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Wheelie's Grand Day Out

Life in Allspark Wells

Part 5; Wheelie’s Grand Day Out

Making her way through the family’s scrapyard, Apple Bloom took note of the rows of old and rusting trucks that all sat in a row. As she made notes on the clipboard her uncle had given her, the former farm girl muttered to herself, “Mostly the same as last week. Only difference Ah can find is that…” As she said this, Apple Bloom found herself near the open slot where one old six-wheeler had been resting before Ironhide and Wheeljack had it salvaged for anything usable before tearing the rest of it apart. Making a note of it, the Burgundy haired girl pointed to the vacant spot as she finished, “Oh yeah. Uncle Ironhide had that one torn apart a few days ago.”

As she continued her inventory of the scrapyard, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but think back on the previous week’s misadventures. Monday alone saw her dealing with one of Wheeljack’s creations, a small robot named Wheelie, sneaking to school with her, causing a small scene and leading to her getting in trouble with Mr. Compost. “Ugh. He wouldn’t let me hear the end of it for the rest of the week.” The former farm girl muttered in contempt of her biology teacher’s disgust of Wheelie.

The next few days were pretty quiet, with the most excitement Apple Bloom had had to deal with being homework. Then Thursday came, and with it her first tap class of the year, and while there wasn’t too much in the way of shenanigans, there had been a small bit where Double Shuffle had some sort of thing with a boy named Featherweight. As she remembered what had happened between the two middle schoolers, the former farm girl thought to herself, ‘At least those two were able to sort whatever was goin’ on out.’ Apple Bloom then let out a gentle chuckle as she continued, ‘Ah do have to admit though, they are kinda cute together.’

And now here she was, on a Saturday afternoon as she performed her chores at the chop shop.

After nearly twenty more minutes, Apple Bloom finished her inventory of the scrapyard. Wiping the sweat from her brow, the former farm girl said to herself, “Alright. Got that done. Now Ah better see if there’s anythin’ Uncle Ironhide needs from me.”

The Chop Shop…

Entering the chop shop, Apple Bloom found her uncle Ironhide and Chromia busy with some sort of old sedan, with the former sticking his head deep into the engine while the latter was working under the car, leaving her feet sticking out underneath. Clearing her throat, the former farm girl asked, “Uncle Ironhide?” Pulling his head out from the engine, the family patriarch asked, “Everything alright there kid?” Apple Bloom nodded as she replied, “Just wanted you to know Ah finished with inventory takin’.”

Letting out a gentle chuckle, Ironhide remarked, “Nice job Apple Bloom. Now then….” Turning to his wife, the gray scrapper asked, “Hey honey? There anything left Apple Bloom can do?” Not even scooting out from under the car, Chromia replied, “I think Wheeljack said something about running some sort of errand for him. You think you can do that Apple Bloom?”

Nodding, the former farm girl replied, “Ah think Ah can handle that.”

Wheeljack’s Workshop…

Making her way into the maverick mechanic’s old barn, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but remark, “Whoa. He can really get up to a lot if he’s motivated.” Indeed, dangling from the ceiling hung a small series of bins suspended from the ceiling by wires, moving assorted pieces of cast aside electronics to and from the workshop. Each bin led to one of several smaller bins for sorting based on which specific type of device it was, with one for radios, one for tv sets or monitors, and others for every other kind of electronic device imaginable.

“Of course, he probably could do somethin’ about the excess scrap he keeps layin’ around.” The former farm girl remarked as she noticed the piles of discarded metal that was still gathering dust all around the workshop.

Apple Bloom’s train of thought was derailed when she heard a familiar high pitched voice squeal out, “Hey Apple Bloom!” Turning to the source of the sound, the former farm girl was greeted by the sight of a familiar small robot with a long neck and binocular eyes skating up to her as he called out, “I was wondering when you’d drop by!” As the small robot leapt straight into her for a hug, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but smile as she replied, “Good to see you too Wheelie!”

As the two kids finished their hug, Apple Bloom remarked, “Ah gotta admit, Ah’m impressed with what you boys have done with the place.” Squealing with joy, Wheelie happily replied, “It’s awesome, isn’t it? Mr. Wheeljack helped Brains and I install all those gondolas. He said he got the idea from some sort of theme park ride thingy.” He then began to pull on Apple Bloom’s hand as he continued, “And Wheeljack even began to teach me how to fix circuity and other electronics.”

