• Published 19th Nov 2023
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Our Name Across The Multiverse: 10 years later - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

The endless sea of the multiverse, anything and everything, will and had happened...but what will happen when a lone girl, with a golden rainbow sun core, lost its reason to shine and raise its dawn? A endless night will come to the multiverse

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Chapter 22: Honestly Has More Than One Truth

Fizzle Pop wagged her tail as Braver was in front of her. She sniffed Braver's face and licked her.

"She's cute!" laughed Braver, petting the grey Huskie.

Tempesta smiled as she petted her PTSD dog and hugged her, kissing her snout. Fizzle Pop let out a bark and licked her owner's face.

"Yes, she is. Best girl, right?" She smiled as Fizzle Pop sneezed and sat still.

Dash placed a glass of water for Tempesta and ate a sandwich.

"So, you this universe, Tempest? Not surprisingly, Blitz befriended her version as well." Dash took a bite of her sandwich, but she could see Tempesta giving her a confused look. "Right, there's a unicorn version of you in my world. The former evil second command of the Storm King, who turned a good leaf and, over the years, has been trying to-"

"Forgive the actions she took as well?" said Tempesta as she drank.

Dash was in shock. "As well? What do you mean? Did the same events happen here as well?"

Tempesta shook her head. "No, I'm guessing Brishen is my universe version of your Storm King, as he always goes by that silly name, but whatever your Tempesta did and seeking forgiveness, I'm the same but during my time in the army. That was four years ago."

I dropped out of high school and joined the army. I was the best fighter, most competent, quickest, and most rigid soldier. My folks are so proud. I was so sure this was what I wanted to do—protecting my home and keeping other people safe. I finally saw combat when I was 21 years old. My platoon was being transported to a battle zone by helicopters when we came under heavy fire. One was blown out of the sky, while the other two got out of there, but my squad helicopter tail got hit, and we crashed into the middle of the ruined city. The enemy was closing in. Our sergeant was killed in the crash, and I was the only one still conscious. I pulled out any living squad members and barricaded us into a nearby building.

"DAMN IT!" shouted Tempesta, firing her rifle from the window and taking cover as the enemy shot back.
She reloaded her rifle, peaked, and fired at the enemies.

"Shit! We're surrounded! No escape! NO!"

She could see some of her fellow soldiers dead, and the few ones alive were severely wounded and bleeding out. She held her shoulder wound, blood running down her hand and the floor. She was injured but ignored it, thinking she'd deal with it later.

"Hold on. You hear me? Hold on!" She shouted at her friends, as one was crying his eyes out as he didn't want to die.
She returned fire and tossed a grenade out the window. The enemy tries to move closer, but she keeps firing and pushing them back.

"I GOT THIS!" she shouted at them, making her soldiers smile a bit.

The window was taking too much heat from the enemy's bullets. She pulled away, and her helmet was shot and flew off. She quickly looked back, seeing that the bullet had cut her hair.

"Oh, fuck you!" She fired more, tossed another grenade, and took cover.

She could hear the blast going off, and they seemed to be backing off. She quickly pulled her friends to the upper part of the house and placed them in a room with no windows. She put both men down and hurried back down the stairs, getting the other two, but one had passed away from his wounds. She quickly checked and saw the enemy was coming back and shooting.

"SHIT! DAMN IT! FUCK!" She quickly picked up the last soldier from the ground, ran upstairs, tossed her inside, and shut the door. She aimed at the bottom of the stairs and waited as she heard them entering the first floor. She couldn't move from this spot, or her friends were dead. She got ready as she saw the enemy quickly appearing in her crosshairs and firing. This was her final stand—to defend her fellow soldiers.

"You had to kill people?" whimpered Braver, feeling bad for Tempesta.

She nodded. "Yes, I did. I'm not a saint, but I had to save my friend's life. I did what I could and was prepared to die for them."

She ran out of ammo and got hit a few times. She needed to back away from the stairway and crawled to the end of the hallway, standing up and tossing her rifle. She took a knife and her pistol and aimed at the staircase. She was ready to fight till the death.

"Come and get me, you bastards! I won't let you touch my squad mates!" She shouted and fired her gun.

She shot down several soldiers as the rest dove back down and tried to come up the stairs. It was a standoff, but they suddenly backed off and exited the building for some reason.

She dropped to her knees and smiled as she thanked the Lord. She and her friends were saved.

"Hey guys, it's okay now. We're going to get through this. We're going to be fine. I'm gonna patch up your wounds and-"

Suddenly, she felt her body being tossed forward as a rocket landed in the house and blasted the section she and her squad mates were in, and the whole floor was engulfed in flames and debris. She was tossed to the floor, her ears ringing, her vision blurred, and her left eye went red as blood covered that eye.

"What...happened?! Wait, are you guys alright?!" She couldn't stand too well but turned around, and dread filled her heart.
Her friends were dead. The room and the floor are gone. She looked over the edge and saw the bottom floor was in flames.

"N-No...no...this is...impossible. I was...we were...NO." She dropped her gun, fell on her knees, and started to cry.
She failed to save them, all because of one rocket.

The room was very quiet as Dash stopped eating and tried to comfort Braver, who was heartbroken about Tempesta's friend's death.

"I was the only one that survived. The enemy thought we were all dead and left the place. I crawled out of there, limping back to the nearest base, leaving behind my squad mates. They couldn't recover the body. I was given a medal of honor and a Purple Heart, but it didn't matter. I was discharged from the military for...reasons. I was so depressed that I almost drank myself to death. My parents were so worried and tried to help me, even after the horrible thing I said to them." She started to tap the table, and her leg became restless as she went on. "They wanted me to see somebody for my depression and...other things.".

Fizzle Pop's training took place as she noticed her owner started feeling scared and anxious, so she stood up and walked over to her. Tempesta noticed her dog and smiled, hugging her neck.

