• Published 28th Dec 2023
  • 453 Views, 6 Comments

Twilight vs. The Beast - I Vicious I

This horrible species has cost more ponies their lives than every other creature to ever exist in Equestria. Now one has made the mistake of challenging Twilight in her castle library.

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Twilight's Wrath: A Mosquito's Misjudgment

Twilight Sparkle sat in her castle library, surrounded by the comforting embrace of ancient tomes and the faint scent of well-preserved parchment. The room was adorned with shelves stretching from floor to ceiling, each holding a treasure trove of knowledge. The soft glow of magical crystals illuminated the space, casting a warm, ambient light that danced across the worn pages of countless books.

As Twilight settled into her cushioned chair, the hushed rustling of pages turning and the occasional creaking of leather-bound covers filled the air. The gentle crackling of the fireplace added a rhythmic undertone, offering both warmth and a subtle earthy ambiance. The crackling fire also released a faint, earthy aroma of burning logs, mingling with the sweet fragrance of aged paper and the faint hint of magical residue.

The air was calm and still, with a tranquility that seemed to resonate from the vast knowledge contained within the library walls. Occasionally, a distant breeze whispered through the open windows, carrying the scent of distant flowers and the crisp freshness of the outside world.

Twilight found herself alone in her castle, the echoes of Starlight and Spike's adventures fading away. Finally, a precious moment of solitude. Resting in her lap was an expansive volume chronicling the history of unicorns from 600 to 700 BC. Yet, concealed within its formidable cover was a smaller, hidden book—an enigmatic treasure she secretly devoured, shielded from any prying eyes that might intrude on her private reverie. A clopfic.

Twilight harbored a secret passion for trashy romance novels, an addiction she managed to conceal successfully. Keeping the true extent of her literary indulgence hidden became a skill she had perfected over time.

Her musings were abruptly interrupted by a high-pitched buzzzz. Startled, she tore herself away from her story and glanced around, but there was no sign of anypony. Slowly, she turned her head back to the book, her confidence in being alone was shaken.

Buzzzz! There it was again—a mysterious, unearthly sound that disrupted Twilight's peace. She swung her hoof in the direction of the noise, attempting to strike the source, but the elusive creature easily dodged her attack. The intrusion into her sanctuary was unbearable. Almost immediately, the buzzing persisted, now uncomfortably close to her ear.,

A high-pitched whine pierced the stillness of the night, a relentless hum that seemed to dance right next to her ear. It was the unmistakable sound of a mosquito, its tiny wings created a persistent, maddening buzz. The air around her felt charged with annoyance as the invisible intruder circled, its erratic flight path caused her fur to tingle with anticipation. Each passing moment brought the aggravating sound closer; a sharp reminder of its proximity. The delicate flutter of wings seemed magnified, as if the mosquito's miniature orchestra played a serenade exclusively for her ears. She could almost feel the gentle breeze created by its flight, a whisper that heightened the irritation. The persistent hum lingered, a ceaseless reminder of the miniature menace lurking in the darkness.

She swatted at her ear; once again she tried to strike it down and once again she failed. As though to mock her, it hovered directly in her face. "This mockery will be your undoing" she whispered as she slapped her hooves together. Surely she had gotten the pest this time. She slowly brought her hooves apart, searching them for the small sticky splatter of blood and guts, but to no avail, it was still on the loose.

She searched around herself, her eyes darted high and low, only to find it right in the center of her page. "What bravery or sheer hubris this beast must have to interrupt the personal time of a princess." She slapped at the page, and narrowly missed the mosquito, but bent the book's pages in the process. Twilight's eyes went wide, filled with the flames of Tartarus itself. "How dare you damage a book?'' she shouted.

Without thought her horn glowed and a beam of magic shot towards the mosquito. The book burst into flames. Twilight panicked as she realized what she had done, she tossed the book to the ground and stomped the flames out, but it was too late. The book was destroyed; the thought of never knowing how the romance between Lunar and Big Red turned out filled her with a blinding rage. A familiar buzzing filled the air letting her know that this battle was not yet over. The mosquito would pay, Tartarus was too good for this monster, it would be obliterated.

Twilight shot a beam of magic at the mosquito, but she missed, instead the beam struck the wall with an explosion. Tomes and pages scattered across the room, much of it landed in a pile directly below the impact. Almost as if to mock Twilight, the mosquito landed upon the mound of destruction. The familiar buzz filled the air.

Twilight froze, her heart sank as she surveyed the devastation in her library—precious books were scattered and damaged. What had she done to deserve this? No, it wasn't her; it was this abomination that had wrought havoc on her sanctuary. An impossibly wide grin stretched across her face as she embraced the idea of purging the world of any creature capable of such destruction to a book. The wrath of a thousand alicorns surged within her, determined to be unleashed upon this mosquito! "Oh, you'll pay for this! Anypony who dares harm my books will face the consequences!" she shouted, her voice tinged with a rising sense of derangement.

A blast of magic shot through the air, striking the pile of books with unimaginable force, casting bits of paper to fly across the room. For good measure, she unleashed another blast, and then another. "There will be no redemption!" she cried, a glint of madness in her eyes. When the dust and bits of paper had settled, the library descended into silence. No buzzing could be heard. Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. The horror was over, and her books were safe from the beast.

She sat back down in her chair, now marked with scorches and tears in the fabric. She examined her romance novel, and hoped for salvageable pages, that's when she heard it—the insistent, overwhelming, and insane buzzzzzz. She looked beside her and saw the mosquito, perched on her chair as if declaring victory, asserting itself as the true owner of the library. It mocked her perceived weakness in protecting her books. Twilight's eyes turned a literal white with fury. "That's enough!" Her voice reverberated throughout the castle.

Her horn glowed with a deep and nefarious red. Twilight stared at the mosquito, ready to engage in a battle to the death with this abomination of pure sin. How dare it destroy her library and think it could get away with it? A maniacal laugh escaped her lips as she unleashed a beam at her chair, obliterating it. Another beam followed, and another. Beams of energy shot through the walls and into the sky, creating a spectacular display for anypony near the castle to witness

One of those ponies happened to be the nearby Starlight Glimmer. She threw open the doors of the library in a desperate haste, only to come face to face with the ruins that had once been the beautiful castle library. In the center sat Twilight, in a manic state, her legs wrapped around her body as she rocked. "Uh, Twilight, are you okay?" Starlight ventured cautiously. Twilight turned towards Starlight, the small mosquito was now perched on Starlight's snout. "Uh... Twilight?" Starlight repeated, concern was deeply etched into her voice.

"Don't worry, Starlight. I'll fix this; I just need you to stand still," Twilight said, her horn beginning to glow with a dark red light.

Comments ( 6 )

I lol'd

Starlight: Instead of recklessly blasting it, thrust causing many misfires that destroyed the library.

Can't you use your telekinesis to rip off it's wings, and then kill it!? :ajbemused:

Twilight: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof:

Mosquito still wins the 2 v 1 :pinkiecrazy:

Yet, concealed within its formidable cover was a smaller, hidden book—an enigmatic treasure she secretly devoured, shielded from any prying eyes that might intrude on her private reverie. A clopfic.

Twilight harbored a secret passion for trashy romance novels, an addiction she managed to conceal successfully. Keeping the true extent of her literary indulgence hidden became a skill she had perfected over time.

Oh dear. You'd better pray Rarity doesn't find out about that.

The Hate Game: prequel?
I can understand why Twilight doesn't like them.

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