• Published 22nd Jan 2024
  • 168 Views, 6 Comments

Dahlia's Codex Tales - Monster Tamer AJ

Instead of Flash Sentry, this story is about other player: Dahlia.

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Birds of a Feather

“Uggghhh…” Dahlia moaned as she regained consciousness. “Where am I-AAAAHHHH!!!” She felt pain all throughout her body. Resulting in her remembering what happened: She was helping a Biyomon when she was stung by a Flymon’s stinger, meaning she’s suffering from the poison. “Is this it? Is my Codex avatar going to die? Well, it was fun while it lasted.”

“Hold on just a little bit longer.”

“Huh?” Dahlia opened an eye to see one of the Biyomon, most likely the one she was helping, approaching her with a piece of fruit that looked like a pink peach.

“I got something to heal you, just eat some of this fruit.” Biyomon held the fruit close to Dahlia’s face.

Dahlia leaned in and took a bite. After swallowing it she felt the pain start to lessen. “Wow! It's really doing the trick.”

“This fruit specializes in treating poison. Luckily, there were a few a short walk away.” Biyomon explained.

In less than two minutes, Dahlia was able to start moving again as she felt the poison leave her body. “Oh thank God. Thank you so much.” Dahlia bowed at the bird. “I’m Dahlia, by the way”

“Nice to meet you, Dahlia. And it’s the least I can do to thank you for saving me from those Flymon. If I can do anything else, just ask.” Biyomon replied.

“Wait! Are the Flymon still attacking?”

Biyomon bent her head in sorrow. “Unfortunately yes.”

“Where did they come from? According to my friend’s partner who used to live here, there aren’t supposed to be any insect Digimon in this area.”

“Your guess is as good as mine. We were just minding our own business, when they appeared out of nowhere. I know some of my flock were deleted while we were caught off guard and the Flymon loaded their data, meaning those friends will never be reborn.”

“I’m sorry you guys are going through all this. If there’s anything I can do, I would.”

“But you and your friends have done so much for us.”

Dahlia’s eyes opened wide. “Coco, Lopmon! They’re probably still fighting. I gotta get back to help them!”

Biyomon crossed her wings “Hold on! You just recovered. It’s not a good idea to rush back in there. Do you even know where you are?”

Dahlia bit her nails. “No. This is my first time here.”


Dahlia and Biyomon looked up to the skies to see large birds flying above them, their bodies looking like they were on fire.

“Birdramon!” Biyomon exclaimed in joy. “They’re heading to where the Flymon! They’ll help your friends too.”

Dahlia sighed. “If you’re right, then I’ll worry a bit less.”

“Actually, if you could, I might need some help.” Biyomon looked a bit nervous.

Dahlia tilted her head. “What is it?”

“Could, could you help escort me to where my friends are?” Dahlia raised an eyebrow. “It’s just, I’m not the best when it comes to flying! So I’m better off walking to our hideout, but I would like you to come with me so I feel a bit safer!”

“Oh! Sure. I wouldn’t mind getting you to safety. Just lead the way.”

“Thank you! Thank you! Follow me.” Biyomon took off forward.

Dahlia stayed close behind the bird Digimon. “Boy, do I understand where this girl is coming from.”

“Ninja Fist!” Turuiemon smacked a Flymon with her knuckles, sending the insect Digimon crashing down. Turuiemon landed on a clearing, she was covered in scratches and breathing hard.

Two more Flymon hovered above her readying their stingers when…

“Sweet Kick!” Butterflymon came down with a diving kick, striking the two down. Butterflymon landed next to Turuiemon, and she was no worse for wear.

“They just keep coming.” Turuiemon said between breaths.

“If only we could get some help. There’s no way that the two of us can take them all on. And I can’t stop thinking about Dahlia.”

More Flymon were approaching the two ready to attack, that was until a voice from above cried out.

“Meteor Wing!”

They all looked to see a rain of what looked like meteors strike the Flymon down and send them falling.

Butterflymon and Turuiemon saw the attacks coming from a bunch of Birdramon.

One of the flaming birds spotted the two and descended towards them. This in particular having two smaller Digimon riding on one of its legs. “I take it you're the ones who helped the Biyomon. Am I correct?” The partners nodded their heads. “Then you have our gratitude. Most of the Biyomon made it to safety, thanks to you two.”

“My friend also helped. Have you seen her? She’s a human Codex player like me and fell when she was struck by one of the Flymon’s attacks.” Coco explained.

“I have not, unfortunately.”

