• Published 3rd Oct 2012
  • 331 Views, 2 Comments

Ode to a Monster - Tekkonair

A crash landing in the Everfree turns Rainbow Dash's life upside down, and unleashes secrets and conspiracies that should have remained buried forever. Ancient powers have been unleashed, and Equestria must prepare for the war that has come to light.

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Chapter 6 - Settling In

Shining Armour stood just outside the throne room, shuffling his hooves slightly. The search detail to look for Rainbow Dash was assembled, and he was just waiting for the final call to say they were ready to depart. Looking over at the sound of hooves, he saw an earth pony guard trotting towards him before saluting. He returned the guard’s salute. “Corporal. Is everything ready?”

“Ready to depart as soon as we have clearance, sir!” Shining Armour nodded.

“Good. Report back to the chariots, I’ll be along shortly.” The guard nodded, saluting again and trotting off once Shining returned it. Shining then turned to the Royal Guard standing outside the throne room. “Captain Shining Armour requesting an audience with Princess Celestia.” The guards nodded, opening the doors for him.

“Princess Celestia!” Shining Armour saluted as he entered the throne room, looking just past Celestia’s shoulder. “The search detail is ready to depart on your order.”

“Glad to hear it, Shining.” She smiled warmly at him. “Bring her home, Captain.”

“Yes your Highness.” He saluted again, turning and marching out again. Once clear of the throne room, he sped up to a trot, soon reaching the chariot landing port. “All units prepare to move out!” He hopped onto one of the chariots. At a bellowed order from the lead chariot, the pegasi pulling them began to depart, taking off only when the chariot in front was airborne. A sweep over the entire Western Everfree. This will be fun, he thought sardonically.

“Captain,” the communications gem in the chariot spoke. “ETA in Ponyville, two hours.” Shining pressed a hoof against the gem.

“Thank you Lieutenant. My team will ensure the safety of the other Element Bearers and will establish a command centre in the town hall. All other teams, be advised; initial fly-overs have reported unusual magical anomalies in the Everfree. We’re still not sure if that’s due to the Everfree being the Everfree, or if something else is going on, so stay alert. The Everfree is still an unknown quantity. I want all teams to sign in every fifteen minutes, every five minutes if investigating possible contact. If you see anything, call it in before investigating. Lead out.” He removed his hoof from the gem, looking out towards Ponyville, a slight frown on his face.

Applejack was up with the sun, as usual. Yawning and stretching, she took a moment to look around the barn. Her friends were still in a rough circle in the middle of the barn, whilst the ponies of the Order were scattered around the edges, with the exception of Cirrus and Skies. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she left the barn quietly, finding Cirrus sat outside staring with narrowed eyes at the Everfree forest in the distance, and Skies sleeping against the outside wall of the barn, cloak wrapped around her. “Mornin’ Cirrus,” Applejack said with a yawn. Cirrus grunted in response.

“Timberwolves usually come that close to the edge of the forest?” He asked, not taking his eyes away from the treeline. Applejack followed his gaze and grunted.

“Sometimes. Why?”

“Not exactly happy with the idea of them that close to a home with a filly. Want us to take care of it?” He finally broke his staring contest with the forest, looking to Applejack.

“Nah, those ones aint any trouble, they keep away.” Cirrus nodded after a moment, looking back at the forest. “Skies slept out here?”

“Skies is weird. I still reckon she should have been born as a wolf or something similar.” Cirrus chuckled.

“Yeah…” Applejack looked at Skies and frowned. “Ah’ll get the others up.” Applejack ducked back into the barn. Cirrus’ ear flicked before he turned his head to look at the farmhouse, a large red stallion walking over with a frown.

“You must be Big Mac.” Cirrus looked up at the pony stood over him. Big Mac stared down impassively.

“Eeyup. And ya’ll’re Applejack’s guests. Others're in the barn?”

“Yep, Applejack’s getting them up now. I’m Cirrus. I’ll wake Skies in a bit.” Big Mac nodded, looking at the sleeping Skies.

“Heard her singin’ last night, faintly. Not the kinda song I’d be happy with Apple Bloom hearin’.” Cirrus nodded after a moment, rubbing his face with a hoof.

“Yeah, I get that. I’ll talk to her, don’t worry. Speaking of Skies, you got a stick anywhere?” At Big Mac’s raised eyebrow, he continued. “Need it to poke Skies awake.” Big Mac nodded, wandering off to grab a stick from the orchard, passing it to Cirrus before trotting back into the house as the ponies inside the barn stepped outside, with the exception of Rainbow Dash who stayed just inside the entrance. “Gonna wake Skies now.” The Order ponies nodded, moving between Skies and the Bearers, leaving a respectable distance.

“What’s going on?” Asked Twilight, rubbing her eyes. “Why are you using a stick?”

“Just watch.” Cirrus started poking Skies with the pole. “Skies, up you get.” Skies grumbled once, shifting a bit before falling still. Cirrus gave another tentative poke, only to have the stick suddenly ripped from his hooves as Skies spun around, the stick snapping in her grip as she reared back on her hind hooves before halting, one hoof in front of her in a ready stance, narrowing her eye at Cirrus for a second before blinking.

“Oh. Morning.” She dropped back to four hooves, yawning. She turned to see the six mares gawping at her. “… I don’t like being woken up.” She said, rubbing her foreleg self-consciously.