“Don’t overload yourself there kid.” Wheeljack called out as he entered the workshop, still clad in the heavy protective outfit from the smelting pits. Removing his gloves, the maverick mechanic continued, “Last thing I need is you frying yourself with excitement.” He then turned to Apple Bloom as he asked, “Good to see you Apple Bloom. What’s new with the boss?”

Walking up to her coworker, Apple Bloom answered, “Ah finished everythin’ else for the day so far, so Uncle Ironhide said Ah should ask if there’s anythin’ you need me to do for you.” Pausing for a moment, Wheeljack scratched his chin as he answered, “Well, I suppose you could….”

The maverick mechanic was interrupted by the sound of Brains’s voice calling out, “Excuse me sir, but didn’t you say sometin’ about a book somewhere?” Turning to the source of the sound, Apple Bloom found the bespectacled machine approaching the growing group as he greeted, “Good to see you wee lass.” Smiling, the former farm girl replied, “Good to see you too brains.” She then turned back to Wheeljack as she asked, “What do you mean by a book somewhere?”

Nodding, the maverick mechanic replied, “To answer your question, I ordered a book from the local bookstore a few weeks back and it came in today. I’d go get it myself but…” Pausing for a moment, he finished, “I’m both pretty busy and a bit worn out. You think you can pick it up for me?”

Giving the older mechanic a confident nod, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah think Ah can do that for you.” Letting out a sigh of relief, Wheeljack replied, "Thank Primus. You’re a lifesaver kid.” He then made his way to a desk and pulled out a pen and piece of paper before writing something down as he added, “I don’t know if you’ve been there before, so here’s the address.”

Accepting the directions from her co-worker, Apple Bloom reassured him, “Thanks. Ah’ll be back before you know it.” As she turned to leave, though, Wheeljack said something that caught her completely off guard.

“Oh, and take Wheelie with you.”

Both Apple Bloom and Wheelie were completely off guard. Gulping in surprise, the former farm girl asked, “What? You want me to take Wheelie with me?” The small robot, for his part, pumped his fist as he squealed, “Awesome! I get to see the outside world again!” He then began to perform a small jig in excitement.”

Letting out a gentle chuckle, Wheeljack replied, “Well, after Ironhide and I had a little chat, I kinda decided that maybe we were a little too hard on Wheelie, so I decided to cut him a little slack.” He then paused for a moment before quickly adding, “That and he’s now technically been grounded most of his life so, you know…”

Wheelie spoke up with a simple, “And you did say if I go anywhere, I have to go with Apple Bloom unless she has to go to the bathroom.” As the former farm girl blushed with embarrassment at the small robot’s statement, Wheeljack added, “So Apple Bloom, you mind taking Wheelie with you?”

Streets of Allspark Wells…

“This is gonna be so fun!” Wheelie exclaimed in excitement as he raised his head out of the basket on Apple Bloom’s bike. As the two made their way through town, the small robot continued, “You think we’ll make any new friends Apple Bloom?” the former farm girl let out a gentle chuckle as she answered, “Ah doubt it. We’re just goin’ to pick up Wheeljack’s new book for him.”

Stopping near the gardening store, Apple Bloom asked, “You mind passin’ me the directions Wheelie?” The small promethean nodded as he replied, “Sure thing.” He then reached into the basket and pulled out the piece of paper with the directions on them as he said, “Here we are. Says here we need to….”

Unfortunately, at this moment, a strong gust of wind blew in, pulling the piece of paper straight out of Wheelie’s hand. Seeing this, Apple Bloom jumped out of her bike as she nearly screamed, “No!” Both of them chased after the floating directions, with Wheelie pulling out his wheels to skate after it as he groaned, “Come back here you stupid directions!”

Sadly, as the wind died down, the directions fell straight through street drain, leaving it completely out of either kid’s reach.

Desperately reaching her hand down the drain in a vain attempt to retrieve the now lost instructions, Apple Bloom could only groan, “Ugh, dammit!” As she stood back up in defeat, Wheelie sheepishly apologized, “Sorry I lost the directions Apple Bloom.” The former farm girl bent down to look Wheelie in the eye as she reassured him, “It’s alright little buddy.” She then openly wondered, “Guess we might as well look around town to check every possible bookstore around.