Butterflymon tried getting up. “Then we have to fin-ah!” She collapsed and reverted back to Coco Pommel.

“Coco!” Turuiemon called out her partner before her strength gave out as well, falling on her stomach as she de-digivolved into Lopmon.

“Stay here!” Birdramon told as the two Digimon got off its leg. Both were small pink rabbits wearing headphones and scarves.

They came towards Coco and Lopmon and pink energy shot out of their paws and made contact with the human and partner.

“Let these Cutemon tend to your wounds while we take care of your friend and the invaders.” Birdramon took off towards the forest to begin their search.

Dahlia and Biyomon continued their trek through the forest; Biyomon remained in the lead while Dahlia had her Digivice in her grip just in case.

“Are we getting closer?” Dahlia asked.

“We are.” Biyomon replied. So you Codex players can turn into any type of Digimon, right?”

“Oh! Well not entirely. It depends on what scans we have. My scans go as far as champion level Digimon. That’s why I came here with my friends. I wanted to get some Ultimate level scans.”

“That sounds amazing. I wish I could turn into a different Digimon.” Biyomon lowered her head.

“Are you unhappy as a Biyomon?”

Biyomon turned to her. “Yes! Out of my whole flock, I have the hardest time flying. Even younger Biyomon are better than me.”

Dahlia couldn’t help but feel sorry for the child-sized bird. And find relatable. “I haven’t been doing too good myself.

Biyomon lifted her head. “What do you mean?”

“I’ve been doing terrible in Codex battles for a while. I don’t have many Digimon scans, thanks to my bad luck at getting any of them. The only reason was because my friends encouraged me not to give up.” Dahlia gave Biyomon a small smile. “I think you need some of that too.”

“I do?”

Dahlia knelt down and gave Biyomon a pat on the head. “Don’t give up on yourself. I’m sure if you try hard enough you’ll get better, maybe even Digivolve into something that’s better at flying, or maybe a Digimon that doesn’t need to fly.”

Biyomon teared up a bit “You think so!”

Dahlia winked an eye at Biyomon. “It’s at least worth a shot.”

Biyomon shook off her eyes. “Dahlia! Please scan me!”

“You sure?”

“Yes! Have some of my strength.”

“Well, if you insist.” Dahlia brought up her Digivice and scanned her new bird friend. “Alright. Now I think we should get back on track.” Dahlia got up and was above to get moving when…

(Snap) (Snap) (Snap)

The two turned around to see a Flymon crawling towards them.

“Snap! It must be one of the Flymon we knocked into the forest!” Dahlia raised her Digivice. “Biyomon! Get to the hiding spot!

Biyomon looked at Dahlia scared. “Y-you sure?”

“I’ll hold them off as much as possible. If things get too hairy, I’ll port out. Just go!”

Biyomon hesitated but soon ran off.

“Biomerge!” Like before a cube came from Dahlia’s Digivice and engulfed her, surrounding her in light. The light exploded revealing Dahlia was now a large yellow rabbit with a pink belly, and brown on their face, fingernails, and feet. “Angoramon!”

“This should have a better type match-up.” Angoramon charged at Flymon. “Hop Dunk!” Angoramon leapt into the air and slammed down on the bug.

It looks like the attack was effective. However Flymon started its wings and a powder came out of them.

What are you- (Cough) (Cough)” Angoramon felt like her strength was fading, as the powder took effect and she fell off Flymon.

Flymon moved up to Angoramon and began slashing at her.

Biyomon ran towards her destination, trying to focus and not worry about Dahlia. That was until she heard someone cry out and skidded to a halt.


Biyomon twisted her body. “Dahlia?! Don’t worry, like she said, she’ll port out if things get worse.”


Biyomon paced around the area. “Even if I went, what could I do? I can barely fly, what chance do I have fighting a stronger Digimon?”
“Don’t give up on yourself.”

Those words rang through Biyomon’s head. At that moment Biyomon felt all hesitation escape her. She faced backwards with a serious look.

“Aaaggghh!” Angoramon cried out as Flymon now had her caught in its limbs, trying to squeeze the life out of her. She tried to break free but it seems like her attempts made things worse. “I’ve had it with you overgrown wasps. Let. Me Go!”

“Spiral Twister!”

A spiral of green fire hit Flymon in the face.

“Eeeee!!!” Flymon cried out, letting Angoramon go.

“Are you okay Dahlia?” Biyomon rushed over to the biomerged girl.

“Biyomon? I told you to go.” Angoramon said.

