• Published 19th Nov 2023
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Our Name Across The Multiverse: 10 years later - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

The endless sea of the multiverse, anything and everything, will and had happened...but what will happen when a lone girl, with a golden rainbow sun core, lost its reason to shine and raise its dawn? A endless night will come to the multiverse

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End Of 1st Arc: ch.14 The Spark...

Braver's face started to bubble as she spoke to her mom, "Like you?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes, like me. To become an Alicorn. This was meant for Dawn, but..." she turned her gaze at the black barrier dome, seeing white flashes and muffled noise from within it. "But not anymore. I was wrong about her. It was meant for you, but I didn't want to change your life. You wanted to be like Nightfall, a librarian. That was the life you wanted, so I respect it, but..." she steps aside, revealing Braver's friends, all standing there. "But the friends you made, most of them, you gave them a second chance, helped with their problems, and listened to them. Something we couldn't have done for them. You have it, the spark!"

"Spark?" whispered Braver.

Twilight nodded. "Yes, the spark. Everyone has it in them; it just needs to be lit. Friendship, love, and caring about others—it's the spark! You have it, my little sweetie! The spell was meant to unlock the hidden power within, help Dawn with her friends, remember that spark, and be my successor for the future." Twilight placed her hoof on the shield, crying, "But the elements or someone was trying to tell me otherwise. Each time I saw you after making friends, I saw 'them .'The other versions of Dash and I are the ones who joined us in saving you and your sister. You kept our lessons and speeches in your heart and taught your friends that very message."
She looked at her daughter's friends, then at Dash and the girls, her eyes full of tears and smiling. "That's why I was wrong. It wasn't Dawn's destiny; it was yours. To help those who lost their way find their spark." Twilight closed her eyes and started singing; Dash and the girls soon joined in.

"A true, true friend helps a friend in need.
A friend will be there to help them see
A true friend helps a friend in need.
To see the light!
(To see the light!)
That shines!
(That shines!)
From a true, true friend!"

Twilight opened her eyes; they were glowing, along with the elements of harmony. Braver lowered her shield, allowing her mother to walk towards her and nuzzling her face. "A mark of one's destiny, singled out alone, fulfilled by all of us together; we're friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end—a bright spark."

A bright flash and the two were gone. Dash looked up at the sky, seeing their universe cracking. She closed her eyes and knew everything would be okay. She believed in Twilight and her daughter.

Braver opened her eyes, seeing this weird space-like universe. She barely stood up and called out to her mother, "Hello? Where am I? What is this place? Mom?"

Walking out of the galaxy and looking at the mist, Twilight opened her wings and smiled at her daughter with great pride. "Sweetie, I'm so proud of you. You are the second pony to be here. The spell would have failed otherwise, proving that this is your destiny. Dawn couldn't understand friendship like you do. The lessons you've learned from us when we saved you and here, in my universe, have taught you well. You have proven that you're ready, Rainboo-No." Twilight corrected herself, "Rainbow Braver Sparkle. Daughter of Dash and I."

Braver suddenly saw screens of her life in this universe, helping others in need, befriending her friends and helping them over the years, even seeing Dawn. She also heard her mother singing as her mom stood by her side, guiding her down the path ahead of them and showing her more memories.

"You've come such a long, long way.
And I've watched you from that very first day.
To see how you might grow
To see what you might do
To know what you've been through
And all the ways you've made me proud of you."

They stop as the memories all disappear, leaving the two all alone.

"It's time now for a new change to come.
You've grown up, and your new life has begun.
To go where you will go
To see what you will see
To find out what you will be
For it's time for you to fulfill your destiny."

Braver could see a rainbow light popping from her chest, surrounding her, and raising her into the air. She felt something warm.

Twilight looked up and shed a tear. "My daughter, I've always believed in you. You're the only one who can do this. Your spark will show the way. My little sweetie, we'll be watching over you no matter where you are or who you're with. You are a bright rainbow star in the sky, the symbol of...huh?" Twilight suddenly saw something wrong; the rainbow light flew away from Braver, making her fall. Twilight picks up her daughter and asks, "What's going on!? It should work!?" Suddenly, she saw her daughter's slim body turn hard and crack as a bright rainbow light blasted within her like a bomb. "No..."

