• Published 18th Jan 2024
  • 373 Views, 2 Comments

Trixie Commits Breaking and Entering - I Vicious I

Twilight hears a loud thump on the library annex in the middle of the night, she investigates only to find out that it's just Trixie who's up to her old tricks.

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Element of Humility

Twilight sat in the upstairs bedroom within the Golden Oaks Library, surrounded by the hushed whispers of countless books. The warm glow of the fading sunlight filtered through the large windows, and cast a soft amber hue on the wooden shelves that lined the walls. The air carried the comforting scent of aged paper and leather bindings, creating a unique fragrance that enveloped the space.

As Twilight immersed herself in the pages of her book, a gentle breeze wafted in through the open window, which caused the curtains to dance in a silent ballet. The temperature dropped slightly, and she could feel the coolness against her fur, a contrast to the warmth of the cozy nook she had created.

In the tranquility of the evening hours, just as the world outside settled into a peaceful lull, a sudden thump resonated from below. The abrupt noise shattered the calm, jolting Twilight from her drowsy reverie. Her ears perked up, attuned to the new and unexpected disruption, and a sense of anticipation filled the air. The creak of the old staircase groaned in protest as she cautiously descended, the mystery of the disturbance beckoning her into the unknown depths of the library. Little did she know that what she would find would be a horror beyond her imagination.

Twilight Sparkle gasped in utter horror as she stepped into the main library, her typically immaculate sanctuary of knowledge was now transformed into a whirlwind of destruction. The once meticulously arranged shelves stood in disarray, with books strewn haphazardly across the floor in a chaotic dance. Her eyes widened in shock, while she absorbed the scene of literary madness, and an involuntary gasp escaped her lips, which carried a mixture of disbelief and dismay. The air was thick with the musty scent of disturbed pages, striking her nostrils and adding another layer to the sensory assault.

"No! This can't be happening!" she exclaimed, her voice trembled with disbelief, as she hastily advanced toward the disheveled pile. Each book, a gateway to worlds of information and stories, now lay neglected and out of order. Twilight's meticulous nature cringed at the sight, her body ached to restore the lost harmony among the literary realms. The scent of aged paper lingered in the air, which only intensified her sense of urgency, while the disarray visually assaulted her commitment to order.

With a hum of her magic, she commenced the task of retrieving the fallen books one by one and setting them neatly to the side, a blend of frustration and dismay etched across her face. The sound of pages crinkled under her hooves and resonated like a mournful melody that echoed the distress that gripped her. "Who could do such a thing to my precious books?" she muttered to herself, her expression oscillated between disbelief and a simmering anger. As she worked, the tactile sensation of each rescued book conveyed a spectrum of emotions – from the resilience of the untouched pages to the vulnerability of those slightly damaged, each told a silent tale of the chaos inflicted upon her literary haven.

Twilight couldn't fathom how anypony could be so callous with the treasures of knowledge. The once serene atmosphere of the library was now tainted by the disarray before her, like an unsettling storm which disturbed the calm. Determination surged through her, a fierce flame ignited within, as she set out to restore order. Silently vowing to shield her beloved books from any future aggression, her every movement exuded a resolute commitment to preserve the sanctity of the written word.

Twilight surveyed the room, noting that the shelves in the main library remained untouched, their volumes stood in silent vigil. This anomaly puzzled her – if the books hadn't originated from here, then they had come from... a resounding crash echoed from the library annex, answering her unspoken question. The sudden sound reverberated through the air, carrying with it a sense of ominous revelation. Twilight's eyes widened as the realization hit her, the source of the disturbance now unveiled in the distant annex. The air seemed charged with uncertainty, and a flicker of concern played across her features.

Twilight pivoted towards the extra room, drawn to the source of the commotion. The annex, typically reserved for housing lesser-read books or those temporarily out of rotation from the library's main collection, now stood as the unexpected epicenter of chaos.

