• Published 3rd Oct 2012
  • 332 Views, 2 Comments

Ode to a Monster - Tekkonair

A crash landing in the Everfree turns Rainbow Dash's life upside down, and unleashes secrets and conspiracies that should have remained buried forever. Ancient powers have been unleashed, and Equestria must prepare for the war that has come to light.

  • ...

Chapter 5 - Reunion

“So, you alright with the plan?” Skies asked Applejack, after her and Rainbow Dash had finally separated.

“I’d be lyin’ if ah said ah was ‘alright’ with it, but ah get why we’re doin’ things this way.” Applejack sighed. “So, at the party we round up the others and once things quiet down, we bring them out to the barn where this lot will be waitin’? Oh, and whilst the others are meetin’ with Rainbow, ah’ll let my family know that ya’ll be stayin’ in the barn for the night.”

“That’s the gist of it, yeah. Thanks for letting us use the barn, by the way," Skies said with a nod.

“Don’t mention it. Y'all saved Rainbow, couldn’t just leave y'all under the stars after that.” Skies chuckled.

“Eh, we’re used to roughing it. Still, thanks. Ready to go?” Applejack nodded, smiling at Rainbow who had donned her cloak again. “Good. Lemme just sort my things.” Applejack nodded again, sitting patiently as she watched Skies remove her saddlebags, then her axe and dagger.

“Wait, you were carryin’ weapons that whole time?” Applejack gawked at her.

“Hmm? Oh, these? Force of habit. I’m used to places much rougher than Ponyville.” She looked over and sighed as she saw Applejack’s disapproving expression. “Alright, I’m sorry, but I mean it, it’s hard for ponies like us to ‘switch off’. I promise I’ll tell you more later, but look, I’m leaving these here, ok? And the cloak, no way for me to hide weapons.” Applejack looked at her for a second before giving a slow nod.

“Alright, ah’ll trust ya, Skies.” Skies nodded and smiled, taking off and passing her cloak to Hooves. “… Land sakes Skies, and ah thought the eye and ear was goin’ to be the end of it.” Applejack looked Skies over, eyes widening again at the scars littering Skies’ fur. “Looks like y'all’ve been pickin’ fights with thorn bushes your whole life.” Skies tensed, but relaxed when Applejack didn’t stare at her wing.

“Heh, you’re not far wrong. But, as I said, questions later, ok?”

“Right. We’d best get a move on or we’re goin’ to be late.” Skies nodded, rolling her shoulders.

“Lead on.” Applejack nodded, looking at Rainbow again.

“It’s goin’ to be alright, Rainbow. Ah promise, we’re goin’ to fix this.” Rainbow gave her a small smile and nodded, her eyes red and puffy from the crying. Applejack gave her an encouraging smile before trotting back towards town, Skies following behind her. Once they were into the trees of Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack looked over at Skies. “Interestin’ cutie-mark ya got there. Doesn’t look much like an explorin’ one. In fact, ah know ya aint just explorers.”

“No? What gave it away?” Skies smirked.

“Well for one, yer friends were wearin’ armour and carryin’ weapons. Second, the way ya walk. I’ve been livin’ near the Everfree for long enough to see some of what comes out of there, and ya carry yerself like some of the predators in there. Almost like a timberwolf.” Skies blinked, looking back at herself as she considered what Applejack said.

True, I do walk with a longer, loping stride, but that’sjust more energy efficient over long distances, and the broad stance helps me move silently. The slightly lowered head is just a habit from monster hunting, and… “Ok, yea I’ll give you that one. Never really thought about that.” She looked back at Applejack, making a conscious effort to keep her head at a normal height. “Like a timberwolf, huh? I think I like it.”

“Third reason's that sorta talkin’. Most ponies don't like bein' compared to predators. And reason four, those muscles aren’t just from walkin’ and hikin’.”

“Muscles? Have you been checking me out behind my back, Applejack?” She teased, chuckling.

“Ya know what ah mean.” She snorted. “Ya look stronger than a lot of the Guards ah’ve seen.”

“I’ll take that as another compliment. And you’re quite right, we’re more than ‘just’ explorers. I said I’d answer those questions when all your friends are together, and that includes questions about my scars.”