Braver nuzzled her face. "It's okay, mom. 'This' isn't my destiny. It's someone else's. I can feel it, like a sunny day..." Braver leans back, revealing half of her cracked and crumbling face and the melting ooze inside of her. Twilight shakes her head as tears fall. "This is my reason for being here. Saving you all, even if it cost me my life. I'm a slime, a slime creature, not a pony." Braver could feel herself getting heavy and knew the end was coming. "Mom... I know it hurts, but it's okay. Thank you for trying, but this is fate. I always wanted to help others, to spare them from their fate. To repay what I did in the past..." her arm and back leg turned to stone, crumbling away soon after. "It was never enough, but saving this universe will be enough, and I can finally..." Her wings and horn turned to stone and faded like dust in the wind. "Rest."

Twilight screamed, "NO!" She grabbed her daughter, trying to keep her from falling apart. The two fell to the ground, holding each other as they cried. The rainbow light hovered above and landed far from them, turning into a pony and being covered by a rainbow blanket. Soon, the world started to fade out in a white blur.

"Braver?" whispered Dash, seeing her daughter crumble away bit by bit. She slowly walked over and spoke with a breaking heart, "Twi, what happened? Why didn't the spell work? It should have had work." Dash's eyes were full of tears as she watched her daughter reach out to her, asking for one last hug, which she happily gave her, and screaming in sadness.

Everyone was quiet, as they all couldn't believe it. Braver was going to die, and nothing was going to change that. She was crumbling away, right in their eyes, and they couldn't do anything. They had no words to say and no ideas to make this right; not even the elements could change it.

"NO!" screamed Cozy, crushing the ground before her. "I DON'T FUCKING BELIEVE IT! She can't die! NOT LIKE THIS!"
Braver's eyes turned to stone and broke apart. "I'm sorry." She could feel herself falling apart faster now, and staying awake was too much for her. She looked over to her friends, hearing their cries, along with the others, even her sister, Blitz. She smiled. "Blitz, I believe in you. Please save Dawn for me."

Blitz closed her eyes. "Don't talk like you're dying! If you were, I would be in pain just like you. So why? She opened her eyes and felt her chest, not feeling her element dying like her sister.

"Because your element isn't an element."

Blitz noticed the blanket pony in front of her, spooking her.
"Who are you!? Where did you come from!?"

"Blitz, what's wrong?" Twilah asked, making her daughter point to the pony. However, she saw that her mother couldn't see anyone there.
Blitz turned back to the pony, asking her what she meant by that.

"Even though you two are twins, you don't share the same elements. Your sister carries four other elements, while your parents carry the other two. Notice that it will make seven elements." said the pony, standing on her hind legs and touching Blitz's chest. "You carry the spark, so Braver didn't become a real Alicorn. Plus, that spell is meant for someone else in the far future."

"So it's my fault!? It's why she's going to die!?" asked Blitz, crying. At the same time, her parents were worried as they saw her talking to herself.

The pony shook her head. "No. You can save her; use your spark to create the spell again. Go to Twilight! Tell her to channel the spell through your core. We'll be backing you up in this." The pony disappeared. Blitz looked at her chest and clutched it. She ran towards Twilight, telling her to redo the spell, but through her.

"Blitz, what are you-" said Twilight, but she stopped when she saw the rainbow core flashing in Blitz's chest, almost like it was telling her to listen to Blitz.

Blitz held out her hand. "Please...!"

Twilight looks at her, then at Braver. She closed her eyes and used her magic, redoing the spell through Blitz Core, which shot out a rainbow pillar and covered the whole world in a rainbow light. Soon, within Braver's dying core, four lights shot out and landed next to Twilight's friends.

AJ stepped back as she saw a version of herself wearing a green cloak and an eye patch. Her copy turned to her and looked at her before spitting on the ground, annoyed by AJ's look. "Nice hat." AJ could feel the lying within her voice.