At that moment, the familiar voice of a teenaged boy’s voice called out, “Well, what do we have here? That you Apple Bloom?” Pausing for a brief moment, the burgundy haired girl remarked to herself, “That sounds like Rattrap.” Turning to see who it was, she was pleasantly surprised to see a very familiar boy exiting the gardening store. He had brown skin, gray/white hair, a gray tee shirt with dark jeans, black sneakers with a white toe and laces, a pair of circular glasses, and a slight overbite.

Walking up to his friend, Rattrap remarked, “Haven’t seen you in a while. How you been?” Smiling, Apple Bloom replied, “Pretty good Rattrap, all things considered.” Closing the distance, the former farm girl pulled her friend into a tight hug as he happily remarked, “That’s always great to hear.” As the two friends released each other, Rattrap noticed the small robot looking up to him and asked, “Who’s your friend?”

Walking up to the teenaged boy, Wheelie introduced himself, “Hi, I’m Wheelie!” As Rattrap bent down to get a closer look at him, Apple Bloom explained, “Wheeljack made him and another robot named Brains.” Taking this in, the brown boy let out a sigh of amazement as he remarked, “Whoa. You mean that gearhead guy made more robots? I thought Wreck-Gar was enough.” He then turned his attention back to Wheelie as he continued, “I’m Rattrap.”

Wheelie extended his hand to Rattrap as he continued, “It’s nice to meet you Rattrap. How’d you meet Apple Bloom anyway?” As he shook the small robot’s hand, Rattrap explained, “Well, that’s actually a long story. You see….” He was interrupted when Apple Bloom spoke up with, “Hold on just a moment. Let me get mah bike first.” As the former farm girl left to get her bike, the scrawny teen continued, “Well, let’s just say Apple Bloom is the reason I’m not lyin’ starving on the streets.”

Taking this in, Wheelie remarked, “Wow. That’s awesome. I think.” As Rattrap gave him a confused look, the small robot sheepishly admitted, “Yeah, Mr. Wheeljack made me, like, a week ago.” Taking this in, Rattrap remarked, “Huh. I dunno why, but I kinda thought you’d be a bit…. Older?”

As Apple Bloom rejoined the two boys, she remarked, “Sorry about that.” She then continued, “To answer your question Wheelie….” The small robot interrupted with a blunt, “You’re the reason Rattrap isn’t lying starving on the streets?” The burgundy haired girl turned to her friend, who simply shrugged as he replied, “What?” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but let out a small giggle as she remarked, “Well, Ah guess if that’s about it, more or less.”

Turning back to Rattrap, the former farm girl asked, “Actually, you mind helpin’ us with somethin’?” The scrawny teen happily replied, “Sure thing. What do you two need?” Apple Bloom let out a sigh of relief as she explained, “Ok, so Wheeljack asked us to pick up a book for him, but we lost the directions to the bookstore, so we don’t know where to go.” Wheelie then held his hands together to make himself look more adorable as he asked, “You will help us, won’t you?”

Pausing for a moment, the scrawny teen scratched his chin as he let out a mischievous, “Hmm….” After minute of leaving his friends in suspense, Rattrap finally replied, “Alright. I don’t have anythin’ better to do anyway.” Apple Bloom rolled her eyes as she quipped, “Alright. Thanks Rattrap.” With this, the two young scrappers followed their friend away, hoping he knew just where they needed to go.

A Short While Later…

“Well, here we are.” Rattrap said as he gestured to the shop resting before the group. As Apple Bloom and Wheelie looked up at the store’s sign, the small robot read out loud, “The Underbase? Kind of a weird name for a bookstore, isn’t it?” The scrawny teen shrugged as he answered, “Eh, I wasn’t the one who named it. Guess you just gotta roll with it, you know?” Apple Bloom let out a gentle chuckle as she replied, “Ah guess you’re right. Now come on. Let’s get Wheeljack’s book already.”

As the trio entered the shop, Apple Bloom was pleasantly greeted by the sight of several rows of bookshelves, each one filled to the brim with books. The shelves were split down the middle of the store, the space in between occupied by circular tables with the latest pieces of literary opportunities. Taking this in, the former farm girl remarked, “Guess it’s been a while since Ah’ve been somewhere like this before.”

The burgundy haired girl was distracted from her wandering mind when Wheelie pulled on her kilt as he asked, “Hey Apple Bloom, you mind if I look around?” Looking down to the small robot, she replied, “Sorry Wheelie, but not this time.” Wheelie pouted as he complained, “Awh, come on.” Bending down to look him in the eyes, Apple Bloom gently but sternly warned him, “Ah’m serious little buddy. Maybe another time.”