“That was sooooo cool!” Pinkie Pie gushed, rushing over. “The way you just moved like wooooooah!”

“Just some zebra martial arts I’ve picked up.” Skies tried to brush it off, leaning away from the pink mass of excited energy.

“That was a rather… Explosive reaction to being woken up, darling. And I thought Sweetie Belle was cranky on the mornings,” Rarity said, eyes still wide.

“… I really don’t like being woken up.” After remaining silent for another moment, she clapped her hooves. “Right! So, game plan for today. Shield? Got any bright ideas?” Shield rolled his eyes, sighing.

“Well, Applejack has a farm to run, Fluttershy has her animals, Twilight has the library, Rarity has her business, Pinkie Pie has the bakery, and we need to help out Rainbow Dash. Five ponies to keep six safe. What kind of defences do you have?” At the deafening silence that followed, Shield facehooved. “So none.”

“W-well, I suppose I can ask George…”

“George?” Cirrus raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, he’s the bear that lives near my cottage. He’s a big sweetie and loves to help me out.” Fluttershy smiled, eyes closed. Skies was certain her heart would stop if she looked directly at her for too long.

“… Right, that’s Fluttershy largely sorted. Hooves, I think it would be best if you stayed with Applejack since you’re the only earth pony.” Hooves gave a salute, smirking. “I’ll go with Twilight; maybe the library has something useful. Tender Care, you used to bake right?” She nodded. “You’re with Pinkie. That leaves Rarity and Rainbow Dash.” He turned to the two pegasi.

“I’ll look after Rainbow, if she’s happy with that,” said Cirrus. “Skies needs some time to chill the buuuuu…” He caught himself, looking around to make sure no fillies were around to hear. “Needs to chill the buck out for once in her life.” Skies threw some dirt at him. “Plus I believe Rarity was planning on making her something pretty?” The Order ponies looked at Rarity, then Skies, and grinned.

“… Buck you, Cirrus,” Skies sulked, pouting at him.

“It’s settled then. Familiarise yourselves, and for stars’ sake ponies try to keep things inconspicuous,” Shield said, giving a pointed look at Skies who whistled innocently. “No armour, minimal weaponry. Stash the rest here for now. Applejack, got anywhere we can store the rest where Apple Bloom isn’t going to get into it?”

“We can stick it in the cellar with the hard cider. Apple Bloom knows she aint meant to go in there, and we keep it locked anyway.” Shield nodded.

“Good. And when I say minimal, I mean it. One small weapon at maximum. Small weapon, Hooves.” Hooves huffed, setting his poleaxe down. “Oh don’t give me that, anything that’s going to come after us here and now we can handle without our main arms.”

“Says the unicorn,” Skies snarked at him, wandering into the barn.

“Says the mare I’ve seen put a manticore in an arm bar,” Tender Hooves said, rolling her eyes.

“Details, details.” Skies waved a hoof, before picking up a dagger and a hand axe, weighing her options. At length, she picked the axe, placing the dagger back in the pile. “Right, ready to go.”

“Umm, excuse me?” The Order ponies paused to look at Twilight. “What do we do about the search? We can’t really just leave the search on-going if we know she’s safe.”

“That’s… A very good point,” said Shield, looking at Rainbow, who was still hiding in the barn.

“I don’t want the town to see this,” she said, lifting her claw.

“Hmm....” Shield frowned, thinking, before Twilight perked up.

“Rainbow, if you make a fist with that, how comfortable is it to walk on your knuckles?” Rainbow blinked, looking down and trying it uncertainly.

“It’s alright, might get uncomfortable after a bit.” She said, looking back up to Twilight as the unicorn nodded.

“Umm, Tender Care, right?” Twilight looked at the green unicorn who nodded with a smile. “Can you fashion up a cast or something that covers her leg, with some padding at the end?”

“Hmmm… Yeah, I can do that. It’s going to be important you take it off at night though, and probably a couple of times during the day to stop it from cramping up.” Rainbow nodded, looking back to Shield.

“Alright then. How do we want to break the news?” He asked, looking to the Bearers.

“Hmm, probably best to do it at the morning briefing for the search teams. That’s pretty soon, so we’ll need to do it quickly,” said Twilight.

“Ok, what’s our story? I don’t think Skies should be involved in what we tell the town, it’d raise suspicion,” said Shield.

“I have an idea.” All eyes turned to Cirrus. “We say Tender Care and I found her and treated her. The story’s that we came from Manehatten and went into the Everfree to look for herbs and other plants for medicines, and I went with Tender to keep my friend safe. We saw the storm, and saw Rainbow go down and went looking for her. We found her and took her to our camp where we treated her, before finding our way to Ponyville.”

“Sounds good, but what if they ask about Skies? Two separate groups of ponies leaving the Everfree at roughly the same time in the same place? That’s going to raise suspicion,” asked Shield.

“I can say I guided them from Manehattan to where they set up camp and then went on my own way,” Skies said with a shrug.

“That makes sense. Hooves?” Hooves hummed for a second, before looking at Applejack.

“Need a seasonal worker? I’m a decent carpenter, so we can say I’m doing some work for you if that makes sense?” Applejack thought for a moment, before nodding.

“It aint a lie if ah actually have work for ya. Could do with some help, and the barn’s not in the best shape, so if y'all could take a look at that?” Hooves nodded.

“Alright by me. What about you, boss?” He asked, looking at Shield, who blinked.