"Thank you, Fizzy. Always there for me."

Fizzle Pop rubbed her head against her, and she was happy that she could comfort her owner.

"You don't have to talk about it. It's okay. We can leave it alone. There is no need to bring up such bad memories." Dash gave a reassuring smile.

"It's fine. I've been going to a therapist for two years now, and it's helping me with the issues I've had, and I can say that talking about it helps a lot. Even more when it was Blitz who got me the help because..."

"You see their faces too, don't you?' whispered Braver, looking straight down at the floor, clutching her jeans. Tempesta noticed her face and realized it as well.

"Just like your sister, too," she muttered, upset that Blitz's sister was the same.

Braver looked up, asking her what she meant by that.

"She has...the same problems I have. Seeing your loved ones dead, remembering the events each waking day, and remembering the people you killed. The blood we carry on our hands, we're killers, and... I guess you are, too, right? I can see it in your eyes. You killed it as well and can't let it go, right? Like a bad memory, you can't forget."

"You're not wrong. I have killed too many lives; I even made my sister kill our parents. She shouldn't blame herself for that; THAT WAS ME!" Braver pushed back the chair and stood up, tears in her eyes. Dash quickly tried to calm her down, telling her to sit and calm down.

"Braver, sweetie. Don't be like that. I understand. I do, but you can't let the past control you, or else it will kill you slowly. Your parents won't want this for you, would they?" Dash held her hand.

"Mom... I-I know. I just—I'm sorry." She sat back down and cried, not caring who saw her cry.

"It's okay. Let it all out, sweetie. It's okay." Dash pulled her in a hug and let her cry.

Braver couldn't take it; she killed her parents, and it was her fault. Blitz is always suffering and hurting herself because of it, but she can hear Tempesta being very blunt towards her.

"You can't change the past because sometimes life isn't honest or fair. All you can do is look forward and hope the future will improve. If you continue to cry and beat yourself up over it, then you're letting your parent's deaths be a waste. They would hate to see you like this. You're alive and well, and that's all that matters, right?"

"Tempesta is right, Braver. You and your sister are alive, and that's all your parents would want. They hope to see you both healthy and safe. That's what they wanted." Dash couldn't help but cry as well. "It's why we fought for you two. So you could live a normal life and not die like that, as someone who only saw themselves as a monster. I'm sorry that you two went through hell and back; I am. If there were anything I could do to change the past, I would!" Dash finally released her pent-up feelings, as she was crying like Braver and holding her tight. "It kills me to see you like this... I feel so helpless to help you. All I can do is be a mom, give you advice, and listen, but I can't change the past, no matter how much I want to."

Braver couldn't believe what she was hearing, and Dash never told her how she felt about their situation, not once. It made her feel even guiltier.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. You're doing your best, and I'm just a burden on you. I'm so sorry," she hugged Dash and cried into her shirt.

Dash pulled her back. "What? No, you are never a burden to us, Braver. Never, ever! You're not a burden. You're our daughter, and we love you." Dash couldn't bear to hear that word from her mouth.

"But I am."

"Be honest with yourself for once," said Tempesta, holding and looking at the dog.


"You heard me, girl. Be honest. What do you think of yourself?"

"I'm a killer. I'm a murderer and a monster, just like I always-"

"Wrong." Tempesta stood up, walked around the table, and kneeled before her.

"You aren't a monster. You're not a killer, not anymore. You're a teenager who wants to help others. You're a good kid who can kill, but that doesn't make you a killer. Just like Blitz, you help people, don't you?" Braver nodded, telling her about her friends back home. Tempesta couldn't help but smile as she listened and spoke when Braver was done. "Yup, just like your sister. You two think your awful deeds won't and will never be forgiven, no matter how much you try. Is that right?" Braver nodded, saying it was her fault her sister was suffering.

"No, it's not."

"But it is!"

"It's not. Listen, I know the feeling. You can't forgive yourself; I can't either with my problems. But you're wrong, just like your sister."

"How is that?" Dash asked, listening.

"Because you two still have a chance. It will take time, I know, and you can't forget it. I can't either. We must live with our mistakes and move on, but we can't do that if we hold on to the past. If we do that, we don't have a place in this world." Tempesta held her hands and smiled, "Don't ever give up or think you don't have a place in this world or others' hearts because you do! You have a home here." Tempesta pointed to Dash and then at a family picture of Blitz and her family on the kitchen wall. "And those who care about you will always be with you, regardless of the odds or the situation. You aren't alone. It never will be. If you have that spark in your heart and the people around you, you'll always move forward, and one day..." She started to cry heavily. "You can finally put your past to rest because your kids shouldn't be like this! This isn't right; you should be worrying about teenage stuff, not this! It's not right, and I hate it." She started to wipe away her tears and smiled. "You two will get better and find peace one day. Unlike me, you two will reach it." She let her go, but she suddenly felt Braver hugging her and crying.

"YOU TOO! You will have peace, too! I'll make sure of it! I will even share my peace with you...you don't have to suffer....all alone...you should have a happy ending too..." Braver held her tighter.

Tempesta's eyes went wide as Braver's words were one-to-one with Blitz's when she helped her two years ago, and she couldn't help but remember that faithful day...

I remember that day. It was after Veterans Day and when everyone stopped caring for war veterans. It was like any other night, walking in the alleyways, not wanting to be seen or heard. There are not a lot of people out today, and those that were didn't care. I just bought my case of beers and just wanted to drown my sorrows. It didn't help that one of my squad mates' brothers sent an awful hate message to me over on Twitter, calling me terrible things about how it should have been me...

Tempesta read the hate message on her phone and cried. He was right; she should have died, not their sister. It was all her fault. She put her phone away and pulled a can from its holder. She didn't know when, but she was sitting on the floor of an alleyway behind a dumpster and crying.