At this moment, Rattrap tapped Apple Bloom on the shoulder as he reassured her, “I can keep an eye on this little guy here. You go ask the person at the counter over there, and we can call this job done and all head home.” The former farm girl nodded as she replied, “Thanks Rattrap. Ah’ll be back in a flash.”

Walking up to the caramel woman manning the shop’s front desk, Apple Bloom asked, “Excuse me ma’am. Ah’m here to pick up somethin’ for Wheeljack?” The woman replied, “Ah yes, my boss said something about someone else coming to pick up his order. Apparently said something about being busy with something else.” The former farm girl scratched the back of her neck as she replied, “Yeah. Sorry about that.”

Reaching behind her, the caramel clerk presented a decently sized book with, if Apple Bloom was guessing correctly, roughly one hundred and fifty pages, and placing it on the desk as she said, “Alright, that’ll be seventy-five dollars.”

Upon hearing this, Apple Bloom let out a loud gulp as she nervously replied, “Uh, Wheeljack didn’t say anythin’ about needin’ money. He said everythin’ was takin’ care of.” For a few moments, both Apple Bloom and the caramel woman stared at each other in awkward silence. Eventually, the older woman let out a satisfied snort as she said, “I’m just messing with you. Don’t worry, he paid in advance.”

Taking the book, Apple Bloom groaned as she replied, “Fine. But Ah’m tellin’ him about this.” Turning around to leave, she looked at the book’s cover as she read aloud, “Cossack collaborators and other fascist sympathizers?” She began to open it up to see what exactly it was about, only to be greeted by the sound of Rattrap calling out, “Get back here you little troublemaker!” Hearing this, the burgundy haired girl could only groan, “Not again.”

Running up to Rattrap, Apple Bloom asked, “Let me guess, he ran off somewhere?” Nodding, the scrawny teen asked, “This happen before?” As the former farm girl nodded, Rattrap sighed as he pointed deeper into the shop and said, “He went this way, come on.”

After a few minutes, Apple Bloom and Rattrap found Wheelie sitting on the floor against the wall, reading a book that was titled “Robots of science fiction.” Folding her arms, the former farm girl stamped her foot as she cleared her throat to get the small promethean’s attention. Nervously looking up from his book, Wheelie tilted his head and asked, “Hey guys. What’s up?”

Sighing in frustration, Apple Bloom answered, “What did Ah tell you about runnin’ off?” Wheelie rose back up to his feat and hanged his head in defeat as he answered, “To not do it.” The former farm girl extended her hand towards the small robot, silently requesting him to surrender the book he’d found. Once he’d surrendered it, Apple Bloom placed the book on a nearby shelf as she said, “Alright now. Let’s go.”

Streets of Allspark Wells…

As the trio of kids made their way out of the bookstore, Wheelie apologized, “Sorry I ran off Apple Bloom.” Looking up to her, the small robot nervously asked, “You forgive me?” Smiling, Apple Bloom reassured him, Ah forgive you. But please, don’t run off like that again.” She then gestured to Rattrap and added, “Now, if you’ll please, apologize to Rattrap.” Nodding, Wheelie turned to the scrawny teen and apologized, “Sorry for running off on you.”

Bending down to look into the small robot in the eyes, Rattrap replied, “It’s alright little buddy.” He then rested his hand on Wheelie’s shoulder and continued, “Besides, you’re pretty fast on those fancy wheels there.” Lighting up with joy, Wheelie leapt into the air and popped out his wheels as she squealed, “I got complimented on my speed! Alright!” As he skated around the two older teens, Rattrap couldn’t help but remark, “That little guy sure is somethin’.”

At that moment, Apple Bloom asked, “Hey Rattrap? Can Ah ask you a weird question?” Rattrap straightened himself as he replied, “Ask away.” Taking a deep breath, the burgundy haired girl began, “So, the school year started a few weeks back, and Ah’ve seen Marble, Sideswipe, and Tender Taps at school.” Pausing for a moment, she asked, “You don’t go to Iacon High, do you?”

Sighing, Rattrap simply shook his head. Taking this in, Apple Bloom asked, “You go to Kaon High instead?” Once again, the scrawny boy simply shook his head as he answered, “I don’t.” As the former farm girl took this in, Rattrap raised his hands as he reassured her, “Don’t worry, I’m not some sort of drop out!”