Fluttershy watched as her copy landed beside her, covered in battle scars, wearing a green military jacket and brown boots. She turned to Fluttershy, her eyes going crazed. "Kid, have you ever been in a Griffon prison before!? Choking the life out of those stupid birds!? MERCY IS THE ONLY KINDNESS IN WAR!". Fluttershy backed away as her copy was choking air, and the only thing she could whimper was, "Oh my..."

Pinkie saw her copy landing, and they both smiled at each other.
"I never saw you at the Pinkie Company! Were you trapped somewhere?" asked Pinkie.

Her copy nodded. "Sister, you don't know the half of it!" She pulled out a pink rock on a stick. "Rock candy!?"

Pinkie's eyes light up, and she grabs her rock candy. "Yes, please! I'm dying for some sugar!" Pinkie bites it; her teeth scatter like glass because it is a real rock, just dipped in pink coloring. Her copy starts to laugh at the mean prank.

Rarity saw her copy landing and saw her poor version, which was very sick. She was coughing out blood and holding onto her heart like she could drop dead. Rarity stepped away as her copy sneezed in her hoof, and some white fur fell off. She turned to Rarity, holding out her bugger and snot-covered hoof. "I'm sick; please give me money." Rarity summoned her famous couch and fell into it. Her copy just dropped dead on the ground, while Fluttershy's copy yelled, "MARE DOWN!"

Twilight and Dash were confused by the copies of her friends, but their eyes went wide as Twilah and Dashie's chests glowed purple and blue, and soon 'they' appeared along with them.

"Rainbow Sky..." whispered both Dash and Dashie.

"Nightfall," whisper Twilight and Twilah.

Both mares didn't say anything, almost like they didn't notice any of them, just standing there.

Blitz started to cry as she saw her mothers again, but she felt her tears being wiped away by the blanket pony.

"It's not them; they're somewhere else right now. Sorry," said the pony.

"I know. I miss them," said Blitz, wiping away the tears and sniffling. "What now?"

The pony smiled as her wings burst out of the blanket. "This!" She became a rainbow light and entered Blitz's core. She came back out and entered Braver's core, and what came out was a blue and purple spark. AJ saw those sparks and shouted, "Twilight! Could you do it? That's what I saw that night at the river!"

"...river? When she..." asked Tempest, who stopped as AJ nodded.

Twilight didn't understand, but she nodded, closed her eyes, and started singing again. Dash was with her this time. Even the girls and Braver's friends began to sing the background vocals, but the song was different this time. This was for Braver and hers alone, while the copies of six elements of Nightfall and friends closed their eyes, and their chests started to glow and release their element lights into Braver's dying core.

"You've come such a long, long way.
(Long way!)
And we've watched you since the very first day we saved you.
(saved you!)
To see how you might grow
To see what you might do
To know what you've been through
And all the ways you've made us proud of you—the beautiful things we've seen you do
You gave your friends such a gift to see the world in a better light through their own eyes.
(from their own eyes!)
You've helped them open up; now they're finding their own way.
(They're finding their way!)
(And you've opened our eyes and shown us the way.)
We love you, Braver.
(We love you, Braver!)
And we believe in you, Braver.
(We believe in you, Braver!)
We know that you can change the world.
Because even though you are you, you carry the best parts of us inside of you.

Everyone watched as the blue and purple spark of light entered Braver, and she slowly rose into the air and became surrounded by it.
Everyone stopped singing, and the only ones singing were Twilight and Dash.

"It's time now for a new change to come.
You've grown up, and your new life has begun.
To go where you will go
To see what you will see
To find out what you will be
It's time for you to find your path.
You aren't us; you are your future.
Your own story
Don't let fate write it.
It's yours and yours alone."

Dash and Twilight started to cry as their daughter became a real Alicorn, a real pony.
Twilight and Dash look up, and both tear up as they whisper, "Our daughter, we've always believed in you. You're the only one who can do this. Your spark will show the way. Our little sweetie, we'll watch over you no matter where you are or with whom you're with. You are a bright rainbow star in the sky, the symbol of. Love. Thank you for loving us in this universe for the last ten years. We love you, sweet pea."