She opened her can and chugged it, wanting to forget about her problems and the hate she'd been receiving from this guy for a while now. She just wanted it all to end.


She looked to the side and could see a man with a hoodie over his face and holding a knife in his hand.

"Give me your money," he demanded.

She didn't care, not even about the knife; she was going to die tonight anyway. Why not let someone else do it for her?



"You heard me. No."

The man became furious, pulling his hood off and pointing his knife at her. Trying to be intimidating.
"I don't fucking care. Give me your fucking money, bitch, or I'll fucking gut you!"

"Gut me, then." She didn't flinch and took a sip of her beer, not caring. She even stood up and took a ready pose as she waited for the knife to stab her.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, you cunt?!"

"What's the matter, boy? Are you scared to kill a veteran like me? Can't you even kill a woman who's drunk off her ass? Are you a man, boy?" She taunted him.

He became pissed and charged at her, aiming to stab her.

"That's more like it. Man up."

She closed her eyes and waited but felt an odd, strong breeze, and nothing happened. She did hear a scream, though. She opened her eyes, and the guy was gone, but she could see a rainbow comet in the sky, and that's when she knew it.

"Damn, Super Horse, a girl can't fucking kill herself in peace? Fuck my life."

She returned to her spot, took another can of beer, and chugged it, just wanting her death to come faster.

"You okay?"

She was annoyed and turned around to tell the person off, but she was surprised to see the town superhero—a blue-looking human horse.

She remembered the stories and rumors about where she came from. Some said a radioactive horse bit her, or she was created in a weapon lab, or she just came from space, but at the end of the day, she didn't fucking care.

"Why do you fucking care?"

She walked closer and kneeled to her. "You tried to commit suicide, didn't you? I saw you standing there, wanting to be stabbed, as I stopped him."

She didn't bother answering; she was done with everything.

"You know, killing yourself isn't the answer. It only leaves people in despair, even if you think it will make things better. You still have a future; you can still move forward."

"Like I could!" She tossed the can at Super Horse's face but caught it with lightning speed and tossed it away.

"Why do you say that? Do you want to die so much?"

"Yes! What the hell is it to you, Super Horse?!"

Super Horse smiled, "I'll tell you why, but first..." She stood up and reached out her hand. "It's a Rainbow Comet. What's your name?"


Rainbow Comet watched as Tempesta passed out drunk. She sighed, picked her up, and took her to the nearest hospital. After explaining the situation and leaving, she flew back home.

It was weeks later, and Tempesta remembered talking to a mental health worker, asking her about her mood, her life, and if she had been having stress lately and what was going on. Those same weeks, her parents signed her up for treatment, as they feared for her life. They wanted her to get back on track with her life, and she hated it.

Tempesta looked out her bedroom window and could see her town. The town that Super Horse protected and watched over. She was annoyed that she couldn't kill herself; she was pissed that her family was trying to save her, and she was more upset that her parents wouldn't leave her alone and forced her to live back home now. What's odd is that her parents have been telling her that she has been having visitors and leaving flowers and other caring things for her. She asked who it was, but they just said a teenage girl who had heard what happened and wanted to help. She found that odd and wanted to thank her, but her parents didn't know her name, and they just knew her as the girl with the purple jacket.

It wasn't long before she started to have nightmares of being in that building again, fighting for her squad mate's lives and failing each night, and it was killing her inside. It was like the same night all over again, with the blood on her hands and her squad mates dying in front of her and begging her for help.

"Help...help us...please..."

"Why didn't you save us? You should have saved us!"

"It should have been you, not me."

"Save us! Help us!"

She could see their dead faces and their screams echoing in her mind; she couldn't take it.

One day, she heard knocking from downstairs and heard her parents asking someone to stay and talk. She opened her door and listened to the voices from downstairs. She could hear a young female voice saying she just wanted to help her, talking about how her mother is a therapist and helps those who are troubled.

She didn't know why but was curious and walked down the stairs. When she saw the person who had been helping her, it was like what her parents had said. She was wearing a purple jacket and fall clothing, and she believed her hair was dyed rainbow, as she could see bits of her black hair.

"Tsk, some Super Horse fangirl bitch must have heard I was saved by her and just trying to be the hero like her." She went back into her room and sat on the bed. She listened to her parents and the kid's voices—and the other voices—as she found herself back in that building once more. Only this time, she had no weapon, and her squad mates were dead like always. She was so used to it that she didn't cry or anything.



She looked down and saw her dead squad mate holding her hand and looking at her with empty eyes.

"Why? Why didn't you save us, Tempesta? Why did we have to die?!"


"Why didn't you save us?!" All of her dead friends were in front of her now.


She started to panic and cry. "W-Why?! I didn't mean to! It was a mistake!"



"You made a mistake?!"

"We're dead because of you, Tempesta!" The one holding her hands let go and revealed she had given her something—a knife. Tempesta looked up and could see them all standing by a doorway. "Fix your mistake, then. Kill the enemy! SAVE US!" The door opened, revealing a shadow figure holding something. "SAVE US!"

She screamed, charging forward at the figure and tackling her to the ground, holding the knife and aiming at her throat.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I'll make it up to you! Just forgive me!" She couldn't help but cry and beg them, feeling like a failure.
She tried to stab the figure's throat, but they caught it and kept her from doing so. "Let me make this right, please!"


"Please! Let me fix this!"



"SWEETIE! GET OFF OF HER!" shouted her father as she snapped back to reality and realized she was strangling a person—it was the kid—and before she could get off, her father headlocked her and slammed her to the ground, telling her mom to get the kid to safety. She tried to fight back, but he kept a tight hold, making her angry and sad.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Why didn't you let me fix it? They will never forgive me if I don't do that! I CAN'T FORGIVE MYSELF! SO WHY?! WHY?! Why did you stop me?!" screamed Tempesta as her father tried to calm her down, crying as he saw how badly damaged his daughter was.

