• Published 3rd Jan 2024
  • 297 Views, 26 Comments

The Silanos - Kama and Hallie

Notorious Italian-American crime family, the Silanos, expand their business to Equestria, and slowly begin to rise to power.

  • ...

The School

The Silanos stood on the other side of the Sparkling Lake, across the School of Friendship. Now that they were right in front of it, the Silanos saw how big the purple castle that is the school, but it was nowhere as massive as the Castle of Friendship which stood looming right behind them. Roberto stared up at the tall towers of the school, the Elements of Harmony symbol, as well as the stained glass window depicting Princess Twilight Sparkle that rested above the front door with his squinted eyes, analyzing everything he could about the stucture. After a minute or two of silence, Roberto took his cigar out of his mouth and blew out the smoke he inhaled, then gestured his kids to follow him inside.

Roberto opened up the double doors that led into the chateau, which he noticed had a gold plate that had the symbol of the Elements of Harmony, and the mob boss and his two suns entered the lobby of the School of Friendship. The lobby had many grey pillars with purple crystals at their bases, blue and purple pathway carpets, and on either side of the carpets were stone busts on historical ponies. The lobby was filled with many ponies walking or flying around, but once in a while the Silanos also saw other creatures that they've rarely or never came across before, only being aware of their existence. There were some creatures that looked like ponies but had scales, bushy manes, and strange-looking horns that Roberto and Gabriele had absolutely no idea what they were, but Ainsley knew them to be Kirins; there were a couple of dragons, which Roberto was visibly not happy to see; there were changelings, which looked absolutely nothing like what Roberto and Gabriele imagined them to be (Gabriele looking pretty disappointed by how they look), who from what they were told about them, expected them to be very horrifying-looking, but that might've applied more to when they were still under Queen Chrysalis's rule; then there were the expected griffons, hippogriffs, and yaks (who the Silanos, mostly the father and eldest son, thoight were the least interesting creatures around there).

In the middle of the lobby, they saw a trio of ponies that stuck out from the rest, mostly because they were obviously the only adults around. One was a light purple unicorn mare with a dark purple mane that had an aquamarine highlight on it, the other was another unicorn mare but was instead blue with a very light blue mane and tail, and the last one was an orange bespectacled unicorn stallion with an unkempt vermillion mane and a long beard growing out of his chin, and he also wore a blue cape with stars on it.

"Good afta'noon, teachers!" Roberto greeted loudly, which got the attention of the three ponies.

"Oh, why...hello. Who are you?" the purple unicorn asked.

"Roberto Silano, an' these are my sons Gabriele an' Ainsley, an' I'm guessin' by ya...cutie mark that you're Starlight Glimmer?" Roberto asked, attempting not to physically gag at saying 'cutie mark'.

"Yup, that's me. Sorry, it's just...pretty surprising to see you here. We don't get too many humans around here," Starlight said.

"Well, we do have some humans who came to us who considered applying here," the orange bespectacled stallion said.

"Oh yeah, we do! We should probably try getting back to them later."

"So, what are ya, like the principal 'ere or somethin'?" Gabriele asked Starlight.

"Yeah. Well, Headmare, to be more accurate." Starlight then gestured to the orange stallion and the blue mare. "This is our vice headmare, Sunburst; and this is our guidance counselor, Trixie."

"H-hello, nice to meet you!" Sunburst greeted awkwardly, extending his hoof which Roberto shook.

"The Great and Powerful Counselor Trixie is happy to meet you," Trixie greeted with smug confidence, extending her hoof just like Sunburst which Roberto also shook.

"Hold on, why is he called 'vice headmare' if he's a guy?" Gabriele asked.

Starlight and Sunburst looked at each other, clearly not sure of the answer too. "I...never really thought about that, actually. Guess it's just a title that stuck," Starlight tried to answer.

Ainsley leaned in and whispered in his brother's ear. "It's a pretty matriarchal society, remember?"

"But c'mon, a guy bein' so subserviant to a female, that he's even 'avin' a female job title? That's a disgrace!" Gabriele whispered back, though his whispering was loud enough to be heard by everyone near him.

"What are you, Andrew Tate?" Ainsley asked.

"I'm jus' sayin' it's pretty embarrasin' fer 'im ta be emasculated like that!"

Roberto continued the conversation, trying to get himself and the ponies to ignore what his sons were talking about, as he couldn't afford to have potential friends pushed away right as they were getting to know each other. "Anyway, it's very nice ta meet all o' ya as well."