Twilight approached the annex, guided by the unsettling rhythm of thumps that underscored the presence of somepony within after hours. The air hung heavy with a sense of trespass, the usually secure boundaries of her library breached by an unknown intruder. Ordinarily, she would have promptly contacted the authorities, relying on the police to deal with such situations. However, the surge of rage within her, fueled by the violation of her cherished books, clouded her usual sound judgment. The annex loomed before her, its shadowy interior concealing the identity of the intruder. Her steps were fueled by a mix of determination and fury, a potent combination that blurred the line between reason and impulse.

As she approached, the air surrounding old books enveloped her with its distinct aroma – a harmonious blend of aged paper, faded ink, and the memories of countless readers. It was a fragrance that whispered of the passage of time, evoking a profound sense of nostalgia that clung to the very essence of the annex. Finally arriving at the door, Twilight couldn't resist taking a moment to inhale deeply, letting the rich scent of literary history fill her senses.

With cautious steps, she peered into the room. She slowly poked her head around the corner to avoid drawing attention, her nerves were quickly assuaged upon seeing the pony inside. The subdued lighting cast a gentle glow on the intruder, and revealed not a malicious presence, but her old rival.

"Trixie!" she shouted, the name burst forth with a mix of surprise and recognition. Any trace of fear that lingered vanished swiftly, replaced by an intensifying surge of anger. The atmosphere crackled with an escalating emotional storm as Twilight's eyes narrowed, the flames of her rage reigniting at the sight of the unexpected culprit.

Hey roomie," a large grin adorned her face as Trixie greeted Twilight. The contrast between the disheveled state of the annex and Trixie's cheerful expression created a surreal scene. Items used for her magical shows were scattered haphazardly, and hammock swung lazily in the corner, an unconventional addition to the library's ambiance. The shelves, once home to Twilight's carefully curated collection, now stood stripped bare of books, replaced by an eclectic array of nick-nacks Trixie had collected throughout her travels. The room, once a bastion of literary order, had transformed into a whimsical haven of Trixie's vibrant eccentricities. Twilight's anger momentarily clashed with the absurdity of the situation, creating a momentary pause in the emotional tempest.

What do you think you're doing, Trixie!" shouted an enraged Twilight. The force of her words echoed through the annex, carrying a blend of frustration and disappointment. "You damaged a bunch of books and just tossed them on the floor." The accusation hung in the air, a stark indictment of the chaos that had unfolded in the once-orderly sanctuary of knowledge. Twilight's eyes bore into Trixie, as she demanded an explanation for the disregard shown to the precious tomes that held a special place in her heart.

"Don't worry, it wasn't too much work to move them. Can you throw them out for me? Thanks," replied Trixie indifferently, her casual tone created a stark contrast to the turmoil evident in Twilight's expression. The audacity of the request hung in the air, and added another layer to the brewing conflict between the meticulous Twilight and the carefree Trixie. "I'm going to need more room for my things in here" she said with a grin.

A vein started to visibly bulge in Twilight's forehead. "Trixie, what are you even doing here?" she shouted, the frustration and incredulity in her voice reached a crescendo. The library, a realm where Twilight found solace in the pursuit of knowledge, had become a stage for an unexpected clash between roommates. The air crackled with tension as Twilight awaited an explanation, her expression a mix of anger and disbelief.

"Well, since you're a princess now, and you are the element of generosity, I figured you'd be nice enough to let me use your spare bedroom," replied Trixie with a nonchalant tone. Twilight stared in disbelief, caught off guard by the audacity of Trixie's assumption.

"No need to thank me, Princess. The Great and Powerful Trixie is more than happy to keep you company," she declared with determination, her grin widening. The room, already filled with the remnants of literary chaos, now bore witness to a clash of personalities and expectations.

Twilight closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "First of all, Trixie, I'm not the element of generosity. Secondly..."

Trixie interrupted her speech. "Can you help me finish setting up my hammock? I need to nail it into these old shelves for improved stability," she said in a detached manner, as she diverted the conversation with a whimsical request.

"Those shelves are antiques!" shouted Twilight, her voice carried a mix of urgency and dismay. However, her protest was quickly disregarded by Trixie, who remained unfazed as the sound of a pounding hammer reverberated through the room. Twilight's eyes went wide in shock, the realization sinking in that the cherished antiques were now being subjected to the whims of Trixie's impromptu construction project.