She didn't remember much after that. She was placed in a mental ward and was forced to go to therapy. She remembered her doctor asking her questions, and she answered them as they spoke about her past, her time in the army, and so on. She was given an exceptional therapist, as the therapist requested to take her case when she heard of her story. She was shocked to hear that, and more so when it was the world's most intelligent woman alive, Twilah Finkelstein, but she didn't care; she wanted this all to end.

Days passed, and she was allowed visitors, mostly her parents, sometimes her grandparents, and friends, but she had one visitor late one night in her room. She didn't know how, but it was the girl from before.

"How the fuck did you get in here!?"

"Magic," she said with a smile, giving her a flower bouquet. "How are you doing, Tempesta?"

She smacked the bouquet away. "None of your damn business. Now, tell me, how the fuck did you get here, and who the fuck are you?!"

The girl lowered herself to pick up the flowers but also spoke to her, "I understand what you are going through."

Tempesta felt so much rage when she heard her that the next thing she knew, she was on top of the girl, pinning her arms and body to the floor and crying. "SHUT UP! You don't know a goddamn thing about what I am going through! So shut up!"

"I do."

"YOU FUCKING DON'T! No one can ever know how I feel! So shut the fuck up!"

The girl didn't look afraid or worried, but Tempesta could see something in her eyes. They were filled with sorrow and pain.

"You can't forgive yourself, can you? Just like me."

Tempesta's eyes widen, and she becomes even more pissed, smacking her and shouting at her. "SHUT THE FUCK UP! Don't compare us! Don't you dare!"

"I can't help it; I see myself in you." Tempesta could see it in the girl's eyes; she didn't want to believe it. "You hear their screams, remembering the smoke and fire, hearing their cries out for you."

"Shut up."

"Feeling helpless, wanting to save them but knowing that you can't, and blaming yourself for their deaths."

"Stop it..."

"I have nightmares about that day over and over, every night. You can't change it; no matter how much you want, it's a living hell, right?"


"You're a failure, aren't you? You failed to protect them, and now they hate you."


"I just want it all to end and make it all right by taking their place and hoping that would help fix things, even if it's selfish. Right?"

Tempesta was shaking and crying; she didn't want to hear any more; it was all too familiar. She got off of her and watched her sit up.

"How did you know? "You are just a freaking kid. There's no way you could know this stuff or even gone through it. No one can. Unless..."

The girl looked at her hands and cried, crying her eyes out.
"I killed my parents; I killed my home and my universe. I'm a living magical bioweapon—a monster! I killed so many lives, and they live inside of me. My hands will forever be covered in their blood, and there's no way I can change it. I'm a failure, a monster, and a mistake. No matter what I do or how many lives I save, I will never be forgiven for my actions and sins. There's no forgiveness for me, for people like us...and we are doomed to forever hear the screams of the dead until the day we die."


"Because I have the same problems, the same nightmares, and the same self-hatred and anger. We carry the same scars."

The girl changed her form, revealing herself to be Rainbow Comet. "But you can move forward; you know why?"

"Why? Why the fuck would I? Why would a waste of a life like me move forward?"

"Because you're not a waste. You feel regret and shame! You feel guilty! That means you can still move forward! You are not a monster like me, who can't ever be forgiven and will have to live with her sins and mistakes for the rest of her life. You, however, can move forward; you can find peace. So please, keep moving forward. Never give up! Don't be like me. Please."

Tempesta felt her heart broken seeing a poor kid suffering like her. It didn't stand right with her, and it hurt. She got up and hugged her, crying as she felt the same.

"Don't worry. I won't give up... I will move forward, but be honest with yourself. You aren't a damn monster, kid. I heard how you saved many lives—even mine. How can you be a monster? You are a hero. So you can stop crying and being so hard on yourself."

"But...my hands are covered in blood..."

"Then let me wash it away for you, kid." She let her go and smiled. "Let's be buddies. PTSD buddies. Let me learn about your past to take those sins off your hands. Then, you can do the same for me. Sound good?"

"Really? Do you want to learn about a monster like me? But you are so pure."

Tempesta huffed at that remark. "You're not a monster, and I'm not that pure. So please stop it. You wouldn't be here if you were a monster, right?" She smirked, causing Rainbow Comet to cry, and held her chest. "There there, you'll find peace, kid."

"You will have peace, too! I'll make sure of it!" Tempesta could feel the kid's hands clutching her clothes, trying to be brave. I will even share my peace with you. You don't have to suffer all alone. You should have a happy ending, too."

"Thank you, kid. Let's become friends. What's your name?"

She leaned back, wiped her tears away, and smiled. "Blitz!"

Tempesta petted Braver and shed many tears.

"Damn it, you two are truly twins. You care more about sharing and helping others than you do about yourselves. So damn honest and caring. That's why I love your dear sister, and you too, Braver." She softly pushed Braver off of her and wiped her tears. "Talk to me, just like your sister did. Tell me your story. Be honest; don't sugarcoat it. I want to learn everything about you and your side of the story."


Dash needed to figure out what to do. She couldn't help Braver like always, and Twilah wasn't there. Twilight stayed overnight at Twilah's job because she was busy building something based on her and asked questions about Pegasi. She could only do one thing: quietly stand up and leave, but Tempesta stopped her.

"You don't have to leave, you know. A daughter needs her mom to lean on. You can stay."

"No...I can't. I might cause pro-huh!?"

Dash felt Braver's hand on her own and held it very tightly.

"Mom, I want you to stay. You are a huge help and comfort. Don't be scared that I might get triggered by you. You aren't Rainbow Sky. I need to see that."