“Hm… With my injuries it’s probably best if I stay out of sight.” He said.

“We could say you’re a friend from Canterlot? Maybe a guard who’s on leave because of their injuries, so you decided to spend some time in the country?” Twilight offered, to which Shield nodded.

“Sounds like we have a plan. Applejack, the ponies here trust you?” She nodded, smiling broadly. “Alright, so probably best if we have Twilight and Applejack at the brief, along with Cirrus and Care. I’ll wait here with Hooves. Skies, I believe you have business with Rarity?” Shield asked with a smirk.

“Not getting out of that? Fine. Question though, how do we meet up without it looking strange?”

“Ohohoh!” Pinkie hopped up and down in place. “I know, I know! You’re allllllll new to town, except Skies but she got a party yesterday. Soooooo, I’ll throw a party for you four, and you can meet up there and become fast friends!” She finished, beaming.

“That… Actually works out. Alright, let’s do it.” Shield nodded, before passing around gemstones to the Order ponies, and one to Fluttershy. “Emergency signals.” He explained to Fluttershy. “If something happens when you’re not with one of us, break the gem and it’ll send the rest of us a signal.” Fluttershy nodded, gulping. “Right, have fun!”

Skies followed after Rarity, heading towards the Boutique. “Are you ok, dear?” Rarity looked at Skies with concern.


“You’re walking a little stiffly. Bad night’s sleep?” Rarity guessed. Skies paused, looking around. The town was mercifully empty at this time in the morning, only a few ponies moving about. Almost all the ponies already up were at the briefing which had become the announcement of Dash’s return.

“I’m trying to avoid… ‘Moving like a predator’ as Applejack put it. Trying to make myself a little more approachable whilst I’m here.” Rarity nodded.

“I’m quite familiar with adjusting behaviour to better fit in. The fashion industry is surprisingly cut-throat, and a single stray mannerism could be disastrous. But I wouldn’t worry too much about Ponyville; they’ll warm up to you eventually. The… incident with Zecora opened our eyes to how close-minded we can be.” Rarity winced at the memory.

“Zecora incident?”

“Zecora is a delightful zebra mare that lives a short distance into the Everfree. She’s quickly established herself as the local herbalist and potions-mare, and I must say she’s a very theatrical storyteller.”

“Zebras are fantastic storytellers from my experience.” Skies nodded with a grin. “Sorry, continue.” Rarity nodded.

“Until Twilight arrived in town, I’m ashamed to admit we were rather… Prejudiced towards her, and we’re all very grateful she was so forgiving in the end. So, it may take a little while but people will warm to you.”

“Well, glad to hear that.” Skies relaxed, and Rarity suppressed an instinctual shiver as Skies slipped back to her prowling stance.

“Though I must admit I am curious; why do you move like that?”

“It’s just normal for me now. When I started moving like this it was to help with the hunt. Longer strides are more efficient over long distances, the wide stance means I’m more stable and can move with less noise, and the lowered head just helps with stealth. After moving like this almost every day for years, it becomes hard to break the habit.”

“I think I understand. So, why don’t your friends do the same, if I may ask?”

“Hooves is too big to sneak like that, you’ve seen how he compares to Big Mac. Cirrus moves better in the treetops and clouds than on the ground/ Shield doesn’t do hunts, he’s a static defender, and Tender Care is a medic, not a hunter. She’s a good fighter still, but… Yeah. I'm the sneakiest in the group.” Rarity nodded.

“And by the end of the day, with any luck you’ll also be the best dressed.”

“Oh, right, dresses. Yay,” Skies said flatly, looking at the Boutique looming over them. To Skies, it resembled a huge, multi-tiered cake.

“Oh come now, darling, you are going to look fabulous by the end of the day, I guarantee it.” Rarity held the door open for Skies. Skies trotted in, looking around at the interior, momentarily stunned.

“… Ok. I’ll admit, this place is gorgeous.”

“Why thank you, dear. Now, if you could just leave your cloak and saddlebags just there and stand juuuuust here?” Skies nodded, quickly checking the glamour on her wing was still in place before folding her cloak and leaving it and her saddlebags to one side. Standing where Rarity indicated, she blinked and recoiled as several strips of fabric started levitating around her. “Hmm, white and red, white and red…” Rarity mused, trotting around her as Skies eyed the floating fabric warily. “A red dress would certainly flatter your coat, and it would complement your mane and bring out your eyes. Hmhmmm. Something grey perhaps… I think I have an idea!” Dropping the pieces of fabric, Rarity picked up a tape measure in her magic and started measuring Skies, the pegasus moving according to Rarity’s instructions, soon closing her eyes to avoid getting dizzy from watching the tape measure move.

As Rarity worked, she quietly took measure of Skies’ many scars, trying to figure out how best to cover them or work them into the design. She paused briefly, blanching a little as she noticed a scar that wound its way around Skies’ neck, barely noticeable due to the fur layered over the top of it. I dread to think what that scar is from… She thought with a shiver. Maybe some sort of collar to cover the scar? Skies tensed up with a quiet snarl as she felt the tape measure around her neck. “Oh, sorry darling! I just needed to measure around your neck,” Rarity apologised, and Skies nodded. “Just in case we decide to incorporate a collar or choker of some kind.”

“Nothing around my neck,” Skies said stiffly. “Sorry, just… Nothing like that.”