“I’m taking your advice and not giving up on myself AND you!”

Angoramon saw the determined look on in the bird’s eyes and slowly got up. “In that case, let’s get’em.”

Flymon recovered and rushed towards the two.

“Spiral Twister!” “Tiny Twister! Biyomon shot another blast of green fire from her mouth while Angoramon spun the ears at the top of her head like a propeller, making a twister. The two mixed up into a flaming cyclone that engulfed the big bee.

Flymon screamed in anguish as it burned until it exploded into pixels.

‘“We actually did it.” Angoramon said before reverting back to human and falling on her knees.

“Dahlia!” Biyomon went to check on her new friend.

“Just a little rugged.” A girl replied.


The two looked up to a Birdramon flying above and landing near them. “Are you two okay?”

“I am.” Biyomon replied. “But Dahlia has been through a lot.”

“Dahlia! Your friend is worried about you, so I was looking for you.”

“Coco? How is she and Lopmon doing?”

“They were being tended to while my fellow Birdramon were handling the Flymon. Allow me to fly you back to them.”

“Please do.” Dahlia replied.

“Then grab on to one of my legs and we’ll head back.”

Dahlia and Biyomon hop on to Birdramon and they take off. Dahlia and Biyomon looked below to see thankfully no more Flymon around the forest. Shortly after they spotted several Birdramon where the Flymon were invading. As they landed Coco and Lopmon rushed towards them and Coco hugged Dahlia.

“I’m so glad you’re okay Dahlia!” Coco said as she embraced her friend.

“So am I Coco. But, could you let go? I was getting crushed a bit earlier.” Dahlia pleaded.

Coco let go in embarrassment, as the two Cutemon approached Dahlia and Biyomon to heal them.

“If there’s anything we can to repay you, we’re all ears.” Birdramon said.

“Well, I scanned Biyomon earlier, so I could scan you… But I still need an Ultimate scan for my battles.” Dahlia remarked.

“Sadly, the most recent of us to digivolve to Ultimate left to be on their own.”

“Just my luck.” Dahlia said, feeling dejected.

Coco, Lopmon, and Biyomon couldn’t help but feel bad for Dahlia. She went through all this trouble, and it seems like it was barely worth it.

Biyomon then had a thought. “Hold on! Biyomon like me can digivolve into Kyubimon, right?” She asked Birdramon.

“Yes! That is possible.” Birdramon answered.

“Great!” Biyomon turned to Dahlia and her friends. “I heard a Kyubimon digivolved to an Ultimate recently. You can get what you need.”

“Really?” Dahlia kneeled down to Biyomon. “Thanks Biyomon. If anything I can do to help YOU, I'm all ears.”

“Well, is there any chance I can come with you? Since your friends are partners, I’d like us to be the same.”

“You would?” Dahlia looked at Coco, Lopmon and Birdramon and they all seem to approve of this. “Alright!” Dahlia took out her Digivice and went through the settings and activated the partner scan button to cause a red beam to come off the Digivice and make contact with Biyomon to create a connection. The Digivice then beeped.

Connection Established. Biyomon data now uploaded and registered.

“We’re partners now.” Dahlia said, leading to her and Biyomon embracing each other. “Now let’s see those Kyubimon and we can call it a day.”

Sometime later Dahlia came out of the Digi-Lab with Biyomon in tow as Coco and Lopmon were outside waiting on them.

“My deck for Biyomon is set. Can’t wait to use it in my next match.” Dahlia said to her friends.

“And I can’t wait to battle with you Dahlia!” Biyomon exclaimed.

“Good to hear girls.” Coco felt so happy for Dahlia.

“Knew it was a good idea to go on this scan quest.” Lopmon boasted.

“Yeah. I’m glad you two convinced me to go.” Dahlia bowed her head in gratitude.

“Anytime Dahlia.” Coco responded. “So what are you gonna do now?”

“I wanna show Biyomon more of the Codex.” Dahlia looked at her new partner. “Ready Biyomon?”

“You bet Dahlia!” Biyomon jumped in excitement.

“Then follow me.”

Dahlia and Biyomon went exploring. Hopeful for their new future together.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait. Procrastination is a major flaw on mine. I can't promise to a consistent upload schedule as I also want to work on my Youtube Channel as well and Digimon part of this, so stay tuned for that if you're interested.

Anyway, I got an unusual Digivolution line planned for Biyomon and you'll see some of it next chapter.

Comments ( 1 )

Amazing chapter! Can’t wait to see what Biyomon digievoultion line will be like

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