They all watched as the light flashed across the sky and vanished, hoping to see Braver as a real Alicorn. However, they grew worried when a big black ball of slime landed in front of Twilight, Dash, and Blitz.

"It didn't work?" Fluttershy asked as everyone looked on.

The slime slowly formed and became an Alicorn, but everyone was confused—but not AJ, as she could only smile. "Just like the perfect image of her mother."

Braver rose; her body was slime-like but also like a real pony. She opened her eyes, still purple. Her cutie mark was Twilight's, but it was slightly different, with five rainbow stars surrounding it. Her mane and tail were slime-like but filled with rainbow slime. Twilight stepped closer and cried, "It's like looking in a mirror."

Braver smiled. "Blitz takes after Mom, but I take after you! Like you guys said, I carry the best part of you!" Braver hugged Twilight and Dash tightly, then hugged her sister and the blanket pony, but quickly opened her eyes. "Wait, who are you!?"

Blitz realized she could see her as well. "That's what I want to know as well." Twilight and Dash were confused as they watched the twins talking to no one.

The blanket pony hugged Braver and pulled in Blitz. Both sisters could feel the tears falling on their shoulders, making them hug her back and make her speak, "Finally, I can hold you two! I don't ever want this to end!"

"Who are you?" asked both sisters.

She held them closer and said, "I'm-" but before she could answer, a powerful blast could be heard from within the black dome, and it started to crumble, revealing Rainbow Dawn on one knee, covered in blood and bruises. She was severely hurt.

"How!? How are you so powerful!?" asked Rainbow Dawn as her copy rolled her fist and glared at her.

"I fought tougher assholes, and you are nothing compared to them. Tsk, a disappointment! Just a sad little girl who lost her way." She turned to the others and smiled as she saw Braver become a real Alicorn. "First half of the promise done, sweetie. On to the next one."

Rainbow Dawn stood up, summoned the prism window, and spoke, "When I eat this 'Lucy,' I'll search for you and eat you! I promise you that!"

The other Dawn put her gloves away. "Shut up and run away already with your tail between your legs. Sick of seeing you already."

Rainbow Dawn grew mad and leaped through the window. Soon, the prism window almost disappeared, but Dawn grabbed it, stopping it from disappearing.
"Whoa now, not disappearing yet like before. You are staying here." She turned and saw the twins running up and asking who she was. "It's what you see, is what you get." She rubbed her nose with her thumb. "I'm happy to see all three of you like this; it's a wonderful sight."

"Three?" said the twins, realizing she could see 'her,' who was behind them and taken aback by it. It was even more so when Dawn leaned to her side and glared at her, but it was happy.

"So, that's how you look like—cute!"

The blanket pony blushes and hides behind the sisters. "...c-cute?"

Dawn smiled, standing upright, and pointed to the window. "Better hurry, you two! Lucy is in danger. I gave a good smack to my other version, but you need to finish it. Don't worry if you fail to beat her ass; you'll have six days before Rainbow Dawn goes after Lucy. After that, the end will come."


"I can't tell you everything; this isn't my story to write; it's yours. Remember this: as someone very dear to me once said, 'No one deserves a sad fate, no matter who it is. Everyone deserves a happy ending. Screw fate! It doesn't control anyone's destiny! If it wants to, it will have to go through me!'"

The twins were surprised as they faced each other and looked back at her, seeing her crying and smiling simultaneously.

"I'm so happy right now, seeing you like this, just like she dreamed of."

"She?" asked all three.

She shook her head, zipped her mouth, and pointed to the window as it struggled to escape her grip. Both twins nodded and turned back to the blanket pony, who nodded but heard someone calling out to her.

"Wet blanket, go! We'll stay behind and fix this mess!" said the AJ copy as she walked over with the other copies. "Braver core is fixed and complete now. As long as she lives, we won't disappear. Go."

Blanket looked at the other copies, all agreeing.
"We have a lot to talk about later,...friends."

All copies smiled, making Blanket smile as well.
"See you!" she shouted as she turned into rainbow sparks and entered both twin cores. The twins could feel the warmth in their chests, turn to the prism window, and jump through it.