"So...what brings you here, Mr. Silano?" Starlight aked.

"Ya see, I've already been in Equestria in Equestria for...many months now, an' even built a house 'ere in Ponyville. But I still 'aven't been able ta explore every inch o' this lovely little town, includin' this magnificent-lookin' school o' yours as well as that majestic crystal castle out front! So seein' these majestic landmarks everyday, an' hearin' a lotta great things about this school, I figured why not try ta take a look an' find out everythin' about it," Roberto answered.

"So you're here to take a tour of the place?"

"If ya not busy, that is. Plus, I've been gettin' ta know a lotta the Princess's close friends these past couplea days, an' I take it ya one as well?"

"Yeah, aren't you Princess Twilight's personal student?" Ainsley asked.

"Oh, I was, but that was years ago," Starlight answered.

"And I heard you were once an evil cult leader and nearly destroyed the timeline?"

"That..." Starlight inhaled through her teeth nervously, "...was also years ago."

"What? Then how the hell are ya even runnin' free right now?! Much less runnin' the Princess's frickin' school!" Gabriele exclaimed, in which he only got shushed angrily by his father in response.

"Twilight's always been...very understanding I guess," Starlight hesitantly answered.

"Movin' back ta the topic at hand...I've become very close acquaintances with the Princess's closest friends, so I figured why not try an' get ta know all of 'em?" Roberto said, again trying to make everyone ignore what his son just said.

"I'm even trying to learn with Rarity now! Alongside with two students from this school, Sandbar and Yona," Ainsley added.

"You've met Sandbar and Yona? Well, that's great to hear, they are great students. Maybe you can attend here too! If you want to," Starlight said.

" So tell me, what exactly d'ya teach in this 'ere School o' Friendship?" the mob boss asked.

"Yeah, d'ya literally jus' teach fruendship 'ere? 'Ave some whole classroom lecture an' curriculum on how ta socialize or somethin'?" Gabriele added.

"Well, kinda, yeah. It's all about, in Twilight's words, teaching creatures about respecting differences and communicating," Starlight answered.

Each of the Silano family members had varying reactions to Starlight's answer. Ainsley was pretty interested, albeit a bit confused; Roberto was listening intently but was also trying his best not to disrespect Starlight by expressing his confusion too much; Gabriele did not hide what he was feeling, as he stared at the purple unicorn mare with the most confused expression he could muster.

"Ya serious right now? What, is there like a diploma or degree fa makin' friends 'ere or somethin'? Those are the kinda things I learned about in fuckin' grade school! Look at all these creatures 'round us, they're all like, what? Highschool? Grads? Why are ya seriously teachin' people this old about fuckin' friendship?! Do they pay fa these lessons? How much time do they spend 'ere? Is this all so they unlock their secret rainbow powers or somthin'?! 'Cause if it was, I'd prolly understand!" Gabriele kept asking, as while he knew what the school was about beforehand, it was a completely different experience when the principal conformed that the school really was as ridiculous as it sounded.

"It's not just about rainbow powers..." Starlight tried to answer before Gabriele cut her off and continued his rant.

"I mean, if it's really jus' about makin' friends, I can do that easily! No need ta apply like Ainsley would!" Gabriele gestured to his younger brother.

"Why am I being used as an example?!" Ainsley asked in outrage, which only got ignored by his big brother.

Gabriele pointed to two random young stallion students walking through the lobby. "Look there! I'm gonna make friends with those guys an' see if I can manage without the help o' this school's education!" The young Italian-American man then walked away from the crowd he was with toward the two young stallions. "Ay! You two!"

The two students stopped their chatter with each other and stopped dead in their tracks as the human stood towering in front of them. "Uh...yes?" one of them spoke.

"The name's Gabriele. Wanna be friends?"

"Um...sure?" the other stallion answered.

Gabriele immediately turned back to Starlight. "There! See?! Easy! I just aced this damn school in ten seconds! Where's my diploma?" he said as the two students he spoke two snuck past him while his attention was occupied.

"That's not really how it works," Starlight pointed out.

Upon hearing this, Gabriele immediately marched in front of Starlight and the other two teachers. "Oh, what? So, ya sayin' that there now are rules on how ta make friends, Glim-Glam?! I thought friendship was supposed ta be diverse an' not follow a rulebook!" Gabriele leaned his face closer to Starlight's with every sentence.