Dash wanted to argue as she knew she would somehow screw this up, but Braver's pleading eyes made it feel like she was looking at a pleading Twilight, and she couldn't resist. "Fine, I'll stay. Just tell me if you need space or anything, okay?"


Tempesta watched Dash sit back down and turn back to Braver while Fizzle Pop sat between them on the floor and was on guard like the good girl she was. "Okay, then, go ahead and start whenever you are ready."

"Thanks, Tempesta, and thanks, Mom. Okay, here we go. My mom was born in a forest and lived there until Luna of her universe found her..."

In the Equestria universe, Applejack and Jack of Apples fought through the demon crystal ponies but were surrounded back to back as AJ cursed Jack for getting them in this mess.

"Why couldn't you be honest!? I was asking what happened to your folks! You didn't have to kick me into the demon pony, and we wouldn't be in this darn mess, you stupid, dumb, lying, no good piece of-"

Jack kicked her into the demons and started fighting and speaking, "Oh, shut up already! I just said nice fucking hat, and that's it. There's nothing behind it, as you think. You darn stupid hick!"

"Why are you no good son of a."

The demons stopped and watched as both AJs started fighting. They all looked at each other and quickly started putting bets on who would win, cheering one of the Applejacks on.

"Why do you hate them so much!? They are family, Jack! Family!"

"I know what a family is; AJ and my folks can rot in the bottom of the apple barrel for all I fucking care! Now, quit whining, and let's fight these demons! You can bitch me out after this!"

"NO!" AJ bucked Jack's mouth. "NO! WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS NOW!"

"FINE THEN!" Jack jumped on AJ and punched her in the cheek. "Want the damn freaking truth!? Fine, then, I'll tell you the damn truth! My folks hated me and wanted a new start without me. They left me, abandoned me, and replaced me. I was a fucking mistake, AJ!"


"I wasn't supposed to happen, you hear me!? It was just a mistake that my parents wished to have never had! They hated me and didn't even love or try to give me a chance. They just left me to die and start over!" she punched her again. "They had Little Mac and Apple Bud! Those pricks had kids again and loved them dearly, but me? They were left in a fucking ditch to die! THEY WANTED ME TO DIE AND NEVER BE BORN IN THE FIRST PLACE, YOU HEAR ME!? I HATE YOUR FUCKING HAT BECAUSE IT REMINDS ME OF HOW STUPID I WAS! KEEPING THAT HAT AS IT GAVE ME HOPE THAT..." Jack started to cry but still punched AJ's face. "they will come back and love me. I just wanted a fair, honest life..."

"Jack, I'm-oof!"

"I was just a mistake, an accident."

Many years ago

My folks were apple farmers outside of the Kingdom of Day and Night. My mom fell in love with dad, as mom was a hired hoof. They quickly got married and wanted to make a new life in the Kingdom of Day, but Mom started waking up sick in the morning, and they promptly feared she was pregnant. Dad didn't want it; he wasn't ready and didn't have the money. They didn't want me; my folks hated me before I was born. My mom also didn't want me, but Granddad AppleSmith forced her to keep it. They hated me and didn't love me.

Mom and Dad moved in with Mom's grandfather and tried their best to hide me from the villagers. They would sneak out at night, when my grandpa was sleeping, to go to the river and beat me.

"Damn, kid! You ruined our lives!"

"It's your fault, you worthless shit!"

"You are why we have to live with my dad for these five years! I want to start a new life with my love, but we can't because of you!" Jack was smacked with a stick in the face. She's crying, but they kept at it, not caring.

"You are useless and a mistake! We should have gotten rid of you long ago!"

"But Granddad said we couldn't."

Jack's father smiled and held his wife. "We can find another way, dear."

"You are right, honey."

They started kissing and whispering loving words to each other while Jack slowly crawled to them and hugged their legs.

"Mommy...daddy...I'm sorry. I love you."

They both turned and looked at her in disgust. "GET AWAY FROM US, YOU MISTAKE!"

"You aren't my daughter; you are trash!" screamed her father, kicking her off. "A worthless piece of shit! That's all you are, a mistake!"

Jack was crying as her mother held her out of nowhere. "I love you too, sweetie."

She thought her mother was being kind, but she was only holding her as her father kicked her like a football. "I can't believe we have had to keep this worthless piece of crap for five years now. She will never have a purpose and grow up to be a mistake, too."

Her mother spat at her and turned to her love. "True, I don't want to raise her, but as long as Grandpa is still kicking, we're stuck with her. But don't worry, honey, after he dies, we'll get rid of her and start a new life."

"Why wait?" he smirked. He was also making his lover smirk back.

"What about the kid?"

"Who cares? It's not like it'll live long."

"True." She started kissing him again. "We will start over and have a perfect life. No kids!"

"No more mistakes!"

Jack could only cry as her parents went back to ignoring her and continuing to beat her and call her names. Her mother even went so far as to call her a demon child.

Weeks went by, and Jack Grandpa died in a fire as the farmhouse was set on fire by someone. Her parents already had their things in a wagon and placed her inside, and her dad moved it for hours while her mom never looked at her. She could hear the rain outside, and soon, the wagon stopped as her father came inside and, like always, ignored her. They ate dinner without giving her any, but she tried asking for some.

"Shut up, girl. Come here!" ordered her father as he pulled her by the mane and stepped outside. "You are sleeping here tonight. Here, so you won't catch a freaking cold." He tossed his hat at her face, returned inside, and shut the door.

Jack felt heartbroken and cold as the rain continued, and it's been hours now. She wore the hat, tried her best to keep warm, and cried. "I'm sorry, I'm a mistake... I'll be honest about my life. Please love me, mom and dad. I promise I'll be a good girl."

But they never loved her or even cared about her. When she woke up in the morning, she found that her parents had left her alone in a ditch. She held the hat and made a promise to herself.