“Right, right.” Applejack nodded, looking back ahead to Ponyville. “Ya know, despite everythin’ I’m glad ya came to Ponyville. Pinkie’s been real down, and it’s nice to see her out of her funk. Ah know she’ll be better when she sees Dash again, even with… Yeah.”

“Glad to hear it. The hoof going to be a problem with any of them?” Applejack shook her head vigorously.

“Ah know it won’t. We’ve been through too much to let anythin’ come between us.” Applejack nodded with confidence.

“Glad to hear it. Friends are precious.” Skies said, her shoulders slumping.

“Ya alright there, sugar?”

“Yeah, just… This is the first time I’ve really been able to relax in months, and even then I have to define this as ‘relaxing’. Plus the talk of friends, and being in a place like this.” She looked around Ponyville as they approached the town. “Reminds me of how few real friends I actually have. Sure, I know plenty of people, but I rarely spend any time with anypony except the four back there. Even Shield I don’t see too often.”

“That sounds pretty hard.” Applejack gave her a sympathetic look. “Gotta wonder what it is ya do for that to be worth it.”

“In due time, Applejack, in due time.” Skies' chuckle came out somewhat hollow. “So, the party. Where’s it being held and what can I expect?”

“It’ll be in Sugarcube Corner, and expect music, lots of ponies, party food and maybe some games.”

“Oh wonderful. Sounds claustrophobic.”

“Y'all scared of tight spaces?”

“Not scared, I just have some bad experiences in them. And the most important question; will there be booze?” At that, Applejack only grinned. “Perfect.” By the time they got to Sugarcube Corner, the party sounded like it was in full-swing. “That’s a lot of ponies in there… Why are there so many?”

“Pinkie’s parties are somethin’ else, and ah think everyone needs to relax a little. Plus ya made a bit of an impression when ya came into town. What did ya expect? Lone scarred mare in a cloak moseys into town out of the Everfree?

“… Fair point. After you.” She gestured with a hoof to the door.

“Well thank ya kindly.” Applejack smiled, trotting up and opening the door. “Pinkie Pie! I’ve got Desert Skies here!” Skies rolled her eyes and followed her inside, only for her vision to be once again filled with pink hair and blue eyes. A plush parrot perched on the pink mare’s shoulder.

“There you are! You’re late, silly! Come on, this way this way!” Skies blinked, finding herself being dragged inside before Pinkie put a hoof around her shoulders. “Hey everypony!” Skies winced as Pinkie started shouting next to her ear. “This is Desert Skies, the new pony in town!” Skies tensed as everypony turned to face the newcomer. Her brain stalled briefly as she realised that most of the guests were dressed up as pirates. Most of the ponies waved with a chorus of ‘Hello Desert Skies!’ being shouted, but even stunned as she was Skies didn’t miss the wary and shocked glances directed her way.

Have these ponies really never seen a scar before? And why is everypony dressed as a pirate? Skies slowly turned to Pinkie, who was grinning ear to ear at her. That’s… Unsettling. “Um, Pinkie was it? Pinkie, why is everyone dressed as a pirate?”

“Because you’re our new pirate friend, silly!” Pinkie explained like it was the most obvious thing in existence.

“Right… Except I’m not a pirate," Skies said slowly, drawing each word out.

“Well of course you are, silly filly. Why else would you be wearing an eyepatch?”

“… Because I only have one eye?” Skies blinked, her head slowly tilting over to one side, her bafflement with the pink creature only growing.

“… Oh! Wait, you’re suuuuure you’re not a pirate?” Pinkie squinted at her suspicious.

“Er, yes. I’m not a pirate.”

“Oh. Well, it’s too late to change the theme now! So we will make! This! Work!” Skies leant back as Pinkie leant closer with each word, flinching as Pinkie placed a bicorn hat on her head before dashing off into the crowd.

“I…” She looked helplessly over at Applejack, who had found a skull and crossbones bandana from somewhere. “… What even..?”

“That’s Pinkie for ya, best if you don’t think too hard about it. Come on, ah’ll introduce ya to the girls. And get you a drink, ya look like ya need one.”

“You are correct.” Skies nodded, sticking close to Applejack as she was led into the crowd towards the buffet table. A few of the ponies gave Skies a good amount of room, and even the more relaxed ones were very careful to avoid touching her. Applejack might be onto something with the ‘predator’ thing. Unless it’s the scars. Could be both. Ignoring them for now, Skies focused on getting to the buffet table.