"That's not what I--"

"Also, anotha' thing I gotta point out. What's up with ya hair? Why the hell does it look like one o' those pride flags?" Gabriele asked.

"A pride flag?" Starlight asked back as she looked up and touched her own mane.

"Yeah, like the ones those queers wave around." Gabriele turned to his little brother, "Ay, Ainsley! You're queer, tell me ya don't see it too."

Ainsley was about to start an argument with his big brother, but stopped himself when he actually took the time to analyze Starlight's mane. "Actually, now that you mention it, it kinda does look like one."


"Well, when you think about it, a lot of the manes of the ponies we've seen kinda look like pride flags. Princess Twilight's kinda resembles the bisexual flag, and Rainbow Dash...well, seems pretty obvious."

"Ya think it's all natural? Or d'they all dye 'em ta--"

"Kids! Please!" Roberto scolded his sons, which caused them to immediately stop talking. "Can we please focus on what we came 'ere for?!"

"Sorry, Dad," The Silano Brothers apologized in unison with their heads bowed down.

"As I was tryna say, we jus' wanna take a look around this wonderful school o' yours. See what the fuss's about," Roberto continued.

"Why, sure! I'd be glad to show you around!" Starlight said. "You three have obviously met all our teachers, so let's take a look at their classes, shall we?" she gestured the humans to follow her.

Roberto took a puff of his cigar before answering, causing him to blow out large amounts of smoke in Starlight's face while he spoke. "Sounds good ta me. Ya've gotta really nice schoolin' facility up 'ere, I'd love ta see it all."

Starlight wheezed and coughed from all the smoke blown in her face before speaking again. "I'm sorry, sir, but can you put that out?"

Roberto's face suddenly turned sour as he silently stared at the unicorn with his squinted eyes. Roberto always hated it when someone told him to put his cigar out, it always felt like a part of him was missing whenever he didn't have a cigar with him. He made an exception with Rarity when she fixed his suit, since it was only respectful for him to do so with the pony who was fixing his favorite suit, plus the boutique was a very small space and smoking in such a place surrounded by hundreds of flammable fabric wouldn't be a good idea anyway. The school on the other hand was a much larger place and more open, so it wasn't like a little cigar smoke would hurt anyway. Roberto never understood when schools, or any public place, freaked out so much about him smoking around the premises, it wasn't like nobody there didn't smoke (or at least not yet).

But since this was Starlight's building and not his, Roberto forced himself to comply. A good businessman and friend should have to respect his host's wishes, after all. Though that didn't stop him from visibly expressing his displeasure, whether he realized it or not.

"As you wish then, Miss Starlight," the crime boss said as he put out his cigar on the horn of the stone bust of Starswirl the Bearded without even looking at it, which gained some uncomfortable looks from the ponies in front of him.

"Uh...you really shouldn't do that, Mr. Silano. That's Starswirl the Bearded, one of the most respected heroes of Equestria?" Starlight told the man, trying to hide her frustration.

"My apologies, Miss Starlight. I didn't know," Roberto said without a hint of remorse in his voice as he took the cigar he put out on the bust and put it in his pocket. "Now, shall we?"

"Oh! Of course," Starlight just remembered what they were there for. She took a deep breath to calm herself down about the Silanos' previous behaviors, and she looked at them with a smile. "Right then, if you would just follow me."

Starlight led everyone through the school, with Sunburst and Trixie tagging along. They first showed their offices, which the Silanos were clearly not interested in at all, and after which Sunburst and Trixie split up from the group to continue their works while Starlight continued the tour. Next, Starlight showed them to each of the classes, and like she said, the Silanos have already met the teachers before. But what the Silanos weren't expecting was just how off the wall their classes actually were.

The first class they visited was none other than Fluttershy's class, who, as expected but somehow still took the Silanos by surprise, has a lot of wild animals in her class, some that seemed way too big and dangerous to be in a classroom environment, and some that were obviously only native to Equestria since the Silanos couldn't tell what the hell they were supposed to be. Roberto and Gabriele seemed to be the only ones who were taken aback by this (Ainsley was already used to seeing the ponies do stuff like this), while Starlight just smiled at it like it was an everyday occurance, and all the students in the class were smiling and laughing as well.

"See?! I told ya this yellow bitch's crazy!" Gabriele whispered to his little brother.

