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New Threads

Life in Allspark Wells

Part 2; New Threads

Marble’s Room

Sitting around in a circle as they chatted, Sideswipe, Marble Pie, and Pastel Goth chatted to each other about how their week had been. The first week of school was now over, and as Saturday was now only one night away, the trio of girls were taking the opportunity to relax and put their cares away until Monday.

“Oh my goodness!” Pastel Goth exclaimed with barely contained excitement and joy. “You two are just so adorable!” Indeed, Marble and Sideswipe were blushing as they held each other’s hand. They were distracted as Pastel playfully lamented, “I wish I had someone who likes me the way you two hve each other.”

Sideswipe immediately took Pastel’s hand as she reassured her, “Hey, don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll find someone.” Marble then added, “Exactly! Who wouldn’t want someone like you?” Blushing, Pastel looked away in embarrassment as she replied, “I… uh…. I’ve never been lucky in love.”

After a few moments, Sideswipe shrugged as she relented, “Maybe one day you’ll be lucky. Now then, I think your nails need a new coat of paint.” Pastel Goth let out a sigh of relief as she pulled out her black nail polish as she replied, “Here we go. This stuff is my favorite.” As she unscrewed the bottle of appealing black liquid, the cerulean goth lamented, “A shame Apple Bloom couldn’t be here.”

The moment those words entered her ears, Sideswipe felt herself overcome by a brief sting of sadness. Seeing her girlfriend’s spirit drop a bit, Marble inquired, “Yeah. Where is Apple Bloom anyway?” Taking a deep breath, Sideswipe figured the only thing she could do was tell the truth, and explained, “She’s been feeling a bit down in the dumps lately.”

A concerned Marble immediately asked, “Are people still giving her trouble about…. You know….” The pale biker knew her girlfriend was referring to the Anon-A-Miss incident, that sinister shadow that hung over her sister’s past like a blanket that couldn’t be pulled off. However, Sideswipe knew that, for once, her past sins were not what had been eating Apple Bloom.

“No not that.” Sideswipe reassured her friends. “If it were that, Apple Bloom would have told us.” As Pastel and Marble sighed in relief, the pale biker continued, “Besides, Doctor Pennywhistle and the rest of our teachers have been cracking down on people for it. I haven’t heard anyone say anything about Anon-A-Miss since Tuesday.”

Straightening her jacket, Marble inquired, “Then what has Apple Bloom so down in the dumps?” For a few moments, Sideswipe tried to think what could have been affecting her sister. ‘Well, she hasn’t shown any signs of homesickness.’ The pale biker thought to herself. ‘There isn’t anything with Tender Taps going on.’ Indeed, if anything, having lunch with her boyfriend was one of, if not the only thing that Apple Bloom looked forward to.

After a few more moments, Sideswipe could only sigh in resignation as she admitted, “Hell if I know.”

At that moment, Pastel Goth slammed her fist onto the floor as she declared, “Well that won’t do!” As Sideswipe and Marble looked at her with surprise and concern, the cerulean goth elaborated, “If we don’t know or can’t change what’s eating cowgirl, then I say the least we can do is help her and lift her spirit!” Rising up to her feet, Pastel rose her fist into the air and declared, “Who’s with me?”

For a brief moment, Sideswipe found herself caught completely off guard, not quite sure whether to stand up as well or back away from her new friend. ‘Heh, gotta admit she’s got enthusiasm.’ The pale biker thought to herself. However, another thought entered her thought. ‘Wait a minute. Pastel’s Absolutely right! What kind of friends would we be for Apple Bloom if we left her high and dry? We gotta do something for her!’

Before she could say anything, Pastel Goth began to sit back down as she sheepishly admitted, “I mean, I was just thinking that we’d be pretty crappy friends if we didn’t help Apple Bloom the way she’s help any of us.” Deciding her friend was right, Sideswipe reassured her, “No, you’re right! We need to do something for Apple Bloom.” As Pastel and Sideswipe smiled in unison, Marble asked, “But what are we gonna do for her?”