“Looks like Pinkie got the drinks after all. Any preference?”

“Stronger the better, though I doubt anything strong's going by the bottle here, so just hit me with anything.” Applejack nodded, passing her a bottle of beer from Trottingham, judging by the label. Applejack used the edge of the table to pop the cap off, whilst Skies just popped it off with her teeth. “Cheers.” She took a swig after clinking her bottle against Applejack’s. “So, who’s first?”

“Easiest to get to is Rares. Come on.” Skies nodded, following once again as Applejack made a beeline for the white unicorn. “Hey Rares!”

“Applejack, there you are! And Skies- Oh, oh my,” her eyes widened a little. “That’s- Sorry, I’m being terribly rude.” Rarity’s ears pressed flat against her skull as she apologised.

“Don’t worry. Let me guess, more scars than you expected?”

“Well, to be perfectly candid, yes. I knew you were roguish, but even so… Did all that happen in the Everfree?”

“Not all of it, no. I’ve picked up most of them on my travels.”

“I see… And I must say, dear, you carry that athletic figure very well. A little over-muscular than ideal for my work, perhaps, but regardless I’m positive I can create something spectacular for you to wear!”

“I, thank you? And you’d just make me something to wear?” Skies found her head tilting over for the second time.

“Well of course! I am a clothes designer after all, and after seeing what you were wearing on your way into town I must insist that you let me create something for you.”

“Yes, I remember you mentioning.” She nodded, taking a sip of her beer.

“Oh, Rares, is Twi’ here?” Applejack asked.

“Oh, yes. Poor dear’s been running herself ragged organising the search. Spike had to drag her here so she could cool off a little.” Skies turned her sip into a swig to cover up her flinch, and Applejack nodded, coughing once.

“Y-yeah. Listen Rares, Skies needs to talk to the girls about somethin’ or other after the party. Can y'all meet us at the road to the farm afterwards?” Rarity blinked in surprise, looking uncertainly at Skies. “Not my place to say why, ‘fore you ask. But ah trust her in this. It’s important.” Rarity looked back at Applejack, and nodded.

“Alright, I’ll head there with the girls.”

“Thank ya Rares.” Applejack nodded, smiling. “Need to let the others know. Ya seen ‘Shy?”

“Fluttershy is being a wallflower as normal, I think Twilight is still with her. Lyra was going on about some gruesome pirate stories, and you know how Fluttershy gets.”

“I get ya. Come on, let’s go see them both.” The trio of mares worked their way through the crowd to a quieter corner, where a yellow pegasus was cowering behind her mane in the corner, a purple unicorn trying to comfort her. “Howdy Twi, ‘Shy!”

“Oh, hello Applejack, Rarity!” The unicorn waved and gave a weary smile.

“This is Desert Skies. Desert Skies, Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy.” Skies nodded and smiled to both mares. Twilight’s eyes widened a little as she saw Skies, and Fluttershy only whimpered behind her mane.

“Nice to meet you both.” Skies blinked, looking at Fluttershy. “Umm… Is she ok?”

“She’s decided she’s scared of pirates after what Lyra said.” Twilight shot a glare at a sheepish-looking sea-green unicorn.

“Oh. Well, if it makes her feel any better I’m not a pirate.”

“But, the eyepatch and the hat?” Twilight asked with a blink.

“I lost the other eye, and Pinkie gave me the hat.”

“Oh! That… Makes sense. Hear that Fluttershy, she’s not a pirate, you can come out.” The yellow pegasus shivered, before shakily peeking out from behind her mane and squeaking as she saw Skies.

“H-hello…” She whispered, barely audible over the noise of the party. “O-oh dear!” She quickly came out of her shell to inspect Skies’ scars. Skies for her part recoiled a little, but held still. “You need to take better care of yourself.” Fluttershy gently scolded her. “Some of these weren’t properly treated which is why they’ve scarred.” Applejack, Twilight and Rarity shared a surprised look as Fluttershy continued to gently scold Skies. “Next time you need to clean the wound properly and make sure you bandage it.” Fluttershy blinked once, before shrinking a little. “I-if you don’t mind, that is…”

“R-right, I’ll keep that in mind. Umm…” Skies looked to Applejack with a look that screamed ‘help’.