"Braver!" shouted her parents as they rushed over. "We're coming! Dawn is my student! I'm not going to abandon her!" Twilight jumped through, while Dash said, "Another multiverse adventure! Finally, something fun!" as she leaped through. Twilah and Dashie were behind them, ready to go home and help out, but Dawn suddenly sensed something and pushed them away as a black figure crashed into the prism window, shattering it. She quickly got in front of them and took a battle stance.

"Tsk, of course, you'll be here!" Dawn spit on the ground, put on her gloves, and tightened her fist.

Everyone watched as the area around them became static. A black dead tree stood behind the dark anthro pony as she rose up. She cracked her knuckles and put her hands in her black cargo pants.

"So, that's where she learned all that shit from? Stupid girl, I can't believe she did all that shit for random strangers." She smiled and tipped her head to the side. "My job is done here. Fate will be written in stone; you can't escape it." She started to laugh, entered the dead tree, and disappeared.

Dawn lowers her stance and curses under her breath. "Fucking bitch. You're not escaping me." She turned to Twilah and Dashie and smirked. "You two need to find another way back home. Talk to Sunset; she'll point you in the right direction. I can't help anymore. I'm needed somewhere else right now. Sorry." She turned away and ran into the glitching prism, but she vanished as the effects disappeared. The black core sun was also gone, but the water was still burning the land.

"This isn't good," said Twilah, making Dashie agree with her as everyone gathered around them.

In the realm between universes, Rainbow Dawn landed in the white water and held her sides, cursing at her excellent copy and how she lost that fight.
"How did she beat me!? I should be the strongest thing alive in the multiverse!" She punched the water and splashed it all over the place. "That fucking bitch. I'm not letting her have the last laugh! I need to find and eat this, Lucy. I can sense it within me; it will make me stronger."

The prism window returned, and she could see the Earth and Blitz House. She was about to enter it, but she sensed something behind her and turned to see the twins, ready to fight her.

"I'm not letting you near Lucy! You'll have to get through us!" shouted Blitz, her eyes glowing as she was pissed off.

"Yeah, and I'm going to make you release Dawn! Give her back!" Braver had her magic at the ready as both sisters stared their foe down but noticed her blushing.

"You aren't fakes; you are 'her'! My rainbow comet light!" She smiled as she clutched her chest, making more rainbows leak out. "Eating Lucy will make you appear! It's telling me this! I'll show you my love!" After she said that, she was behind them, ready to punch them, but Blitz used her speed to push Braver away, dodging the blow herself.

"Not a chance in hell! I'm not letting you near Lucy; you're sick in the head!"

"Sick in the head!? HAHAHA! I'm the sanest person alive, and my love for you isn't sick. I'm Rainbow Dawn!"

Blitz knee-kicked her in the face, making her stumble back, but it didn't hurt her, while Braver used this chance and hit her with a blast of rainbow light.

"Dawn, I know you're in there! Fight it!" shouted Braver.

Dawn felt the light touch her and shook it off like it was nothing.

"Sorry, my love is stronger than your friendship!" She pounds her fist and dashes towards Braver, hitting her in the face, but she can feel and see Braver pushing her fist back with her cheek, making Rainbow Dawn smile joyfully. "Her strength! That's 'her'! YES! MAKE HER COME OUT!"

Braver punched her in the gut, put her in a headlock, and, using her royal Canterlot voice, ordered her, "I'M BRAVER! I SCATTER A UNIVERSE WITH EASE! YOU ARE NOTHING! LET MY FRIEND GO!"

Dawn started to laugh as she slowly pulled Braver's arm off, shocking her. "YES! THAT UNLIMITED POWER! I miss it! I MISS YOU, MY LOVE! Your love is my power! AND I'LL NEVER LET YOU GO AGAIN! MY HEART BEAT FOR YOU!" She elbowed Braver and kicked her away, but Blitz ran past her sister and punched Dawn with such speed that you couldn't track her. Dawn was tanking the hit as she blushed with joy. "Yes, even your speed! It's 'her'!"