"I'll be an honest, hard-working pony in this unfair life! I'll make them love me when I find them again!" She held it tighter, and tear droplets landed on the hat. "Gonna be a good pony, honest, honest, honest!"

"Jack..." coughed AJ, her cheek badly bruised and bleeding.

"Huh?" Jack finally stopped, looked down at her, and noticed what she had done. "Well, maybe now you'll shut up for a good few hours. That's the truth."

AJ smacked her in the face. "Stop lying already. You are sad that you hurt me like this. Why do you keep hiding your honesty? Are you scared of your folks? Or are you afraid of getting hurt? You can talk to me."

Jack got off of her and held her hurt face. "Don't touch me, hick."

"Then talk to me, or I won't leave you alone."

"Shut up, will you? You're getting on my damn nerves. It's my problem, and you aren't even involved. So quit nagging at me like a damn old goat. So be a good little pony and stay out of my business."

They stared at each other, but AJ picked up the hat and dusted it off. She proudly placed it on her head.
"Not going to happen. Like it or not, I will get through to you and start making you honest with yourself."

"What? You want to be my fucking therapist?"

"I don't know what that is, but If that's what it takes to make you honest, then yes."

Jack was annoyed by her; she hated it. "Why do you care? You can't fix me or change my mind. I was born a lie and a mistake, and I grew up as a jack of all trades. I lied, cheated, and stole to survive. Honesty won't change anything and won't save anyone. So why should I give a shit about honesty or being true? It will only cause pain and heartbreak."

AJ could see the pain and sadness in her eyes. She sighed and walked over to her, causing her to flinch.
"What happened next?"


"Tell me more; how did you end up like this?"

"Oh, right, after that..."

As I said, I grew up lying, cheating, and stealing to survive for years on the land, to the point that I became a jack of all trades and a master of none. I worked for everyone and was a traveling pony, never staying in the same town or country for long. It was a lonely life, and I wanted to belong somewhere. I traveled all over until I returned to the kingdom of day. They needed mercs, so I applied and got hired. I did wet work and was good at it. It wasn't the most incredible job, but it was something. But that day, I had a mission. There were reports of protesters staying at a farm, but I needed proof, so I went undercover to see if it was true and report it back.

Jack walked up to the door of the farmhouse. She knocked, and soon, a tiny red colt opened the door. She showed him the flyer she got from the Help Wanted board.

"Are you guys hiring?"

"Nope, we're not. We're just trying to help those in need. I'm Little Mac. Nice to meet you."

"Hi, I'm Jack, Jack Applesmith. Is your mother or father home?"

"Oh, sorry, but my ma and pa are now selling apples and other stuff in the kingdom. Come right in. Did you eat lunch? Let me get you some tea."

"Thank you, Little Mac."

He led her to the dining room and sat her down. The place was cozy—a bit small and a little messy, but friendly.
"Sis, we have a mouth to feed! Come here and fix us lunch."

"I'm coming."

Jack saw a yellow filly with a short red mane entering the room.

"Who are you?" asked Jack.

"Oh, I'm Apple Bud, little Mac's sister. Howdy! Are you here for the job? Because Ma and Pa aren't here."

Jack took off her hat and smiled.

"Yes, I'm here for the job. Need help making lunch? I learned some stuff off the road. I'm Jack, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Jack. I'll take you up on that offer." She led her to the kitchen while Mac followed behind and set up the table.

"You are just the cutest thing. You and your brother."

"Oh, thanks," blushed Apple Bud. "I think he's handsome, don't you think?"

"Handsome, sure, if you like short colts." they laughed.

"I heard that!"

Both girls giggled and started to make lunch. For the first time, Jack felt like she had a real family. She helped the Apple siblings with lunch and worked out in the fields. During nighttime, the Apple sibling's parents returned with a wagon filled with ponies and colts. Jack watched as Mac took the wagon and let his pa rest, and Bud told him about her. Jack's eyes widened as she stood in the fields, seeing the parents walking up to her.

"Howdy miss. Heard you wanted the job?"

Jack nodded, and the mother took her inside. They were happy to have her; she could feel it. They treated her like one of their own and were nice to her. But the problem was...

"They were my fucking parents! They abandoned me, but fate is a bitch!" shouted Jack, holding AJ in a headlock. "They started over, as I said, had my younger siblings, and had a perfect life—a life I wasn't a part of."


"They loved me as a stranger; they loved their kids and were happy. While the old me was nothing to them, I was just a mistake."

Jack released her and shoved her to the ground. Breathing hard.

"I even started to believe that if I told them the truth about who I was, they would love me and take me back."

Applejack got up and could see the honest truth in her eyes. "You knew that wouldn't happen."

"I know, but a part of me had stupid hope."

A few months later, I somewhat forgot my mission. Even though I knew the protesters lived in the guest house far from the main house, I didn't care. I just wanted to live this wonderful life with my family, but I also wanted to tell my parents the truth about who I was.

"Jack, what's wrong?" asked her mother as she asked them to come to the fields at night. Her father is with her as well.

"Is there Anything wrong? Did my son do something to you?" her father asked, all worried and nervous.

"Oh, no, he's the cutest thing in the world."

He chuckled. "Oh, thanks, Jack, but that's not very honest."

She could only giggle, but she turned to them. Showing her worried face as she tried to find the best words.

"I'm...your da-" she stopped as they heard fighting from the guest farmhouse. She could see the kingdom soldiers invading the house and killing the protesters with ease. Her heart stopped as she remembered that her siblings were bringing food to them. "NO! MAC AND APPLE BUD ARE IN THERE!" She tried to run off, but her parents held her.

"It's okay. Let them die, sweetie," said her father, hugging her close. "You are safe with us. I'm so happy that you are with us. I love you, Jack."

"I love you too, dear," smiled her mother.