“Oh right. Girls, Skies needs to talk to us about somethin’ back at the farm after the party. It’s important, but she can’t talk about it here.”

“Tonight? I need to be up early tomorrow to keep organising the search…” Twilight muttered to herself.

“Twi, it’s real important. Y'all need to be there.” Twilight relented after a moment, nodding.

“Alright Applejack, if it’s important… We’ll be there, right Fluttershy?”

“O-oh, y-yes.” Fluttershy nodded.

“Great, now we just need to tell the pink one.”

“You mean Pinkie? She’s going to be a bit busy with the party for a while.” Twilight looked over at the party.

“Guess we’ll just have to wait.” Skies slid into a seat at the table, sipping her beer.

“Well, this party is meant to be about getting to know new ponies, so…” Twilight sat across from Skies, the other mares sitting as well. “Why don’t you tell us a little about yourself, Skies?”

“I’m not a fan of telling the same story twice in the same night, I’ll save my story for when Pinkie joins us. What about you four?”

Skies sat gawping at Twilight as she finished her story. Pinkie had eventually joined them after Applejack and Rarity finished, the four other ponies going before Twilight. “So wait. You’re Princess Celestia’s student. As in, the Princess Celestia? ‘Raises the sun’ Princess Celestia?” Skies asked incredulously.

“Yep, that’s me!” Skies stared for a moment, before slowly looking at Applejack accusatorily.

“Y'all’ve got no stones to throw in this glass house, missy.” Applejack grinned. “Yer the last pony to tell others off for not tellin’ everythin’.”

“You’ve got me there.” Skies begrudgingly relented. “Guess it’s my turn.” She said, changing the subject as the other mares looked between Skies and Applejack in confusion. “As you already know, I’m Desert Skies. I was born out in a border town near the Gryphon Kingdoms called Rocky Falls. Rougher than Ponyville, but it has its charms. My mother and little brother still live there, good folks. I ended up leaving town; got into too many fights. I know right, hard to believe the picture of innocence in front of you likes to fight?” She smirked, chuckling as the other mares exchanged looks. “So, yeah, the fight that made me leave town. I ended up picking a fight with another pegasus who'd just come into town. We knocked seven bells out of each other, even put him through a table, and after we recovered enough we got to talking once we’d both calmed down some, and I ended up leaving town to travel with him. He’s one of my best friends now, and we travel all over with a few other friends.”

“And you got all those scars from travelling?” Asked Rarity.

“Most of them, yea. One or two are from fights in Rocky Falls.”

“Does your family know where you are?” Fluttershy asked quietly, still half-hidden behind her mane.

“Not exactly. They know I’m alright though, I send them letters frequently.” Fluttershy nodded at her answer, giving a small smile.

“And where are your friends?” Asked Twilight.

“They’re nearby. Not in Ponyville, but I’ll be meeting up with them soon.” Twilight nodded.

“And you just came out of the Everfree? How long were you in there?”

“About eight months.” Said Skies, noticing that the other mares kept looking to Applejack, who was offering small nods.

“Eight months?” Squeaked Fluttershy. “I-isn’t that dangerous?”

“Give or take a month. What can I say, I’m a bit of a thrill-seeker.” She smirked as Twilight looked at her curiously.

“Do you mind if I ask about your cutie-mark?” Skies blinked, looking back at her flank, then back at Twilight.

“The story behind my cutie-mark is for another day, I think.” Twilight nodded, frowning slightly.

How does a pony get a mark like that? She wondered, thinking about the possible meaning behind Skies’ claw and arrow cutie-mark. After a few hours, the party was beginning to wind down, and eventually the last pony left, leaving the six mares at their table.

“Looks like everypony else has gone home. Hey Pinkie, mind if I grab whatever booze is left? It’s been far too long since my friends and I have gotten our hooves on any good drink.”

“Go ahead! I expected ponies to drink it all tonight!” Pinkie giggled as Skies nodded, collecting the few remaining bottles into a bag.

“You’re a diamond, Pinkie.” Pinkie giggle-snorted at that.

“Don’t be silly. I can’t be a diamond, I’m a pony!” Skies paused and blinked.

