• Published 11th Nov 2023
  • 1,015 Views, 36 Comments

Night and the Moon - Sailor Aether

Night is a Pegasus stranded on the moon, an anomaly he isn't sure how or why it happened. He just wants to go home, then he gets a visitor.

  • ...

What a birthday gift indeed

Night had been growing accustomed to being back home in Equestria after so long. With being home for almost a year now. Night had developed quite the odd sleep schedule. Some nights he would stay up with Luna and stroll around when they had time. Others he would go out during the day or talk with Celestia. They had grown closer since their initial encounter. He even started calling Celestia, Tia. She would get mad and say only Luna could call her that. Yet the petty in Night’s soul would not stop.

Night appreciated Celestia though, she was kind to him. Well as kind as she can be when he wasn’t taking Luna’s attention. Celestia would schedule lunches without him during times he and Luna would meet. He didn’t mind too much though, because she seemed to come to terms with him being around… sort of. Between the lie detector spells, and physician visits, Night was glad they could be civil. Not like Night was going to tell Luna about all of Celestia’s antics though. Last thing he wanted was for her to worry or be mad at her sister.

Night walked the castle halls seeing familiar faces and smiling. “Aqua, Silver Plater. Good morning.” Night said. He met Aqua some time back and Silver Plater was Celestia’s personal butler. Night ran into Silver Plater while he was running day errands for Luna so she could rest.

“Hello Night!” Aqua said. She waved excitedly at him while Silver Plater bowed.

“Always a Pleasure Night” Silver Plater said.

“I am glad to see you two doing well.” Night said.

“Night I hate to send you away so soon, But Princess Celestia is looking for you,” Silver Plater said.

“Ah thanks, I’d hate to keep Tia waiting.” Night said sarcastically. Causing both ponies to laugh a little. They stopped as soon as they started and resumed their professional attitudes.

“I'm sure her Highness would dislike that as well. Be safe Sir. Night” Silver Plater said bowing. Night walked down the hallway towards Celestia’s office. A place he was becoming uncomfortably familiar with. Knocking on the door he waited for a response.

“Tia I have arrived. Was there something you ne-” Night was cut off. He was teleported into the office. Night had fallen face first onto the floor from a 3 foot drop. A wave of nausea from the sudden transportation hit him like a carriage.

“Shhh, I do not want Luna to know.” Celestia said whispering.

“What? Why?” Night asked. Celestia was acting weird, or rather weirder than usual.

“Luna’s birthday is coming up and I want to surprise her with a gift. What should I get her?” Celestia asked. Night groaned as he sat up fighting down the pancakes he had for breakfast.

“Let me brainstorm some ideas, and I will get back to you.” Night said, rubbing his head. He couldn’t for the life of him get used to magic transport. It made him feel sick and he never understood how Luna did it. Explanations always ended up in diagrams and graphs that hurt his brain.

“Hmm I was hoping to shop while she was asleep but I suppose I can wait.” Celestia said. Smiling at Night as he tried his best to calm his stomach down.

“Oh your Highness you are too kind to a lowly soldier such as I” Said Night sarcastically.

“I suppose I am, Princess Luna spoils you rotten. I have to keep you grounded” Celestia shot back. The two of them laughed and Night got up to leave.

“I’ll see ya tomorrow then or I will just send you a note. I do not want to be teleported again” Night said. Celestia smirked at him and ignited her horn.

“Well, sorry for this then. I t is all love though I assure you” Celestia said. Before Night could protest, or fly out of a window. Celestia teleported him into the garden of the castle. This time being too much for Night, his breakfast came up in a flower pot. He groaned and mentally apologized to the gardener for ruining the daisies.

As Night shook off the nausea from the forced teleportation. He sees a family in the garden outside the gates. Night silently observes them, the 2 foals running around the hedge maze. The parents, a Unicorn and an Earth pony, looked on with smiles on their faces. Night smiled at the scene in front of him. He had known diversity and bloodshed most of his life so seeing this was nice. It did however remind him that he was 2 millennia old, with no recollection of his family. Sighing to himself he noticed one of the fillies in the garden was looking at him. She waved him over and Night walked around the gate.

“Mr. Are you ok? You look sad…”The red filly said to him. Looking up at him with wide brown eyes.

“Little miss, I am alright thank you” Night said. He smiled and gently patted her on the head with his wing.

“Do you wanna play with us? You’ll feel better, I promise!” She insisted.