After a few moments, Rattrap explained, “Arcee had me enrolled in this weird sort of tutoring program. I basically study one on one with different tutors.” Before Apple Bloom could say anything in response, Wheelie asked, “Why are you doing this weird tutoring thing and not at school with Apple Bloom and her friends?”

Rattrap sighed as he explained, “You know how I said Apple Bloom is the reason I’m not lying starving on the streets? Well, basically, I was homeless and Apple Bloom and Ironhide and everyone are the reason I’m still alive.” As his eyes began to water, the scrawny teen continued, “And since you can’t really learn much in the way of book smarts when you’re focusing on just getting enough food, I kinda fell behind on a lot of stuff. So now, I’m kinda having to blaze through a lot of it all at once.” Looking down to Wheelie, Rattrap asked, “That make any sense?”

Raising his finger, Wheelie answered, “Yes…. Wait a minute…. No, not really.”
Shrugging, Rattrap inquired, “Eh, guess you can’t explain everything to someone who’s only like a week or two old anyway, right?” Turning to Apple Bloom, he found the former farm girl was starting to tear up in sympathy for her friend’s plight before pulling him into a tight hug, one which Rattrap was happy to reciprocate.

And he was pleasantly surprised to feel Wheelie hugging his leg.

Wheeljack’s Workshop

“Wheeljack? You still here?” Apple Bloom called out as she, Rattrap, and Wheelie entered the maverick mechanic’s workshop. For a few moments, no one answered her question, leading to Wheelie to call out, “Mr. Wheeljack? Wreck-Gar? Brains? Anyone?” When the deafening silence continued, Rattrap said out loud, “Uh… I see you guys have tidied the place up a bit.”

The awkward silence was broken by the crashing sound of scrap metal clanging against itself as Wreck-Gar chased Brains around the workshop as he shouted, “Get back here you good for nothing potato farmer!” The bespectacled robot shot back with a cocky, “I’m not gonna make it easy for you bodach!” As the two other robots chased each other away, Rattrap turned to Apple Bloom as he asked, “This sort of thing normal?” Nodding, the former farm girl replied, “Pretty much.”

At that moment, Wheeljack fell from the ceiling as he let out a terrified scream. As the trio of kids gathered around him, Apple Bloom nervously asked, “Wheeljack?! You alright?” The maverick mechanic simply groaned as he laid on the ground as he replied, “Ughghghg. That’s the last time I try modifying the roof on my own.”

Rising back to his feet (and stretching his back), Wheeljack asked, “Oh hey Apple Bloom. You get that book for me?” Apple Bloom nodded as she presented the book to the maverick mechanic as she replied, “Here you go. Why’d you want somethin’ on Cossacks and whatnot?” As he accepted the book, Wheeljack explained, “My dad always taught me to keep my eyes out for people who’d try to pull some sort of fascist takeover and try to turn us all against each other.” He then looked at the book now resting in his hands as he continued, “And trust me, pricks like that often like to use symbols like the ones here from the last great war.”

Taking this in, Apple Bloom remarked, “Huh. Sounds interestin’. Ah might need to aske Dr. Pennywhistle about that on Monday.” Rattrap asked, “What are you talkin’ about? Wasn’t that all like, a bagillion years ago?” Walking up to the scrawny teen, Wheeljack began, “Well, more specifically it was….”

He was interrupted by the sound of Ironhide’s voice calling out, “You back yet Apple Bloom?” The former farm girl turned to the workshop door as she called back, “Ah am uncle Ironhide! Be right there!” She then turned to Rattrap as she said, “Come on.” As the scrawny teen nodded, Wheelie asked, “You need me Apple Bloom?”

Before she could answer, Wheeljack turned to his pint sized promethean and ordered, “You go help her with anything she needs.” Nodding, Wheelie replied with an enthusiastic, “Yes sir.” He then popped out his wheels as he skated over to Apple Bloom and informed her, “Ready whenever you are.”

Giving a confident smirk, Apple Bloom replied, “Come on boys.” With that, she led Wheelie and Rattrap out the workshop, all while Wheeljack watched and wondered, if only for the slightest moment, if in his impulsive act of playing Primus, he’d accidentally fumbled his way into fatherhood.

Author's Note:

Next Time; Marble finds herself making a new friend, one who adds a bit of color to her monochrome world.

Author's Note; I will be taking another very small break, due to having to go out of town for a family event.
Also, I apologize if this chapter isn't as up to snuff as the others, as I pretty much wrote it to include Rattrap and also to foreshadow something I have in mind down the line (Hint; it has to do with the book).