Blitz stopped and punched her again. "SHUT UP, ALRE-" Dawn caught the punch and pulled Blitz into her arms, hugging her with love. Blitz blushed as she could feel Dawn's breasts pushing on her face. "W-what the fuck!?"

"Your speed! Your strength! It's just like 'her'! My body is remembering everything!"

Braver got up and teleported behind her to grab her by the waist and suplex her, sending her into the water, but she didn't budge from letting Blitz go. "Stop talking like a psycho! We aren't her! And even if we're here, stop fighting us! This isn't love!"

Dawn got up while holding onto Blitz. Braver let go and turned to her. She could see her eyes were blank, but she was still smiling. "But it is love. My heart and soul were taken from me by her, and I can never feel true love without her. She's my everything, and you are her. If I can't have her, I'll have you!" She then tosses Blitz towards Braver, making them crash into each other and land in the water.


"I know. She's strong. Stronger than me."

Dawn started to walk towards them, opening her arms like a hug. "Become one! Become one with me! I'll love you like always. Then I can restart the multiverse!" They could see the slime monster from before in the hole of her chest, glaring at them, and the rainbow leaking out harder. "You'll become 'her'! Just like you were meant to be! It's what fate wants!"

"We aren't here; we're Braver and Blitz. And this fate bullshit needs to stop!" shouted Braver as she got up and used her magic, making her horn spark with purple and blue energy.

"We're Blitz and Braver; no one else! You want to force us into becoming something else, then too bad!" shouted Blitz, taking a runner stance, and her blue body was covered with rainbow flames.


All three looked up and saw Twilight and Dash landing between them.

Dawn gave the two a disgusted look as she spoke, "You two! You took her from me! You made her hate me! Killing you again, even if you are ponies, will be fun! Twilah and Dashie's screams were wonderful to hear the first time!"

"What did you do?!" asked Twilight as she glared at Dawn.

Blitz rose. "My parents!? But they're alive!? What the hell are you talking about!?"

Dawn lowered her arms and spoke as the slime monster burst out and stood behind her. "In your universe, they're still alive, but in my universe, I killed them!" The slime monster flew towards them at great speed, not letting them have a chance to react in time, but the blanket pony blasted away the beast as she appeared in front of them. Only Braver and Blitz could see her...

"My love..." whispered Dawn, making the two look at her.

"You can see her?" asked the twins, but they could see her laughing harder.

"MY RAINBOW COMET LIGHT! I FOUND YOU!" shouted Rainbow Dawn as the slime creature changed shape and became a human slime figure with purple eyes and bleeding rainbow tears. "LOVE ME!" The slime creature grabbed the blanket pony and tried to return to the core, but Blitz and Braver grabbed her and pulled her back. Twilight and Dash grabbed the twins and tried to pull them back.

"We will not let you hurt her!" shouted Blitz.

"Let go of my love! You're the one who's hurting her!" shouted Rainbow Dawn, trying to stop Blitz and Braver by releasing dark, magical rainbow energy at them from her horn. "LET HER, G-huh?" She noticed her arms were moving independently and created two rainbow lights. "I'm not doing this..."

"I am!" she shouted, but in Dawn's voice, "Braver! RUN! FORGET ABOUT ME!"

"Dawn!?" shouted Braver as she kept pulling the blanket pony back.

"BITCH!" shouted Rainbow Dawn, trying to stop her hands as they tried to touch each other. "Going to use double Final Harmony Rainboom here!? ON ME!?"

"This won't stop you, but it will put you out of commission!"
The two hands touched and created a rainbow light. The blanket pony kicked the slime human off and slowed down time with her speed. She searched for it, hoping it was near.

"Where is it!?" She whispered as she turned back, seeing the blast slowly reaching for the others. She kept looking and found it; the prism window was above them. She jumped and pulled it down, pulled it behind the others, and tossed them through it, but she turned back and saw the slime human reaching out to her like it wanted to be saved... "We'll save you too. Just wait a little longer, okay?" She jumped into the prism window, and it blasted away as the area was covered in a flash of rainbow light.