“I think you should ask your parents first. I am a stranger to you” Said Night. No sooner had he told the filly to ask her parents did she disappear. Night had to admit she was quick for an Unicorn. Hearing hoof steps, Night looked to his left and saw the entire family.

“This is him Papa! Princess Luna’s Colt friend. He said to ask you if we could play!” The filly said. Night didn’t realize she knew who he was. Then again it would be strange if most didn’t know who he was at this point.

“Lilah, please he is probably very busy” The stallion said, then turning to Night. “We are so sorry for bothering you. Lilah here gets very exci-” Night cut the father off.

“It’s no trouble at all really. You have such a lovely family. What are your names?” Night said. This caught the family off guard for a moment. The father then looked at his wife who just nodded at him smiling.

“I’m Rainer Seeker, this is my wife Ophelia Seeker.” The blue stallion said as he motioned to his wife.

“Hello Sir, um what do we call you” Ophelia asked, shifting her wings.

“Night is just fine, and who are you? I have met Lilah already” he said. Looking at the pale orange other Unicorn.

“Ummm, I’m Atlas…” The colt said. He was cowering behind Ophelia and compared to her green coat Atlas was pretty easy to see. This made Night laugh softly as he saw the family standing together. If he was one of those photographers Luna took him to see, this would have been a great portrait.

“Well it is nice to meet you all, Sorry for bothering you” Night apologized.

“So can we play Hide and seek now? Please dad he’s a good Pony” Lilah pleaded. Rainer and Ophelia laughed and nodded. Then they looked at Night who shrugged at them.

“I do not mind, but just a few games ok?” Night said.

Lilah and Atlas looked at each other and smiled. “You count first! We’ll hide!” Lilah said. Night nodded at them and they took off. Night counted and began to play with the foals for a couple hours. He felt a joy in his chest, and a hole all in the same and he couldn’t understand why.

Night had an idea of something Luna might like from her sister. Luna loved weapons, of any kind really. For decoration or for use, and Night figured Celestia could give her something with her Cutie mark on it. He had taken a detour after playing in the garden. He wrote up the weapons idea along with a few others. Walking to Celestia’s office he gingerly slid the note under the door.

“There ya go Tia, enjoy!” Night said. He trotted away from the door as he heard the tearing of paper. Smiling, he walked back to his lover's room. Opening the door Luna turned from her balcony and ran over to him. As Night Closed the door Luna embraced him.

“My beloved you have returned!” Luna said. She kissed him on the cheek and Night let out a sigh and hugged her back.

“I have returned my Love, how are you?” Night asked. Luna released the hug and took a step back.

“We are well!” Luna said. She looked away towards the balcony, and then back to Night.

“Are you sure everything is well?” Night asked. Luna’s tone was happy but the look on her face said otherwise. Like she was conflicted.

“Yes, well. We have a question for you” Luna said. Motioning Night to come to the balcony with her. He obliged happily and together they went and sat together. The two sat in silence as the sun began to set. Without a word, Luna began to raise the moon. Despite being stranded on the moon, he never got tired of seeing his love raise it. It was her gift to the world, and knowing that the moon was a part of her. He relinquished his animosity towards it; how could he want to hold onto it?

“Whenever you are ready, love, I am listening,” Night said. He nuzzled her neck and hummed. Luna rested her head on his and closed her eyes.

“I saw you playing in the garden with the foals,” Luna began. “How do you feel about them?” She asked. Night thought about this for a moment. Did Luna mean what he thought of those specific foals, or just the idea in general?
“Those 2 in particular were interesting. Honestly I wouldn’t mind foals like them. Inquisitive, outgoing, playful, and honest.” Night said. Luna relaxed into him more after hearing those words. She smiled to herself and wrapped a wing around Night.

“Thank you, my love,” Luna said. Night was confused, what was she thanking him for? Before he could open his mouth Luna got up and walked to the bathroom door.

“Lu-Lu is everythin-” Night began. He was being levitated to the bathroom behind his lover.

“You smell my love, come let us wash up. Now that the moon is up, I have the whole night off~” Luna sang. Night gulped and realized he was in for an eventful night.

A week went by and Luna’s birthday was upon the city of Canterlot. Luna wasn’t much for being up during the day but she made an exception for those that came to the castle to support her. She hadn’t felt like she was much of a true co-ruler for the past century. However the citizens of Equestria seemed to not think the way she did. She was going to give a speech for them later on. She had a doctor's appointment before all of this though. Luna had been feeling sick recently and she didn’t know what to do. Night had convinced her to stop working so hard and rest when he found out.

