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#BeautyInTheEye - Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

Code Word: #BeautyInTheEye

It’s Fashion Week in Manehattan! The sights, the sounds, the trends! You’re happily walking along the city streets taking in all of the beautiful new dresses and outfits of the season, when you run nearly headlong into an older unicorn mare wandering along in front of you.

“I’m so sorry, Miss,” you say respectfully.

“Thank you, my dear,” the ancient looking unicorn says. Her flowing mane reminds you of somepony and then you realize who this is. It’s the legendary Mistmane, Pillar of Old Equestria!

“Mistmane!” you exclaim. “What are you doing here in Fashion Week?”

“Believe it or not, I admire beauty wherever it is found, young one,” Mistmane replies coyly. “But I’m afraid the beauty here is far too artificial for my tastes.”

“Artificial?” a voice says from one of the nearby displays. Your jaw drops when the one and only Suri Polomare appears in front of you. “My dear Mistmane, surely you can see how beautiful these gowns are.”

“Your gowns are pretty, but true beauty comes from bringing out what comes from within,” Mistmane says with a soft smile. “Perhaps I just haven’t found that yet here.”

Suri sputters and coughs. “But you must admit that my colors, my shapes, the curvature of the dresses I’ve put on display. They bring out the inner beauty in ponies. They let them shine brightly across Equestria!”

“Your dresses allow ponies to play pretend and wear a mask in public, preventing others from seeing to their true selves,” Mistmane says. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, my dear. You must see that.”

Suri scowls yet again before looking at you. AT YOU! Your face turns pale as she stomps up to you.

“You there, what do you think? Am I right or is Mistmane right?” she says.

> Tell Mistmane that she’s right. (Hero)
> Tell Suri that she’s right. (Villain)

You shake your head softly. “Suri, Mistmane is right. She’s one of the Pillars of true beauty! You could learn a thing or two from her, I’m sure,” you say.

Suri starts to retort before glancing back at Mistmane. Her eyes widen and she walks back over to the ancient mare.

“I… I may have been too hasty in my assumptions,” she says. “Please accept my humblest apologies for my rude behavior.”

“Your apology is accepted, Miss Polomare,” Mistmane says with a wink.

“You… you know who I am?” Suri says.

“Of course I do,” Mistmane says. “I did say I tried to find beauty wherever it could be found. That includes doing my research.”

“In that case… do you think you could help me? Help me to help ponies show their truest selves?” Suri asks.

Mistmane grins widely before looking over at you. “I’d love to, my dear,” she says.

(+1 pages for Heroes)

This is Suri Polomare. One of the greatest designers of all time! Of course she’s right! Not some old fuddy duddy from the ancient days of Equestria.

“Suri, don’t listen to her,” you say. “She’s just out of touch with modern design trends. Your designs are absolutely flawless.”

“Well,it’s good to know that at least somepony appreciates my work,” Suri says, grinning at Mistmane, who merely sighs before walking away. “Thank you for that. Perhaps you’d like to come see my new collection? A personal tour if you will.”

“That sounds amazing! I’d love to!”

(+1 pages for Villains)

Author's Note:

This was the first of three Guest of Honor stories I wrote, in this case specifically for Elley Ray (the voice of Mistmane).

When I first wrote it, I didn't realize it would be used for her but it ended up being the only Mistmane-centric story in all of the app stories. I love Elley Ray and she is an absolutely wonderful light in this community so I am thankful this story ended up on her autograph posters.