It was nighttime, and a young teenage girl walked down the sidewalk while playing her guitar to a song she was listening to on her headphones.

It was this universe's Sunset. She kept walking, walked up to Blitz House, and rang the doorbell. She stood there, waiting for someone to answer, but no one ever came.

"She isn't home yet? Weird, she didn't tell us that they're going somewhere. She's not answering her phone or texting, either. Blitz, where did you go?" She walked away but suddenly stopped. A bright flash filled the house, and a loud noise could be heard, like something bursting through the floor. Sunset took cover as the windows and doors shattered.

Sunset saw a large hole in the ceiling and the living room in ruins when the flash was gone. Before she could call out to anyone, she saw a blue anthro pony girl standing up and turning to Blitz.


Blitz turned to her and was about to shout her name in fear, but she heard Dash as the couch was pushed away.

"My head!"

Blitz and Sunset blushed red as they saw her.

"Your mom is naked...but she really rocks that rainbow colors!"

"Naked?" said Dash, looking down and freaking out as she saw her naked human body but still wearing her Wonderbolts bomber jacket.

Blitz saw her bed being tossed, and standing up was Twilight, also in her naked human form, but she was...

"DUDE! WHAT THE HELL! YOUR MOM IS TALLER!" pointed Sunset, still blushing.

Twilight looked down and saw her new form. She touched her forehead and didn't feel her horn or her magic. She turned to Dash, who didn't have her wings and was playing with her chest, and sighed,

"This isn't good."

Suddenly, a fist broke through the wood and other debris, and Braver popped out, naked but still wearing her purple jacket. She turned to her moms, who looked stunned at her. Then, she looked over to her sister and Sunset.

"I feel a warm breeze? Where are we?"

Sunset turned to Blitz and back to the girl: "Dude, what the fuck!? She almost looks like you but has a different hairstyle, just like your mom, and has a...!" Sunset went quiet as she realized how long it was.

Blitz dropped to her knees, very confused about what she looked at between her sister's legs. She remembered from VO-AG class that slugs are hermaphroditic, meaning, "Slimes are like slugs?...sis...bro!?" Blitz fainted, making everyone rush towards her.

Above them, the blanket pony, now a naked human girl,

was shaking as she felt cold and disappeared into Blitz and Braver's core.

In the realm of between, Rainbow Dawn's body is slowly bleeding rainbow liquid as she drags her way to the multiverse tree and leans her back on it. She could tell she was dying. She started to laugh but soon saw the white Alicorn from before and tried to move.

"I'm not here to hurt you, so don't worry."

"Who are you!?" shouted Rainbow Dawn.

The Alicorn sat down, and the white-haired pony with the white-fur hoodie jacket appeared behind her.

"My name is Laura Faust, and this is my student daughter. We're here to heal you."

"Why?" asked Dawn, but she passed out before hearing their answer.

The anthro mare said, "Everyone deserves a happy ending. Even you." She lowered herself to her and smiled as her eyes lit up with a Twilight cutie mark star.

"?Vㄖเ? 丂Ⓟ?ℝҜ? messed up this timeline at the last second, and Luster Dawn wasn't meant to blast you with the Final Harmony Rainbooms. You can't die." She looked up and saw black, evil twisted trees filling the world between "I won't let you have your way, F̫̫͓̳͇̮̣̭̝̤͇̬͎͙̑ͯ͛ͮ̾́̏͋̽ͦ̾̂̿̾͛͛̚͘͘͢͠͞a̴̢̼̭̺̭̽ͫ̔̐̀ͫ̌̕͜ͅy̻̰t̶̵̶̶̴̶̸̶̫͎̗͎͚̱̦̙̮͍̠̙̓̅ͩ̓̎ͬ̿͗̎ͮ̽͋̿̉ͭ̚͟͜ͅh̷̴̵̶̨̘͔̩̝̙͚̻̯̙̝̭̼ͤ̊͊ͮ̆ͪ͐ͨ̀͆̇̂̓̎ͩ́̂͢. I swear it!"

End of chapter 14 and the ending of the first arc
Arc Ending theme

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