‘Oh shit!’ Sideswipe thought to herself. ‘What do we do for Apple Bloom?’ Stroking her chin, the pale biker thought of things her sister liked to do or always made her happy. “Let’s see, we could do a dance jam session.” The Pale biker suggested. However, both of the other girls shook their heads as it was clear that that would not work.

At that moment, Pastel suggested, “If I may, Whenever I feel down in the dumps, like really down, I like to go shopping. You know, a new outfit can often make you feel like a new person.”

Upon hearing this, Sideswipe lit up as she exclaimed, “Pastel, you’re a genius!” As the cerulean girl began to blush, the pale biker continued, “Girls, I think a shopping trip is what Apple Bloom needs!” Marble then rose up as she enthusiastically declared, “Oh, this is gonna be so much fun!”

And so, the three girls began to plot out plans for the next day, all of them eagerly awaiting what the next day would have in store.

Roads of Allspark Wells, the Next Morning…

As they rode down the road, Apple Bloom turned to her sister as she asked, “Where are we goin’ again?” Keeping her eyes on the road, Sideswipe explained, “I told you Apple Bloom, it’s a surprise.”

Indeed, the pale biker had made sure her surrogate sister didn’t know what she had in store for her. All Sideswipe did say was that she had something planned for Apple Bloom, and that Ironhide had given his blessing for it to happen. Now, all that was left was to make sure the former farm girl got to the predetermined destination.

After a few more minutes, Sideswipe arrived at her destination; Inky Rose’s clothing boutique. As they pulled up to a conveniently clear parking space near the entrance, Apple Bloom inquired, “What are we doin’ here?” Powering down her motorcycle, Sideswipe explained, “Well, the girls and I were worried that something has you down, so we all figured we’d try to cheer you up.”

As Apple Bloom took this in, two familiar faces emerged from the store’s front door. Both girls were clad in black leather jackets, something that they had in common with the former farm girl, who was wearing her new jacket to protect her from the cool wind pushing against her. Though while Marble wore a gray turtleneck with black skirt and riding boots, Pastel wore an unbuttoned pink plaid shirt over a black tank top, black pants, and her heeled black boots. All of this was in contrast to Sideswipe, who was once again clad in her preferred outfit of a black tank top over a red denim vest, red jeans, and black biker boots.

Running up to her new friend, Pastel wrapped Apple Bloom in a tight hug as she happily exclaimed, “What’s up cowgirl?” Hugging the cerulean goth back, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah, you know, same old same old.” Once they released each other, the former farm girl asked, “But what about you guys? What are you doing here?”

Marble was the first to reply, simply explaining, “We’re here for you Apple Bloom.” As the former farm girl found herself feeling confused, Sideswipe continued, “After hearing that you’ve had a rough week, we thought that we’d do something to try and cheer you up.” She then began to scratch the back of her neck as she added, “And you can thank Pastel for thinking of this shopping trip.” Indeed, the cerulean goth straightened her jacket as she finished with, “Think of it as a little thank you for being my friend.”

Apple Bloom didn’t verbally respond to her friends’ gesture of goodwill. Instead, she simply pulled everyone into a massive yet surprisingly gentle group hug. As everyone hugged her back, Sideswipe couldn’t help but ponder to herself, ‘That’s odd. Normally I’d be struggling to breathe.’

After a few moments, Apple Bloom released everyone as she smiled and said, “Thanks guys.” Marble took her friend’s hand as she replied, “Don’t thank us yet. Come on!” With that, the quartet of teens made their way into Inky Rose’s boutique.

Inky Rose’s Boutique

Sideswipe had forgotten just how inviting Inky Rose’s place was. The rows and rows of shirts, pants, skirts, coats, and every other piece of clothing anyone could possibly want was as appetizing to the eyes as an all you can eat buffet was to a hungry stomach. It had actually been a long time since the pale biker had gone clothes shopping; she preferred to spend any allowance money or spare change on tricking out her bike. But sometimes, even the punkiest and most masculine lesbian like her wanted to feel girly every now and then.

But this time, Sideswipe was here for her sister.

As the group made their way into the boutique, they were greeted by the sight of a familiar woman with light purple skin, dark purple hair in braided pigtails, and dark gothic clothing approached them as she greeted, “Hello there young ladies. Welcome to my lovely little establishment.” Sideswipe stepped forward as she replied, “Hey miss Inky Rose.”