"Oh! Hi, Gabriele!" Fluttershy suddenly greeted when she noticed the familiar-looking human by the door. Gabriele seemed scared that the yellow pegasus noticed him, partly because he didn't want to be seen associating with her, and the other reason was the one she mentioned right after that.

"Are you still coming to my sanctuary to help out like you said?" the yellow pegasus asked with everyone in the vicinity listening.

"Uh..." Gabriele looked back and forth between Fluttershy and his father, who while despite staring at his son blankly, Gabriele knew exactly what he wanted him to say, "...sure, why not?"

"Oh, wonderful! We can learn all about animals together!" Fluttershy said giddily.

"Oh, no..." Gabriele said while Ainsley just snickered at his brother.

As Starlight closed the door to Fluttershy's classroom, she gave a smug look towards Gabriele, who did not seem amused by the situation in the slightest. "Looks like someone here has gotten pretty close to one of our teachers."

"Yeah, yeah, shut up, Glim-Glam."

Next, they visited Rainbow Dash's class, which the Silanos noticed was pretty much phys-ed as her classroom wasn't even a classroom, but more of a gymnasium. There were wooden baskets suspended on poles (which the Silanos assumed was meant to be Equestria's version of basketball), and there were huge hoops hanging down from the ceiling which many pegasi, and even a blue griffon and orange dragon were flying through. Up in the air, they could also see a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane they knew to be Rainbow Dash, who was teaching as a coach. Rainbow and Ainsley quickly greeted each other from afar before they moved on to the next class.

Pinkie Pie's class was exactly what one would expect it to look like, as it was full of balloons and other party decorations, the shelves were filled with ingredients to make cake, and it was way more hectic than any classroom the Silanos had ever seen (one that had a teacher in it, at least). As Starlight was explaining the class, Gabriele whispered to Ainsley again asking how the hell laughter was even a legitimate lesson to be taught at a school, in which Ainsley replied that by the looks of the class it could also be teaching how to be a party curator which is a legitimate job. Pinkie noticed the visitors and hopped happily towards them.

"Hey, Mr. Silano! Nice to see you again! Did you find out who it was?! I did my own investigating and I pulled up a list of possible suspe--"

"Nice seein' ya again, Pinks. But don't worry about that, we've got situation handled. I've been doin' a little investigatin' of my own, actually," Roberto smiled at the pink earth pony.

"Ooh! Really?! Didja figure out who it is?!" Pinkie jumped in place excitedly.

"Ssh! Not so loud!" Roberto tried to say in a hushed tone while looking at Starlight, who in turn was looking at Roberto and Pinkie weirdly. "Unfortunately no, I still don't actually know who it was. But we're makin' pretty huge progress if I do say so myself."

Roberto leaned his head closer to Pinkie to make sure no one can hear what he's about to say. "An' jus' between you an' me, I suspect it might be someone on the inside."

Pinkie Pie gasped loudly. "An inside job?! Who could it b--" she tried to exclaim before Roberto put one of his big fat fingers on her lips to hush her up.

"I told ya! Not so loud!" he said in a hushed tone again. "Like I says, I don't know. But the point is, ya don't 'ave ta worry about it. We've got it unda' control. So ya can jus' go back ta teachin' ya class an' bakin' ya birthday cakes. Nice li'l class ya got 'ere, by the way."

"So ya teach people about...havin' fun?" Gabriele asked.

"Righty-roony!" Pinkie answered.

"That's weird, 'cause usually when students wanna 'ave fun, it's outside the classroom."

"Well, that's what makes this class so special!" Pinkie replied, looking back proudly at her classroom.

"I guess."

Pinkie then turned back to Roberto. "By the way, Mr. Silano, thank you so much for the partnership offer! I've been delivering so many cakes to your restaurant, and it's really been helping the bakery!"

"Why, ya welcome, Pinkie. That's jus' what I do, y'know?" Roberto said with a smile.

"Okie-dokie! I gotta get back to class. See you again, Mr. Silano!" Pinkie said as she bounced away back to her class.

The moment the pink earth pony's back was turned, Roberto's smile instantly faded away, and he turned back to Starlight to continue the tour.

Applejack's classroom was easily the weirdest looking one out of all the ones the Silanos have seen so far, as it looked like a barn than anything else, with its wooden structure painted red. There was a massive apple tree growing in the middle of the room, and there were long wooden tables with various tools on them. So this was more like a workshed than it was a standard classroom. Applejack was there teaching her students, and when she saw Roberto standing by the door, her expression went uneasy, which was very different from all the other teachers before. Applejack told her students to continue their lessons before walking towards the visitors.

