• Published 22nd Jan 2024
  • 168 Views, 7 Comments

Dahlia's Codex Tales - Monster Tamer AJ

Instead of Flash Sentry, this story is about other player: Dahlia.

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Leap of Faith

Water, water was everywhere. From the big rivers to the abundance of waterfalls. The Sun shined brightly in the sky, its light reflecting off the waterfalls to create several rainbows. It was beautiful and serene, until…


Someone had just fallen into a river; That someone quickly rising out of the water, revealing themself to be an anthropomorphic Sunflower with big green arms, a tail with thorns, and a giant leaf on each shoulder.

And the sunflower creature wasn’t alone. On top of a giant rock, was another anthropomorphic creature: This one being a pink rabbit with its face covered by a metal mask with its arms crossed.

“Normally, plants like water. But in your case, it's not doing you any good.” The pink Rabbit taunted.

The Sunflower growled and fired back. “Yeah? Well rabbits are supposed to cute and cuddly, not an obnoxious pain in the-“

“As I was saying, this is my turf and you don’t stand a chance here.”

“Don’t count me out yet.” The Sunflower growled before it started inhaling air. “Sunshine Gun!” It then fired a hail of seeds from its mouth.

The pink rabbit jumped and crossed its arms, as a result moon symbols on its gloves were glowing. “Moon Night Bomb!” It swung its arms resulting in bubbles like projectiles shooting out of them. The bubbles intercepted the seeds, the two attacks clashing with neither coming out on top.

The sunflower saw this and put on a determined look. “Sunshine Bazooka!” The seeds started blasting even stronger, pushing through the bubbles and coming towards the rabbit.

“Wha-” The rabbit couldn’t react in time as it got blasted by the seeds. “Aaaahhhh!” It fell out of the air.

“Now’s my chance!” The Sunflower cried, as it used the leaves on its shoulders to fly towards the rabbit, extending its arms out while doing so. “Battle Gear…BOOST!” Bright lights covered the sunflower’s hands, taking shape into a pair of claws, each one having three very long nails. With the rabbit close to it, the sunflower used its new claws to attack the rabbit. The rabbit couldn’t react in time and was stuck by a flurry of slashes, unable to defend itself. The sunflower stopped slashing as its face began to glow. “Sunshine Beam!” It released a blast of sunlight right on to the rabbit.

“Nooo!” The rabbit was flying into a waterfall, resulting in a huge splash.

“I can’t believe that actually worked.” The sunflower cheered. It saw the rabbit rising up with water cascading all over it. “Lekismon may have a field advantage as a water attribute, but Sunflowmon is a plant attribute, meaning I got my own advantage. This girl’s not out of this game just yet.”

“Don’t think that you’ve gotten the edge over Trixie!” Lekismon cried, revealing another name. Lekismon stepped forward and as it did light hit her eye, she turned her head to see the source of light to see a golden coin laying on a small rock. Lekismon grinned and reached out to grab it.

“Oh crud!” Sunflowmon realized what Lekismon was doing and flew towards her.

But it was too late as Lekismon had a coin in her hand. “Time to take things to the next level!” Lekismon crushed the coin, energy flowing around her.

“NO!” Sunflowmon said. It kept going towards Lekismon, having her claws ready.

However, Lekismon was soon surrounded by light. Sunlfowmon had to stop to shield her eyes.

“Lekismon digivolve to…” The light exploded off her. “Crescemon!” Crescemon was a taller, armored version of Lekismon, it wielded a scythe with a crescent moon blade and a shield with a crescent moon on it.

Sunflowmon looked at her opponent’s new form and trembled.

Crescemon looked at her opponent. “Scared?”

“N-no.” Sunflowmon tried putting on a brave face, but was failing miserably.

“I’ve seen some of your other battles, this is your first time facing an Ultimate isn’t it?” Sunflowmon growled in response, resulting in Crescemon laughing. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Crescemon tightened her weapons and dashed forward.

Sunflowmon began slashing as Crescemon approached her. However, Crescemon easily blocked them with her armaments.

“Ha ha. Payback time.” Crescemon flung her arms up, resulting in Sunflowmon becoming unbalanced. “Lunatic Dance!” Crescemon started to spin and sliced at Sunflowmon with her weapons. Crescemon eventually stopped spinning, only to deliver a powerful kick to Sunflowmon. This sent the plant tumbling across the river. “Time to end this.” Crescemon used her weapons to form a bowgun with dark energy surrounding the scythe. “ Dark Archery!” The dark energy shot out of the scythe and formed into an arrow.

