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#QueenOfSocialMedia - There's Something Kinda Freaky Happenin' Tonight

There's Something Kinda Freaky Happenin' Tonight
Code Word: #QueenOfSocialMedia

You’ve heard through the grapevine that Pipp Petals is hosting the interview of a lifetime with a very special guest and is in need of somepony to operate the camera for the event. You decide to apply and manage to get the job!

You show up the night of the interview to meet with Pipp and it’s clear that her excitement is palpable. She’s even in full costume, which is… weird. Nightmare Night isn’t for another few months at this point.

“Okay, so… I’m going to have to ask you to not freak out, okay?” Pipp says as she leads you to the room where the interview will be held. “Our guest is a little antsy and she can be a little intense if you know what I mean, so just play it cool?”

“You got it, Princess,” you say, taking your seat next to the camera. You focus in on the two seats as Pipp sits down on hers. “Uhh, Princess? Where’s our guest?”

“Oh… she’ll be along shortly,” Pipp replies with a wink. In her hooves is a piece of paper you assume to be notes of some sort. “Let’s get rolling and I’ll introduce her.”

“Alright, we’re on in 3… 2… 1… and live!”

Spooky dance music begins to filter into the room from a speaker somewhere as Pipp turns to the camera and grins widely.

“Hey, Pippsqueaks! It’s your Princess of the Night, Pipp Petals with a spooky setup tonight, and I have got something a-maz-ing for you all! I know what you’re thinking, Nightmare Night isn’t here yet, but I thought it would be fun to have a killer interview that will blow your pony socks off!” Pipp says, a grin on her face. “But first, give it up for our camera pony tonight, [USERNAME]!”

You glance about nervously as you reach into frame to wave. Pipp’s streams often have had millions of viewers. A lot of ponies out there suddenly know your name.

“With that being said, let’s get on with the mane event! Trust me when I say, you are all going to scream over our guest,” Pipp says, holding up the piece of paper. “In fact, I almost guarantee it!”

The paper begins to glow softly and you realize suddenly that Pipp is holding one of the pages that ponies have been trying to collect to help out Fizzy Glitch. Before you can say anything, the other chair seems to darken as shadows coalesce all around it and suddenly a pony appears there. No, not a pony… an alicorn. And not just any alicorn… it’s…

“Pippsqueaks, say hello to the one and only Nightmare Moon!” Pipp shouts with glee.

The alicorn in the other seat looks taken aback. “Where am I?” she asks. “What happened? I was just about to destroy that pitiful Twilight Sparkle.”

“Oh pssh, you don’t need to worry about that,” Pipp says. “The ponies at home want to know more about you!”

“What? Who are you? Why aren’t you running in fear? I am the Mare in the Moon, the Queen of Eternal Darkness!” the alicorn says, standing and lifting a hoof. “You should be petrified!”

“Oh, I am absolutely horrified and I am LOVING it!” Pipp says, her hooves shaking with delight. “Pippsqueaks, let’s get some questions in the chat for our Queen of Eternal Darkness!”

Nightmare Moon blinks, her draconic eyes struggling to take in what’s going on here. She takes a seat and glares deeply at Pipp.

“I don’t understand,” she says.

“Well, let me provide a little illumination on the subject,” Pipp says. “My name is Pipp Petals, and you’re on my show! Right now we’ve got… one million ponies at home watching just for you, Moony-babe!”

“You’re… you’re kidding, right? They’re watching from where and how… and for me?” Nightmare Moon replies. “Don’t the ponies know the stories? I am the Night Eternal!”

“Oh they know all about you, and they’re watching from their homes! And based on these chat comments, they are loving your style!” Pipp says. “You’re going to have to show me how to get eye shadow colorations like yours. They are so fetch!”

“Well, it is nice to be appreciated for once. Hello out there… what did you call them? Pippsqueaks?” Nightmare Moon says.

“They are loving it! Now, before we get on with the interview proper, we’re going to take a quick break. So grab a snack and settle in, we’ll be back before you know it, Pippsqueaks!” Pipp says, tapping a few keys on the keyboard as the stream moves to pause.

“We are no longer being watched?” Nightmare Moon says quizzically.

“I put the stream on pause so we could chat a bit before we go back on live,” Pipp says. “I’m really sorry I surprised you like that. I’m a huge fan and I thought it would be fun to talk to you, but maybe this was a mistake.”

You recognize this could be your chance to prevent Pipp from causing further damage using the page. What do you do?

>Tell Pipp that Nightmare Moon should go back to her own time (Heroes)
>Tell Pipp that Nightmare Moon should stay here (Chaos)

“Princess,” you interject before things can get worse than they already are. “Everything about this seems off to me. I know you’re a big fan, but she can’t stay here, you must know that. She belongs in her own time.”

Pipp sighs loudly. “You’re right, [USERNAME]. I just wanted to create something so truly unique and what’s more unique than Nightmare Moon?” she says. “No, you’re right. I have to rectify my mistake.”

“I don’t understand, I thought you ponies here were appreciative of my night, of my royal nature,” Nightmare Moon asks.

“And we are… but you’re not supposed to be here. You’re supposed to be back then,” Pipp says. “Before you go though, can I tell you something?”

Nightmare Moon nods silently. “Of course, my little pony,” she says.

A while ago, my friends and I found an ancient book in the Zephyr Heights Library about alicorns, specifically ancient alicorns. I’ll just say you’ll have to trust me on this, but you’ll find ponies in your time that will appreciate and love you just as much for who you really are… Princess Luna,” Pipp says with a smile.

Nightmare Moon looks taken aback. “I have not been called by that name in centuries.”

Pipp grins widely, holding up the page and her phone. “Maybe I can get a selfie before you go?”

We just keep on rockin’ to the monster groove

(+1 pages for Heroes)

You decide that Pipp knows what she’s doing and to not say anything at all. After all, having a powerful alicorn Queen that could potentially protect Equestria from threats could be awesome, especially if any more of the pages show up. Besides… Pipp is a Princess! Who else is better to protect one of the pages than her?

Pipp recomposes herself. “No, Pipp. You gotta be positive! The show must go on!” she says triumphantly. “Are you ready, Queen of Eternal Darkness?”

Nightmare Moon grins, her fangs gleaming in the light. “Yes… Yes I do believe I am.”

“Excellent. Cue the music, [USERNAME], we’re going live again in 3… 2… 1…!”

It may look scary, but don’t be afraid… cause nothing’s what it seems at a monster partay!

(+1 pages for Chaos)

Author's Note:

I had this legitimate idea of Pipp interviewing Nightmare Moon for a podcast and ran with it.

Super fun to write.