“I… Right, never mind. So, to the farm?” The other five mares responded in the affirmative, filing outside and waiting for Pinkie Pie to lock up before heading down the road to Sweet Apple Acres. “I’ll run ahead and take care of things. See you at the barn!” Skies dashed off ahead, taking to the skies. The other mares watched her, before turning to Applejack.

“I think, darling, that you have some explaining to do.” Said Rarity. Applejack swallowed and nodded.

“Yeah. Look, it’s complicated, and it’s really not my place to say. Ah promise y'all we’re safe though, ah wouldn’t lead you girls into danger. Just trust me on this on, ok?” The others relented after a moment, Fluttershy still looking scared.

“T-that mare scares me a bit… Reminds me of a timberwolf…” Rarity and Twilight looked at her curiously, Pinkie continuing to bounce along the road.

“Whatever do you mean, dear?” Asked Rarity. “I’ll admit she’s a bit… Wild, but a timberwolf?”

“No, ah get what she means, Rares,” said Applejack. “She moves a lot like one.”

“She’s definitely the kind of mare that Shiny would tell me to stay away from.” Twilight said slowly, frowning. “I get the impression she wasn’t telling us the whole truth.”

“Got that right, Twi, but she promised me that she’d fill us all in at the barn. Hard to lie to the Element of Honesty’s face.” The others nodded at that.

“Good point. Well, let’s not keep her waiting any longer.” Twilight paused, looking at Pinkie as she began vibrating violently. “Um, Pinkie? You ok?”

“I-I-I f-f-feel a d-doozy!” The mares all drew back.

“Another doozy?”

“Y-yup! A-at the b-barn!” Pinkie vibrated in place before starting to move up the path, buzzing along the road.

“We should get a move on, then. Come on girls!”

“Shield, we have a problem.” Said Skies, landing outside the barn and trotting in. Shield looked up from the magic light he’d conjured in the barn.


“Big. One of the Bearers is the personal student of Princess Celestia.” Shield blinked, his eyes widening as the other ponies in the barn looked over, before all eyes turned to Dash’s hiding place.

“Eheh, guess I forgot to mention that…” Came the quiet, embarrassed reply. Shield facehooved.

“Horseapples. That makes things complicated. Right, one problem at a time. They on their way?”

“Should be here any minute. Oh, and I picked these up.” Skies passed the bottles around. “Trottingham beer.” The hunters perked up at the mention of beer, gratefully taking the bottles and cracking them open.

“Right, this has to go off properly then. Dash, you ready?”

“Ready as I’m ever gonna be…”

“Good enough for me. Skies, wait for them outside.” Skies nodded, ducking back outside and waiting. A minute later, the five mares came trotting up the path.

“There you lot are.” She waited until they were at the barn, frowning as she saw Pinkie vibrating. “Umm, is she ok?”

“It’s Pinkie, don’t question it too hard,” said Twilight.

“Right… Well, let’s go in, try not to wake the Apple family, yeah?” The mares nodded uncertainly, before Skies opened the barn door and ushered them inside. Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie all froze, save for Pinkie’s vibrating, at the sight of the four unfamiliar ponies sat around the barn, Rainbow currently out of sight behind a hay bale. Fluttershy was the first to react, squeaking and trying to run, only to have Applejack catch her tail and usher the rest inside, closing the door. “Right, introductions. Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy.” She indicated the mares in turn. “Meet Hooves.” The earth pony stallion waved. “Shield.” Shield nodded. “Tender Care.” The other unicorn, a green mare, waved. “And the pegasus looking all surly in the corner is Cirrus, the pegasus I put through a table.” The orange stallion snorted.

“Are you ever going to let that go?”

“Nope!” She grinned. The four stunned mares looked between the new ponies. Shield had taken off his armour to let Tender Care change his bandages, but the other three were still in their armour.

“Why is the pink one vibrating?” Asked Shield, tilting his head.

“B-because I feel a DOOZY about to happen!”

“A… doozy?” Shield looked at Skies.

“I was told not to question it, don’t look at me.” Shield shrugged after a second, wincing as he moved his bad shoulder. The other three mares just kept staring until Shield cleared his throat.