Jack was beyond confused. "But your kids...they-"

He let her go. "Let those worthless kids die. Getting in the way of our dreams, I'm glad they are gone. They were worthless to us. Just like the first one, but YOU! We can see it. You are such a hard worker and never gave up. You are worth it, and we can see that. So, stay here and be our honest, little daughter!"

Jack couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"We heard that Princess was after these protesters and their leader. So we tricked them into living with us and sent rumors of them being here. We thought the kingdom would have sent out someone, but they didn't. We had to report it, and the Princess rewarded us for our honesty. It's the right thing to do, even though we'll lose the farm, but at least we have you, honey," explained her father, watching the guest farmhouse in flames and the protest leader being dragged out and taken away.

Her mother hugged her. "Yes, our daughter, Jack. Now, we have a new daughter."

Jack held her hat and was shaking with rage, to the point that she tore the hat in half. She turned to them and screamed.

Both her parents looked at her in horror and shock, not knowing who she really was.


"I WAS YOUR FUCKING DAUGHTER, AND YOU ABANDONED ME, CALLED ME TRASH AND A MISTAKE! NOW YOU'RE CALLING ME HONEY?!" She kicked her mother in the chest and kept screaming at them. "NOW YOU KILLED MY SIBLINGS!? MY ONLY FAMILY!? Siblings who loved me!?"

"No, you're our family. Your mother is pregnant with your younger brother, sweetheart," cried her father as her mother rubbed her stomach.

Jack could see the lies in their eyes—nothing but lies. She turned away, holding half of her hat. She looked at it and went back to the burning farmhouse. An honest life never saved anyone, not her life or the lives of her deceased brothers and sisters. Honestly, it is nothing but lies.

"Honesty only brings pain and suffering, so I'm done being honest with myself." She turned back to them and smiled as she slowly approached them. "I love you," she said in an empty, fake voice.

"You do?" they smiled.

"Yes, I do, honest." She grabbed her father by his face and headbutted him, knocking him out, and then tossed him into her mother, taking her down.

"I love you so much. Let me show you." She grabbed them both by their manes and dragged them to the burning farmhouse. "So much love, like you showed my siblings..."

It was quiet between the two. AJ felt so bad for JA; she had suffered and lost so much in her life, but she was wrong about something.

"Jack, I understand why you are the way you are, but honesty can save lives and bring joy."

Jack scoffed at her. "How? Look what happened! Those bastards were my folks, and they didn't care. Even when I tried to live an honest life, at least my siblings lived a real honest life, but look where it led them! To a painful death!"

"You don't know that. Maybe it wasn't the real ones. Maybe-"

"I SAW THEM BURNING AS THEY LAIDED THERE, DEAD!" she shouted, tears landing on her green cape. "My honest family is dead and has never come back. My parents abandoned me and killed their kids. I'm done. So I'll stick with my life...until the Princess asked for me...seeing my "honesty" in ending my parents' evil deeds, she 'rewarded' me."

Jack found herself in a testing lab, tied down and beaten, as she failed in her spy work. She could see Celestia looming over her and the mages.

"Jack Apple, for your honest work for the kingdom, I'll reward you with the greatest gift I can give-" She felt a wet spit hit her face. She could see Jack smiling.

"Thank you, oh wonderful princess."

Celestia wiped away the spit and ordered the headmage to take out the element of honesty. Jack didn't struggle as she watched the element enter her chest and could only smile as her body and mind burned away...

"That final day, they gave me honesty. Life is never fair or honest. The world is cruel, and it will hurt those around you. Honesty is nothing but lying. Lying is the only way to live in the world."

Applejack was silent as she looked away.

"I'm sorry that you had to suffer like that."

Jack shrugged. "It's life; there's no reason to apologize. I'm happy that you understand."

"Yeah, I understand you completely now." She turned back to her. "But there is still one thing you have been lying about."

"Really, what?"

AJ took off her hat and tossed it towards Jack's feet.

"You know what you believe is a lie. That life might be unfair, but there's always honesty. It's not always obvious; most times, it's hiding."

Jack sighed. "Stop, please," but AJ kept going.

"Honesty will save a life. I know because it saved someone very dear to me, whom I see as a daughter. She's a wonderful mare, just like her mothers. She carries the best part of them."


"Honesty might bring pain, but that's life. I don't care what you say. I can't forgive the way they treated you. They abandoned you and lied. But I can't accept that life is just cruel. Because I know that's not true."


"You remind me of Braver and Blitz. They hate the world because of what happened to them and want the world to see them as monsters and hurt them. But I can't allow that. I know the real truth. Honesty will always bring light. In the darkest of nights."

Jack covered her ears. "Please stop!"

"The world might be a cruel place. It might seem like a lie. But it's not a lie if we have friends and loved ones that will show us the real truth!"


"Braver and Blitz are proof of that. Twi and Dash, Twilah and Dashie, and their other counterparts—they showed them the truth. Life isn't always fair, but you can make it fair with others' help."

"Please, no more..."

"To move forward in life. That's the honest truth in all this. And that's what you have been lying about."

Jack couldn't handle it anymore and fell onto her knees. "Please, I'm done hearing the honest truth. I'm tired. Of this..."

AJ walked up to her and held her in her arms, picking up the hat.
"You are the twins, honestly made real, aren't you? You have their strength but not their will."

Jack held AJ now, crying. "I am, honestly. I made it into a real, living being. I'm tired—so tired of this life. I'm nothing more than a liar. I shouldn't exist. A mistake...like the twins always believed of themselves being..."