“Very well, darling, whatever the client desires,” Rarity said with a nod. “We’re all done with the measurements, I’ll get to work. Feel free to take a seat.” Skies nodded, relaxing and sitting down. As Rarity set down to work, Skies opened her mouth to ask a question before looking at the door to the Boutique as it was slammed open.

“Rarity! Mum and dad dropped me off!” Skies leant back, surprised by the volume coming from the small white filly. The filly trotted in, the door swinging shut behind her, before freezing as she looked up at Skies. “Woah… Are you a pirate?”

“Why does everypony think I’m a pirate?”

“Oh hello Sweetie! Skies, this is my sister Sweetie Belle. Sweetie, this is Desert Skies, she’s been helping the pegasi look for Rainbow Dash.”

“Ohhhhhh. Hello Desert Skies!” Sweetie waved at her excitedly, Skies waving back after a moment. “Whatcha making for her?” Sweetie dashed over to Rarity.

“Well, I thought I’d start with a dress and go from there. I do believe she’d carry off a suit quite nicely as well.”

“A suit?” Skies perked up a little. “Now that I could go for. No ties, though.” Rarity nodded and resumed her work as Sweetie Belle trotted over to Skies. Skies looked down at Sweetie, and braced herself as Sweetie beamed up at her.

“Why do you have an eyepatch?” She asked innocently, tilting her head.

Here we go. “Because I only have one eye.”

“Oh…What happened to the other one?”

“Sweetie, it’s impolite to ask questions like that!” Rarity scolded.

“It’s ok Rarity, foals are curious.” Looking back to Sweetie Belle, Skies smiled. “It’s not a story for fillies anyway. All you need to know is that, when your parents say to stay out of places like the Everfree? Listen to them; they do know what they’re talking about, even if they are a bit annoying.” Sweetie nodded, giggling as Skies winked, before a thought struck Skies. “Say, do you know a filly called Apple Bloom?”

“Yep! She’s one of my best friends! And Scootaloo! We’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” Skies leant back again, ears back at the volume of Sweetie’s voice.

“… Crusaders?” She managed to ask after a moment.

“Yep! ‘Cause we’re on a crusade to find our cutie-marks!”

“Ahh, got it.” She nodded with a smirk.

“What’s your cutie-mark mean?” Skies raised an eyebrow, glancing at Rarity who now had an ear turned in their direction.

“It’s an… Archery cutie-mark.” I’m not completely lying!

“Archery? Like, with bows and arrows?”

“Yep!” She raised a hoof to stop the follow up question. “And no, I can’t let you have a go. My bow is way too much for a filly to use.”

“It’s that hard to use?” Sweetie Belle tilted her head.

“Yep! It takes a surprising amount of strength to use it.” Skies jokingly flexed.

“… I guess you do look kinda strong…” Sweetie Belle gasped. “Oh oh! You could help us try and get strongmare cutie-marks!” She shouted excitedly, hopping up and down. Rarity cringed over at her workstation.

“Strongmare? Sorry Sweetie, can’t help you with that.” Skies smiled apologetically at her, her eye tracking the bouncing filly.

“Aww, why not?” She pouted.

“Because it’s dangerous for little foals to try putting on too much muscle. You need to wait until you get older or you could do serious damage to yourself.” Sweetie sulked, but nodded.

“I guess…”

“Sorry, I’m not going to be much help to fillies like you and your friends. My skills aren’t skills you fillies should try and learn.”

“Awww…” Sweetie looked up at Skies, pouting still, giving her a pleading look.

“… Stop that, how are you doing that with your eyes?” Skies stared back, determined to resist the filly. “It’s not going to work. I mean it. Please stop?” Skies trembled before breaking eye contact, slumping. “Fiiiiiine we’ll find something to do.”

“Yay!” Sweetie Belle dashed off upstairs. Skies watched her go, and then turned to Rarity.

“Your sister is some kind of devil-filly, you know that right? How does she do that with her eyes?” Skies asked flatly.

“Sweetie Belle and her friends are all very good at persuading older ponies.”

“So I see…” Skies looked back to the door as Sweetie rushed back in, a make-up kit balanced on her back. “… What is that?”

“Make-up!” Sweetie Belle grinned, opening the box as Skies’ eye widened, starting to back up from the brush levitating towards her.

“Rarity, save me!”

“Well, all in all that went pretty well.” Cirrus looked back to Rainbow and Fluttershy, the latter of whom was reluctant to leave Rainbow’s side.

“Yeah… Kinda get how you feel, Flutters. There were a lot of people trying to talk to me,” she said, swallowing.

“You’ll be fine, you’ve just been through a lot and need some time to process it. You’ll bounce back,” said Cirrus, Fluttershy nodding and smiling in agreement. Cirrus blinked, looking past the two mares as an orange blur hurtled toward the group. “Incoming.” The two mares frowned and looked back as well before the blur impacted into Rainbow’s side.

“Oof. Hey Scoots,” she said, smiling as she put a hoof around what Cirrus could now see was an orange filly, clinging to Rainbow with her face buried into her fur. “You ok, kid?” She asked, before blinking as a wet sniffle was audible.

“Y-you’re b-back,” came the sobbed words, the filly shaking a little. “Y-you’re safe.” Rainbow gently patted her on the back.

“Yeah, I’m back. Hey…” She carefully knelt down, lifting the filly’s head to look at her. “Look at me. I’m back, ok?” The filly met her eyes with her own bloodshot ones, tears streaming down her face. She nodded, before burying her face back in her fur.