Lighting up, Inky Rose practically squealed, “Why, is that you Sideswipe?! I haven’t seen you in nearly two years!” Smiling, Sideswipe replied, “Heh, yeah, it’s been a while.” She then began to scratch the back of her neck as she continued, “We’re here because Apple Bloom has had a rough week.” Inky Rose let out a small sigh as she reassured the group, “I know the feeling.”

Apple Bloom then approached Inky Rose as she asked, “If Ah may ask, you have any suggestions for somethin’ that might make me feel a bit better?” The former farm girl expected the older woman to say that she’d something in black.

To everyone’s surprise, Inky Rose instead replied, “When you need a new look to cheer yourself up, it’s up to you to decide. It has to be something that you’re both comfortable in as well as something that you like how it looks.” She then gestured to the many rows of clothing as she enthusiastically declared, “Take a look around girls! I’m sure you’ll find something!”

Smiling, Apple Bloom replied, “Thanks ma’am.” She then turned to her friends as she exclaimed, “Come on girls! Let’s take a look around!” Pastel Goth took the former farm girl’s hand and began to lead her through the nearest aisle as she replied, “You got it cowgirl!” As the disappeared down the aisle, Marble made her way to Sideswipe and locked her fingers through her girlfriend’s hand as she asked, “You think she’ll find anything?”

Sideswipe simply smirked as she quipped, “Only one way to find out.”

A Short While Later…

“What do you think?” Apple Bloom inquired as she exited the changing room. The former farm girl had changed into an entirely new (for her at least) ensemble consisting of a black tank top, blue denim vest, and blue jeans over her black boots. As the other three teens took this new sight in, Marble was the first to speak up with an enthusiastic, “I like it!” As Apple Bloom blushed, the gray geologist added, “You really rock denim.”

Pastel, on the other hand, gave a weak smile as she explained, “I dunno. I mean, I like it and you look good, but I don’t know if it really screams “you.”” She then glanced at Sideswipe as she added, “And I got a feeling that may not be the most original look.”

Apple Bloom herself was staring in her reflection in the mirror next to the dressing room door as she admitted, “Ah guess not.” She then rolled her shoulders as she added, “And Ah think this vest is scratchin’ mah arm pits.” As she took off the vest, she continued, “Well, Ah think Ah’m out of ideas. You guys have anything?” As everyone began to ponder and brainstorm, Pastel raised her hand as she exclaimed, “I have an idea….”

A Short While Later…

“Yeah, maybe this wasn’t my best idea.” Pastel Goth sheepishly lamented as everyone took in the awkward sight before them. Apple Bloom was standing before them, wearing a dark red pleated dress under her leather jacket, black heeled boots, and fishnet leggings. The only thing that was more out of character for the former farm girl was the black lipstick and eyeliner that had been cacked on her face. For several moments, no one dared utter a single word, barely able to find quite the right way to describe what they were seeing.

Eventually, Apple Bloom sighed as she bluntly remarked, “This doesn’t work, does it?” Rather than say anything, the other three girls simply shook their heads in unison. Turning to face the mirror, the former farm girl glumly stared at her reflection as she remarked, “Better than Ah thought, but still just not me.” As she made her way to a nearby chair, the former farm girl asked, “So, any more ideas?”

Yet Another Short While Later….

Staring at her reflection in the mirror, Apple Bloom groaned as she saw herself wearing a green tee shirt, blue jeans, and yellow gum boots. Turning to face her friends, the former farm girl lamented, “You do know this is what Ah used to wear back home right?” Pastel simply shrugged as she replied, “Oh. I didn’t know that.” As Apple Bloom trudged back into the dressing room and asked, “Ok, what’s next?”

Sighing to herself, Sideswipe lamented, “I don’t know. We’ve gone through everything.” Marble herself held her head low in defeat as she pondered, “I can’t think of anything else.” The gray geologist continued, “Maybe we should call it a day?” Before anyone could say anything else, Pastel interrupted, “What are you girls talking about? We can’t just give up!”

