• Published 15th Nov 2023
  • 328 Views, 9 Comments

Canterlot High School - Dot-Dot_Dot

  • ...

Part 3

Sunset stops when she hears Aura.

“Aura? Is that really you?” Sunset asks as she turns around.

“Obviously it is. Do you remember everything that you did? I was going to be the best there was. Imagine my shock to see the undeniable proof to discover that no matter how hard I tried, I would never be able to catch you!” Aura says with venom.

“What do you mean Aura? I looked up to you. You were the whole reason I wanted to be taught by Celestia! You were the only Pegasus to do magic! Celestia said that she’s never seen a Pegasus do magic in her entire life. Don’t you get it Aura? You were my idol. You were everything to me. Then when you disappeared I lost the motivation to learn.” Sunset says with sorrow.

Aura stands there trying to process what Sunset said.

“You looked up to me? You have to be joking right? You’re joking right?” Aura says with a slight nervous chuckle.

“No I'm not Aura. I truly did. After you disappeared Celestia noticed an artifact missing. The Timeweaver ring.” Sunset says.

“What did the ring do exactly?” Aura asks.

“It allows the wearer to reverse their position by three seconds and it connects different timelines.” Sunset says.

“So is that why I came across that boy Toby? Will I ever see him again or will I go to another timeline?” Aura says to herself.

“Did you say something?” Sunset asks.

Aura shakes her head and walks away as she looks at the ring.

“Aura wait!” Sunset calls out.

“What?” Aura says as she turns around.

“I talked to your parents.” Sunset says as she walks towards Aura and puts her hand on her shoulder.

“So? And why are you touching me? And how do you know my parents?” Aura says and she crosses her arms.

“Celestia introduced me to your parents when you disappeared. Aura… your mother is dead. She died a few weeks ago. I tried to find you in both world but I couldn’t get a trace on you. You completely disappeared without a trace.” Sunset says as Aura’s face goes blank.

“I want you to stop touching me. Now.” Aura says as she stands there without a single tone of emotion in her voice.

“Aura please. You need to come back to equestria and see your father and the princesses.” Sunset says as she eyes around the area.

“You… you dirty traitor! I knew to have my suspicions about you! It’s a trap!” Aura says as she slaps Sunsets hand off of her and she steps back.

“Aura! I’m telling the truth! You have to! Your father is waiting!” Sunset says with sorrow.

“My parents have been dead since I was born! I was raised by a griffin!” Aura shouts as she points towards sunset.

Sunset stands there. Stuttering as she knows her plan is shattered.

“You’re coming with me whether you want to or not. You’ve got a price to pay Aura. Either in your life or you turn yourself in.” Sunset says as she walks towards Aura.

Aura looks around before looking at the ring and smiles menacingly.

“You’ll have to catch me Sunset Dimmer.” Aura says as the ring glows and she disappears with a bright flash of light.

“Where did she go?” Sunset asks herself as she looks around as she looks around she hears a voice from the air.

“Find me and you’ll get what you want. But I’m not going down without a fight shimmer.” Aura says as the hallway goes silent.

The school day goes by without a trace of Aura being heard or spotted the whole day. After school Sunset tells the main 6 that she has some errand to take care of and they insist that they can help her with it and she caves into the peer pressure and she allows them to help her.

As they walk through canterlot Sunset sees someone standing in a field with their hair blowing in the wind. Sunset naturally walks towards the person and her friends follow her.

“Hey! You!” Sunset shouts.

The person turns around to reveal that it’s Aura as she turns around her hair has a sparkling blue color with a bright yellow accent.

“So you finally found me. Well… I wanted you to find me. If I didn’t. We wouldn’t be having the conversation at all. And I see that you’ve brought your girlfriends with you. No matter. Well? Shall we get this fight over with?” Aura asks and she enters a combat stance.

Sunset turns to her friends. “Like I told you girls. Aura is tough. I need to take her back to Princess Celestia back in equestria.” Sunset says to the others.

“Are you kidding?! This girl won’t be able to lay a finger on me!” Rainbow Dash says in her cocky arrogant attitude and she runs towards Aura.

“Rainbow Dash wait!” Sunset calls out to Rainbow dash but she doesn’t hear Sunset and she continues to sprint towards Aura.

Aura smirks as she watches Rainbow dash run towards her.

“I’ve got a little something up my sleeve to Sunset. This ring allows me to travel to different universes! Timelines! For me what is an hour is only a minute for you all! Seven hours is seven days for me! I’ve learned so many techniques! You cannot possibly beat me!” Aura shouts as she breaks the ground as she runs towards Rainbow Dash as Aura runs towards Rainbow Dash she grabs her jacket collar and trips her and Rainbow Dash goes skidding while skipping along the ground.

“What’s wrong? Can you not keep up with my speed?!” Aura says as she runs towards Rainbow dash and just as Rainbow dash stands up Aura grabs her and throws her into the air.

Rainbow yells out as she gets thrown up.

Aura points her fingers like a gun towards Rainbow Dash as she charges up a shot that will surely kill her as Aura goes to shoot the shot she’s knocked unconscious by someone.

Author's Note:

Doing this part thing is really repetitive. I’m sick of it but we can’t choose what has to happen.
This is the end of the series. I really enjoyed it.
See you on the next Timeline Mortals.
(I accidentally took it down then republished it.)

Comments ( 5 )

Honestly, I don’t like aura or sunset.

What don’t you like about Aura then? Tell me. What do you want to see? See you don’t like either of em just tell me? I’ll be waiting since you know so much.

I’m not saying that I know so much. I’m saying that I just don’t really like them. It might change over time but for now I don’t really like them. It’s kind of middle ground.

I really dislike this fic. I'm sorry but I can't stand the character building, the dialogue exposition, and so on. It's hardly what I would call good writing. I came here honestly to see where your complaint stood, but I see now it holds no ground.

There's plenty of good stories and tales to read on this website that involve no sex or even mention of sex. You are blowing things out of proportion and not properly taking time to consider your own argument when trying to demand a stance from others. While I can't say I'm a better writer, I've been on this site since like 2016ish and I've read a ton without sex. In fact most of my recommendations in my page are non-clop.

So get your ink and quill and write this all over again. Add fluff, stuff, and for the love of God and all that is holy, please get someone to pre-read your fic and edit them. I could hardly stand what I was reading because of the lack of proper grammar, punctuation, spelling. It all messed me up.

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