Sunflowmon got on her knees only to see the arrow coming and tried to counter. “Sunshine Be-AH!” Unfortunately the arrow struck her. Resulting in Sunflowmon exploding into a bunch of ones and zeroes.

Out of the explosion a young woman flew out of it and hit the ground. She had pink skin, long blonde hair with streaks of magenta across it, wearing a shoulderless sweater with a black tank top under it, light blue pants and mauve sneakers.

The river disappeared leaving her and Crescemonmon now in a black room. Crescemon was surrounded by light and split to a smaller pink rabbit with blue and yellow markings and a girl with blue skin and white hair wearing blue hoodie and purple dress.

“Another win for us. One more and The Great and Powerful Trixie and Lunamon will grace the Champion rank!” The blue-skinned girl boasted.

“Don’t don’t get too ahead of yourself Trixie.” Lunamon replied. “We don’t know who our opponent will be.” Lunamon replied, trying to keep her partner in check.

“Yeah, I doubt they’ll be like Daffodil was.”

The pink-skinned girls got up and shot a look at Trixie. “I’ll have you know, my name is Dahlia.” Dahlia grabbed her Digivice and stormed off.

“Geez. What’s her problem?” Trixie raised an eyebrow as Lunamon gave a light sigh.

Dahlia slumped herself through the Codex: A place that existed between Earth and the Digital World, the home of all Digimon. In Codex players can go to the Digital World to meet and scan the Digimon and weapons, and even become partners with a Digimon. They also go to arenas to battle each other as the Digimon they scan, trade scans with one another, even buy various scans with the digidollars they received from winning battles.

Dahlia passed by several players and Digimon, not giving them a glance. That was until a pair of familiar voices called out to her.

“Dahlia!” She looked to see a girl slightly younger than her with cream-colored skin,bright cyan short hair with a red and purple flower accessory in it. She wore a lavender button-up t-shirt with matching skirt with collar of the shirt having a red necktie in it waving at her.

Beside her was a small brown and pink rabbit with three horns on her head.

“Coco Pommel, Lopmon…”

They gestured to Dahlia to come and sit with them. Luckily Dahlia wasn’t in a bad enough mood to ignore them.

They took a seat at the nearest free table and there was an uncomfortable air all around them.

Coco tried to relieve the tension. “So, I finished getting all the costumes I needed to make for my class’ play. I got a lot of compliments on them. And…and I think I might have a chance getting a date with that one girl I’ve told you about and…and-”

“Sorry Coco. I know you're trying to cheer me up. But nothing can do it for me right now.” Dahlia put her arms on the table and sunk her face into them.

Lopmon got peeved and slammed paws on the table. “Enough of this pity party Dahlia! Feeling sorry for yourself isn’t gonna break this losing streak you’re on! You gotta get some of you scans go Ultimate and-”

“How, Lopmon, how?!” Dahlia snapped back. “I blew most of my funds into Battle Gear like the Hedgehog Claws I just used. But I haven’t been able to win so I haven’t been able to get any Digidollars to Digivolve.”

Coco cleared her throat to break the tension. “Then you should get some ultimate scans.”

“I wish I could, but I have such trouble getting scans of lower level Digimon as is. Like the time I went after an Agumon, but a Kuwagamon attacked and forced Agumon to digivolve into Greymon, who then nearly roasted me when it launched a fire attack that Kuwagamon dodged.”

“Yikes!” “Oh no!” The rabbit and her partner replied with.

“And even worse was the time I tried getting some aquatic Digimon, only to get ambushed by some Gizamon who tore at my swimsuit leaving me naked.”

“Oh!” Coco blushed at thought.

“So yeah, I have the worst luck when it comes to scan hunting.”

Lopmon jumped onto the table. “Well today’s gonna be different.”

“What do you mean Lopmon?” Coco asked her partner.

“Simply put, I had a lot of friends back home before I met Coco. I’m sure if we go there they'd be cool with letting you scan them.”

Dahlia prepped up at the idea, only for a nagging voice in her head to hold her back. “I don’t know guys.”

“Look Dahlia, you may have had trouble in the past. But you were all by yourself back then, now you have the two of us at your side. We got you back.” Coco chimed in.

Dahlia looked at her two friends and then smiled. “Okay. Okay. Let’s give it a shot. Lead the way.”

A few minutes later and the trio were in a lush valley surrounded by flowers of various colors. Looking around, the whole area was amazing and full of life.

“This place looks great. Where do we start, Lopmon?” Dahlia asked the rabbit.