“Go on and rest, I’ll oversee your duties for this week. I have been with you long enough to know how to do this.” Night said. Luna recalled him saying this and smiled to herself. She considered herself very lucky to have him in her life. She heard a knock on her door and used her magic to unlock it.

“Do come in, it is unlocked,” Luna said. A short tan Unicorn mare walked into Luna’s room with a bag.

“Good morning your majesty” The doctor said.

“Hello Dr. Ilium, I trust you are well?” Luna said. The doctor approached her and set her bag down.

“I am thank you, but let’s see what is wrong with you?” Dr. Ilium said. She cast a spell, and got her stethoscope. She checked Luna’s vitals, and after about 5 minutes looked at her.

“Your Highness, might I ask, have you had any cravings for sour food recently?” Dr. Ilium asked.

“Hmmm,” Luna thought for a moment. “Now that you mention it, yes I have, why? Is it a new disease?” Luna asked panicked.

Dr. Ilium sighed and put her equipment away. “I guess congratulations are in order,” She said.

“Congratulations for what doctor? I hardly doubt contracting a new sickness is congratulatory.” Luna said, irritated at her physician.

Giggling Dr. Ilium grabbed her bag in her magic, “Not that silly, congrats on the foal. Come see me regularly for checkups.” She finished, leaving Luna mouth agape in her bed. She was pregnant? Would Night be happy? How would she deal with this? She knew he didn’t mind foals but did he want them with her? Figuring she wouldn’t get answers in bed she went to go find Night.

Luna left her room, she spent about an hour or so looking for Night. She looked everywhere he frequented. Realizing he probably went out to get her food of some kind. She ran towards the garden as fast as she could. Maids, and soldiers merely looked on as the ruler of the Night frantically looked around. She was about the give up until she spotted him, walking through the entry forum. She flew over to him and dropped right in front of him.

“My love, shouldn’t you be resting? You were-” Night began. He was cut off with a bear hug from Luna.

“I-I need to t-tell you something love” Luna stammered. She was shaking out of fear he would run away from her. She feared he wouldn’t want to be with her now that she was pregnant.

“I am all ears my love. What is it?” Night asked. He returned her hug and stroked her mane slowly.

“Please do not get mad at me…'' said Luna.

“I promise I will not my love” Night said smiling.

“I- ...um” Luna paused for a moment. “I am pregnant, my love” Luna said. Night held her tighter and his voice dropped.

“A-are you sure?” asked Night.

Luna nodded slowly, “I saw Dr. Ilium an hour ago, so yes… please don’t be-” Luna stopped. She felt tears on her back. Night was crying, and she was worried he was upset with her. That was until he spoke after a few seconds.

“I…I-I am going to be a father! For real?” Night said. Luna heard his tone and was surprised. He sounded relieved, and happy?

“Y-you are not upset?” Luna asked. She thought it would be too soon for them. Since Night had only been back for about a year, she was worried.

“How could I be upset, I am home with my one and only. Now I am going to have a f-family. After 2 millennia I feel so happy” Night said. He couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down his face. He was so happy he couldn’t even express himself any other way. Luna found herself with tears in her eyes as well. She was so relieved that he was ok with her being the mother to his foal or foals. Their moment was interrupted however by Celestia who saw them and flew next to them.

“So what are you two love birds crying about in the entryway? Surely Night hasn’t messed up on your birthday sister?” Celestia asked. Her sarcasm wasn’t lost on Night as he looked up at her.

“Is now really the time for this Tia?” Night asked. Celestia cocked her head to the side.

“What do you mean? What's going on? Why are you both crying?” Celestia asked. This made Night and Luna laugh as they let go of each other.

"Do you not know Tia?" Night said smugly. Celestia shook her head confused on what was going on.

Luna faced her sister and wiped her tears, “I am with child sister. You will be a true aunt,” Luna said smiling. Celestia’s ears perked up hearing Luna say this.

“My b-bay sister is P-Pregnant?!”Celestia shouted. Guards, maids and visitors all stopped too look at the trio in the center of the hallway. Luna just nodded, smiling at Celestia. No pony said a word as everyone looked. Then cheers erupted and a round of applause was given. Until Celestia fainted and the cheers turned to gasps.

Author's Note:

Oh boy, Celestia might not have been ready for that...😅
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