“I-I was s-so s-scared!” She cried, sniffling again. “Th-they said y-you crashed i-in the Everfree a-and no one knew wh-where you were,” she hiccuped out. “W-we wanted to go a-and look for you b-but Pinkie made us P-pinkie promise not to go.” Rainbow sighed and chuckled a bit at that.

“Remind me to thank Pinkie, then.” At Scootaloo’s sniffle, she continued. “Scoots, I know you were scared and worried, but I want you to promise me something,” she waited until Scootaloo looked up at her again before continuing. “No matter what happens, promise me you’ll never run off into dangerous places like the Everfree, alright?”

“B-but we could h-have helped-” Scootaloo halted her protest as Dash gently put her hoof up.

“When I was out there, do you know what scared me the most?” Scootaloo shook her head. “I was terrified that you, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle would run into the forest to look for me." Scootaloo was silent after that. "I know you wanted to help, and that's great. But until you're older, you need to be careful, ok?" The filly nodded after a minute, sniffling. "Good. We'll catch up later, yeah? I really need a shower and some rest." Scootaloo wrinked her nose at that.

"Yeah, you really do..." Rainbow chuckled. "A-alright, see you later." Scootaloo hesitated for a moment, before running off. Rainbow let out a sigh of relief, shoulders sagging.

"So... She seemed close to you," said Cirrus, looking at Rainbow.

"Yeah. That's Scootaloo. She's... Kind of like my honourary little sister. I'm just glad they had the sense to not run into the Everfree after me, even if Pinkie did need to make them promise..." She was silent for a moment, before perking up again. "So, we should get to my house." She took to the air, waiting for Fluttershy and Cirrus before turning and flying towards a large floating house made of clouds, a rainbow waterfall adding some colour to the exterior.

“So, this is your house, then?” Cirrus looked up at Rainbow Dash’s house. “I’m not sure why I didn’t figure that out earlier, what with the rainbows.”

“Yeah, that’s it. Built it myself.” Her eyes widened. “Wait, is Tank ok?” She looked over at Fluttershy, who giggled.

“I made sure he’s ok, don’t worry.” Rainbow relaxed a little as the trio landed outside her door. Fishing around in the clouds by her door, Rainbow produced a key, unlocking the door and letting them both in, closing the door behind her.

“So, welcome to my home. Fluttershy, you tidied up?” She asked, looking at the yellow pegasus who looked down.

“W-well, I was up here a lot to feed Tank and make sure he was ok, so…”

“Heh, thanks ‘Shy. Make yourselves comfortable I guess, I need something to eat.” She gestured towards the front room, before heading to the kitchen, rejoining the other two after a minute with some snacks. “Hey Cirrus? Mind if I ask what your cutie-mark means?” Cirrus glanced back at his mark, a snowflake overlaid with a wispy cloud.

“I’m very good when it comes to cold weather, be that very high altitude or just arctic conditions.” He sat on one of the sofas, relaxing into it. “I actually used to work up north at a blizzard-breaking station, and I sometimes work as a Winter Wrap-up specialist if we’re somewhere that needs it at the time.”

“Huh, that’s kinda cool. Does it help with your… Other job?”

“The hunts? Yeah. Flying at high altitudes means it’s easier for me to scout over long distances and go undetected, plus if we’re hunting something like a wendigo, having a pony that isn’t nearly as affected by the cold is very useful. Plus I can use clouds to create shards of ice as a weapon.”

“… Ok that’s very cool.” Rainbow managed a smile at him as Fluttershy hid behind her mane a little at the talk of weapons. “What did the rest of your group do before all this?”

“Hooves is a carpenter, good one as well, still practices his trade on the road, and Tender Care was a nurse.”

“What about Shield and Skies?” Cirrus frowned at the question, tilting his head back and forth as he considered his answer.

“I don’t actually know much about Shield’s life before the Order, but that’s standard for Guardians really. The Order tries to pick people with as few ties as possible to their old lives to be Guardians. I know he was picked up by the Order before he got his mark. As for Skies… I don’t think she actually has any skills that have any real application outside the Order.”

“Really? She’d make a great Guard.”

“Actually she’d be pretty bad as a Guard. She would detest having to follow orders in that way. It is something that bothers her; the rest of us would be fine outside the Order, even Shield, he’d do extremely well in the Guard. But Skies… She’d probably end up actually joining a mercenary group somewhere.”

“Wow… I kinda feel bad for her now,” said Rainbow, scratching the back of her head as Fluttershy whimpered a little.

“That’s so sad…”

“Yeah. There aren’t many of us in the Order whose talent is exclusively in Order work. They’re some of the best, no doubt, but it’s rough on them. Whilst the rest of us can blend into society relatively well with our skill sets, the best Skies can manage is busking on a street corner or singing rowdy songs in a tavern.”

“She seems so upbeat though.”

“She’s generally pretty upbeat, and she’s no social cripple. She’s just… Very aware that her skill set has no place amongst normal ponies and would have no real source of income.” Cirrus replied with a sigh, before looking up as a tortoise, suspended by a propellor, drifted into the room. “... I’m going to assume that’s Tank?” He asked, looking at Rainbow as the tortoise drifted over to her and gave her a lick on the cheek, causing her to giggle.

“Yep, this is Tank.” She said, gently nuzzling him.

“Not what I was expecting, but fair enough,” he said, nodding.