At that moment, Apple Bloom reemerged from the dressing room, having changed back into her dark overalls and red tee shirt, as she lamented, “Ah dunno. Nothin’s really been clickin’, you know?” As she made her way to the cerulean goth, the former farm girl continued, “Look, Ah really appreciate what you’re doin’, Ah really do, but Ah think we should just admit defeat and….”

“NO!” Pastel impulsively blurted out, stunning everyone. As the rest of the gang found themselves stunned in silence, the cerulean goth apologized, “I’m sorry for lashing out like that. I guess that….” Pausing for a moment, she continued, “I’ve never really had many friends, and I guess I just wanted today to be special and go just right, you know?”

Apple Bloom walked up to her new friend and, to her surprise, pulled her into a tight hug as she reassured her, “Like Ah told you, Ah really appreciate what you’re doin’.” As Pastel hugged her new friend back, the cerulean goth found herself replying, “Thanks.”

Once the two girls finished their hug, Marble asked, “So Apple Bloom? What exactly has been bothering you?” For a few moments, the former farm girl found herself looking over her shoulder in shame as she struggled to find the right words to describe how she was feeling. As she did this, Sideswipe walked up to her surrogate sister and rested a hand on her shoulder as she reassured her, “It’s ok. You can tell us anything.” Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom admitted what was bothering her.

“Ah guess what’s been bothering me is that….” As her eyes began to water and her voice began to crack, the former farm girl continued, “This is the first year Ah’ve started school away from home.” By now a tear had begun to drip from her right eye as she finished, “And Ah guess it just all started to hit me. For the first time, Ah’m not back at home with mah Granny Smith or mah brother Big Macintosh or even….” Pausing for a brief moment, Apple Bloom tried to say a certain name, but just couldn’t will herself to mention her older sister.

Sideswipe didn’t say anything, instead she practically leapt onto her sister and nearly crushed her in a tight hug as she apologized, “I’m sorry Apple Bloom!” Now it was the pale biker’s turn to begin tearing up as she continued, “I should’ve known you’d feel homesick. I feel like such a dumbass!” Apple Bloom hugged her sister back as she reassured her sister, “You’re not a dumbass! Ah’m the one who’s a dumbass for not realizin’ Ah was homesick!”

Once the two sisters finished their hug, Marble wrapped her arms around her girlfriend as she asked, “You alright there?” Gently hugging the gray geologist back, Sideswipe reassured her, “I’m fine. Guess I just got kinda emotional for a moment.” Letting out a small (and admittedly adorable) giggle, Marble simply replied, “Mr. Beachcomber likes to say we all get a little emotional sometimes.”

Walking up to her new friend, Pastel Goth apologized, “I’m sorry if this little outing didn’t really help you Apple Bloom.” To her surprise, the former farm girl took her friend’s hand and reassured her, “Hey, today ain’t over yet. Ah’m sure we can find somethin’.” She then gave Pastel a mischievous smirk as she added, “And besides, Ah think Ah’m growin’ out of some of mah clothes anyway.”

Allowing a small but determined smirk to form on her face, Pastel remarked, “In that case, why don’t we let you take lead?”

A Few Moments Later….

Walking down one of the aisles, Apple Bloom inspected the many options for outfit bottoms. “Now then, what do we have here?” The former farm girl said to herself as she inspected a pair of red jeans. Putting them up to her waist, she was disappointed to see that they were sadly too big for her. “Awh man. Ah don’t have any belts with enough holes for this.”

It was at this moment that something in the corner of her eye caught Apple Bloom’s attention. Setting the red jeans back on the rack, the former farm girl made her way to the end of the aisle as she said to herself, “Well now, what’s this?” Reaching out, Apple Bloom found herself grabbing and holding a dark green and blue tartan pattern kilt. Letting out a gentle chuckle, the former farm girl remarked, “Well now, this oughta work.”

Putting the kilt to her waist, Apple Bloom was pleasantly surprised to see that it seemed to perfectly match her own waistline. Pumping her fist, the former farm girl squealed, “Yes!” Slinging the kilt over her shoulder, Apple Bloom pondered to herself, “Ah wonder what else Ah can find.”