“Right, since you’re here now, we can get started. I have good news, and bad news, about your friend, Rainbow Dash.” The mares gasped loudly, Applejack stood off to one side slightly, as Shield raised a hoof to forestall any questions. “The good news is she’s alive and uninjured, and yes, she’s here. The rest… Probably best to hear from Rainbow herself. Rainbow?” Rainbow gulped from behind the hay bale, before dropping the cloak and shakily stepping out from behind it.

“H-hey girls…” She stuttered out, head low as Applejack trotted over to stand next to her. The other four stared, eyes going wide as they saw her changed hoof.

“R-Rainbow? Your hoof, how..?” Twilight croaked out.

“I-I don’t fully know yet… B-but h-hey, it’s me! I-I survived the crash!” Fluttershy was the first to move, suddenly rushing over and hugging Rainbow, crying quietly into her shoulder.

“R-Rainbow I was so scared! W-when you didn’t come back I was so scared you were gone…” She whimpered, clutching Rainbow close. The rest of the mares quickly closed in as well to hug their friend. Skies sat by Shield, Cirrus coming over as well, giving the six mares some privacy.

“Well, that went better than expected,” Cirrus whispered to them both. “But that doesn’t solve the Princess-shaped hole in the plan.”

“We’ll deal with that if and when we have to. For the time being, we’ve kept them cooperating by promising to fill them in, and if we don’t I have a feeling we won’t be able to keep this quiet,” said Shield. “And we can’t exactly keep the Princess’ student detained.”

“You’re right, you’re right.” Skies sighed. “So what do you want to do?”

“We tell them as much as we need to make sure they keep quiet. Not everything, certainly not if we can help them. Can I trust you with that, Skies? I’d do it myself but I think I’m about to pass out. I am bucking exhausted.” Skies nodded with a quiet chuckle.

“Sure. You get some sleep, Shield.” Shield nodded, carefully lying down and dozing off, as Skies sat, waiting for the Bearers to compose themselves enough to listen.

“So.” Began Skies, sat across the magical light from the six Bearers, looking at them one at a time. Twilight looked the most interested, whilst Fluttershy and Pinkie sat either side of a tired Rainbow Dash. “I promised you all I’d tell you more when you were all together. So here’s our story. I’m part of an organisation that predates Equestria, dedicated to defending certain locations and hunting down monsters, as well as keeping certain things secret from the New World.”

“New World?” Asked Twilight. Skies frowned at the interruption.

“New World. The Order refers to everything from the founding of Equestria and after as the ‘New World’, and everything before that as the ‘Old World’. We were originally created to protect the world from the threats I mentioned. We failed in our task. Whilst we did defeat great evils and sealed them away, we were unable to save the Old World. Nowadays we are dedicated to ensuring the same thing doesn’t happen again. For my part, I am a hunter. I track down and eliminate monsters before they pose a threat to civilisation. Hooves and Cirrus are hunters as well, and whilst Tender Care doesn’t share the title of hunter, she still accompanies us as a healer. Shield on the other hand is a Guardian. Guardians protect certain sites, such as the shrine that Rainbow Dash crashed at.” Rainbow lowered her head a little. “Some sites act as the prisons for great evils, whilst others contain knowledge too dangerous to allow into the New World, and others are ancient arsenals from the Old World. Regardless of their precise nature, these sites contain things from the Old World that we cannot afford to release. Guardians are some of the best in the Order, trusted to defend these sites, often alone, against anyone or anything that would use or release whatever is contained within. Shield was, until last night, the Guardian of the shrine Rainbow chanced upon.”

“What happened?” Rarity asked, her expression unreadable.

“Marabas did.” The Order ponies bristled a little, and Rainbow flinched at the name. “The shrine was a prison for a creature called Marabas. Shield gave Rainbow shelter and treated her injuries, but during her time Marabas evidently tricked Rainbow into releasing her. It’s very rare that Marabas takes notice of anypony in her shrine, but the presence of a very powerful flavour of magic, such as one of the Elements of Harmony...” The Bearers, save for Rainbow, recoiled slightly. “Marabas tricked Rainbow into releasing her, and that’s when she did… that to her.” She nodded her head in Rainbow’s direction.

“Wait, but why would this… Marabas do that after being released?” Twilight asked, frowning.