“Not what I was expecting either when I asked Flutters to help me find a pet.” Fluttershy beamed happily. “Right, I’m going to take a shower. Help yourselves to snacks in the kitchens, ‘Shy knows where everything in the house is if you need anything else.” Cirrus nodded as Rainbow left, before turning his attention to the pictures on the walls.

“Big Wonderbolts fan, huh?” He asked, looking to Fluttershy.

“Oh yes, she’s trying really hard to join them one day. She’s the best flier I know, so I’m sure she’ll get in.” She nodded, smiling.

“Heh, kid’s got aspirations I’ll give her that. Think she’s going to be ok?”

“I think so. Rainbow Dash is strong. It’s like you said, she just needs some time.” Cirrus nodded.

“Good, good. Wonder how the others are doing…”

“So Hooves.” Applejack started as they stored the Order ponies’ equipment after she returned from town. “What’s yer story?”

“Not that interesting. Grew up here in Ponyville, moved out when I grew up, started working as a carpenter. Monster attacked the town, helped fight it off, and some pony convinced me to take up monster hunting. Been working under Skies for a few years now.”

“Ah thought Shield was in charge of yer group?” Applejack looked over curiously as she left the cellar, followed by Hooves.

“Shield’s been placed in command of our group for the time being, but this is the first time he’s been properly attached to the group. Normally it’s just Skies, Cirrus, Tender and I. Skies is normally in command. Given that her cutie-mark is in hunting, makes sense for her to be in charge.”

“Huh, so that’s what ‘er cutie-mark is? She seemed reluctant to talk about it last night.”

“The story about her getting it isn’t fun. I’ll leave her to tell that one.”

“Right. Ya said yer from Ponyville? Any relation to Time Turner? Lotta folks call ‘im Doctor Whooves.” Hooves thought for a second.

“Name doesn’t ring a bell, sorry. Doubt you’d know my uncle, he raised me here but he left town shortly after I did.” Applejack nodded.

“So, yer alright helpin’ me ‘round the farm?”

“That’s the idea. I’m meant to be here protecting you, figure I can help out by way of thanks for accommodating us. I’m strong enough to haul and carry, and like I said I’m good with carpentry.” He gestured to his cutie-mark, a saw crossed with a plank of wood.

“Well, that’s mighty kind of ya. Ah mentioned that the barn’s roof needs some work, if yer up for it?” Hooves nodded, sitting to root around in his saddlebags.

“What’s the problem?”

“Bit of a leak in the back left corner, and some of the roof beams look a bit worn,” Applejack said watching Hooves nod.

“Alrighty, you got a ladder?” He asked, standing again after closing his saddlebags.

“In the barn. Ah’ll be workin’ just outside in the trees there.” She pointed at the copse of trees between the barn and the fence closest to Ponyville.

“Shout if you see anything, alright?” He said, walking back into the barn.

“Anythin’? Like what?”

“Anything out of the ordinary! Like a monster or some such!” Hooves called back, setting up the ladder and climbing up to have a look at the roof beams.

“Got it!” She called back, wandering out into the field to start collecting the apples. Should probably tell them sometime about all the monster attacks we get…

“So you worked in an emergency room?! That’s super cool!” Pinkie shouted, bouncing along beside Tender Care. The unicorn chuckled.

“We called it ‘accident and emergency’ in Trottingham, but yes, the idea is the same.” She smiled, nodding to her cutie-mark, a roll of bandages. “I specialised in physical injuries, like broken bones, lacerations. I was a paramedic for a time as well, which is actually how I met Hooves. We’d gotten a call out to the outskirts where there were a lot of injured ponies. We arrived, and started emergency treatment when a monster came out of an alleyway right at one of my patients. I don’t actually remember what happened next, I just remember seeing red.”

“It was red?” Asked Pinkie, tilting her head in confusion.

“No, it means ‘got very angry’. From what Hooves tells me, he was about to attack the monster, but I got to it before he did and fought it off. He chased after it, and later that night told me all about the Order, and asked if I was interested in joining.”

“What kind of meanie would attack a hurt pony though?” Pinkie huffed. “Big meanie monster.”

“You see why we hunt them, then?”

“I gueeeeeess but can’t you try convincing them not to be big meanies? Oh, you could throw them a party!” Tender Care blinked, watching Pinkie jump around.

“Throw a party for something like a hydra? I don’t think that’ll work.”

“I guess but you can’t zap them with something like the Elements?” Pinkie asked. Tender Care stopped and smiled at her.

“I appreciate the fact that you’re trying to find a nonviolent solution, but ultimately, unless the Elements of Harmony can be everywhere at once, we have no choice but our methods. Believe me; I would love to live in a world where the Order isn’t required, where monsters don’t threaten innocents. Where we can all go back to our old lives without having to worry about things like Marabas. We’d be a lot happier. But we don’t, and we can’t. So, we continue to do our duty.” Pinkie nodded, trying to think of a happier topic.

“So... Shield said you used to bake?”

“Oh, yes!” Tender Care smiled. “Never professionally, but I’d sometimes bring a cake or muffins to the hospital or for the paramedics.”

“Well, we shouldn’t be tooooooo busy today but you’ll be doing a lot of baking!” Pinkie said, dashing into Sugarcube Corner. Tender Care shook her head, chuckling as she followed her in. “Hey Mr and Mrs Cake! Oh!” She dragged Tender Care over, one hoof around her shoulders. “Thiiiiiiis is Tender Care! She’s a friend of Desert Skies, the new pegasus! Tender Care, this is Mr and Mrs Cake!”

