• Published 3rd Jan 2024
  • 297 Views, 26 Comments

The Silanos - Kama and Hallie

Notorious Italian-American crime family, the Silanos, expand their business to Equestria, and slowly begin to rise to power.

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The Shipment

In the middle of the new afternoon, the Silanos were waiting for the shipment they've been expecting for the past several days. The truck that had their shipment was expected to have already gone through the portal and arrive at the Silano House in Ponyville at one o'clock sharp, which should mean they only had five more minutes to wait.

Inside the Silano House, Ainsley was seated on the couch reading a book on Equestria and pony society while also filing his nails, and on the other side of the room, Gabriele and Vincenzo were busy counting all the bits they've earned from both the pony race gambling. It was surprising they managed to attract quite an audience to horse/pony racing in such a small town like Ponyville, but they've managed to earn quite a bit of money, especially from the humans, though they did still have to deal with late payers like Leroy. They were now in the middle of building a racing track in Manehatten and start another gambling circle there, where they were guaranteed to make more money. Citizens of big cities, whether on Earth or Equestria, have always been huge degenerates who were easy to take advantage of, so it was guaranteed this would be a money-maker, along with their upcoming narcotics.

Many of Roberto's men always wondered why the hell Roberto didn't just set up base in Manehatten since a big city was more familiar territory and easier to make money in. But Roberto always insisted that while their main businesses would be focused in the big cities, he preffered having his headquarters be in a small town, where it was less stress-inducing, he didn't have to constantly look behind his back, it would be a less likely place for people to search for someone like him, and he could also keep his distance from Don Cicchino who was always a royal pain. Plus, setting up base in Ponyville turned out to be a smart move since he's able to get close to the Council of Friendship members and Element Bearers, which would obviously be a huge advantage for his business.

After the five more minutes of waiting, Ainsley, Gabriele, and Vincenzo heard the distinct noise of an arriving truck, and they were certain Roberto would have heard it from his office too. The three of them got up and went out the front door, where the truck was backing up in front of their house. The truck's final desitination was supposed to be Sweet Apple Acres, but it made a quick stop at the SIlano House per Roberto's orders in order to do a quick inspection of the shipped products.

Shortly after the big white truck finally stopped in place, Roberto came out of the house and joined his sons and right-hand man. The driver of the truck opened up the back, and all the men looked inside to see its contents. Before them, they saw many crates filled with seeds and produce of kinds, as well as things like fertilizers, everything needed to start the farm, but Roberto and the others knew some of the crates carried way more than they claimed.

Roberto told the driver to bring out one of the crates that carried the "stuff", and the driver carried it into the house to ensure no one would be able to see what was happening. The crate was carried into Roberto's office in the basement, and once it was placed down, Gabriele and Vincenzo grabbed a couple of crowbars and opened the crate up. Inside the crate were many seed packs for Italian tomatoes and other crops, everything you'd expect to be delivered for a farm for a restaurant business. But ince they dug through the big pile of seed packs all the way down to the bottom of the crate, they found what they were looking for.

Hidden beneath all the ordinary seed packs were several bags of cocaine and heroine, each bag probably worth at least tens of thousands of dollars. The Silanos and Vincenzo all grinned down at their business's main money-maker, finally arriving in Equestria. Roberto clenched his cigar in his teeth and reached for one of the bags of cocaine, analyzing the plastic filled with a kilogram of the special white powder.

Roberto turned around to face the rest of the men in the room with him, holding the ziplock bag in his hand to display it to the others, and raised his other hand to gesture to it as he began his little speech.

"This is merely the first chapter in interdimensional drug trafficking. We're gonna be the guys behind the guys, between two worlds! An' the best part is, the cops can't touch us. No jurisdiction 'ere."

"Now we jus' gotta start sellin' it ta these horses!" Gabriele said enthusiastically.

"Yeah," Vincenzo chimed in, "I think the best place ta start is gonna be Manehatten. Not only will it have the most potential customers, but big city folk are the most likely ta wanna seek out a piece o' this stuff."

"Totally, especially guys who work in big businesses. Whether it's the depressed schnooks workin' their nine-to-fives, or their degenerate greedy bosses. Either way, they're gonna want in. Then we can start sellin' over at Canterlot! Those stuck-up nobleponies would probably pay good money fa this stuff," Gabriele suggested.

"Aristocrats do do really weird shit," Ainsley commented, earning a nod from his brother.

"Yeah, yeah, we'll think about that stuff later. Right now let's just celebrate our advancin' business," Roberto grinned, and the rest of them men nodded in agreement. "But I do wanna lay down one ground rule first."

"What's that?" Ainsley asked.

"Obviously we're gonna sell this stuff, jus' like we've been doin' fa years now, an' I know ya kids are probably tired o' hearin' me repeat this rule over an' over again, but it really needs to be said," Roberto said, his smile disappearing and having a more stern face put on. "I don't want any o' you, or any o' the guys workin' for us, to be usin' any o' this stuff. Alright? If any o' you, this especially goes to Gabriele and Vincenzo, if ya see or even suspect any of our guys usin' this stuff, I want ya ta take them out immediately. We don't need a Henry Hill situation on our hands. This stuff is only fa sellin', not usin'. Am I makin' myself clear ta you?" he asked.

Both Gabriele and Vincenzo nodded in agreement, both putting on a serious face for Roberto, to show that they fully understood the stakes of what he was saying. Any mobster knew how dangerous of a member of theirs fucking around with drugs could be. The entire crew, or even the entire family would be pinched and spend the rest of their lives rotting in jail just because of the mistake of one fuck-up junkie.


Ainsley then spoke up. "Uh, Dad, I just wanna ask. Hypothetically, if me or Gabe here were to start using drugs...not implying we have! Again, hypothetically...would you not hesitate to have us killed too?"

Roberto did not say anything at all at first. The mob boss just stared silently at both of his sons, his expression completely empty, the only thing on his face that was moving being the smoke from his cigar. Ainsley and Gabriele were both getting quite nervous with how long the silence went and how intently their father stared and never took his squinted eyes off them.

"Well...let's just hope it neva' comes ta that," Roberto answered plainly before turning away.

Their father's answer only made the Silano brothers feel more uncomfortable than before. They did not like how long their father took to answer Ainsley's question, and even then he still didn't even give a proper answer.

Roberto returned a moment later with a wine bottle and four wine glasses in his hands. He laid them down on the table and poured the contents of the bottle into each glass before giving them to each of the men in the room. Roberto then raised his glass in salute, with a triumphant smile on his face.

"Consider our business in Equestria officially started!" the mob boss declared.

Gabriele and Ainsley looked at each other for a moment, and any nervousness they had before immediately disappeared as they smiled at each other and raised their glasses too, followed by Vincenzo. Their glasses all clinked together and all four mobsters began drinking.

Author's Note:

Finally released a new chapter again for this story. Binge-watching "The Sopranos" certainly helped give motivation.

Extra content: Illustrations of Gabriele and Vincenzo



Vincenzo (track suit outfit):