"Why, uh, howdy there, Mr. Silano. What brings you here?" the farm pony asked.

"Jus' lookin' around the place. So, Miss Glimmer 'ere tells me this is ya Honesty class."

"That's right."

"What the hell does any o' this have ta do with honesty?" Gabriele asked.

"I'm sorry, an' you are...?" Applejack asked the young man, as well as looking at the other one by Roberto's side.

"Oh right, ya 'aven't met 'em. These are my sons, Gabriele an' Ainsley," Roberto gestured to both his children.

"Well, uh, nice ta meet ya both. So yer...Gabriele?" Applejack asked him.

Applejack's face became uncomfortable when she looked at Gabriele's face. There was something about the young human man that felt very...off. Besides his intimidating posture, when Applejack looked into the young man's eyes, she saw they were very...cold, and full of anger. Applejack thought there was something not right with Gabriele. Despite these feelings, the orange farm pony decided to shrug them off at the moment, and she was also helped to snap out of her trance when Gabriele spoke.

"Yeah, that's right. So whaddya teach in this class?" he asked.

"Oh! Uh...well, I teach mah students all about honesty and hard work. As ya can see here, Ah'm teachin' agriculture an' handiwork," Applejack gestured to the class behind her.

"Alright, again, what does that 'ave ta do with honesty? Or friendship?" Gabriele asked again.

"Maybe the working together part?" Ainsley suggested.

"But that's jus' basic workin'! How exactly does honesty fit into it?! An' why does friendship need ta be applied to it?! This whole school makes absolutely no goddamn se--!" Gabriele ranted before his father raised a finger telling him to stop. Though Gabriele noticed the way he did it was less stern than how he'd usually do it, less of a 'shut up' and more of a 'wait a moment', which told Gabriele that his father was starting to share his thoughts.

"Uh, sorry. Shouldn't 'ave gone off like that," Gabriele apologized, though Applejack could clearly tell it wasn't genuine.

Applejack instead turned to Roberto now. "Mr. Silano, about that offer ya gave me, can we meet up later in the evenin' over at Sweet Apple Acres, ta discuss it properly?"

"A'course, Applejack. Can't wait for it," Roberto said with a smile.

With that, Applejack went back to class, and Starlight led the Silanos to the last of the Coucil of Friendship members' classes. While Starlight led them to Rarity's classroom, the Silanos began to whisper among themselves.

"Tell me ya thinkin' what I'm thinkin' now, Pops?" Gabriele asked his father.

"I sure do. These horses are fuckin' weirdos!" Roberto whispered back.

"Finally! Someone sees it too! This school is fuckin' horseshit! No pun intended. This all feels like a fuckin' scam! I mean, the only way a school like this would be built is if the owner is either scammin' people, or they're a fuckin' idiot themselves! What does any o' the stuff they teach 'ave anythin' ta do with what this school's supposedly about?!"

"Well, the first three classes seemed pretty on-brand with what they were about. Kindness to animals, loyalty in sports, laughter in parties, that kinda thing. Don't know about the honesty one, though. Being honest in business, I guess?" Ainsley suggested.

"I guess that's true," Gabriele said.

" I do think loyalty is a pretty good thing ta teach, as well as honesty, 'cause y'know, our business relies on loyalty an' honesty. Though the honesty part has a few exceptions," Roberto commented.

"Also, the teachers here still seem to teach legitimate jobs in a way," Ainsley added.

"But that brings me back ta my point! A lotta those stuff can be taught at any other, probably betta' schools! The fact that a school this fuckin' big an' majestic is wastin' its time an' money ta teach fuckin' friendship is ridiculous! I'm startin' ta get the feelin' that Princess Twilight, despite bein' famous fa bein' a nerd, isn't as smart as we think," Gabriele continued.

"Yeah, a lot of ponies do say she has a bit too much of a hard-on for the 'Magic of Friendship'."

"Then she's naive too. And this is the horse that saved and is running the country? Are all o' them stupid or somethin'? Whaddya think, Pops?" Gabriele asked his father.

"Well, here's what I think; I truly respect someone who prioritzes friendship above all else, that means I know that person's gonna be loyal, honest, an' trustworthy, an' in turn by givin' those things back to 'em ya keep 'em in ya debt. But Princess Twilight is clearly still young, naive, an' too carin'. I think we can use both o' those things to our advantage," Roberto answered.