“Pleasure to meet you.” Tender smiled, nodding to them both.

“Hello Ms. Care. We heard that someone had rescued Rainbow Dash, so thank you. Pinkie’s been inconsolable with her missing,” Mr. Cake replied, the pair smiling at her. “Desert Skies, was that the one you said was a pirate, Pinkie?”

“Yep! Except she says she isn’t a pirate!”

“Oh, that’s… Good? You’re sure she isn’t a pirate?”

“Skies is an interesting pony, to be sure, but she isn’t a pirate, I can vouch for that.” Tender chuckled. “Pinkie said something about me helping out in the kitchen?”

“Oh yeah!” Pinkie bounced over to the Cakes. “I thought that since Pound Cake isn’t feeling very well that we could use an extra pair of hooves so somepony can take care of him and not leave us understaffed in the kitchen!”

“Pound Cake?” Asked Tender Care.

“Our son, baby pegasus.” Mrs Cake said, glancing upstairs with concern. “He’s not very well at the moment. Since Pinkie trusts you, if you’re willing to help out that would be very helpful. Do you know how to bake?”

“I do, but I’m actually a nurse.” She turned so they could see her cutie-mark. “I could take a look if you want?”

“Oh, if it’s not too much trouble.”

“Not at all.” Tender smiled reassuringly. “What are his symptoms?”

“He’s running a temperature, and has been crying on and off since really early,” Mr Cake said, motioning for Tender Care to follow him.

“Has he been fed this morning?” She asked, following along.

“He has, he threw some of it back up though.” Tender Care nodded, thinking the symptoms over as she followed Mr Cake to the foal’s room, finding a unicorn filly chewing on the side of her crib. “That’s Pumpkin Cake, Pound’s twin sister.”

“Aww. Has she started surging yet?” Mr Cake looked at her, and then pointed at a scorch mark on the ceiling. “… Ah. Bit of a handful at that age.” She chuckled. “I take it that’s Pound Cake’s crib?” She pointed at the other crib in the room.

“It is, yeah. He should still be in there, but, you know, baby pegasus.” He chuckled nervously, peeking into the crib. “Yeah, he’s here.” Tender Care trotted over, peeking in. The pegasus filly was clearly upset, kicking his legs into the air as he burped.

“Hmm, let’s see.” Tender Care gently reached a hoof down to Pound’s forehead. “Running a bit of a temperature…” She frowned as Pound burped again, arching his back and kicking his hooves. “Right, I think I know what the matter is.”

“You do?” Tender Care nodded, sitting down.

“The fever is quite common amongst foals, and his temperature isn’t high enough for me to be too worried. As for the crying and throwing up, I suspect acid reflux. Nothing too worrying, I’d try feeding him smaller, more frequent feedings, and keep him upright and quiet for about half an hour after feeding. Not easy with a baby pegasus, I know, but it will help. Foal pain relief should help with the fever.” Tender Care smiled as she watched Mr Cake practically deflate.

“Oh thank Celestia. You’re sure it’s nothing serious?”

“It doesn’t appear to be. Obviously, if the symptoms worsen, or if they don’t improve in the next day or two, I’d recommend seeing a doctor. These kinds of symptoms are common amongst foals.”

“Are you a foal care nurse, then?” He asked curiously, watching Pumpkin Cake as she started gnawing her blanket instead.

“Actually I’m accident and emergency. I learnt a lot of the foal care out of necessity; you would not believe the number of scared parents that present to the A and E with foals. Or, maybe you would.” She gave him a good-natured smile.

“I think I can understand where they’re coming from.” He chuckled, returning her smile. “We’d best get back down to the kitchen, my wife wants to look after Pound today.” Tender Care nodded, following him back out. Pausing at the top of the stairs, he turned back to her to whisper. “Do you mind if I ask you something?” Tender Care blinked, but nodded. “Desert Skies. Is she, you know… Safe? I don’t like asking that, but…” He looked to the foals’ room. “I have to prioritise my foals, you know?”

“I know. Mr Cake, I can vouch for Skies. She’s an intimidating pony, I’ll readily accept that. I do understand your concern, but I promise she’d never do anything to hurt a foal. Stars, I’ve seen her jump in front of a rampaging manticore to save a filly before.” Mr Cake nodded, hanging his head.

“Sorry for asking you something like that about your friend.” Tender Care smiled.

“It’s really no big issue. Parents are protective of their kids, it’s only natural. Just, try to avoid letting Skies know that? She’s acutely aware of the effect she has on other ponies, and it’s something that really bothers her.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” He nodded, before continuing downstairs. Tender Care looked back at the foals’ room before following.

If anything does attack us in Ponyville, it better be smart enough to stay far away from those foals, for its own sake.

“So, you live in a tree? Which is also a library?” Shield walked after Twilight, limping a little thanks to his shoulder.

“Yep, I’m the town librarian.” She grinned at him.

“You like your books then?” He asked with a chuckle.

“Oh very much so, I am Princess Celestia’s student after all.”

“Right, that.” Shield winced internally. “So, what’s the library’s inventory like?”

“Surprisingly good, actually. There are a lot of books there that I haven’t found anywhere else.”

“Good to know, we might find something useful then.” Twilight nodded, sighing.