A Short Moment Later…

As everyone gathered around the dressing room door, Sideswipe found herself starting to worry to herself, ‘Keep it together Sideswipe. Apple Bloom picked this one out herself. She’ll totally rock it.’ Indeed, unlike the other outfits, this one was something that the former farm girl had put together all on her own. As Marble held her girlfriend’s hand, Pastel Goth tried to control her breathing as she began to stick her hands in her jacket pockets in an attempt to control anxious energy. Eventually, the dressing room door opened as Apple Bloom asked, “So, what do you guys think?”

The former farm girl was wearing a bright red over the shoulder blouse over a visible black tank top, the dark green and blue tartan kilt she’d found, and a brand-new pair of black boots. As everyone took this in, Pastel was the first to offer her opinion.

“Whoa. You’ve got the touch there cowgirl!”

Smiling as she blushed, Apple Bloom replied with a gentle, “Thanks Pastel. Ah found this kilt here and everythin’ just sorta formed around it.” She then twirled around as she admitted, “Ah haven’t worn somethin’ like this in a while, but Ah think Ah’ve kinda missed wearin’ a skirt or kilt like this.”

As for Marble, the pale geologist wrapped her friend in a tight embrace as she happily squealed, “Oooohh So pretty!” For her part, Apple Bloom let out a gentle chuckle as she added, “Thanks. Ah also made sure it was somethin’ that would pass the school’s dress code.” Upon hearing this, Sideswipe couldn’t help but quip, “Oh please. Why are people so concerned with a dress code anyway? It’s not like someone’s just gonna show up butt naked. That’d just be creepy.” All four girls couldn’t help but find the pale biker’s remark hilarious.

Once she’d slipped her leather jacket back on, Apple Bloom glanced at her reflection in the mirror, she allowed a confident smile to form on her face as she remarked, “Oh yeah. This is definitely me.” She then turned back to the dressing room door and added, “Although, Ah do suppose Ah could switch back every now and then.” As she said this, Pastel walked up to her, rested her hand on the former farm girl’s shoulder and reassured her, “Nothing wrong with that. It’s not like this is some sort of cartoon where we all wear the same outfits every day.”

As everyone all let out a good laugh at the cerulean goth’s oddly specific remark, Marble turned to Sideswipe and remarked, “Looks like things turned out just right after all.” Blushing, the pale biker took her girlfriend’s hand as she replied, “I guess it did.” She then gave the gray geologist a kiss to her cheek as she continued, “Let’s just hope today doesn’t get any more taxing on us.”

And so, the quartet of girls continued their little adventure, wondering what else they could find in store.

Apple Bloom’s Room, That Night…

Staring at her reflection in the mirror, Apple Bloom still found it a little bit hard to believe that she’d reinvented herself for the second time that year. “Heh, never thought Ah’d be able to pull of over the shoulder so well.” Indeed, the former farm girl couldn’t help but marvel just how well her red over the shoulder blouse suited her, as well as how well it went with her kilt. Of course, the latter probably benefited from the contrasting green to her shirt’s red.

Before she could continue to enjoy her brief moment of vanity, the former farm girl was distracted by the crash of thunder. Making her way to the bedroom window, Apple Bloom noticed that rain was pouring down as lighting flashed its blinding light. Sighing to herself, she lamented, “Ah hope Double Shuffle is doin’ alright.”

The former farm girl was further distracted when Ironhide’s voice rang out, asking, “Apple Bloom? You mind helping out with dinner?” Turning to the door, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah’ll be right there!” Giving one last glance to the window, the burgundy haired girl remarked, “Guess Ah’ll just have to leave rain watchin’ for later.”

With that, Apple Bloom left to help her uncle with dinner, blissfully unaware of the fact that, at that moment, Wheeljack was busy in his workshop, preparing to do something that would once again upset the status quo.

Author's Note:

Next Time; Wheeljack wouldn't dare to be stupid to do something like try to play Primus again, right?

Author's Note; Apple Bloom's new outfit, particularly her shirt, is partially inspired by Lilith Clawthorne's outfit from first half of the Owl House season 2. In addition, her use of a kilt, which is Black Watch Tartan, was chosen to contrast to the bright red of her new shirt and the dark burgundy of her hair.