“Because she could. Marabas is a sick, twisted piece of work.” Skies took a swig of her beer. “Anyway, after she cast her spell, Shield attacked Marabas. A Guardian has one duty; protect the contents of the shrine, and if you cannot, keep the assailant occupied long enough for help to arrive, at the cost of life and limb if necessary. Even though Marabas got away, Shield did well. He stood alone against an alicorn-”

“Wait, an alicorn?!” Twilight was ‘shh’ed by the Order ponies. “Sorry… But, an alicorn?”

“Yes, an evil one. Shield kept her occupied, even managed to cut one of her wings off, before Marabas escaped, leaving a horde of monsters for Shield to contend with. Both Shield and Rainbow are lucky we arrived when we did; Shield had just collapsed buying more time, and they were about to get overrun. He did us proud.” Skies smiled back at Shield, before looking ahead again.

“S-so, when you say you hunt monsters…” Fluttershy quietly began. “W-what kind of things do you h-hunt?”

“We limit ourselves to hunting monsters that pose a threat to civilisation. Animals like bears are normally smart enough not to bother ponies, but monsters like timberwolves will hurt ponies regardless, so we deal with them before they can hurt anypony.”

“That’s not completely true, sugar cube.” Applejack said, narrowing her eyes at Skies slightly. Skies sighed.

“Right, right, Element of Honesty. I was hoping to avoid this… So, as you’ve already been told we spend months at a time in the field, sometimes up to a year. Foraging and grazing is all well and good if all you’re doing is trying to stay alive and get from place to place, but the kind of energy we expend doing our duty can’t be maintained just on grass and berries. We have to take more… Drastic measures sometimes. And that means hunting for food.” The bearers looked physically sick at that, Fluttershy taking it the best to Skies’ surprise.

“Wait, you eat meat?” Asked Twilight, eyes threatening to bulge out of their sockets.

“We do. Not all of us enjoy it, but you don’t become a hunter if you can’t stomach meat.

“A-and you, dear? Do you… Enjoy it?” Rarity asked, morbid curiosity overriding her upset stomach. Skies was silent for a few seconds.

“Well, since you asked, and since I can’t lie.” She nodded to Applejack. “Yes. It’s very different to normal pony food, and it makes operating with groups in the Gryphon Kingdoms and other places easier since we can share rations.” The Bearers suddenly looked very uncomfortable being in the same room as Skies, causing her to sigh. “The practice only developed out of necessity, we don’t have the kind of supply lines that the Royal Guard has so teams of Hunters have to be self-sustaining. Besides, it’s not like we’re the only meat-eating ponies out there. Plenty of pegasi eat fish, and some specialist restaurants in places like Canterlot serve meat for foreign guests, and ponies eat at those places as well.”

“Still, it’s not exactly… Normal.” Twilight managed after a while.

“We’re not normal ponies. Normal ponies don’t go out looking for fights. Even the Royal Guard don’t really, or even the Elements. You all see a threat and act according to that threat, and then go back to your lives when the threat is gone. We’re different, we are always out there looking for a monster to fight. It takes a particular type of pony to do that, and I fit the mould better than most.”

“Is that why you left Rocky Falls?” Skies blinked, taken aback by Pinkie’s question.

“That… Is a story for another time. I promised you I’d give you answers, but I’m not going into my personal history for those answers.” Pinkie nodded after a moment.

“What’s the name of your Order? Is it just ‘The Order’?” Asked Twilight.

“More formally we’re the Order of the Broken Crown. The name comes from our pre-Equestrian days. It’s not a name you’ll find in many history books.” Twilight nodded.

“Do you know what, exactly, Marabas did to Rainbow?” Rarity asked quietly. Skies sighed.

“We don’t, unfortunately. Others in the Order are looking into it and will be working around the clock to find a way to fix this, and you’ll be the first to know if we find anything.”

“I just have one more question for tonight,” Rainbow Dash began. “Why go to all this trouble to help us?”

“Two reasons. The first is that you’re the Elements of Harmony. You are one of the main defences of the New World, we can’t allow you to cease to function. The second is the secrecy part, we need to be careful about how we go about informing those close to you about what happened to you, which brings me to my final point for tonight. We can’t afford to let too many ponies know about the dangers of the Old World, and if word gets around about what’s happened, there are… Certain groups that would try to harm or abduct you, Rainbow.” Skies looked up again. “We need to be very, very careful about this.” They sat in silence for a moment after that, before Skies stood and stretched. “Right, that’s enough for tonight I think, I need some sleep.”