“I hope so… I can’t imagine how Dash is feeling right now…”

“It’ll be a lot easier for her with the help of her friends, just remember that.” Shield smiled at her as she opened the door to the library.

“You’re right.” She nodded, closing the door once Shield was inside as well. “Spike will still be asleep, I think. Whilst we wait for him, do you want some tea?”

“I’d love some, thanks.” He followed her through to the living areas of the library.

“So, Skies said you were a ‘Guardian’? She said you protected dangerous places?”

“That’s the general idea, yes.” He sat at the table, rubbing his injured shoulder.

“Right. How does one pony do that? The Guard deploys at least a squad to defend locations.” She asked, looking at him as she set a kettle to boil.

“Guardians are some of the best fighters the Order has. Most fighters in the Order would be more than a match for a single Guard, and many of our hunters could probably beat a squad on their own. Guardians are even more potent. For my part, I’m capable of summoning barriers almost instantaneously and can teleport multiple times per second. I’m also a skilled pyromancer, to say nothing of my hoof-to-hoof fighting ability. Ultimately, however, for all our martial prowess, it is unlikely that a single Guardian would be able to defeat a prisoner like Marabas. There simply aren’t enough Guardians to dedicate multiple to more than a hoof full of sites. So at the other sites, against a threat like Marabas the duty of a Guardian is to keep whatever it is occupied for long enough for help to arrive. And if that means goading something like Marabas into torturing us to keep it distracted, then so be it.” Twilight flinched, ears going back.

“That’s awful! Why not tell the Princesses, or the other nations? They’d be able to help.” Shield grimaced.

“You’re the Princess’ student, so I assume you know a lot about magic? Precisely, the focus and power that certain spells require?” She nodded after a moment. “So you know that teleportation is fairly intensive, even over short distances, and tends to disorient the user briefly. Plus it takes a good amount of focus.”

“That’s right, yes.”

“I’m capable of teleporting rapidly in the middle of a fight without disorienting myself, and I’m still capable of generating powerful barriers and pyromancy spells. With the exception of some high-ranking soldiers and specially trained units, how many in your Guard would actually be able to deal with a fighter like myself?”

“… Ok I get your point.” She sagged a little.

“Don’t get me wrong, the Guard are extremely important. En masse the Guard would overwhelm me, there’s only so much one pony can keep track of, and a single pony can’t win a war because they can’t be everywhere at once. The Guard serve a vital function; it’s just a very different function to mine. I’m pretty bad at other things. For instance, I’m useless at anything stealthy. Or ranged combat without my magic.” He chuckled. “Something Skies and Cirrus just love to remind me of.” Twilight nodded, smiling back at him.

“I think I understand. Still, I don’t like secrets being kept from the Princesses…”

“I know, but it’s better this way. Some things from the Old World are too dangerous to spread knowledge of.” His ear flicked. “Something upstairs is moving.”

“Oh, that’ll be Spike, I’ll go get him.” She trotted out of the room and upstairs, leaving Shield with his tea. “Spike, is that you?”

“Oh, hey Twilight.” The young dragon yawned, rubbing his eyes. “You didn’t come back last night. Good party?”

“Sorry Spike, but something really important came up.” She gave him a nuzzle as she apologised. “Speaking of which, we’ve got a guest downstairs, he has some important news.”

“What kind of news?” He asked, walking down the stairs.

“Very important. He’s in the kitchen.” Twilight followed him back down. Spike entered the kitchen first, pausing to stare at the unfamiliar, bandaged unicorn. “Spike, this is Shield. Shield, this is my assistant, Spike.”

“A dragon assistant? I’m not sure what I was expecting but it wasn’t that.” He chuckled, setting his tea down. “Nice to meet you Spike.”

“Uh, yeah. Hi.” Spike was staring at the unicorn’s heavily bandaged shoulder. “What happened to your shoulder?”

“You should see the other pony.” Shield chuckled, before catching Twilight’s disapproving glare. “Sorry, bad joke. It’s related to what I’m here about, actually. I heard your conversation; you want me to tell him?”

“I don’t think we should exclude him,” replied Twilight, Spike looking between the two of them.

“Right. Spike, Rainbow Dash is alive, and is in Ponyville. My friends and I found her in the Everfree.” Spike’s jaw dropped.

“Wait, she’s ok?! I need to go tell Scootaloo!” He made to sprint off, Twilight caught him in her magic.

“Easy there Spike, there’s… Still a problem.”

“Huh?” He looked totally lost. Shield sighed as he met Spike’s eyes.

“A monster we call Marabas did something to her. She’s still herself, but we don’t know the full extent of what happened yet. Take a seat, there’s a lot to tell if you want the full story.”

“So that’s how you and Dash met, huh?” Asked Cirrus, listening to Fluttershy’s story.

“Mhm, and we’ve been friends since then. We drifted apart a little after flight school, but after we both moved to Ponyville we reconnected.”

“That’s good. True friends are good to keep close.” He said with a smile, heading to the window. “Wow, Dash has got a good view from up here. Wait…” He frowned, squinting into the distance and fishing a spyglass out of his saddlebag.

“What is it?” Asked Fluttershy, tilting her head.

“Something in the forest.” He peered through the spyglass, training it on the Everfree. His eyes widened, lowering the glass. “Buck. Something’s coming.”

Author's Note:

Chapter six is a little late thanks to the site technical issues! Hope you enjoy!