"Never mind, Twilly, I should be able to do that myself. You can go back to bed now," she said gleefully. "Oh, and if you keep making those funny faces, your face is going to get stuck like that," she added, sounding concerned. Twilight's face contorted into a hodgepodge of expressions as her mind warped with every negative emotion simultaneously. The absurdity of the situation, coupled with Trixie's unconcerned demeanor, left Twilight torn between frustration and a surreal sense of disbelief.

Twilight started to breathe a bit more quickly as she felt overwhelmed. "You can't just move in on a whim, Trixie. How did you even get in?" Her voice carried a mix of frustration and desperation, the sudden intrusion and Trixie's nonchalant attitude pushed Twilight to the brink of exasperation.

"I broke the window in your kitchen in order to get," Trixie casually admitted. Twilight went wide-eyed at this revelation, the shock of the broken window compounding the already overwhelming situation. "Can you go fix that, by the way? It's getting kinda cold. You have the magic of harmony or something, right?" Trixie added, her tone betrayed a lack of concern for the consequences of her actions. The absurdity of the request, coupled with the casual admission of breaking in, left Twilight to grapple with a sense of incredulity and frustration.

Twilight felt overwhelmed. "Why would you think that it's okay to break into somepony's home in the middle of the night and declare that you live there now? Why would anypony think this? This is insane, Trixie!" Her words carried a mix of disbelief and frustration, the absurdity of the situation weighed heavily on her.

Trixie disdainfully dismissed Twilight's comments. "Well, it is a public library, and I'm the public, so I'm entitled to be here. The Great and Powerful Trixie was simply the first to conceive of such a brilliant idea." Twilight attempted to interject, but Trixie cut her off. "I acknowledge that I bested you in our previous encounters, and I can perceive your lingering resentment, but we must allow the past to settle, Twi."

Twilight stomped her front left hoof into the hard oak floor, leaving a small crack. "My name is not Twi, and you did not defeat me..."

Trixie abruptly interrupted her impassioned rant. "I defeated you twice, just to clarify," she retorted, a smug tone lacing her words.

Twilight responded with an expressionless gaze. "It's impossible, inconceivable. I can't fathom how anypony could have such a warped view of events, or an even more distorted perspective on the acceptability of breaking and entering. Trixie, you can't stay here; you need to leave... and extend apologies to all the innocent books that you've harmed!"

"Haha, that's hilarious, Twi. Now, I still have some belongings in my caravan. Once you're finished fixing that window, could you kindly transfer the rest of my stuff in here? Thanks," she said nonchalantly, casually waving off Twilight with her hoof.

Twilight's rage overwhelmed her, leaving her without any coherent response to the madness unfolding. She lowered her head, and fixed her gaze onto the floor, as she took a few seconds to compose herself before looking up. To her dismay, she witnessed Trixie casually stepping on books that now lined the floor as she placed her own items on shelves that were previously occupied by library books. A level of anger previously unknown to Twilight surged within her. With a hum of magic, a beam shot out of her horn, it struck Trixie and enveloped all her possessions within the room.

Trixie found herself outside the Golden Oaks Library, which was now surrounded by a lavender dome that rendered the building impervious to anything. She furrowed her eyebrows in anger, Trixie scoffed, "What a joke. So much for Twilight being the element of generosity."

Comments ( 2 )

I hope there is another chapter. Maybe having Trixie visit each of the ponies in thinking one of them is the element of generosity until she gets to Rarity. They can be like:

:applejackunsure: You can sleep in the barn with the pigs!
:flutterrage: Harry. Please kindly remove our guest.
:pinkiehappy: Ooh! New roommate! We can stay up all night! Swap friendship stories! Cook cakes together! Have great parties! Ooh! What's this metal sphere do? **BOOM**
:rainbowderp: Sure, I'll let you stay - The day you beat me in an aerial race!
:raritycry: I may be the element of generosity - BUT GENEROSITY ONLY GOES SO FAR!

*a royal guard walks up to Trixie, and puts an inhibitor ring on her horn*
Guard: Trixie Lulamoon, you are under arrest for breaking and entering, property damage, and for disturbing a Princess without a good reason.

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