"Do you mind if I ask one more question?" Asked Rarity.

“Alright, one more.”

“You’re clearly not a fan of ponies staring at you, and the eyepatch draws a lot of attention, so I have to ask; why not get a glass eye? I understand not wanting to wear one whilst ‘in the field’, but for going into towns..?”

“… Fair question. Do you really want to know?” The Bearers nodded after a moment. “Alright, it’s not pretty though.” Sitting down again, the Order ponies muttered amongst themselves as she reached up to the eyepatch, moving it aside. The Bearers recoiled as they saw the injury; the eye socket was almost completely destroyed and caved in, leaving a rough, scarred hole in her face. Even the eyebrow had been practically erased. “Too badly damaged for a glass eye to even fit, plus it wouldn’t hide the scarring. So, it’s an eyepatch or walk around with a gaping hole in my face where an eye should be, your choice.” After leaving it aside for a moment more, she moved the eyepatch back into place and nodded. “Thought so. Right, I’ll take first watch. Applejack, you want to tell your family so they don’t freak out at seeing a strange mare sat outside your barn?” Applejack nodded, silently walking out. “As for the rest of you, stay here or go to your homes, up to you.”

“I think it would be best if we stayed here with Rainbow.” Fluttershy said quietly, giving Rainbow a small smile.

“Thanks ‘Shy…” Rainbow gave her a quick nuzzle before settling down. Skies nodded, putting her cloak on to shield against the cool night air, walking over to the pile of belongings the Order ponies brought, fishing out an old, worn acoustic guitar.

“You play the guitar?” Asked Pinkie, tilting her head and blinking.

“I’ll keep the playing quiet, just something I do to unwind enough to actually get some sleep.” Skies explained, stepping outside and settling down, back against the barn, legs splayed in front of her as she tucked the neck of guitar into the crook of her left elbow, quietly tuning the instrument before plucking out a slow, almost mournful tune, using her wing for the chords, softly starting to sing as Applejack wandered back to the barn.

“Are you, are you,
Coming to the tree,
They strung up a mare,
They say who murdered three,
Strange things did happen here,
No stranger would it be,
If we met at midnight,
In the hanging tree.”

Inside the barn, the Bearers glanced amongst themselves as they settled down for the night around the magical light, listening to the quiet lyrics.

“Are you, are you,
Coming to the tree,
Where dead mare called out,
For her love to flee,
Strange things did happen here,
No stranger would it be,
If we met at midnight,
In the hanging tree.”

Rainbow frowned, finding herself slowly relaxing to the song despite the morbid lyrics, as Rarity glanced around, noticing the Order ponies tapping their hooves to the song, with the exception of Shield who had fallen asleep a while ago.

“Are you, are you,
Coming to the tree,
Where I told you to run,
So we'd both be free,
Strange things did happen here,
No stranger would it be,
If we met at midnight,
In the hanging tree.”

The Order ponies started humming the tune quietly as some began to yawn, Cirrus curled up in the rafters, Tender Care curled up on the floor, Hooves sat leaning back against the wall.

“Are you, are you,
Coming to the tree,
Wear a necklace of rope,
Side by side with me,
Strange things did happen here,
No stranger would it be,
If we met at midnight,
In the hanging tree.”

Pinkie finally found herself nodding off as well, yawning and letting her head fall slowly to the ground, the six Bearers curled up next to one another as the sound of Skies’ voice gradually faded.

“Are you, are you,
Coming to the tree,
Where I told you to run,
So we'd both be free,
Strange things did happen here,
No stranger would it be,
If we met at midnight,
In the hanging tree.”

Skies looked up to the stars, plucking the final chords to the song before letting out a slow breath, the tension of the day finally leaving her aching legs. Gently setting the guitar aside, she pulled the cloak tighter around her as she relaxed, appearing for all the world to be fast asleep save for the single eye peering around slowly, her watch beginning.

Author's Note:

Chapter 5 is here, and more of the story of the Order is coming to light, as well as some small glimpses into Skies' story.

The song is, naturally, Hanging Tree from the Hunger Games. I wonder what kind of significance a song like that could have for Skies? The guitar I imagine for that scene is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TASFljdT1BM
