no… to both of them.

As Luna and Night walked through the halls together, Luna thought about her conversation with her sister. She felt as though nothing had changed, and Celestia didn’t believe her. Luna felt like Celestia still didn’t see her as an equal.

“I know that look my love, please do not worry too much.” Night said to her. Night could read his lover like a book after all of the time they spent together. He could see their previous interaction with Celestia was bothering her.

“We know, we should not worry much. It is just very frustrating and-” Luna yawned. She was tired but she could not sleep yet she still had one more thing left to do.

“Lu, if you are tired should you turn in for the…day?” Asked Night.

Luna giggled as they walked to her room, “Hmm not quite yet” She opened her door and then quickly shut it.

“Wrong room? I would not expect you to get mixed up in your own home?” Said Night cheekily.

“Uh give us a moment!” Luna slipped into her room. It was still an absolute mess from all the research she was doing. She ignited her horn, and scrambled to tidy up all of the paper, books, and quills littering the room. Night heard bumping and the slamming of drawers which made him chuckle lightly .Before Luna opened the door she lit the cherry scented candles on her desk.

Moving to lay on the bed she opened the door for Night, “Ok now thou may come in” She called to him.

“So this is how you would have decorated on the moon” Night chuckled. He recalled Luna fussing over her section of their moonrock ‘house’ and how she couldn’t decorate well enough or read anything new.

“Yes it is, now come join us. We are under the impression thou have not slept in a bed for quite some time” Said Luna. She seemed to have shaken off the previous encounter with Celestia. This made Night feel better knowing she was calming down.

“Well that is one way to put it but, could I maybe shower first? we just returned from the moon at dawn” Night said. Luna ignited her horn again and opened the bathroom door.

“The hot water on the right, cold on the left” Luna called to Night as he went to wash up. After about 3 minutes Night emerged from the bathroom. He smelled of Luna’s coconut body soap and she loved it. Not that she minded the moon smell, but this was much better.

“Ahh Hot water after millennia. I could almost die happy” Night mused.

“Well, you still have one more thing left to do my Love” Luna purred at him.

Cocking an eyebrow, Night looked at Luna, “And that is?” He asked. Luna giggled and used her magic to levitate him onto the bed next to her.

Smirking at him, she leaned into his ear, “M-E,” She whispered in his ear. That was all Night needed to hear.

Celestia had gone to Luna's room to begin her apology to her and Night. She hadn’t figured it out completely yet but she knew it was better to start sooner than later.

“Luna I am sorry could we tal-” Celestia began to say but stopped. She put her ear to the door and blushed. She could maybe come back later, now was definitely NOT the time for an apology.

Author's Note:

I bet Celestia wishes Luna's room was a little further down the hallway now.
Hope you enjoy <3