"How?" Ainsley asked.

"It's quite simple, she's a simple pony, an' the solutions also simple. Afta' we gain the trust of all 'er friends, on the day that comes where we finally meet 'er face ta face, we jus' come to 'er as a friend. Once we've softened 'er up, we jus' ask 'er fer a little help with our businesses, 'cause I don't think someone like 'er would ever resist helpin' someone out, especially a friend o' her friends. Once she does help us an' we show her our gratitude, that's when we'll be safe unda' her protection! An' she won't even realize it! She's the mos' beloved an' respected pony in all of Equestria, no one would try ta poke their nose in our business if they knew we were indebted ta the Princess."

"An' we'll 'ave 'er precious subjects attatched ta our strings right unda' her nose! Dumb purple bitch won't even know what hit 'er!" Gabriele said with a sadistic smile. Moments like these were one of the few rare occasions he'd ever have a grin on his face.

"Don't get too excited jus' yet, Gabriele. The business an' negotiations 'ave barely even started."

They arrived at Rarity's class, and while it wasn't the stragest looking class they've seen in the school, it definitely fit Rarity's whole thing. The walls had diamind patterns and were scattered with sketches of dresses, the couches were fancy looking, and there were shelves filled with all kinds of fabrics of all colors. Rarity was stitching together a dress in front of the class, and the students were following her example, though also doing their own thing with their creations. Rarity looked up from the dress she was working on and smiled.

"Ah, Mr. Silano! How nice to see you again!" Rarity greeted the human.

"Nice ta see ya too, Miss Rarity," Roberto greeted back.

"I see you brought your sons with you. Hello there, Ainsley, darling! Oh! Do you want to join our class? You did say you want to learn with me," Rarity asked the feminine younger son of Roberto.

"Sure! I don't see why not. You don't mind, do you, Dad?" Ainsley asked his father.

"Of course, son," he answered.

"Hey, Gabe. Why don't you join us?" Ainsley asked his big brother.

"What? Why the hell would I join some boring fashion class?!"

"'Cause I think you really could do with a nicer wardrobe," Ainsley gestured at his brother's clothes. Gabriele wore the same outfit nearly every day, which is his white sleeveless tank top undershirt, his unbuttoned yellow shirt he wears over it, his gold chain necklace, as well as his jeans that he also almost never changes.

"What's wrong with my clothes?!" Gabriele complained, looking down at his outfit.

"Ainsley's not entirely wrong, Gabriele. A son o' mine deserves ta at least try wearin' somethin' a little more fancy than this," Roberto said while pulling at the sleeve of his son's shirt.

"Yeah, just wait 'till I ask Rarity. I guarantee she'll say the same thing."

"Plus, whether or not ya wanna inherit the family business, if ya wanna help it, ya gonna 'ave ta learn ta get along with otha' people, or creatures in this case. Intimidation an' fear's only half the battle in our business, y'know?" Roberto added.

"C'mon, it's only for a little while."

Gabriele just sighed in frustration. "Fine, I guess I'll try ta get involved in the fashion class. As long as nobody makes me wear any dresses!"

"No promises," Ainsley stuck his tongue out.

"I'm fuckin' serious, Ains!"

"Well, I'm glad that our class has interested you...Ainsley, right?" Starlight asked, who the Silanos almost forgot was with them the whole time.

"Yup, that's me."

"Well, I sure hope you and your brother have a fun time while you're here," Starlight said, which Gabriele raised an eyebrow at. The unicorn turned back to the mob boss, "There's just one more class to see, Mr. Silano. My class! I teach magic and history there. Twilight used to teach there, but I filled in for the role after her coronation. Do you still wanna see?"

"Sure, I did say I wanna see every inch o' this place. Plus, I hear you're quite a powerful unicorn yaself, so I'm quite curious ta see what ya capable of. Though, I'll 'ave ta leave afta' that, I jus' remembered there's somewhere else I need ta be today," Roberto answered.

"Of course, Mr. Silano. Just follow me," Starlight gestured and walked down the hall.

"Try not ta cause any trouble, kids. That means you, Gabriele," Roberto pointed at his sons.

"Alright, Pops."

With that, Roberto walked down the hall, following Starlight Glimmer, and Gabriele and Ainsley walked into the classroom to join Rarity and the rest of the class.