“We’re near where Biyomon and Birdramon live. Follow me!” Lopmon replied as she took the lead. The girls followed Lopmon, leaving the field of flowers towards a mini forest. After a while Lopmon’s ears perked up. “Do you two hear that?”

Dahlia and Coco closed their eyes to make out what Lopmon was talking about. They then picked up on a buzzing noise.

“Yeah I do.” Dahlia responded,

“Same.” Coco added. “Do Snimon and or Roachmon live here?

“No!.” Lopmon was looking worried. “There were no insect Digimon in this area when I lived here. This might be trouble”

“Aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!” Several voices cried out ahead, resulting in three rushing to the source.

They soon see a flock of small pink birds flying for their lives.

Above them were a large group of giant wasps with big purple wings pursuing them.

“Oh no, Flymon! Those Biyomon are in danger.” Lopmon cried out before turning to Coco and Dahlia. “We gotta help them.”

“We will Lopmon.” Dahlia responded as she and Coco pulled out their digivices with Coco’s lighting up.

“Lopmon, Digivolve to…!” Lopmon was encased in a cocoon of light, the cocoon grew bigger and then exploded. Out popped a tall purple version of Lopmon now wearing a yellow karate gi, a blue bandanna around her neck, and red gloves with claws on them. “Turuiemon!”

Turuiemon crouched on her knees and sprung herself towards a Flymon approaching close on a Biyomon. “Get away from them you creeps! Ninja Fist!” Turuiemon struck the Flymon with a punch, sending Flymon reeling back, Turuiemon then used the Flymon to leap off and go after the other Flymon.

Coco swung her Digivice and summoned two transparent cubes. “Biomerge, Activate!” In the cubes were ghostly images: One was a small white puppy with a gold ring around its neck.

The second was a misshapen egg with a flat bottom and curved top with a spike

The two cubes merged into one. “Digi-Armor, Energise!” The cube absorbed Coco into it, changing her form to the puppy from one of the cubes and was surrounded then by light. “Salamon, Armor Digivolve too…!” The light exploded and revealed a human-sized creature covered in yellow armor with white and purple butterfly wings. “Butterflymon, Graceful Wisdom!”

Dahlia also swung her Digivice, but unlike Coco she summoned one cube with the image of a pink and green flower bud with a yellow sprout on top of its head. The cube absorbed Dahlia and changed her. “Lalamon, Digivolve to…!” She came out of the light as a familiar sunflower Digimon. “Sunflowmon!”

The two teens turned Digimon took off into the air, with Butterflymon going above the Flymon and Sunflowmon below them.

“Sweet Pheromone!” Butterflymon flapped vigorously, a strange powder coming from her wings rained down on the Flymon causing them to fly funny and knock into each other.

Sunflowmon sucked air in her mouth. “Sunshine Gun!” She released a flurry of seeds, striking several Flymon and sending some of them falling to the ground.

“Sweet Kick!” “Gauntlet Claw!” Sunflowmon and Turuiemon attacked the Flymon as well with physical attacks while Sunflowmon was attacking from a range, allowing several Biyomon to escape.

However, more Flymon appeared and aimed their tails. “Brown Stinger!” They launched stingers from their tails to fight back.

Turuiemon’s ears perked up. “They’re counterattacking! Dodge!”

Sunflowmon and Butterflymon stopped their attacks and moved as fast as they could to avoid the stingers. As she dodged Sunflowmon noticed a few of the stingers were headed for a Biyomon who was lagging behind. “Look out!” She went to save the little bird, absorbing light in the process. “Sunshine Beam!” Her blast attack destroyed the stingers before they barely hit the Biyomon, resulting in the bird turning around to see her savior. “Don’t just stand here get mov-”

“Behind you!” Cried the pink bird.

The sunflower turned around to see another stinger coming towards her. She tried to dodge, but it was too late. The stinger stabbed into her arm, and Sunflowmon immediately felt poison spread across her body. “AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!” She was in so much pain that she reverted back to human and fell out of the sky, crashing into the Biyomon as she plummeted to the forest.

“Dahlia!” Butterflymon saw this and tried to fly to her friend, only to be grazed by a descending Flymon. More started to surround her. “Dahlia, be safe. Sweet Kick!” Butterflymon attacked back, with her friend’s safety on her mind. The battle wasn’t over yet.

Author's Note:

A new story. And it doesn't involve nudity. I did get the creator of the original fan fic Banshee531's permission to make this spin-off and I come to his to check my writing before publishing this. Hope you enjoy this chapter and will join on this journey.