"No. You are the truth. It's a painful truth. But a truth. The truth is something that anyone can face and grow from. To become better. Braver and Blitz will see the truth honestly. I know it. Because the world is never truly cruel, it's hard but not cruel."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I believe the twins can save this world. They will face the harsh truth of this world. They'll learn to be strong enough to accept it and face it. Face it, like you had done." AJ put the hat on Jack's head. "You grew up in a hard life but faced it and became stronger for it. You just needed someone to support you. Like I'm doing for the twins. It would be best if you had that. Someone to help you get up when you fall."

The air around them changed, and AJ smiled as she saw Jack's new form. They let go, and Jack could only cry and hug herself.

"If I met Rainbow Sky sooner or survived the fusing with the element, would my story have changed for the better? Would our cruel ending be written differently and for the better? ...I wish...I could tell Wet blanket this, in what you told me...maybe she can finally leave that cruel life she is living."

AJ held her hoof and smiled. "You will, Jack. I can promise that. I hope she can see the real, honest truth," answered AJ, not getting who Jack was talking about.

"Jackie...it's Jackie. My siblings called me that rather than Jack. I would rather be called that," smirked Jackie, wiping her tears away.

"Then, Jackie, it is. Nice to meet you, partner."

Both mares shook hooves.

Jackie let go and tipped her hat forward. "Now, we have a job to do. Get those three together and make sure they face the honest truth. AJ, promise me something!"

AJ cracked her neck and faced down the demon ponies. "What?"

"Never stop being honest. No matter how bad it gets, Don't ever stop. Never! Show her that. Make her face the truth and show her the outside world is worth living in. Show her what it's like to have real friends and loved ones, not fake ones like us. Ghosts of the past, please."

AJ nodded, and Jackie walked past her and towards the demon ponies.

"Now, it's time to show these ponies the truth and have a little fun!"

Jackie cracked her hoof, and the demon ponies charged.

...and both AJ and JA stood on the hill of knocked-out demons. They climbed down and hurried to the castle, but Jackie fell and became pale. AJ hurried back to her and asked her what was wrong as Jackie disappeared.

"Want the honest truth? One of the twins is dying. If one of them dies, we all die, even her."

AJ's eyes widen as she tries to hold Jackie, but her hooves go through her.

"But I'm not worried, so don't cry. It's like you said, AJ. I didn't have the support then, but they do." Jackie pointed to the sky; they could see the vast prism-like mirror-looking window. They could see a bright sunset as it faced Rainbow Dawn while Breaker was facing off against someone else.

"Get that pegasus mare; she needs her. She might be loud, but she holds a ton of honesty," Jackie laughed. Jackie could feel herself being placed on AJ's back somehow. She could see AJ's neck glowing, and her element of honesty appeared.

"I know who you are talking about! Right! Let's go together!"

"I can't; I'm fading away. My time is almost finished, and I must face the final tru-OOF." AJ shoved her element necklace on Jackie's neck, and she slowly returned to normal. "What?"

AJ smirk. "I figured that might work. Element saving its counterpart." AJ and Jackie watched the element reveal a bright glow from Jackie's chest, both elements flashing like they were talking to each other. "They are connected, aren't they?"

Jackie could only smile. "I think... I'll speak my mind to a wet blanket after all."

AJ trotted off, heading towards where Ember and the others were, as they were still fighting off against Shining Armor and Candance.

Somewhere else, in an unknown but yet familiar place. A lone girl, wearing a rainbow blanket, sat under a lone tree in a very familiar garden. She held her chest and looked up at the sky. She saw her friends becoming who they were meant to be and being free from their doomed endings.

"I knew meeting your counterparts was a good idea. I'm glad you all stayed behind. You all can finally be free from this prison."

She could hear the sound of rain as she stared up into the sky as gray clouds started to cover it, crying.

"I'm so happy for you all. You all finally have the chance to live a new life and story. Please don't return here. Help Blitz and Braver. Don't come back to save me." She reached out to the gray sky, trying to reach for someone or something. "They deserved their stories. I won't take it away from them. I would rather stay in this cold prison than take their books away from them. Please be there for them. Save them, and let me become a forgotten memory."

A drop of rain hit her cheek, and she could feel her tears falling more.

"Save them, and let me fade away."

Unknown to her, a black-robed female figure sat behind the tree as well, writing in a book and smiling.

".ʇɐɥʇ uǝʌǝ ʇou ,uoos puɐ ,ʎɹoɯǝɯ ɐ ʇnq ᵷuᴉɥʇou ǝq ʅʅ'noʎ ,ʍou .noʎ ɹǝqɯǝɯǝɹ uɐɔ ǝuo ou ʅᴉʇun ,ɹǝʌǝ puɐ ɹǝʌǝɹoɟ .sǝuᴉʅǝɯᴉʇ ʅʅɐ puɐ pʅɹoʍ sᴉɥʇ ɯoɹɟ ɹɐǝddɐsᴉp ʅʅ'noʎ uoos puɐ ,ʎɐʍɐ ᵷuᴉpɐɟ ʎʅʅɐuᴉɟ sᴉ ʞɹɐds ɹnoʎ .uoᴉʇɐǝɹɔ ʅʅɐ ɹoɟ ᵷuᴉpuǝ ǝnɹʇ ǝɥʇ ᵷuᴉʇᴉɹʍ ʇɹɐʇs ʎʅʅɐuᴉɟ uɐɔ ᴉ puɐ ,ǝɹoɯʎuɐ ʇsᴉxǝ ʇ'uoʍ noʎ .ʎʅʅɐuᴉɟ ,sǝʎ"

She stood up, closed the book, and walked past two ghost figures. It was Nightfall and Rainbow Sky, as they were glitching out.

The figure disappeared, but I didn't notice the rainbow prism effects on the two ponies as they smiled.

"Her spark is stronger than you think."

"The thing about the spark is that it grows stronger when..."

Both looked up at the sky, seeing a rainbow as the skies cleared.

"The spark glows stronger when it has something to believe insomething to move forward towards."

End of Chapter 22

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